The Most Fatphobic Documentary EVER! (Fat-Topia) Ft Obese to Beast

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hello you guys welcome back to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is michelle mcdaniel i am a personal trainer a pug mom and a cosplayer and also a spongebobologist today i have a very special guest like in my house the first guest here on the channel right next to me he used to be the funny fat friend until he decided to go obese to beast you could get in here now [Music] unfortunately he's a little under dressed he's not very appropriate for this channel and i think what do you guys say we get them into cosplay oh you you're spiderman yeah that's a little awkward because well i guess uh great minds think alike you know okay so for anyone who doesn't know who this is can you please introduce yourself to anyone who doesn't know who you are yeah so my name is peter parker i'm your friendly neighborhood spiderman early neighborhood name is john i make i make youtube videos as well uh so the channel name is obese the beast so a little bit about me you've actually talked about which i appreciate um we're friends yeah we are i told you guys to be our friend she proved to me that she wants to be friends with me um so i make videos about weight loss mainly uh so my story was i used to be 360 pounds when i was 20 years old you know morbidly obese to a point where my life was very much so being affected by that and you know i decided to lose weight and now with my channel i just try and share you know information knowledge and more recently commentary about you know things that i maybe i don't agree with um so if i would say if you enjoy michelle's videos you would hopefully enjoy mine they're definitely most of them are based about weight loss just because i feel like that's where my i don't know i want to say expertise but that's that's what i'm familiar with so so today we have two different things that we're gonna do in this video well three different things we are cosplaying that's a must this is i have always wanted to do this like really i so okay always is alive uh but the past like since so since tom holland started being spider-man people have said i look like him well i'm not sure how much i agree with that well i have a picture right here i just thought it would be fun so when you were like i'm going to buy you a spider-man suit i bought it for it that's how much of a friend i am like when we wanted to collaborate i was like okay two questions can you come over and do you want to cosplay so we're going to talk about what we're cosplaying that's one two we're going to talk about the new documentary called fat topia i haven't seen it yet but he has i've been waiting to start my period you guys know i have endometriosis so i'm waiting till i'm like in bed for three days so i have stuff to do but he's seen it we're going to actually talk about a few comments that i saw and then the third thing we're going to do is going to answer your questions that you guys had for john obisbee since i haven't seen it yet john's going to tell you a little bit about fattopia so fattopia is i will say without a doubt it's more skewed for people that maybe believe what we believe with that you know health at every size it's very hard to be healthy at 400 500 pounds right so the documentary is mainly based around that concept health at every size and it's definitely skewed more towards what we believe because any documentary that you see they have a generic right so they're a genuine their narrative is they pretty much agree with what we think um so but it was really interesting it's a it's a very interesting take on the it it's not a new movement but i feel like it's gained a lot of traction recently of the health and every size movement so it it does a lot of you know trying to talk to influencers that are you know overweight some morbidly obese um and he tries to kind of understand where the where the movement is coming from and kind of what they're trying to accomplish um is i would say is the main that's like the the backbone of it so that sounds very just i think it sounds nice to just see everyone's point of view now there's a page that we we just i just saw it and i don't know if you just thought i saw it i saw it a few days ago yeah it's called what is it called boycott fat yeah boycott fat topia who just came through the grounds of the earth at full force really pissed off about this new documentary so what i want to do is just read a lot of the posts from that page and then i'm going to give you guys homework we're all going to watch that topia we're a little behind john already seen it so we have to go watch it and then we're going to decide if this page is justifiably upset so before we get started they made a post about allen from every damn day fitness and so i'll read the first part every damn day fitness is one of the most fat phobic creatures on any platform and yet i've got too far uh so alan said being obese statistical factually leads to dramatically shortened lifespan as well as associated suffering and pain in the years before that deaths calling someone fatphobic is is not an insult you're implying their common sense and survival entities are working in a synergistic fashion and i feel like i think we both can agree that we are fat phobic in a sense that we don't want to be obese yeah the whole page right is about boycotting fattopia so i'm curious if the one the person seen the whole movie and two like if you are really i mean to me it's like you're they're promoting this they are you know because when i saw this i was like oh i kind of want to watch the video now and see like what they're talking about is really that horrible because in the comment section someone responds and says he also likes to troll fats and send his followers to troll them he's a real [ __ ] i don't even think they watched the movie i don't think they even read anything that alan said so their conclusion is kind of not even valid so boycatfattofia posted for those who are wondering who worked on this f grade doc daco here they all are obviously this team of privileged white men have only included the female to make themselves feel better so what do you feel about the whole like because i've seen so many of these people from the fat acceptance movements always say white privileged male mm-hmm what do you think about that i don't understand why race is a part of it at all honestly like i made a video on my channel recently where i was talking about uh sonali who is a very vocal voice in the fat acceptance health at every size movement and she basically says that anyone that has anything against you know being overweight is like a white supremacist and stuff like that and i you know with my channel i try and understand where people are coming from or at least understand why they post what they post so i think that she posts a lot of stuff because it's so over the top right because then people talk about it yeah but i don't understand how like race has anything to do with weight because again there's definitely people are definitely treated differently you're definitely treated differently when you're overweight without a doubt like when i was one of the obese i was treated differently but i would say the big difference between those two one you should no one should ever be treated differently because of their weight and i don't agree with that first off that's what i want to say but the thing is is that you i i personally don't think that you can put weight and race in the same category because weight is something that you can change now i think the reason that people with the health and every size movement they truly believe that you cannot change weight right if you change it you're going to end up gaining the weight back that's kind of the that's where they're coming from and so but i don't believe that i think that you can absolutely change your weight again should someone be treated better or worse because of their size no but to i think it takes away from their argument when they try and lump themselves in with people that have been you know genuinely oppressed like you know uh people of different races or whatever you want to put like things that you cannot change right if you're black you can't change it unless you you know you're michael jackson or something like that that's what it's like that's why i don't think that's i don't think that you should that argument doesn't hold much weight to me oh and then at the end of that they say also [ __ ] you amazon for supporting this complete [ __ ] a lot of them say all thin white people like she's white yeah so what is the point of that i don't know every single person that commented was white watch out fat families it's time to get off your wobbly bums and melt that lard i'm steve miller no-nonsense fat buster i'm here to stamp out the obesity epidemic that is sweeping the uk one massive family at a time trigger warning if you're not in a good place today please do not watch this video i'm sorry i had to do this but i need people to see why we can't support this film at the stephen j miller we'll be starring in fat topia and has been very proud about his involvement if you don't know who he is this video will summarize that let me tell you if you think this was bad this was only the first 10 minutes of the first episode he is a b-list fat phobic celeb wannabe who hasn't had any work in years obviously he had to take anything real connor luke would given i can't imagine much real connor luke you must be so proud to have him in your precious little colonist film he's an angry fame hungry bully dropped from tv years ago and the only way he can get people to listen listen to him now is to hypnotize them how many fat cliches in one clip pearlies what a boring rehash snoozefest so originality wasn't an idea kinda wanted to talk about just the backlash that people get or like maybe like the anger that the women get in the fat positive movement when they hear things you know like about health why do you think they get super upset about that well i think nobody likes to be told that they're not healthy it's hard to hear that it is interesting that you said women um because it definitely is more women and i've actually struggled with women messaging me saying like you're sexist right and i i had to take a step back we talked about on the podcast i was like is there something like am i doing i didn't think there was i had like that feeling of like wait let me look at myself and think like am i being you know like yeah so i was like trying to understand and i just think it's guys just seem to not they're just not in the movement you know and i'm sure there's a multistream of reasons i would say one of the biggest ones is women without a doubt no matter what size you are they're judged on their appearance guys so i think that it's again it's the i always i like to use the pendulum analogy like women are always judged the pendulums here and then now they're they're fighting back again i don't agree with it but now the pendulum is swinging way over here i would like it to just kind of be in the middle yeah so i think that's why i think it's because for years and years and years again you even talked about it too right you're judged on how you look you're too muscular you're too skinny you're too fat you're too whatever and so it's it's i would say it's a way for them to try and take back control so under the caption of him and his dad just enjoying you know the day they say our boycott fat topia says real connor luke and his dad enjoying a lovely evening together he might not be fat but he enjoys a drink where's the documentary about his alcohol addiction sometimes that leaves me speechless and like what are you talking about because they kind of played themselves with that with that you know with with that um caption themselves because they just said he's having a drink there's nothing wrong with having a drink there's nothing wrong with having a slice of cake he's saying the overindulgence of food is bad yeah when you use that argument it just makes your whole everything you're saying seems ridiculous because it's like now it's just you are literally grasping at straws right i'm not i'm not someone that drinks but like the fact to use that like the fact that someone has a drink and they're they have a picture of it it just it doesn't make any sense again it's not going to help your argument at all it's just somebody like that just literally it's like somebody's turning into a void i'm mad and i want people to be mad with me and it's like that's nothing to be mad at so the final thing i want to say is that it is now free and the boycott um batopia was very upset and they made sure to first of all tell everybody that it's free so now more people are gonna watch it um all like 35 of their followers then they end it with [ __ ] you at amazon and that was it and that's that that's that what were you insecure about when you were obese and are you still insecure about that oh that's a good question i would say my biggest insecurity was being smelly because i sweat a lot i saw it actually a lot more now but i still sweat a lot then and it was a lot like there's definitely without a doubt there's a stigma that bigger people smell in our roots and slobs right so i would shower all the time showers took a lot longer so they don't take as long anymore but that's still something that i not that it's like insecure about because of how much i work out like yeah take like two to three hours a day because of how much i work out while i'm telling you i sweat like i'm sweating now that's why i'm like yeah i'm not trying to move this uh my spider suit it's getting pretty wet it's getting it's marinating right now what motivated you to go from obese to beast that's so i've actually talked about this recently um there's like a whole story you know i went to a wedding and um felt like i was gonna pass out so that was really scary um like the fear of that yeah but then i was actually i came back saw the pictures you know i was like oh my gosh uh so at that time i was wearing a size 5 xl shared 56 inch waist but that wasn't like when i changed i was actually watching miami ink and i have like i have tattoos and stuff but i only have some on my forums and i was watching that because i didn't want to get more because i was like well i always wear shirts that i come down to here basically right and and always wear like shorts that came down to like my ankles because the shorts were so long um and so i like been watching and a guy came on that had lost a lot of weight and they asked him how he did it and he basically just you know it moved more a better right but i remember like at that moment i just was like i'm ready you know it's like a light bulb it was i call it my click moment do you have a food that triggers a binge eating episode or do you have to stay completely away from said food my trigger food is little caesar's pizza i'll eat five pieces of pizza and a bag of crazy bread if i'm not careful and it doesn't sound like a lot but i'm not much taller than michelle smart people i i can pretty much eat whatever i want now um it wasn't always like that i definitely had to at a time be i talked about it on my channel but instead of i don't like using the word restrict but i had to show a lot more restraint um with certain foods um but now i can i can pretty much have anything as long like for me a big reason why i don't have certain things like why i want to eat pizza is because i know how i'm going to feel afterwards it's not like oh i'm going to put on a bunch of weight because calories are calories right so like obviously pizza is unhealthy from what most people would describe as unhealthy but for me i just don't eat it because i knew one i'm not gonna eat one piece because i i need a lot of food i ate like four thousand calories a day right now yeah i saw that so so yeah if i'm eating one slice it just would be kind of a waste to me um so i know that if i ate that i wouldn't feel good afterwards so that's kind of what makes me not want to eat certain foods how is dating different from when you were obese so now that you're a beast well it didn't happen when i was really yeah i didn't i never had a girlfriend when i was when i was heavier for me i was i was always the guy that was like in the friend zone because i would like go up to like the prettiest girls and that's like this might sound bad but you know what i'm just gonna be honest like even when i was obese i wasn't attracted to obesity yeah i just wasn't and that's a lot though yeah so you know it is what it is everyone's attracted to different people but like who i'm attracted to hasn't never really changed so i just didn't have options when i was bigger because who i actually liked had no interest in me um so i can't really really answer that because i didn't have you oh okay so this guy's really cool he actually lost a quite a bit of weight he was a very large dude his name's king spk and i'll link his stuff right to you if you guys want more people to follow that lost like mass amount of weight but his question is please ask him how he handled haters who talked about his physique even after losing all the weight for me i don't really i don't know it just doesn't bother me like if someone has something to say about my loose skin like to make fun of it which i'm assuming is what he means it just it just doesn't bother me because i know the work that i put in to earn that you know that's kind of how i see it and so i've put in a lot of work and i enjoy putting in that work so like if someone wants to discredit that that's fine but they can never take away what i know i've put in you know for this a lot of work yeah so it's like if they want to say what they want to say that's fine but i would say most people would be like yay kind of a jerk so for me that's all i really need i think it's just being on the internet and people are going to say whatever they say and you can't really take it to heart oh how did you feel with family sabotaging your weight loss effort i was really lucky that i my family they were scared for me oh like they my mom she talks about how she would she felt responsible for my weight right and to a certain extent i think it was a lot of it was me but i mean yeah obviously when i was a kid i wasn't making decisions of what i was eating i mean i was the one that was going back for third grade and stuff like that right but um so they've always wanted me i would have my one of my sisters would always like every conversation it got to a point where i never wanted to talk to her because it was always about you know you need to lose weight so i was really lucky that my family i think i was at a point where it was like if you don't like it wasn't just me that felt this way my family felt like if you don't lose weight soon you're gonna die you can't make someone lose weight that's not ready it just isn't gonna happen so they they were just every time i would say i wanted to lose weight they were they were always supportive i'm sure a lot of times like yeah we'll see how it goes um but luckily i was never someone that like lost like 50 pounds and then gained it back like i i was so not motivated that i would lose like five pounds and like that's right i'm done yeah so this time when i actually started losing weight and they saw they were just like oh he's actually doing it and so they were just excited so i don't have too much uh experience with that but i would say like to somebody that might be struggling with not having a supportive community whether that's you know with your family and stuff like that your friends f try and find a community that is supportive because i think that is unbelievably important so our last question is where do you see your channel going in the next year that's a good question um so it's definitely changed in the last year um it's more like kind of commentating on you know things that maybe i disagree with or just that are interesting to me i i really enjoy that and it's newer for me so i don't i wouldn't be surprised if it stayed pretty similar to that um but you know just making things better doing a better job at that and then like i do like to share when i do things that i think are interesting like i recently ran a marathon ride so i had a whole series that was based on that so like whenever i do things like that i like to have little series on that because i don't i don't want my channel always to be like commentary on other people um so i like to share my life as well so just kind of a good mixture of that i have to say because i knew he was coming on this channel and i looked at your old stuff i love like i'm not someone who likes vlogs like i've said it before on here like i hate vlogs like i don't want to see anyone going to a grocery store but then you did that grocery service i'm like i'm guessing i'm going to the grocery store with john i had so much fun so like if you did post those videos i would probably watch it so i think i think it depends on like i like you so that i like to see what you're doing yeah so i'm not against it it's been it's been really fun like switching up the content because there's definitely been a switch-up of people that are watching which for me totally fine with i really love it like finding new people that are interested in the videos i think it's really cool and so i just i like i just i don't have i never plan things out i'm not one of the i'm not a huge planner with stuff like that at least so i just kind of like to see where the channel goes and where the content kind of takes me i guess well i like it i like your channel thank you i like your channel thank you last question is from me no i actually have a couple questions okay what do you think about me making you in the sims i love it and then two the question that everyone's been waiting for on the edge of their seat what's your favorite anime my favorite anime dragon ball z uh because i didn't get too much into dragon ball z that's what was on like toonami and stuff when i was growing up so like i was i mean i i struggled as a kid every week you watch 23 minutes of filler and you get about three minutes of the actual story because i didn't watch dragon ball z when i was younger you're lucky so it's like animation yeah you get it you get to just watch all the way through it you you know how you know how much of the series is goku going awesome you guys this was our first guest obesity beast john um i'll make sure yeah spider-man our friendly neighborhood spider-man is among us on this channel we are forever grateful if you guys want him back from this channel let me know in the comment section make sure to follow him i made sure to pull off his instagram right on that corner and his youtube make sure to follow him there he's very sweet he's very educated on what he talks about and he's got the you know proof to prove it that's what i was trying to say i just appreciate it i like being on the channel i appreciate the i appreciate our little community of people that are fighting back against things that we think are wrong all five of us yep finding the good fight that's it oh i'm not going to be on your channel tell them yeah so we're going to do it's going to be let it's just going to be an interview right so if you want to learn a little bit more about your lovely blueberry blueberry oh yeah did i tell you a little mystique that's who i am i didn't want to say something and be wrong so if you want to learn a little bit more about mystique uh the mystique behind the scene [Music] i'll link that below too okay you guys bye i'm going to take my wig off john obese beast is too much of a beast so we have to cut him out of the freaking cosplay that i got him and you're free i'll make sure to put sound effects to make that yeah [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 232,001
Rating: 4.9682641 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, weight loss tips, fattopia trailer, documentary, obese to beast transformation, obese to beast loose skin, obese to beast before and after, body positive, body positivity, tess holliday, connor luke, thin privilege, thin privilege bbc, thin privilege bbc sesh, obesity, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle, mcdaniel, connor luke simpson, full film, weight loss, fat acceptance, instagram post, reading comments
Id: uztxouxd2lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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