PREVIOUS OWNER DIED & Daughter Left It All / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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passed away oh they passed away passed away and uh the daughter came by i got it i can't believe it but i actually got it our buddies have been scoring big on storage units i've got this hankering i got to get another one and i got online and i bought one and it's uh it's gonna be a doozy this could be the most profitable most money-making storage unit we've bought yet i have to drive down to clearwater to go pick it up that's a two hour drive george you coming let's go i can i have so much to do here at the ranch i gotta take care of all the baby animals i still have to unload the trailer i have some packaging to do that trailer hasn't been unloaded in a month that's the unit that leanne gave us yeah all right you get that i'm gonna go down to clearwater i'm gonna go get this one this one looks like it's going to be epic any idea what was going on with this person at all passed away oh they passed away they passed away and uh the daughter came by and uh looked through uh jet they had two units and uh daughter came by looked through it took a couple things and said that that was it huh so can you get rid of the rest of this i said sure really yeah wow do you know what things the daughter took didn't take nothing main sean right there traveling all the way from tampa right yes sir all right traveling from tampa gonna help me out check this thing out it's amazing okay so in the pictures i didn't see there were a million rows of totes so there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirds there's gotta be there's gotta be 30 plus totes in here oh this is a six by eight okay with your recent score do you think i'll have any of your luck with you here i am good luck you had a massive score and we'll show that in a little bit right yes okay you had a massive score here in florida it was amazing we're gonna dig in here this is gonna be i think you hit the gold mine here i'm hoping i'm hoping if i do no they there ain't nothing gonna out do what you just found you never know that's that was amazing that's the thrill of the hunt you never know what you're gonna find yeah it was a it was an all-out battle i was shocked that it had to go that high as well what made you decide to go that high i like i like when i see nice clean kept you know the totes everything was coated so typically if people have nice things right then they they keep it nice you've got the one fireplace well i saw the fireplace was brand new too in the box right box and that retails for 400. yes so so i was hoping i was hoping that there was going to be enough money there sean come on man gate is open doors open how many totes do you count how many do you see i believe there's probably 50. okay i only in the pictures i only saw this road there's a whole nother row now i did see this okay and you see this right yes i do okay that is a sealed box wait you know what all right here we go i'm destroying stuff already but um we've got the blues brothers when harry met sally entrapment that's sealed that's all brand new okay this that's a sealed box what's the first thing you said when you when i thought it was some kind of furniture that you have to put together looks brand new it's heavy okay let's see if we can figure it out i mean if we can get this out first careful it looks heavy [Laughter] okay it looks extremely heavy all right that thing is massive okay jeremy is over six foot what's that look like dude it is looks like a electric fireplace is what it looks like right there and you know what just went down and almost burned our camper camper electric fireplace this is a brand brand new still in the box that thing is massive okay that's got to be good yes it's got to be good so uh looking this thing up these retail for i would say around 400 now luckily it was able to look that up before winning the actual auction so that's a that's a 400 dollar piece right there score doesn't come anywhere near close to what shawn found trust me you'll find out later let's move this aside over here oh actually i think that might end up going in the camper you think that'll fit in your camper no but you don't know if you don't try that's right okay the question is do we go all the way back into here and get into these totes and boxes or do we you know what garage sale right here there you go let's look at this this is one of the things we never want to see in a storage unit so i'm always concerned when i see boxes that are labeled garage sale because that means it had one chance to the public to sell and if they didn't sell it all went in a box and went into storage and your money items probably aren't there but we have no idea let's take a peek yep we have an idea it's all christmas oh christmas okay we do have christmas if we have the right christmas the old oil bulbs yes these aren't old oil bulbs if we had the right christmas we'd have the right amount of money we've got these are um aren't these old chocolate sundae they look like this yes you put the chocolates ice cream with some syrup and yeah glamma i think my grandma used to have this hot fudge sundae so that was a garage sale that didn't sell let's set it over there all right we still got that's brand new i got to get in the tote i i have to get this hope i'm not i love totes dude there are a ton of boxes and totes back here oh wow okay let's see what we got okay tote number one definitely heavy here we go star wars trilogy we got money right there it's vhs look at that star wars trilogy okay now the question is is that all we have or there's star trek there's uh sodom and gomorrah there's oh i see old disney here i see old disney let's see let's see what we got there's the jungle book i think that's black diamond yes 30 that's 30 year anniversary there's the muppets what is it classic theater yep okay so this is probably this is probably all vhs from what i can tell from what i can tell now here's the thing with vhs some can be worth a lot it's got to be the rare stuff the the vhs that's worth the the most the old horror people go crazy crazy we're not talking hundreds of dollars we're talking thousands of dollars for old vhs horror i'll check that if if that's not perfect for florida i've been doing that absolutely right there man i love it uh but some can be going for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds you know what that equals thousands thousands of dollars all right let's check another one right here just for fun dude i am so hoping i find what you found me too listen guys shawn bought a storage unit in florida had an epic find and shared it with us and i had to get a unit i had to buy online even though i don't like buying online because i was just jonesing to get the same thing here we go okay we've got [Music] more more v oh there's the hitchhiker's guide to the universe we've got that's religious top gun a lot of these are sealed actually yeah top gun interesting so obviously a collector so no doubt a collector toy story bambi okay we got disney in here we definitely have disney toy story 2 bambi toy not toe okay so obviously a collector not exactly what i was hoping for in the totes but then again you never know what's in the next ones there's more okay so these are more star wars look at that that'll be cool all right more vhs let's uh let's clear a little bit of this out of the way and we'll check and see what's next yeah so that fireplace being brand new in the box that that um that looked really good and then all the totes now i'm hoping i'm hoping like hails that um those totes aren't just uh clothing because if they're clothing i spent way too much right okay so we get 122. you get 78 get 78 back right 20 40 60. okay so this is the actual building this building right here so i'll have to pull the trailer into here right back to that back door okay because i i parked out on the road and then i'll come in here how long do you know how long the the individual was actually renting or anything like that forever forever yeah wow i'm thinking a box now let's see oh oh oh oh oh that sounds fragility for julie it is it is it is for jilly is that old corona where it looks like what is that what's that marking i have no idea oh no never seen that or no no lettering oh wait wait wait wait oh start fumble nuts here it is corona where there we go right there corningware or corning not corona everybody wants to have a corona these days not corona wear corning corning whoops okay so this this whole box is filled with this this is old this is the old corning nice before okay so this is this is the good stuff and i'm not even gonna take any more of it out because i know i end up breaking it so we'll just put that in a box take that home to george sent that over here but there's a million more boxes in here i didn't even see now here's the one box we absolutely have to get the door george will love it yeah this is the one we have to get to george right there the elvis jukebox radio now the question is is it actually in the box is it in the box well i don't know about this uh oh little t is that teapot almost dropped almost what do you call that oh it's one of those uh yeah it's like a baby boy oh here's another one in here [Applause] now that now begs to wonder if uh whatever it is it takes a ladle or a spoon oh man there's a it's another one some french boat yeah you know what i should probably just put this right back in because i get too excited and i want to see what's next and things get broken and it's part of the job i mean things are going to get broken it's part of the job because when you're handling this much stuff something's bound to get broken when you're handling tons and tons and tons of things every day i got an idea hospice what do you think medical supplies catheters okay that's your guess close oh no bedpans no more v8 vhs there we go i wish they were dvd we'd do even better with dvd but what is this what we got here is five dollars suncoast priest and 327 possible i don't know i mean we know we know he passed away we know we know the family does not want it so his daughter said please just get rid of it please sell it so we would love to be able to restore the love but restoraging the love in this situation is literally just taking it away and making sure they don't have a bill anymore let's see all right back here what do you think blue tote i hope it's not more vhs it's blue is it heavy it looks heavy it's heavy it's blue it's heavy maybe it's a whole bunch of those things that it's probably full of them let's keep our fingers crossed 50 totes here's another one oh another one but again some of this could actually go really really well people like like the full series sets [Applause] yeah around the world in 80 days is that the book no that's vhs i read that book did you oh there's something under here something under here look we got a whole we got a whole bruce lee set in here walter crying kite um okay this is definitely a vhs collection again i'm hoping i'm hoping for blu-ray dvd anything but if we get that one that one horror vhs that is is obsolete that's so hard to find we could be looking at 10 grand yes absolutely like that i'm going to peak cheater it's too heavy i can't peek but i can look up here okay we got we got some books best american short stories angel luke okay so there is some religious books i'm gonna set those aside george will put those in a religious lot and let me see let me see where should i go oh we got something here okay this is not vhs this is metal for the kitchen copper cookware that um i think it might looks like copper you think it's copper it's not marked what do you think brass or copper i think it's copper boy look at that shine come on it's got to be marked somewhere it's got to be marked somewhere if it's copper we're doing a whole lot better yes um you got sean you got a knife i do not have a can i perfect i didn't need one anyway in my truck nah that doesn't do us any good here that takes all the fun out of it yeah it does takes all the fun out let's see what we got here okay we got some corrosion [Music] patina good patina huh no markings no markings no markings all right that one's up for debate no markings but um it sure does look like it definitely looks like it we got some bunk cake bulbs in there and it's eight o'clock somewhere right somewhere okay kitchen box that can go aside let's see let's see dude look at this one crushed over here with of the weight of all these boxes look at that tote being wow all right that's some heavy stuff eeny meeny miney what do you think let's take mo you want mo yes all right mo is gonna be mo is gonna be this right here this is mo okay here's so it's labeled yeah it is labeled all right that's coring this is a little bit of cobalt blue under here i like that one yeah that one's got it almost pretty look at that colored glass can uh be very valuable also yeah without a doubt yeah all right mo mo definitely has some value in it yes but i'm still looking to find one of the things that you found in florida i wish everybody could be that lucky easy three grand one thing holding the palm of your hand sean found we're going to show it to you we are going to show it to you let's um let's move back let's uh i'm thinking you know what i'm thinking that black one you think the black one yeah let's do the black one okay we haven't done a black one yet we're stuck on blues and they've all been vhs that's definitely heavy okay it is heavy what do you think i haven't touched it you're the one who lifted it and shook it you already know what oh more vehicles now here's the crazy part old vhs like this this will sell on ebay oh yeah this will actually sell on ebay you'll probably blank tape yeah blank tape you're looking five ten bucks on the high end depending on which type of tape but if you got a bunch of them like here's another one six hours and here here's the other thing if you find tapes personal home videos okay like here right here somebody somebody recorded this what's that say full what full monty alright so somebody recorded the full monty on tv the thing you can't find anymore is the commercials when they recorded it so people will buy this recording just for the commercials the commercials on here that they recorded from tv that's where the money is it's crazy absolutely crazy but i love that we keep finding star wars look at this more star wars more star wars sci-fi everybody loves more star wars you know what this means there has got to be maybe there's some collectible star wars collection yeah i'm feeling it yep that or gas one or the other i'm feeling i'm feeling that or gas i'm not sure which it is right now let's grab what'd you have for lunch um an apple that's not gonna give you guys it was an apple well i had peanut butter so maybe that might that might right here there are totes galore in this unit you know what's in here i'm gonna take a wild guess and star wars brand new star wars toys is that what you're guessing brand new star wars toys star wars toys figures we got war though no this is good this is really good this is good look at this so we got world war ii ulysses says grant this is good the full sets this is that's sealed what's that victory at sea these are all box sets yeah that's that's actually really really good i'm happy with that absolutely this will do well this is another world war ii right here victory in europe not everybody's going yeah why are you the reason why i'm covering it because if i don't youtube is going to cover it for me anyway uh we got the home front uh there's some cool stuff in here there is there's some really good stuff in here so with obviously collector obviously the collector we just got to find did most of those have the uh wrappings the wrapping the cellophane so obviously a collector we just got to find the other parts of the collection past the vhs at least 2015. wow i'm hoping no clothes okay i know there's like um books and there's a tv and there's all kinds of stuff huh yeah okay have you signed this please so was it mom that passed away or dad that passed away yeah dad passed away i think right back here there's a there's a lot of totes let's see you know what you know what i'm just gonna make the table taller i'm gonna make the table taller that's what i'm gonna do that's exactly what i'm gonna do okay table is taller here we go this is good this is looking good brand new seal look at that brand new sealed kitchen utensils george actually might want those does she cook literally just go to barbecues non-stop she's like i don't want to cook can we go to barbecues yeah i suppose we might as well all right is that turkey platter or yeah cheese and crackers and crackers any type of food probably okay and we might have something here we might have something here okay oh look at that that's ornate does it say made in japan china made in china made in china okay there's another one down here okay this one down here this one has the lid and i know i gotta be more careful that one's italian look at that you see that italy i have no idea that looks hand painted it sure does look at the inside i have no idea the value none whatsoever no this is not my expertise my expertise is farting and sweating and wrestling alligators that dad jokes i got i got a few dad jokes here and there so making egyptians laugh i uh excel at status sometimes sometimes embassy quality products do you know anything embassy that's a good name so that's good yes so we're doing good there yes okay i know i know nothing about glass you know what let's just that one felt pretty good so i'm just thinking one more and then we'll go take a leak uh not a leak take out take a look definitely listen definitely not take a leak well we may have to use the bathroom but take a look at what you found in your storage bag okay here we go this is styrofoam this is it's not bad right wood trays got wood and what is that a knife set maybe more wood and you know what for air conditioning it's kind of hard yeah yeah for ac it's hot in here cigar box do you think there's anything hidden in here might be some lighters come on oh it's a door is it a human i think it's barometer yeah that's that's where the cigars all the cigars would go in there that's a humidor with really yeah temperature control very cool so it'd be right there i'm not i don't know i don't know this stuff i know that's mahogany it looks like mahogany it's beautiful so you're probably 50 bucks i would say 50 bucks for sure okay wooden plate plates decorative wooden plates here's a mortar and pestle yeah i think that's decorative as well okay look at this piece here look at this piece here that hand made in ecuador walnut wow look at that piece right there that's cool you can put any kind of nuts in that that's pretty cool yeah it doesn't have to just be walnuts it could be it could be peanuts it could be your nuts you want could go into that right there let's go take a look at what you found in your storage unit sean so he passed away daughter came said just sell it so was that the other one that you had on yeah that that one was his as well yeah but i had already sold some stuff out of there yeah and so they had a bunch of bookcases yeah and i got a guy that runs a furniture store that he always comes in and looks at well in this case it was okay to do it because she said she said it was mine yeah she said it's mine will you sell it for him right yep and uh no she's no she said get rid of it oh she just told you i don't want anything to do with it just let it go just let it go wow get rid of it she gave it to you yeah i got the signs therefore it's in it yep she literally gave it to you yeah that was very nicer that's for sure i've been dying to see this sean you sent us pictures i've been dying to see it in person are you ready now for you know you got to tell me how much did you pay for the unit again i spent 120 on the unit it was a 5x5 unit yeah pretty much uh not much in it except for the one thing that i did fine okay let's see it are you ready i'm ready i'm ready holy cow holy cow there's the size of my hand that is 100 troy ounces oh my goodness how much do you think it's worth that right there's about three grand with premiums for silver right now that's 100 ounces troy man okay where was it hidden it was wrapped up in a blanket uh like a quilt it had a tin foil wrapped around it i gotta touch it i gotta touch it it's heavy holy cow is it ever it wasn't in the safe it wasn't hidden anywhere it was wrapped in foil blanket with tin foil wrapped around it holy cow my goodness that is the find in florida this past week is that amazing or what dude you sent that to us and that's why i had to buy this unit here i was like oh my god i literally did i was like i have to i have to buy another one i'm not waiting for a live auction i'm getting online man alive what else was in the unit it had um a couple nascar things yeah it did have a disney pin collection that's always cool there was about a hundred and ten disney pins but there was a hundred troy hundreds over the other stuff doesn't really matter man that is an amazing find come to florida and you'll find great treasures well i hope you get your money's worth out of it so do i yeah you do this a lot obviously yeah i do it a lot this is what i do for a living buy it resell it sean was just showing me some of his other finds from this unit and i made him an offer and jeremy bought this whole box okay got the box from me for one dollar i am re-storaging the love this is absolutely insane look at this that's a that's an original jimmy john jimmy jen johnson all right there's more nascar down there more nascar actually uh i already talked to george we're gonna we're gonna actually auction this all off this sunday sean you're not allowed to bid i will not you're not allowed to bid i know you give me two dollars okay not allowed to bid because we already bought it from you so we're gonna auction all of this stuff off this isn't even the best thing yet this is super cool nascar and racing look at this box it's just packed there's probably 50 something wow every one of them i mean even the packaging is but now for the best thing people love what in florida uh disney world they love disney look at this pin club we're gonna go to disney world look at this holy cow what a unit man oh man look at the detail look at that now i did some research on some of these pins yeah just these first four or five up here are selling on ebay for about thirty five yeah yeah easy easy easy and they also all come with the mickey mouse bags oh wow we got the toy story and we got beauty and the beast oh man tinkerbell gee whiz these are amazing they all have the backs okay we're going to auction all of these off this sunday we're going to auction them all off there's a little disney right there there's literally walt is right there this is incredible i like this one right here with the wings yeah tinkerbell's wings they got a spring on it wow wow mickey and minnie and donald and pinocchio wow yeah this is this is a hails of a collection this is what we came to florida for now this was in the unit that i found that silver bar and also i paid a total of 120 for that unit i wish i would have been there and bought this unit i wish i wish i wish i wish with a star oh yes millennium falcon we got pirates of the caribbean all right this sunday we're going to auction it all off this sunday live on the channel it's going to be 9 p.m eastern time we do it every sunday don't forget to be there to bid [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 183,560
Rating: 4.8649454 out of 5
Id: nUTXfziHlpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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