Fat People Shouldn't Intuitively Eat!!!

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[Music] intuitive eating a car stupid people anyone who thinks differently is stupid hello youtube and welcome to my channel my bus will probably offend you my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud pug mommy and a cosplayer can you guess in the comment section who on cosplaying today NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC NIC 90s rule I waited 11 years for personal spacing you say no you're oppressing me so sorry for not having a spooky cosplay because I love you guys know how I love the whole spooky thing but I have a lot of spooky intense cosplay coming up with that I'm preparing for their pretty long video so the spookiness is going to come right back to this channel next video so make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the next spooky video because we are confronting someone who isn't a fat positive community who's not fun only this time we tried to spend my whole channel for the benefit of her so and make sure to hit that subscribe button it's gonna be an intense one so you guys wanted my opinion on intuitive eating the fat positive or body positive I don't know the difference because it seems like some people say that their body positive and people say no that's fat acceptance and then this person says their fat acceptance person and someone says no that's body positivity so everybody defines it differently I don't know I've seen both people claim the same types of thing not the point of this video it's a fight about it but feel free in the comment section but they both always say that you shouldn't diet you should listen to your body and just eats intuitively don't worry about calories or portion sizes so in this video I'm going to tell you guys my problems with intuitive eating and when I think it's okay to eat intuitively because I am one that does eat intuitively but before I tell you guys about let's look at some post from Instagram and see what I'm eating is so popular now that there's 1.1 million people hash tagging it on Instagram there's a reason why these body-positive or fad activists are talking on this trend because it's very trendy so there's a page that goes by no food no rules I agree it with some of her content and I disagree with some of her con as well it doesn't mean that she's a horrible person it's just her content can steer some people who have a food addiction issues or binge eating disorder in the wrong direction there's a picture of her eating peanut butter and it says why peanut butter is too high in calories if I eat it I'll balloon up truth it is delicious and nourishing as [ __ ] you can eat it without guilt I completely disagree with that when I was a bender and I still AM technically I've injured that it never leaves you and peanut butter was one of those things that I in my head said oh well this is healthy it's probably okay to binge on when it's not she says it in the post that peanut butter is high in calories and she said it's all why peanut butter is high in calories these two little things they'll get you up to 200 calories and either eat a whole tub of damn Skippy peanut butter combined with chocolate pretzels I personally think that I should feel guilty after that because that's not healthy to do to your body so looking at this picture if I was back in my old mental bingeing state where I had absolutely no control I would have seen this got very happy sprinted down stairs and got my freakin peanut butter with the spoon and chocolate pretzels sat down and watched any cartoon really anime Nickelodeon cartoon network you name it I'll watch it I've got a whole tub of peanut butter and a lot of time so I don't agree with that one I do feel that a lot of people avoid fats when we meet fats fats are very healthy but I see a lot of people avoiding fats because they think that will make them fat so I think she warded it a little bit differently it would have made a lot more sense scientifically because overeating will make you gain weight so here's another Lyons truth she does a lot of these and it says lie can only have one tablespoon of peanut butter at a time any more is too many calories truth measuring spoons don't know your life so lastly what you want and once again invite so a third what I want I love peanut butter I could probably still eat a whole tub of peanut butter with pretzels and yogurt pretzels if you've ever mixed yogurt pretzels and peanut butter I don't recommend it if you're a Binger so once again I think she pushes it too far and adds like no control to a situation like that because if you are a vendor you can have this thinking if I can just I want to get as much as I want that's why most of the population is overweight and obese because we have that mindset about tablespoon doesn't know my life no it doesn't but it is a good unit of measure that you can use to portion out your food so that you can make sure that you are not overeating you can't have the yo it's too high in calories truth good yoke corn makes every meal a million times better so I get what she's saying once again like people are afraid of fat because they think that makes you fat and that was that's not the case I see that I've been a lot of people they try to go on a low-fat diet and then you know you you lose out on the fat grams and we need fat we need it to function it's very healthy to eat fat the problem with fat that gets kind of misconstrued with people as I attire and calories than carbs and protein so if you look at a 1 gram of carbon protein it's 4 calories if you look at one gram of fat it's more than double than the carbs and protein and so it's going to be naturally higher in calories than than the other macronutrients and a little bit is going to get you a lot of calories for example the peanut butter again 2 tablespoons is 200 calories do you know how many carbs and protein you can get worth of 200 calories compared to fat so I think that's why a lot of people are scared of fat and turn to low fat diets because they are scared of all the calories but if you just monitor it and portion it out you will be fine because we do need that in our lives a little bit of fat never hurt nobody especially on the booty and then there's one that talks about binging and me as a bender I am just like girl no why are you telling benders this I don't think she's ever had a binge eating problem but that's not for me to judge binge eating is your body trying to protect you a way to avoid your feelings not a lack of willpower so I'm not too sure if she's actually saying binge eating is your body trying to protect you or it's just like a click Beatty title because she doesn't really talk about it in the caption she goes through saying like her one of her clients is having a hard time with binge eating and she's helped her with that and whatnot click you know in this profile to go to my blog people that had my mindset in the past when it came with binge eating to be like Oh binging is my body trying to help itself so that means that's a good thing if I binge I'm still not completely clear maybe she can clear that up for us I don't know I'm just speaking from the content that is on the page if I saw this in my past mental state and see this you know cute thin girl eating a freaking huge a squab of peanut butter which I would love to do saying that Benjy binge eating is your body trying to protect itself I would see that and Jess once again peanut butter pretzels couch anime and then the last one I want to cover from Caroline the intuitive eating a type coach is one that says this if the goal is weight loss the program is not appropriate for children period so I'm not sure if we have another Sanne Lee the fat sex therapist situation here but it sounds like we do because if your child is obese the goal should be weight loss correct if it is like hindering their quality of life I would think that this child's goal should be to lose weight because that's the main thing that is hindering his quality of life and in her condo section it says well what if your child is eight and 300 pounds and she says hey focus on body size is still bad for mental health and weight loss attempts are most likely to be unsuccessful encouraging healthy behaviors and properly addressing medical concerns can be done without focusing on weights and once again I partially agree with her like I said a lot of these people take it way too far if your child is eight and 300 pounds I think the focus should be on health and weights because at that point they're so obese and they really do need to learn the side effects of being obese just like you teach our kids that you don't want to smell because there are very bad side effects but you teach them that you don't want to drink and drive because there are very bad side effects you don't want to drink too much because there are very bad side effects side effects you don't want to weigh too much because there are very bad side effects just as if you don't want to be too thin because there are very bad side effects so like I said in the beginning I eat intuitively now now that wasn't always the case I was a Trisha Paytas level Avenger to the point where I would eat so much that my stomach would hurt my body could not take it anymore and I would throw up not not on purpose my body would just do it because you can't fit any more food in there they're rejecting it they're telling me why didn't you eat that much because you're not supposed to eat that much and then what would my freakin ass do throw up and then I'm like huh well I'm hungry again and I would eat some more on the cyclone would continue it was very very sick very very sad it is an eating disorder it sucks it's very sad it's very just like you feel trapped and there's no way in that time back then with my mental state and my lack of control could I intuitively eat because my body intuitively wants it to been a lot of the people that promote intuitive eating say if you give yourself the food that you want then you won't be controlled by food anymore which I can agree with personally but not for people who was in the mental state that I used to be in when my binge eating was at an all-time high dude if someone here I feel like somebody is watching me back then I had to give myself some type of structure I had to visibly see how many calories I was eating so that I could visibly see what I was doing to my body when I was binging I had to learn the difference between actual hunger and just a craving I had to give myself some type of structure to be able to get to that point than I am now so that I can eat intuitively for the people asking me what I think about intuitive eating I think it's great for people who have the foundation and structure I think it's great for people who have a background in nutrition and fitness and have counted the calories and know how to portion food out a lot of these activists are intuitive eating people promote the fact that people shouldn't count calories how do they expect people to be able to eat intuitively if they don't at least visually see how much food they're actually putting into their body how do they expect them to eat a healthy portion if they've never eaten a healthy portion ever because I was that person I was allowed to eat whatever amount I wanted however much I wanted it through my childhood and when I got to a certain age when I was putting on weight and I learned what a portion size was I'm almost like what the hell that's a portion size I can meet 10 times that much and just to put it into perspective for you guys because some people think okay I'll count for like a month then I'll get it down I counted for at least 10 years until I felt like I had it down and I had that visual image in my head from things that I would eat so that I know how to portion it so I don't think intuitive eating is stupid I think it's great for people who have a background in nutrition oh they should be so someone who heavily counted calories before and now we can intuitive eat because he went through that process of making that foundation so that he can be where he is now if you are someone that has never portioned out food for a good chunk of time someone who has binging issues should not be intuitively eating so that is my opinion on intuitive eating you guys kept asking so I wanted to make sure to get a quick video on here if you guys like these quick videos let me know and if you have more questions like this of what my opinion is leave it in the comment section and I can put some quicker videos up here they're very easy for me to edit sorry once again for it not being all spooky but the spooky videos are coming up very very soon the next one is going to be in cosplay and a lot of underworld action so make sure to hit that subscribe button because a lot of fun things are coming up remember guys you do not have to be a size 2 apps are great to have but not needed to be healthy but health is extremely important and I want all my followers even the ones that hate me to be as healthy as possible thanks for watching you guys and I will see you guys next time alright that was a good video I can't wait to upload this one [Music] you see the trophy outfit it up in my car love kitty you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty secured to Mikey I get the bugs [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 115,659
Rating: 4.9769921 out of 5
Keywords: intuitive eating, intuitive eating what i eat in a day, intuitive eating weight loss, weight loss, healthy weight loss, binge eating, binge eating dissorder, fat people should not intuitively eat, obesity, obese, body positive, fat positive, fat acceptance, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: F29R56oZsoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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