FOUND MONEY IN SAFE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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we're making out like bandits oh man look at that there's more gold got this one only for five dollars now this was the very first unit of the day nobody was bidding now i love this business this facility organization so i wanted to make sure that they didn't have any no sales they still had some but from the beginning i wanted to put that up front bid so that people were bidding throughout the day 100 bill hundred dollar bill let's go better say 50. let's go along here 50 75 150 75 157 let's go wrong here it'll get ten ten dollars let's go running ten ten year old still cold we'll get ten dollar bill i'm gonna get ten on this kind here together them in ten ten five let's go mid five five in the interest here that'll be five dollar bill we'll get five and a sky near to get five [Music] bill let's take a look now at first you would go no no no no don't bid i was telling the guys afterwards i think this is a grandma unit now there was garbage falling out everywhere christmas presents still wrapped in a tote stacked and packed number 44 guys to helen what do you think on this one here i actually i want to know what's in those christmas times but look there were little gems like this you see that george you've got this helmet in here we don't know why or how we've got clubs down here this could be military look look i saw this this is okay can you can you get back in here a little bit see all the bamboo fishing poles i'm gonna move some of this stuff okay okay all right so garbage cans stuff like that now this this is what i was looking at all right this is what i was looking at but then the crazy parts of that stuff is falling everywhere the crazy part was and i'll show it in the video yeah look right here i peeked around you see it you see it it is a mobile wheelchair which to me oh i see it now this cries out grandma passed away had all the presents and the executor of the estate had to put everything inside and then the mobile chair is back there as well i want to know what's for christmas you want to know what's for christmas christmas is around the corner here we go this is one of the garbage bags that sell out by the way we found out afterwards they told us that there was a sister unit to this unit jesse of clear thrifts bought the sister unit as soon as the door went open it was huge and it was packed with stuff he jumped the bid up that's carabao's right there there could be some good stuff in here he jumped the bid up at 400 bucks right then and there he went hundred dollars and that's jumping the bid big shock nobody else bit against him nobody he got it for four hundred dollars it's had another facility they're all trying to 425 what does that mean we're here jesse got it jesse got it okay let's see this christmas present tote number one look at this wow look at this brand new christmas present christmas present christmas present christmas prep there's one two three four that's clothing uh five six seven eight nine now the question is do we find the family and try and give it back because look to helen from mom and earl or to helen to helen to helen i'm i gotta guess this is a granddaughter a granddaughter their only granddaughter there's one way to find that i know people right now are going how dare you drift oh yeah this is a granddaughter this is a granddaughter look at this disney frozen all right i don't even know that we can find them to to try and get we can most certainly try and restore it to love if we can we can try but that doesn't always work oh [Laughter] what jeremy what is that file cabinet holy crap [Laughter] holy crap is that a safe oh my goodness oh my goodness clarence was joking the entire the entire auction clarence was joking clarence is the facility maintenance man he was joking he was trying to get me to bid on everyone because if they don't sell he has to trash them all and he kept saying there's a hidden safe a hidden safe a hidden safe every single one there's a hidden safe let's get this puppy out he freaking didn't you have gun this thing's a beast i don't know if i can get this out we might have to call jesse and conkey and see if they came to get their units unfortunately this this is coca-cola what we're trying to do we're trying to move this stuff so we can actually see oh look at that hoagies and grinders hoagies and grinders navy beans navy beans meatloaf i don't think i know that song oh man careful oh my goodness okay careful oh my god [Applause] there's i don't think we've ever seen one this big before this is gonna be this thing is huge i could fit in there a million this thing is so big i could even fit in there you could probably put in there too it is huge oh my goodness oh my goodness you're out of breath uh you would be too you want to trade no way i will trade you uh i have a bad back we didn't bring the sledgehammer did we we got to go back to the warehouse and grab it there's only one thing to do we're gonna have to lock up slide this in we'll lock this up we'll go back to the warehouse we'll grab the sledgehammer and we'll see actually i'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna close it and lock it you're gonna go get the sledgehammer i'm staying here in case anybody comes are you gonna should i lock you in it while i go run and grab those legends george real funny let's see if it makes any noise are you ready yeah holy cow did you hear something no not yet i heard something this thing has got to be 500 plus pounds did you hear that i definitely heard something listen listen listen i can't go much further watch holy cow this thing is freaking huge look here it's bending you see it it's definitely not easy standing up i'm afraid if we tip it over it's so heavy i may not be able to get back up especially with george i'm thinking either i have to call conkey and jesse over here because they're in worcester i believe look at picking up their units or i go i get the angle grinder i can try cutting through here first through the pins and we'll see what happens we'll see how well we can do this with a generator hitting from the side and even cutting standing up isn't going well i am gonna have to lay this thing down and it is so heavy that's my concern i just don't know if i lay it down oh my goodness there's no way not even if george did help there's no way i could there's no way i'll get this back up okay ready here we go listen to this there's did you hear it this time listen again or something i was gonna say listen to it hit the ground but did you hear it get over here get over here i heard it right here ready did you hear it i hear something all right um is everything clear behind it ready oh i heard something that time holy cow the whole freaking ground shook and and there's definitely something in here i heard oh i think i got the first hit oh nice i got it first hit sure did holy hot okay um remember that pry bar that we found in the 1800 and 1700 unit yeah i have it in the toolbox what if let's see if we can pry this it's moving see it nice it's moving okay now if we can oh it's coming up coming up that's the whole thing coming up or is it just i don't know if i can is it yeah the whole thing looks like it's coming up the whole thing let me let me see if i can get this one all right there it's going you see it the whole thing's moving i need something to stick in here okay okay now give me a bite now i need see okay okay i think it might be able to work huh i think i'm gonna have to keep beating it i'll take it peace by piece if that's what i have to do to win because i am not an individual that gives up in a fight see this that's just the face we have to get under here that's the concrete lining that's why this thing's so stinking heavy somehow we have to get this to buckle all we're doing right now is breaking the breaking the concrete concrete i might not have to swing anymore look george look i just tested it i need the i need the the yellow pry bar trap just swing around and grab it that's why i'm oh lost it i've lost it pry bar here we go if i can get all right i'm in i'm in i'm in you're in i'm in i'm under i see it okay now let's see if we can get under from here okay oh my gosh you're so close okay all right do you want to hold the crowbar no it's moving whatever it's look see that right there there's a pin you see that right there yeah we popped the pin nice okay so this was good okay i need see if i walk it down here if we can pop the other pins without me getting hurt it's so close oh man [Applause] okay what's holding it on come on okay something's going something's going on something's happening trying to see if i can see on the inside what do you see just darkness okay right now it's just darkness all right i have to use the leverage oh my god it's not going look here's a pin right here look one there's the other two there's two pins okay now what no what let's look around the other side see if it popped at all anything pop over there no just all i see is the concrete you're right it bounced back up and hit my knuckle up oh man that hurt you're getting that dentin it's so close there goes the handle this thing is so close look over here look over here how nice i can oh man holy cow wow look at there's the meshing for the concrete okay man i need something bigger this thing is smoking can you see the smoke here i found the pin over here look at this see that right there there's the pin see it all right i'm thinking if we can wait if we can i'm gonna have to go against the building if we can roll it i can knock the pin and i got it okay i'm gonna pound this down okay to try and pop the pin and then i'll pound in you see the pins all right here we go okay back covered in concrete man oh man oh i see some coins can i see some coins you want to take a breather real quick holy cow holy freaking cow oh my gosh there's some compartments up there wow this safe is legit stuff in here okay okay let's um look at all that concrete okay let's move that do you think all right there's stuff everywhere in here yeah there is we're gonna have to go through all this okay what are those all right hold a second let's try and do this without crap there's stuff everywhere look at that that looks presidential sweet okay what are those two thousand or that two thousand oh wait wait there's one right there it must have got knocked around yeah and the oh crap i just you know what i can't they're quarters these are quarters okay i'm gonna set that there what's this then is that i don't know if i popped that out of something and no probably not huh okay oh my goodness look at this okay what's this there's 2002 louisiana tennessee oh it's got like a it's like a hologram effect holograms there's 2001. that's got a hollow effect with it hollow halo i don't know what it is hologram there's another one wow check that out check that out a three cent piece is down there two cent piece that's that's an old penny a three cent piece is that it 1833 wow 18 33 you know what i'm thinking we might find that 1943 copper penny that would be awesome what's this what is this this is an indian head collection okay indian head collection what's this end of the war in vietnam faith hope love let us pray pray for peace love thy neighbor oh wow what's this uh 2000 state quarter collection so somebody definitely was collecting coins absolutely what's this one up here i don't know okay what do we got look this one got all jammed around too check that out oh man look at that the colored ones colored i've never seen those before that's really cool wow okay okay all right i don't want man i don't want to mess these up but i think we might have messed them up already banging what's this okay there's more check that out oh wow somebody has their entire coin collection holy cow somebody needs to tell somebody you don't need a 500 pound safe for a coin collection okay holy cow what is this okay here's another one check that out 1999 state quarter course those look hologram hologram holographic hologram i don't know what is this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow what that says 1943 no no 1934 i had just like a dyslexic moment this has got to be all silver wow yeah that those definitely look silver except for the penny 1943. okay holy cow oh wow oh man okay what's this this this is empty actually i think i know i think i know look at this you see they're well i'm maybe i don't know i'm guessing because they're definitely all right i'm not probably not putting together the collection correctly but there are definitely some random things everywhere here take a look at that wow ah really cool oh man my body hurts what's this united states there's another indian head collection it's really cool what's that 2001 state quarter collection that's more quarters okay what is holy cow okay all right tons of concrete tons of concrete and this is where everybody goes well why why would you pound the why would you pound the safe open let me tell you why pound the safe's open number one just because you think this is a 500 safe doesn't mean i can settle for 500 number two it would cost a locksmith bare minimum 250 dollars to re-lock a safe this safe isn't worth 250 dollars that's why number three there's a thing it's a hails of a lot more fun beating it it's so much more fun all right there's some quarters there you know there's some quarters right there you see that uh-huh okay there's a collection here is buffalo coin buffalo coin collection here is what's that american nickels of the 20th century there's silver in there liberty head definitely a liberty head end of the war in vietnam right there what's this one here is a strange but true these are seven letters in each name both presidents legacy the successors andrew i don't have time or patience to actually read that um oh yeah there's definitely more quarters in there buried under the concrete buried under there i'm gonna set that up there if it's this okay we'll have to go through all this and clean it all up okay check that out there's more these colored ones are so cool you think all 50 states are in here that would be awesome oh okay apparently that goes to something all right if that goes to something and it looks like that's the complete present presidential coin collection oh there's ohio all right what else do we have oh you know what that top that i just had probably goes to that to this okay here's another here's another coin and here's another one okay there's two okay there's two right there okay there's something [Laughter] is that a dollar fifty or a hundred and fifty maybe that's 150 [Music] they're all in protective cases at least they were what's that where right there um a little silver no those aren't silver i don't it's probably just another kind of collective case you do love shiny quarters i do love shiny quarters there's some more shiny quarters i'm gonna set this is there anything else in there yeah i'm just upside down right now oh we go there's enough yep there's something else in here okay what's that a whiskey box you have a knife in the car i do yep it's whiskey canadian sipping [Applause] oh whiskey oh wow oh man we might have gold nice we might have gold let's see what we have okay aarp life insurance calculator like the world 18 is 1849 stagecoach okay what is that is that shank blade yeah shank one blade god that might be gold yeah that looks like gold look at that remember when it jumped up and hit me that that hinge let me grab the first aid kit no i want to see if we have gold okay there's a watch here is oh look at that little inscription pin okay um love some of this is just why would you keep this if it wasn't gold the band you know what i mean there's a key i don't think it goes to that [Applause] look at that it's kind of crown i don't i don't think that's gold if it was it was plated you see how it wore off not sure what that is the clark asbestos company that's never good one asbestos that's like cufflink yep that's a cuff link that might be silver go like that you see any markings not right now that doesn't mean there isn't any but i'm also exhausted after beating this thing okay there's more quartz sandy quartz and bill there we go there's a bill i'm not sure who bill is there's another watch here is does that say 125 dollars to your service two year service 125 here is look at this there's a liberty what's that say 1924 1924 some keys we'll check these in a second we'll put those up there there's another cuff link and usually you press these down or pull up there we go less clock look at that it's pretty you hear it clicking wow okay look at this george george look at this actually i was looking down here i thought i grabbed a handful of them no no i saw more collectible coins down like look at that that's silver that's an old quarter here's a couple buffalo nickels look at there's a 50 cent piece that's silver oh wow i'm sure about that one holy cow do you think that's ivory and then there's a ring that looks cool this is played 14 karat gold plated okay let's see what else we have what do you keep in your whiskey box this is 18 karat gold oh no the stone is missing but the gold is still there that gold 18 karat gold is worth it the stones in this this one's sterling silver sterling silver now we have to figure out is that stone good or not this is dutch land uh-huh 1992 one dollar this says one dollar gaming token what's this you know what this is right what is that [Applause] here is a silver you can tell by the patina and then this is gold 10 carat 10 carat there and that i don't know timex this is let's see i'm marking on that one holy cow look at these look at these there is a dime a dime that looks silver this is but the stone's missing stone is missing i can't see the carrot but it does have a carrot there's a backing more keys i'm gonna set those up and buffalo buffalo nickels more keys set those up there it looks like tiger's eye that might be gold that might that might be gold this this is 925 that's sterling silver another buffalo nickel another buffalo nickel some kind of key all right i'm gonna set those over here look at the pile over here this is what we found in the whiskey box so far okay holy cow what is this is this all going oh crap what crap there was some drop something yes i did and it was gold i don't see it now i like tipped it over it's like oh maybe that's it right there see how that looks like gold that's probably it's probably gold right there this right here this is sterling silver that says sterling silver this is gold for sure this is okay this is 10 carat right here that's 10 karat these look like gold too i did and when i tipped it over it didn't all go in my hand i don't see anything i don't know it's gone now hey paid five bucks for this unit i think we'll be okay yeah we're making out like bandits oh man look at that there's more gold this doesn't look gold but this sure does you see that there oh that's definitely that's gold that is gold that looks like uh what carrot is that what carrot is that okay here is oh look at that you see that there's more gold can you see the carrot on it no it's hard to see okay 100 are any of them star notes no that one look at that one what's up with that one maybe that's an error misprint or i don't know i don't know i haven't even i've never seen one like this have you seen one like this how old is it what's series 1985 i would have been i was three eight i would have been eight okay okay holy cow anything else in that whiskey box yeah concrete see that concrete all right now we gotta check the keys oh geez how many let's see how many keys you found here hopefully one of those fits i've done this much damage already what's it gonna hurt to just do some more damage oh man these are soaking wet with sweat well that's what i was thinking and just i have the key right here here's the key okay i'm just gonna manhandle it oh george oh what is that looks like an old flintlock wow holy cow holy cow cow oh wow um okay let's just we'll set that aside because i don't even know how to okay what do we have here oh we have check all the pages see if there's anything hidden in between the pages this looks like an old bible and then okay we have concrete remains it looks like we have some more coins holy cow we have to let jesse know jesse bought the other unit that matches this yours common owner not matches there's another facility he bought it straight up 400 bucks holy cow holy cow five dollars that's incredible i need a nap it's crazy [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 1,118,678
Rating: 4.7125411 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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