EVERY Fairy Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin

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it's here it's finally here the final video in the series how fitting to end on the newest type every fairy type Pokemon explained more like pre-order this t-shirt because once this month is over they're gone for good and you'll never have an opportunity to get them again here yeah so as this series comes to an end I must say thanks for watching and stuff and also we have a sequel series or two coming out such as covering every single move and also this series isn't 100% finished we're still going to do a corrections and additional notes video after this one because we missed quite a lot of things I mean that happens when you try to explain 800 of anything in a timely manner also we're going to do a semi remake of a few of these mainly the first few because the focus of the series actually shifted entirely about a quarter of the way through steel and rock weren't exactly about explaining the origins of every steel and rock type Pokemon they were about finding out what kind of rock or metal the Pokemon were actually made of instead so because the focus was different than what the whole series wound up becoming a lot of the mods got glossed over so after sword and shield come out we're going to remake just a few of the really early ones and also rename those early ones to better fit with what they actually are and then we're going to have a feature-length omnibus of all of them including all of the gen 8 Pokemon and all of the corrections and additions and everything it's gonna be a lot of work but it's gonna be fantastic now then I've almost filled an entire page of the script and we haven't even gotten started so I'm gonna go ahead and actually fill the page now to say that I won't be explaining exactly what the fairy type is in this video because that took forever and we already explained it in this video here so there you go in this video that you're watching currently we are answering the question what are the origins and inspirations of every fairy type Pokemon why were they given the fairy type and which ones should really not be let's get going the myths of fair folk from across cultures and around the world are filled with deceptively deadly tricksters leading the unwary with illusions disguises and dazzling lights and as such some fairy-type pokémon and often delve into this darker side of fairy lore while most fairy-type pokémon are like most fairies in legend and lore nature spirits that love nature and hate the metal in pollution of Industry there are some fair folk and some fairy pokemon that live alongside us humans so most if not all fairy type pokemon can be divided into two groups those that live in a symbiotic relationship with humanity and those that live far far away from us in the wildest of untamed habitats and fiercely defend nature from man which gives us some a semblance of categories to work with so let's start with very pokemon that live alongside humans and what better Mon to start with then the very first fairy Pokemon we saw sylveon if you take really nice care of your Eevee with pokémon-amie or refresh and teach it a fairy type move thus have it tapped into the sacred mysterious magic of the fairy realm then it will evolve into a sylveon clearly a domesticated Fae creature zillions name comes from Sylvan meaning forest dweller often of the favored iya tea and also from self a sky fairy that purifies the air and has wind magic then it's name in Japanese nymph Aeon references nymphs which are elemental nature fairies with a sex addiction no wonder Rayman's nymphs were that and also no wonder sylveon's default ability is cute charm which seduces Pokemon of the opposite sex nymphs can pull elemental power from the environment around them so there are nymphs of all sorts which may relate to Evie's whole evolution thing perhaps making sylveon the perfect Pokemon to reveal for the new type first so what sort of environment could create this well one's filled to the brim with girly love and an attunement for nature mana some other pampered pets are snuggle grandpa swirlix and slurpuff there are fairy dogs in folklore throughout Scotland Wales and Ireland though the coos if is likely the main one referenced here and is the most famous it is said to be a hound about the size of a young bowl it's green or white may or may not be spectral has braided hair and brings people to the afterlife like the Grim Reaper which it doesn't exactly sound like these pokemon but it's about the only fairy dog there is but I mean snubbull and granbull were both listed as the fairy pokemon since conception long before the fairy type existence so this had to be what they had in mind right kusas directly translates to fairy dog after all and Bulldogs came from the United Kingdom which is where the spoke tale comes from there you go swirlix and slurpuff them are the same I suppose though selectively bred beyond disbelief it's now a cotton candy dog likely referencing the British word for the treat fairy floss and slurpuff is a creampuff dog specifically a French word New Year for yeah it's my French impersonation it's a French dessert one that happens to be very popular in Japan but the Japanese put a little spin on it they spin that makes it look just like this Pokemon and they have their own word for it which translates to fairy cake oh jeez that's the reason that's really the reason all right next is the fan favorite family of a Glee buff Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff which are a cross between moon rabbits singing fairies and wounds as seen in the detective Pikachu movie they actually have soft rabbit fur but I mean of course they have fur what else would this be a tumor imagine having balls on your forehead these Pokemon can inflate their bodies like frogs and puffer fish and Kirby it's gonna think of it as quite fair he asked himself they do this to float around the air as for some old fairy stories of fairies that don't actually fly of their own accord but rather catch and ride to the winds you could think of these Pokemon as balloons if minds of their own many fake creatures in folklore and myth love to singing and sometimes even performing for humans and sometimes these songs are not only beautiful but enchantingly powerful like the songs of fairies and mermaids in ancient legends they can do everything from roll whoever hears them to sleep seduction or death sometimes all three and I mean jigs can't do that it can learn perish song there are a few folk tales of performing fake creatures who would curse any human who isn't impressed by their performance similarly Jigglypuff gets very offended if the audience falls asleep during its song in the anime at least another family of street performer Pokemon is mime jr. and mr. mime illusionist mage fairies who can create illusions and bring them to life however for their street performances they prefer the much tamer acts of imitation and pantomime but mr. mime is very proud of its acts and will slap an unruly or bored audience member for their disrespects stop being rude pay attention to that's the voice I imagine mr. mime having their fairy type likely stems from their use and mastery of magic illusion and trickery all commonly associated with fairies and they're also pink got a good note the pinkness and actually come to think of it they may be dolls or marionettes that came to life with a curse sort of Pinocchio style I mean that was done by a fairy and it wouldn't be the only living doll Pokemon would it Altaria itself isn't fairy but when it mega evolves it sure is and mega evolving requires human assistance which is why it's in this category it's based on an old play the blue bird where two characters looked for the magical blue bird of happiness and magic equals fairy I suppose there's also ping a Chinese mythical bird whose wings are said to be clouds so maybe that overall I feel like the main reason it gets ferry is because well it would have been ferry instead of dragon-type if the ferry type was a thing when they made this Pokemon as both ferry and Dragon are magical types just different sorts of magic but a full swap over from dragon to ferry would have made this the most drastic type change so they had to switch flying instead and only mega evolving at that another family of ferry avians is another iconic fan favorite the family of togepi togetic and Togekiss which altogether represent the life cycle of birds on new hatchling coming out of its egg a fledgling chick and a full-grown bird they represent peace and happiness which points to some dove inspirations they avoid areas of conflict and seek peaceful areas and they lack the sharp beaks and talons of real-life birds and most bird Pokemon when they happen to be forced to battle they strike mainly with their mystical fairy magic and wind powers so perhaps they're also partially inspired on sylphs the previously mentioned elusive wind fairies they seek out kind and peaceful humans to raise them and those who catch and raise them with care find themselves blessed with happiness quite the generic light fairy companion indeed and then there's spritzee and aromatisse which basically are a cross between hummingbirds round flamingoes perfume bottles and plague doctors these Pokemon are prized by humanity for their power to perfume a room of any size in the most pleasant and enjoyable sense which kind of points to those plague doctor masks again the reason they had these beak looking protrusions was to storage right herbs flowers and spices which did multiple things one they masks the gross smells of decaying flesh and such when doctoring dying people and corpses - it kept their faces a certain distance away from the corpses and stuff at all times and three they also believed that the plague was airborne so then clearly by just masking the scent of the air the doctors would be safe they were wrong so these plague doctor masks smelled really good which may be why these Pokemon have them - they smell really good aromatisse also has inspirations from flamenco or can-can dancers those dancers who scandalously reveal their legs ohoho leg and uh well you might have noticed nothing here really screams fairy doesn't yeah and no I don't really think this Pokemon has origins that make its typing valid I mean it smells nice and is very feminine those are pretty normal things so I kind of think mono normal would have been a much better type for these things there is an argument to be had that they should be normal flying but I agree with Game Freak and not giving them the Flying type spritzee can fly but it's not great at it and that's not at all what it's about but while the origins don't give it a good reason it does at least utilize the type well tapping into fairy magic with most of its moves I guess this goes into what I was hoping to avoid Game Freak sees the fairy type often as the pink type or the we want to get more little girls into Pokemon type I say but that's not to say I can't pull a reason out of my butt fairies are often associated with both femininity and nature often flowers and flowers smell nice boom aromatisse is fairy type now let's go to the other end of the spectrum with mimic u which is based on a mix of fairy legends ghost stories and even eldritch horror it just wants your love and attention all of it but it can't approach anyone in its horrific true form it's like a Lovecraftian horror a mere mortal cannot lay eyes on it for one cannot comprehend its true form he was so ugly everyone good spongebob but no really it's so bad looking that if a human were to see its true form they would die which is similar to a lot of mimic use pokedex injuries yet despite this curse it craves attention and that pesky yellow rat is always getting all of the attention so a mimic you makes itself a little Halloween costume of Pikachu in hopes of making friends meanwhile on the other side of the pika fairy coin is the den a the dinner dead Danai which besides being another adorable little pest to the jews up people's cabling on the surface it looks like it's just a gerbil that's what I always think and I'm very commonly mistaken in assuming it's mono Electric but nope Electric Fairy and to explain its Fairy typing we need to look at the region it comes from Kalos which is based on France this is important because the French tooth fairy is a mouse fairy mice are things in French folklore and one of them is the tooth fairy go figure Ralts kirlia Gardevoir and mega Gardevoir are well they're very unique Pokemon actually their shape may be inspired by on a summoning you thin Japanese paper dolls but that doesn't explain much there pokedex entries somewhat imply a guardian angel aspect which would be fitting of the fairy type as an equivalent to light magic it could also pull inspiration from the conjured familiar spirit a supernatural entity that would assist witches originally though through extension are now common in folk and fairy tales such as Puss in Boots and the Frog Prince so that would point towards the fairy type already and it would almost point to they're almost ghostly appearance with the dress thing and all though another possibility is that they are embodiments of magic they are mages I mean they are fairy and psychic type that sounds very magical to me it just screams magic user the other waifu fairy mon which sounds like a digimon named wife aware Iman is Mawile which fits the common fairy trope of deceptively cute and deadly think about captivating beautiful fairy lights you into a trap think of super-cute nymphs and sirens attracting you to come closer and closer until they eat you it's a very common folklore and fairy tale trope the front of Mawile brings you in and the back fights down it is also of course inspired by the food to cook jeona a yokai that is a woman with a mouth in the back of her head and can magically move her hair around both of these aspects points to the parry typing pretty well and then klefki it could have done something so much cooler with the same concept klefki also pulls from the darker more mischievous side of fairy lore it likes to play tricks and steal people's keys that's also why it has the prankster ability it's simple it's a steel fairy kampf a is similar but with flowers instead of keys so it's more of a nature spirit than a mischievous trickster goblin it uses these flowers to make leis a traditional Hawaiian symbol of hospitality flowers in all sorts of folklore are commonly associated with fairies as flowers are magical power sources to them and are often used for light magic such as healing simple and finally we come to mcgee Erna and otamatone a quote scientist unquote is totally an alchemist 500 years in the past created the soul heart by collecting life energy from Pokemon this is a thing that a few alchemic machines are said to be capable of doing to human and animal Souls some alchemists also wrote theories on how they could then attach these souls to physical objects or transfer them from one body to another to essentially live forever you know it's just the same thing that inspired a major plot point at Full Metal Alchemist and even the second most important character but now Pokemon doesn't want to say alchemist it's too on-the-nose so they say scientists Color Me salty anyway the soul heart is the true body of magaña the rest of its body is an otamatone robot esque thing that it controls it is also super in tune with the well-being and emotions of those around it which combined with the points that it's just a soul says fairy-type I suppose it took some level of light magic to attach a soul after all but at the same time I could totally see mogera as mano steel I mean it only learns a single fairy type move but there's nothing really wrong with it having fairy I'm just saying oh and I should also mention the nursemaid inspirations this thing was a gift from the scientists to the royal family and during this time period nurse maids were common among noble families to help raise kids and Moderne has the traditional nurse maid hat and puffy shoulders and gown and it's caring demeanor makes it perfect to be a nursemaid and it's a nurse maid robot interesting and that was that category Pokemon based on faith things that traditionally would be around or get involved with humans the others are the opposite now even if the Pokemon themselves are plenty involved with human society it doesn't matter I'm talking about their inspirations here and a lot of fake creatures would do absolutely everything in their power to be as far away from human activity as possible because they hate us and our steel and our fire kick fun facts you know how horseshoes are considered lucky that's because people believe that if your horse happens to be wearing horseshoes it would keep fake creatures away while you traveled and they also wouldn't follow your tracks therefore they wouldn't be all mischievious with you they wouldn't mess with you you were lucky those horseshoes they're made of steel and fairies hate steel it's poison to them so up first let's use flabébé Fluit and florges as an example in Pokemon they tend to human gardens all the time they don't really mind us but their main inspiration would avoid humans at all cost think about your standard modern-day pop culture nature fairy think Fern Gully there you go standard fairies of the forest embodiments of nature and its powers they love mushrooms and flowers especially since again flowers are magic you could also say that they are inspired by the antis I Greek flower nymphs said to have an array of flowers for hair it's also worth noting that florges has hair is reminiscent of the pouf hairstyle popularized by the Queen of France Marie Antoinette floette flower resembles a parasol also common for noble women of the day and flabébé has a wreath of flowers on its head common of nature fairies especially of anthea Greek goddess of flowers I mentioned mushrooms earlier it's pretty well known now that fairies like mushrooms so the connection to morel and she tonic is easy in particular they appeared to be mush of the my sina genus with its bioluminescence at all they take the form of a lamp and a night light but their fairy typing is due to the fairies connection with mushrooms bioluminescent shrooms were once considered fairy fire and went by that name and of course there were fairy rings rings of mushrooms they naturally grow this way because the shrooms figured out it's the best way to find food underground but in the old days it was believed to have been caused by Fae activity G tonic is also known for creating lights in the woods that lead people astray which again points to mischievious fairies as well as fairies that wants to keep people away by having them follow little will of the wisps trails off into the distance but what would they want to lead the people away from well maybe the heart of the forest or the magical Tree of Life xerneas this Pokemon is fairy-type incarnate entirely light nature magic and pulls inspiration not just from the stags around egg drasil the north's tree of life but also cirno knows the celtic god of life and fertility hence the name and the antlers there's also the serene Ian hind of Greek myth a legendary deer with antlers made of gold and hooves of copper or brass and of course there's also the ex inspiration of the 3d plane and the Hinduism but I'll save all that for the explanation in this video here detailing all of the XYZ legendary tree oh no it cottony and whimsicott are also nature sprites and ones that really do blow with the wind rather than fall on fly by themselves they may be partially inspired by the vegetable Lamb of tarter II a myth in the Middle Ages about a plant that grows sheep for fruit yeah it was used to explain the abundance of cotton in the air because you know cotton is the same thing as wool and people were dumb this connection to sheep also works well since whimsicott is part of you know of his horoscope and it's also got these little horn looking things it's like a tiny ramp whimsicott is said to be mischievious like many fake creatures which along with its brown coloration points us to the sake of brazilian folklore a fake creature that plays pranks lives in forests and blows around with the winds now speaking of mischievousness that basically explains impotent as well it's an impotence in the name and dark fairy type is just the perfect type for an M pright basically every definition of a nymph says it's a fairy crossed with a demon dark fairy for sure they are full of mean-spirited pranks and are found in all sorts of folklore now pre marina it's pre marina I mean it's a siren mermaid seal enchanting songs and all there you go carving candy on CR based on the carbuncle which you should definitely do not look that up on Google Images no don't do it stop you really gotta specify the gemstone the carbuncle is depending on who you ask either a magical fake creature that grows gemstones out of itself or refers to an actual gemstone one imbued with magic that causes it to illuminate to the area and look at the yugioh carbuncle it's so cute the fairy clefable and cleffa you shouldn't have taken me this long to get to it's about as fairy as you can get I mean it's in the name fairy fable ha they are sort of just blah Bueller generic Pixies which is implied by their Japanese names PPP and pixie generic as they may be they at least got some lore these Pokemon are heavily associated with the Moon I mean it's said that they come from the moon the pokemon crystal pokedex entry says though rarely seen it becomes easier to spot for some reason on the night of the full moon this is perfect the moon has a lot to do with very folklore firstly in a broad sense it's said that the moon makes magic more powerful and a full moon is when it is at its most powerful so berries and fake creatures and witches would all come out and have higher activity levels during a full moon some even say that the moon is a portal to the fairy realm and that's why fairy magic gets more powerful more magic is leaking out of it and that's funny to me for some reason ole ole in nine tails well now that I think about it regular nine tails should probably have the fairy type to but it's fine that they saved it for the yellow invar a lowland ninetails just like regular ninetails is based on the Japanese fairy tale of QB no kitsune a kitsune of advanced age whose fur has turned silver gold and after it gets all nine of its tails it becomes godlike omnipotent kitsune czar from Japanese folklore and are very reminiscent of Western fairy tale creatures really both versions should have the fairy type but a lowland ninetails is more magical looking so it's fine but speaking of a Lola the top who's top of cocoa topple a late epiphany and top abbulu are the four guardians of a Lola they are based on the main four gods of Hawaiian mythology ku lo no con Aloha and cane and these four gods are basically nature spirits incarnate guardians of the land and its natural powers and as I go over in this video or I discuss what would happen if fairy-type was never added you can't really take the ferry type away from these guys it perfectly fits them magical guardians of nature using the magical power of nature to do their job yeah and coming soon I'll have a video all about their connections to those Hawaiian gods now my favorites cutie fly and roboam be oh they're so cute I love the bumble eat a bee flies that they're based on - I've seen him super-cute buzzing around in your face all right maybe not buzzing around in your face but buzzing around near you so you can see him but not in your face these flies aren't really associated with fairies so in the case of cutie fly you could definitely argue that it shouldn't be fairy-type beyond the fact that it's cute I suppose but Rabanne B takes the bee fly and adds some generic sprite or pixie elements to it it's got little pollen puffs to spread fairy dust around and stuff and I guess with its generic nature in mind I suppose cutie fly has sprite pixie fairy wings instead of fly wings after all so very type still works for both mega adeno but not Audino is also a fairy type valuable sentence as if you didn't gather that by me mentioning it just comparing it to its regular form vomega certainly looks a lot more fairy esque adeno is this weird sort of pig rabbit elephant and Winnebago evolves the rabbit elements really start to shine through with its extra really tall big ears into the extra puff ball tail on its chest red it's especially white ones are a common thing in fairy tales and folklore think about the Easter Bunny lucky rabbit's feet pookas which are quite self experience that would commonly take the appearance of a rabbit and more Plus adeno is all about healing and good fortune both of which are associated with light magic thus fairy type and that healing thing explains why I've got a little stethoscope and a little nurse outfit with strange Lolita boots hmm but speaking of rabbit's azumarill the water rabbit and its family marrow and Azurill they well let's just say we've reached the sort of not category I mean there is the connection to rabbits yes and water rabbits are a thing sort of apparently there were rabbits that live in swamps but I mean is that fairy esque no but I mean yeah rabbits and mice are common in fairy tales and fairy sometimes write them but I mean people ride horses and that doesn't make horses human type now does it yeah that's my argument deal with it yeah I gotta rationalize this most fairy-type pokémon are pink and merrill was originally conceptualized as pink so there's that is it really just because it's cute and they needed at least one more fairy-type pokémon to not have pink on it well uh all of their names in Japanese reference lapis lazuli and as your stone of water filled with myth for instance the Assyrians described it as a stone of great power King Solomon was said to have a ring crafted out of it by an angel that allowed him to control demons the Babylonians have legends about a tree that grows precious stones instead of leaves and at the very top is lapis lazuli in Sumerian mythology the goddess Anana roamed the underworld and would use rods made of pure lapis lazuli to measure the length of someone's life in all of these beliefs and more it's said to be sort of a flesh of the gods and I mean that's all fine and dandy but that doesn't exactly point towards this h2o molecule with a face having fairy powers the closest we get is that the Egyptians Acadians and other Mesopotamians would make seals and amulets out of them so magical ornaments most commonly things like the evil eye talisman I guess if you take that and add ears and a stupid tail you get Merrill I don't think the line has any code reasons for being fairy-type when the only connection is their color and their names in a single language it would be much better normal water or just water like they used to be meaning they would be much better not fairy-type there I had to say it at least once this episode because it's the grand finale but that like I said doesn't mean we're done we're going to do a correction and additions video as well as remaking two or three of the really early ones after gen 8 comes out and of course we're going to cover every gen8 Pokemon in another video and then combine all of them and we also of course have our sequel series that already has a couple episodes it covers every Pokemon move and there's also another sequel series where we're covering and what the types aren't how they work there's already a dragon and Fairy one of that so check that out and thank you so so much for watching the series it's become our most popular and my favorite series that we've done so far but I feel like the upcoming ones will keep on being better and better so be sure to subscribe and be sure to preorder this limited time offer t-shirt and of course be sure to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 966,177
Rating: 4.9284763 out of 5
Keywords: not fairy, not fairy type, pokemon, fairy type pokemon, fairy type pokemon explained, every fairy type pokemon, every fairy type pokemon explained, top 10 fairy type pokemon, pokemon fairy type, fairy type, pokemon fairy deck, pokemon origins, pokemon inspirations, origins of pokemon, fairy pokemon, fairy pokemon deck, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sun and moon, xerneas, gardevoir, gadevoir pokemon, pokemon gardevoir, sylveon, pokemon lore
Id: YZzuh0yerZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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