HOARDING GOLD STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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we were at 28 right and i was at eight yep bring it on down all right time to do some counting 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. george here with what the hell we're back back with the jewelry competition where jeremy and i go back and forth and trying to figure out who can find the most value in the jewelry from this box check out the box i don't think we're back i think i'm back since you put this on a kibosh last time the thing is huge you can't claim the whole thing matters yes size does matter but i'm not gonna let you claim the whole thing let's separate it let's split it i bought it i claim it split it i got robbed is this my prize for winning that is your prize for winning i got robbed bragging rights and i call rematch look at all the jewelry all the silver all the gold we still have to go through i call rematch shake on it rematch i see the k it's definitely gold it doesn't matter for once for once or once and look at this we still have all of this left what do you say best out of three best out of three you got yourself a deal get on hand that's a handful right there no look at that that is one hand i didn't grab it like this i grabbed it like this look one handful look at you trying to be sneaky sneaky whoa oh look at on the lid look at on the lid there's a ton of gold already oh my goodness look at that gold oh that's definitely golden look at that look at this gold and silver this competition's over what are you talking about it's over why because you're gonna lose look at this fine you win two i won one this is what i'm starting with on the next one two for george one for me and now it's going to tie up the two to two because i know there's gold i know there's silver there's all kinds of treasures in here yeah she she oh look yeah there's the gold just from last time just from last time there's the gold now we've got our we've got our trusty uh tools here now a lot of people a lot of people think we don't have magnets we don't have jewelers loops a lot of people think we don't have a lot of things that we actually have have it all there is a complete and total difference between making a video for youtube and spending the time to find all the markings and everything that we need to later as far as assessing the actual value although we appreciate it when our viewers send us even more tools so we've got we've got another magnet here this will probably help remember gold and silver gold and silver are not magnetic here we go let's find out if that's gold look at that wait wait you see that there magnet there is something in there that's magnetic what look at all that gold and silver something's magnetic in this box but here all this gold definitely not oh there is something magnetic in this box too there you go there's your there's your peak right there money clip okay so we have a money clip there let's just pee just for fun let's see what we have okay fancy money clip fancy stones some engravings so let's see it does have the knifes it's the money grip slash knife all right right there it says stainless steel okay so we know we were going to check this for gold stand less you're all do you want you want less of stan i read file your nails right here jeremy that's what i read give it a nice smooth edge you do like that type of file that is my kind of file right there okay so i don't see any markings on here that even make me think that it would be gold well gold plated i'm looking for anything gold-plated stainless and here i'm going to peek here now i'm not going to use this jeweler's loop this one is too small we really really love this one here this is pretty awesome colonial providential usa okay so i think these gems could be something the gems go with the gm but don't know for sure before we get into this bag of gold there's no doubt that's all gold i just want to see nothing but gold i just want to see this loop jeweler's loop that uh one of our super fans sent us and that one look at that that one actually has lights that one is legit that one has lights in comparison to this little guy yeah i think we can get rid of that this is that's pretty look at that what do you think what do you think you like that there yeah i love it that's a good one okay so that's a nice little loop there for sure okay i like it the added light i like it a lot i do gives it a thumbs up light is a good thing light is a good thing we're gonna dig into this bag of gold and we're gonna add a little light to this little competition i am ready look at this right there do you see that already george what does that say 14k that is 14k now that was probably a gold wedding band and typically if there was any kind of health issue a lot of times those have to be emergency they have to be cut off in the in the hospitals so stretched that is 14k right there and i believe that means one point come on down come on down come on down okay look at this here's another wedding band and oh my goodness do you see what that says inside there what does that say 10k yeah that does that says 10k and that would be a wedding band for my pinky right there and that would be two points two points there okay let's see what we have here it looks like another wedding band that was cut off we have oh george george george can you read that here let me let me widen that a little bit 14k that would be three points i believe yes three points look at that you can count uh not only can i count i can find gold like nobody's business all right let's take a look here now look this is in a at one point this was a very ornate beautiful golden chain uh it's got its issues and frankly i don't think it's worth actually trying to fix but with gold hitting all-time highs this past year oh wait you know what what uh gold hitting all-time highs this past year even with scrap prices i'd be more than thrilled to actually sell this all right you tell me can you read it what's it say let's see looking through the magnifying glass yeah yep right there 10k which means four points four points you remember when i pulled this during our last competition and you wouldn't even let me finish it and you're like no no game over game over yes um clearly let's uh let's see what we have here four points we should sweat the toe of course you think we should split the tote because i'm killing you on this look at this oh that's a pretty opal okay so that's a star opal right there there's a diamond and we lost a diamond a bling we lost a diamond beautiful beautiful we find so many random diamonds though we could have a new diamond reset in there yes and then let's see what is it marked it is marked 14 i see it it's 14. let me double check okay let me double check uh huh yep that is definitely 14k one two three four five five point what's this i'm gonna give you a hike no you what you're trying to do is sweet talk yourself into getting something out of this you know what i am you know what i'm not i'll tell you what i'm so confident i'm gonna beat you i will let you pull something out of this well remember remember it will be oh i know what i'm letting you pull good yeah i'm gonna choose what you get to actually share with us okay so fair enough here we go here is another ring right there and what does that say that one says 14k 14k now we could use this and sell this as scrap gold and again we would want to wait till gold prices skyrocket but scrap gold is better than no gold and scrap prices for gold people hear scrap and they're like no not scrap no scrap gold that's good price that's a good thing very very good thing okay here's the tiger's eye right there tiger's eye and then this is i remember auctioning one off just like that you did yeah rob found it in the unit that you two split nice guess what 18k gold filled so this isn't solid gold but gold filled is bedroom dropping things dropping it like it's gold i feel like mcduck right here just swimming in the gold all right from ducktales so i remember that goldfield gold is better than no gold you can see where where the actual plating is the plating is wearing off but i'll take that instead of no gold whatsoever because that would be one two three four five six seven points for me and then it looks like i have another little something here is that mother mary yes yes it is mother mary let it be let it be because i believe let's open this thing up let's open this thing up and let's read what's on the back because i think it says something extremely important does it or does it not signify i see a bunch of initials i'm pretty sure and then i see 14k 14k that is eight three four five eight eight points for me wait i just high-fived you well give me a high four so that means you're up to six how do you do that kind of math you just counted to five i high-fived you because it was five yeah that's look one two three four five six seven eight don't try and rob me you already robbed me of the victory during the last video hoping it would work of course you did come look you see that right there i see it that's a bag of winning a winning bag holy silver and gold oh my goodness i'm ready to dig in so i can get this i bet you are just remember whose was this whose was this you just agreed that you're gonna split it with me you sweet talked your way into that all right this box had some strong magnetic force and a lot of these boxes are have like a metal lining so that's what it's grabbing onto so let's open it open me look at that and there it is there it is she actually it says gold over sterling silver yep and it's all in there it's there it's all in there made in italy gold over so it's gold-plated over sterling silver 18-inch necklace so i'm sorry how many points is that again well that should be my point don't you think let's get this pink box out next thing i did all right look ready it's screaming open me open me oh got a ring let's see if we can find any markings this looks like silver but we can't confirm it until we find the marking right it doesn't count the rules are you have to find the marking that's all right let me look under let me look under this guy she's using the new eyepiece the new loop-de-loop interesting interesting i'm not sure she was literally looking through this people she was looking through this the cover and no he's looking at this what are you talking about good cover-up good cover-up come on 925. here's sterling sterling sterling here's sterling sterling i'm not seeing it that's good for me yeah good for you but not good for me well hopefully you don't see anything we're gonna set this aside and uh let's come back to it apparently that's getting so we'll come back to this okay tools of the trade right there all right oh this is a pretty little brooch oh there it is it's so obvi nine two five let's see let me see look at that yeah nine two five definitely so this is probably gold-plated silver as well right she's got two points over here right there one two remember i have eight all right here's one earring let me see if i can find the other the other half she's definitely cheated remember she didn't cheat her way into this i'm sorry what i did what now excuse me excuse me what now what the hells i do remember this we found this in that uh locked case remember when i took the the mallet to it there it is right there that's the perfume funnel so we just threw a bunch of stuff together to check it but we already know that is so cool so the old school they would fill perfume bottles this was your funnel and it was sterling silver so she does have a third point all right so while we're looking for the other half of this earring this right here clearly states nine two five see that yeah and this matches these are clip-on earrings that match how many points is this brooch so pair of earrings would be one one point all right so what we've done we we threw all jewelry that we found in a box anything we thought we had to be checked for marketing so one two three four points so far so that's how if if you've seen the funnel before that's that's where you saw it you saw in a video and it got in a box to be double checked all right here's a beautiful ring that has a rose decor on it lo and behold bam see that inside the band nine two five baby nine two five so i'm gonna add that to the collection the winning pile is that five now yes all right eight to five and then we have this uh bracelet on the back boom sterling all right she's at 6.5 do you want to give me a high five boom now you're at one point apparently that's how it worked before for you all right here's a tie clip and it states it it's engraved and then sterling swank sterling so another winning point for me are you getting mad uh i'm gonna get even that's what i'm gonna do look at the horses i remember finding that in a storage unit but i don't remember which one and that definitely looks like a silver patina it says right there sterling darling yep i see it all right so there is another point this is getting rough here this is getting really rough all right what do we have here oh that's a cool piece this is some type of pendant or it used to be a bro that definitely looks like sterling and right there silver is that a number 12. is that a 12 underneath probably a uh might be so that looks like a broken brooch i don't remember where that came from look at that that is really cool this right here just screams silver wow right that one is pretty no right here and long it's pretty long right there what's it say 925 okay oh i'm holding it upside down that's okay i can't read anyway i was just agreeing 925. now this necklace is missing missing the clasp but it still counts as a point i got you so it's a precious metal with no class yes which we could pay to have it fixed and we worked more but yeah this right here looks like a uh army ring like a class ring military engineers usa and then it's got pretty it's marines i see army oh army i see a pretty blue stone right there i thought i saw marines and then if you look on the inside right there where right there on the inside of the band there's a marking what's it say here let me look under let me look there she goes with the new loop she left the light on so the battery is probably gonna die she's looking through the right spot this time though so that's it i was looking through the right spot the whole time silly man sure you were sure come on eyeballs don't fail me now sniff it maybe you can smell the silver oh the angle oh str it's i see the letters str l-i-n-g ling-ling was uh it wore off see that str stands for what stir i was going to say second to redonkulous jeremy every race oh i have no idea all right here's a nice ring this could be a male wedding band that looks like silver for sure yes and then if you look a little closer oh there it is it's dirt look a little closer now one of the ways you can tell sterling and gold really quick you see how the metal bends gold is softer than silver silver is soft as well but it will bend all right so we're up to 12 now i'm grouping them 2 4 6 8 10 12. i gave you a high five yeah when i was at six well you gave me a high five and i don't think we're gonna find the other earring but it says right there sterling what else you got if the other side of this earring was found later on in the bag it still counts as one point because it's a pair so we'll put that there there's more in there and then here's a pretty little locket this one just screams oh i think rosie's bush got in here how did that get in here best find ever best and worst find ever all right let's open it up there it is right there sterling wow looked like pictures of me and george in there all right and the winning continues out of the ziploc bag we've got a tangled tangled necklace i'm all tangled up i got a couple necklaces that are all tangled up this one definitely looks like silver definitely looks oh hold on a second this is an earring that's an earring i thought it was the yeah this definitely looks like silver there it is right there the marking it's in this upper corner and it says sterling see that yeah now this um this necklace right here is so fragile that it broke so let's see if we can find the marking that says either 925 or stir there it is it's right there sterling or 925 it says 925 right there it's a tiny print very tiny print but it's there what are we at now i don't know i'm pretty sure i got this stolen from me well you still have the rest of this to go through don't forget there's more in that this competition isn't over yet like we just we just looked at another one of those there's two of them but it looks like gold gold gold okay all right so here's a pretty pendant and then this necklace has a marking right here on the clasp see it right there 925 925 and then on the pendant i don't see a marking on the pendant but i mean it looks like it could be silver but we won't count it because i couldn't find any markings well you found it on the necklace right yeah but not on the pendant okay well then the necklace counts as a point for me yep for you you mean for me that was my pick this was all my pit all right and then here's a uh bracelet tennis bracelet ankle bracelet yeah it could be an anklet or a regular bracelet there's the marking right there nine two five more silver i'm gonna put that in on the winning side here is what old christmas movie is that song from no idea it's probably way before my time you're much much older than me really by five years that's a lot that's a lot of years here's a really pretty necklace uh it's got like ruby stones in it let's see if we can find the marking see it right there 925 i see it i am so proud of my eyes right now they're doing such a good job of finding the markings you didn't even have lasik surgery all right here's a pretty necklace with a silver and pearl pendant and then there's a couple stones right along the edge right there i'm pretty sure this one has a marking on the back yep there it is see it right there yep i see it so even if the pearl was real that doesn't count as a point i just get a point because it's for silver the competition is just silver and then i don't see any markings on the class but it still counts as one point test the pearl i still don't get it i still don't get it the grit test don't get it at all did i dare you all right uh here's a pretty earring with some type of stone right there this definitely looks like silver and no let's see if the markings right there i think my eyes are playing tricks on me probably on the look at the post hold on a sec let me look oh here she goes she's dropping silver all over she's dropping silver all over the campground i don't see it on the post unfortunately well unfortunately that's no point yep don't see it let me look at the back of the stud this campground would be a great place to metal detect if you keep dropping silver and gold all over ain't that the truth all right so no point on the earring because i couldn't find a marking want to have a rematch on nostril player sure no one even saw you do it yet so how can i win all right here's a cool this could probably be a men's ring and the marking is right there nine two five another nine two six nine two five six sorry nine two five i'm blinded right now blinded by the light all right here's another ring did you get blinded by your nose flaring did it throw your eyes off no did it throw yours off though 925 right there in the band do you see it i see something oh it's there grasshopper it is definitely there this is ridiculous excuse me what excuse you what the hell here's an earring oh here we go here's the other the matching pair this definitely looks like silver there it is right there see the pair signed by sign it's got the matching markings right there those we do have a diamond tester i can't see the actual but even if those were real diamonds it doesn't count as a point we're just looking for gold and silver do you see it now it would help if you would actually turn it over instead of me having to do it no i can't see it flipped upside down how's that better next okay are you getting you're getting mad because i'm winning all right having that flash on the lights blinding me so i'm sorry if i can't see what you can't see now this one is marked navy and then sterling's right there on this bottom corner see that yep that's navy are you sure it's not army it says army navy production award what's it look like a letter e with the murica colors i wonder what the e stands for so it could have been either the initial of their first name probably stands for easy money okay this looks like an ear cuff you know what an ear cuff is i know what cuffing season is because you put it right here you put it right here on your ear you're still trying to cuff me i thought i already cuffed you i cannot be cuffed i'm a peacock all right check that out right there 925. see that nope how about now at that angle nope okay can't see it it doesn't count if i can't see it all right and then there we go this is a beautiful ring these are probably all real diamonds see the 925 right here can't see that one either and if i can't see it doesn't count as a point look new rule look closer mister nine two five nine two six nine two five two six nine two six nine two six what else do we have in here uh i'm guessing more silver at this point this is a little dolphin we learned a lot about the dolphins here in uh in this area in florida what did we learn you want to share with them the dolphins here are the only type of dolphins known to man that hunt the way that they hunt yeah they have like a special technique look at that right there 925 that's horrible horrible i tell you are you still knocking over on the ground no i'm double checking to make sure i'm not double checking that she knocked more silver on the ground there's a cute little fairy you sure that's not tinkerbell tinkerbell is a fairy and then boom in the face well actually behind the fairy's wing and then oh that's a beautiful piece you've got some pink gems and some you're highlighting it nicely with that nice paint line oh you like that yeah see that right there nine 925. what else do you have and then we've got a pendant that says friend it should say frenemy in front of me and then i could just hand it over to you for patricia and right there sterling oh my goodness this is crazy you this is a never-ending bag that just keeps giving and giving and giving here's a class oh i wonder if this class goes to this to the necklace we found earlier you know what i think we just round and say you have 10 points what 10 points just stole it as it was anyway let's recount 10 points 2 4 6 8 who do we appreciate 10 12 14 16 18 20. this doesn't count 22 24 26. 28. 20 you want to reduce it from 28 to 10 i don't think so you have 10 points don't think so 28 to 8 you don't get anything else nothing else out here it's all mine it's all mine and let's see if i can beat you with it here we go here we go i'm just gonna line some stuff up here and we'll just start we'll start right here line yeah this is the winning line right here it's a winning line right here you know what let's just start with this right here you see that there this is what does that say 926 yeah probably probably 926. actually i think it says it says 1 8 4 7 rb a1 you know what rb stands for resting babe face i was just thinking that that's what you were thinking yes there is no doubt in my mind that this has silver in it but it is not labeled as such and even though that has that marking i can't count it can't count setting it over there all right i got this beautiful ring look at this beautiful beautiful ring and come on you got to give me some type of marking this has to be gold a lot of people ask george how come you don't wear the jewelry that you guys find in the storage unit and for me wearing something like that would just get caught up in the gloves that we have to wear and it would get caught on my hoodie it would get caught on all kinds of things so it's dangerous wearing these types of rings and the other fancy jewelry that we find so i just stick to the rings that i wear every day unfortunately wait wait hold a second i was gonna say unfortunately i can't find anything but you think you can see something this is the best part about this you have an area where you slide in and out that's why we like this is what everybody needs if they're going to work with jewelry so i have to turn this i think it's worn off oh man it is it was it was on there and it's wore off from going off on off on i think i can still beat her without it so i have no doubt that was gold but here we go here's some kind of class ring hey there we go there's some kind of class ring there i like the stone and there is marking and there is a name it says jostens let me see if i can find out the year is the name of the company that makes classroom it is 1993 western high school okay so that's the graduating year so it doesn't say silver or gold though it just says jostens all right that one doesn't count this is getting rough now there's kind of a celtic theme here and oh i see markings i see markings right there what do you see i'll tell you once i get it under here p d i i know you thought i was gonna say pda p d i personal display of infection okay whatever you say so i have no idea what pdi stands for so that doesn't count either this is actually not going well wait here we go west germany all right this is a beautiful piece right here really pretty i see west germany on the inside west germany west germany that could be a high-end costume jewelry west germany let me look let me look the pretty blue stones those are gorgeous okay i don't see i don't see any markings there either man i am actually striking out like crazy all right i got an earring here there is an earring clip-on earring clip-on earring and some of these vintage clip-on earrings have a lot of value to them but it's not gold doesn't count as a point for you again i do not see anything all right that gets put aside i got a ring this has got to get me something oh you see something already okay it's right there and it says a-n that's not going to get me a point there's a a 7 so it's a size seven okay again that could be high-end costume jewelry too that looks like it would look at this over here this all looks like it would be something but i got nothing this looks like an old so far you have this losing train of jewelry this looks like an opal here oh come on look at this it's really pretty that's so pretty even have anything on the backing nothing on the stud i don't see anything i honestly don't see anything this is insanity do you want a high five just for good measure no i want you to keep your hands away from my stash that's what i want here's a ring you want to see the ring yeah there's the ring looks like it has little diamonds in it and the little studs and i don't see any markings on the inside nothing that's too bad okay so it's still 28 to eight officially still 28 to eight yes officially still 28.8 come on baby oh man i'm not gonna win with the elephant definitely not gonna win with an elephant i might have some gold plating doesn't count it doesn't count it's an elephant neighbors are nearby here we go we've got here we go okay that is a diploma just finally oh my goodness finally please tell me you see that i see 10 k right there oh yeah 10 10 okay now i have nine points finally final really i'm excited for you you should be after you stole all my points not only did you rob me in the first video with the challenge now you're trying to rob me in this video as well so i won excuse me how did i rob you you called the competition done once you saw i found all the gold and silver one point two three i'm now at nine okay you know what let's just put an end to this let's put an end to this right now what do you say george let's do this right there you see that look at that what kind of watch is that that is a um i'll tell you what kind of watch it is you see that there 10k 10k that's 10 points 10 points for the 10k all right you see this thing here is that an earring this is nearing some kind of earring and probably a real pearl and a ruby that looks like a pendant and then there is something written there and i'm about to tell you what it is 14k 14k gold filled that's a really pretty piece gold filled but it's still 14k that's another point up to 11. all right i've got this thing here not sure what it is that looks like a pendant maybe even a locket lock it pocket bit what is that right there i see 14k yes all right another point let's see what's inside gonna come back making a comeback i get knocked down but i get up again nothing in it never gonna keep me down that's right i'm making a comeback what does this say belt buckle gold gold-plated that's a point that's all i care i don't even care what it looks like it's gold-plated that's all i care about all right what do we got here we've got a bracelet what does that say 10 carat gold filled there you go medical alert alert for george i'm making a comeback we got another bracelet here we got a bracelet here this looks like it's probably gold filled and and there is a marking right there on the clasp let me read it okay it says 14k gold filled doesn't matter still counts still counts 14k gold filled somebody is somebody's making some good food i smell it i'm smelling it now i'm getting hungry look at that you see it what's it say 24 carats electroplated which is same as gold filled i didn't read that far i just doesn't matter worth money counts and then come on let's have another one i don't care if it's electroplated it is it is electroplated right there nice 24 karat electroplated making a come back making a comeback with a vengeance oh really now you hope now you're hoping you got another 14k 14k there is another one and what do we have here the air smells so good you see that right there smell-o-vision at home is that barbecue i smell somebody's cooking something up 14k another one 14k that is doing pretty good i'm doing pretty good yeah it did you know what it smells like bacon it does smell like somebody's bacon and they're all the hog hunters there are hog hunters here it's probably probably hog hunting bacon guess what 14k yes one two three four five here's his winning line three four five of jewelry and then the losing line of jewelry look at this here what does that say in there what does that say in there that sir says 14 karat gold filled but still i'm gonna check just to make sure just for fun i'm gonna check just to make sure okay i'll let you check yep 14k that one that counts as well and then we have this old thing that old thing c-u-s-a-c and it is i can already read it can you it says gf that's all you need gold-filled that's all that matters right now the number though what do you see it is 10 karat gold filled 10 karat gold filled on that one and look there's two more right there are those matching one two three they are matching and they're probably gold filled so don't know where we're at right now but i know i've got some more stuff so here we go there's a watch i definitely smell bacon oh my goodness i smell bacon it smells delicious there is a watch what does it say i gotta look here that's a really pretty watch thanks that's another thing finding watches watches it's called on the gloves and it'll get caught up on the hoodie so i just don't wear watches or bracelets i just don't wear stuff because i don't like it okay let's see what we got here we have i've seen oh wait wait hold a second hold a second what do you see i see nothing okay she goes over there okay we've got what does the label say uh 14k as is and i think i'm seeing kt right there 14 karat good enough for me 14 karat this is an old pen oh you unscrewed it there you go 14 karat that's a collectible right there what was that did you say oh nice is that what it was i just swallowed really hard because you're killing me right now okay you know what you're killing me i think i think we've got there's another opal look at that oh and here's another earring remember the one i said over there and i was like oh no nothing's on it yes let me check this that could be the matching pen this is matching these are definitely opals you're not gonna put opals in yeah but the opals oh this opal is cracked it's horrible pretty even with the crack it's cracked right up top you can't see until you magnify it oh i see it you do yeah it's a hairline fracture hairline crack and yes i finally found where it's labeled these count it's labeled on the top right here so there you go i'm counting it as a point the pendant and the earrings right there one point versus two i'm not gonna need it that's how confident i am you don't want that extra point hey if you're giving it to you if you're gonna cheat if you're gonna cheat i'm gonna beat you fair and square and what are we looking at another earring this is an earring with a diamond oh that's gorgeous it's gorgeous but i couldn't see anything there's mattress there oh here's a here's a wedding ring let's see any markings any markings i'm not seeing any markings i'm not seeing any markings okay this might be moonstone might be i'm not sure it's caught on some gold see that there that looks like moonstone or pearl and i think it's marked right there you know what can't tell no point for that one either it's pretty i can't tell okay i think those are called hat pins all right i'll take your word for it oh here's the necklace that goes with these the matching necklace but now can i find can i find if it's marked it definitely looks like real gold wait wait wait that might be it right there that bacon smell is getting stronger by the minute yeah cause i farted what i eat bacon earlier today i don't remember making you bacon you weren't with me where'd you go that you had bacon without me 10 carrot that counts 10 carrot right there taking it point for the set i went to the dump let's see what we have here is this silver maybe this little clip will be you see how cool that is that is really cool like little alligator clips it doesn't look like a tie clip i suppose i would probably just kind of like it right here how about in between the nose like the part oh man that hurts all the kids are getting pierced like the normal that hurts that ridiculously hurts um don't know on that let's see let's check this ring out oh that's a really cool ring i'm already seeing markings it is it is indistinguishable at this point can't read it doesn't count okay now we know this clip we couldn't find the one on this clip so those matching clips don't count okay and then another fancy pen that is a fancy pen but a lot of times the fancy pens use gold let's see if what this is this is a wherever that's a wherever pen okay let me check on the inside i'm not seeing anything all right if i can't find it technically it doesn't count unless i think that's gold but it doesn't count it doesn't count this might be gold here watch link it's not gold okay we got a couple more chances here okay that bacon does smell good let me see if it's real smooth not real not real i still don't get how you can tell well it's texture smoothness feel my face feel my face oily so is it smooth it's oily or is it gritty well you're fuzzy okay well that's how you can tell check that one out okay now let's see it is an earring no markings although i think it's silver man i hope i got enough to pull off the win that looks like real gold it sure does but again a little baby that's what my ears got pierced with another diamond stud looks just like it looked just like that but i don't see a marking anywhere and then there's another diamond stud i'll see if i can find anything can't see anything and then i have that gem and this backing you won't even count it all right i was that you were at 28 right and i was at eight yep bring it on down all right time to do some counting 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 oh my oh my gosh i beat you by one you cheated you cheated and the box isn't done you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 96,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 18sec (3258 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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