Mama June Is a Promo Model (90 Day Fiance Contestants TOO!)

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hang out what's up this is your girl mom Angie and look with everything going on I have no power so what do we have here looks like you're in violation of promoting a product that'll keep your subscribers and audience on the John and I can't have that going around in my town that's right officer McDaniels here cut them rookie hey rookie calm down let the core and the jury deal with this you see the chip in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the bar get up to y'all I just wanted to make sure to say at the beginning of the video that this has nothing to do with current events this person had an issue with my outfit content cop has literally showed up on this channel before handcuffing fools for their content I also filmed my videos two to four weeks in advance and of course a situation happens in the States but I don't expect people to never dress as a cop but if you do have an issue with this I want the same energy when it comes to every skit show post every child's Halloween costume shame on you if you do that or actors page that dresses up okay y'all really really try hard to be offended these days I so where to God do you think if a movie was made to be released about cups and then a sucky situation happened with a cop they would just stop the movie no the answer is no now let's focus on the actual topic come o you to welcome back to the channel and if you're new here welcome my name is Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer who's wearing sleeves today a proud mother of a pod a past theatre nerd got a grown up cosplayer this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts though will probably offend at least one person will you be the lucky person today only time can tell I'm feeling good today I'm here since from the YouTube police station to reinforce the thoughts in your brain that many supplement companies are trying to sell you poop and they literally do not give a flying diarrhea poop who they hire to promote their product they just wants you to keep seeing their logo and just wait for when you decide to eat three cheeseburgers with the side of fries and Oreos shake and wash it all down with hot cheetos and as you sit there after you demolished your rations and you stare down at your thighs that look even more like oversized marshmallows all of a sudden and you decide to go onto Instagram to try and distract yourself from overly critiquing your body but you can't because there's all these darn skinny chicks wearing their bikinis and smiling The Audacity been great from the heavens you seen boom bod and your favorite train wrecks from your favorite reality show saying that this multicolored drink works for them there's no significant difference between the two but your favorite reality television star would why would they you take one more good look at your thighs and it sealed your fate boob you now spent $63.99 on a pile of poop so today we're talking about the reality stars that promote these get fit get slim lose weight super fast magic pills I'm not going to go into super deep detail about these companies like right here this video and a few others that I will link below go into extreme detail and if you're gonna invest your money on anything to lose weight get a food journal a food scale and healthy high-fiber quality protein and healthy fats to get you to your goal not this Angela our favorite Nigerian love it I just need your egg I'll tote it grandma don't ask me to have y'all baby I can tell you nicely Jade says boom bada has worked for her halfway through boom bods shot program and I am loving it I was surprised how simple the shots are only three per day and they have done a great job helping me cut down my cravings excited to see my final results and if anyone else needs a little extra motivation pick up a box of this Wallace buy one get one free boom bods website okay so I know that was a copy and paste caption that the company sent her because then there's no way in hell that woman I can tell you nicely James accumulated that sentence that sounded nothing like her it sounded like Darcy and Darcy is someone that also promotes boom by excited I can't wait to try it it's a seven day weight loss system and it helps with bloating also what is this picture even prove I'm telling you boom bod gives no they probably told her you know where some some tight pants that goes above your stomach don't let your stomach hang out wear a sports bra put something over your arms in and hold the product and smile and you'll get your money and remember people Trisha Paytas also says boom bod works so that's these volumes so Angela you're going to jail along with Trisha and we're gonna throw into our sea - let's see who else - oh my god why let me just put this on the screen yeah okay so Danielle is from 90-day fiance she was with Mohammed yeah it did not work out another round of boomba down and I'm definitely loving the difference it made cravings are way down on making better snack choices and I'm actually feeling super motivated to keep going for my goals it's a great feeling they still have BOGO freon and yes I do recommend taking advantage of that once again this caption sounds nothing like Danielle hi everyone you guys have seen me before do the boom pod seven day challenge um there's three packets hi guys I'm here again once again I'm gonna be trying the boom pod seven day weight loss it does not translate into daniele language the company literally gave her this caption that sounds very similar to Angela's and these two both speak Walmart this is not Walmart I would know I speak it Danielle made an appearance in my other video when we talked about Pumbaa and all the girls from 90 day fiancé representing some poop tea some like quick get fit quick you know scheme and she looks no different than she did in my last video about a year and a half ago but focusing on this picture right now but is the difference she just put water on herself and then smile changed her clothes but just pretty much exactly the same thing she's wearing the same pants it's just different tank tops I'm guessing people are supposed to be like wow look the first pictures she's not sweaty and she's not holding boom bod and the second picture she is holding boom bod so it works who is okaying these advertisements no one they don't care foot okay what's going on here using a detox mask by true self organics it is organic cruelty-free and vegan if you would like to try use my code real 34 30 percent off your order guys I know not everyone's going to look like an IG model and if we're being realistic a lot of IG models Photoshop their picture or it's just very unrealistic maybe this company is trying to reach out to the quote unquote normal people to help spread the word of their product or they don't care and just want people to see their product name to get a quick buck you tell me cuz this this is wild imagine hiring people that you want to represent your products and you hire Danielle you didn't get dressed she looks half asleep under straw you don't care in other news lama-june also represents Bumba and what better person than a drug addict to represent your weight loss and health company hi who told her just what okay listen let's just read it I've got goals in mind and boom Budd has me off to a strong start how working on myself and I've been looking for a program for a while to keep me consistent and this is definitely it these shots are only ten calories each fit into the routine easily and so far have actually helped me with my cravings go check them out before BOGO free ends I have never seen a company literally say me I don't give it just Alan to open so hard like I've seen boombots say that what exactly is she showing off in these pictures it's also whenever they do the videos a lot of them never drinks the whole thing on camera they do that quick little sip and they quickly put it down and they say you know okay you guys you guys purchase it and enjoy it y'all do it and then you see on my kick it to the side I know darn well they're not drinking this I know darn well if she is drinking this she's drinking something else too along with doing other things also why when you think healthy you think standing up tall shoulders back booming with confidence and reading positivity what does this picture say to you to me it says this product sucks this in no way makes me want to hand over my money to this company go back to your kids please seriously mama June mama June stop selling this crap it doesn't work just go vegan or eat healthy so you know usually I would disagree with that because I get a lot of people saying it to me just go vegan and it will completely hear you're in a meat Rios's because it cheers everything everyone is different but in this case I'm gonna agree going vegan is probably a lot better than putting that in your body also if you just scroll down a lot in her Instagram you'll come across like this is like one of the last pictures that I see that look pretty good during the time that she looks very good when she lost all that way by the way she had a lot of surgeries which I'm not trying to take away from you know her hard work but she did get surgeries and the surgeries helped her not boomba but if you go all the way down that was one of the pictures that I saw one of the last pictures that she was you know more put together had her weight you know a lot more in control and no boom Bob to be found though what I'm getting at is boomba made her look like this and that ain't a good look hey y'all this is mama June and I'm back no you're not back I thought people were still looking for you and you ran off with your boyfriend another product that she is with is t me a lot of the girls from the 90-day fiance we're doing t me y'all I'm gonna be honest I've been struggling the last couple of months yeah we know I put on some more weight but I am worried okay let me just pause for a second this sounds more like mom and jr. I'm still missing ain't nothing stopping me smoochies well I have way more time and gonna start kicking my booty getting back on track I'm still feeling good but to be looking good I started in my teeny blends 30-day the--okay she lost me at 30-day detox it's so easy because weight loss and getting healthy is super easy that's why the United States and so healthy but we're not it's so easy I just drink the tea and can feel my body changing I'm two weeks into this month and I've already started to go back down most likely two weeks is just water weight even though I highly doubt she's doing that but you can use the code J mama for 15% off your order to be beautiful so if you want to be beautiful I call majoun use that code I do want to shout out some people from 90-day fiance specifically who have been losing weight and not promoting these type of products and fisa who was promoting some butt cream in the last video I made but looking at her profile now she's promoting her workout app and nutrition routines which I think she's great hopefully her app and her nutrition routines will help other people stay in a very good routine say what you want about her lip fillers I think she looks bangin Jorge or Jorge I'm still confused on what to call him looks like a whole new person he went on the shall we say the gel diet seems to have worked wonders for him people are saying they prefer him as fat and he looks older this way first of all what's wrong with looking older rude do you think aging is not not a thing and second I will admit it he seems like he's got the soul sucked out of him a bit in this picture but also in this picture he seems to have quite the newfound confidence and I'm all for that maybe because you know and peace' and Jorge dated in the past maybe this this'll rekindle some old feelings bring me my red back with my makeup I have a key yes you can't have a key or maybe not and third my absolute favorite I call her nerds for obvious reasons but she didn't even talk about her weight loss her followers just notice and asked how she did it and she said my favorite answer of all time no specific program just making better choices with food and regular exercises boom love her though I just wanted to make sure it's in with some some positive words instead mama Jean anyway guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video remember you don't have to be a size 2 biceps can you guys can you guys even see anything through there are greats I have to scare away all the boys but not need it to be healthy and I want everyone to be as healthy as possible and to be healthy you do not need products like boom bond have a good day stay beautiful stay out of trouble keep your hands clean pet your dogs and I'll see you guys next video bye guys you see the GP I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the bar get up you know you see the trippy I'm finished up in my karma kitty already secured the Mikey I get to bust open on the flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 185,839
Rating: 4.9594502 out of 5
Keywords: Mama june, mama june, mama june family crisis full episode, mama june from not to hot, mama june family crisis, 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance pillow talk, boombod, boom body weight loss reviews, trisha paytas, trisha paytas weight loss 2019, trisha paytas weight loss 2020, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you 90 day fiance, TLC, reality tv, mama june: from not to hot, honey boo boo
Id: ZUIeW3n62Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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