Adele is FAT PHOBIC, Fat Babies, The Corona Virus [Does This Offend YOU? Ep2]

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don't you disrespect me a little man this is my world and I've got friends on the other side this video is sponsored by me and my small company proto bakery if you would like a protein donut with 10 grams of protein and 2 grams of sugar we restocked today at 10 a.m. PST hello YouTube welcome back to the show my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer part-time witch doctor proud mother of a pug and past theater nerd gone grown-up cause Claire and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I'll share my thoughts double probably offend at least one person and today I'm cosplaying as the villain from Princess and the Frog tip of the hand from the doctor the CIA y'all doing so welcome to the second episode of does this offend you where I bring up multiple topics and you tell me are you offended by them or not and then I laugh behind the screen i watch you lowly non-magic infused individuals fight amongst each other about your personal opinion it's a wonderful time let's start so Adele our emotional deep gorgeous Alton boss wait and people were not too happy this week pictures emerged of a slimmer looking Adele as the singer arrived at rap star Drake's birthday party instantly people were tweeting and sharing the photos congratulating her on her quote unquote revenge body a reference to her ongoing divorce with Simone kaneki across my social media feeds it seemed that everyone was sharing headlines that discussed her sensational new look ghosting her before-and-after snaps the resounding reaction was she looks so good now for me this was far from unexpected it merely confirmed that we live in a society which idolizes thinness and celebrates weight loss and inherently positive the underlying premise behind the reaction to Adele's photo was a there's something that her old body was wrong and B that she made a deliberate and healthy choice so basically what many people from the fad positive and the body positive community was saying was that we're not offended that she lost great we're offended that people are congratulating her on her weight loss it's not the fact that we just lost an ally and she lost sway and she's also talking about health now making our movement look even dumber we're just upset that people are commenting on the fact that she lost weight that's the issue we have how dare they notice that a celebrity lost a significant amount of weight fat phobic and it looks like she actually said that she did it to get healthier she said in one article that she no longer smokes cigarettes she also made a post that said something among the lines that she used to cry and now she sweats now it's showing that she puts a lot of emotion into working out so the fact that the fat positive individuals are complaining that people are complimenting her new healthy lifestyle is ridiculous and to me they know darn well that they're upset because they just lost a fellow fat girl and she is now of a healthy size I don't see her as too thin I think it's just weird for people to see because she was a bigger woman I have a question fat positive or body positive individuals who say you can't comment on people's bodies why in the holy test holiday and every other fat positive influence are out there when they post a picture I see comment saying oh girl your curves oh that booty though um those are comments about their body why are you not making articles about that I thought we weren't allowed to say anything and while you're answering that make sure to tell me if Adele losing weight offends you with the 2020 elections upon us there has been a lot of offensive material being passed around on the internet specifically black Trump supporters one of my friends on Facebook happens to be black and posted a picture of her wearing a trump hat how dare she magic spell through this four dollar skull from Ross so beautiful and so misinformed okay calm down duck face something that offends me is when some random dude comes up on that post and compliment someone and then throws in an insult what the is going on here read the profile unfortunately a lot of people like to do things for attention black people in particular like to do things to get the attention of their master they are the look at me Massa is different from the rest of those you can't be serious anything for a dollar I don't think she's getting paid to vote you who no idea if what you're doing sad explain why intelligently fast first yeah explain why intelligently do it just like she did in these two sentences and then she put another post saying I don't hate white people sorry not and that got 245 Commons but the best one was this novel yes if y'all Negroes and Nikas are blacks mustered up the strength to be half the racist cruel wine deceitful manipulative man the white man is y'all would get Charles respect from your own women and children who gets economically by white men lol I was not funny maybe then just then was she love you so much she just can't think about not loving you no matter what you do / be doing lol where is the joke why are you throwing in lol and for the white mouth that love for you but seem like hatred for them suspect crackin just a little bit lol black women are lame they ain't worth a piece of to us outside and keeping us coexisting on the planet with Caucasian males as Pope economically sitting it I do this all the time I don't open up the rest I probably got so confused I just stopped so we're gonna stop it there and you're gonna tell me do black Trump supporters or people of color who support Trump offend you does it ruin your day let me know in the comment section this is America but I'm under the impression that people of color are not allowed to pick who they want to vote for so I'm sure you guys are going to ask my political stance of who I like and the answer is I myself it's on whoo doesn't like any of them none of them attain magical ability like me and therefore are scum so this is for my 90-day fiance freaks out there and the reason why I'm dressed up like this a couple Sinjin and Tanya one of the most hated women on the show brought her fiance to America to live at her mother's house in a Shack outside I feel a little surprised walking in cuz I told him it was done and it's really not welcome home Wow dude then during the 90-day process of what you're supposed to be spending time with your future husband or wife decides to go to Costa Rica without her future husband so that she can become a witch doctor which is about a month long so during her work trip she flirts with men walks on the beach of this souks in the beautiful Costa Rica son and goes to club glossy lips are mad at home with her mom we're gonna have one problem and I love you and all but I'm not here don't touch my Jack Daniels anyway when her and her witchdoctor sisters are getting together she says this like I mean he is wait yeah wait man when he's got a lot of things that he needs to unlearn and that's a process it's not Tania's job to like teach him everything and I think if we reversed it and it was a blonde white girl with a black he black husband and the wife said he's got a lot to learn and unlearn so he can fit in with us someone would probably die so I thought it was interesting I wanted to bring it up and ask is that comment offensive or is it just dandy to say so for this one people keep asking me to make a whole video on it's been about a year that people constantly send me this little girl's picture but I don't want to make a whole video on it because it's a little girl and I think at this point you guys understand my opinion on childhood obesity driving to the point but I decided to fit it into this little short segment to satisfy the people who keep asking me Little Miss Nia is a two-year-old baby whose health is constantly questioned by people who come across her page ran by her mother now I don't like to compare people's bodies because if any had a certain age everybody's body is different a 150-pound person can look completely different than another 150-pound person but aterial has more of a standard as what they should be looking like as they grow and when I was comparing a little Nia's picture to the average two year old man did that hurt my heart that is sad the mom the last time I checked says Nia is perfectly healthy I can't see any reputable doctor seeing this child and being like yep don't worry about anything she's fine and then when I was reading the comments a long time ago when people were sending me a little Miss Nia I saw a lot of black people saying that this is just how black babies Logan we as black people have a tendency to look at obesity as oh that's just how we are it's the thickness see the thickness she's got all that thick combs going on and we really downplay obesity as a society especially for black woman for some reason it's completely and utterly acceptable for black women to be obese so if you've you have been messaging me recently saying the mom needs to stop being delusional the page doesn't need to be up she's profiting off of her baby's obesity and I can't speak for the mom I don't know what type of money she's making from this but then hopefully you sent me a post that the mom made Nene's promo raisin pretty much what's going on is that she will take your post and put it on her baby's page and then you pay her a certain amount of money for however long that you want the posts on the page if any business owners I need more recognition or anything I now have promos on Mia's page we have seventy five point one followers so your guarantee a hits and more followers it doesn't matter if it's mixtape selling clothes food or any other type of business hit us up and follow Little Miss Nia I mean I see parents on the internet always trying to profit off of their kids always trying to get their kids to be that next little mini Instagram or YouTube star trying to make your child into like the next star it's kind of weird but let's just be real if someone was like I'm gonna sign Yoshi she's gonna be a multi-billion dollar doggie where can I sign because my baby is a star but I think in this case it's even weirder because the mom is literally like I'll take anyone any kind company makes tea done so it does make it look like she's just trying to get any kind of cash she can from her baby's pain because her baby has the following and I feel a lot of people follow specifically Nia because she's so large and it and they see that controversy and so people tune in they see it and that's why the followers are there so does Little Miss Nia's Paige offend you does the mom trying to profit off of her baby a fin you so this one is so dumb but I got a lot of requests to cover it so here we go jenna Marbles had to make a huge apology video for being horrible she abused her dog that's right you too sweetheart who apologizes for things that she doesn't even need to apologize for to help keep the peace in her YouTube community but she's a dog abuser according to the lovely Internet let's see why shall we recently jenna Marbles sucked it out dog car safety devices or car seat I'm not too sure it's basically a car seat for your puppy to keep them say during the video her dog Kermit started to cry and the internet screams abuse now Kermit is known to cry a hundred percent of the time if he's not crying that's when you should be worried what the internet felt differently they weren't having it so she had to delete the video and then upload another one saying sorry to all of the idiots I mean how dare she try something that helps protect her dogs I know it's offensive right no it's not but I guess if it is or isn't see you let me know in the comments section if you haven't heard the corona virus is here and ready to kill you don't step outside holy crap everyone is dying at least you would think so right now with this mass hysteria with this whole new scary virus even though that is not the facts these were the days that doomsdayers warned us about food shelves are empty people are purchasing multiple pallets of water hospitals are low on resources because the public is purchasing products like masks even though the virus can go through your eyes and toilet paper is now a necessity and people are ready to fight over it now it's time for you to tell me aren't these memes of fences I ended up seeing one and being like huh that is pretty ironic let me post this to my Instagram so that other people can be like huh it is pretty ironic coronavirus kills three thousand people and we lose our [ __ ] obesity kills three hundred thousand people annually and we come out with a new flavor of Dorito now I completely thought that people would just be like oh my god is kind of ironic but no there were a few people very sensitive people who decided to take this all the way to the left for the sole purpose that it's their choice to be obese but it's not your choice to catch Corona holy [ __ ] I completely thought that the moment my toe touches the outside world and some fat person sneezes on me imma catch the obese that's not the analogy here people but if you want to take it that deep please do it probably feels very good the analogy that I saw from the post and a lot of people on the post did as well is the fact that there is something that is killing thousands of people that you can't prevent and no one is going through hysterics about that in fact there is a movement promoting it but then a virus that has been around for years but people are saying it's not their fault if you catch it but they are doing everything in their power to not catch it that's the analogy that's it I saw many people share the post and this is what some of them said we should still worry about it yeah you might not get it but people you know could it's a selfish mindset to have if you don't worry about this you don't care about people dying yes you're completely right I am laughing laughing straight to my witch doctor lair at people who die from Corona and any other sickness and one go get straight-up pissed that I was being so inconsiderate to all of the deaths that have happened from from the coronavirus and she went straight to your bald-headed and you have no edges I get it black women that wear wigs are ball we have no hair dang it we are so gross and then there were a few saying wow you laugh at death I'm as dark as it sounds yeah a lot of us do obesity to me that's a faster death you are killing yourself and yet there are so many fat jokes in so many cartoons that we all laugh at weight not all most people have you not watched South Park with the cancer episode you play goalie no yes cancer what or how about diabetes hi I'm Wilford Brimley and I have diabetes it hurts me to pee and it causes me to be short with my family and did we all just forget about all the Ebola me anyway I thought I would do the exact opposite of what jenna Marbles would do and not apologize and share more memes so you guys can tell me if they are offensive or not [Music] well you guys you know my opinion about all of this I'm looking forward to seeing your opinion in the comment section remember I love reading comments when the video is still new I'm gonna go cast the spell on anyone who has a different opinion than me so choose your words wisely because remember this is my world not yours you see the jump in my car you see the trippy unfitted and my karma kitty already secured of my key I get the bugs on the flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 142,131
Rating: 4.9055877 out of 5
Keywords: corona, adele, adele weight, adele weight loss, adele weight loss ellen show, adele weight loss 2019, little miss nia youtube, lil miss nia, ms nia, obese, obese children, carona, carona various in china today, carona live, carona various song, jenna marbles, jenna marbles dogs, 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance full episodes, 90 day fiance pillow talk
Id: yuYqtC5MZbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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