GOING ALL IN Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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right go to the right you better switch it up go to the farm george it's getting dark and it's getting cold outside getting way too cold you know what that means we need to head south not just this far south but way farther south this may be one of the last times you see your bff for a couple weeks slap me and tell me that i have an addiction with elvis casine oh coin no for sure you have an addiction to winning you have an addiction to winning i carry this bad boy with me everywhere i go and this bad boy [Music] here we go starting off with 25 in quarters 25 in georgia's this one seems like where i need to be at well it was definitely more expensive yeah it was but the reason why she wanted it to the right if you look to the right there's another playing field that was cheaper it's got 20 hours and one already fell over onto the side so we might be able to recoil maybe except we could do it with dollars all right i think i'm gonna go to the left i think that's the smart move right now it's not a bad bad idea it seems to always work in the past this one it's already moving do you think he's gonna miss us just as much as we're gonna miss him [Music] i doubt he's gonna notice at all you know what you better go to the right go to the right you better switch it up his shoe like it didn't need to go in the playing field [Music] really the only [Music] and then she gives me the stink eye then she tries to give me the pink eye [Music] look how close that bundle is that'd be a pretty good start hey there buddy [Music] looking good over there in the corner i think he just got a little cash to get another one [Music] [Music] why is it doing that you gotta you gotta pick your you gotta pick your spot better sometimes when i drop them to the far left they'll bounce all the way to the right if you don't time your quarters they bounce around [Music] careful careful you're going to give me a heart attack you are going to give me a heart attack you how do you think i feel just fine you're on your heart i get heart conversations you're on your heart meds you'll be fine the only thing i'm on is ketchup and skittles [Music] i think that's careful the center column is definitely mine [Music] do you think every man when he hears this song he always has to do back up with the jordan heirs [Music] like a man when he puts a ratchet strap on a trailer on a truck you always gotta snap you gotta be careful you know that safety first george safety first if safety is first what would be second on our list second would be safety again unsafe safety first and then safety times two [Music] and then times three times just got a bunch nice okay that was probably one did that 700 bundle i like that i'm kind of curious what jumped over to the left to the far left [Music] do you know what that box that thing i got was a whole box or a half box i didn't look oh look at it gotta make sure you have a proper adequate not adequate seems pretty adequate [Music] oh my goodness that middle one that middle column [Music] no i'm not scared because we're going south how about i promise to bring you back on our way back from looking at [Music] gather some things to take south and a camper or trailer stop on the way back down [Music] is that fair yeah i like it oh it's not going to be a free stop though it's going to cost you we'll talk [Music] to the right is moving again look at it down to two quarters careful careful look it's budging the drops [Music] looks like it's time to pull [Music] but i'm not even in the profit zone we spent way more than that to play [Music] because you gotta spend money to win the him really money making you nervous do you see how wet my armpits are through magic hoodie your body went from light gray to dark gray because you're sweating profusely yeah no doubt about that oh my gosh don't make me sweat don't make me sweat i'm afraid i'm gonna lose another box [Music] it's so hard not to rapid fire [Music] [Music] just stomp somebody in their grass no they're giving me the stink guys i guess what goes around [Music] yeah we'll do it afterwards just stay focused right now how awesome would that event if it actually hit the tower that's mean wait don't give it back yet you're probably going to end up giving them more money with your tower i'd say they're still going to be doing okay [Music] it looks like it's definitely gonna fall into their this is crazy it's like golf etiquette the etiquette [Music] anybody in the is because everybody's bloodshot oh my gosh calm down and breathe something's flaring up is it your all sir [Music] every drop every quarter that i drop is a calculated drop [Music] which is why i'm so nervous what's more intense devil's pinch or this this definitely does in my opinion [Music] devil's pinch [Music] oh look i got that hundred dollars that's how you get it off the pusher you gotta get it to rotate he's gotta be so mad right now [Music] oh my goodness [Music] all right i'm getting down [Music] all right down to the last quarter you didn't answer me tails if i know it just came out of nowhere all right i'm still waiting for your answer tails if i know that's a good poll 1850. that's good damn [Music] [Music] i still can't get her to play the monopoly machine which i think um which will never happen apparently that's never going to happen just to be clear me christian and patience oh my goodness oh my goodness did you see the center one did you see this oh man [Music] i'm not blinking [Music] pick the right one [Music] i guess we'll find out [Music] oh i don't know how she does it i surprise myself sometimes [Music] i taught you well yummy [Music] number one most common question number two most common question is her real name george number three most common questions george asian number four does jeremy have any single brothers number five does george have any single sisters number six is jeremy number seven that is not a question you need to retract that question right oh that question comes all the time they think that you and i are just friends they don't know for business partners friends in a relationship non-stop they want to know is jeremy and the answer george is google it hails to the now taken what number of questions are we on i think seven number seven no seven wasn't jeremy number eight most common asked question on the channel if jeremy isn't single would he like to be okay now you're just making stuff up number nine what is that beautiful woman doing with that idiot and number 10 what is george's first name oh one of my quarters was found to hit the 100 but nothing happened nothing good happened [Music] i'm still playing it slow because i'm afraid that the 100 bucks gotta play it slow you've got to meticulously drop that box and that those bills [Music] that's how you've got the middle ones to go exactly where you needed them you played it slow remember this is like cooking low and slow well for another perfect example the guy next to me was playing too fast and he lost his muggles in my playing field because he didn't calculate it right enough [Music] don't worry she's not gonna offend anybody he walked away right before she said that she saw him walking away you're gonna have to find him later if you're gonna repoint if i was afraid to look at the knife if we can find them later just focus on your game right now all right focus on your game play your game [Music] and then we'll figure that all out later [Music] what's wrong with me is that it yeah nice another 700 bundle bonus 35 even in quarters oh nice so the question is now [Music] [Music] it is a dangerous world out there in a cold cold world winter is coming what's your favorite christmas movie i do like a christmas carol not buddy the elf i do like i thought elf was your favorite or is it called christmas story the one that was filmed in cleveland the christmas story yeah that's a good one that's a classic i like the old the old stop-motion animation ones remember i'm mr green [Music] [Music] did you have cable growing up no no my parents told us if anybody who had cable was same as movies if you went to movies then you were going to hell if you had cable you were going to hell all kinds of crazy things how do you feel about that now they have cable they have people and i am well aware that they went to a movie [Music] no i think it's just stupid things that parents say to justify saying no instead maybe no stupid things that parents say to justify saying no instead of going hey listen this is why we don't want you to go to the movie theater hey this is why we don't have cable we can't afford it hey this is [Music] she doesn't have to play meticulous anymore no i don't you can even you can trick shot to your to your right and get and get a box you're gonna jam it you're gonna jam it [Music] [Music] once in a while i like to i like watching those lifetime movies the christmas movies those always made me cry when i felt like i needed a good cry i would grab a box of tissues but you literally just why don't you just say hey jeremy will you make me cry this is before i met you i got skills woman i can make you cry oh trust me i know that's right you know trust me my skills pay doubles like this one time and again this is way before i met you i heard that the notebook was a really good movie but it was also sad because it was a sad true love story and so i watched it by myself i was like you know what i don't mind crying tonight so i got a big box kleenex big warm blanket and watched the movie by myself did you cry literally i ugly cried i ugly cried it was so touching i did not find that moving touching disturbing because he stayed with her the whole time even after she had dementia no idea who he was so it's like wait hold on a second they were both cheating later on later on when they got married and she was in the home in the nursing home oh well i mean how's that any different than what i do for you i mean i just got you out of the home today you senile woman are you going to take care of me if i that was my answer she was so crazy about her as if they like when they first met he was so crazy in love with her what's my answer when you go are you gonna take care of me if they have to take my spleen out what's my answer you tell me no i'll think about it yeah i'll think about it yeah are you gonna take care of me if if my lungs collapsed oh yeah didn't even see that coming don't think about it yeah that's your answer are you gonna take care of me if i get old and i have wrinkles and i can't remember what was i talking about i'll think about it you'll think about what [Music] nothing nothing [Music] so what really made me cry was that it was just so sweet that he loved her so much and he came to visit her every day so in my mind it's like oh i hope one day i find someone like that and again this was way before i even met you who tries to die with you the exact same moment playing it uh yes yeah from heartbreaking crazy on me it was the movie oh really i know a lot of couples that working in healthcare for 21 years i know a lot of couples that will both pass literally days even weeks apart from each other because they die of heartbreak [Music] basically what you're trying to say is you want me to die [Music] if you're an egyptian i'm an egyptian you do realize i'm egyptian right and you're asian yeah [Music] all right let's see that was an amazing push that time she got a little bit more i'm down to three quarters nice that was a good run that was a really good run are you gonna make me remodel an old house for you too until you come back you like to do those kinds of things [Music] four hundred dollars in paper money there's that bag it's a whole box and there's definitely something in there it was a whole box so it's not just 100 it's 200. so i lost so you lost a 200 and then probably some minute 37.75 in quarters still not in the profits but you gained look you've got two bundles of 20s in there was it two or three oh i guess it's yeah it's three it's three you've gained three so for what you lost you gained well more even though you want to recoil read [Music] do you think we can buy in florida i don't know that'd be fun that would be fun yeah that'd be awesome that'd be awesome do a little restoration in florida my best guess is that either snowbirds abandoned purposely abandoned oh there's probably a lot of purposely abandoned storage units or they you know they move south to put to pass away and they pass away well that's what we think with us going down to florida for the winners we think we'll find a lot of storage units of elderly that passed away and then typically what happens if somebody passes away the the kids the family they they literally go we don't want it just auction it off auction it off we don't want it which is to me extremely sad oh my goodness look i'm getting another applause wow triggered elvis's clapping hands again yeah extremely sad that a i share with people all the time one of the things that really spurred on restoration oh yes and and what the hails channel actually means you know one that not only is a huge proponent for it but one the the channel that truly continues to do it and rally other channels to do it is i lost everything i lost absolutely everything all my photos of my kids my christmas ornaments christmas tree you name it it's all gone in a divorce and so i know what it means to lose all of those things how important it is to to at least have something that you can hold on to emotionally so that really that spurs on the movement for for sure yeah it just boggles my mind when family members go we don't want it just auction it off and i don't think they understand if it doesn't sell it's all going in the garbage so we try and prevent things from going into the landfills we get to reunite people with things from their childhood or anything that brings back memories in general that's what we do we get to find things that people get to hold on to and go man i had a memory of this when i was a kid that's the fun part or gifts that were given to them that were sentimental from above one i always say we don't sell items on ebay we sell memories that's what we really sell we're in the business of saving memories and selling memories you got 20 bundles it's getting ready to fall i'm just i'm thinking i'm thinking this this winter in florida we could have some of the most epic storage units in my 20-plus year career fight that's what i'm thinking so then that would make them the best storage unit in my career as well right yes yes it would because you've only been really interested in this for two days three days two hours two hours two hours seven minutes 32 seconds 37 seconds 37 seconds 38 39 40. but who's counting that's right which one which one comes to mind that's the most epic storage unit that we ever got in the two years we've known each other i guess no that we got that we got what was the one in your mind you're like this is the most epic one ever in the two plus years you've known me honestly that was a good one that was a good one and the boy scout unit that was a good one there are so many which one which comes to mind for you i don't know every single safe how about the 1800 1700 unit i mean how do you beat the eighteen hundred seventeen hundred dollars there's just so many good ones it's hard to the boost unit the boost unit the some of the antique guns i mean firearms that we have found the pew pews the you know whatever you want to call them there have been some crazy things this is a really really good one the unit in norwalk that we were bidding against each other on as a joke and got it from 400 some dollars and we found 15 000 of jewelry in there that was pretty epic [Music] the vintage harley was the vintage harley-davidson that we sold michael mike wolfe of american pickers if you guys have not seen that video on the channel yet you have to see it we sold mike wolfe of american pickers a vintage harley-davidson two engines we partnered up with second sense it was um you know what that's got to be the most epic because we got to sell it though you got to sing to him he got to sing the mic wolf and it was one of our viewers that actually connected us with mike and american pickers that was the crazy part the best part is it wasn't just us it was it was a fan being a part of the whole process of that that was beyond pretty awesome yeah that was epic you know what that's got to be my favorite selling the harley duh to mike wolfe that was definitely in my top three that was my favorite that is my top three one a one two a two a three i'm trying to trick shot you might get them boxes i'm not trying it just happens all right that was my last order all right time to pull and you know you knocked some cash [Music] two more bundles at 840. [Music] [Music] to rescue i'd take a silver dollar elvis rescue mission we gotta get this hundred to rotate [Music] that was pretty epic do you think if we find a harley down in florida that we can get mike to come down to florida and buy it it might be closer or maybe it's the same distance with the tennessee shops yeah probably further away that's my guess on the top of my head we still got to go visit the shop and see what he did with the harley we're supposed to love that was epic though that was a ton of fun [Music] yeah that's my favorite that's my favorite one we found but we went to florida last december we bought a bunch of units yeah and there's definitely we saw quality and we also saw garbage just like we see in ohio in my opinion it applies everywhere it's a very biased opinion what georgia just said you know some people will go oh no west coast that's where you find the best i don't believe that for a second we've been there as well i believe you find garbage everywhere you find good stuff everywhere it's being selective in what you buy that's what it is ready to drop you're gonna find you're gonna find you have to just go out and do the hard work and look we tell people all the time one percent one percent of the storage units that we look at is what we end up buying that's one out of every 100 it was just not too long ago i went on the public storage run remember yeah and for two days i did nothing but storage unit auctions i didn't even place a bid i didn't place a bid on a single storage unit in two days there was nothing that you would buy that i would personally buy for storage units for anybody but not what i'm looking for i don't do this to lose money i make money on every single storage unit and if you bid right inappropriately you always will make money on every single storage unit but i didn't even place a bid in two full days on a single one that doesn't count what we see online every day the hundreds that we see online and the options and go through everything and there's no profit margin there's no profit margin if you don't have profit margin you got a failing business there's got to be profit got to be guaranteed process that thing don't want to jump off doesn't switch sides i'm going to go to the right once you go right you may be right you know you're having a good night i think that was my last quarter nothing hiding in the morning [Music] all right time to pull yet again [Music] are you gonna [Music] it's your egyptian back the right side she always struggles with the right side but remember once you take all of the other obstacles away which always starts left the right side isn't going to move this easily just like water it's going to go the path of the resistance it's going to go out and around so whichever side is going to be your last size decide where you're going to struggle the most [Music] it all moved it's all just moved it's like all bundled there do you think it's all gonna get jammed in the corner probably jammed or it's all gonna fall in one or the other the hundred will definitely fall in nice gracefully i'd rather have the 100 than a 20 bundle for sure we've seen those bundles get jammed in the past like if the if the rolls gets stuck like sandwiched around the edge they can just stick there we've also [Music] that was really good we've seen the rubber bands grip and hold on and it'll hold on tight against the glass and it won't drop [Music] crazy [Music] it up did you bring the plunger i've brought the metamucil you know i don't go anywhere without a bottle of ketchup and a bottle rule number one don't leave the house without ketchup rule number two don't leave the house without metamucil rule number three don't leave the house without george rule number four if you do leave the house without george don't come back because you're going to meet patricia not george you know the house rules your ridiculous rules that only apply to you yeah i know those roles i'm still alive aren't i they obviously are working something's working i'm not dead yet [Music] they're moving they're still moving you might get a good push here i think you're oh oh i thought more we're going to fall we've got a tiny bush tiny bush is better than no push go get it [Music] everything to the right except for that 100 roll that's all the way on the left that wants to be anti-social come on bonus bundles it's bonus bundle day bonus buckle time bonus bundle bonus bundle are you literally dancing over there the bonus bundles oh my gosh that was an awesome push [Music] who do you think's more weird you for you hands down you that's what i figured you would say because you're much older and much taller than me so definitely you i said you or you and i said definitely you yeah i worry you [Music] no you 100 agree you [Music] i'm just shaking my head right now and your hips i'm doing the elvis pelvis dress [Music] yeah family channel got it family channel got it when did you realize you were weird the day that i met you oh so you met me and all of a sudden you're like guess what i'm weird yeah the weird switch came on literally you met me and you went weird yeah cause i figured if i start acting weird now he may ghost me and it didn't work because you keep stalking me it's the other way around okay [Music] what are you whispering over there she's stalking me right now you think you're very clever jeremy you're very funny george very very fun well you know colin why do you know color george why are you nicole [Music] see you just threw yourself under the bus for everybody listening that whole little ditty right there is an inside joke between us oh my goodness the inside jokes the list [Music] do you think we're the only couple that does that yeah yeah i do that creates a mega list of all the dumb things and inside jokes they have between funny things and the inside jokes yeah they do [Music] i don't know anybody else [Music] so she needs to know how funny i really am she goes to the list she's like this dude is pretty funny now i know i'm with a basic white grandpa my basic vanilla grandpa [Music] or there's times where i'm just so annoyed with you and i go back and i read the list and it makes me forget about why i'm so annoyed with you all right brown sugar mama whatever you say she goes back and reads the list there's literally 700 videos you can go and watch sometimes i'll do that too [Music] but i don't want you to know that i'm watching a video of us or you're gonna just read this silently like i don't know you wouldn't know oh i know oh really i know how would you know because don't stop me i know you better than you know yourself patricia you would only know because you're the one who stalks me in my every move really yes really that would be another inside joke [Music] again 99.9 of the things that we say are all inside jokes down to three quarters that wasn't an inside joke that's a true fact two more rolls to go check it out 280 dollars in paper money these are the bonus rolls yeah we never knew we were going to get them 38.75 in quarters what do you think rapido to the left and get that sushi roll i'm gonna try to [Music] something's gotta work we're gonna try to you don't do that don't do that to me keep rotating like a good bet he should if you keep pushing like that my gut says the other roll will just jump off to the right you know my gut is rarely ever i might need some assistance right my gut is very rarely ever right but it is left i hasn't left either it's still here it's alive and well it probably has something to do with all that ketchup and menopausal yeah definitely wait are you trying to say you need my help might need you to step in you want mine i need your big hands to help with the rapid fire my what big hands i have oh my [Music] could that was the wrong answer that was a test i can't believe you even said that i failed where is george patricia i failed bring george back well we talked about this earlier i got those bonus bundles that i can't give back because they're going to find them oh my goodness and she said she needed my help that happened wow that was so awesome maybe it pays to have small hands [Music] that or a man who teaches you how to trick shots that's always a good thing too [Music] so are you still going left or you go in the middle i'm going left [Music] it's moving it's not bunched up it's definitely moving [Music] that's another nice push wow thank you thank you very much uh you're welcome very much [Music] come on rapido [Music] rapido [Music] do you want to make do you want to make a a christmas sandman with me this christmas yes please didn't we do that last christmas in florida on sanibel we made a sandman and we made snow sand angels yeah i say let's do that again this christmas 45.75 in quarters nice all right what's the strategy rapid fire maybe do a little bit of point confusion get them both down as quickly as possible i haven't tried that technique yet [Music] [Music] importers 100 more to go you think you can get it 63 you ought to be able i have to be able to get it with this bag why i have to you need right [Music] you're getting closer point confusion [Music] oh you know what i just noticed uh how awesome i am one sure sure we could say that but you know what else i noticed i must have accidentally knocked one of the boxes that was on the ledge to the right [Music] yeah i didn't even notice that that's crazy that was a good push [Music] did you know you're good pushes now that last bush quarters just went around 100. [Music] getting some awesome pushes here you're really good at getting things unstuck that one time i was stuck in the devil's pinch and you saved me i brought enough butter this time lathered you up with some bar butter some garlic butter sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do right whatever [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you got it you got it come on elvis help me out you got this get it get it get it [Music] good good good the quarters are falling in front [Music] you're getting good drops i'm proud of you thank you thank you very much uh you're welcome you're welcome very much whatever whatever strategy works at this point whatever pushes it out whatever pushes it out [Music] another one you don't need much more it's right there there it goes you got it you got it come on roll with me benjamin roll over buddy there it goes unless you're going to get another box in the plane i know this is my last handful your last play coin confusion one confusion 2020. all right let's see what you come up with oh nice that was a good push nice second wave time to pull nice 5.0 is holding 71.75 not bad but i want to know how much paper money you got five thousand eight hundred twenty dollars in paper money but we still don't know what's in the 200 double-sided 100 box i got to know you're dropping money like it's hot what's your guess before you open it what's your guess i'm guessing it's like some type of coin all right then if it's a coin gold quarter yeah that might be our last [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 260,502
Rating: 4.9128585 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: rP0dxGdyLHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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