Is this the City with TOO MANY Roundabouts in Cities Skylines?

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if we go back again fixing up some cities with me a bigger thank you for joining me so this city absolutely horrendous traffic check roundabouts check interesting-looking city double check this is based on a cloverleaf design but very unlucky loads and loads of traffic so we're gonna dive in and fix that if you're new to my channel don't forget to hit subscribe as well don't miss out on my city fixes and why city builds as well I've been building my own city called T Ville there's a playlist for that if you wish to watch that but let us dive in and check out this city sent in by phantom 92 thank you very much for that so here we go cloverleaf City yeah absolutely tons of traffic in here we can see it's all sort of getting around here around this sort of central section we've got these main roads that come out let's just move around a bit this is like a railway line round the outside that's all working nicely we have the model hours that come down here down each of the main roads going in so this one down here this one down here this one down here and you can see that works out quite well and what we're finding if we come all the way down here we can see where the traffic is and it's stopping at the ends here just take a look at this section here and this one here is just as bad as well the traffic's coming down slowing down at the end and I could probably tell you why there's cars like turning around is this traffic's coming in here slowing down because of all these people crossing over to use your monorail metro thing so what I'm gonna try and see if I've got to add over the top of here is a pedestrian bridge and if we can add that over the top that would be fantastic to stop people crossing over here and I'm just wondering where to put that in don't really want to get it in the way if the monovalent I'd be a bit silly yeah look I'd like whoa Drive straight over but this side here that could work quite well every go look they can walk straight up there go over the top land to the other side yeah using the labs version and then we're going to use this one here Junction restrictions and we're going say here at no crossing and no crossing I'm also gonna say go straight through to the Commerce don't pause and in this one here no crossing no crossing but go straight through and then hopefully what we will see is people are gonna stop crossing over the road and slowing the cars down but we use this instead so there's loads of people coming out now we can see the traffic is literally coming straight through and it's stopping up here so that's fine that's good so that's solving one problem so what I'm thinking then of doing is going round to each of these areas where there is a monorail station one two one two three four five and setting up that same thing yeah I'm just finding on a couple of the sides this bit here to the right of the monitor station isn't big enough to pop it in so if you just move that over here with that it's all overlapping so I might just have to rebuild and or move a couple of these areas we could sort of do it with the move it mods if I did that and just sort of move things back a bit yeah that should be okay hopefully that won't mess up the stops and things and then I should have enough room just to drop that in there in fact I could even move along a little bit and then I could move that along a little bit more give it a space yeah there we go that's better we can get it all working nicely okay so just doing that has increased our traffic up to 26 27 percent it's not so amazing but it's stopping the traffic from stopping at that area there and the traffic doesn't actually get all the way down into this area it's mainly let's just have a quick look let's pick this one here mmm I think we need to make this roads going through here a main road and then deal with this roundabout and do that all the way around as well so let's pick this tool here that add priority signs we're gonna hold shift zoom out a little bit here just make sure so it's gonna take in this whole road here and what it will do is if we left click once on there and then zoom in it's gonna give any road that's coming on give way and these ones I just get quality to go straight through straight through straight through we'll deal with this sort of roundabout ish in a moment but we can do that with all of these main roads going out I would say that one there yep that one there this one here yeah that one there that one now I don't remember which one I started on let's just do that one yeah we've done these now that's fine so they're all now set up yeah there we go there we go there we go so they will get priority going through if they were on the main road and we've got this like little roundabout here and another roundabout there I'm not going to change the roads at the moment Oh am i cuz we've got all this traffic coming down here and hitting this little tiny one way each way Road do you know what let's just treat them both look around about so I'm gonna do this first and do that so that will now change to give way if you're coming on to the roundabout and if you're already on the roundabout you get priority going around and I'm gonna do the same for this one and see how that goes I'm not sure whether because what's gonna happen is is they're gonna come all the way down here and then stop there and then anything coming down is gonna then stop there yeah double land about like this bit odd not sure how that's gonna work we may need to make the outside lanes bigger but how about we come back to that and you've got the increasing increasingly bad thing of bus stops on the in a roundabout but it may be that we can change us and not many people use the in a roundabout in fact we're gonna do that so what we're gonna do is we're gonna upgrade the roads on this one and make this larger sort of secondary exterior roundabout more appealing I'd like three lane one way yes look and it's the same size which is absolutely fantastic you're gonna lose your trees that's definitely gonna be worth it so let's just do that all the way around there we go so now it's more like a plop around about this one here you've got an inordinate amount of lanes on but I'm gonna leave that you've got the size that you need for these buildings tube up against it and all of that we're not gonna touch that just gonna redo the giveaway signs and things always zoom out you can see the full circle or on the straight rows the full line just to make sure because sometimes what happen is your hold shift hold it over that it'll go blue it won't just do the low the road you're on it'll go like down here down there up there and do all sorts of weird stuff but you want to stay in control of that good so that's now the outside one and then what I'm thinking of doing is is I'm gonna do some lane management yeah we're gonna use this tool here change lane arrows and we're gonna say one lane for light one lane for left and then one lane for straight on like that so jus so they utilize all the different arrows and then like here we're gonna have one lane for off and then the other two for straight on so no Lane has more than one task left straight on lights so that's good so that's that outside section done so what that we then want to do is take this tool here junction restrictions and on every node we can say cars coming round like I wanna quit sip of tea I need to get my brain in gear so because they've got this extra little road in here this is why my brains go boom because normally what we have is cars going round the roundabout like this woods get priority they can enter the junction and keep going cars coming onto the roundabout which are coming down this way from the right and also this way from the left we will leave that off so it doesn't interfere but I also want to put on this one here if you're on the roundabout and you come to this Junction you can pick your lane and I probably want to put it on all three of them as well just because just because so there we go that's that done there and then we need to do the same in the middle I think so we want these guys going through let's just do that if you on the roundabout there we go it could be worse one of these roundabouts could be using two-way roads I mean who would do that who would do that I don't know and then when you come in on I'm gonna do the PQ lane as well and then what we're gonna have to do is just leave that for a while and just see how that works out because our traffic is 20 six percent but by doing all of these things we're sort of Lyrids in the traffic on it's like a third roundabout as well we sort of reroute in the traffic through different roads and it can cause all sorts of issues now do we treat this exterior roundabout as a roundabout because that's gonna affect anybody coming down here yes if I hold shift will it go round yeah we're gonna do that so I've done this tool here with the traffic lights and things on the priority science held shift left clicked so now coming down here remember we set it so they've got priority and these had yield signs or give way signed any roads coming on the side the same they're the same they're Evan and as we come down to this Junction it's gonna change because this is now being counted as a roundabout as it goes through this road so it's gonna put give Y for all the roads coming on and priority for these guys I don't know how that's gonna work I mean this should be a little roundabout I've got to be honest this Junction this Junction this Junction I may change those two tiny little roundabouts like a roundabout with the roundabout there's another roundabout here look mmm one two three four five six we can't get all of those as roundabouts now normally here with this road coming up here I would say that one so you go in look like this keep going and everybody else has to wait but then that might start making this traffic up here back up did you know what let's do the rules of the roundabout let's do it let's trust the roundabout rules and see what happens and if it causes major issues because these aren't your general common or garden roundabouts are they then we just add some more tea to my brain and see if we can change the change how it all works there we go so 24 percent let's leave this war look at all those people all heading up here is there like oh yeah look the posh mall lots of visitors for that then they're all walking up here people like walking in this city that is good then you've got this up here okay good so let's just keep an eye on this Junction here I think this is the busiest one see it goes and see whether our traffic is affected yes and we may change the way this works for normal roundabout rules oh no are we gonna tip the walls on their head and not do all the things that I normally do let's find out I [Music] [Music] can't just looking at this Junction here the other thing you could do is the lane management that we're talking about so for instance looking at this Lane at the ends here let's just move a little bit closer we've got every lane doing almost everything look so ideally you want one for straight on one for light one for left I'm assuming that this one here this straight on also goes up over here but not many people are using it I'm just watching the way the cars are going actually yeah no I don't know actually but I think the main thing we need to deal with is the traffic that ends up coming up into these areas up here because as you can see the cars all come up here and then they get stuck up at a section like this so let's just take a look at this what you've got going on let's just delete that piece of road there I want an extra wide roads you haven't got any trees or anything so this one here would be good and then we can just join that up to there yeah that's fine there we go extra lanes and then if we grab your monorail we can do that with the anarchy mods and we can just draw that over the top and that will join up which is fine and if you look under here it still goes over the middle of the road so not really a huge issue if you sort of squint a bit and then if we use this one here Junction restriction Lane aloes so I have one for lights one for straight on and one for left there we go and now if we watch this we're not gonna get everybody hogging the middle lane so let's just come out so we can see there we go something gonna be driving through her oh hang on a sec hang on a sec can we fix that look at all those people look at all those people there's so many people coming out of it they're now floating in the air that is absolutely nuts don't run on the tracks they're probably electrified you boneheads you boneheads where they going that's what I want to know let's follow them though are they getting in there getting in this train there you go just running down the aha problem-solve six-lane Road with a median so we are gonna upgrade all of these roads down here to six lane with a median there we go and then we're gonna grab our monitor our line and we're gonna just draw that over the top and look at that so that's now in that bit of the road yet that's fine that's all connected up and that's given us and that's giving us all these extra roads yeah which is pretty good and what we're gonna say there and if we use our dududu this one here we're gonna say yeah we've done it one light one straight on one left and hopefully then yeah things will go a bit quicker I'm not gonna stop the Lane switchin was gonna say do what you like well at least these people are floating in the air I mean that sort of that is assisting things Oh jumping on the monorail while it's moving that is assisting things so I think that is definitely gonna help with all of the traffic coming up this road look it's going down already let's just have a quick look around this area and then I'm gonna do the same here I'm gonna do the same here and I'm really the same here as well no actually I think this one here the asymmetric three and two would work better because as they come down here it goes into two lanes under here and then back to three lanes it's a bit annoying this little bit here but I think that would just keep things moving smoothly down this way it already has a meeting in the middle but I think the medians lined up with the medians not lined up with the monorail track so it's up to you I suppose which way you want to do it let's say I'm gonna stick with the yeah I'm gonna stick with a six-lane just because I think it just looks a teeny tiny bit better and then also I'm moving little buildings you've got light on this Junction we're just seeing how busy this Junction is you don't want all your school smack bang on the middle of that Junction there you know any cemeteries anything like that I mean this is like the worst place for mall of motivation and schools and all stuff like that so I'm just gonna move them all out of the way give your Junction's room to breathe and there we go look back over to this Junction here that we started with and apart from when the people cross over here which we could stop them doing I mean they could come down there to cross instead and look at that the traffic is all whizzing through that is cleared up that nicely the other issue is there's a lot of people are using these little side roads it's all cut through and come here and they can't get out there's always got to join across the way the traffic goes unless it had a roundabout in here somewhere then they could come on and go and I am just wondering whether that the second Junction back we add a roundabout and make that the way everybody comes out let's give it a go and see what happens why not it is all about trying stuff having fun that is probably quite big two-lane roundabouts will probably be okay so let's go like that and we can put anarchy on and redraw our metro over the top that's no problem it's not a metro is it rail we can then set this roundabout art like that doing the same thing and then we'll take these tools as well and say if you're going round you do that it was going round you do that I took advantage of that you feel going around you do that these buildings need to go thank you very much normally don't like building spawning on the edge of a roundabout but this is a different sort of roundabout this is a if around about right in the middle of a built-up area to see if it can fix things oh I tell you what we don't want is we do not want parking on the roundabout I mean good grief let's turn that off there we go so let's just keep an eye on this little area here for a few minutes and see whether that help sort of keep some of this traffic up here watch this road here want this to go down well tell you what I'm gonna add one of those in not the first Junction the second Junction back on each of these sections and actually looking at this the second and back it up really close here you've got like a bigger gap here you've got really close actually there's not much traffic in there so I'm not gonna bother on that one and let's have a look at this one whoa why is this so much traffic coming down here as a speech not gonna Airport or something at the end but it's like yeah this has got like there's so much and it's three lanes down to two back to three US so annoying it into a but ever went on the mod workshop there is a fix for this yeah what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna use the asymmetrical Road you know one law doesn't always fit all sometimes you just need to use your brain change things up so three limbs going out two lanes going down two lanes then it goes back to three lanes that's fine in fact this needs to be asymmetrical as well doesn't it that way round so two lanes two lanes to three lanes nine arms your other ways there we go two lanes two lanes two lanes three lanes yes that should work a lot better and then what I'm gonna do is here I'm gonna say when you come through this Junction you have to stick to your lane don't like change lanes in the middle there and the same here just keep going through just keep going through and then up here they can there's like nodes nose nose they can change lanes where they want to things are slowly improving fifty four percent fifty three percent and what I'm also gonna do is all of these lanes down here maybe not this one here because it's hard to sort of say what you ideally need here is one two three four five lanes coming out so they can have a lane for each what we haven't got that but all these are the junctions going down here I am most definitely gonna use the lane arrow and say one for left one for light one for straight on so no lanes in either direction is doing more than one thing that is all we want so here one for like I haven't got a left here because this is one way coming in but you get the idea so I don't want anybody thinking oh I need to use this Lane and someone else also using that Lane to do something different and I'm gonna do that up and down each of the roads and I need to remember which one I started with because otherwise I'm gonna have doing things twice but that's fine yeah I'm gonna go through that and that is most definitely gonna help spread out the traffic as well so give me five minutes well you know half a second for you five minutes work for me and I will be back with you well we are almost getting there we are almost getting there I've decided to change these areas here to not count this outside load as the roundabout so instead of it being like that giving these guys right-of-way you were gonna pause you have right of way you have right of way keep going through and then also keep going through keep going through like that because these are the main roads through the whole of the city and we just need to keep these people going and you're just all stuck there looking at each other because you're turning yeah look both of these lanes are both being used for up there I may just need to come through and do one final little change in a second okay this is the change that I'm thinking I want one load to go there and to go up there I want one load here to always be straight on so anybody that just needs to go straight on can go without stopping for anything else and then that guy over there I think that's gonna work much better it's gonna mean the middle lanes gonna hit you what is this bus doing that everyone's got confused now I've changed that stop being confused thank you very much it just means people are just gonna keep going all the time and stop the traffic building up so I'm gonna do that on all the other junctions that are like this as well and you know what the final thing that I've put in to fix the traffic these these problem intersections and they are the problem I've been trying not to change them into a roundabout and do something different I've actually added in traffic lights because that will let through huge amounts of traffic in one go as you can see there's no traffic building up on this one there's no traffic building up on this one it's going down and those few fixes together I think a pretty much solved the traffic issues we've got there's a couple of busy spots as we can see these are always going to be really busy spots because there's like what did we say six loads going into each one but apart from that that is pretty much going okay do have Metro as well going round the middle here and I didn't run it up there because you've got the monorail going up there so yeah we've left it like you had it so let's take a final look at the traffic if it's anything over 80% I will be pleased 81 percent I cannot complain that is fantastic thank you very much for watching if you want to submit your city to be fixed don't forget you can use the forum in the description below subscribe before you leave and leave a like that is fantastic and then check out the next video thanks for watching take care everybody bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 522,203
Rating: 4.9210625 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management
Id: 6cyvQ91YUoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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