Found jewelry box with GOLD, SILVER & LOUIS VUITTON jewelry. First the $100k clothing, now this!

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yes we like that we don't know yet because when you find things like this throughout the locker you gotta wonder okay there's more in here oh god they're mystery i mean i'd like to say that is all oh no that's uh what do you call ostrich skin right there that's very expensive this is 14k oh my god this is 14 carats high end pieces let's don't let anyone see this i'm nervous now oh my god okay guys we're just trying to contain our excitement because there's literally like a right stink in there we should be hooting and hollering if that's gold oh my lord this is gonna be crazy but these is uh louie so let's see if there's oh my gosh what the heck these okay digital something trash electronics charger cables [Music] yes we like that it's mostly quarters too that's that's a few bucks should we put that receipt receipts from stuff she bought wow goods a lot of hunger i'd like to find what goes to this louis vuitton open that bag yeah now i'm gonna go through this box a little we're gonna have to be very careful when we go through this locker what's this it's a little hard drive great where's all the little epoxy on here all right let's look at this this is a nice bin okay a lot of tanning seriously a lot of tanning brand new though like she's committed to that for the auction all year round bare minerals tanning tanning it's all tanning sealed all this bronzer moisturizer body oil dude i am very little so this is all good stuff good options though i love it yeah it's great yeah i'm so excited okay this right here is money the auctions take a lot out here this is money medici one medicine yeah it's french making it back that's pretty much auction this there's a lot of them in there what is this transmission gel conductor ultrasound and electromedical procedures what is this jim maybe a steamer mini by essentials oh this is a uh self-tanner yeah it's a tanning machine expensive um but this this is like that gel that you put on like when we did the 3d baby sound you know yeah the ultrasound stuff so what is that with that maybe it goes with it conductor yeah i don't think so that that tanning machine might go with somebody oh it's worth a little bit for sure back here see mostly furniture it's super super heavy that's a big it's a beautiful color yeah it looks like there's this funk on there or broken oh it is messed up is it sucks yeah i don't i don't know with the glass bowl you need to don't you yeah that is true you need the glass bowl and then here's a blender what kind of blender is this [ __ ] ninja it does look like a ninja that looks a lot like a ninja yeah this is vitamix it's just as good this is big money and then this is all it looks like vitamins she was like i think the clothes are gonna be yeah that's gonna be where we're gonna get most of our money i think but we don't know yet because when you find things like this throughout the locker you gotta wonder right yeah yeah that means we have to look through everything very closely which means we need to take our time which is why i don't want to start with this unit because we have seven others we have to go quick on empty that is in beautiful condition this is the box alone it's probably worth the best okay there's more in here oh god [Music] what is that it's missing a diamond yeah i don't know is it gold or silver i'm not sure but i don't know silver well i know that but i don't know if it's real yeah these are pretty is it gold or silver silver but i don't know if it's real silver look how it pretty feel like silver to me wait this has a marking in it i don't think this is gold either though this could be gold this has a name tag in it that's beautiful yeah jbk jbk look at that it's not goldman diamond some platinum maybe platinum [Music] that doesn't flatten but this kind of looks like white gold i was hoping this would be but i don't think so let's shake we got to untangle this and you'll get that do you think these are diamonds because it looks nice it looks real i mean i'd like to say maybe that is all oh no that's uh what do you call ostrich skin right there that's very expensive this was just in a box with leggings a laundry bag laundry bag oh my gosh honey these look real okay hold on just a second okay let me get the loop i had a feeling when we found the other jewelry i had a feeling we might find more okay give me something to look at here it's cz but no marking it doesn't feel that doesn't feel good this is not i mean this is high-end nice stuff this is not cheap i'm gonna take it back this is 14k oh my god it's hollow yellow just diamond what do you mean it's like a citroen or something what do you mean what do i mean hollow you don't see how light that gold is it feels like my ring dude this could be a yellow diamond that is not a yellow diamond gym well it fits me and i'm no no it's now mine go out in the sun maybe then you'll realize it i don't care if there's no way that's not mine look at that this is 14k oh my god there's 14 characters they're all high-end pieces let's don't let anyone see this i'm nervous now dude these are all gorgeous beautiful pieces oh my gosh honey this is 14k right here oh my god we're gonna we're gonna go through this and make sure we saw the jewelry out oh my gosh this doesn't see oh my gosh this doesn't say anything right here but that's produced it could still be silver though oh my god oh my gosh i'm sorry i'm freaking out right now this is 18k right here gosh honey that's 18k we're getting quieter and quieter i think those are somewhere over there just got right over there so this is 18k that is it weighs a lot hey these are all real this is really my gosh that's can't be real honey this could be real in this locker that's brass or something this is interesting what does that say right there it's marked 925 china this is silver that's still nice these look nice babe do you see the design in all these honey this one is uh cz so that's this cubic zirconium but it says ti is that is that titanium could be ah i want to see if we got gold 925 right here silver this costume this way they're high-end costumes honey this stuff's beautiful this is like david yerman i don't know what that is but it's plated no those are gold seven five zero that's gold i think that's uh seven five zero i think it's 18k oh my gosh i think that's 18k right there freaking out are you freaking out yeah teddy can i look underneath i think there's something more under here 14k right here yeah we're gonna get through it okay oh my god this right here this could be this could be oh my god that looks real oh my god okay guys we're just trying to contain our excitement because there's literally like a right stink in there we should be hooting and hollering if that's gold oh my lord this is gonna be crazy okay wait i think this is what's on here i wonder okay this is nine two five so this is actually silver it's gold silver yep that's nice it's alright i was hoping for gold i'm not complaining i'm just saying it's not getting honey too excited this is in here i wonder what's in here a little too big about it maybe her finances okay something else oh my gosh those look like real diamonds and uh stones okay this chain right here says 14k all right but this pendant i don't see a marking on but it's part of it it's attached so i'm guessing it's not attached it's just a pendant no but it is attached it's it's right it's not attached is it yes it can't move what it's not gold those stones look real i don't know we'll have to check that when you go on yeah this yeah that's freaking 14k right there with diamonds with diamonds i'm sure that's diamonds oh my gosh yeah no it doesn't look like diamonds okay this was all together with it this was at the bottom so are these platinum going on wait this was at the bottom yes these were all at the bottom here are you freaking out right now yeah i had a feeling we were going to find joy this is 14k white gold right here this one 14k i need to look for the rest of this we should be doing this with the phone because the gopro sucks on the close-ups this is also 14k these are again when we get home those are more it's all in the bag there's more in there yes i gotta go through everything it's both 14k oh my gosh oh please oh my gosh it's marked what does that say right there holy moly 925 okay that's silver so what is so nice it's beautiful this is david yerman i think okay check these out oh this is right here yeah judith sterling's over this is silver that's silver and then this is not going to be gold not those okay this one we looked at that one we looked at what about this you pull this out this could be the most biggest one right here it's all done i say the weight on this doesn't feel right for gold it's hard to say though because there's so much of it i see no markings this is gold that's like that's a thousand dollars worth of gold right there because it is so heavy let me show where you're digging these out there's something in here can i show on camera where you're digging them out so people can see this is all coming out again there's another bag right there yes i know i'm gonna go through this two times i wanna make some new little bands there's another 925 right here this is a silver a gold plated silver right here oh my gosh oh another one full of jewelry look at this oh my gosh look at this sterling's over it's judas 925 these are gorgeous yeah these will sell did we go through this already i don't think so no i just pulled this one out this is the silver i'll just pull this one out too okay let me look at that yeah this is the silver we already looked at that there's so much good stuff in here that's good oh my gosh that i just found at the bottom at the bottom of the earrings just sitting there in between pants those look like diamonds you think look at that setting that looks like a real mm-hmm they're awfully cloudy you can clean them up a little bit this is the best laundry basket i've ever looked in boy no kidding okay i'm gonna clean this out and double make sure no other jewelry fell through jbk on this one jbk is another costume brand okay i don't know where to put the cost in there what time is it i don't know so what else do i have to go through here because you just this is all i don't know what we've been through uh we're just gonna bring this all home at this point all right guys we're gonna go home i'll look at all this stuff a lot more carefully we'll take the magnet to it we'll do a little gold testing and i'll make piles and i'll get you an update as to how much of each uh piece of jewelry you know gold silver whatever we got okay that's exciting still happy hour here okay look at that we got the we decided we're gonna take these home put them in our garage secure them because there's just too much money too much money there so we've got to get that secured first priority um there's so much good stuff here just looking around but jana is interested in this chair up here the chair i use on my desk is literally falling apart bought it in the state sale and it's a nice chair but it's just seen this day i'm a little hard on it i'm gonna hold your camera for you you do that yeah be careful honey but they're not getting it on the strip anyway i know but i just want to see it look at that he's the boss oh yeah that's so nice what brand is that says it right here sealy like the mattress check it out sit in it give it a spin you want to say anything in your captain chair no i don't care about that i know what you really wanted i want to look in the chair that was all ah you're getting the cushion dirty over there no i'm not getting the cushion dirty i just saw your fingerprint on it might be getting it dirty [Music] i see some money oh my gosh honey how can we leave here what the heck is this i don't know what is this it's just a little junk drawer box huh i know but look at that there's another electronic stuff missing the battery cover an old walk-in style recorder look at that paypal 1998. that's kind of neat [Applause] i wonder if she worked there 1997 ebay in case you guys don't know we actually live very close to the headquarters of ebay we live next to the headquarters of most of the tech companies apple google yeah i mean yahoo here in the silicon valley uh paypal 1998. all right should i get the little ladder and just begin that it wasn't as good as it first looked but that's right there i think a p.o box key right there she had a p.o box because i found the peel box renewal letter there it is yeah what is it oh no home office or something huh but the important thing is it there's all the boxes back there right it's all boxes babe here hold that for a minute i'm just gonna take a peek all right oh there's something else on this side though a bag oh stuff dude this is a heck of heavy it's boxes i mean uh books there's a lot of paperwork and books in there okay let it go should we go home we need to go home and unload this beast because uh the seat's pretty full all right what's up locker nuts we're back at the nut house and and i've got all the jewelry laid out on the table we'll show you that in a second i've got it all pretty much sorted out but we got something to do first let me show you what we got okay this box right here was up on the shelf there's a shelf immediately to the left of the unit against the wall and we kind of pulled a few things off there we didn't go through this but when jenna and i went back to get some garbage we you spotted that you were kind of yeah poking around and you spotted that and what did you see well this is the box that we had the jewelry box so i said oh there's vitamins and a jewelry box we're taking this with us so i can't wait to go home and see what's in it you told me you saw something else well yeah a little peek okay so you saw jewelry in there but i know i'm not allowed to look because i'll get in trouble all right so let's see what you got all right okay i don't know what that says someone hit rotten yeah that's kind of interesting okay so it's the same looks like the juice you just got right there and then oh some stuff fell out [Music] i found the louis vuitton oh box already okay oh that's beautiful it's another judith ripken oh it looks like it right yeah it does it looks just like another one of the pieces we got this is gorgeous look at that you guys this is it's overwhelmingly crazy right yeah that's probably sterling sitting here in a beautiful little it's probably 925 because all the other pieces were 925 with the judith ripka but these is uh louie so let's see if there's oh my gosh what the heck these are the louis vuitton logo those kind of i mean this is crazy right yeah even if that's not gold if it's real louis vuitton that's if it's real louis vuitton it's gold there's no way that it can't be i'm not familiar with them so i don't know i'm just saying louis vuitton for real but not put something that's not real gold what you see you don't see any markings let me feel it it feels like gold yeah that does yeah it's not super heavy but it's not super light either they're definitely hollow we gotta weigh these we'll do that we'll check see if it's cool what else we got okay i see something else yeah so when i picked up this box a few things fell out and as you can see you get a little better there are earrings these look like judith too oh this one just oh fell out okay we're gonna have that put back in oh how about you put that in we got a few stones we need to put in pieces right now and then another earring which looks like a diamond oh wait yeah we have it here we have the other one we have the other one to that oh thank you jesus awesome that is gold that one was gold this would look like silver right there yeah okay what else we got in here so we got the two earrings and that's it um okay yeah oh let's take a look at mine as well um neck here security camera probably and then she had a lot of vitamins intestinal formula i'm sure there's nothing else in those vitamin bottles you know yeah i know keys these are new silica all right wait let's look no no vitamins calcium all right let's look at this let's look at this real quick all right all right guys here's everything that we found all laid out nice and pretty for you so you can see it all in its glory really nice collection we'll start with this right here this i think is all costume here there's a couple pieces i'm gonna have to go through and test with the gold kit for example this ring right here there's a few pieces there i'm gonna test before we sew because there's no markings but um could be gold or at least gold plated it's a some really nice stuff there this lady has some taste over here we've got designer stuff so you see i've made sticky notes there with the designer names this is some high-end stuff this is how i am so pretty it's like a snake that's cool these jbk bracelets those are really nice right yeah with stones the vintage stuff's really popular do you think that's vintage i'm not sure about the stones in these i don't know if they're real they're really pretty nice stuff so that stuff this will eventually be making its way into our auctions so maybe this week you'll just have to come and find out some in future weeks oops don't look at that right there spoiler all right you already saw it but this right here is all silver this tray right here all silver pieces even the gold stuff this is gold gold silver so i think it's gold plated silver which is um too bad because this is some beefy heavy stuff still a lot of silver in there a lot of precious metal but uh in this one too really heavy pieces these are pretty they're stacking rings you can wear them anywhere you want and they're really intricate look how beautiful those are so pretty it's got some really nice this ring's gorgeous too the pink sounds if you think you know what's down that is traveling in the comets this one's gorgeous love it these these are so beautiful and this pretty blue one pretty nice i think these are czes most of these are mark cz so those are czs but that's that's really pretty what about that one that one i couldn't find any marking zone this one i can't find markings on other than 925 silver this one also i think is mark seizing but look at that it's like that it's real pretty the rectangle cut whatever that's called this tray right here is also all silver but all judith ripka judith ripco this lady really liked the judith ripka stuff and you can see why because this is definitely high quality there's it's gorgeous some really nice pieces here these bracelets are beefy they're very intricate designs very beautiful the judith ripke rings they're so pretty the silver is not going to matter so much the weight of these pieces because it is uh the value values and the design this is some high-end stuff these pieces right here these bracelets are also all silver yeah this is the one that intrigues me what kind of stone is that pink one yeah i i saw that she liked pink sapphires i read that so i was like gosh could that be it's so beautiful i don't know this one's missing a stone right here it might be worth us getting that fixed and replaced um but these are all 925. nice stuff then these pieces right here believe it or not guys this is all 14k those four bracelets all of them 14k nice stuff all these 14k and look at this i was actually surprised this one's 14k and it has like a yellow stone on it and i'm not sure what kind of stone that is but it's really pretty it looks like an amber color and that's nice goes like this it's really pretty so it's beautiful and then this tray right here is also all gold every one of these pieces has a marking this right here is 18k and those two are 18k everything else is 14k we're gonna mess we're gonna weigh out the gold in just a second to see how much we got but just take a look at that this is really neat too because it's like a brushed stunning it's got that brushed brush finish it's really pretty and then these have got some weight to them these little 18k all right and then look at the 14k looks like we're missing one earring here but we got a pair there this necklace that's the showstopper right here the flower ring jenna likes this one it's so beautiful so are these both of those i mean they're all really pretty is these unfortunately i have czs right here i got excited about that i think they're diamonds but still 14 kocz's got some value and then the last but certainly not the least is the louis vuitton so these are not gold right that's just a gold medal kind of like the chanel jewelry that we found they're louisa louis vuitton that's what it said that's the style of louisa yeah we also found the box in the bag and so it's kind of neat to have the full the full package there louise hoop earrings 7 or 15 bucks out of stock too so stock it's not like you can buy for 715 if you can't order them oh yeah that's totally them dang those are nice that might be a thumbnail right there yeah all right that is uh pretty incredible okay let's weigh the goal let's weigh the goal and see how much we got yeah all right let's weigh this out we're going to start with the 18k start with this piece right here 12.8 all right 12.8 grams we'll add these okay 17.5 all right that's 17.5 grams in 18k we are accounting for the weight of the stone it's not gonna matter a whole heck of a lot because what i'm doing here is just trying to get an approximation of scrap value all right obviously these are not scrap pieces right i think we can all agree on that these are beautiful resellable pre-owned pieces here but i like to use scrap as an approximation just for value to say here's our baseline this is worth at least that much because that's what i can get for it in scrap so now we're starting with the 14k we got 9.3 with these pieces here all right let's pause that and then we'll switch over and uh weigh this in batches okay we got 9.3 ooh that guy's chunky 17.6 just for that one ring right there that is a beautiful piece man that is loaded up that is gorgeous and that is 92.6 grams of 14k of course this one i see a lot of stones a lot of stones and that is definitely accounting for probably a good portion of the weight you know like this stone right here i don't think is adding that much weight this is a solid piece of gold this one right here i think the stones are adding you know some weight you know they are uh but again i'm not going to take that into too much concern because those rings these rings are they're just beautiful the stones have value the way they're displayed and designed has value and i think that value exceeds the weight uh as far as the gold prices so all right let's see what we got for the bracelets wow another 56 grams that is incredible all right let's see we got 175 and a half grams of 14k all right and that is the scrap value i think is around 35 a gram whoa six thousand one hundred and forty two dollars in the 14k oh man can that be right that is incredible all right then the 18k 17.5 times 45 dollars a gram scrap that is 787 dang yeah let's just say that puts us at about 7 000 in gold alone holy smokes holy smokes all right 7 000 just in gold not including any of the silver there's a fair amount of silver what's even better is that there's a fair amount of the judith ritka silver which is goes at a premium because it is nice high high quality stuff uh we also have a bunch of designer pieces and we have a bunch of costume pieces and of course we got the louis vuitton i when we found this stuff i had estimated to jan i said we might have ten thousand dollars in jewelry i think that's a safe bet because keep in mind when i'm estimating that seven thousand in gold that's scrap value uh this is not scrap pieces these are retail pieces i think we only found like one piece with the stone out or two pieces with missing stones everything else seems to be in excellent condition and that means we should get premium money if we're selling the gold which we're not but we are gonna sell the silver and all the costume and designer stuff including the louis vuitton and a large part of that stuff we'll make our live auction so guys if you're not savvy on that if you don't know about that let me tell you real quick we do a live auction on our youtube channel uh every monday at 5 pm pacific alright that's when it is every week monday at 5 p.m pacific every now and then we do a pop-up auction midweek so you want to make sure you're subscribed and you hit the notification bell so you'll be alerted if we do anything spontaneous like a live event midweek head over there and check it out check out the upcoming live auction you can watch last week's live auction if you want to see like how it goes and what it's about all right but a lot of the stuff that we're finding is going to be in the live auction we only save our best in this locker this is our best all right this is about as good as we find in lockers is this kind of stuff i'm really excited about it if you didn't watch the last episode please go back and do it because the amount of clothes we found is insane i don't think i'm exaggerating when i say around a hundred thousand dollars worth of tagged merchandise that's right that's right i mean that louis vuitton piece right here seven hundred dollars that's pretty amazing the are items of clothing for 500 pieces everywhere so um tagged brand new designer high-end insane go back and watch that all right one thing we did find out about this lady is that we do believe she owned a store so early on we found a security device remover and it made me a little suspicious right because we found some sketchy lockers in the past but i don't think it was that nefarious i think that she owned a store and that explains why she had it we can't know for sure but that does help unravel part of the story because she has a very unique name and her name was her store's name we actually found photos of her store the inside outside and we found a bunch of paperwork so a very interesting story and we're not done going through it as a filming this uh we still have a lot more to get through there's a lot in that unit i'm doing my best i bought seven units that day and currently we're down to two including that one all right so i got five units cleaned out the last week and don't forget i got the dusty hoarder unit too so we have a lot of stuff to do and that means i've got a lot of videos coming out including the next adventure which will be out soon it won't be this soccer it'll be a different one we'll come back to this one very shortly alright guys but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on locker nuts sports and beer sports and beer very similar to the other locker i bought oh this is good oh wow look at this it says 2005 collection i wish they didn't tape that on right there that is really neat okay all pez oh oh boy guys this is going to be fun a lot of pez a lot of pens a lot of pens
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 101,083
Rating: 4.9019384 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, locked safe, designer clothing, Eileen Fisher, Louis Vuitton
Id: IPQ6i9xaNVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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