THE HIDDEN TRUTH ABOUT WHAT THE HALES / I Bought An Abandoned Storage / Storage Wars

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what's it like in person versus watching on youtube i refuse to work under these conditions jeremy oh jeremy where are you i'm in storage we are back okay this will be the last one in this unit remember this unit cost us absolutely nothing super fan leanne you say that five times fast super family and super family and super family and super family and super family and actually restores the love to us so that we can continue restoraging the love so there's been a lot of cool stuff in here a lot of cool stuff and she has a whole nother unit that she's going to gift that you'll get to see later too but until then george still is trying to beat me and so far i'm undefeated ladies first right i thought it was losers first oh thank y'all thank you thank you losers first losers first this is what we have left on top we've gotten all of this out and that entire corner has been empty leanne has actually been putting up with our ridiculousness for the past two days what's it like in person versus watching on youtube better better she's she lies she gets behind the scenes she lies yeah she lies it's my dream this was your dream you really need to work on your dreams she could take that off her bucket list oh my goodness some people got get you got to get better dreams you got to get better dreams oh here we go image collection look at that anchor hocking here's a serving bowl these are all in here right leanne yeah now was this do these have sentimental value to you we get this when we got married so these are wedding weddings those are the wedding gifts that were never opened they're still in the box never use them look at that some stationery what about this well maybe that's graduation cards i have no idea oh yeah congratulations graduation cards oh look at that christelle who's chris howe crystal this has some weight in it and it's definitely in there leanne just confirmed it's definitely in there right never used another wedding gift another wedding gift and then the last box in here is a beauty rose divided relish relish please are you relish are you relishing in your relish plate right now yes yes yes so with it being unopened unused pretty sure i'm in the lead you're only in the lead because i actually didn't pull a box yet you can't be that far in the lead if you got wedding gifts that were never opened and never used right leanne i'm still winning right [Music] [Laughter] you should have negative points [Laughter] it's your turn jeremy let's see what uh there's silver right there silver plated but this says garage sale stuff okay so leanne did tell us that they wanted to have a garage sale but they never they're coveted yeah well their friends never said hey bring the stuff over so i got a feeling all the cool stuff was going to the garage sale that's why people like me love garage sales let's see what was headed to the wait wait leanne was telling us about something super cool it was it was not this not that that is a sugar sugar bowl sugar bowl okay that's not what she was telling me about um you might think it's this which that is super cool but it was i wonder oh do not pan down breaking profits what are you doing you just said don't pan down so i had to pan down she's literally right here [Laughter] and she's shaking it [Laughter] and she's checking it uh oh are we in trouble how bad is the damage oh no well um she said a little super glue i know why i know i won't be winning now these old ice trays oh these old i've sold three of those these go for i forget what is it about 10 bucks a piece 25 these go for 25 a piece are you sure i've sold three of them yes i know okay she says 25 a piece so what about what about this ice tray i've never sold the one with the plastic the plastic now that might be 10 without the plastic it's popsicles there's a big popsicle okay so we got the turkey roaster in here but leanne was telling us about something cool i'm curious what's in here and we've been looking for it look at that oh man look at that oh how cool can you imagine how you could chase me and threaten me with this thing that would be awesome i would never do such things okay uh look at that the gourmet kitchen there's the marble oh cool i started a um a roller lot rolling rolling [Laughter] use the rolling pin all right but you just you better understand that i'll fight back all right so we got we got that for carving the turkey man i'm not i don't see it in this box so leanne was telling us that there was a super cool uh cooking apron and it was a full turkey and or she was calling me a turkey you're you are a jive turkey one of the others go down check that out there's an old bottle that's really cool little decorative bottle i thought maybe it would be in here with all the cool thanksgiving stuff but i'm not seeing it in here what's the president of the united states well it literally is the president of the united states that's what it is it's a picture of every single one of them let me see if i can show you okay and actually i'm making this up as i go so hopefully i'm ready so there's richard nixon pretty sure you're right you know you know what he said at thanksgiving every year what i am not a cook i am not a cook that's what he said did he really dad jokes she's got her eye on something look at that she's kicking them this isn't like trying to find a cantaloupe squeezing it to see what's the right one or a grapefruit i was moving that so i wouldn't trip it was trippy she was kicking them trying to see if she's a dripping hazard for your information all right i'm gonna go with another small box that i can carry and woman handle since i don't have a knife all right well this hasn't been going very well with you with small boxes well i did say i really want you to win unless unless liana's told you which small box and that's just downright cheap this one's labeled no this one's not labeled mystery box number one there's quite a few mystery boxes left in there definitely a few mystery boxes [Music] people at home are probably going nuts like why don't you just cave in george and music tonight do you want to tell them why just more fun to me there you go there you go it's it's more funner it's more funner [Music] the chuck wagon family cookbook i see butter pecan frosting yum i love it already there's a date on here 1982 oh that's the my birth year florida bible camp that's down and we keep watching from foreign okay i collect everything from camp history especially christian camping history so uh if leanne can i put that in my collection yes that goes in my christian camping collection it's her book that's that's your answer i wrote a book yeah she was the youngest my dad was the oldest and it's called cracker girl and let's find wow my other ants drew so the whole family jumped in on the book kind of sorta that was my great-grandparents she was 103 when she died does this go with that then yeah that might be the original manuscript was this before that's the original manuscript that's that's from my aunt something she put these in yeah are these family rush recipes stuffed wait i saw something so yeah i saw something i saw something would you see see now this this is a book that i would read mississippi mud cake oh you had me at cake [Laughter] brownies you had me at cake no do you want to keep these then yeah yeah okay we're going to restore the love back to to leanne so that she can hold on to her family recipes there you go um leanne email me some cake send you some cake look at this more 1911. favorite recipes cheese i would read this one too there's cheese we're definitely going to do a cookbook you know what i was craving we're going to let leanne pick whatever she wants first i was craving swiss cheese cubes last night so bad that's weird that's just weird i'm the weird one in this relationship oh you should have asked for my help oh i'm gonna pass out oh that was so heavy uh i decided you got a big old oh you got the the medium box that i moved to the side because it was a tripping wait you've moved to this box and you've been going for the small boxes yeah i'm about to show you where the process is baby oh there we go there we go all right let's see what we got here let's see what we got this one's not labeled no this is a mystery another mystery box it's getting even more mysterious let's see don't you touch that i'm getting anxious getting anxious [Music] let's play ball billy ball let's see leanne you're going to have to give me some insight on this one uh-oh looks like photos look this might be a restoration glove box family pictures devil's post pile where's that at that's in nevada okay my sister-in-law her sister she's a photographer very cool if you're looking to adopt leanne i'm looking for a new family jeremy strickland what the structure it doesn't flow as well it's got a little bit of a flow issue but no not like what the hell wait wait here's something this might be something amazing or she said no she said no that's not amazing she knew you know what i didn't even pick this box george made me pick it so i'm just really really i'm upsetting i made you pick it i just watched you pick it up and bring it over here screaming i have a bad back here's what i'm picking you see how this is all wrapped up i don't know i'm watching you cheat right now this is you cheating right now you you and leanne whispering and sharing where all the money is there is no whispering right liam there is no whispering here no they're blatant about their cheating they're like pick that one george okay leon which one has the most money yeah there is no whispering completely and totally blatant about cheating that's why i'm taking my easter tree and that's a cute one you're talking about me or it's brand new easter is coming up or the tree i think she'll go for a baby box i'm gonna close my eyes okay spin around and then wherever my finger lands that'll be the box i pick all right i'm cool with that they landed right there landed right there no one puts george in the corner really okay so she's uh finger pointed to this box okay yeah so that's the box she went for another small one all righty why do i keep going for the small ones because you have a bad back bad and it's easy to carry he's the gator oh leanne has a gatorkey look at that that thing slices like teeth of a gator shark oh yeah some of these old christmas lights okay so the old bubbling lava ones is that the ones with the oil in it yeah the old ones with the those are worth money and i didn't believe him at first but i looked at the ebay sold comps and i was like whoa those are worth money but most of them were destroyed oh i see what those are leanne's got something special in her hands who knows what these are i do but does george do you know what these are let's see these are top value so these used to be were those used like the old school proof of purchase well you'd get so many of them when you'd buy groceries and you had two different types you had s h green stamps and then you had the yellow stamp and you know because you're using and you filled work at a grocery look you filled up a book and once you get the book filled you go onto another one and you can buy things so this was the old way of like rewards progress it's the original this is the original reward program oh wow do you want to keep these oh here's the s and h ones yeah complex handed out the snh i believe this is the original rewards program now everything is on a card yeah let me see those are the you would take these and all there's more each one of those what cool history would you just pull out of there george get your mind out of the gutter jeremy it's a candle i thought it was a nose picker don't you see that i thought it was a nose picker you're not putting that off why you told you told robbie to shove that stuff in my face in my nose the other day do you remember that on the video he gave you a poop stash uh he gave me a poop face and it tasted and smelled like poop oh wow i could probably do a lot right yeah you could do it from there and familiar things are so old i bet you yeah you can do it really well that's cool history right there oh that's old boy scout let's see if i can zoom in boy scout or weep oh we blows yeah he was a boy look at all the cool stuff just cool history remember having a flip phone in 1982 yep yep with my 10 beepers you wore 10 pagers around your belt buckle didn't you one for each one of my lady friends i knew it knew it here's some more savers cool oh wow there's a lot in here there is something really that's awesome i guess uh that program went away before she was labeled the rest is all paperwork i think i'm in the lead look at this are you in here peeking and cheating this one is so heavy with profit i don't even think we can put it up on top of anything miscellaneous garage sale stuff i just thought for sure for sure this is a big old box paper towel box heavy that there would be big money oh man you know what this thing broke didn't it not the box for me this is probably not the oh your brother is back he's back he's back he's back the lights it just got really like i'll breaking my fine pottery okay so there's there's definitely some cool stuff in here check that out little mug there [Music] is that occupied japanese no [Applause] i probably did it i don't recall doing it but i probably did it look at that like true china maybe i don't know with the gold um ambassador persian oh 22 karat gold yeah don't try to put that in the microwave whatever you do so that's gold that's gold leaf around there wait i should be winning right now i just found 22 karat gold and she laughs at me [Applause] i see more gold instant coffee let me see you don't even like coffee what are you doing gargling it [Music] instantly you don't have to do anything [Applause] there's all kinds of stuff in here so this is this is the stuff that was going to be in a garage sale liam but it never got to the garage sale right so it's like all kinds of and a lot of this stuff um the guy at the auction antique auction house yes he only didn't take it because he didn't have room for it yeah but a lot of this stuff right in here is really old my mom yeah be really careful yeah leanne is now finding out exactly why you inherited the nickname captain that's really old that was be careful i'm living up to my name um there's a bunch of cool stuff in here for sure let me grab one more thing down down here let me see it's got bubble wrap on it's got to be something good oh i already know what it is this is the top it's a jive turkey and then here's the bottom now i know the chicken ones of these sell really well and by well i mean they go for about 10 maybe 15 on the high end i've never priced a turkey one before getting down to the nitty gritty same technique that i did last time where i close my eyes and i point and i pick a box el grande as if you didn't plan that ahead of time are you kidding me she's like i know exactly where it is i'm gonna stop but she even leaned down and pointed right at it don't believe me hit a little rewind she planned that completely more crystal i had a crystal in my life once is it leanne is this more wedding gifts that you guys never opened yeah that's a big old yes she's here to confirm it's not that we didn't open them we've just never used to ever use them never had a chance to use them if it makes you feel any better i don't have any of my wedding gifts not a one i have zero i i have never been married um china set never been used never been used china set never been used a george never been married and never a bride always a bridesmaid how cool is that isn't life better that way isn't life better that way always a bridesmaid i want to get married by the time i'm 40. 40. i'm gonna be turning 39 in may so if you guys don't see me on what the hell's anymore you know what what happened you better get to work jeremy there'll be an entire video explaining exactly what happens look at all this crystal how cool is that wow it is a nice serving tray what they're serving on it that that does not help sell a serving tray maybe back in the 80s it doesn't do maybe now there was a garlic baker never have enough garlic baking i don't know i don't know what you like to bake but those are fancy warmer dual covered porcelain that's fancy wow that's fancy definitely the fanciest one i've ever seen this is the old school fancy stuff is this crystal the savannah collection oven oven where i don't can crystal go in the oven i don't know baking dishes and stuff pretty sure i'm still in the lead pretty sure you're gonna turn 40 and you're gonna be breaking out all of these wedding gifts big old box george wants small i went medium now i'm going big and tall for the extra large okay um really what led me to this i could use a little cookie right now i think i deserve it george can i have a cookie yeah it's in the jar all right let's see if we can find it don't have to tell me twice don't threaten him with a good time with cookies and she definitely lied to me there ain't a single cookie remember when i used to bake you your favorite cookies all the time and then you yelled at me for baking too much remember when i was 200 pounds and not 240 pounds i used to make him oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips that was his favorite oatmeal cookies with butterscotch chips the best ever all right looks like we got some cool stuff in here now somebody may be thinking well it's sheets that's not cool but anytime you can get a crocheted blanket like that leanne who made it oh that's a pretty one no probably my uh my dad's mom so dad's mom she's the one that crocheted so grandma made that so that's probably the back side she made every one of her grandchildren um she made like a little small baby blanket for a boy and a girl whatever for their future kids oh yeah this is a beautiful piece very cool this one i started a uh afghan lot i'm winning a couple days worth of work dwindling down to about eight or so boxes here and she's just going straight for it here we go this is our makeshift table you want to do the honors now everybody right now is like why didn't you just bring a table with you there is not space in here to set up a table well this is more fun too we got stuff everywhere right now most of it's in the trailer oh you got a box in a box look at that books oh you know what that might be yeah that's your daughter's so we're gonna resource the love to liam's daughter sierra who wanted her books back so there was like one thing in this storage unit that we were supposed to look for and it was sierra's books and george just found them yeah not bad not bad sierra is probably going to say you won because you found them me on the other hand ain't going to happen my daughter thinks i found something this was in george's box charlie daniels band very cool bourbon street new orleans and french quarter quarter this would be something my brother i'm selected definitely something her brother would i bet you i bet you were wishing to find a an american quarter huh french quarter america you know coin pushers coin pushers okay yeah apparently not just french corners he's gloving up ladies and gentlemen safety first you haven't worn a glove yet i'm going all the way back to the corner okay going back to the back you know why because i think there is some money in crochet do you think blankets more crocheted blankets um it could be crocheted blankets could be quilts it could be afghans it could be oh liam's coming in slicing coming in hot with her gatorkey okay i was completely and totally [Music] making a table this this would be another box that could be in all right i'm sorry she told us there's something special i'm still using this box as a table this is not my pick listen to you just cheating cheating i'm setting up a table i'm trying to help you you're trying to help me this was in the linens closet and that's where that um that special table definitely a table definitely a table gonna get the real box right now the real one leanne what do you think of this nonsense that jeremy's pulling right now i don't know it's not right it's not right jeremy well it certainly ain't wrong all right let's see what we got here we've got we got a little bell house this might be a woodhouse [Laughter] it might be polly pockets but i doubt it oh this is actually the better box because it's got your favorite yes vhs favorite video games it's my favorite right there the quiet man ain't nothing quiet about you man when the camera goes on then when the camera is off who's the one that does all the talking you oh you so you're animated whether the camera is on you wish or the camera is off okay let's see you think it's in there [Music] we do have we've got some vhs let's see what songs are these this is oh your brother there you go john wayne set right there you're a john wayne fan aren't you or is it johnny cash that i'm thinking of i love johnny cash are some of these family videos or family yeah you're gonna definitely want those back um i'll give it to you yeah that's money you sure you don't want to go for this giant one right up front i can't carry that you don't want to go for the uh hand painted ceramic bunny cookie jar the white hall colony crystal glasses no i'd rather go for the mystery you hails box okay the you hails the honors george george is just cheating now didn't bring a cookie didn't bring a knife using leanne's cookies this isn't cheating this is just getting assistance oh so that i don't break a nail man handling the tape all right uh george would you like to oh [Music] garfield i used to love watching garfield 1978. george would you like to pick mine weren't you yes i was would you like to pick my next box no i just need some assistance no no okay looks like we got yeah we got some class uh you'll probably want this back some family stuff there there's a there's the leanne folder look at that we found leanne right there wait george don't look in there that's her diary was this your diary oh i was close i was close i that sells old stationery sells really well really really well you should keep that one florida's poisonous plants snakes insects so if we open and let's find print egyptians if we open page 43 we'll see a picture of jeremy's face all right a point and a half away from that eastern black diamond bag let's see it she messed up diamond back with black and she went black diamond back see look the the snake was hiding in these bushes and here's jeremy's nose you see his nose right there that is poison ivy pretty sure let's see wilderness skills sciences no not wilderness skills a college book that like i think that's your kids tyler [Applause] what is that what's in i see a case of something you definitely need dusting cloths unless you want it back i can always use a dusting cloth always what's getting dusty well i use the cloth to wipe down some of the stuff that i auction off oh really oh oh oh you're jumping the gun i didn't jump anything oh jewelry okay now we have we have that looks gold-plated found gold and silver in this unit yes money and money firearms that might be 10k maybe it was from band dad dad was in band no i was oh and then keys the cookies these look like luggage out there you're gonna you're gonna use those for your next box no leanne's gonna help me out okay all right look at all all kinds of cool stuff oh it was a good night we started a nightlight a lot that looks like a jewelry box no it is is it a scissor box it's got scissors on top oh remember when you said you lost your marble i found it found your mouth washed my marbles in my marbles nothing else in there but this is a really cool box i do like to do jewelry box lines oh look at that that was my brother this was i did start a wallet lot so that'll go in there business cards actually those are really really old they probably still smell they're perfumes those are perfect fragrances smell-o-vision no no smell again i think doesn't it smell like chocolate it definitely doesn't smell like stuff that's you told ravi to do it to me i did tell robin yeah and now look funny it was funny and everyone thought it was funny times three hahaha times three any other treasures down there look at that look at this and it's silver plated pretty sure that says duo server listen i took three years of french slept through all of it and still got to be in the class i think i know my friends but you didn't retain anything i didn't have to the teacher just passed me because she had to have enough students to pass so that she could keep the job so she felt sorry for you um no she wanted to get a paycheck okay there we go look at that look at that patina right now oh wow look at that patina a patina there a patina here everywhere everywhere patina yeah not sure what george is doing there but this isn't why i chose i'm freestyling that's what i'm doing don't you freestyle i learned it from you freestyling [Laughter] look at this more afghans okay these are this is what i thought we would get into i thought we'd get into some homemade afghans that one's a little rough that one's got some stains that one there that one's really pretty what do we got here florida gators look at that florida gators well oh awesome give a few people okay i'll give a few there's another one right there that one's like rastaka jamaica jamaica man jamaica man you're making me crazy jeremy how much bathroom attire was this going baseball going with the schneider swoop it's gone she gone he gone okay and there you go you've been asking for a nice little map for the toilet bam trick or treat don't smell your feet not much left in there what the box is that's a a good uh 10 by 10 unit that might be 10 by 15. look at that look at that this is a bass pro not what i was looking at i was looking at not that either i was looking at bam bugs bunny game boy okay now what were you looking at i was looking at all the fishing lures and the other fishing lot stuff i started a fishing lot for the auction so this can definitely go in there look at that interesting interesting that looks like that um that bobber has seen better days it sure has this one too one yeah what's in there but and here's a bunch of oh little mermaid that's number two uh i see the rescuers down under under there i recently did a disney a disney uh vhs lot you did really well yeah you're gonna do another one i'd like to yes lion king beauty and the beast what about the christmas story with that guy they're in there miracle yes it's in there leave it to bieber that kind of looks like you when you're a kid yeah pretty much so you used to dress up that way i was much more handsome with with khakis yeah absolutely christmas story this was uh recorded in cleveland yes you'll shoot your eye out oh wow i got a lot of cool ones those are these are the lights there's bambi's yeah but the bootleg stuff that they got off the tv it sells on ebay because people want the old commercials for reals care bears no i was joking [Music] too little he's gonna be hitting the last box it's not labeled how did you get the last box you just decided to take it you insisted that i take the last box you're right i did because because my back hurts your back and my back this is going to seal the deal whether yes i won again i won again admit it admit it just admit it let's cheers to your victory i'm not sure what that means but here's to jeremy's victory i refuse to work under these conditions i need grapes well i don't have any grapes i need mountain dew i don't have anything to do either i want it intravenous i want an iv a mountain dew right now or i don't work okay felicia [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 88,869
Rating: 4.9191203 out of 5
Id: nYHfhethq9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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