Insta Models Telling Lies Again [Woah Vicky & Flat Tummy Co]

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welcome to the finest most animated clown puppet show introducing your favorite seductive evil but lovable clown madeline gene what do you mean Madeline she's the starting act is the audience telling you that they were originally here to see Madeline J but I thought I was gonna be the starting axe I was always the starting act before that dreadful excuse of a clown puppet came in and is now always the starting act the star I used to be the absolute favorite when it came to this show everyone came to see me and then that I came apparently she's your guys's favorite but she's a poor excuse of a clown well you putrid audience if you love Madeline you're going to absolutely love me if you don't hello and welcome to this show my thoughts will probably offend you and my name is Michelle McDaniel I'm gonna put this knife down so I do not hurt myself safety first kids or whatever you humans say if you are wondering what is going on on the introduce myself my name's Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer a very proud mother of a pug and as you can see a cosplayer and if you have been watching my channel for a while now and you haven't put two and two together I am very obsessed with the clown to the point where me and my subscribers created a clown called Madeline G and this is a new one someone that really despises Madeline G she was the favorite of the puppet master and then Madeline G came on in and took her spotlight and no woman of the theatre likes when that happens and did I mention they are also killer a [ __ ] clowns so if my subscribers once you name this want to create a tiny little backstory in the comment section like we did with good old Madeline gee I would love that and I'll read it on a camera again like I did with Madeline gee I feel very bad for whoever is very scared of clowns because it's only gonna get worse as Halloween comes closer and closer along with the book that I'm writing or like the mini story that I'm writing of surrounding all of these clown characters so with all that being said I know last time I said that the next time I see you guys it's gonna be hard plus girls week but then this amazing thing happened where a girl reached out and she said could I draw for you for some of your story times and I was like yeah she just wanted to volunteer so I wanted to give her a little bit more time because I fit in a little bit of a story time in the first episode of Powerpuff Girls week on this channel so that's gonna start either Tuesday or Wednesday I wanted to make sure I give her enough time so that we can see how she interprets a my story through her drawings now for today's video if you people needed a sign that flat tummy tea or companies like it didn't give a [ __ ] about you or your Colin or your health here it is once again supplement companies are acting like clowns and hiring clowns and this little town does not stand for Madeline Jeep or these flat tummy tea companies flat tummy tea is now sponsoring a girl called beau Vicki who is the Vicki you might be asking she is a human that got famous by saying that she's black on camera yes my birthday is March 7th but July 19th with a day I found out like this whole my whole entire life my mom can totally do white you're white I never believed her because I knew I was black with July 19th I did some history Alania and I found out 25% black whoa Becky's legal name is Victoria Walter of a 19 year old Instagram model who says she's 44 percent black once Victoria discovered her level of straightener I like to call it watch to be eat you one syndrome Victoria speaks about very enlightening topics that help her very young audience want to be the very best individuals that they can be things like getting money rapping about various topic and of course whatever is going on here if your human child or your clown child is following Victoria they are on a very promising path anyway so what Vicki I made a post on Instagram about what the protein or meal-replacement shake from the company flat tummy ko it does for her tag ad I'm out here drinking my flat tummy shakes so I can make them all jealous one shake a day and my craving stay away I'm like your boyfriend I'm gonna keep this going to get ready to put all these girls to shame hashtag body goals I love how people have to deliberately spell things wrong or spell things a certain way when they type as if she's trying to prove that I speak like this in real life I speak like this so much in real life that I even type like it hash tag add you know I'll be looking like a snack already but flat tummy shapes gonna get me looking like a meal they'd be packed with all the essential nutrients to keep me full and energized so I can take on all these haters check them out well let's see if Miss Vicki's flat tummy company give her enough energy to take on science [Music] I know when these Kosovo Vicky is talking about the protein shakes but I want to take a look at the other product that this company seems to just blast and mark it with a lot of people that have a high Instagram or you know social media following the detox teas I like to call them poop teas diarrhea teas bloody butthole teas you know just a few names that I like to give these type of teas so in the past multiple times we have talked about why these detox type teas are detox type supplements in any of them whether auntie form or pill form are very bad for you and just outright ridiculous before the new subscribers who are nice enough to stick around even though you were originally here for Madeline freaking Jie I can go over it for you again their marketing is very misleading it's basically drinking and you get a flat tummy when it should say drinking and you all have explosive diarrhea all over your poor toilet rip you your toilet and your bum hole these company claims that if you drink their product that it will just cleanse out your system and cleanse everything out but the funny thing is about that you human another public lounge - when we turn into humans have something in our body that does it already it's just so funny because we literally have a built-in system in our bodies it's called our kidneys and those are free but weird clown girl I did a detox that I lost so much weight within like four days well yes of course you did you took a huge fat diarrhea swampy dump all over your toilets you're going to lose something but that's something that you lost within a matter of days is going to come back because it wasn't fat that you actually lost its bodily fluid that's your body really needed so what you're telling me is that you want to pay $36 for a four week program to detox your body aka give you the [ __ ] for something your body can do for free and naturally I'm just sneaking in a little business lesson here and the answer to that question is no now let me tell you what the funny thing is about this four-week program and the proof I see why these people who sell these things don't give an absolute poop about your health most of these products have an ingredient called Cinna root source in a leaf in the product fda-approved locks that have helped to treat constipation and clear the bowels of patients who just went under a colonoscopy not to help them lose weight or give them a flat tummy and as you can see the first ingredient in this um cleanse is Senna the funny thing is about this goofy clown company is that they have a four week program they want you to take this tea for four weeks and go through this cleanse for four weeks but post colonoscopy they only prescribe Senna for about two weeks and there is some very serious reasons as to why they do that after two weeks your bowels stopped functioning normally long-term use contains the balance of the chemicals in your blood which can cause heart functioning disorder later damaged muscle weakness all for thirty six dollars so now that I have proven to you that this company has at least one a piece of [ __ ] product let's get back to vote Vicky and her claims on the protein shake I'm sorry the flat tummy shade so similar to the other products of this line the flat tummy tea it's the whole drink it and you get a flat tummy so let's review what will Vicky claims that this product does one shake a day and my cravings stay away they be packed with all these central nutrients to keep me full and energized to take on the haters the first one you can't really prove maybe a shake a day helps her get rid of the cravings and always depends on the person personally if I crave chocolate a chocolate shake or a chocolate version she would probably help me could we interest you in some chocolate chocolate chocolate a microwave hot cheetos a chocolate shake probably is not going to give me the same satisfaction as hot cheetos does so that's kind of a broad statement but once again it depends on the person let's talk about good ol number two no no no not the kind that you're gonna be having if you take those flat tummy T's whoa Vicky's second claim five major essential nutrients you need for your body to function are carbs which provides energy protein which builds muscle and repairs muscle tissue fats provide backup energy your body uses fats for energy when carbs are not available vitamins and minerals and water so the flat tummy shake has a variety of vitamins but that's not what I'm focusing on they market this at the email replacement everything I need to have in a meal but if you look here they have 21 grams of protein but one gram of fat and eight grams of carbs and the calories of this meal is 125 calories it doesn't sound so much like a complete meal to me that's going to satisfy me for a few hours like meals usually do because it is missing two very major essential nutrients along with it being a very low calorie meal if so whose goal was to lose weight replace one of their meals with one of these 125 calories shakes most likely they will lose weight because an average meal is going to be around 300 to 600 calories so you replace a 300 600 calorie meal with a 125 calories shake yes overall you will probably be in a calorie deficit which we all know and calorie deficit is the main thing that you need to lose weight but this would be a very hard to sustain and keep the weight off because like I said up 125 calorie meal is really hard to sustain because most likely you're going to get hungry and that is the main reason most people quit diets because they are hungry and they think they're supposed to be hungry which you should not be starving on a diet just to put in perspective to you humans 125 calories is like eating a pretty large Apple as an apple going to keep you completely satiated for hours most people who have a very huge appetite for food and souls are going to say no so just to backtrack a little bit to our number one about trying to just like solve all four cravings I kind of highly doubt that now because if I'm used to eating 300 to 600 calories for my lunch and then I replace it with 125 calorie powder drink I know I put those in close I'm supposed to say meal replacement because technically it is a powder drink but a meal replacement according to the company I'm gonna get hungry and I know when I get very hungry and try to just not it not pay attention to my hunger then the cravings start settling in and then the very evil thoughts about me eating a whole cheesecake mixed with a bunch of human souls start entering my mind and then I do it then I eat it all but you he wasn't probably just eat the cake and I I don't think that's what you want if you're trying to lose weight so looks like you're number one is flawed and it looks like we're number two is fun as well because it's definitely not packed with all the essential nutrients - uh what did she say keep me full and energized to take on the haters they won't keep her energized either because once again a hundred 25 calories isn't going to do much especially if you are active how's that I notice about this company because I am very careful with my money now that I do not get these starred roles in these performances is that the company wants you to have this Moreau placement shake once a day there's 20 serving so if you have this every single day you would be spending 60 $6.75 or $80 I guess it depends if they are having a sale or not let's pin every three weeks and that's a lot of money on powdered and that's why you shouldn't buy this because you don't need it - do you really want to give your money to a company that doesn't give a [ __ ] about you and your health and your butthole because if they did they wouldn't be selling these crappy products making these crappy unrealistic claims and picking people to represent their company who don't know absolute about health they wouldn't seek out an influencer to hold their product who purely got popular by acting like a black stereotype [Music] they would put more time into their product they wouldn't be selling a product that the first ingredient is Senna and say the ticket for four weeks so would you guys buy this product do you want to destroy your colon these are all questions that I have for you that I am looking forward for you to answer so I can read all of them in the comment section thank you guys so much for saying for my whole performance it means so much to me don't forget to hit that subscribe button the thumbs up button share this video if one of your friends are planning on ruining their colon for $36 plus shipping and handling and then following it up with a meal replacement shake that is not actually a meal replacement next time I see you I will probably be a very iconic character from the classic show Powerpuff Girls thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys next time oh wait I don't need a slice I have a knife [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 155,258
Rating: 4.9660163 out of 5
Keywords: woah vicky, danielle bregoli, kodak black, Flat tummy tea, flat tummy workout, flat tummy shakes, scmas, instagram models, models, ig models, insta models, instagram vs reality, instagram followers, cosplay, cosplayer, cosplayers, instagram, woah vicky song
Id: LhroBtZ1Sgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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