MANAGER YELLED AT US / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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now if grandma's ashes are in here we're definitely going to try and restore those oh without a doubt what are you going to use this for dirt x multi-surface cleaners are you talking to us i don't know we are back on the storage auction run yes we are it's too early in the morning though i haven't had my coffee i fell asleep on the right here i was wiping a little bit of drool off you know why you were wiping drool off your face and why do you have a frog in your throat because this is kissimmee florida guess what george was doing before we got here definitely not kissing you what do you think one day yeah i will open up my own facility and i'll call it you george right cutting me out already huh almost 30 units today it was over in kissimmee which i didn't get any kisses and then we were in orlando i bought this one do you think 2106 is lucky i think that's our lucky number for today i'm hoping because i really overpaid for this you got to remember this time of year right now everybody has stimulus they have tax returns they have everything we just drove over two hours we drove two hours to kiss me then we drove 45 minutes over to orlando i paid 13 20. this is a big unit well thank you i've been told that once or twice but this is a 1325 unit i had to pay a 100 clean out fee on that as well get that back afterwards and because of the specific auctioneer that's a 15 buyer's premium so i'm well in over 1500 then you take in fuel and george eaton it wasn't me it wasn't me all right here we go here we go we are getting into this thing this was the best the best looking unit of the day people were here to buy and i'm telling them it is you it is you i'll let that take you away take a look george what do you see tons of boxes all labeled i see a ton of bags okay so we see cleanliness yes so they took care of it the saran wrapper what do we know about boxes what do we know about boxes when we're looking for boxes what are we looking for what you know about we're looking to see if the boxes oh okay you see this one i didn't see this when i was bidding this one actually has been opened that one has been opened that is exactly what we don't want to see like grandma here okay you see you know what i think is in here what you know what i think is in here i think grandma is probably actually in there and it's sealed the rest of the boxes all look you think grandma's ashes are in there that's that's my guess that's my guess but we're not gonna find out yet i just i'm anticipating or you know what else could be in there grandma's jewelry collection oh yeah so we gotta dig in every unit has a story how about let's do this let's play a little game i pick a box then you pick a box okay let's see who can find the most profit today i think i'm gonna let you win today you're such a liar said ladies first since this is this is you know what you you george you georgia you have spectators there's raptor adventures are you literally gonna go this one i can reach and i'm pretty sure i can carry it but it's labeled weed no it's labeled purse it is labeled purse you know what you should do you know what i'm thinking what here what if i already touched it i know you touched it i'm bringing you out a table okay how about that thank you gentlemen you just what a gentleman listen to you i hope you win very hard that chivalry i don't even know what you just said but she's like i hope you win she's such a liar she goes straight we both were eyeballing this we both saw it at the same time okay unsaran wrap it because you know why breathe turtle breathe i'll save you i love turtles yeah you do like okay the fairy this has got to be a good sign oh they've got him good in here is that like a jewelry box how many layers or no i think it's just decoration is that the golden turtle we found the golden turtle do you think that's 22k i'm hoping 24. get diamonds on it you can add that to your collection here jeremy um from me to you don't say do i have to say do i have to say yes is this like a formal proposal or it's a peace offering all right we got some you may have your own offering i want war did this was the box mislabeled or what no mislabeled really there's the wii there it is okay so during coven during the pandemic we shot up and priced like crazy so a wii you could have easily sold for 200 bucks because everybody was at home this is the cord for the week that is the cords so that's good we need that and look at that that's the the sensor that is not why she pulled this box she pulled this box because it says purse no because it said we really that's what because you want wee-wee no she pulled it because it says purse and wait wait wait wait hold a second oh i'm getting a good feeling i'm getting a good feeling george goodness i might have done really good on this unit mg great hold a second speak to me speak to me box tell me of your goodness i'm getting in that thing hold on i'm struggling over here to get the struggle busting okay this is this is probably this is a good sign okay now remember why did we tell you guys we bought this unit because of all the bags okay the bags it looks clean it looks good and it that's a legit that's coach that is that is legit and it's brand stinking news it has that new smell it's brand brand-new oh my goodness that's the first thing we pulled out of here another piece offering gifts that to put on is are these to put on my wounds these bandages for my wounds after you beat me nice nice score right there um yeah oh my goodness is there going to be another coach in here i see more coaches oh man victoria's secret this still has the tag on it 58 okay 58 victoria secret bag you know the ladies love the there's another coach look at this everything is saran wrapped oh it's the stinking way treatment okay this is definitely real stuff this is the real stuff and then there's you don't you don't buy coach leather treatment for junk i think i'm gonna auction it off then oh my goodness i can't believe it this is the first box this will all go together this is the first box look at this nope i'm looking at lexi over here grandma lexie what do you got are those are all coaches okay victoria's secret all saran wraps i was really sweating i was really sweating i was like we came all this way and did not stop working when did my deodorant never start working so coming all this way oh my goodness it's another genuine coach another genuine coach oh man whoa whoa whoa what's that oh okay i see i see now what about that what's that oh that's dental okay no i'm good why would i start flossing now yeah there's a penny oh you got found a penny 1943 penny that's not 1940 no it's 1998. okay so we are finding money we're finding coach purses we're finding money that might be sterling please be that might be sterling i can't see it from there trying to see if there's any questions let's see where's the other pair it's a serious stud right there and i ain't talking about me [Laughter] you stud muffin you okay this is a good sign all right well i'll take one over none any day how awesome is that okay so there's how many coaches is that that's one two coaches this is probably this is the leather conditioner with all the cloth this is probably another coach they were a lover of coaches unless this is probably another coach but i don't know yet they saran wrapped everything and the cool part is we're climate controlled here in orlando everything is climate controlled this is one of the reasons we came to florida to find the goods is it coach no that's guess it's a brand new guess huh okay guess what's inside of it there is a verizon card can you hear me now can you hear me now okay so we got verizon more money you found more i found money oh she's got a whole change look at that is there any silver okay now after my fifteen hundred dollars plus george's food bill so we're looking at two grand after all expenses we'll say two grand we at least found a dollar so far it would be nice if we found a crisp two thousand dollars in here oh what's this what is that earbuds it is it's earbuds oh it's no stinking weight that's bows you gotta be kidding me here here hold that hold that hold that i got to focus in on it okay i don't have the flash on i can't put the flash on or we'll never have enough battery life that's the wireless look at that wireless earbuds bows i was looking at getting a pair of these for myself and they were running at like 250. i was like i don't know if i want to spend two we're doing really well and this is just the first box another another penny is it 1943 nope nice uh motion sickness doesn't work for me i get motion sickness but it doesn't work for me remember it's not the size of the ship the motion of the ocean i wasn't sure if you wanted me to finish this i didn't know where i was going with it nothing else in that purse she's not even done with the box yet some more purses in here okay is that another coach no is that a gucci is that jesus there's two purses in there you have got to be kidding me and that is the first box do i know how to pick them or what you didn't tell me to buy this unit do i know how to buy them or what you do know how to buy them this was the best looking unit okay so oh there's pandora pandora it's got a little bit of marking on it pandora's got to be worth something i don't see anything and i think it's all real i think it is all real i don't think any of this is fake knockoff nothing in there okay i think this is all the goodie goods look she's just stacking it up on the ladder what do you use your ladder for afghans george uses it for high expensive dollar purses the g was for guests not gucci okay so it is another guess all right guess what's inside okay nothing in there and then how's it looking ladies no no oh there's another she just found more money that's a good sign because there could be there could be cash in there anywhere look at this this is what we look at this luggage luggage luggage look at this jet blue jet hold a second jet blue is an airline right uh-huh you think your was stewardess oh could it very well steward it that might be could very well be that could be nothing else in here what an awesome box i'm pretty sure i'm in the lead so far because i haven't chosen anything yet grandma grandma is on my side i'm not choosing this one yet okay but do you want to see what's in here but it's not my choice i'm pretty sure it came from lids okay but this isn't my choice i'm just gonna show it to you okay what do you mean this isn't yours this is not my choice you touch it you open it how many things have you talked right ladies what do you call this night wait hold a second this might actually be my choice is that original jordan jordan oh my goodness oh look at this does it have the cardboard insert all no i saw that okay this still isn't my choice adidas boston new york boston another boston new york new york okay that's not my choice i was just showing george what it was what are you talking about man you got you touched it that was your choice i touch a lot of things that i don't get to open now you guys witnessed it here first this man is cheating a game against him all right here we go i ain't going to grandma yet i'm going straight to lexington my girl lexi all right all right here see we don't need no knife just manhandle it all this is this is actually up my alley check okay this ow we've got funko pop right there oh nice i think i'm doing all right look at that we've got captain america funko pop right there we got funko pop right there that's harry potter okay we're doing good grandma's nice nice jeremy likes to find toys video games toys absolutely there's more funko pop you know who that is that's you in the morning no no that's dobby the elf i'm so i'm so disappointed in you right now you know nothing about harry potter your ears matches i mean it's identical here we go same person there's the wonder loom right there nice that's a million rubber bands this is for when you get braces just i do want braces i don't that's why i was just saying you can have that oh george hold a second first of all that's not what i saw but what's this thing here is that this is a giraffe okay this was made out of those wonder bands oh okay i thought first i thought this was tonsils sticking out but now now it's an animal these are like antennae right a ten eye it could be a ten nine instead of a ten you know what i messed that joke up all right but that's what i saw here's what i saw failed dad pun right there you know what that is right nintendo ds what game isn't it mario come on give me mario yes super mario called it and stylus pin stylus pin isn't in there but does it turn on that's what we need to know let's see if it if it has the juice power up oh i see the yeah i feel so much better about this 325 percent you know what i really hope you win this time you're so full of it all right remember your we find yes okay these are the controllers that go to your wii okay so that's good that goes to your wii right there did you get to see them okay there you go there they are uh the pink one is for you and the the dark one is for me you know why why because i'm the dark one in the relationship true um there's more of those more the rubber bands i think somebody was in the pottery too huh look at this do you remember making your first piece of art like this in an art class um never no oh my gosh i remember making one like this it would end up being an ashtray i'm like but no one here remember you're making something that's so cool do you remember making something like this i do you made something like this but not that cool okay all right so george made something like that lexie what did you make in art class i misread the syllabus and i thought it was fart class i didn't do well so here is oh you know i bet you i know what this is for those look like uh roller skates that go on a doll like accessories or do not touch um whoops whoops you know what this is probably for those are doll accessories for come on build a bear no this is probably american girl my it's in here and you know american girl 100 bucks a pop all right uh pretty much is that wwf wait yeah pretty much wwf here is another funko pop there's gandalf or not gandalf um all right now that i screwed my whole mind up i can't help you but i double door it's dumbledore and i bet you that's hermione then maybe i'm not sure i'm not sure on that one that's dumbledore we've got what we have here soccer kings okay well we got a bunch of them there is your wii remotes another remote there they are right there we should have a dance-off competition what do you think i think i'm getting too old for dancehall competitions if we can find a just dance in here it's on it's maybe it's already in your wii what do we have here somebody made a dinosaur do you think lexi made this dinosaur for sure okay lexi probably made that dinosaur nothing in there wait hold on some name tags what's the deal with that disney oh someone worked at disney know what that means we might find disney pins there could be an entire collection of disney pins in that would be epic el paso texas there's a disney there's a disney world in texas maybe they asked you where you're from oh yeah see they can confirm so that's what it is all right boom boom you know what you were you were doing pretty well but i think i'm coming back pretty strong with lexi here my turn yeah but you can't take grandma okay why not that's my grandma okay i claimed grandma i touched grandma okay i get to open grandma what are you doing how about you go for that kitchen box this one yeah why not kitchen yeah are you sure what about this that's um you know just open that one that doesn't have to be your box i opened the lids okay i don't know what it is are you serious [Laughter] is it tin foil yeah what i think what is that it is you did say this is not my box right not your box box like how you got one yeah that's not your box it's some 500 ml okay it is some kind of oh you know what i think this is what all right i'm just guessing but this is the same stuff i use to repair roofs when a roof is leaking on a flat roof but it looks like it says improve sound and insulate heat i mean it's probably sound it's for oh my god the new standard for automotive sound oh my goodness what is gonna be back in here we could have thousands of dollars just in a sound system oh that would be awesome that would be okay that's why how much a roll of this would cost i don't know we'll have to look it up all right let's do um let's do this small box the dirt the dirt x the spray cleaner okay come on please be spray cleaner ready shakalaka what are you going to use this for dirt x multi-surface cleaners i don't know say that again what the the is that a manager talking to us and saying we lose our deposit if we that is odd that was very odd that is very odd anyways anyways and they're saying if we leave anything in here that we don't get our deposit back oh okay welcome to florida okay all right so we've got seven cans of this stuff and you were like are you talking to me he's like yeah i'm talking to you got any painting to do in the future yeah we can definitely use that for the future uh drop cloth in there as well but this is not my pick i'll allow it this time i was just showing it you know what i'm just gonna set it over there and see if anybody yells at us on the loud speaker okay um what about look at all these here i just i kind of really like the sound of that is that one labeled nope and no markings on that one it just this one is heavy medium is this even allowed right now for you to touch every box and just shake it i think if you touch it you open it how about you say that before we start the competition not during can guy on the loud speaker can you can you get my back here can you say anything for me crickets all i hear is crickets all right here we go i like the sound of this one i don't like the look of it though i don't know what do you mean you already touched it i don't know glitter purses this is your kind of thing yeah the ladies love stuff like the victoria's secret wings uh-huh all right you want me looking at the ladies let's dig in here we go i'm pretty sure that is angel wings that is the angel wings right there is this disney pins is it safe to look no oh that's lexie's that's lexy lexy was an artist actually i think we got another lexi box believe it or not now a lot of people right now are going to be like be like oh man that's so sad it is sad and if we can get it back to lexi we'll do everything we can if we could restore it to the level back to lexi we're all about that is it safe to show that challenge jay all right here we go we're getting more of the story right now okay now we're always trying to figure out the story uh lexi did write this i love my grandma who's gone through so many sicknesses grandma shout out to grandma uh grandma is no longer with lexi i love my family who always supports me i love my friends who always be in my heart who go through the same things as i i love my sister she's like my best friend and also i love my sister when she comforts me when my parents fight you think we're looking at divorce we might actually be looking at divorce which is a lot of the times and [Music] okay today i just want to let you know uh it's super bowl day here you can right there 2 2 14 so that gives us a little bit of time frame here this is from mom today i just want to let you know how much i love you you've been acting mean to me and daddy lately but no matter what we love you always so that was from mom some other stuff in there okay so it meant enough to lexi to keep that's good that's good what do you think lexi had in here and again we will attempt to try more arts and stuff let's see whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all right you know what mm-hmm i think you should keep that in your back pocket [Laughter] there you go that's yours now okay uh here you go jeremy thank you back to you when i when i need it um that whole coach leather mixture uh-huh very first thing i dropped is right there i had to wrap it up with the ear muffs there um that was a pretty big mistake you dropped the bottle and the cap broke i did drop the bottle look at that that's a pencil sharpener that just put everywhere pens markers oh i see some coca-cola where do you see that oh look at that coca-cola pen it's kind of cool okay let's seal that bad boy back up and bam you know what i'm just gonna go right up here next to grandma again okay and see wonder woman mm-hmm yeah there we go that's got to be something justice league with oh george george george george do you see what i just saw but what do you see what i just uncovered george do you know what that is i see the oh my god this could be the wii games this is oh it's blu-ray it's blu-ray i thought it was ps4 games and i was gonna be like we got a thousand dollars in peace it is ps4 games oh my goodness i pulled out despicable me and come on please assassin's creed yes it's in there there's gonna be a ps4 in here there is gonna be a ps4 you ladies know why jeremy gets super excited over video games because video games paid his way through college i paid my entire way through college i have a master's degree debt-free bought my first house video games look at this look at this this is all ps4 there's going to be a picture it's in that box right there this is amazing look at this oh my goodness i can't believe lexi liked her this is this is her fighting games and sports games you imagine what's going to be in the grandma box the grandma imagine wow okay call of duty mafia for honor nba okay they're all in here they're all in here look at this mortal kombat x it's in there it isn't sorry just it's in there it's just i used to think i was katana street fighter combat check this out man oh there's tangled frozen justin bieber santa paw so there's some more blu-ray i don't know what i did with the other blu-ray i bet you you're going to have nintendo there we go just stands for your dance off just what okay so apparently they don't want to see the old white guy dance look at this you're talking about dance off just dance it's about to go down just dance just dance just dance just dance the man can dance and the jungle book look at that there's donkey kong that used to this used to be i don't know what it is now this was a fifty dollar game right here yeah that's what it used to be and this was a fifty dollar game too i don't so far they're all in there i don't know what they're going for right now oh man i am really liking this this is a good box i gotta give it to you i am really liking this unit all kinds of things there's a black panther black panther funko pop right there there's more hitman for ps4 some more wii games ps4 games i know that ps4 is going to be in here okay lexi looks like you didn't see that did you uh i was part of it i did okay okay no big deal there no big deal we're safe we're safe okay uh lexi was a track and field runner okay um and is that disney that is that's disney disney 2016. look at that probably does might need new batteries so that's a 2 000 oh there you go there's one that part lights up okay so you got disney over there you got more rubber bands over here oh wow wow look at those oh how cool look at those don't don't don't look at those don't look at those and then we've got um we've got one more thing here some stickers some stickers and some arts and some crafts all right you know what i'm gonna let you open the grandma box because i think i got you with lexi earlier you were shaking this oh now you're shaking you're touching it it's only fair to shake it okay shake it don't break it it took her parents nine months to make it now if grandma's ashes are in here we're definitely going to try and restore stuff oh without a doubt yeah without a doubt what do you i want your guests though what's in there grandma stuff for sure well definitely i mean we know that careful would you be careful with grandma careful she's opening she's opening okay so far we have a towel okay that was covering whatever is on the oh i was hidden under the towel everybody right now is like jeremy pan everybody right now is like jeremy you better pan that camera down or should i just wear it down that's you that's all you everybody wants me to pan the camera down right now so they can see what's in grandma's box i'm gonna i'm not going to they're going to have to wait and see you pull it out oh no is that the is that um is that um one direction guys grandma was in one direction that's gotta yeah so funny that's gotta be [Music] on one direction um you go grandma grandma grandma was old not this scarf okay there's no ashes yet crazy stuff in there is that grandma's little black dress that she used when she went to the one direction concert right there look at that probably got some crazy stuff in there what'd you say about grandma nope you get it did you get it okay i'm gonna show you now once there we go no not what we were looking for the old yes this is exactly what we were looking for put that on that's exactly what we were looking for ditch the mouse ears and put on the grandma gardening hat look at that you are ready for otter creek here i come [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,209
Rating: 4.9466214 out of 5
Id: RXqMh6r0vKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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