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so like I said in my previous video that I just posted today two videos and one day you guys I hope you guys watched both of them but I know you guys struggle with binging and overeating and just how to move on after you had a bad day of overeating I talked about it in my amberlynn video in my Trisha Paytas video if you haven't watched those please go watch them as well I have a lot of good information for people who like to overeat but a lot of you guys I think you think that I just have it easy like this whole being healthy having a healthy lifestyle is just so whoa easy you walk in the park type thing but as I said in those videos that I have to put in an effort every single day or I will fall back into my old lifestyle I completely met that it will be so easy for me to go back to binging and being out of control with food and not caring and then being frustrated after the binge but then binging again because I'm frustrated that I already been I like to say that I will never go back but it is a struggle to avoid going back but I just wanted to film this when I was fresh because it happened yesterday and the culprit was one myself because remember we always take responsibility for our actions that our little hands have done but the second culprit was that damn freaking blondie thing that I made [Music] we're like a plant-based thing that I bought on the fly from sprouts and I was like I'm not gonna like this this is probably disgusting and dry and nasty y'all I loved it it tasted amazing in my mouth so something I know about myself is I need to eat right when I wake up I can't dilly-dally because if I do I'll get super hungry and then I just start snacking on things that I don't need just empty calories that doesn't even fill me up and I don't need them so this morning what do I do I wanted to read your guys's comments from my last couple of videos and I found myself just going deep deep deep into the comments reading everything loving like guys comments and then someone said oh you should check out this girl so I started watching her videos and then I just found myself in a rabbit hole of new videos and new ideas for my channel and then the hunger set in and I walked my hungry ass downstairs started getting out all the ingredients I needed to make my breakfast and then my eyes thoughts that delicious succulent mouth-watering blondie that I left in plain sight in my pantry and then I just said I have control I'll just have a small corner just a tiny corner then that corner turned into a half a blondie gonna turn to a whole blondie then I got a damn glass of almond milk and the next thing I know I'm sitting at the kitchen table at 8 a.m. in the morning with a spoon just scraping out blondie into my mouth and guzzling now some almond milk I probably had about like three Blondie's and I was like I may as well just finish the whole thing Amaury already dug myself super deep let's just keep on digging and then I thought wait I have a choice to either just dig myself deeper into this extremely high sugar and calorie treat and it's only like eight 10 a.m. in the morning or I should just stop I literally had a lot already what is more going school just gonna make me feel worse so then I said sorry I'll stop sometimes I have like little heated conversations with myself like I don't want to stop but you're forcing me to stop Soph just freaking do it inside the brain Michelle so I stopped I put it away and usually like back in the day when I would been don't be like okay I can't have breakfast because I've already had so many calories I don't do that now I actually just go on and go back to the plan like I said in the other videos just go back on the plan move on I made my healthy breakfast because I know that that damn blondie is not gonna like it doesn't do anything for me I was eating it out of pure cravings I didn't fill me up didn't do anything but make me feel crappy and my stomach didn't hurt quite a bit only because I don't eat that much sweets like that like big and some consuming of sweets anymore so I got a stomach ache and I was still hungry and pissed at myself because it's my own damn fault so I made me a healthy breakfast I drink water I drink tea I did not do damage control I did not go to the gym yester because I know I would try to outdo my whole binge thing because we know from my Trisha Paytas video that you can't do I also didn't beat myself up and I also did not give in to my crazy mental state in here to just finish off the blondie because I was already big dug myself a pretty deep hole heesu forced myself to just finish it just freakin do it Michelle you're already an idiot just be more of an idiot those are literally the conversations I would have to myself and when I was not educated on how to beat this whole binging thing it is very hard to get out of all I so I just wanted to show you guys that I still struggle I feel like a lot of people think like oh once I get to that point I'm not gonna struggle anymore guys I struggle all the time but I do know myself and I know how to avoid the situations if I know that I will also screw up from time to time like I did yesterday but I also know that I can't do damage control and then I just have to move on and do better I'm still living I'm still fit I got a great workout today and I move on so I just wanted to give you guys a short little mini real-life video real quick well it's still like fresh that happened yesterday so if you mess up and you find yourself binging because I guarantee you probably will find yourself binging you're gonna mess up everybody does you still have the power to just stop you don't have to finish the whole tray of Blondie's that's literally where like my competitive side and my healthy side like need a stop because I want to be healthy but I'm also competitive and I want to finish the whole thing it's like a marathon how fast can I finish this tray of Blondie's but then the healthy side is like No so just move on and just get back on track no need to dig a little deeper than you already are [Music] I hope this helped all at least one person today and if it did hit that subscribe button and share with a friend a lot of people struggle with this and it might just help them if you guys want more shorter videos like this with quick tips let me know I will make sure to try and squeeze it on in with my longer video also I just named it the way that I did because it's just easier to name it I'm not sure if everybody knows what Blondie's are I didn't this is my first time having them and they are freaking delicious I was gonna bring the tray up here to show you guys but then just in case I don't want to like hold it and keep it in my room cuz plain bed TV remote control what better place to eat the rest of a tray of Blondie's but here's a picture you can still see some of the scrapes I scraped it pretty clean so yeah bye [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 59,909
Rating: 4.9795284 out of 5
Keywords: michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, WHAT TO DO AFTER YOU BINGE, WHAT, TO, DO, AFTER, YOU, BINGE, I ATE TOO MUCH, DAMAGE CONTROL, HOW TO STOP BINGE EATIN, WEIGHTLOSS SECRETS, binge eating disorder, binge eating disorder documentary, binge eating disorder recovery, BINGE EATING TIPS, I BINGED, I KEEP BINGING, BINGING 101, WEIGHTLOSS TIPS, MY THOUGHTS WILL PROBABLY OFFEND YOU
Id: AvK0rx0g3Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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