Fat Shaming Kid Shows

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good morning mortals welcome back to the channel and say hello to my co-host what's that baby with that positive influence there's blood pressure we're talking about those angry fat chicks again don't call them fat chicks darling the humans don't like that what those girls are always calling each other fat what's the difference if I do it well dear you're a doll and they only hate it if we call them that if they call each other that it's liberating we should teach them to be a little less sensitive a little pain is a good thing especially in the bedroom you know you're a real freak Martin and I'm liking it so tell me what liberating fat chicks are we talking about today not one specifically we rocks are you gonna be talking about the kid shows that are known to be fat phobic and mentally scarring to the little mortal children one of them is your show goosebumps I love a good holiday sale what my shows fat phobic now oh yes fluffy so sit back relax and let's talk about fat phobia in kid shows you see the GP unfit ended up in my car in the kitty do you secure the buggy I get the okay hello everyone welcome back to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud pug mommy and a cosplayer who is cosplaying as Morticia Addams from The Addams Family last night your unhinged you were like some desperate howling demon you frightened me today we are gonna be talking about fatphobia in kids shows but before we start make sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on post notifications so that you don't miss any future cosplays or amazing collaborations with other puppets name a more iconic duo in the comment section just try if you remember earlier this year fat positive activist had a problem with the New Avengers movie it's show Thor had gained weight they said that the movie depicted fat people in a negative light and mocked fat people calling them lazy and sloppy I was a tad bit confused with this outrage because I remember just a few weeks before the movie came out they said that they wanted a fat superhero and then they got one and they were still upset so that just proves that we can't make them happy and they will always find a way to be a victim so I came across an article that said kids are more exposed to fat phobia than adults are in their cartoon on Thomas the Tank Engine references to Christmas have been replaced with winter holidays Cookie Monster has started preaching that cookies are sometimes food increasingly children's television has a reputation for being politically correct but a new study reveals that television aimed at kids contains at least as many weight stigmatizing comments as programs meant for adults Marla is Berg and her team identified that the ten most popular programs for 14 year olds randomly selected three episodes from the most recent season of each show after selecting a total of 30 episodes the researchers went through and tracked the numbers of comments or incidents that stigmatized characters for their weight across all episodes they identified 66 instances of appearance or weight related stigmatization after the episode contain at least one insult directly related to weight seventy six point seven percent included some kind of negative comments or incident related to a character's weight or appearance animated sitcoms tended to be the worst offenders with an average of 10 point 7 stigmatizing incidences per episode this was written back in 2014 and it made me think man they would die absolutely just disintegrate if they watch the kids shows from my time oh yeah the 90 ooh its promotion time sloppy do you enjoy donut no you silly mortals I'm not only asking obese people donuts are for everyone which is goals vampires zombies even me Morticia oh of course everyone but they can be high in sugar and go straight to your thighs just like Squidward when he had Krabby Patties for the first time but now I have a solution for you proto the protein doughnut a low sugar ten gram protein snack if you guys didn't know now you do Morticia is a sugar addict so I wanted to create a healthier alternative doughnut for my sweet tooth mortals out there and my witches and goblins and other creatures out there too if you have like a chance to win a free box of birthday cake protein donuts make sure to post this picture on your Instagram telling me and tag proto bakery you will have a chance to win a delicious box have a healthier alternative cake doughnut and enjoy it with some halo ice cream like I do okay now let's talk 90's kid shows and fat shaming or fat phobia so because it's October and every October me and my boyfriend have to rewatch are you afraid of the dark and goose bumps which by the way shout out to Nickelodeon because I just saw their new are you afraid of the dark and I absolutely love it 10 out of 10 recommend have you guys seen it and what did you guys think but we were bending goosebumps and then the episode Stacy's and I again graced our eyes in this episode a boy finds a camera he's excited about it at first but after he snaps his first picture he finds the camera isn't working like a normal camera should every time he takes a picture the picture it prints out isn't what was originally captured he took a picture of his friend and she wasn't in the picture a picture of his family came out as a very bad car accident and all of these events eventually came true and your friend mysteriously disappeared and then someone took a picture of him and in that picture he looks fat the camera showed him looking obese and goosebumps that the whole shebang with the obese thing he had to go to school everyone laughed at him because he was fat he sat down and broke the chair ran out everybody was still laughing at him because he broke the chair and he was back he walks and the room shakes and the funny thing is is when he got that picture taken of himself and it came out that he was fat in the picture there was also someone else in the picture his friend and in the picture that came out for her she was been like sickly thin she's pale she's very weak she can barely function she can't lift anything but guess what these fat activists would focus on the fat kid and the room shaking with every step he takes because it makes them feel bad about themselves they could care less about the thin people watching who sees this weak girl who can't barely pick up anything can't function because she's too thin and being so weak they don't care if they feel bad about their body why should they they have thin privilege and that's my point these people have complained about these shows making fun of fat people are so conceited selfish and only care about themselves that they don't see that everybody in the show is getting made fun of personally that's why I think so many of the older shows are so much more funny than this shows today because today we are trying to be so politically correct we can't make fun of anyone or anything because someone's gonna get offended by it I've been having life-changing results since I learned how to get offended back in my day when the cartoons were amazing nobody was safe not even kids shows I mean Dexter the short extremely smart nerd who always screams science Gerald the cool black kid that's good at basketball Harold the fat bully his tummy so big his shirt becomes a crop top that's funny he's funny and he was one of my favorite characters Larry the lobster with his huge upper body and super tiny legs that was such a huge stereotype years ago that a lot of men that workout only workout their upper body and they have these itty-bitty weak legs they took that slop to interface with freakin Larry the lobsters little knobby knees if you look at any show they are going to make fun of everyone they are going to exaggerate stereotypes and they are probably going to hit and make fun of most of these stereotypes including fat people [Music] made out of cheese Brigade my body no bush now with that being said I can't understand what some of them are saying I'm sure they are tired of every single fad character being that always tired slow individual which that's actually very true but on the other since I noticed that a lot of fat characters are always dumb they're the bully or they're just sloppy so I can see what they're saying then what's so a little bit more diversity that not all fat people are sloppy and slow and dumb just like not all thin people are put together go to Walmart you'll see sloppiness comes in all sizes colors and genders it's very similar to a show and they have one black character and it's always the loud talking head twisting finger jerking woman so I see what they're talking about but I also think they're taking it way too far and trying to pick at anything that makes them be a victim to the point where we can't even have jokes anymore in something that is supposed to have jokes and something that's supposed to make fun of things in a white hearted way so it makes cartoons amazing and fun and they say things that we aren't really allowed to say in front of people because let's just be honest even you fat positive people are body-positive people who claim to be all inclusive and that you don't make fun of anything you do make fun of people behind their backs and you talk about people's looks and if you say that's you or not I am positive that you are lying and you're not phone that I would ever want to be around because everyone does it and quite personally if you are so offended by jokes or these over exaggerations of stereotypes then you can create a cartoon that has absolutely no jokes makes fun of nothing and we can see how good that turns out and how many people actually watch it okay so tell me in the comments section what was your favorite 90s cartoons and if you are a little younger or a lot younger what is just your favorite cartoon overall of course my heart will always be in the 90s there are a few questions that I love that are of the night days if it's a good cartoon it's a good cartoon no matter what year comes out don't forget to hit that subscribe button if you enjoyed this video turn on post notifications and follow me on Instagram means slappy just posted a picture together remember you don't have to be a size two abs are great to have but not need it to be healthy and if you're going to complain about cartoons and kid shows making fun of fat people then you should complain about every single other joke that's in the show let's not play favorites fat activists I'll see you guys next time bye guys hi everyone I just wanted to shout out Nathan dormady who helps me out with a lot of my music I love this channel link in the description as well please head over there and support my guy thanks guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 83,080
Rating: 4.9704351 out of 5
Keywords: fat shaming, fat phobic, fat phobic kid shows, fat shaming kid shows, goosbumps, cosplay, cosplayer, fat shaming on tv, fat shaming at doctors office, weight loss for kids, overweight kids, fat phobia, cartoon fat shames kids
Id: Z678_H5n-eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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