FOUND MONEY ITEMS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction Opening Mystery Boxes

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that's my camera woman are you seeing it we're back at the gorge how much did we buy this one 495 $95 unit that we bought on Thursday now we filled one episode here already it'll be in the description and then we filmed another one on Friday Saturday we were with George's family and then we're back today we're gonna see can we come up with how much money today George what should we challenge ourself with $500 can we find 500 dollars of profit in our $95 investment let us know in the comments do you think we can do it Hales yes if you think we can Hales know if you don't think we can and then make sure you watch the video all the way to the end to see what the total is to see if you were right or to see if you were wrong make sure you subscribe hit the bell notifications cuz you never know what the Hales we're gonna find [Music] we've got two days of loading already all right this is what we've got loaded so far so that's everything we've already we haven't gone through a full sort of you know detailed sort but we still have all of this boxes furniture why don't we start I'm George you gotta give me you gotta give me some money right here look at this it is a charm royal yes or no what do you think you're painting yeah the paint I don't know you move that girl oh no propane but breezecatcher it definitely needs cleaned how much do you think I can get for this if you clean it up I mean if I don't clean it up cuz I need know a good time for cleaning I don't know maybe you'll get a hundred for it okay probably cleaned up a hundred I'm gonna say $50 as is somebody has to clean it up that's $50 already all I gotta find now is 450 more that's not too bad it's a bag of clothes and while it's worth money to some to me it's worth more just in donating it so I'll take a tax write-off for that I'm gonna set that right aside we'll go through that later look at this look at all these books George you want any of these the best of mr. food cookies creative cooking cooking cooking cooking all kinds of romance novels I don't see anything I want I'm gonna I'm just gonna I'm ease are all gonna get donated as well are we gonna look through the pages you can do that later I gotta find $500 so why you waste the time for a dollar I still get well I gotta find 450 what about I looked at the pages off-camera oh we did this one already remember remember I found the cleaning supplies and I found those good people always one day that's the weirdest stuff yeah what's the weirdest stuff we find definitely teeth yeah they're empty I wonder what's in this one okay we are still looking for the Nintendo switch we're looking also for the Nintendo Wii you okay so we got jello just neither consoles we've ever found we have never found either counsel though we have found Wii U games all right we got lots of spices here jello sign let's see what we have in here toys can bring the right toys can bring a lot of money there really can I got PJ masks and oh we got the rock we got the manoa holy cow he's a beast huge I bought Isaac my nephew one of those for his you did second birthday this exact one yeah I think his batteries are done I think I paid close to $50 all right so I'm gonna guess without looking that he's got to be worth at least he's got some junk on him [Music] gotta be at least 10 bucks right there okay so that's $10 you got to give me $10 for that one now if we have there you go there's there's probably very gently used so what would you say $15 yeah I'm saying $15 as well that puts me I just have to find four hundred and twenty-five dollars now look at this these go in the rival guns that we found that's the ammunition I can't to get the gun and light okay this we're not putting a price on cuz that's coming home with me all right let's see still need $425 $25 what Disney want we do we haven't Disney like she's a little rougher Disney lot what do you think this is saving that favor life hey I didn't choose the Sabre light life the Sabre light life chose me you know what I'm saying because I think you now if you get the right Star Wars lightsaber some of the rarer ones they're worth hundreds some are worth thousands the toys not the realistic remake repose of the movie versions so you want to find the right one the right color and that's PJ masks as well and if you do find it it's only going up in value there's a another yeah there's another I'd say that's another $15 easy gently used again I mean they're probably more like 25 but well safe we always we always underestimate on our prices so nobody can go your overinflating we typically always sell it for more but we're gonna say fifteen dollars there okay jinx you owe me so what do you think ten bucks five per one and we can push each other around on these later once this place is empty sure okay deal all right really I really want to find is this your new fist pump it could be this could be your new fist pump for the Sunday night lot are yours more like yours your Chronos this should be your new fist pump you should bust this out tonight bust this out on the tonight's live okay out of nowhere they'll never see it coming in their Monday they'll see this video we'll set that aside okay and this will be my shield as you bust it out we still need four hundred dollars though I was falling in love with storage units okay I've got some other some fidgets spinners ponies I don't see I don't see the vintage video games in here time to look somewhere else I think we're gonna go for the win in this pile here but before they do or we do that's my camera woman no idea have no idea whatsoever look at this it's a lamp I love lamp but that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about we have VHS if we find the band Little Mermaid Oliver hunchback chicken run if we find the band Little Mermaid we automatically get the $500 and then I don't know a whole lot more Cinderella Land Before Time Lion King Little Nemo and then we have to leave Hercules the old stage okay almost but not quite in there so yeah there's a little bit of money in there we're not even gonna count a so I've gotta find $400 that's okay another box and Huggies Huggies come on hug me good look at this Beauty and the Beast Aladdin yes yes yes yes it is it's Black Diamond right there and I am there in there that's not the one I was looking for all right maybe it's still in here I'm gonna set this aside let's do do do get to do yeah diggity diggity dig hey new song I wrote for George it's called diggity diggity dig diggity dig diggity diggity dig if you want to sing along with us at home feel free all right there's got to be your favorite I found a shiny quarter shiny corn yep here we go I'm not gonna count that one I gotta find it for N squared you get to keep reporter that's now you're paid today for these are the legs to the trampoline we found the first I got a bunch of I got a bunch of what kind is that it's brand new American living iron stone and there's stuff like that I don't know I don't want to play many oh I found a nickel - I found a nickel um you want to give me a nickel for my pickle sure all right thanks all right let's just set this one aside the money is there $400 sweet all in one fine slow cooker and this could not be it is that Annabelle feathers that's never good that's probably why you guys Kleenex up your nose right now could you lerczak to the feathers okay we could have something in here alright ok so when we see a lot of this stuff just randomly thrown in here everything from the kitchen a sports bra it's pretty indicative that they they got evicted really quick and they had to get everything out really quick it also typically means that there is anything of value it was probably put in here immediately because wherever they went which was transitional they probably didn't want their things of value to be stolen so let's keep digging let's see if we can find that $400 it's got to be hidden in here somewhere a baby car seat we can't resell these though no does is that the date 8 25 14 I think this is expired I think that's the expiration date I'm not sure let me taste it nope yeah it's stale that's the expiration date so this is garbage no money on that I was hoping I was hoping maybe this could be my new diggity diggity dig stick diggity dig [Music] all right full the full song is gonna be released soon stay tuned what am i trapped I stuck on Oh careful careful careful we're stuck on something okay now I was hoping I could pull a bit of a win with some furniture and that's particle board so this just looks like a TV yeah it's an entertainment stand and the shelves are missing I mean I'll get $25 for it that's a warehouse somebody will come in they'll pick it up for $25 so so I still need 300 twenty-five dollars for that but if only remember we found that one that was filled with change you know that's pretty awesome that was awesome if only that was do you remember how much change was in there I don't over two grand that would have got us there that definitely got us there oh all right baby stroller that's pretty much scrap value that's that's a dollar we're not even going to count it but and we know somebody is reading acclaimed art expert knows everything but what do you think it's a nice piece ten dollars how much ten you're gonna give me ten dollars for this yeah give it give it right now you gotta wait till the end I biggety biggety dig in that pocket I need $10 $10 all right so she's giving me all I have is a quarter done deal oh wait wait yes look at this [Applause] that's a frame what do you think I don't know the frame looks look $20 $20 there's a 59.95 tag right there okay we're gonna have to get sixy for that we'll have to consult our art expert we'll set it aside until til that art expert Ken okay and we also have some more artwork there okay this piece here is it safe to look yeah come on in this is usually where the crazy stuff is do you know what this is a b c p either usually this is where the crazy stuff is this is just papers and this thing a BCP blood pressure blood control pressure I don't know okay so this thing here needs cleaned up for sure yeah wait and we know a lot of people that refinish don't buy it to refinish with solid wood so this is how would this is cherry so I had a minimum and getting another twenty five dollars for this and somebody will repurpose it so really I just need to find three hundred and fifty now well we haven't looked here yet oh yeah we did we found the we just have it large large no George are you seeing it see - are you seeing it - we always say they hide stuff in the back look at this no way we it's been a while are you seeing it oh my goodness careful keep it away from the sausage these are my new pants these are my new pants new well I'm not saying yeah but certain areas pitched okay look at this I never even saw it coming did you uh-huh look at that look at that 440 stainless okay can I get $50 for the samurai swords yeah all right some $50 for the samurai swords all I had there's problem horse hidden back there all I need to make now is another 300 bucks what about this this has got to be worth something this looks brand-new $20 never used 20 bucks oh yeah all right $20 now all I have to find us 200 and a little bit fast let's see the hoses in there okay I'm gonna say honestly this is only worth scrap value I would never try and resell this so this is five dollars in scrap values not even for parts no that's not worth it I need to make a hundred dollars an hour so for some people absolutely for what we do know it's not worth it so this is going straight to the scrapyard and employees will take it so five dollars so I need five to seventy some hidden stuff in here micro what do you know what a micro petty Nano is any idea it's brand-new whatever it is it's brand spanking new hey George it looks like one of those things that gets for those calluses looks like it was gonna be used for somebody as a Christmas gift but they never got it same with this right here the willow tree brother and sister I'll take that are you calling dibs would well I would assume since it's the willow tree that is probably oh yeah all right you know it's more valuable this right here this is what I wanted to get a little guy the washer okay the washer let's take a peek it's filthy it's definitely filthy but it's a Kenmore honestly I can still get $100 for it I get $100 for this washer so if Tami cleans it up that's $100 that would take me down to what 175 brand-new brand-new camp chair look at this this was hiding back there too little piece of artwork that looks like your toenails after you clip them all in tangle before I clip them you're after both before on you after in the garbage let's see if they're hiding anything back here did you hear the water in here okay so this is the important thing that I tell people when they're buying units some people see washer and dryers and then I call yeah big money big money big money if it went through a winter in the northern states then that water could have frozen and destroyed everything in the internal so you have to be very careful to make sure I'm still thinking this is okay I don't see any leaks anywhere down below see anything no water even if we had a mild winter we had a really mild winter so we're guaranteed $100 for this we'll be okay let's find some more money is it nap time baby I look at this all this stuff is gone there's so much room for activities man we do so much more activities got there was a bunk bed in here the bunk bed is out as well we don't know if the bunk bed is all there if the bunk bed is all there that's an easy $200 but it can't claim it because we don't have time to put it together we do have everything consolidated over to here now look at this brand-new ornaments right there well maybe use gently one season one season abuse ornaments can I get some money for that or yeah absolutely how much penny two cents I think a little bit more than second sense all right she's not giving me any money look at this we did find this we're hidden back there to show them how pretty they are and then show them your nose this is what I do to stop a leak he knows I just shove tissue in it that's how we stop all leagues in the Hales household we just shove tissue and everything that's that does that does a world of wonders there right now we also have an original piece of art if that is not a fairy tale come true it's pretty I don't know what is that's got to be worth something that's an original that's better than a Picasso in my mind I'm just throwing it out there okay we got the baby gate for that we've got well we got this thing massive crock-pot probably nothing it looks a little beat-up okay that one what's back here because the swords were hiding here let's pull it out here you know what maybe it's not a bunk bed you know what I was just thinking it might be a hockey goal hot goals or something they were in the hockey it may not be one bed and it could be more expensive than we originally thought - okay what do we have in here we have oh look at this look at this George look yeah we got a DES Oh George George George George okay here I'm gonna set this aside okay nasty blankets there's the D s okay I think come on baby come on come on come on come on come on come on we found our first-ever Wii U we are still or still can't believe it I can't believe have we found the controllers for them well let's take a peek here's the power pack this is the first time we have ever found a Wii U and we're still looking for the switch and we believe it's in here we believe it's all in here so there's the D s there's the Wii U whole city how much will we use the DS you got to give me 50 bucks for the DS oh I'm down 125 then we you itself if we find controllers you got to give me I don't you gotta give me okay just we'll just say $25 for the Wii U right now here is that's the DS charger okay things are looking good good switch the switches are selling for upwards $500 right okay there is that's a Nintendo charger right there that's for the switch I believe it's gotta be that we use in here so the switch has to be in here somewhere we don't know that it's in this box but okay not seeing it in this box I still got I still got some money left over but let's let's grab another box because it's got to be in here if I can find that Nintendo switch we're guaranteed $500 just for that so that would definitely make us a winner we're not quite there yet now here's some chicks for you do you want to tell everybody what we have planned yeah we the plan is to buy some baby chicks we're going hunting for chicks it's gonna be amazing that we can raise chicken can i name one chicken nugget sure can i name one chicken gumbo sure can i name oh look at that what's that okay oh and another look at that okay check that okay we got us I think we're getting close oh look at this Gorge just find the bank I think I found another one I think I found an oh I found another one George look at this look at this shaky-shaky I've been putting together lots for you for the auction of coin banks cuz those are collectible these are cool those are really cool okay all right let's uh let's get these books out of the way yeah yeah let's oh look at there there's a giant dice that'll go in the auction let's get these books out of the way let's get onto another tote let's let's move them you see what's written on this box this is the one that Rob couldn't wait to see what was inside what do you think it's kind of near the bedroom dresser I don't know no no Mike you don't know you know what we usually find thinking like maybe journal that's still sealed okay I'm thinking you might be right laundry that was dirty okay never made it to the wash all right dirty laundry I don't want to get in there I'm gonna have to you know what don't worry your side's down there my sides here okay now the viewers can see my boogers thanks for okay we've got a sewing machine we get a lot of off the Kenmore it is it's a Kenmore and look here's some poo stuff look not only do we got boogers showing right now but we got poo showing 200 you just lost the leak the leak is on all right this is probably good $25 so that's the 25 actually it's more than that but I'm just gonna go ahead and say $25 which I believe puts me at I need to find $100 correct looks like we got a little toy chest yes okay we might find uh we might find that Tendo switch in here yeah you've never ever played jobs no but I love screaming Yahtzee you love screaming anything like mommy you know all right let's go are you bust out right now all right so don't bet either never note that is it looks like it looks like we definitely have toys and I can't get that one back in I have to throw that in a box what do you think this is maybe that does not look like mooshka that looks like greedy Gator okay alright Nicole this might be it this might be it are you ready yeah tea time I'm hoping you ready here we yeah a handmade hand colored tea party not my cup of tea but uh pump change all right okay we got here let's see God oh we got a hanging dresser drawer huh okay come on big money big money big money my left is the bad one thankfully I'm right-handed cuz of your tennis elbow yeah nothing we can do oh this might be dirty to where we got what do we got what do we got we've got what is this if this is a retro tee we might have money series Red Sox I can't believe anybody would be routing found a penny found a penny for your thoughts all right you can get my thoughts no wait I just gave you the penny why didn't you give me your thoughts all right is that how that works yeah oh look we got three DS Super Mario maker of 3ds Mario Kart 7 okay no way no stinkin way why is it hidden in no way there it is there it is that is guaranteed that is guaranteed I had to make a hundred when we're calling this a hundred there's pieces we have more boxes look it's starting to rain like crazy we had other boxes we could go through but I'm calling it I'm calling it right here right now dawn found $500 just like that Nintendo switch you [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 34,162
Rating: 4.9161148 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: OCdTi9mDdpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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