DOUBLE TRICK SHOT Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot WON MONEY ASMR

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dollars in quarters it looks like elvis has boogies in his nose why don't you pick it for him he wants you to think why did you pick such you're not picking his nose why did you pick this one unless your eyeballs on this field something about this that just drew me in it was like play me win me rescue me albus made me do it this one looks a little tricky look there's a wall but it looks like either somebody already tried and took the wall down to the right or the wall fell one or the other what do you think i mean it's very possible very very possible it's also very possible that i may not get the prizes that are hanging on the ledge and into the playing field but you know what i'm going to go to the left here she goes ladies and gentlemen the infamous george is playing to [Music] any cash [Music] come on georgie that whole wall just moved yeah it did and elvis is singing now too [Music] i'm gonna see if elvis takes a request what would you request of him [Music] i would request for him to sing my favorite song by now which says [Music] with you who knows you make up words here you go saying words that make absolutely no sense that's what he says to me but in reality it's a very common world i'm not so sure still got to get it over the wall though it fell asleep um andrew jackson is up back you're rolling the wrong way andrew roll forward so we got here there are there's a field of animals to our right but it's pretty much devastating nobody's over there there is [Music] there's oh take me to your fearless leader elvis so now you're trying to say elvis was an alien [Music] maybe baby this ain't men in black if if there's anyone here at this machine that's an alien oh that hundred on the fire flap [Music] or the bundle it'd be me you see how green my skin gets when you're constipated yeah i was gonna say during the winter when there's no sun it becomes like a lemon lime color [Music] maybe you should start taking some vitamin d supplements i do i think i eat ketchup that's what gives me my beautiful reddish tannish skin that's what gives you that glow i have the glow the the complexion that just won't just won't quite interesting you just shared your secrets and ketchup there is no other need for anything else in this world except for do you apply a ketchup mask to your face every once in a while when you have spa night i don't even apply a mask to my face now or do you wash your face with ketchup i don't wash my face either why would i why the hell would i do that you brush your teeth with ketchup i mean i have done that but do you soak your feet in ketchup when you need a pedicure [Music] um okay i have a random question why is this guy blue because the clowns are white correct there's no right or wrong answer with random questions there's always there's always a right or wrong answer with every question that's how it's gonna be it's gonna be random questions yes random questions random answers you know how many random questions i can actually come up with and you can probably 10 times me on the on the answers all right down to one quarter one quarter i don't remember one single quarter falling so [Music] [Music] i was thinking of random questions for example is cereal just morning soup absolutely it's definitely considered morning soup especially when you let it sit in the milk and get soggy extra soggy that's how you like it extra soggy no i like my crunchy i try and eat it as quick as possible before it gets soggy okay the only type of soggy cereal i like in the morning is oatmeal [Music] if you could start any conspiracy in the world what conspiracy would you start i said start a conspiracy not add the one that's been around forever i didn't even know that one existed the one that's been around for 40 plus years no no no you're thinking of two paws two pups faked his own death no i just didn't think elvis never faked his death [Music] oh my goodness people did someone educate [Music] so pick another conspiracy that [Music] even though i'm five foot two my personality is i'm pretty sure everybody who knows who knows that already that's not a conspiracy conspiracy that's a conspiracy absolutely i mean there's definitely some conspiracies out there about you but i didn't know that was one of them [Music] well i don't know what woman's locker room you're going to sounds like you got it sounds like you have some explaining to do all right random question what's invisible but you wish people could see what's invisible yeah it's invisible now baby that ain't appropriate [Music] hey random questions deserve random answers all right i'll give you that why do you want them to see that so bad because it's a random answer duck and cover yeah there she goes with the arabic making up words [Music] where you answer the question now no this isn't this isn't random questions of jeremy speaking of my puss what's the weirdest smell you have ever smelled [Music] at somebody else's house maybe they're cooking whatever they were cooking definitely not random [Music] i got 15 which reminds me random question is a hot dog a sandwich no a hot dog is not a sandwich apparently you've got a hoax never seen the way i make and eat a hot dog how can you not say the quarter pound jumbo hot dogs is not a sandwich what's a hoagie a hot dog which is the opposite of a sandwich so hoagies are the opposites of sandwiches and sandwiches are the opposites of hoagies yes and cereal is a soup yes all right and the weirdest thing that you want that you've ever smelled is food and for some reason you want people to smell my foods whatever that may be c not smell but see oh oh oh just fell back that bolt is coming down all right i got one i'm gonna stump you this time okay what's the most ridiculous fact that you know the most ridiculous most ridiculous fact that you know um that jeremy is the most ridiculous person i know i tell you all the time baby you're so ridiculous you're ridiculous that makes no sense whatsoever once again random questions deserve random answers they don't have to make sense they don't have to be right they don't have to be wrong they just have to be random you can agree to disagree so do you actually know a random fact [Music] random facts [Music] you've never had braces [Music] false i've never had braces i'm gonna call false again i've never had braces you've never had a raisin ever braces braces why am i hearing raisins i thought you said raisins it's so no you have really straight teeth and you've never had braces i have straight teeth because i had braces there was literally a retainer on the bottom of my teeth when you met me and you helped me get it out what that wasn't me that was you here we go with the memory issues again here we go with the memories my top teeth are straight and i've never had braces are you sure you didn't say raisins do you like that answer better that's what i heard i'm pretty sure you definitely said raisins i had braces on the top braces on the bottom i had a night brace i had what i called shock absorbers in my teeth i had it was a nightmare i had crazy stuff i had like car car pieces in my you would have you would have mouth at my mouth and went man i could take that thing for a ride one more quarter ready to drop oh this is a tough one not bad 14.50 not bad well what did you have last west pole 15 11 11 i thought you had more than 11. [Music] [Applause] nice that bundle in the center i was scared [Music] the world wants to know what is your favorite funny joke all of the dad jokes that come out of your mouth okay what is your favorite [Music] you know i like variety something i do like i do like a good knock knock joke all right let's hear it knock knock who dare tank tank what you just ruined the knock-knock joke what are you talking about you're welcome okay now you just stole my doom that's not how this works when i steal your thunder or do you want me to steal your boots instead you do steal my thunder a lot and then you run with it [Music] that was a good push did you see that [Music] i'm gonna get some good pushes here [Music] all these quarters are laying perfectly right on the edge [Music] all right i just thought of another random question okay everywhere somebody works since we've been watching the office everywhere everybody works always has unwritten rules what are the unwritten rules of where you work let's see we're both unemployed you mean now or when i was working of course now think it through this is important 17.50 all right what are the rules the rules are unwritten rule number one that you and i kiss at every red light unless we're on camera of course unwritten role it's not real never happens another unwritten rule is that we add a lot of the memorable funny moments and sayings that we have between each other on a mega list she literally has a list in her phone in my notes section funny thing i've ever said she's up to number three it's not just you it's what i say too it's a combination of both off the number three on funny things i've said and 3 000 on what she said that's it that's all the unwritten rules those are the top two that stick to what time do you have to be at work [Music] i am no good before 11 a.m before what 11 a.m um more like 1pm 11 am because i'm working until 1 a.m i think it's fair to get a late start in the day if i'm gonna work late working 12-hour days you spend two of those on the toilet oh my goodness look it's right on the edge of the pusher playing candy crush there oh [Music] that little bundle looking good there little bundle nice warm buddy nice form if animals could talk which animal do you think would be the rudest the rudest probably a skunk why is it always the stinky people that you think are rude you want everybody to see my pieces but now am i rude yeah yes you are [Music] the skunk skunk always gets a bad rap [Music] this ain't random questions on jeremy but i want to know what your answer is every once in a while no no no no you you brought up random questions and answers and here goes 100. it applies to you too oh here we go we got some unwritten rules coming out of her boots now oh so close come on andy here we go here we go there they're there here we go here we go here we go here we go all right down to three quarters hiding in the corner better make them count unwritten rule when you're down to three quarters you gotta make them count [Music] and 25 cents [Music] finally got some of the moolah do you remember one of the most random questions i asked you when we were starting to get to know each other and i was texting you questions as like this is a make or break for the relationship this is before we even met in person you're like let's play a game like okay you're like let's just let's ask 50 questions oh my goodness oh my goodness bonus did you see that bonus bundle thank you sir you're like let's play a game [Music] we'll ask each other 50 questions just to get to know each other do you remember what the most random question was i don't that was like two years ago do you remember do you remember the make or break question over under for what toilet paper yeah you actually remember you remember it's a deal breaker for me too toilet paper over and over and under she's like do you have any deal breakers i was like hey toilet paper over or under so what's what's the answer over and that's why she's still here to this day and that's why eating ghost me and i think ghosts because if she would have been an under in no way inhales i would have kept talking to her no way so let us know hashtag over or hashtag when it comes to your what's wrong with you [Music] all right so you you remember that question i do remember that one do you remember the first one i asked you if you could have any superpower in the world what did you choose yeah do you remember what your answer was [Music] was it something about having the ability to remember everything [Music] well you're super powered down yeah you wanted a photogenic memory because you forget everything my memory is not as good as it used to be what my memory what is not your what um what was your superpower again knowing the best kind of cheese in the world okay that's a superpower anybody who likes cheese they'll tell you that's the superpower there's no right or wrong answer do you have the power no i told you i wanted to read mine so i knew exactly how to sweep you off your you would never have a moment of silence if you could read people's minds you would drive yourself insane and have conversations with yourself i can't i i can't read your mind now in it already i go insane with you so what's the difference if i could read your mind it'd actually help a little bit i thought we're both transparent with each other [Music] is wow which cheese is best there is no right or wrong answer listen i don't pull my suit there is a right answer and i don't put my power out unless there's an emergency and this does not qualify as an emergency if everybody in the world knew i was a superhero and had this power i'd never get any sleep oh my god did you just see that one of my corners bundle bonus bundle how are welcome welcome welcome welcome to the party 100 nice the money is getting too big that bundle is right on the edge right on the edge except andrew's not a lady [Music] okay maybe one of the most important questions i can ever think of yeah nice maybe andrew likes being called the lady hello ladies maybe one of the most important questions i could ever think of how many chickens would it take to kill an elephant this is important in case an elephant goes to the backyard after the chickens do you think an elephant could make it to our backyard and attack our chicken stranger things have happened i thought i saw a wild turkey in the backyard but in reality it was our black chicken jerry jerry there's wild turkey which happens on a yearly occasion there's an albino that comes by as well as she calls me it's the chickens they're huge they're getting so big so how many chickens would it take to kill an elephant so big um i would say once just one because are an elephant afraid of everything it would get a heart attack i got a feeling if an elephant saw you in the woods it ain't gonna run away you're done you're gonna be the one chicken if you got an elephant gun he's gonna scout the ground on my face you might be the chicken that takes it out oh that other bundle's so close to the edge hello benjies hello well hello there how you doing [Music] say hello to your [Music] whoa that was awesome that was epic [Music] as he went in facebook [Music] it's the only way to go which body part do you wish you could detach um [Music] which body part [Music] they're all important they're all really important but which one do you want to detach sometimes i wish i had no hair what an epic haul 140 was able to roll off two bundles of joys and cents in 52.25 i'm pretty sure she meant 940. was i off my oh i forgot that single yeah she was off by another single that what came out of there because i only can counted them while she was counting the change so you want to remove your hair huh yeah sometimes i wish i could just buzz cut it and make it look like yours i'm bold yeah it's less maintenance a lot of air is a lot of maintenance that's why i like being involved i don't even have to i can just get out of the shower and not do anything to it and be done with it long hair gets tangled and requires a lot of shampoo and conditioner we find a ton of shampoo and conditioner and storage units we do we do but it's not the kind that i use [Music] what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in somebody else's weirdest thing you've ever seen not your house which no doubt that's so many weird things in somebody else's house so i never knew that people got cremated until after college because with funerals one no one personally that i knew passed away and if someone did pass away they had a proper burial and it was like against our religion to get cremated so in college one of my co-workers had her father's ashes on the mantel i thought that was so bizarre but now now you find them every day now we find them quite often and it's not strange to me at all what's the weirdest thing you've ever seen in my house the weirdest thing in your house when i was in college exactly there is there's a butter turn antique butter turn on my mantel marble clays play marble all true all true there is an antique butter churn play marbles a treasure chest what else is on demand i like it's empty bottles i'm like why does he have empty bottles but apparently he will collect them you have anti-old bottles that are no label on them but they have a tint of green [Music] oh nice drop you've almost cleared out that left side yeah that right side once that box drops i'm gonna switch it up you think um you think you're gonna let me wrap veto and see if i can get that extra bonus bundle in if you want i'd like you i wouldn't say no really to a bonus bundle no you would say zeno oh there goes it was actually a hundred there it goes [Music] so i'll finish off this bag what i'll finish off the bag and then you want me to see if i can knock in and knock it in with rapido yeah if uh peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter i was just wondering i was just thinking about this what would it be called huh nut spread not cream [Music] nutella could probably be called nutella right or there isn't it [Music] hey i like that song did you just make it up no that's been a hit song forever that was written about i don't know oh my goodness did you see that yeah i saw it it was crazy [Music] what would be the worst buy one get one free sale of all time the worst buy one get one the worst bogo ever [Music] definitely not toilet paper just remember it is the currency of the future people these hundred dollar bills will mean nothing you'll want toilet paper squares and remember only eight squares per wipe don't overdo it yeah you fold once so you got four squares and four squares you fold again you get two squares and two squares you hold for the third time and you've got one square platform to do your business and plenty of protection not to get any any doodoo on your fingers down to two quarters let's see if we can get that hunger box to fall [Music] people who only use three squares can't be trusted get out i've got 400 more to roll off nice and seventy dollars and fifty cents in quarters great i thought well that's right i was gonna like how about the next round too excited now all right i guess i'll just wait for the next round you got me the next round right i got your back george and your front okay good looking [Music] yeah it's gonna drop here comes not quite yet close though close very very don't blame me very closely well everything's dropping around it yeah that's a bonus i'll take it what's something that you're embarrassed of doesn't get embarrassing the answer is nothing nothing embarrasses you not really i don't embarrass easily nothing at all like you've never been up in front of a church preaching and you noticed that your zipper was down after you felt a draft i think if that happened to you did you see the hunger box just finally fell me neither well maybe more than once i blame it on a faulty wardrobe [Music] malfunction everyone has wardrobe malfunction that is kind of embarrassing whatever you did you got the popcorn marquee lights popping you're applauding for me or do you think they're yelling at me they're yelling let's scare me please [Music] let him play he's got to play just to make any storage unit you want right george i usually like new because then they could hear you bidding in the fight holy like they can't see you when you come around remember that 10 foot person inside of you nothing's moving [Music] [Music] if your family and friends just found out you were arrested what would they assume you got arrested for that it was a major accident you got arrested in a major accident no that i got arrested and it was a big mistake that's what your family and friends would think yes must be must have been an innocent mistake that's what you really think they would say yes like no that can't be right there must have been an error in the system i don't think there's any error in that system what are you explaining sir well i would just think that maybe they thought you didn't have a green card or no i'm an american citizen i'm not sure where you're going what i was born and raised here in cleveland i thought i was with an alien [Music] i was born and raised and here i am all my facebook status is going yeah do you think you're cool i'm dating an alien if they can see me rolling my eyes and shaking my head right now do you think your girl is out of this world i'm with an alien well i guess i can't use those statuses anymore i won't be posting that this is why i keep saying and having to remind you that you're so redundant because everything's tilted backwards [Music] buddy [Music] oh you're gonna get another one if i magically found that time machine that you've been begging me to find in a storage unit since i met you and you went back 400 years into the past how would you prove to them if you were from the future i would have my cell phone on me they don't know what cell phones are and that's not only that smartphones don't work if there's no charger and no wi-fi well it wouldn't work without wi-fi but i would have a device in my hand with pictures and videos and games candy crush it died as you went back into the past since when you didn't say that you said well i'm just not sure how your cell phone is going to prove that you're from the future eventually it'll die well it died it was a long trip it was a six hour trip to get back 400 years so it died now what i would say that i was the founder of google that'd probably do it they probably believed you then would you tell them you invented the wheel too i invented the telephone electricity of which they have any clue about hello my little friends 240 in paper money nice 240 and 78. oh i keep forgetting oh why don't you remind me oh well you know you were 400 400 years in the past and um you know inviting google so it's tough to remind you of things like that you know what i mean [Music] i think and remember if it if it hits the dividing piece there it's going to bounce and dance around there's a divider right in the middle of the chute and it sends things to the left and to the right if it gets caught on that it dances around before it goes to the left or the right let's see what you've got it's like a game of dance dance revolution [Music] [Music] that sounds like a good feature i might buy that too it's always best all right [Music] veft backed [Music] not that you're ever embarrassed but um [Music] i'm just curious where's the most embarrassing place and moment that you ever boost [Music] when i went to go see my when i was giving birth to my son you boost while you were giving birth yes and you were finally embarrassed i was actually a little embarrassed but then the nurse made me feel comfortable she's like oh honey she goes trust me it gets there's it's been worse with other women they actually go number two so mine wasn't that bad she's like it's normal nothing to be embarrassed about and then the embarrassment went away so you are almost embarrassed once in your life and then you're like [Laughter] you're like it's all good here yep i'm at home my cheeks were clapping bring that baby up [Music] you know having a floater in your nose you're on a date kind of embarrassing for food in your teeth how many times have you had floaters in your nose [Music] once or twice i can think of at least 50 right now on our like on a first date what did i have any floaters on our first date yeah yeah you did why didn't you tell me it was our first date i didn't want to embarrass you i would want you to tell me i would tell you you wouldn't let me sit next to you how was i gonna then tell you oh by the way you gotta booger up your nose you just say vlogger [Music] you got a little i would whistle [Music] should be like oh he called me out on my floater no if you would have picked my nose that would have been different the way you pick at my toes and another unwritten rule when jeremy takes up she's a little weird she's out there so i grabbed my feet cracks my toes yeah but you like when i drive cleans out the toe jam and then sniffs them he does get a lot of toe damn i'm a little embarrassed right now it's like having a floater yeah jam is nothing like having a floater that's so grounded in your it's grounded it ain't floating in there it's so stuck i'd call it more like a sucker a sucker not a sucker that'd be gross like a stucker it's stucker like that hundred roll just sucker right there that's the sucker it keeps rolling backwards definitely a stalker [Music] oh let him be [Music] make up your mind bunny boys like cheaters hotter central here [Music] oh she might actually [Music] nothing i am standing right here yeah but you can't hear because it's too long in here and that's why you said what do you say we're six inches from each other [Music] now you're just mumbling [Music] speaking to my good i can't this is my bad arm [Music] ask your sister if they'll be ample parking what'd you say the thumbnail that's on the megalith [Music] yeah that was from the fireworks george one day says something to me like oh there's camping she's like hey you want to go you want to go see fireworks with my sister with meerkat and her family i was like well first you're going to have to ask your sister if there's ample party that was my requirement which was way funnier then it was funny at the time [Music] it's everywhere we go there's gotta be ample parking especially when we have the trailer oh my goodness there has to be animal parking otherwise you get stuck 20-foot trailer you get stuck everywhere oh it's stuck on the glass you got to drop the quarters it's about an inch away from the divider you got to drop some quarters out from underneath the ledge oh if they could both drop at the same time that would be pretty epic i'll give you that that would be epic so those quarters go out on a ledge if she can get the quarters to drop then the bundle that's 140 the bundle of 20s will drop so right now it's on the ledge and the glass and it's dancing it's about an inch away from the divider in the shoe [Music] i'm gonna hit it hard on the right that's that's my philosophy oh my god gets stuck we got to pull we got to pull we need another good push and it's mine [Music] definitely like the looks of that 280. nice and paper money and she's still got a month of 700 wait to be saved and then 87.50 are you whistling because i have a floater in my nose [Music] that's code for hey it's getting jammed up in there [Music] i think it might have jammed a little bit more even when we were when we were pulling so what happens yeah the machine keeps keeps going or a quarter drops or something i think it's jammed even yeah it's definitely jammed in there even more now like jam jammed in there if i can't get it to move we could i don't remember that being a bonus bundle but that's 700 i don't think you're walking away from 700 are you i mean i don't want to but if it's stuck then it's stuck like chuck and there's nothing i can do um first of all there's chuck it's just the same [Music] like good thinking lincoln you're ready freddy you got some explaining to do george what are you doing coin confusion to get it [Music] okay wait are you serious yeah we're gonna switch let's switch all right switch it up oh you moved it a little bit wait wait wait okay switch it up you think i can knock the bonus back or the bonus bundle off i think you can do just about anything you are grown you are a grown man here we go make some magic well i'm already jamming come on elvis help him out all of us is singing he's going to help you out right now all right here we go get another bundle and if you can at least get the bundle on the farm keep your eye on you keep your eye on it i'll try not to blink you tell me what's going on what's going on what's going on oh it's moving it's moving in the right direction all right i got another one oh my goodness here we go i think you got this i think you got it sure it's slowly moving [Music] i'll be shocked if you can't get it to drop before the end of your bag of quarters i gotta get another bundle come on let's keep your eye on it let me know [Music] okay nice work all right you thinking what i'm thinking sorry you can try all right if you can't get it then we just walk away i'm gonna try it it's hard to walk away you made me come here anyway so i'm gonna try it we get a handful we're going for the bonus bundle you've got to get the push of the wrist right did you stretch i don't you forgot to stretch i mean not bad oh i just pulled a hammy i mean not handy i just pulled it handy here we go another handful right bundle of andrews here we go what are you talking about i just got it for you okay we have to go for it we go for it go oh it's rotating it's rotating all right here we go don't give up on me yet here we go here we go oh come on this way this way that's that's what you get for inventing the wheel 400 years ago okay here we go another try [Music] come on baby [Music] [Music] there it goes oh my neck's really really tight that's it that's all i got that's all i got come on come on we got it in the playing field let's go for this big money 700 bundle how many quarters 80 and 75 cents all right go get it a few inches later come on coin confusion coin computer oh oh my goodness it's right on the edge i go it's still on the shoot divider it's still on the shoot dividers you gotta get that thing going down i need a really good punch come on you got it you got it you got it you got it and there it goes those bonus bundles helped a lot i can't believe it 4 900 in paper money 86.25 in quarters not a bad day not a bad day at all i like it i like it a lot [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 347,941
Rating: 4.8948288 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: dxEUYxjMFwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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