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Today lets cover a rather cool type, the slick, the hard, the snowy ice type pokemon. Lets look at the origins of each ice type pokemon and explain why they are the type they are. But first some ice type facts! The ice type is the rarest type in pokemon! So will this be the shortest video in the series? probably! Also, as stated before with some other types, remember, being a certain type does not mean the pokemon IS that thing, not all steel type pokemon are literally steel, not all poison type pokemon are poisonous, and even not all bug type pokemon are bugs! And the same goes for the Ice type pokemon, but quite the sizable chunk of them literally are ice! So lets cover those pokemon first and get right into it! Starting with the iciest of the ice type pokemon, regice. A golem of Hebrew legend, Regice’s body is said to have been made from antarctic ice during the ice age even! And its body is locked at negative 328 degrees Fahrenheit. That's as cold as liquid nitrogen! This thing can turn the most abundant part of the air into liquid! And because it can control the temperature of the air around it, it can never melt, not even by fire! Bermite is also very cold, its body rests at negative 150 degrees fahrenheit. Which is still much colder than the coldest natural temperature ever recorded on earth, which was negative 128, in antarctica of course. And while bermite’s underbelly isn't ice, its outer shell on its body is. And when it evolves into avalugg, is underbelly gets encased in ice as well. And these two pokemon resemble a stalagmite of ice, and an iceberg. A bit warmer is cryogonal, which rests at negative 148 degrees Fahrenheit, and is literally a living snowflake, their bodies are made in the sky and they just kinda fall… how a snowflake gains sentience I’ll never know. But can you believe this thing can learn attract? Its disgusting. But I have a whole video about that and the other sexless pokemon that can learn attract right here. Its a lot more interesting than you would think. Warmer still is the vanillite line, featuring vanillite, vanillish and vanilluxe, the breath from these things is said to be negative 58 degrees fahrenheit. They are based both on icicles and on ice cream cones. But the white snow topping you see aren't part of their body, its snow that they decorate themselves with, and it can melt off, as seen here. So really they are just sentient icicles, but they like to pretend to be ice cream. And a bit warmer is the snowy form of castform. A sentient cloud filled with snow. Whenever a castform gets hit with snow or hail it turns into this form, and its skin gets partially frozen… also apparently this thing has skin, ew. In order for snow to form, the air at ground level needs to be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Kyurem probably would be a lot colder, possibly almost as cold as regice, but those details aren't found in the pokedex unfortunately… but its based on the classic ice dragon, a set of dragons that breathe icy air rather than fire. Its body is frozen and its wing looking things on its back are tubes of energy encased in ice. It can also link itself up with reshiram or zekrom to become white or black kyurem. And if all 3 were to ever combine, it would become the original dragon once more. It seeks to fill its cold empty heart with truth or ideals, which those other two symbolize. The alolan forms of sandshrew and sandslash are similar to their original forms, but with ice on their bodies, forming an extra layer of protection. Sandshrew resembles an igloo, a hut like structure made from ice blocks, and sandslash hace icicle spines, and its claws are in the shape of an ice pick. Glalie has a body made from rock, but on top of that rock it has its armor of ice. Fitting, it resembles a hockey goalie mask. A sort of armor for the poor guy getting pucks launched right at him. And that's it for the pokemon that are or are partially ice. The rest of them are not ice literally, but have ice powers and live in icy climates. Starting with the watery ones, we have dewgong, but not seel, seel is just water type, though the pokedex states that it still relishes swimming in a frigid climate of around 14 degrees Fahrenheit, and sometimes it even goes through waters that are negative 40 degrees, doing all this may be why it gains the ice type upon evolving! These pokemon are based on sea lions, polar seals, and dugongs. Spheal Sealeo and Walreign are similar, based on various seals, sea lions and walruses. Which all live where its quite chilly. And along with dugong, they all use their thick blubber not only for defense from attacks, but also to keep their internal organs warm. Lapras is a placodont or a plesiosaurus, an aquatic dinosaur that inspired the loch ness monster. They lived all over all of the world’s oceans, from warm to frigid climates during the Jurassic period. They gave live birth and were warm blooded, making them a sort of early whale, hense lapras’s being known for their songs and high intelligence. And their warm-bloodedness allowed them to thrive in those polar waters away from the dangers of most dinosaurs. So lapras being ice type has a bit of a weak reason for being so, put I’ll give it a pass. amaura and aurorus are Two amargasauruses with a sail resembling the aurora borealis. Also known as the polar lights. At night, which is also the only time you can evolve this pokemon, whenever the magnetosphere around the earth gets sufficiently disturbed by solar wind, magnetospheric plasma precipitates into the upper atmosphere, creating these beautiful lights in the frigid regions. Another icy ancient beast is the mammoth… an extra large hairy elephant present in north america during the ice age, which at the time was 40 degrees colder that what it is today. And in pokemon, this beast is mammoswine, a mammoth crossed with a northern wild boar. According to the pokedex, after the ice age ended they started to die off, but some still remain today, with their stupid ski goggle eyes. Its previous evolution is piloswine, is also an amalgamation of animals, the wild boar and the hunched back of a yak or a muskox, which are found in the arctic. And going back once more, swinub is a little wild piglet, perhaps mixed with a Peruvian guinea pig. Another big hairy beast is beartic and cubchoo. Cubchoo is so cute, its a baby polar bear with a cold, the poor guy. I’d love to see a fire type variant with a fever. Anyway, the snot dripping down can by used as material for it to freeze for attacking, which is… gross. But when it evolves into beartic, the fully grown polar bear, it freezes its own breath to create fangs, and it can lengthen its claws with ice in the same way. Another predator in this icy climate is sneasel and its evolved form weavile. Based on ermines, weasels and stoats, these small long noodle predators come in a variety of colors. They love hunting baby pokemon and eggs, just like the real things. They are also based on the kamaitachi, a japanese yokai with sickle hands. And weavile are said to be very intelligent, and can ever write in their own language. Similar to how humans started early writing during the ice age. Glaceon is an arctic fox like ice pokemon. It’s fur makes it appear to be wearing cute and warm little socks, and his hear piece resembles and icy ushanka. Those Russian hats to keep your head warm in the harsh Russian winters. Its tail and back pattern also somewhat resembles a scarf. Not that glaceon need to keep warm or anything, their bodies can drop to as low as minus 75 and be fine. And it can make its fur stand on end and freeze to form little spikes. Anoother fox, The alolan forms of vulpix and ninetails are kitsune just like their kanto forms, a yokai, but with the coloration of an arctic fox. It became this way as it adapted to life on snowy peaks. Just like the arctic fox adapted to life in the snow. Another yokai is snorunt. Specifically a yukiono, a small spirit said to appear when it snows. It appears to be wearing a yuiki mino, straw garb for the winter in japan. Froslass is another yokai, this time the yuki-onna. A famous ice spirit in the form of a woman that tends to be a little murderous. And just because japan loves ice and yokai getting mixed here’s two more. Smoochum and jynx. Jynx is depicted similarly to the iconic fat lady singing opera, usually in a viking helmet because vikings, hense the ice type, though there no viking helmet here… but more than that is the yokai yama-uba. It was said that she wore a red tattered kimono, had white-blonde hair, could control the snow, had dark skin, large lips and…. Yeah that’s jynx. Obviously. And it was said that yama-uba cared for a small child spirit named kintaro, who had pink skin. Obviously. And from spirits to the next closest thing, we have birds, Articuno is the legendary bird of ice, along with the other two, zapdos and moltres, they form the 3 forms of offensive magic. Fire ice and lightning. Articuno resembles the simurgh in appearance, though its then given the ice type for the magic thing. And ice it is, as it can create blizzards. And one pokedex entry states that its wings are made of ice… but… ice cant move like wings, so… I mean the dex has been wrong before. Delibird is fun, its a little rock-hopper penguin that carries around a sack of presents… that's actually its tail… odd. But it also dresses up like Santa Claus! Which makes sense because of the whole giving presents thing. Though Santa lives in the north pole and penguins the south…. So I don't know… And now the category of other! Everybody's favorite! Frost Rotom! Rotom is a little electric ghost pokemon that can possess electronics! When it does so to a refrigerator and freezer it gains the ice type! Since it’s its own source of electricity the freezer works! And it can shoot ice out of it! Imagine being just some pokemon and you are asked to fight… a fridge…. Hmm. Crabominable…. Sigh… who is legitimately my absolute least favorite pokemon. Is a crab mixed with a stupid yeti. The abominable snowman and all that. They are also based on the kiwaidae, also known as the yeti crab. And its also stupid looking! This dummy is said to be able to store coldness in its pincers… how that's possible we’ll never know. And worst of all is the reason crabrawler evolves into this monstrosity… crabrawler is just a crab that is a boxer, and it aims to be the best boxer of them all the top!! So! According to the pokedex… it aimed for the top and got lost and ended up on a snowy mountain… forced to endure the cold it evolved and grew fur…. Sssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggghhhhhh… stupid reasons aside, at least his has a reason for being ice type, unlike the last pokemon on this list, cloyster… the first stage of this pokemon shellder is just water type, and upon evolving it gains the ice type… but for no apparent reason. The pokedex doesn't mention anything. All those dex entries are just about its overpowered gen 1 shell…. And that it eats slowpoke. It doesn't even learn that many ice moves. Its not even based on anything cold. It most closely resembles the thorny oyster, also known as spiny oysters. And another fun fact, those aren't even oysters! Cloyster cant even get that right! These now extinct oysters lived in the WARM waters of Ecuador to Mexico. And only as far south as Peru, and as far north as the gulf of California. Some species of them are also found in the Mediterranean sea, which is also quite warm! Now… there ARE clams and oysters that live in colder regions like Alaska and such. But all these spikes on cloyster makes it a specific one, the thorny or spiky oyster, that doesnt come anywhere near there! Good job game freak! Another mark of sadness to you! And with that, the ice types are covered! So what type should be next? Let me know down below and until next time, never stop using your gnoggin!
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,373,854
Rating: 4.9093933 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, the game theorists, treesicle, Pokemon theory, ice type, ice type pokemon, pokemon ice type, ice pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon, pokemon game theory, game theory pokemon, pokemon lets go, ice type explained, pokemon tcg, pokemon tcg water deck, ice type pokemon moves, z move, ice, water type, glaceon, articuno, eevee, nintendo switch, super smash bros ultimate, pokemon lets go eevee, pokemon let's go pikachu, pokemon science, science
Id: ZAasRwcG-Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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