Easy Ways To Lose Weight (Bodyfat)

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are you guys living for this forehead today it's 120 degrees here in Arizona I'm not about to sit on a way or will i hey you guys my name's Michelle McDaniel and this is my page my sauce well probably it fit you and today we are going to talk about how I went from this to this now I know but some of you guys are saying she was already thick she didn't need to lose weight why did she lose weight she looks better thicker shut up oh sorry the line matters please shut up so now that we know that some people like to change their bodies you know maybe tighten up at some muscle get leaner even though they're not overweight I'm gonna give you guys a few little tips that I did that's what we from this to this and I only did just a few tiny little tweaks to my workout routine and my diet you guys this is so easy as long as you do it and you go through and you stay consistent now in this first picture I ate healthy in the second picture I also ate healthy so what did I do something that I always ask my clients to do which I did to prove that it makes a huge difference to the ones that are stubborn because I'm that petty get ready client for me to prove you're wrong like I always do so once you do this little task that I asked lose weight the ones who don't usually are in that everlasting confusion and irritable miss it's a work because they're not getting the results that they want to get so what did I do oh my clients know what I'm gonna say and I know they're rolling their eyes yes I counted calories I got myself a good old 88 cents journal and got that old thing called a pencil and wrote down everything I ate and it made a huge difference like I tell you clients that it will I always say clients who say I've tried everything and I just can't lose weight so I say hey it tracks your calories and this is what they say back to me well I eat healthy I ate healthy in this picture and I ate healthy in that picture the only difference is that I tracked my calories because a girl loves food I love overeating and if I don't know how much I'm eating I will eat all of it all okay so that is this popular also that you eat healthy but if you want to change your body and you're not getting any results it's extremely important to track what you're putting in your mouth wanted to ensure you're eating enough to to make sure that you're eating under your maintenance calories consistently so that you can lose body fat but not eating too little calories so that you can preserve your muscles because you can't just eat the amount of calories that you need to eat to lose weight like two days out of the week and then five other days out of the week you're eating a ton of calories that your body doesn't need and then think that you're going to get results it just won't happen unless you have some special power that I want because then I can eat all the cheesecake and Paulo Cheetos and Philly cheesecake sandwiches and three to make sure the quality of your food is providing you with enough energy to beast through your workout especially if you're training with me because you will need all the energy you can get now for the people who are actually going to do what I'm telling them to do you want to make sure that you're counting calories correctly because we don't guesstimate people don't give me that oh I'll just get a ballpark estimate I'll just guess if we're gonna do something we're gonna do it right if you're gonna guess to me you might as well just not do it at all because remember and counting calories on and off since I was 17 what I don't count calories I look like this when I do I look like this and you some new Probie doesn't really track calories is going to tell me someone who's been counting calories for ever you're just gonna be okay by estimating once again if I guess me I look like this if I don't I look like this so what I'm saying is you either want to look the way you look now or you make sure you're eating under your maiden calories to make sure that you lose weight it's flawless why guess when you can know for sure so it's a make sure that you're eating the accurate amount of food that you're writing in your food journal you need a food scale you can get this digital food scale at Walmart for like 15 to 20 bucks or even Amazon Prime if you don't like to leave your house like me I like to weigh my food in grams but I don't know how many calories are in grams this is too hard well it's your lucky day because there's this new thing can you see it yeah it's called Google and you just type in whatever you ate and do the math and and and there you go then put it in your food journal but writing in a food journal really helps me to not overeat then guys I've been eating healthy since I was 17 and now I'm 28 so once again this is what I look like when I don't count this is what I look like what I do I personally like both bodies but if I want to get leaner I know I need to count because like I said a girl likes to eat if I don't know how many calories are in it then I'm gonna eat all of it lettuce fun to eat a whole cheesecake when you know one slice already contains 1000 calorie things Cheesecake Factory calorie list now the second thing I did was actually not on purpose but I'm kind of glad it happened so I ended up getting a freaking ulcer and so I wasn't supposed to eat a lot of rich foods and I have to reduce my sodium so I never thought that I put a lot of salt on my food until I stopped adding salt to my food apparently a girl loves that - a lot of salt on our food so of course I reduced my inflammation all over and reduced my blow for the people who want to reduce their bloating it really helps my stomach actually a flat throughout the whole day and I still got a little bit of low because you eat you know but not as much as I used to and and after all that it um cost me to eat what people normally say that salt makes them quite parched but according to two studies released in the Journal of Clinical Investigation the research found that as salt consumption increased people actually drink less water and the high-salt diet seemed to make the study subjects hungrier well there's a reason why we just can't eat one potato chip assaults watch sodium affects a signal that goes to our brain to tell us to stop junk food companies I know this but that's for a whole nother video so I found that not adding salt to my healthy meal that at home actually made me eat less now for my exercise program I did two things so in this picture I actually lifted lighter then I did in this picture the way that I trained down during my lifting sessions I actually keep a certain amount of tension for a certain amount of time on my muscles it's called T UT or time under tension the purpose of t t is that it enhances your metabolic response the more time under tension you're placing on that muscle generally the greater the growth hormone will be released I don't want to get too deep into this because I'm making a whole nother video on the topic now the second thing I did when it came to my training is that I stayed away from the cardio equipment and I really wanted to move my body on my own instead of having a machine guide me through the motions so for my cardio I would put a sled slam a sledge hammer on a tire I also started doing something called a Jacob's Ladder and yes that's the machine but once again my whole body is moving so I would take me your sizes set my timer for 30 minutes and keeps cycling through the routine over and over and over again until my timer runs out halfway through as I was dying on the ground and my puddle of sweat I have the spotlight I would really a rather do the Stairmaster right now and usually I hate the Stairmaster which means that we're going he was a very big challenge that it was super hard but hard is good when you want to improve yourself so all of that put together plus being consistent resulted into this so I thought that I would just let you guys know about these tiny little tweaks and tips that I did so maybe it will inspire you to add those to your routine if your goal is to change your body now I got a message from a chick that was like just give me yummy tea now PU this guy just want your exact workout routine okay it's hard it's challenging but but if you want a good challenge my workout routine is available on my website it's a one-month program along with a one-month workout program you'll also get a one-month account on the website nourished by design a meal plan your calories and macros along with hundreds of recipes that we can put in your meal plan and they set your person size to match your calorie intake for the day if you're ready to sweat and be a consistent head on over to my website Michelle McDaniel dotnet and click right there you gotta even put the where you click right on the screen and I will get you on the path to pain town just kidding results town with a slight bit of pain or a lot of pain and results you're gonna be sore all right you guys my name is michelle mcdaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you if you found this video helpful make sure to share it give it a thumbs up and of course subscribe and remember don't forget to follow me on instagram if you guys have another idea or question for a future video pop it right there into my comment section and you never know it might end up being a topic on this channel don't forget you don't have to be a size 2 abs are nice but not needed today healthy people and be a beast whenever i don't show yoshiji you guys like comment like where is he oh sheesh here she was just she was tucked away [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 150,179
Rating: 4.9339299 out of 5
Keywords: Easy ways to lose weight, how to lose weight, tips for losing weight, tips for losing weight easily, weight loss tips, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, lose weight simply, get healthy
Id: gXoPSvR4RaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 18 2018
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