I Found The Cringiest "Bodybuilder" on Instagram (Shallow King/ Mathew Kline Kader)

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we've all seen the pictures while we screw on the Instagram search page in the kitchen not cooking with a random bottle of supplements on the counter overly happy about a small piece of carrot on a form odd captions about shoes when we all know they just want us to look at their but why can't they just say hey look at my butts because we all like but we've all seen them the female insta model but we've been shy over something for too long that we all need to start cringing at just like we cringe at these it's now time to cringe at the male insta model [Music] I'm warning everyone right now whoever likes men especially the people who are in a relationship I'm warning you after this video your significant other is going to leave you I probably should tell my boyfriend Garrett Garrett you don't hear me screaming your name so I just had to call because I'm filming a video and I told everybody else on the video that I'm probably gonna have to leave you after I do this video because I just found the hottest guy on Instagram so okay just what I tell you okay thanks bye there we go so I suggest you just get mentally prepared because once I reveal this man some my audience we all are going to one him I warned you guys so we about to talk about a mister steal yo girl on instagram by the way follow me I put it right on the screen hey guys welcome to my channel my bus will probably offend you and my name is a must shun today we are reviewing a page on Instagram of a man that every girl according to him once he's hot he's ripped he's rich um let's see what else he poses in front of cars he claims he's the number one world champion boxer except nobody knows who the freakin and he's never boxed any of the top professional athletes ever and most of the world doesn't know who the freaky is but sure well now cuz of me I don't have anything stuck on my teeth cuz that would have been embarrassing anyway let's give a round of applause for Matthew Klein Kator why is no one excited I thought everybody was all obsessed with him that's what he says in all his posts weird maybe here has only know him by his Instagram name umm shallow King everyone shallow King still no no no one well apparently he's known all over the world now shallow King is someone of the Instagram world that I found very interesting because not only does he claim that he's the real world champion but he's never fought any of the top fighters RHP [Music] [Music] introducing kept in my day I was the red corner this bad [Music] only an undefeated professional record identity with no losses he's 9 6 feet tall 100 RHP but he claimed he's the real world champion and he will go around town and pick street fights with random small men to prove how much of a manly fighter he is I'm not gonna lie right here I can apply right here for [Music] I originally found him because you guys always tag me and his wife or ex-wife's picture because she claims she gets her but from weight lifting but and I have no issues with fake butts but I do have an issue when they sell booty program saying that you can get results like mine by doing kickbacks when they just got surgery so you guys always tagged me in there and once I correct her whole Instagram I found him and once I got to his Instagram things got weird because he's Lux is hard the hardest flexor I've ever seen you bodybuilders out there doing all that flexing on stage he flexes hard physically because remember he's super Jackson Ritz according to him and he flexes in front of all his material objects so technically bodybuilders out there who claim you're just so big bad and good at Weston according to him so before I go into his profile um usually I you guys know how I am I'm pretty open-minded with things but this guy is such a fill in the blank here and you don't fill it in right now you can watch the whole video and then you can leave me a comment filling in that blank I'll make sure to remind you at the end of this video but he's such a whatever this word is that you decide to fill it and he's so just creative with his posts and his claims about himself and how he's so much better than basically everybody and he's kind of a liar he said every girl once him I'm a girl I don't want him and I don't appreciate Liars so I just wanted to make this video is that wrong maybe but he does have a public profile and I think when you make certain claims that he makes and his profile you kind of just have to expect people like this to do things like this I'm pointing out my camera can't see that let's look at his profile so he always post girls saying these things everyone keeps saying how hot this Matthew guys you're pretty sexy can I touch your muscles mirror mirror on the wall who's the prettiest I don't know Matthew Klein hater has big balls all the fine ladies know that Matthew Klein cater has the biggest sexiest hardest car Matthew chlorinators whoo hi oh my god which is a very odd blessed to be because guys you are actually confident and actually get vagina don't have to post these girls that are most likely paid to save these odd things oh and just so you guys know if you're unaware there are actually many many people I only know of men I'll explain in a second that really do hire very attractive women to make these videos you take pictures of them to come to their events so that they can look like they're more of a man because they have pretty friends and they they pay them and how do I know this is because I have girlfriends that that's their job you literally get paid to take pictures with these odd men that just have a lot of money and the guys just want to look very cool so they pay them to take a picture with them so they can post it on Instagram to make us all feel a certain type of way my certain type of ways I feel like it's weird but at least my girlfriends are making money and my girlfriend saw a lot of [ __ ] about these guys because they're they're very odd like they don't have a lot of like people skills so but at least the guy looks really cool on Instagram that's what he's paying them for so yeah and I really think that shallow King he's these girl to do these things so let's just look at some of his posts with women in it let's this first just to set the mood he's got a side by side here and it says what you see what she sees boom we see you when we're giving [ __ ] since that guy so this one has a really pretty girl in that he's looking great with his sunglasses and it says camp life hashtag real world champion someone asks what belt do you hold undisputed world champion real world champion real [ __ ] ha ha ha ha ha so in this one he photoshopped himself into this girl who's an actual UFC fighter Johanna and the captain seats so I heard UFC champ Johanna don't know how to say her last name is a certified cater Baber thank you for the support wishing you luck on your entertainment fight tomorrow hashtag real world champion you got a her page and there's literally she doesn't support him she doesn't even know who he is I still can't work out if this guy is just in character and having a laugh or not the moment she says you are the greatest male specimen on the planet cater beavers worldwide hashtag champ life hashtag real world champion too bad she's paid to be there no real woman would once your little dick self I had to like that one so that's enough of that but let's look at this real world champion thing that he keeps saying in almost every single poke you're looking at a true assassin give me 2 to 3 feet best believe that keeps gonna start blasting what do you thinks gonna happen when I embrace two of my right guys do go and sleep matter-of-factly well 6 feet deep thanks me dealer I think he made that himself I think that's him rapping about himself drink to your [ __ ] catch me OK when I'm done with you haters when I'm done with you Instagram [ __ ] you're never gonna forget that there ain't no one greater greater they Mac inclined haters you're like you know the true assassin oh is that Matthew Klein haters coming to town and he's gonna do what he does best and that's take your women and make them bow down you guys have never seen a man like Matthew Klein cater Matthew Klein caters a man who has a wife he has a mistress and a girlfriend what six [ __ ] every single damn day a week that's not a kid that's back you know you clean my business I got pictures I mean you guys he looks like a freakin anime character you guys know how in animes they dress kind of weird but it looks cool in the anime but it doesn't translate well into real life hashtag real world champion returns October 6 2008 teen open challenge to any Irish McGregor fan that wants to come see me come get some [ __ ] and then there's a little emoji there so I'm not sure what this is referencing the the first part which all gets you but on the second part so he would challenge McGregor to an actual fight because he claims she's the real world champion members I know one or two of you are gonna complain about this keeping flipping over because like one or two you like to complain when like a seams and straight army or like a bra strap is showing and instead of commenting on the video that's what you decide to comment at so I'm just gonna expect it I said at first which takes power away from you when you comment about it so anyway about the McGregor thing um he was making post after post after post challenging McGregor to a real fight because because he claims McGregor isn't the real fighter and he needs to fight the real world champion Gator Gator you're looking at the king a running game I got [ __ ] from Las Vegas dr. Callie so I think you guys understand that he is the real world champion according to him but so this is the first part I can't remember what year this happened but it says returns October 6 2008 teen because this guy is such a freakin king baller / God that on his Instagram it reported just his Instagram by the way that he freakin died shallow King was dead on on on his Instagram that's what it said everywhere else it didn't say that in fact there was still videos a little foot showing sometimes in some of his wife's stories posts and everyone was like so you're really just out there shallow King like you're you're really Jess something I can't remember what year it was that he died on Instagram and I remember reading one of the comments and they were like watch this [ __ ] resurrects himself and the fool literally did first I want to apologize to my great loyal fans across the kater nation who were shocked hurt and saddened by my apparent death I sincerely apologize for doing this to you guys and there is a very valid explanation for this and on May 10 I will go into depth with you guys and I promise you will fully understand my logic behind it it mostly has to do with the country of Ireland Conor McGregor and his management team but now we are looking forward the King is back and cater fight promotions will change the fight game the king will be fighting soon new contenders will be joining cater fight promotions and I'm not done with Conor or gov garb on 2018 we will purchase front-row tickets to any of the events these so called fighters are fighting at and I will force them to me and expose them as be true cowards that they are and everyone like the people that do it most of the fitness industry were like you resurrected yourself oh and also he did this and said this there's a reason these so called fighters are ducking Matthew Klein cater because they know if I touch their chin with this venomous right hand it's gonna be lights out sleep emoji hashtag real world champion you just look uncomfortable I have to read the caption before I even knew what you were doing there's a reason you're not fighting in one amateur fight yeah because I'm not an amateur dummy I go hard and the [ __ ] back Oh as I scroll there's like the ad for the whole cater vs McGregor fight that was gonna happen and it never did McGregor didn't even pay any attention to him he was like it says all my fans need you to meet me for the after fight party at oh I don't know how to say this I'm part Irish too anyway yeah that never happened none of it ever happened at all ever gains on fleek flex emoji the man you want to be the man your girl wants to see there it is that face does the face that we all want to see often imitated never duplicated hashtag real world champion ripoff original Versace where I feel like you legit this this is why some people don't need money but he's got just way too much time on his hands but I feel like you saw this picture and was like he's got faster and was it go via the shirt put on his shades which are crooked but this shirt on probably asked his wife who sells the booty plans to take this if she's like and and then he made this meme and said never duplicated but in reality he really just duplicated the picture on the left and then say McGregor fans once a live in denial but Connor is the biggest Matthew client Gator fans you'll ever find he's been trying to copy the real world champion style for a long the time look at him he doesn't even know how to wear that shirt right after you climb tater fans know that there is only one for saucy wearing got your girl staring one-of-a-kind chisel and outline the mastermind the pinnacle of excellence with a right hand that's so damn venomous the man you want to be period the man your girl wants to see the king Matthew Klein cater periods swipe right for more proof that McGregor is not original all right well that's swipe so yeah I guess they're wearing the same thing but how does that prove that he copied you a person that he doesn't even know I don't think it works like that and I do think that some celebrities might have the same outfit sometimes because they all buy expensive overly priced things and Biggie Smalls is an icon maybe McGregor said hey I want to I really appreciate biggie smalls i I kind of want to wear what he was wearing in that specific picture it doesn't prove though Maddi that he copied you so this makes it more of a speculation that this guy pays for people to say these very very nice things to him and like twerk in front of cameras just specifically for him is because a lot of the comments that I see and even this video it's people from other countries and so if you are so low on comments followers you know you're just feeling very small about yourself and and you you don't want to feel like that anymore there are companies usually at different countries that will that you can pay quite a bit of money actually and they will leave comments on your profile they will make videos for you such as this one people that are hating on mr. con Qaeda you just talk dick so it just shows that you most likely pay to company the company has a bank of people that they contact me like hey make a video for this guy and you get paid a commission they send it to Master Cleanse cater he posts it and then he says this laugh emoji times four thanks for the support my man I love all my international cater nation fans from Australia UK Germany and Ireland you guys are the best and the hater fans are just pathetic sheep that wallow in their self-pity because they won't ever be a winner in life like the king they can talk all they want the King don't give a [ __ ] because I focus on myself making money and [ __ ] six to nine [ __ ] every damn day of the week my true fans are all winners who can relate to the King lifestyle I love each and every one of you and believe me I will create some meet-and-greet opportunities so you can all meet the real world champion yep these type of people walk like they're among us so Matthew climb cater shallow King also challenged Cody Garbutt I don't follow you guys know me I'm so pretty much what happens is this guy's like alright I'll fight ya my witness I was not gonna ask you about this but people keep asking me to ask you what is going on with this bodybuilder guy who's trying to fight you what is this a real thing what's happening here oh man that guy just trying to get the Twitter followers but uh yeah it's on Maddox we now know the I thought [ __ ] I thought [ __ ] maggots it's funny you know it's comical geyser you know corn balls bad guy definitely the corner ball oh my gosh he is such a turd but I think he has a bigger president ants in my eyes Johnson you know but he comes out here and I was definitely titties awesome that's what then but no he's considered that he want to come out alright give him at getting the chimp address today you won't be by your play and he he used to go make slight posters and trying to sell a pay-per-view and telling he's gonna bring his camera crew out here and I did that dude comes I just locked up one way or another and he sets the whole thing up and shell king doesn't show up we're at the gym right Ultimate Fitness I don't see any shallow swallow King whatever you call them parking lots empty this guy's the ultimate clown hey you think you went to the other gym [Music] it's Sunday yeah it was he was [ __ ] on my city sitting on my sitting on my city didn't even show up he ain't coming brah wait is that him oh that ain't him so he waits around for quite some time I mean Zell came so quick to respond to things you know on Instagram but for some reason during this time he was completely silent so I'll link that video below if you want to watch it but what happened from just like from child Kings video that he posted he was there and Tori was so scared that he was the one that didn't show up so of course we're all just gonna pull you shall locate the full video from [ __ ] town Sacramento is coming to you shortly this video will expose the [ __ ] antics my team gar bond and team Batum Mel you will see that I walked into his gym walks back to my rental car why do you capitalize walk like he made me freakin walk how dare he makes the King walk into a place and then back to a rental car the entire sequence will be shown from when I was waiting in the parking lot for his [ __ ] ass to show up I will expose their plan of cornering me in the parking lot at the very same time his garb on arriving back in the gym to make it appear that he was ready to fight me this was a very meticulous and thought-out plan the facts and video proof is here to expose these cowards you will see how this man is the biggest [ __ ] on the planet if the cowards in the parking lot wanted to fight me that I would have fought any of them one-on-one as long as garb on publicly expressed that you as a [ __ ] and what a no part of the king after you watch this video you will only reference me as Matthew client cater the real world-champion the full video will be posted soon hashtag the king hashtag the real world champion so pretty much he never posted a video he did post some random video of him longs to a gym and some guys like noticing him and then they were throwing shad him and then he was like I just walked into your gym you're a [ __ ] you weren't there you told your fans you were there you said you were at the gym on Twitter 5 seconds ago you said I'm a troll I walked in all your little [ __ ] goofballs I aren't even good to make it on the old cement fighter want to call me out for what [ __ ] you you're a [ __ ] you're a big butt yeah I just wanted to introduce you guys to the king the guy that we all are going to be ditching our significant others for and I also wanted to show you how people love to have these fake lives on Instagram and I also wanted to show you someone who has got to be trolling there is no way he's Braille I just want to sing it first that when he comes out saying hey guys it was just the first sona gotcha I was actually waiting for that um April 1st but it didn't happen yet but when he comes out and says just kidding I'm gonna be like fat you're weird so in the beginning of this video I asked you to insert what word um you would kind of describe this king as and now I'm asking you now that's the end of the video to do that in the comment section you can also comment on other stuff that happen in the video or or if you don't want to comment about stuff the actual content you can always comment on on that flip being over you know whatever you want I read all the comments so I will see it alright thank you so much for watching it let's uh in this video on let's leave our boyfriends on three ready all hands in one two three let's leave our boyfriends on three that wasn't as smooth as I thought it would be anyway I'll see you guys next video bye [Applause] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 212,203
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: I found the cringiest bodybuilder on instagram, cringe, cringe compilation, matthew kline kader, matthew kline kader cody garbrandt, matthew kline, shallow king cody garbrandt, shallow king instagram, top douchebags, top 10 douchebags, instagram cringe, cringing with, michelle mcdaniel bodybuilder, michelle mcdaniel beauty, michelle mcdaniel before and after, funny, reacting to instagram, reacticorns, reaction time
Id: AutqNaTxHUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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