Lifting Weights is NOT Body Positive! Robert Pattinson Refuses to Workout For Batman Role! (What???)

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inseam that was amazing you got the part the only thing is this is a superhero role and we just need you to start lifting weights get more muscular and you'll you'll be perfect what yeah just so you know you fit the role of a superhero more we'll pay for the trainer and everything what did you say to me this is the issue here you expect me to fit a roll of a superhero just because he lifts all the time and runs a little bit i mean we're paying you and you auditioned for the roll you're sick you see the dripping fitted up in my car in the video is sponsored by me and my small company proto bakery if you would like to support this channel and try a protein cake donut with 2 grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein we are restocked today i also wanted to give you guys a big fat thank you for all of the support we are currently getting a warehouse so we can mass produce these bad boys and come out with more flavors and it's all because of you so here's a big sloppy wet kiss on your forehead from yoshi hello youtube welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pub a past theater nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so if there's anything offending you today let us know in the comment section tell the world what is offending you i know someone's gonna be offended and thumbs down this video because the girls are out today okay today we're talking about men body positivity and even if you're getting paid a butt load of money to play a role of a muscular fit superhero that's constantly moving lifting jumping you shouldn't get buff because that's part of the problem but before we get to that my little fledglings what team are you team edward or team jacob and which team am i on you ask well i've never watched absolutely not one not one second of that series but if i had to choose without me knowing anything about the series i would pick the vampire because i'm already a vampire you don't know if i'm evil or good do you anyway let's read an article about robert pattinson and how he refuses to put on muscle for the role of batman because he doesn't want to add to the issues of body image issues toward men and boys we shall read and then i will give you my opinion from a muscular voluminous woman that pretends that she's a superhero but is actually a 5 foot 2 hobbit robert pattinson refuses to work out for batman role because he doesn't want to set a precedent he says that actors who lift weights all the time are part of the problem robert pattinson has opened up about body image for men in hollywood in a brand new interview the actor was interviewed by gq while in lockdown in london and discussed his role in the forthcoming christopher nolan film tenet as well as his decision to become the next batman patterson was filming matt reeves the batman when the quarantine was announced and asked if he's keeping to his strict fitness regimen put together by a personal trainer he said he's ignoring instructions because it sends a bad message i'm keeping my opinion until the end i think if you're working out all the time you're part of the problem he said referring to his fellow hollywood actors getting a little high schooler-ish here chris hensworth's face right about now throwing in some of those stabs in there you set a precedent he continued adding no one was doing this in the 1970s even james dean he wasn't exactly ripped i have to pause just for a second because i will forget i just find it weird he had to pinpoint 1970s he wasn't even born yet they had a different body standard and james dean wasn't even batman reflecting upon his time in the twilight franchise which began in 2008 he said the one time they told me to take off my shirt i think they told me to put it back on again okay well that was just plain rude i might agree with something in here let's keep reading patterson revealed his trainer pleaded with him to use the bosu ball and single weight left with him while in lockdown but said he's barely doing anything okay uh i'm back against being off completely off what's wrong with working out especially if you are doing it for a role that you auditioned for okay wait i did let's just let's just read we're gonna get through this together he said he's sticking to his meal plan though which includes oatmeal with vanilla protein powder sprinkled on it as well as tuna topped with tabasco christian bell who played batman in nolan's dark knight trilogy famously gained 43 pounds while bulking up for the role pattison will next be seen in tennis which is set to make history as the first new film released in cinemas posts the virus that shall not be named because it gets you demonetized for some reason lockdown this july batman is now scheduled to be released the first of october 2021. okay now i can tell you my opinion can we just be completely real here uh make the kids leave the room even though i said this is not a family-friendly channel just tell your little minions to get out are they gone good i personally want to see any superhero on screen that at least looks like he can pick me up drag me to the bedroom throw me on the bed and start [Music] right i mean you're called a super hero super and hero are in the same sentence for a reason and quite frankly above all of us average people and i want you to be above the average person in every aspect of your life let's just say if i was in the dc universe and skinny steve showed up um it's very great that he is gonna try to help but also um and maybe he can surprise me if my leg got shattered by the joker but though i am a hobbit i'm a very dense hobbit i just don't feel comfortable with a slimmer man picking me up i think you have to at least be able to lap pull down 150 pounds and chest press about the same amount of weight i weigh around 130 it gives us both some leeway but please my thin kings out there if the joker shatters my femur or anything on my body and i can't move please drag my big butt cheeks out of there if you have to i'll take any help i can get i'm just saying someone that lifts more than my body weight on a regular basis would definitely be more ideal in that situation i personally want to see my superheroes fit as hell now i can totally see what he's saying if we're talking about just the average everyday man i don't think you have to be built like a super saiyan is it nice oh my god yes but is it needed no are thin men or just thin people in general strong i've had thinner people that i worked with through training that were thinner but they were very strong dead lifting more than i could deadlift they just didn't have the physique that says oh wow that person must lift a lot of weight because they were thinner and that's kind of just what we think of when we see thin people a week but that's not always the case but if we're talking about like a superhero movie that's just my preference i want to see them be very muscular and fit and just have a more body than just us average folks does that mean thinner men are unattractive that's very subjective to the individual but i've seen some very attractive thinner men that's not to say thin not so lean superheroes can't work hell that's not even to say fat superheroes can't work if the storyline is good and it really sells to me hey i'm all for it but i am someone that likes to see my superheroes muscular ripped and above average so i'm a little bit more of a credit everybody's a critic but in this case it sounds to me that our little vampire boy just doesn't want to put in the work to add muscle adding muscle in my opinion is harder than losing body fat it takes a lot of time a lot of paying attention to your nutritional needs a lot of patience i personally have no issue putting on muscle it's never been hard i do push-ups i get shoulder caps with that being said it's very easy to put on fat as well i eat hot cheetos i put on body fat but i have many clients get frustrated about the time and effort it takes to put on muscle men included and if you're a woman it takes even longer than that so get ready to be sore all the time and waits a lot and i'm sure he's had many people say things about his slimness and how he's not a man because he's slim and for years and even now it's socially acceptable to call my body manly and a man that has his body a 12 year old girl because some people don't realize that we all are shaped differently men and women so i totally see what he's saying but in my opinion if you're going for a role that is a superhero or requires you to be muscular and your trainer is saying hey here's some weights do it you should probably put in the work and get buff otherwise don't go for that part there are so many actors that dedicate themselves to roles and change their bodies to really fit the character there's been actors that put on body back for their roles there's been actors that lose a substantial amount of weight which is something that i would personally never do getting obese or extremely thin for a role but i'm not an actor but wow the dedication to do that is amazing i just personally think if you don't want to do it then don't play the role right isn't that kind of easy find something else but i can really respect the actors that dedicate themselves to roles and change their bodies their hair their looks to really fit that character and really sell the story and the character to us the audience that's their job and that's my opinion and then boom guess what robert patterson trolled all of who was listening to the interview all the youtubers who made videos triggered that he refused to change his body for the role he got us all including me because i watched a few of those videos and i was like uh dude what anyway robert is supposedly known to just straight up live when it comes to interviews to mess with people and i've only seen him in harry potter i don't know much about him but this makes me like him i love it it makes me want to watch the movie but he's been religiously working out lifting weights cleaning up his diet he bulked up and will cut down for the future batman film and i'm pretty excited to see it now that was awesome good troll good troll dude and i did think it was a very cool opportunity to talk about men and body issues because they do exist even if the fat positive group don't want to believe it also shout out to everyone not watching the whole video congrats to everybody else who was able to sit still for about 11 minutes you get one of these thank you so much for watching i will see you guys next video remember next month august is disney month we're going to have a lot of different disney characters coming onto the channel to talk to you who do you think is going to show up remember you don't have to be a size 2. having big biceps is great to have to scare away all the boys but not needed to be healthy you don't have to be a big muscular super saiyan but health is important and i want all my watchers to be as healthy as possible thanks for watching i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Music] on the flex since flex zone
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 292,203
Rating: 4.9339724 out of 5
Keywords: robert pattinson batman, the batman, robert pattinson, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel workout, body positivity, body positivity vs fitness
Id: vApbDbnTQ8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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