Trisha Paytas Will Always Be Fat

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before we start my 12-week workout and support group is always open to anyone who wants to join you get a 12-week workout program along with a lifetime access to the support group so that you can continue to have support and questions answered even after the 12-week program link in the description below oh you silly mortals this isn't some pink fun little man like Sheree she'll and it's Halloween welcome to the underworld I am a peckish more than the noble seed of L princess of the underworld I'm a very proper nubile seed along with just a - well a lot of clumsiness but I am the most noble and strongest pegacorn of the underworld that's what I am you see the champion fit it up in my car in the kitty I secure the bag I get the ball okay hello everyone welcome to my channel my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a put mommy of one of those colorful earth unicorns don't ask how that happened and the obvious right here an accountant just kidding I'm a cosplayer and Halloween is my time baby to shine today I am wearing my original cosplay if you remember my other original named Elle who happens to be my inner demon because remember we all have one that comes out when we're feeling a little spicy to say the things that we really just want to say this is her little animal companion it's pretty much our happy to her not sue the shopper to Luffy's crew her own personal underworld pegacorn who is very very loyal strong very proper but very clumsy and I got the idea from this picture that I just found on Google and I was just very motivated to make something out of that picture that I saw so if you guys want to name this character you can give it a little backstory we can do a little you know happy situation like they did in fairy tale like I said I do love writing story then I'm working on the clown one right now and I'm still trying to figure out if these characters are going to be in the same universe or not you never know my imagination is plain weird but with that being said if you guys draw fan art for Elle or this character whatever we decide to name him or her not sure what we're going with it I kind of wanted to make it a boy feel like I said this channel is to make our imaginations run wild they can be whatever they want to be but if you do make fan art I plan on thing it in the next video whenever L comes back on this channel because she is feeling very spicy and a little irritated and slightly petty towards somebody on Instagram a certain hypocritical person might I add on Instagram who she feels the need to save what she really feels so hit that subscribe button so you do not miss that whole virtual confrontation now today's topic is how Trisha Paytas is never going to attain the body that she really really wants she's always going to be the fat girl and if you are offended by that hate hate stuff don't you're gonna make a comment right now I know you are you're gonna want to watch the whole video and you'll understand why I said that now before I start today's topic Trisha is now saying that she is transsexual she identifies herself as a gay man her reasoning is because she is attracted to gay men and I've always just been attracted to guys but not straight guys I've always been attracted to gay guys so that's why I act like always hi like maybe I'm a gay man so after I watched that video a bunch of Trisha videos started popping up on my recommended a lot of which I saw were just eating videos of Trisha and I came to the conclusion on the rate that she's going to you're always going to be that chubby messy girl eating chick-fil-a and crying in the middle of her kitchen and [Music] look I love messy chicks they're usually very very fun and I don't know much about Trisha but from what I've seen I path like you're half don't I've seen some of the controversy of her lying about Hawaii she treated other people such a way so that's kind of confusing and then there's that other half where I feel for her as a personal trainer and I see that she's struggling with weight loss and she's just kind of a person that is hurting on the inside and a person who is very addicted to food a person who is trying to find happiness through buying a bunch of material object I already said this but once again a person that is very addicted to food and I feel for her because I am someone that struggles with food addiction and struggled in the past people who are addicted to food never get over it yeah I got to my goal weight but I still struggle it's an everyday struggle as with any addiction at all Point Blank period with a key but what we are going to do today is show you why Trisha is not ever going to be the size that she probably wants to be so what we're going to do today is go through the drive-thru with Trisha we're gonna see what she's eating and we're also going to count some of the calories that she got and ate during a meal something that Trisha does is something that many people do when they want to lose weight they do these various extreme diets in her case water fasting and not eating for a day or more loses weight then they get very hungry they binge then they go on another detox are fast again for damage control and it's just a roller coaster ride of going up the scale and then down the scale and doing a diet and then quitting the diet sitting on the middle of your living room floor having an epic cheat day with a huge churro in your mouth trying to eat 10,000 calories worth of food and you can really screw up your whole week of eating at a calorie deficit from one day of Popeye's Trisha is working out how I've seen her work out in her workout vlog she is definitely eating too much for the amount of work she's putting in so her most recent video she went to a place called ground house burger in Orange County there she ordered the magical burger that looks like one of those colorful happier lamb unicorns disgusting vomit atrocious the sandwich is made out of rainbow bagel for burger patties four slices of cheese three different sauces banana ketchup aioli sprinkles and marshmallows she also got a fry bled a spin will of twelve different sauces classic fries tater tots sweet potato fries onion rings waffle fries and on top of all of that she ordered the magical milkshake another thing that it looks like unicorn vomit that's Turkish I can't tell you what's in it there's no nutritional information on the website if someone finds it please send it over to me because I wanted to count the calories for this whole meal but it's not there and I'm very interested to see exactly what's in this milkshake specifically because there's just so much going on but it looks like it's purely ice cream sprinkles whipped cream milk marshmallows and a sour tape candy now Trisha didn't eat all of this food was a very tame video for Trisha I just wanted to give you a rough idea of how much she normally orders and honestly I've seen videos where she orders probably triple this the reason I think she didn't indulge as much as she does in her videos is because she didn't really love the burger she took a very tiny bite which I don't blame her for not liking I mean these colorful freakin unicorn vomit looking sandwiches I prefer my burgers dark thick juicy with just uh lots of blood so in this other video she orders the new impossible whopper meal the vegan burger at Burger King along with that she gets the chicken fries and an order of chicken find a diet coke like an egg in a diet coke and mozzarella sticks classic enjoy with the mozzarella sticks the impossible whopper is 630 calories in one one one meal one one mil you guys in another video she gets a cinnamon six hundred eight calories mmm a s'mores medium shake 670 calories I'd only have ever had an army sheath before she doesn't stop there she gets small mozzarella sticks small curly fry and she ends it once again with a diet coke and it's while they cook please [Music] and for the last one she went to one of my favorite donut places when I was little we would always wake up my mom would have just a dozen donuts from Krispy Kremes which I would eat at least four to six of them as a child as a nine-year-old child it is a struggle to get out of you guys so if you are struggling food addiction I get it but if I can do it your ass can too and I am rooting for you sweetie we are all rooting for you I think that was a little different from Tyra speech but we're going for positivity this time around Oh in the Krispy kream video she even says that she gained weight from doing too many of these eating videos are doing another I'm letting the person who despises the probably the last one I feel like they do really well on my channel I'm sure this trend is going to die and I sure hope so because I have gained probably 15 pounds just eating three big ass fast food meals a day aka binging what she said in many other videos that she a Binger where she also binges off of camera she also says that she has ran out of places to go to to do these month bangs or eating videos that she does which means she's like hit probably almost every single fast food joint in her area I mean ran out of places even go through so now we're going through crispy cream and then she also says the reason why it's addled the video the way that I did this is how you know you are truly a fat girl like just always going to be I saw a panic stressed right next to the Krispy Kreme and it has a drive-through excited I was not lying so the people pissed off in the comment section you better be pissed off at Trisha Paytas cuz she said it I mean how can you be mad at the pegacorn a messenger okay but at Krispy Kreme the girl got a free because I think because she's fresher pitas they just gave her a free glazed donut and she scarf that down but then a minute hmm 190 calories of probably pure sugar and fat just in your body without even really thinking about it and on top of that she got a dozen donuts and on top of that she got a doughnut hole cut which once again sounds so good sounds so good brings back so many memories but at the same time you don't need that much food especially at one time but Trisha Paytas is a classic Binger I don't think in the videos that shows her eating all of the food but in many weight loss blogs I have seen her doing these 24 hour to one week no food detoxes and her blogs are very very long but I did sit through about 2 of them before for my first video that I made just a PETA's when I dress up as the Queen of Hearts and she mentioned that before her um her little 24 hour or one I think it one she did like a one week water fast and she said before the water fast she like ate a whole pot of pasta she ate you know all this stuff from Red Lobster she ate a platter of rice krispie treats I'll link the video below and a lot of these you know before I start my diet things she mentions that she did a huge bin so the fact that she records her binges and as she says that she's been just off of camera as well I'm sure she probably most likely eats most if not all of the food that she gets Trishna is a classic Binger I want to say a classic typical American binges on food doesn't feel so good after clothes start to feel tighter decides to go on a crash diet stream crash diet where you lose mostly water weight for a short amount of time and then you binge again because not eating enough food is hard to sustain and then you gain your way back and you get frustrated and then the whole cycle continues people who are watching who has been there this pegacorn zas I mean if you want an example of what I used to be when I would binge watch Trisha Paytas eat that's my ass and if you want an example of what not to do when you want to lose weight watch Trisha Paytas and do the exact opposite so I wanted to remind everyone whose goal it is to lose weight that if you work so hard during the week you stayed at your calorie deficit you worked out super hard you sweat you got to the gym every single day you were active you took the steps to be a better you and then the weekend comes and you decide to binge all of that work that you did all week can literally be thrown into the trash no deeper than this trash when you throw out all of that hard work that you worked so hard to do all week it literally burns through the trashcan burns through the center of the earth and finds itself here in the underworld my end people my habitation and you don't want that to happen right littering in a poor Pegasus habitation of the underworld come on respect the underworld Pegasus si I don't know I don't you you guys will tell me in the comments section I really wish treasure or whatever name she goes by now the best I really feel for her I hate watching people struggle when it comes to food edition but don't be a Trisha be consistent with your slight calorie deficit slight calorie deficit emphasis on flights soft crash dieting get mentally healthy get physically healthy and love yourself yeah that's right those little colorful earth unicorns aren't the only ones that give positive motivational and loving advice oh you thought that just because I'm in the underworld I'm evil well that's rude we are evil beings down here we just look different than you daywalkers I mean we like the occasional blood baths every now and then it's great for our skin but we're not evil we're very caring demons I was not gonna like that very much she hates being judged so good luck when she comes to this channel don't forget to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the next video hell is feeling pretty spicy remember you do not have to be a size to having big biceps are great to have but not need it to be healthy hope is important and I want all of my watchers even Trisha Paytas be as healthy as possible I'll send you some unicorn Pegasus magic to help you eat a little bit healthier and - over here to help you be a little bit more active thank you so much for watching my weirdness and I will see you guys next time you see the jumpy I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the baggie I get the you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty already secured the bike get the bike on the flexor stretch
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 269,519
Rating: 4.9195914 out of 5
Keywords: Trisha Paytas, trisha, trisha paytas diet, trisha paytas detox, trisha paytas vlog, trisha paytas coming out, trisha paytas trans, transgender, muckbang, trisha paytas muckbang, trisha paytas eating, trisha paytas binge, binging, binge eating dissorder, michelle, mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, responding to fat chicks, trisha will always be fat, trisha paytas will always be fat
Id: 7w1yzdsC2EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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