FOUND FULL SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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more hit on that post and then i got another idea all right here we go here we go that's how much i paid for this unit at public storage in akron because there's not one but there's two safes all right let's i mean oh look at that right there this has been waiting for two weeks two weeks i've been dying to get inside here make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the all bell notification because you never know what the hell i'm gonna find inside [Music] right now you're wondering where's the second safe jeremy well when we were bidding i never solved the second one the second one is hidden right over here look at that sentry safe and there's something in it should we peek now before we get into this one yes okay here we go uh now this one if we're lucky we are we're lucky we are lucky this one is unlocked wait maybe it just wasn't programmed but there is something in here let's take oh my goodness oh my goodness i just found the answer to a life's most persistent and important question how do they get a model ship in a bottle right there that's what everybody wants to know there's not much in here though there's some other random stuff there's a cord there's okay so this one was actually unlocked it actually doesn't lock it was un i'm not sure what that does if we're lucky we'll actually find the key in here and we'll be able to we'll be able to salvage this that would be awesome but look how big this thing is this thing is probably a 20-footer and there's a ton of stuff check this out business cards and we may actually have a business in here uh central payment central payment look at all these business cards central payment you know what a pos is right no point of sale point of sale so that's where you swipe your credit card this could be that could be a business safe for all we know how cool would that be pretty sweet uh there's just there's so much stuff in here oh look at this look at this patience yes check this out look at this i just oh that's a nice guitar check this out and you ready yeah here we go and oh wow okay it kind of looks like a violin okay these are the f-holes okay those are called f-holes not to be confused with something vulgar this are f-holes in an actual guitar this is a bass guitar and i do not see it's it's probably a cheaper one probably used to have a name right up there i don't know how to play bass but it's electric it's bass let's see sounds out of tune i'm ready for some jazz not much of the bass guitar there but maybe maybe there is something that has to do with music inside this safe we got to get to the safe first look at this look at this huge bag down here is this a laptop what's this oh my goodness holy monitor holy monitor okay that's a computer this is it probably is a full computer hold a second i'll tell you if i can get it out of here this is is it a full computer it is hewlett packard center drive hp model i don't know if it's a full computer or not it might just be menu auto it might just be a monitor but honestly i mean i guess it could be a computer i don't know i don't know how all this fancy stuff works there's the power button right there yeah so we got to see if we can actually find the cord for this that's not that's not a bad find just to start with right there we got a guitar we got a cord we got a safe we answered life's most important oh my goodness look at here lookie here look what i'm finding already a 2k do you think it's in here i hope so oh don't drop it i almost did there it is this is no doubt gonna be a hails of a unit look at this look at this look at this come on in come on in look at this american express we welcome american express we welcome american express i think we have a business in here i'm not sure look there's bags everywhere there's a safe right there we can't get to the safe yet we've got i mean it looks like some personal stuff there's we even see fire goes back there we see box after box after box okay i'll tell you what here's what we do patience let's move some of this stuff out of the way like i want to get the office chairs out of here we got a beautiful office chair here another chair here we'll sell those for what 25 bucks 50 bucks at the warehouse whatever you guys put on it and then we'll try and dig in here a little bit to get to like a bag here's a tote the safe uh we got a little bit of everything so let's let's do a little bit of uh reconnaissance cleanup work and then we're gonna open some more i actually got back here a little bit patience and i removed a lot of the clothing for what we think is clothing check that out a little decorative vase uh look at this you're not gonna believe this this is oh just yeah i got a full motorized razor scooter in here that's awesome how cool is that i'm gonna set it right there on the printer um and what's i've got some rain water that does not make sense to me that doesn't make sense to me we've got stuff everywhere now okay let's we're gonna we're gonna oh look at this look at this look at it just found a little work oh with the safe underneath me i got the little lock box right here oh wait there's another there's another jewelry box look at this look at that okay all right let's see what we got i think something's in here sounds like it yeah here we go here we go oh other way other way okay and oh we got pills meds okay no japan not what i expected either all right let's see what we have in here we've got holy swing blade just in time for for a halloween right there okay what else do we get like a tennis bracelet let's see it's broken in one piece so let's see if it's gold a lot of times you see when you find broken jewelry gold is so soft and silver is so soft it breaks easily so a lot of times when i find broken jewelry i'm usually thinking well it might be gold it is stamped it is stamped i can't see it can you read it there right there can you see it that's where it broke too i can't read it either it is stamped with something we'll have to get we'll have to get the jewelry's jeweler's loop later which brings up a good point a lot of the viewers always go why don't you carry a jeweler's loop with you because i'm not in the business of carrying a jeweler's loop with me when i have to get all this stuff out jeweler's loops only come into play when we go through a fine sort afterwards right now it's get it in the trailer get it in our home and then find sort at the warehouse we don't stop and do jurors loops here in the actual warehouse excuse me in the actual unit we'll check that out later that should be hopefully some money check this out we definitely i think this is army let's uh oh we got biomed something oh you know what this is for what this is for you like all those back problems you have oh yeah i have one you stick that in oh you have one of these okay so you stick that in and it spasms your back yeah set that right there but this looks potential military let's see right here what's that say kit bag what buyers national national line company 1966 so us 1966 would that be vietnam what was vietnam i don't remember the i don't know if i don't know you probably definitely don't know do you okay this could be let's just say this could be part of nom okay and we obviously we've got look at this giant bag let's just holy cow it's huge holy cow that's a backpack oh my goodness this is a giant backpack look at this literally no there's two of them look this is the biggest this is the world's biggest backpack it says extra large on the back of it well you know size matter size does matter okay so holy let's cow and see what's inside oh my gosh that's a huge backpack all right let's see anything in here no there's like a million places for zippers in bed it's extra large extra large is right holy cow i've never seen one of these before me either i'm not doing too well there no all the zippers stuck here that was some downright dirty dirty clothes okay i'm zipping this back up yeah do that okay i think this is part of a business but i didn't want to find somebody's business inside this bag so zipping that back up let's just holy cow that thing is dying all right let's take a peek here let's see what we got all right we got this uh business business bang let's see uh what's in there come here check this out what i just found is that an old wallet it's a wallet what does that say um yeah something collection okay let's see what we got we definitely have a wallet now i'm hoping if there's money in here there's money in here come on come on be good to daddy be good to daddy and papers papers papers no money paper that i can see what's this let's see what that is that is a pick 3 they were playing the lotto and then what do we have in here auto repair okay all kinds of stuff there and anything in here okay is she empty i'm not seeing any money in here that doesn't mean that there's not what's this okay look at this free let them come ministries associate discipleship school i don't know i did now weird for you let's just look let's just look because i'm curious to see what it actually is okay light from the old testament okay so it is it's discipleship it's bible teachings and you don't think you don't think we have a church do you maybe what about the business cards for the pos do you think this is the church safe i don't know do churches have sex uh well that's a good question wilson leather meeting directory all right not sure on that let's just you know what let's just set that aside okay we'll set that aside we're not trying to be disrespectful to anything but we have a lot of work to get through so we've got to move fast and when you got to move fast with this much volume that means you have to you have to sometimes toss things whoa look at that i don't know what it is but look at it she knew though what what is cold heat i don't know cordless soldering tool okay we've got there's husky knives what else do we have in here we got babylon uh mystery religion not sure what that is everything in this tote there is a little bit craftsman look at that drill set look at that we got money there for sure and we got air tools too air tools nice okay not a bad not a bad little tote here um i'll tell you what let's let's move a little bit more stuff and then we'll see if we can open some more stuff definitely want to get into the safe today the only issue is we have to either one find the key which i doubt we're gonna get to all of that today or two have the tools to get inside now the black trailer is the trailer that has george's sledgehammer unfortunately that trailer is full right now right so we have to find something to actually get in here so we're gonna have to keep digging this looks like a futon futon mattress i'm gonna pull that out because i'm hoping i'm literally hoping we can find some cool stuff but also we can find some tools to get inside this safe and there's definitely here's what you saw isn't it yeah you saw their button goes yeah okay all right i'm going to set those bongos down i will not be a bongo artist anytime soon let's see what's over here oh we've got um do you think this is a new camp trail yeah let's see camp chair it is it's a camp chair all right patience go ahead have a seat on the chair and i'll have a seat over here okay and oh my goodness we got money we got what the heck that's broken money we'll set that over there but peanut butter i dare you is it open does it look bad i dare you give it a sniff if it's not bad i'll eat it okay what's in here what's in this case oh you know what this is like darts this is a darts this is professional darts oh my goodness this is this is high-end stuff you keep you keep your darts in here yeah this is high-end stuff wow this is money right here that's really cool i've never seen one that's actually that is worth some money right there it needs a little cleaning but um we can clean that up oh guess what i just found beans just in time for trick or treat this is going home with you for the trick-or-treaters and this this is going home the elbow macaroni that's coming home with me for the trick-or-treaters and i'll tell you what if you can give out plums how's that sound okay and then i will give out this 100 huh frosting you never go wrong with frosting but you getting hungry yet yeah all right there's your lunch right here you just got lucky and pinto beans so many beads rice rice will go with me okay i may need this in the future sometimes so rice will go with me but all the pinto beans that's all you use there's a lot of food wait wait wait i got i got definitely have now this is a good sign that no mice have been in here because the mice would have went for the beans but we've got uh we've got dark red kidney beans right there that's from papi yeah okay what else do we have look at this another trigger here's another chair all right leisure it was brand new it was originally 9.99 i'll set that over there with the chair i just gave you let's see what else oh now this is how a real man eats his giant book bag this is giant utensils and he goes out with his giant giant appetite this is how you eat right here i think i think i might have found something to help us get into the safe what do you think oh yeah uh junk ball official junk ball do you know what that is no well let's oh that dings and rings oh my goodness all right that we're not using this um that just like when it vibrates that's what just happened okay there's some other stuff back here let's let's keep digging oh my goodness oh my goodness you're not going to believe what i just uncovered what is it oh what in the world this looks like your sister no it does not right there what is it that's janet that's janet janet jackson right there um again i'm confused i don't know if this is a business if it's a church the speaking bible or if this is a personal you know is is this a personal unit there's more on the on the devotionals or the bible studies nice picture that is it's a nice frame nice frame nice picture okay this is a bag of just random random everything i'm sure there's more crazy stuff in there look at this now okay look at this you've got all this this is personal stuff right but then you have a safety look at all these purses down here here's a samsung a t okay all right what is this okay oh my goodness they're called these purses okay all right let's um let's move this because we might have some cash all right i'm just going to set those aside i'm going to set this over here and well there's the meeting directory for aaa yeah so alcoholics anonymous which we see often oh look at this oh my goodness it's like a faberge no that's a a roux what does that say merlier i don't know music box this is a music box obviously the music needs a battery or a wound or something oh my goodness does this unit make any sense it's like something of everything it makes no sense look at all those purses okay this may this may this might shine some light on everything if we find money in the purses that one is empty that is a classic what kind is that the classic collection of things okay this classic collection yeah all right and we've got money purse empty or pocketbook whatever you would call that we've got other tassels 10-piece travel kit for the man on the go that that's me i go everywhere everywhere and we've got i guess we got another purse i mean it's a beautiful purse but yeah okay let's see what's underneath this stuff the the egg is kind of cool the egg is cool okay and then what do we have oh my goodness there's so much food in this unit so much food so you know what that usually means it's if this is a church this is probably from the food pantry if it's a church oh my goodness that looks so stinking good oh man caramel apple cookie pie oh man that looks good mac and cheese ew there's there we got that oh oh oh man this is this just keeps getting better and better not only that look at this look at this patience we got your strawberry syrup in there we got we got hot fudge brand new we got butterscotch brand new i'm sorry but i know you want to put these in the blessing box for those that don't know i've got a box at the apartments where patients and christians live and it's be a blessing give the blessing be a blessing so they drop off food for those in need and so patience when christian will take most of this food and put it in the box if it's not expired but the butterscotch the hot fudge all right i tell you what you you can take it you can take it but this i'm not so sure about that okay gotta make strawberry milk with that strawberry milk we got purses oh my goodness we got have you ever had the lemon vanilla wafers no those are good those are good and i don't think they're out of date either let's see what's under here though we don't know what's under here yet more clothing is that clothing yeah it looks like it is stone cold steve don't call steve austin yes i don't think anything else is hidden down there let's keep searching let's take a look at this shelf over here uh we got christian back on the camera welcome back christian thank you and then we also we have conkey with us now too so if you take a take a little turn around so conkey's flipping adventures is here now too there is some cool stuff in here no doubt um not sure okay that's not as cool okay i'm gonna patience you ready yeah all right now i can just get to throw stuff applications old electronics are typically big money there's a sony piece all right you've been selling christian on ebay uh what do you think this is worth probably over a hundred all right so he says over a hundred over a hundred that's his guess we got another one right here too here's a sony here looks like we got a switch broken but that could still sell for pieces that would be good oh my goodness how really is that i don't even i'm sure i want to know about that um what do we have up in here okay let's see what we have here we've got oh we got a directv okay so if this was actually owned and not leased you would have to call directv to find out but if it was owned and not leased we're looking at a couple hundred bucks if not more there if it's leased i can't legally sell it directv actually still owns it that wasn't me being rough with this stuff there is a lot of stuff and i bet you i bet you this is another one right there so set that aside oh my goodness okay i see something here i see something here oh stuff a lance okay here we go this looks like toys maybe oh there we go we got some toys got some dominoes we got i don't even know what that is i don't see any old toys is that wwf or wwe triple h all right all right i'm gonna set that one aside too because oh there's a toy is that brand new looks like almost a brand new bissell there you go patience and then oh now we're getting in we're getting into the big boy toys here look at this that's a samsung what do you think it is i don't know i don't either let's find out it'd be nice if it was a tablet wouldn't it that would be awesome and it is well it is it's uh samsung gear virtual reality that's what it is it's like brand new see it sure feels like it's in there and let's find out here we go bam absolutely it's in there it is in there so now i just got a look at that came with all boxed up all nice and neat i don't see a price on it these aren't all that terribly expensive are they i don't know some of them oh uh patients are saying yes but some of them can be like 200 yeah some of them are expensive all right set that aside on the ebay okay and oh here we go here we go we've got a little lambo right there a little busted up oh but look it's already it's already giving us money there is oh i lost it off they're good there it is look at that it's a little it's a lambo bank that's what it is it's a lambo bank so we got we got a penny coming out of that right there that one's a little rough it is a rc for sure it's a little rough i'm gonna set that over there see what else we have back here though okay i wanna i wanna find stuff to help us get no don't look at that you didn't peek at that did you no perfect perfect okay this is definitely i'm not sure you wanna show any of this i don't want to show any of that that is all right personals that's personals pictures family look at this let's find out what's going to be in here oh we got a bonus in here bonus power mop pads oh i think we might have loaded them up already or no that was from another unit we were at earlier today cleaning supplies hot shop oh best bed bug that's never good to see that is not something you want to actually see when you're in a unit you don't want to see flea treatments bed bug treatments roach treatments any treatments but there you go they're apparently well maybe they were just preemptive and let's see what we got in here christian i know your legs are killing you right now okay we've got we've got is it gonna be good is it gonna look at this look at this we got money wrappers there's gotta be something in here um consulting um okay here's what we're gonna have to do i'm gonna have to look through this and then we'll show you what we found best thing in that box texas instruments calculator if it's an old one it's worth quite a bit this is the x ti-30xa i'm cheating because i had it right there that's not the only one we found in here though right at the entrance here's the old texas instruments right there too and that's the ti-30x 2s so calculators like this actually do really well on ebay this is a good box i've waited two i think two weeks now to find out what's inside this safe i think it's safe to say it's time to open the safe this is a safe environment for opening safes this safe may safe us wait that one didn't work let's take it to a safer place though let's get it out of the actual unit and we'll take it to a safer place open in the parking lot and then let's open this safe up we've got the safe in a safer environment patience are you ready i'm ready just in case patience is ready with the fire extinguisher that we found we wheeled it over here on the dolly now listen to this are you ready christian come on in close does that or does that not sound like potential metal money right you thinking what i'm thinking money i'm thinking money all right so we're we're not in so um cocky cocky you want first shot at it yeah okay conkey is the only one that has a hammer patience make sure you're ready i'm ready make sure you're ready cocky's gonna see if he can get it with the hammer so where should i hit it uh right here what a digital safe i don't know do you think the bars where do you think the bars go in i think if we hit the numbers hard enough it'll scare it open yeah go for that hit the numbers you want me to hold it i'll hold it yeah what do you think maybe first four yeah maybe four actually there we go did it work you actually you got us in closer though definitely got us in closer well it wasn't the right combination anyway no okay well i got another idea okay i'm not sure if it's gonna work and i'm getting pretty old patience you better be ready but i was thinking we could just okay did that work oh wait no didn't work okay all right i am getting old and my back is pretty bad but this might be a good thumbnail [Music] that might have worked did it work you know what something's coming out something's coming out something's coming out look there's paperwork kmart there's even that's got the combination on it actually wait wait wait there's something there's definitely something there okay wait we don't have a combination pad anymore it doesn't matter okay all right okay all right remember i am old and uh christian while you get this next one you know you might want to snap a couple thumbnails while i have a herculean up in the air because i'm not sure i could do it too many more times here we go here we go in three two one anything anything at all it's moving more but it's not uh nothing okay i think i might have one more good smash in me all right here we go here we go i have an idea all right back up back up i have an idea okay all right i have an idea here we go [Music] did it work well let's mention the door okay the door went in okay all right patience you're still ready with the fire extinguishers all right i'm going for it again right on that post wasn't that post straight before you did it it was that was straight before i started this here we go there's something in here anything wait a minute what do you think i'm smelling something on fire do you smell that i heard your siren i did too all right nothing yet give me one more smash if that doesn't work i got one more idea if that doesn't work here we go here we go hit the corner yeah that's what i meant to do hit that corner weaken it up a little bit that's what i wanted to do that was perfect one more smash one more smash then i have another idea one real quick thought cocky what happens if that door opens while you're throwing it around um and money flies everywhere look at this look at this okay gotta be careful for the sausage away from the sausage don't wanna smash the sausage that would be bad not not good enough okay one more hit one more hit on that post and then i got another idea all right here we go here we go oh i didn't work i did it it actually worked did you see that it worked the world there's money there's definitely money look at this look at this there's money right there oh my goodness it actually worked that worked can you believe it it worked okay all right christian stay panned up because i don't know if there's going to be personal information oh my goodness all right i'm going to show you oh this is a pretty good sign this is a pretty good sign keep hands up keep hand up okay all right i don't want you to show let me let me flip names over and then you can show what we're looking at and flip that over and that over okay okay all right christian you can take a peek in there all right i definitely see money under this stuff there is money under this stuff so let's take let's take a peek at this first there's way more than i thought my love all right this is it oh is this from george um for my husband no not from george oh my goodness they were pregnant they are pregnant that that's good enough to be in a safe for sure okay we have okay we've got okay we've got aaa and we've got a business debit card we're gonna set that aside we've got oh my goodness the checks in here man business reply i don't know if this was there's a check akron they were from akron for sure and we've got okay this is this is for credit card information oh my goodness look at that look at that i know there's got to be something good hidden under here all right we got more checks more checks here is there's the family mobile t-mobile starter kit 25 sealed that means it's still good right so that's at least there you go there's at least 25 right there sealed that's got to be money okay more checks this is probably the back of the actual yeah yeah yeah that goes right there that goes right there i can't believe that was straight before that was straight okay all right we've got oh look at this bfg credit unit personal account personal account right there patience i know you want to see everything that's in here but since there's cars going by can you please grab all the garbage that i made from this little fiasco okay a lot of times i always check and see if they're hiding anything okay nothing there let's see what else we have we have check reorder forms all kinds of checks in here check reorder forms and just got to make sure there's no money hiding in these envelopes so a lot of times what will happen is people will actually put cash in an envelope all this is another credit card people will put cash in an envelope of a bill they're gonna pay checking checking sleeve uh transaction little booklet whatever you call that there credit and debits oh there's definitely there's money in here okay this is for an income tax service business this check is for an income tax service business i'm going to try and show you can you see it up top christian yes so as we're trying to figure out what's going on in this unit is it a business is it an individual now we're seeing income tax service okay more paperwork we've got glasses case and it is not empty are you sure you're ready for this scooby snacks potpourri yep potpourri scooby snacks these these i believe are the batteries that fell out when we slammed and jammed it and this is another that's another credit card there we'll set that aside what's in your wallet what's in your safe okay more more credit card that aside okay there's definitely money in here we're getting to it here is more more checks more check books there this is all for the business that's for the income tax business this must have been the income tax business safe would be my yep here's a here's a here's a check they wrote out to a t for 165 and it never ever it never went anywhere right there in the safe it's so weird okay another another wait that's a is that a gift card it's a credit card there's a visa in the moment that is this is a credit card that's a credit card it would be sweet if we found gift cards in here too look at all this okay and i'm really i gotta go through all this paperwork because that's where cash could be hidden bills bills checkbooks yeah there's definitely money on the floor here of the safe and we got another there's another credit card in there oh my goodness and more checks more checkbooks more checks i don't think i've ever seen so many checks and checkbooks more checks more checkbooks here is a merchant account okay i have no idea what's going on there um this is a personal checkbook this is a personal one and that's not for the business this is crazy isn't it conkey yeah okay more credit cards i think they might have been living on credit income tax business living on credit okay and you can come in now you can come in now christian here's the money that we heard here's the money that we heard right down here we're looking at 10 20 oh here's a wheat head not a wheat head just a wheat penny hopefully that's the 1943 but we're definitely looking at is this one silver this one looks silver no 87 okay so we're looking at ten twenty twenty one three two twenty three two twenty four twenty five six six seven eight nine third thirty one cents and if this is the 1943 we just made a million [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 248,804
Rating: 4.7883506 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Jh9G-NxPa7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 19sec (2539 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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