EMPLOYEE CAUGHT STEALING I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes / Storage Wars

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I am so sorry I am devastated I am really really upset about this whole thing here the Hales I go again out in the middle of Cleveland to pick up a storage unit like a lone wolf George took another me day can you believe it Oh gotcha you know she got you happy Friday everyone so we got this unit for $40 downtown Cleveland Hey helo we are not planned at all but hey still happened you ready to go dig into this unit let's do it find out what treasure we can find in hey if you haven't subscribed yet what the hills are you waiting for do it all the cool kids are do you have any idea the history of the individual or how long they had it or what the deal was this I thought for sure I saw a guitar case in there - it couldn't be fabric - something else but I was hoping like crazy it was a guitar case and with some of the with some of the items in there I thought musical musician but I could be completely wrong - yeah yep well so two years and then all of a sudden automatic payments stop it but he did come in and try and paid huh looks like he owed 170 okay so he paid in person last time oh sure when you have carry yeah yeah we have to come in and pay specialist you came in to help email addresses and I kind of figured musician but who knows if I'm gonna be right or not I thought there's was a guitar in there I'm really hoping we'll let you know what we find okay I told the guys that you have to do with me today is push me down into Joey chop each one's we're looking someone whatever or has it in their unit so I usually bring a broom to sweep him out but I'm not sure I can sweep that one out dust brush it well it was all totes yeah [Music] and I hope a guitar I really do hope a guitar that's why bottle I thought there was just an edge that looked like a guitar case edge with the with the fabric stitching wood when they sit the leather together and I thought oh man it's just hidden behind those totes and I thought maybe so we're gonna find out if I was right or not the manager opened the actual unit for us that we paid 40 bucks for now I are you afraid of heights well I'm afraid that there may not be a guitar in there what's your guess is there a guitar okay put your guest down below viewers is their guitar if we look at this picture right here this is why I bid on the unit down here at the lower right hand corner you see what looks like a guitar case now notice the white box is in the middle of other boxes we're here at the unit opening the unit and this box is displaced and the guitar case is gone so now we're gonna have to go figure out what in the world is going on the manager opened the actual unit and as you can see the guitar case is missing which would have been right here this box which was over there has now been displaced up to here this is not what we bid on and therefore we're gonna have to go figure something out I got bad news it is not as it was pictured the guitar is actually gone and the boxes are displace not kidding not kidding unfortunately the reason why I bought it isn't there anymore unfortunately in it I understand that under percent and I'm so sorry so sorry that that happened i may have to just do all the auctions myself oh you have another employee taking care of them takes the inventory and pictures looks like they took the guitar [Music] okay can I come over there with you to look at the pictures okay so if you expand that picture that first one so expect okay see this right here well go ahead and get off the magnet right there this is the guitar case this is why very honest with you I found that in their maintenance room I found that in one of our rooms like a week or two ago are you serious and I'm like what is this doing here that's why I bid on it okay well you can have it it's at my house I didn't do anything with it I'm just I had to figure out what I was gonna do with it well you found it in the maintenance maintenance room mm-hmm gotcha so I will get to the bottom of it [Music] yeah that's this is I'll bring it back I never even opened it this is the whole reason why I bid right here ever even for the musical instrument or even dampened it you were right so what happened is somebody took this box moved it over they took the instrument out the guitar out they moved this box up here everything else looks like it in in the picture for I didn't look honestly the only thing I'm really looking for I was looking for the guitar that's why I bid well if you want you can um you can uh I can I can put a lot back on it and put a tag back on it and I got somewhere to do my only issue is I'm an hour and a half away I just if you've got the guitar I'd still like to use it when I take this stuff out yeah I will bring you the guitar I am so sorry I am devastated I am [Music] I will not allow anyone else to do auctions over again okay we'll go load on things happening to other storage to sell anything from a burp or stories from other storage facilities that people have told me you know and no I don't do that in fact I replaced the manager here when I came on board who was yeah just happened so we want to know in the comments below who do you think stole it was it the manager Hales yes or somebody else Hales no she says she found it in the maintenance room it's the only reason why I bid because I love guitars and she's driving an hour to go get it only us this stuff all mine happens all right George you're getting your first look what do you see or I guess more importantly what do you not see what do I not see what's that guitar case you couldn't stop talking about on the way here to get the unit okay well what do you see now now I just see boxes and here's a black bag looks like towels all right stuff how about you hand stuff down to me we'll get it down on the floor and we'll try and figure out what's inside what do you say George's giggling why we're trying to show you everything this is all that's in here this is what we got to find out what's inside $40 worth see open it up all right box number one does not look like a guitar Oh jacket with the tags still on no timber timber King look what is written on it 60 find out there you go we paid 40 bucks for this I could wear that that's how big I am you do like your clothes bag I love my clothes baggy all right well she got in there oh there's some more is it new man if it's new we got big money this one's a to us a to F you could wear that wouldn't be able to find you but some more jackets what's underneath the jacket what's under there I got looks like some speakers and some household goods what you got now George because I got robbed that's why I'm burning up by the way just a little side note for you guys when you buy units make sure you bring the pictures with you and match it up screenshots something so luckily for us the one thing that I actually wanted we were able to tell really quick that hasn't been gone through who would have thought the person who went through it the person everyone's supposed to trust yeah there's a ton of CDs we got more clothes under there piping piping I don't know typing Glock Oh groove all right well it looks like clothes underneath there can you just dig really quick fight diseases with your fork we need to start eating healthy okay cheeseburgers and bacon it is why did you make me ten strips of bacon last night anything in here at all it's like a bunch of oh I'm sure there's Bitcoin on there yeah yep all of our subscribers will tell us check it for Bitcoin maybe do you hear me knockin keep on knockin but you can't come in what is this I just want to kiss don't you hear me knock them off oh you know what that is don't you you know what that is you might want to put gloves on I just flipped my gloves okay I have a cashmere vintage Louis Vuitton clothing we don't smell it if we only had some elevation yeah somebody smoked both balls somebody really like smell mothballs yeah I felt more that's it bubbles I think somebody went to the potty on that too okay I saw I saw Grimes finds do an entire episode like this third box he did the bird box challenge blind okay this is gonna be silk silk no this is a kite this is a kite yeah this is you're right mixed in with the the tote laid the clothing cut and I give up [Applause] we found the name of the previous owner so George went outside to where there's reception to actually see what she could find I got a bunch a boxes of books here we go there's the Bible King James oh we saw something right there and what is it oh it's a bunch of verses I am so this looks like all religious books here this is pretty typical of pretty much every every storage unit you find something has to do with now that doesn't mean it was him personally but it could have been a close person or maybe he was working with alcoholics health knowledge we have a feeling he passed away with no family there's another Bible there's a dictionary philosophies and opinions of Marcus Graham gravely oh look at this okay so Harlem Renaissance art with black America so I bought a unit oh man my spent four years ago it had all kinds of black history just incredible documentation of history those books were worth thousands thousands of dollars so this thing right here number one cool for history and number two incredible as far as profit margin so don't ever discount your books make sure you're always checking them and let's see what else we have here we've got the power of concentration Course in Miracles manual through four teachers all kinds of things they're known and unknown life in Jesus Christ I'm not sure how you write about the unknown if it's unknown lots of that's a health both physical health and spiritual health I just grabbed aconite from the truck that way we can use it it looked like you had aconite mustache when you had that up towards your face that was awesome try that again yep no a little bit tilt tilt tilt to keep tilting look don't move don't move move your head that way it looks like you got 352 X's is that true George you have 352 X's Gorgias gone to town a knife and everything more burn CDs yes death row I wonder if that tells any part of the story what else without I think that's gonna be burned as wine CDs you want to know what the giveaway was what the Marquis Memphis sodas citizeness I was right is it all burned all right over here can I fit George to knife it and wait wait the Russians all right there might be something of value and there's a lot I don't know what a font is but R&B we've in Church of Christ What's in box number 10 oh I bet it's VHS tapes it's burnt VHS tapes that's exactly what I was gonna go oh you know what we always find on the homemade ones full disclosure get it George and yes dr. Dwyer it's a mixture all right so it's in her car and we're waiting for it definitely is like a turkey [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 398,208
Rating: 4.7882438 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: gbsUsNYalAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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