COPS CALLED On Neighbors AGAIN ... Protecting Our Property ... I Bought An Abandoned Ranch

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do you see this do you see this all the time in florida or is this like no i've never seen a house right against probably not is this one of the craziest things ever yes yeah because they knew they were encroaching and they knew the neighbors on the other side anytime you buy a piece of property you should have a survey done exactly common sense but as you know already leave you count common sense isn't that common the day has finally come we're finally finally getting the survey on the 70 acres here in otter creek this line right here you look straight down there this is the whole reason why i hired you guys here's just a glance of my property this road being oh jeez this road being leased by the south tower company you see the garbage just everywhere everywhere this is just absolutely insane this is our property right here this is the line as you can see this home has been built on our property so this addition right here has literally been built on our physical property all the items here on our property the home is even on the property my fence contractor just called me he's over at the neighbor's property which is my property but he's at the boundary line we got to go see what the hails he has to say about all of this surveyors out already and this this barbed wire or this fence here and then you got the rebar back here that's that's the original pin so the original owner pulled all that off and you how far is it from there 53 feet across is 217 feet but back there okay so surveyors surveyor set is 209 so if you got 217 so you could see you literally you see i see it you see where they had the old fence right yeah okay did you see where it's up on the house do you see this do you see this all the time in florida or is this like no i've never seen a house ride against property line is this one of the craziest things ever yes okay it gets crazier because i want to show you something because they knew they absolutely knew they were doing this so do you want to do you want me to rip do you want me to rip all this out or i mean i basically i basically i want you to you're gonna if you're gonna take it out you might as well take your post up out of here so take those two so basically i'm not gonna use them yeah my fence post here became it became about the pen there the house oh yeah the houses yeah it's it's wild i mean it's to claim stupidity to claim oh i didn't know i mean you can't claim any of that so you solve this what we're going to do we're going to get the tractor in two saturdays all of this all this is going to get pushed off okay and then the the dumpster the dumpster is getting hauled away in two saturdays as well so the tractor's pushing all this dumpster is getting hauled off and you'll have a clear path you'll have a clear path for sure what you're gonna do about house you're gonna rip it down they've got four weeks so they got four weeks to pull the house off of the property line and what i told them was i'm not the county i don't care about i don't care about distance that has nothing to do with me i care about whether it's on my property or not so if they don't pull it far enough off that's going to be with them in the county that's that no permit pulled you know they know what they did and uh i just told them get off my property then anything else after that that's with them in the county but the one post up here is crazy i had to hold down thing down they actually used my fence post for the hog pen this is what drives me this right here this is my fence post so they use the fence post to create the hog pad i know it's your finger it's all in line it's all in line it's they probably picked up a few of them out of there pulled them up and got them out of their yard isn't it wild there's another one even over here by the house we gotta go look at that one all this is getting pulled out this will all be done in two saturdays that's when this is all getting done and then this will be done they're gonna push all this there's another one in here so so they're gonna pull everything back so here's here's the line right here on the house so they're going to pull everything back they got four weeks to pull everything back and then you want to pull over there as long as i can get away yeah as long as you can get over here as long as you can get over there so the corner of the house hits it i mean it's just it hits all that stuff up through there all of it yeah i know all of it but that's that they're going to pull all of that back and here's the one the one posted driving the nuts oh where'd it go okay look at this yeah i see it it's even painted see this post it's the original fence to then claim that you have no clue what's going on what happened this is they even painted it i mean it just boggles my mind you've never seen anything like this in florida all the all the years you've been doing fencing this is the first time welcome to otter creek okay so then from up here which you know what this is too right you know that's my fence post yeah that's one of your posts that's what it cornered out you can't get no so this is my fence post as well everything again everything will be pushed over but then here's the actual survey pin is down here a foot so i want you guys to come out here and then okay and then yep that's fine and then put a uh gate right here and we'll lock the gate across that driveway yep gate will go across the driveway and then uh and then i'll put a lock there and then the only people will have access or myself in the cell tower company okay so you're it's 217 and 53 that's 270 feet okay i do believe i told you five dollars a foot for first and wide but it's the graduated one so it's the smart wire the smart wires graduated yeah okay wait is it is it is it college graduated or trying to pass your fans okay that's what we were talking about that matches that wire back here that's fine okay all right and we'll just put a gate up and then and then we'll be ready to roll all right so you know i don't charge people for gates yeah i'll go buy it for you okay i'll get the receipt that'd be fine i'll give you give you the receipt that'd be fine you want one that's got matching mesh on the gate what do you think's best anytime you can get welded mash to a gate it keeps the gate from over time okay if you just put one without mesh give me what you think it's best about a year and a half it'll yeah just give me what you think is best to keep people out and to keep the gate functional okay then i'll put your matching gate gator but we'll just use the severe gate all right that works you don't have to have fancy black stuff or anything no i don't want anything fancy i just want to campaign yeah i just want to keep trespassers out and keep the dump off of my property that's it that's it so so they've got two saturdays we're pushing everything over with the tractor they got four weeks to get the house off of the property line and then you guys you call me when it's all off hot you want me just like that's gonna happen you know what there's a tractor that's gonna make sure that housing if it's not in four weeks here we go more money for neighbor issues you see what i'm forced to carry around with me now you see we don't carry around with me every single damn gun yeah is that a nine no this is a 40. yeah i have to carry that one now because i'm getting i'm getting threatening no no people are threatening me and my family on i'll shoot the wound hopefully you'll plan to stay alive oh we'll be a hero you're actually drawing the fence line through the house right through the house you ever had to do that before in your life never never never look at that right there we're actually putting the fence line through the house getting a survey on a property is a huge deal imagine yourself going into walmart you go to buy a dozen eggs right but you're not allowed to open the case okay you can't open the case you have no idea what's inside there could be eggs missing there could be eggs broken the same thing with buying property without a survey a survey is a common standard normal procedure except when the people selling don't want that survey could you imagine literally walking into walmart buying a thing of eggs opening the carton when you get home and you don't have 12 eggs you only have 11. you're gonna go back to walmart and you're going to go where's my 12th egg my surveying buddies russell and zach are back we're going to look at the rest of the points of the property here today should be interesting to see what we find okay russell and zach they're back in action you got the whole survey right there in front of you so you actually found the front pin yep and this one here so that's what we're looking at yeah we're gonna walk up to this one so you found both of them look at you guys oh so it was so it was this one right here oh it's right next to it and then i bet you i bet you mr cl clark put that post in there but it's like right right there right there oh perfect so that's our that would be our north east point oh there it is all that rain buried it back in so that's the that would be your first that's that guy right bam right there up on the front of the road of otter creek avenue okay so that rebar was definitely attempting to mark it but there it is right there in the ground yep you never know when you're gonna find a an old car hauler trailer back in the woods there we go we're still tromping through and find this next point this whole fence here i didn't even know it was here but this whole fence here it's actually mine it's on my property that jog right there that's the angle so the pin the pin is what that's got to be a good six seven feet in from the fence huh that's another pipe i believe i can see it right down there on the ground you guys put the surveyors tape over it okay that's a lot of fence huh very very interesting extremely interesting somebody else's items or even their fence on my property that is a huge issue number one it's a huge liability issue now some of you right now are thinking well jeremy you have so much we've seen you in the past give us so much why don't you just give the property why don't you just cut that little slip why don't you just give that as well all right here's my number one challenge for you why don't you give some of your property to your neighbor and stop spending my money okay number one all right now number two it's not that easy with property to just take a sliver and go all right here you go this takes time it takes money it takes calculations resurveying the whole deal i've spent tens of thousands of dollars already correcting these issues and i have to guess this is just a guess that not a single person watching okay not one person out there who goes jeremy why don't you just give them the property i bet you don't go to your boss at the end of the week and when you look at your check and you go uh there's money missing you just go you know what i got plenty i'm just going to give that back to my boss and my employer no you expect to receive what you purchased what you worked for and that's the same with property you expect to receive absolutely everything you bought so that was that was the rebar attempting to mark it right and that's the actual point right there so that rebar is off so even though mr clark probably set that fence that fence isn't on my property therefore i can't touch it so it's it's mr clark put it up but as you can see it's off the property line i can't touch it nor will i touch it it's not mine not my property michael can do whatever he wants with the fence so just just so everybody knows it doesn't matter that mr clark put the fence up i don't own the fence because it's not on my property so mr clark should never put it over on the property line just like nobody should put anything else on my property line so it's up really to the owners of the property what they want to do with the fence i'm not going to do anything with the fence because i don't own it what you're going to see next is the next day following all of this here we go otter creek yet again an entire road blocked this time kenny is actually moving it looks like kenny jr has got a little nice smirk on his face as well would you like to say it louder there you go let's go see how things are being cleaned up on the property up by the fence line my fence crew comes in in two weeks so i gave two weeks to get everything off of the property they might even started on the house for all we know let's find out for sure right here there's the old no trespassing keep out right there now we've got to pull up the old fence and i gotta say a lot of respect for michael michael has taken responsibility for something that he didn't do and i actually went above and beyond he helped me because my fence crew needs all these old posts out so that they can put the new ones in so what we're going to do is we're going to pick it all up and we're going to find out exactly what has been done what still needs to be done wow we throw all these is michael over this morning or no i don't think he went to church didn't he it usually doesn't matter we should be back in a little while no susie the the one thing i didn't talk to michael about it yet is while it's off my property and that's all i wanted right the county can still come back for you and go i know so you need to be ready because if the county comes they're gonna make you tear it all down because there was no permit and and typically i didn't know i didn't get a permit i thought he got one but that was for the other force but that was through the count i went through the town hall that we got that one from usually they they're they're building codes you've got to be anywhere from 10 to 25 feet away so i told michael i don't care how far away it is that has nothing to do with me i just need it off of the property and i was gonna get this little bit of brush right here they get the big lemons on them they use the conch chills that makes them salt meat salt and pump shells yeah but i'm out here trying to finish doing the rest of this get all the rest of this cleaned up they're coming they're coming in two weeks that's what michael and i talked about we talked about we talked about one month to to get the house back and we just about i just thought of it all by the brush and stuff i was going to pick up clean all this mess up here i appreciate you being pleasant this morning well you know i get aggravated too and i know you get aggravated pissed off everybody has bad days man you know the world just keeps going and uh i just want to be civil to you and i want you to be civil to me that's all i can that's all i can ask you know yeah i can be nice and i know you can be nice that's all i'm a bad person you know y'all better get up there you being nosy you want to sell you want to sell that old truck back there which one the old um the old ford oh yeah i have the towels that i don't know if i have it or not but yeah i might if you want to sell it i'll make you an offer on it okay i forget what year that is you know i don't even know what year it is i just thought it looked really cool in my garden yeah that's what i was gonna do take the hood and lift up yeah make a garden like they do on yeah yeah i wouldn't even i wouldn't even want a title for it i would just think it'd be cool if you if you get to the point you want to sell it if you want to talk to michael or whoever if you want to sell it i'd be interested in buying it all right sounds good help you out with a little bit of money there yeah i need to finish getting this closed back in and we're going to bust the window out there so good on that bust the windows out taking the taking the ball back yeah a board hit them and busted them out but these banana trees right here they'll come back and they're good little bananas sweet and good all right i might come back with the tractor okay i'd take one and yeah okay we could plant it i know i got grapefruit over there and well i got them lemon trees if you want one of them that's what's growing over there lemon tree so they're all over i'll show you where it's at right here it's the big lemons is not the little yellow but it's the big lemons yeah and they're really i eat them they're good they're good yeah you can make lemonade or lemon pie or whatever things are looking good i think you're on just getting this cleaned up you're on schedule you're on track i'll i'll get a few more posts out of the way michael knock down if you want to take that one you can just pull that one right up and take it all right you know that's what i'm trying to do get off this up where i can um plant them okay all right i'll i'll pull the rest of these posts out get them out of the way and then i may come back and get the trees yeah get a tree or two that'd be great and they produce it i mean who the hails would have thought that things would end like that except things haven't ended as a matter of fact i have another boundary dispute with my other neighbors the neighbors that actually sold me the property now let's back up a little bit because all of this number one took me by complete and total surprise and number 2 should have never happened none of these videos should have ever even happened in otter creek if the previous owners number one they actually did a survey on the property and took care of all the encroachment issues before they sold the property that's what happens when you sell property that's normal but otter creek is anything but normal and you're about to see how it all plays out keep in mind i made an offer on the property and i was adamant about there had to be a survey done and the return offer was there will absolutely be no additional fees for any survey whatsoever and now i know exactly why the pin is what that's got to be a good six seven feet in from the fence huh that's another pipe i believe i can see it right down there on the ground you guys put the surveyors tape over it okay that's a lot of fence huh very very interesting extremely interesting as you watch this next clip these are the neighbors that actually sold me the property okay and i i just up front this has so taken me back i absolutely did not expect any of this i'm just literally in awe as i went to them and i said hey i had the survey done and literally that's what i did hey i had the survey done we've got a little bit of an encroachment issue here and then boom everything exploded i want you to know that i was not videoing as a matter of fact it was substitute george she did it of her own accord as a i was literally letting her off the property at the end of the workday and then she came up to protect me to start the video so that interaction i had no idea was even happening until brian actually yelled at her for videoing which doesn't make any sense you can't yell at somebody who videos their entire life you can't go well i don't want you in my neighborhood i don't want you in my area because you're a full-time vlogger if you don't want to be a part of a full-time vlogger's life don't do anything stupid and they don't have anything to record the same as if you don't want to go up to herschel's and get a sandwich don't go if you don't want to be a part of herschel's get a sandwich don't go to rehearsals you don't want to be a part of a youtube video don't do stupid things to the youtuber you're not going to help the situation oh you're not you sold the property telling you that i'll have mcmillan come out again all right bring it bring it brian bring it yeah and get these cameras out of here that shit's got to stop it ain't gonna stop it's not gonna stop at all if anything there's gonna be more i'm not you cannot tell her to turn a camera off you have no legal right to tell her to turn a camera off no more than you have legal right to have a fence on the property and if i get a youtube video what about it this is the first time you've been recorded and i didn't even ask her to do it tell me what i did i came to you politely and i'm coming to you politely again and i'm telling you i will have the survey company come out again so you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna cop an attitude over what that guy take all this yeah you have to you sold property brian okay so done so i'm telling you i will have mcmillan come out a third time you can talk to them you can ask them any questions why be why be rude about it how's that my fault i'm offering to have the survey company come again i'm not going back to ohio i'm offering to have the surveyor company come out again and talk to you i got it dude i got it just just please she can do whatever she wants okay she can do whatever she wants you're on my property she can do whatever she wants all right well tell me what the can of worms is that before i'm just gonna walk in before i say something that's probably wise now do you want me to schedule so you can talk to mcmillan what did i push all right so i'm offering one more time would you like to talk to the survey company oh my goodness so as things progress legally the individual in the clip is being held accountable and responsible for multiple things you can see destruction of property and there's going to be other things as well personal threats on property and pri individuals i'll just let the courts handle it most of the time people go into court the court system will bankrupt you and if that's what has to happen hey that's what has to happen i'm just not going to play these silly childish immature otter creek games anymore i've already sport time tons and tons of money into correcting issues that should have been corrected by the actual sellers and now they have a problem because they are the issue uh what happened is i bought this property from them 70 acres and they still own an acre right there what do you say about you saying now that this is his property this is your property because of the survey this is where physic this is where threats started you got a video of that yes i do all right so i want to be very clear i never anticipated that they would be an issue at all they've been great neighbors until this point and then when i said i got the survey done and we have an issue and then he blew up and then she came out she started talking about well i've already talked to this and i've talked to that never talked to me they already knew they were encroaching they already knew it was an issue never talked to me about it and then he blew up again i came back to say listen this is silly i'll have mcmillan come out triple check i already had him come out twice in check and then he blew up he made he made physical threats on me on the property and then she unbeknownst to me i didn't know she was filming she came up and started filming let me ask you questions just so i'm clear on it when did you buy the property in january 21 what what what did you buy i bought 70 plus acres here all of this here yes there's all your all your property yes there's that's when it went final and then this they wouldn't and they refused a survey you know why they refused the survey i have no idea because they knew they were encroaching and they knew the neighbors on the other side were involved any time you bought a piece of property you should have a survey done exactly common sense but as you know already leaving common sense doesn't that come you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 283,837
Rating: 4.8734536 out of 5
Id: NVDAf_Aww0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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