Responding To FAT Chicks EP2

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hello you guys welcome to fox Thursdays and Episode two of responding to fat chicks a series where I respond to women or men but usually women very vocal body positive influencers that voice their opinion about weight loss and and they share their weight loss stories that usually with funny positive people that usually end up them gaining weight and accepting their body I usually respond to those kind of posts and kind of give my personal trainer expertise plus me being an obese person before I try to look at it from both ends and just kind of get my perspective because I find that a lot of people in the body-positive community think that weight loss is just this thing though some people just can't do and they think that their bodies aren't meant to you know be an average-sized and they're under the impression that they've tried every single diet and they've tried everything and this is just how their body is and I noticed little things that they say in their posts that are like I did that when I was obese and I personally would want to know if I was doing something that I thought was right and it was actually hindering my progress so this is just me trying to bridge that gap between the body-positive community and the fitness community in a very civil and informative way no usually my responses are going to be it toward people who are pretty popular at least have some type of following or are putting themselves out there because if you're putting yourself out there on Instagram or social media and obviously you how many times that I say obviously but you obviously want attention like you want people to react to your content that's why we put content up so that people can respond positively and of course you're going to get negative reaction but it's not always going to be someone who's popular sometimes it's gonna be someone that doesn't have a following and just deserves to be talked to a little bit so today we're going to be responding to a comment that triggers tea and I don't get very triggered often but it kind of dug in there and cut it honestly it kind of pissed me off that to the extent that making a whole video on it and responding to you so I hope she's watching so this comment I recedes from a pretty informative slightly positive video that I made about Eugenia Cooney and if you haven't watched that video it is in the description of this video now let's read that comment no offense but it's obvious that you've never been obese before so I'll already kind of irritated after that first sentence not even one sentence in and I already can tell that she's going to be upset that she thinks that I am personally judging her even though I've never met her but I can tell just from that first sentence and the fact that it's about a novel long that she's going to judge me throughout the whole thing so anyone that's new here maybe you don't know but I was quite big I'm 5 - and I was 180 pounds that's a lot of weight for someone with my and I know you guys are always asking for pictures like you want pictures at bikini like you want to see how many rolls by how do you wanted to see all my cellulite when this chick said that she's extremely insecure are you serious I was extremely insecure too and my parents are actually going through a divorce right now all that stuff so I don't go over to their house I don't get along with my dad anymore yep daddy issues so I always want to find pictures that I used to have but like I said I was insecure I would run if someone is trying to take a picture if is so on a bike to invite friends would take a picture of me guess what we aren't friends anymore and my mom would take a picture of me guess what there was a huge fight like I did not want my picture taken because I was so scared to see what I looked like because I put on so much weight so you got my mom reposted a picture of how I used to look on her Facebook and it's not a bikini picture because like I said I was insecure I wouldn't wear bikinis and if I did nobody was gonna take picture all of that I was pretty much just wearing a big t-shirt and whenever I would take have to take pictures I think this had to be like Christmas or something some kind of family event where I had to I would do something weird with my face or just something kind of shielding so people would notice like my face being weird rather than how much weight I've gained and I filled out that whole t-shirt but I was super overweight I was insecure this was just the start of it too I hated the way that I looked I cried myself to sleep hated skinny people hated taking pictures wouldn't dare to look at myself in the mirror you know that's all but for sure I don't get it I don't understand at all I'm not saying it's okay to be obese but I have been my whole life because I grew up in a household where I was forced to eat way more than I could or should and once I gain more weight was abused and ate out of depression no one taught me how to eat healthy what exercises did what or how to deal with my depression all these things are bad and sad and horrible and it's very easy to say I have all this going on and point the finger and everything that's been going on and use it as an excuse and that's really what they are at the end of the day it's an excuse I know it sounds very mean but guess what everyone has something I have a lot of issues going on in my life and you guys it sucks I hate it and it would be so easy to give in to how I used to be and say and go back to how I was and just go eat my hot cheetos and my burger and my fries and my soda and my side of Oreo shakes and sit on the couch and watch anime and SpongeBob and fill my emptiness with food but I know in the long run it's going to make my life worse whenever I go through things that just sounds great it sounds like a good way to make myself feel better but I don't my choice is to try to still eat healthy and try to fill myself with something else that will result in le topping as part of me the situation feel a little bit better if I can't control it that's my choice this this woman's choice to give it to her excuses and then blame me for all of them and that's just a realization that you have to have when I was overweight I had so many excuses I blame everybody else planted the finger to everyone else you know Oh someone doesn't like my body's skinny or fat or skinny seeing them someone said this to me oh it's their fault that I'm now binging on these five cheeseburgers you know but it really up reality it's your choice and once something clicked in my head that I was just making a bunch of excuses I literally took these excuses and then I threw them in the trash and that's what I find with my clients you know there's a split difference between clients the people that take their excuses and they have that 100% attitude that they're going to do this and they're not going to let this make them not get what they want they just flourished right to the top the ones that just wallow and every excuse that they had and wallow in every horrible thing that happens to them they go downhill quick I was abused at home bullied at school and attempted suicide three times and now I'm still obese but have barely any money so I can't afford to go to the gym or buy healthy food or get help with my disorder and the constant reminder that no matter how much weight I lose my skin will never be as it should the scourge is me to lose weight even more I feel like she's yeah and when I was young I didn't have any money I'm sure that's pretty relatable to a lot of people that are watching when you're kind of young you're broke and my parents were not going to buy me healthy food like all this food for myself so I got a job I walked dogs they became a nanny you know I did it all these things and I started to make my own money and I bought my own food their teenager and you don't have much money I know it seems like you probably don't have options but you do have options you just have to try to think of something creative to get yourself some coins so you can get what you originally that you say that you want so bad gym memberships are 25 to 30 bucks babysit a couple kids and you'll be there also just a little note that I do want to put in here responding to this cuz she might think that she has to buy a whole new set of food when I originally started losing weight and I didn't have a job or anything I actually didn't start eating like a whole different set of food I still ate exactly what my family ate but I started keeping a food journal and it just made me more aware about the amount of calories I was putting into my body once I started getting you know some money and get more into this healthy eating I replaced all that unhealthy food I was eating and got some better quality food that was going to nourish my body better but I still lost weight eating the unhealthy food at first because it was such as one I talked to my body too I was now aware of how many colors I was eating and that's usually what it is people aren't aware with how many calories that they are eating they think oh I don't eat that much and a small portion can be can still be like 500 calories in one city in one piece of food and I was not a one piece of food gal I'm not gaining but I'm not losing either but your channel looks like all you do is gloat about how fat you are so do you guys think I really gloat about being fat like I just likes at the end of the video just because that's like my ending type thing that I do but do I ever like oh yeah look at me I'm so like fit and stuff like that look at ya yeah protein man I don't think that I really gloat about being fit I kind of just talk in front of a camera and that's kind of why I started YouTube because I don't want to be known for my body I got a lot to say in here and I'm gonna say it honestly she really doesn't know how similar we are to each other I mean she I don't know she was physically abused but I have with another mentally abusive relationship with my father that still affects me today I love the new girl every year and that's opened you up to being bullied depression whoa while I was bare and emotionally eating yep I was there to do is gloat about I'll bet you are and steaming over wheat people is disgusting yeah I may not be beautiful to you how does she know if I do or don't think she's beautiful or not she had no picture and quite frankly I don't know her so how is she just going to expect me to think that I don't think she's pretty like I said I don't know you I don't know you looked like I don't know you as a person but your attitude right now is making ya ugly and I don't even know what you look like I don't use these volumes of how people are going to take you in nor will I ever see myself as beautiful but still smile to cheer others up when I'm dying inside thinking that everyone around me has the same twisted mindset as you so not only is this chick judging me but she's judging every single person around her she's just going to automatically think that everybody everyone just thinks that she is ugly so despite my page name and all my thumbnails the people that really follow me know that my page is pretty civil even when people attack me and call me a man I'm ugly I'm a fat Shamer I'm fat phobic I always respond with kindness I usually try and talk to them hoping that maybe we can see eye-to-eye and have a pretty enlightening conversation and quite honestly me being nice seems to make them even more upset it's like they want me to yell at them or come back with something hateful so I told her pretty much everything that I said in this video like look I know you're coming at me like this because you're insecure I was in the same boat before like I was everything that you're saying literally I could have written that when I was about 15 16 17 18 even like 20 I know that you're probably not a big fan of your looks and you feel that my videos are singling you out so I said look I am a very open person if you ever want to talk about this you can come up on my Instagram just DM me who you are so I know where you are and we can pick up where we left off on YouTube and I gave her my Instagram and I ended it I know why are saying these things I have absolutely nothing to do with me or my video that you just maybe watch but I have everything to do with you but thanks for judging me and if you ever want to take me up on my offer I will respond on Instagram and you guys for the first time someone actually took me up on my offer and it was a beautiful freakin thing and you guys this has never happened before I always you know offer hey if you ever want to talk about this and have a good conversation as long as you're respectful and not calling me like a [ __ ] and all that stuff but if you want to explain to me more in depth why you think I'm a fat shaming [ __ ] or why you think this or why you called me you know this name please take me up on Instagram DM me on Instagram and we can talk about this logically and no one has ever sent me a message back they they usually just block me but she took me up on the offer and I want to read what she said hi so you may have expected this or not but I'm the one who commented on your last video you were right I did watch out at you and I apologize for that and I lashed out at you from a place of pain because I don't know what to do or even where to begin to improve nothing has been going right for me and I beat myself up about it every day I don't ask for help because I grew up in a situation where the only one I could depend on was me I feel like a failure if I ask for help I don't know if you can actually help me in any way but regardless I still wanted to apologize and I basically made an account to do so I know the thumbnail titles in your videos is just to get views but I guess they just hit me negatively where I assumed you were one of those health conscious people who judge overweight people before questioning their mindset history are hard journey to lose weight so I'm sorry and we actually talked a bit back and forth and we had a really good conversation and in that you know she was just saying you know you're just pretty and everything and I just thought you were one of those people that you know dogged on overweight people and thought that we were all ugly and I just never took into consideration that your journey or you know where you came from and I just told her thank you so much for actually taking this hymen putting down your pride and like actually apologizing to me I appreciate that so freakin much and I told her you know you should call yourself pretty - it's okay so to say that it helps a lot and it doesn't affect you a lot when you call yourself ugly and I hope that none of my followers are talking [ __ ] about themselves because that will really f you up mentally we are supposed to be our biggest fans that's not conceited that's just being your biggest fan and there's nothing wrong with that and in fact all and everybody in the comment section to make a comment and tell me what you love by yourself your personality your looks whatever it is just tell me what you like about yourself I see you not doing it do it right now I want to read all of them you guys it made me so happy because I read that message at night and it kind of put me in a bad mood and then in the morning I woke up to that message and it just made my heart happy and I know many of you guys have seen me the way that I respond to people and a lot of you guys see myself with Jesse you know as these people and and go about my business but this is why I kind of respond the way that I do because I know if I look well when I was overweight if someone responded with more hateful stuff I would just come back with more hateful stuff you wouldn't get anywhere but if someone came back with a relatively nice comment or response I would take the time to maybe think about what I said and think about how I'm going to respond back because if you're responding in this a mean hateful way and someone comes back with kindness or like just a subtle way of speaking in their calm you know and you don't want to look like the insane person so I kind of take a step back and go like oh shoot how am I gonna maybe I should think about something and so that's just the way that I respond you know to these people if I do respond to someone that's like saying all these judgments all things about me I'd rather them think about the next thing that they're gonna say so maybe we can at least see eye-to-eye or maybe someone will have enough strength to put their pride down just like this individual did and just but you know they were wrong I have to learn how to do that and I still have to learn how to do that some just a very mentally strong person that's set in her ways but when you do put that pride down it is a very beautiful thing it's hard I'm sure you probably feel me but it's not weakness it's just putting your pride down that's okay it's actually an amazing thing so round of freaking applause for this chick and I thought that was just really cool that someone who left that message on my youtube actually came back and apologized and was just so open with me and I hope more body-positive individuals that are very hateful towards me see this and maybe want to open up a conversation this is what responding to fat chicks is all about it's not here to make fun of people and in this video or my other video I didn't make fun of anyone I know the title might hinder some people but people on the body-positive community said that fat is not a bad word and so I want to respond to some of them and that's what we're gonna do here so I thought this was a cool thing and I just wanted to share it with all of you guys and it was kind of my Thanksgiving dips big she gave me this and it made me a very happy person so thank you so much I'm not gonna say her name I told her but I'm not gonna say her name she knows us who's gonna be in this video so hey girl I hope you're watching and I hope everyone is eating and having a good time with their family and you're eating pie cuz I know I am remember you didn't get fixed and one day you didn't lose a hundred pounds in one day one day with your family with a couple of fun trees is really not going to kill you I know it's not gonna kill me and I am gonna go eat that note actually tell me what thing that you're looking forward to for dinner or dessert mine's dessert so I will see you guys next time and I'm pretty sure we'll have a storytime Saturday out for you this Saturday Happy Thanksgiving bye you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 162,992
Rating: 4.9493589 out of 5
Keywords: responding to fat chicks, fat people, reading comments, reading mean comments, responding to mean comments, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, body shaming, fat shaming, fat phobic
Id: cJjkZ8H8-Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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