EVERY Fossil Pokemon Explained: Why are they all Rock type? | Gnoggin

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in our not rock-type video we went over a bunch of fossil Pokemon and just grouped them up and said hey they have rock like characteristics and you know they were fossils so they're rock but why would they be rocks that is the real question here some of them don't make sense as to why they are rock like archeops it's a bird so then we're all ancient pokémon rock time or does the process of fossilization and then being brought back to life caused them to gain the rock type that's what we're going to find out today on noggin okay so let's start by getting the Pokemon that work as rock type even if they were not fossilized you know the ones that makes sense here we have cranio dos and rampardos and that's it every other Pokemon that's a fossil doesn't perfectly fit there as rock type save a few exceptions I suppose like ammonites hard shell could give it a rock type I guess but really there are other pokémon that have hard and even harder shells that aren't rock types I mean shell ders shell is supposedly harder than diamonds you know a kind of stone and yet shoulder isn't Rock type so now we actually need to get into this theory sorry if it's a bit bare-bones right now but I'm sure we can put some meat on it so why are the fossil Pokemon rock type well all of them come from fossils right it's in their categorical names and fossils are just rocks shaped like a skeleton or tissue left by the organic matter somehow all the Jurassic Park scientists in the Pokemon world have come up with the way to revive Pokemon from just fossils so what if this revival process heads the rock type as a side effect in essence these Pokemon weren't rock type to begin with bear with me here it's much like how many other Pokemon have been changed by humans in some shape or way take a look at warm atom it's able to become steel type because of its environment in human cities so it doesn't take much to change a pokemons typing it seems you could also take a genesect a fossil Pokemon that was altered by Team Plasma it's typing is now bugs steel and we can see why it gains these traits it's bug-like body and appearance and it's steel outer shell along with its dry Kanon so who's to say it wasn't bug rock or bug watered possibly something entirely different when it was non extinct millions of years ago this edition of rock in fossil Pokemon is plausible due to pre mineralization we talked about this a bit with sudowoodo in the rock type video this process replaces organic material buried underground with minerals creating the hardened outline of a bone but let's really dig into this for a second I mean you're here to learn so why not learn some stuff about dinosaur remains let's get into the nitty-gritty so pre mineralization happens when a material be it plant matter or an animal gets buried under the ground for a long time due to the flow of water through the material minerals get carried by the water and deposited in place of the decaying organic materials essentially creating a mineral internal cast of the tissue a skeleton of what was now in plants this process can preserve many pieces of information as plant cell walls are a bit more Hardy than the squishy flesh walls now after pre mineralization occurs this tissue is fossilized it now has similar characteristics to rocks and minerals and since these fossils are used in the revival process their entire skeletons may get made from this rocky fossil substance and this perhaps causes the Pokemon to gain a new typing Rock thus all fossil Pokemon are rock or perhaps these scientists do not have a complete genetic map of the Pokemon so they filled in the blanks with the more simplistic rock Pokemon DNA keeping it the rock typing much like in Jurassic Park they didn't have all of the dinosaur DNA so they just filled the gaps with some frog which did have some side effects but then if most of these fossil Pokemon were not rock type back in the ancient times then what would their types have been let's theorize about that for a moment let's start with Alma night and omastar beyond the water typing they will have to realistically be rock tight before the process because of their armored shell but as stated that's pushing a little bit Caputo and Kabutops I could see as being the same typing as wind pod and Galasso pod bug water that is as they too are based off of the trilobite horseshoe crab these are a common type of anthropods on the sea floor and the last time I checked most anthropods in Pokemon are at least bug type Aerodactyl is an interesting case this guy pretty much is only rock type because I guess because it looks like a dinosaur so perhaps in its natural state it should be flying dragon I mean Lance has one for goodness sake you know the dragon master being based off of the prehistoric animal the pterodactyl may point somewhat to its rock flying typing its skin may be as tough as rock perhaps moving on to Cradle Enda leap these little plants could easily have had water be their second typing after grass instead of rock they are sea lilies after all and it's said that they attach themselves to rocks on the sea floor not that they are rocks fish NRF and armaldo the old shrimp Pokemon that's kind of mean pokedex are based off of anthropods well sort of animal Okara sorry commonly confused relative of the anthropods but anyway these Pokemon could easily be some combination of bug water or steel the water being there based off of the pokedex entry is explaining how it swims so well through the water shield eon and Basti Oh dawn should be ground steel almost every other heavy set armored pokemon is either rock steel or ground and this particular Pokemon used to live in jungles which don't sound too rocky to me and in recent pokedex entries it stated that only the face is ever found meaning that its body must be rather soft therefore not easily fossilized meaning that all of its hardness is in his face so I would say steel ground turtle guns Kara Costa would be just water I could see it possibly being rock due to its shell but this turtle Pokemon is most likely based off of the leatherback sea turtle as both come to shore to lay eggs and both are able to dive to incredible depths so this Pokemon could be water ground as they do dig nests in the sand and it's also noted that they are able to hunt on the ground near the water even though it versus oh yeah maybe water ground Archon and archeops much like gligar and Gliss or our pokemon left can't really fly even though it's a flying type instead it uses its wings as stabilizers for when it runs super fast fans to get extra air when jumping much like how modern-day scientists think Raptors used their wings these pokemon do seem to have a rocky hard beak but really what bird doesn't have a heartbeat that's kind of the point also running at high speeds is normally attributed with being ground type in the Pokemon world sidenote I could see Archie ups being just ground type whereas Arjun could be flying ground as it likes to hop from tree to tree gliding in-between tyrunt and tyrantrum would possibly be Dark Dragon due to the way they are said to have behaved and behaved nowadays throwing tantrums constantly and just overall being violent and big and Dragon II amaura and aurorus were brought back from samples that were frozen so right away theoretically their ice typing may also be just because of the revival process but based off of the pokedex entries they seem to have been a peaceful group that lived in the snow why reptilian beings lived in the cold I'm not going to question but based off of their appearance I could see them being a mono type of just ice but if you had to give them a second type it could possibly be faerie due to their ability to create an Aurora Borealis so in the case of all those Pokemon they may not have been rock-type initially but gone to the rock type of via the fossilization and revival process but what if that wasn't the case what if they were all rock type back in the day - well why would that be well it could be because the entire world started as rock type and thus the first bulk of Pokemon started out as rock type and diversified from there the idea is that rock was one of the original types along with water during the prehistoric age both of these types later branched out and created the types we know today and thus all of these pokemon are rock type due to the fact that almost everything was rock side back then imagine a world much like our own in its infancy even before water had condensed but or meteorites brought microbes or even before the planet has formed it was just a huge undulating mass of molten rock as it cools and hardens and the planet becomes rocky really rock-type pokémon are the only ones that would survive here so our KSM you got to work planting the first pokemon rock-type pokémon Archon here is actually stated as the ancestor of almost all flying pokemon though that theory is under scrutiny and later pokemon games but perhaps it was the first pokemon to branch out of rock type and gain the flying type this idea can stretch into the idea that most life on earth back then was more similar much less diverse than it is today on our earth for a long time the most common type of animal were reptiles dinosaurs similarly for whatever reason rock types thrived in early Pokemon earth and after all so far only well-preserved rock-type pokémon have been found in good enough shape to be revived and given to trainers it is also very possible that rock-type pokémon at the time were just at an evolutionary advantage perhaps due to the climate that was prehistoric poking earth take a gander at the living fossil Pokemon relic ants this thing is old apparently it survived extinction for millions of years its water rock type and we can all see that this fish is practically a fossil at this point this could be some evidence that rock-type pokémon were a much larger demographic back then just imagine a world where every Pokemon is rock-type to some degree that's what seems to be the case here but back to the main theory another possibility is that the revival process for fossil Pokemon only works on once rock-type pokémon due to a limitation and how it works it could be that rock type Pokemon have a more simplistic sale structure or a simpler DNA sequence that is more easy to replicate it could be that less of the DNA went missing as it was preserved completely written in stone as it were literally this could be caused by the rock parts of the Pokemon not necessarily needing to be fossilized so it lost snow organic material organic with quotes on it though because we don't truly understand if rock-type pokémon are just sentient rocks or if they actually have internal systems like blood and organs and stuff so we can only theorize that they wouldn't be totally degraded by the pre mineralization process and just to throw a rock in your gears let me remind you that mega here it actually makes all of this extra complicated oh geez I totally forgot about mega Aerodactyl so upon mega evolving all of these stones spike out of mogera tectal which begs loads of questions especially with mega air attack those pokedex entries some of these states may get evolution awakened some dormant genes bringing back the sharp rocks that once covered Aerodactyl entire body part of its body has become stone some scholars claim that this is Aerodactyl true appearance so hang on because a few of these pokedex entries prove a few things first of all by stating that now part of its body has become stone that means it certainly wasn't before but secondly some scholars think that in ancient times era tact was actually had these stones popping out of them covering their bodies normally could the same then be true of other fossil Pokemon or tyrantrum covered in Stone ancient kara costa's with awesome stone goatees and eyebrows could be but then why don't they anymore so here's the theory remember how in Jurassic Park the dinosaur DNA had to have gaps filled in with frog DNA which later was explained as to why the dinosaurs looked different because after all most dinosaurs had feathers and in Jurassic world the difference between the real original Anna Soares and their dinosaurs was because of the process of bringing them back splicing DNA perhaps in the process of bringing these fossil Pokemon back they actually lose a lot of their rockier traits such as rocks being a part of their body they are still as tough as rocks per se and may have fossil like bones and thus are still type but externally it's not that obvious because their DNA was spliced with some other non rock type DNA likely because well I just think it's probably a little difficult to extract DNA from a rock not sure though I haven't exactly tried it so just as the Jurassic Park dinosaurs lost their feathers upon being revived these dinosaur Pokemon lost their external rocks and the reason they all had these rocks is due to what was mentioned before having these rocks was an evolutionary advantage and rock was likely one of the very first types in the evolution of Pokemon so there you have it those are the theories as to why the fossil type Pokemon are all a rock type and knowing Game Freak it could even be just because they're all from the Stone Age haha but anywho thanks so much for watching and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 790,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon theory, pokemon go, fossil pokemon, fossil pokemon explained, where to get fossil pokemon, how do fossil pokemon work, pokemon sun, pokemon moon, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra moon, NOT rock, rock type pokemonn, rock type pokemon explained, mega aerodactyl, why are fossil pokemon, kabutops, new fossil pokemon, gen 8 fossil pokemon, pokemon switch, pokemon nintendo switch, lord helix
Id: WNLMmBnwpuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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