Which Pokemon Is The Most EVIL?

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[Music] hey guys true green 7 here and have you ever wondered if there are any evil Pokemon well yeah the dark type is the evil type in Japan there's your answer make sure to leave a like and subscribe if the people who fell for that leave yet good now it's just you and me turns out most dark types aren't truly evil we may actually find some genuinely wicked Pokemon outside the dark time period if you really want to see why various dark-type pokémon are well dark types you can check out the video Loxton made that explains just that but first how about we define what evil is evil doesn't equal bad or even aggressive there are two ways we're gonna use the word evil in this video and it'll help rule out Pokemon that you may have thought were evil can be anything that is profoundly immoral and malevolent that means anything that harms others on purpose and with the light the other kind of evil is supernatural evil bad bees that are beyond human nature or that we just can't even comprehend but that means that Pokemon that do seemingly unjust things for their own survival protection or sustenance aren't actually evil for example lions hunt and kill doesn't make them any less moral they're doing it because it's in their nature and it's the only way that they can survive so I'm not gonna blame a weevil for tearing its prey into shreds cuz what else can I do with those hands it has no thumbs it can't plant crop seeds when you can't hold a hoe you turn to hunting you may say hey Ron but these dark types are literally evil type Pokemon but that's the thing if something is born to act a certain way and therefore can't help the way it acts is it truly evil for doing all that it knows I don't know humans have been trying to answer that question for ages but that's why we're ruling out the following dark types Pokemon who are aggressive hunters like Umbreon Mightyena liepard houndoom Weavile fish sharp Sharpedo and crocodile aren't evil in my mind just hungry pokemon who use their dark powers for protection like sore arc punch crow scraf tea Tyranitar shiftry Darkrai and drapion are just trying to survive Pokemon who are just dark times because they're disgusting to be around like a lowland muck and scum tank are actually said to be friendly come on who are just doing what their real-world counterparts do just naturally act a certain way like Mightyena Lyford eradicate Sharpedo stun tank drapion and krookodile so they won't be seen here and finally Pokemon wore dark types for the fact that they are themed around darkness mystery the night or the moon don't wish to harm unless necessary like once again Umbreon dark cry Sableye and greninja who hides and strikes from the shadows and is based on the infamous assassins so now that we know which Pocky monsters are safe to hug let's go in order through each region to talk about all the candidates not all of these Pokemon are always doing bad and some are more despicable than others but I've deemed all these Pokemon to be at least somewhat capable of devastating evil even though with a few exceptions most of these Pokemon aren't here because they have destructive powers but rather for how they use them let's begin with the Pokemon that is actually quite beloved but has the potential for great villainy nine tails throughout the video I'll be mentioning how in order for a Pokemon to be evil in my opinion it has to know that what it's doing is wrong therefore it has to be somewhat intelligent that's why a lot of dangerous Pokemon won't be in this video because they're just not smart enough to see right from wrong however this Pokemon is known to be highly intelligent nine tails are set to be vengeful as hell and with his supernatural powers it could cast spells on its victims the problem is 90s have been known to unjustly lay harsh Thousand Year curses on people who merely touch their tails that's pretty unfair a smart Pokemon like nine tails should know the difference between tail touching and murder not to mention it's nearly a Cuban okikuta half of which are relatively malicious I'm not saying we should throw all nine tails into a volcano mostly because they would probably survive on account of their fire typing but also because a lot of nine tails have been known to do good especially Aloha nine tails although their good deeds have been proven to be for more personal games Gengar though is one of the most evil pokemon out there unlike miss Revis which frightens people for nourishment Gengar just kills people and not for food some say it wants a ghostly companion but nowhere is gang guards attacks on humans properly justified in fact it's known to act the way it does for its own amusement I swear the only reason it isn't a dark-type is the fact it's poison-type being makes sense to also the fact that the dark type didn't exist until gen2 hypno has also been known to do some shady things if you count child abduction to be pretty shady we know it can be helpful in treating insomnia but does the good outweigh the potential bad and while this kidnapping incident is described as just a rare occurrence it comes up a lot in Hypno's long I mean a Pokemon with the power to instantly put anybody to sleep could eventually abuse its powers so no I wouldn't say you should fully trust the hypno but the final Kanto Pokemon we need to assess was necessary to discuss Mewtwo was created without compassion and that's really important to have in order to avoid harming others Mewtwo is a sociopath who can't empathize with others it's a savage and could be among the most evil Pokemon if it doesn't begin to fill its heart with compassion now it turns out that no dodo Pokemon even the dark types that I abandon the beginning of this video meet my tough criteria for being evil so I guess living in the johto region wouldn't be a bad idea but if we jump to Hoenn we'll notice some cool monsters hiding among the tall grass sand and ash grumpig is literally the manipulate Pokemon it's one of the few psychic types that focus on manipulating the actions of its opponents while we'll see another actual dark type that takes mind-control to the extreme it's never cited that grumpig uses its psychic enhancing pearls to Hunter protect there's a huge moral issue when it comes to controlling the minds of others especially in the real world but I don't want to straight up as soon grumpig does evil deeds while controlling its victims so it's not a prime candidate for evil Pokemon although some have known to become quite the bullies now the first archetype Pokemon here to actually earn its dark typing is Cacturne not because it hunts for prey and ragtag groups which most animals do but rather that humans which are not normally part of their diet will easily be eaten by Cacturne if they were traveling through the desert at night drapion also attacks humans in the desert but scorpions are known to do that in real life so I can't blame this over but cacti don't normally mess with humans unless they mess with them cactus juice isn't the safest but it is the quench East crowd on seaville is debatable it loves to battle and bully others and is constantly aggressive and looking for a fight just because it likes to brawl but crawdaunt's aren't the brightest and their violent nature is just that their nature so while most are types can't help being born bad they at least do nasty things solely survive while crawdaunt does it for fun or maybe it doesn't de train so it can survive better we'll never know now apps all far from fits the criteria it's not aggressive and it doesn't harm people or does it many people think that since it appears before disaster strikes that it's the one causing the disasters and if that is true then as Saul could actually be the evilest pokemon of them all but humanity is slowly finding out that app saw may just be the harbinger of death a Pokemon that appears to warn others about catastrophes that's what it's based on after all until then absol just be humanity scapegoat now beignet is truly evil in my opinion if BAE nets existed in real life we'd all fear them this Pokemon is said to have been brought to life by its grudge for the child who threw it away it's a possessed doll that wants to exact its revenge on children that's definitely considered evil by today's standards but some of the evilest Pokemon can be found in sin oh now what's more evil than trickery unlike hypno who occasionally may steal a child or to drift ones life goal seems to be kidnapping kids this loon went to college and got a degree in killing children the only reason this thing isn't a dark-type is because it can fly imagine a dark ghost type oh wait I did imagine it and it looks pretty goofy actually it's also not that evil unless you're talking about the forbidden one the one we bound to the odd Keystone so it may not continue its path of evil spiritual I mean he who shall not be named is a combination of 108 spirits the most evilest of numbers you can't look at pokemon number 108 and say it isn't evil this ghost archetype is definitely a candidate for evil as pokemon but it does turn out Frost lass is a good candidate as well I mean its favorite food is the souls of men okay I'm gonna have to stay away it only goes after men if thinks are handsome oh okay I'm safe then now here's the thing I thought I'd never say I think Giratina isn't actually evil yes it was banished first destructive nature but it was created for that alone it is a fact that I constantly have to repeat cuz people for some reason don't think an interview with the creators themselves is enough that Giratina represents an time a necessary concept that helps tie this universe together for every piece of matter there is antimatter and if they were to come in contact there would be a whole lot of destruction do Rutina was created for this reason while it's not literally made of antimatter it's personality represents it it's just part of its instincts but again we could debate for hours now I was gonna put cosmic Regas in this list but it turns out it only turns grave-robbers into mummies it's protecting itself against bad men and women I want to be inclusive Jellison knows what I'm talking about though it was also gonna be here but all the ships that were sunk at the hands of jela sent could be an act of this Pokemon protecting its habitat but I'll still keep an eye out for this Pringle ghost hi digan though is a pretty bad boy I want to say that hi dragon just doesn't know better it's not the brightest Pokemon but it doesn't excuse all the things that this Pokemon destroy which is like everything I get destroying a few things like this neo-nazi and aromatisse but it just destroys the good things to is it's just not fun anymore but thunderous does know better Landorus is a good citizen helping farmers and such but thunderous shoots lightning all over the place and causes forest fires there's literally no reason to do that like like why do I do this how does this help this is not the face of a good person I mean it technically is since Landorus has the same face but you get the point but if we move on to Kalos we'd encounter pangoro which is explicitly said to not be bad he's apparently a pretty cool dude so he was never up for consideration but on the other side of the baguette we have malamar his name pretty much spells out the fact that this is one bad squid it controls any being to do what it wants not just pray it's even known to be used by villains for nefarious purposes it's very intelligent and as the front-runner on our list it's filled to the brim with now you would think yveltal would live up to its name but here's what I'm thinking well it is the Pokemon of destruction and death it's part of the natural cycle of this planet it deconstructs while xerneas reconstructs and zygarde makes sure that all is in order and flows well everything that this trio does is necessary most importantly it kills for the sake of its own life not for evil purposes when it's about to die it sucks up the life force of any living being around it and slumbers for centuries only to wake up and continue the cycle of life and death so no I don't think yveltal is a bad bird but Hoopa is a meanie genie in its unbound form hoopla is pretty sinister it's greedy and selfish it's based on jinn which are usually depicted as malevolent it's possible that it just doesn't know better but until we know I'm just gonna leave him here maybe on the bottom of the list over in the Isles of uh Lala and odd starter Pokemon choices Lin because it's fully evolved form is pretty dangerous and me it's violent selfish and egotistical it won't bully weak Pokemon or maybe even weak trainers but it's not willing to help others unless they will help him get stronger somehow I'm not saying it's evil but I wouldn't group it with all the dark types that only do harsh things for survival or out of necessity and finally we have Gus Lord while it can lead to utter destruction considering it never stops eating I wouldn't say Gus Lord is evil by our standards considering its biology doesn't allow it to stop eating it physically can't - Gus Lord it's as essential as breathing and I don't want to live on a planet where breathing is considered immoral but on the other hand this Pokemon could end life as we know it so while it's not intentionally evil Gus Lord would produce the evilest outcome that being said I think the only Pokemon that I could truly say our evil for the most part would be Gengar beignet spiritomb frost laughs thunderous and malamar and maybe even drifloon and cacturne the rest are only possibly even but definitely have a good amount of exceptional examples I mean even I've trained a game gar and it's never tried to take my lifeforce so ultimately it's all about love love can endure anything and can make Pocket Monsters out of monsters but if you are super interested in evil pokemon or dark types as they are known here then come check out my video in which I described in detail why every single dark-type pokémon was it's dark typing you can check out that video here or in the description but if this is the first time you've come across my channel make sure to check out my other videos or subscribe if you enjoyed I'll see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 960,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gengar, giratina, mewtwo, yveltal, pokemon scary, creepypasta, Pokemon Origins, Starter Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Alola, Pokemon Sun, Pokemon Moon, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, anime, top 10, evil pokemon
Id: BaS2Q2jE_h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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