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I stand by the pokedex being written by the children who find the pokemon, see machamp entry that cites it as having the strength of "ten grown-ups"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheBoyBent 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love this video series, even though this entry wasn't my favorite. There's not a lot of fascinating science to explore with fire type Pokemon that are all pretty obvious. I also disagreed about his two "shouldn't be fire type" choices because "flames of victory" and "flamenco>red>passion" are kinda obvious fire references. My favorite of the series was the bug one <3 I'm excited to see the ghost one.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jasher1125 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

Love this guy's videos,this ''every type explained'' series is my favorite of his. I highly recommend those that haven't seen it to take a look at his other videos of said series.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gabriel_sub0 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
Of every pokemon type, Fire is the hottest…. Because that goes without saying…. Man this intro is bad. So what is the Fire type all about? What are the origins of each fire type pokemon? In other words, why are each of the fire type pokemon the fire type? Ok ok so we know fire types have mastery over fire! but so does man when we stole it from the gods or however you want to believe we got it. Fire has always been a huge part of our past and will be a good portion of our future if current climate trends continue. … ... Well the fire type is almost a homage to its great destructive power yet also contains many pokemon that help create rather than destroy, just as much as real life fire. The fire that burns the pine forests opening the pinecones and allowing them to seed is a circle of life at its finest. Fun fact! Pokemon Diamond and pearl only have two fire type pokemon lines. The starter chimchars, and ponyta’s. As much as that makes sense given that sinnoh is the coldest of the regions visited so far, it still kinda sucked. And with the mention of chimchar and ponyta we can jump right into the list, which is listed by category rather than pokedex order or anything. And the first category is pokemon that are literally on fire or have literal fire on their bodies. Making their fire type extremely obvious. Note! This excludes megas. We’re just going to clump megas with their original form. First up In this category we have, Ponyta and rapidash! How majestic, Now this is a prime example of gen one design. Its a horse that’s on fire, Just imagine the first guy who saw that and thought... “Im gonna ride it.” Its crazy enough to ride a real horse but one that's on fire!? Cmon girl where'd you get that idea! But this really brings out the fire type, its mane and tale and bits of the hair around the hoof are ablaze. Why you may ask? well I have a few theories, theories that also apply to the other flaming mons. it could be due to its environment, near volcanos, it simply catches on fire. Another is that it produces the heat due to the speed it runs really getting the heated blood flowing, thus a byproduct is the flames along the body. These flames could Possibly be a way for the animal to cool itself off by releasing its heat, but the byproduct just spontaneously combusts. Rapidash seems to be based off of nightmares along with many mythos of fiery steeds. And notable, this fire is easily controlled by them. We can see in the anime Ash is able to ride them no problem AFTER the horse trusts him. Next up are Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion These cute lil guys are a shrew, paca,and badger. They All have small holes in their body. Known as the volcano pokemon these little dudes seem to erupt with fire when they get serious. Well as serious as a cute lil stoat could. Dawww. Better watch out tho they'll burn ya! But as to why they are inherently fire type…. Well im stumped. They should be fire for sure as they have fire jetting out of their body but any origins relating to these animals really isnt there. The only notable thing is that badgers... particularly honey badgers are extremely aggressive and dangerous, and have a chunk of skin on the back of their necks that is very dangerous to grab, as it can just turn around despite that and attack you, in typhlosions case it just erupts with flame. Presumably most of the pokemon in this category create heat as a by product and either the environment heats it up further or its spontaneous combustion point is rather low. Now… I keep saying combustion point... but Let me explain real quick. Essentially the object or pokemon has self heating properties or is able to autoignite its flammable substance. Much like how large manure piles give off mass amounts of methane that in the sun could heat up and eventually catch fire. Most of these pokemon that are on fire must release a gas or secret a solution that is able to catch fire easily. Even vegetable oil can spontaneously combust. There have even been rumors of human spontaneous combustion. I mean nature is crazy it can create any chemical it wants I mean we have glow in the dark fish. Whos to say in a world where creatures can create electricity. Couldn't some pokemon use just a little electricity to ignite their jet propelled fuel? Like a spark plug? Are fire types just bad electric types? Thats a video. Emboar Just emboar no one else in his line have flames on their body… is Based off of a fire pig demon from the famous story Journey to the west, Zhu Bajie. Emboar is loyal to his friends much like Zhu. In Fact the pokedex goes into detail about its fire It states :It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends. It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves. It grows a beard of fire. If you dont think thats mega cool, then im sorry for your loss, Lighting its fists on fire with its flaming beard its mega cool! Magmar and Magmortar…. oh boy these guys are stupid. Based off of a duck, maybe a boobie, and a mythical beast known as the Karura. They are said to live in magma. They should really also have the ground type as magma is molten rock that is under the earth's crust.... also It should be lavmar or lavmortar as they clearly live above ground. As to why they are fire type... well they have fire on them and I have yet to see something that's in lava and not catch fire. Heck even lava catches fire. Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape are Always monkeying around. Have i used that joke before? im sure I have. Its so hard to keep track. Anyways these simians are based off of sun wukong from the very popular story journey to the west. Also, head canon! they are fire type because they are based off of SUN wukong. I mean the sun is practically the best fire type in our solar system. Realistically though they are fire type because infernape shares many similarities to Hanuman, which is thought to be an inspiration for to sun wukong. From the Hindu epic Ramayana, where in Hanuman was granted immunity to fire, and thus can use it safely. As for Litwick, Lampent and Chandelure... Well I can say that these three are one of the very few fire types that are not red or orange. But Being based off of ghostly fire I understand why they opted to make it a spookier blueish purple. Based on Hitodama the eastern version of the western will o wisps, their fire type comes from the ghostly flame atop their bodies. Will of the wisps or its informal name will o wisps is a folk tale of flickering ghostly light that can be seen late in to the night. Leading travelers to safety or astray. I mean its a candle a lamp and a chandelier, of course it's on fire. As for Darumaka and Darmanitan, While its basic evolution should not be in this category nor is its zen mode, Darmanitan gains a spot here because of its great flaming eyebrows. I mean look at those things. Wonderful. Being based off of the daruma doll in buddhism. The jist of their importance is this. They are used to set goals similarly to new years resolutions. Setting the goal you fill in one of their eyes, once completed you fill in the second. And as the next new year begins you burn your darma doll and start it all over again. They get their fire typing based on this ceremony. The Zen mode is simply when the dharma doll is not on fire. And we’ll cover Darumaka now anyway. As its also just the doll when not ablaze, but notably this things poops are flaming hot! Very warm! So much so that some people would use them for warmth! Sounds gross, but its not that far off from what some people did with cow pies. Charmander, charmeleon, Charizard and its megas are the classic fire breathing lizards with a flame on the tip of their tail. The premiere, the real og Lizard. The main man himself, chorizo. It’s totally not a dragon at all, and it’s the most coveted card I had as a child. Hmmm I need to find that card, I bet its worth good money nowadays. Well back to its fire typing. Its tail is on fire. Like always, and we all know if its tail goes out it dies. Which sounds kinda sucky for an entire species, what is their survivability? How did they to evolve to have such a glaring weakness? Anyway, we can gather from Charmanders name, and the lack of a dragon typing that they are based on the flaming salamander myth. Fun fact! that myth may be caused by early humans finding logs on the ground, igniting them for a fire, not knowing a salamander was taking refuge in the log. So the salamander runs away from its burning home….Thus starting the myth of salamanders being birthed by flame. Early humans were not the brightest. Later we see in charizard the more draconian influences. And we all know that dragons were believed to have been able to breathe fire. And im sure I dont need to explain how a dragon breathes fire. That would get rid of a later video… also im sure theres already tons of videos on the matter. Speaking of flaming flying pokemon, Moltres! the flame pokemon is one of the three legendary birds. Being born of fire, moltres shares many similarities to a phoenix. You know the bird from harry potter, though its also found in many myths and studies Like alchemy. Well the phoenix is said to have been a bird that was able to be born from its own ashes. Even its pokedex entry hints to this saying If this Pokémon is injured, it is said to dip its body in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself. Speaking of the phoenix it is such a common myth that there are two pokemon based on it. Although Ho-ohs origins can also be linked to another mythos. Such as Achiyalabopa of the pueblo peoples, it was a giant rainbow colored bird, we can also look to the simurgh of Iranian mythology said to look like a huge multi colored peacock able to carry off elephants. The simurgh is also known as the ember bird, and was thought to have been so old its seen the worlds destruction three times. Apparently cheating death by plunging itself into fire. Much like a phoenix. Now onto Marowak, you know the ground type, but low and behold the Alolan Form is fire ghost. Gaining both fire and ghost in alola is rather odd but with a bit of digging the reasoning for it makes sense. First off marowak already looked like a fire dancer minus the fire. He’s got a mask and a stick. Known as a fire knife this tool is used in samoan dances to Show off a warrior's skill. The Aztecs also did it a lot. But did you know that in Hawaii it was only brought over relatively recently? It’s a tourist thing. Anyway, Marowak doesnt just get fire, but GHOSTLY fire! Which I’ll explain in the Ghost type video. Lastly we have Fennekin,Braixen,and Delphox. Which are based off of fennec foxes. Thats right game freak named the pokemon after a pun. Who would have thought. Now notably, fennekin doesnt have any fire on it, but its dex entry states “Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit” Its like a little furnace, theres a fire going on in it! It must be that fire pokemon are able to use non traditional sources of energy. Instead of just being able to eat food they are able to process wood and other materials. Similarly to a fire. Then braixen's dex entry talks about how it ignites its twigs by using its tail for friction. And delphox uses its psychic powers to control its fire, thus its stick is always on fire thanks to its power of pyrokinesis. All of them are based on kitsune-mochi, similar to vulpix and ninetales, but more like a witch that was granted powers by a fox. And That wraps up pokemon that have fire on them or Their sticks. Next are fire pokemon based off of a mythical creature or legend! Very common for pokemon games. Now I know some of them can be easily put into this category from the first Like moltres but I felt like pokemon that are on fire or have fire on them was a better category. First up in this mythical list are Vulpix and Ninetales! both based off of your second favorite internet browsers. Did you know it was originally named foxfire? stupid. Their origins are found in ancient eastern myths of the Kitsune, A Japanese legend of a fox with many tails, and can breathe fire. Ninetales is based more specifically on kyūbi no kitsune wich means an older silver fox. Believed to be their counterpart we have Growlithe and Arcanine Two fire dog pokemon. Known for their loyalty and obedience. I mean how else could officer jenny have so many of them? But under that fluffy warm coat is the heart of a good boy! Just who wouldn't love to give them infinite belly rubs. Salwart and stoic can describe these two. Which makes sense as they are based off of the chinese myth of shia or in Japanese komainu. Guardian statues normally of lions, but with traits of dogs and tigers, they protect the entrances of many buildings and invite good luck. Unfortunately that's not where they get their fire typing though, just their looks. You’ll have to go a little north to korea near Xiezhi and take a look for the guardian statue of the Haetae, essentially a fire eating dog that was said to protect Seoul from natural disasters, some legends actually depict it as almost a unicorn lion dog. Crazy stuff Entei is The legendary beast that represents the fire that burnt down the brass tower. Friend to children in that one movie. Able to run pretty darn fast. And When it barks volcanoes erupt! I know you're sitting there thinking “wait a minute this is the lava and magma category why is entei here?” Well, perhaps unbeknownst to you, entei is known as the eruption pokemon. Much like the cyndaquil line. Entei is known to erupt into huge explosions of fire. Much like a volcano, minus the lava. And looking to entei’s face is at least. That haunting face that I see in my nightmares. It Looks similar to Aka-gashiras face, a fire yokai. Lastly it’s Volcanion, the only fire water type in the entire known pokemon world. Volcanion shares many similarities to growlithe and arcanine. Having traits similar to komainu or shisha. Particularly the Ryukyuan shisa, where in legend there was an over abundance of fires. The towns folk worried about their homes asked a wise monk. He instructed them to build a great stone shisa to protect the town and eat the fire. Volcanions name also implies that he is powered by a volcano which is a very large source of heat. Heat that often creates hot springs that steam up, hense the water fire typing. But looking back to better pokemon, our next category are in fact known to be made of lava or have magma inside of them. Slugma and Magcargo Both are fire slugs. And pokemon has always gotten the whole lava magma thing wrong. They just use it willy nilly, but I will forgive them and let them slide. Being made of lava grants them their fire type. Interestingly, instead of blood, slugma uses super hot magma to circulate its oxygen. Weird, but I can see it for a pokemon. But I fully disagree with magcargo’s pokedex entry. Magcargo’s body temperature is approximately 18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. …. No Just no... thats a whole other set of problems. I mean i have so many questions. Like wha??… and how???… All of them! I have all the questions! I just cant even right now! Onto the next pokemon! Numel and Camerupt, and its mega. Numel is great because its one of the other few fire type pokemon that is not orange or red. They are based on camels that contain magma inside of their humps. Though I wonder, Is it still magma if its not inside the earth's crust I mean that's the definition. Hmm, well they are also ground type, so im gonna say its correct this time game freak! But Im not entirely sure how these pokemon are able to create enough heat to keep the magma inside it liquid. Magmas normal temperature while liquid is anywhere from 700c to 1300 c. So its pretty hot! Essentially one and a half to two 1000 degree knives. Remember those? I sure wish i didn't. Well, The heat magma gets is caused by the earths motion and pressure. So It is now assumed by me that numel and camerupt are either very very good at squeezing its stomach in or it has some other source of churning up the magma, some sort of special internal muscles and organs. Magby isnt with its other evolutions as it only has a flame pattern on its body not actual flames. Based off of a booby duck. No not a mallard with mammaries, a booby duck. they live near magma, in fact they sleep in it, just like their evolutions. They also have “magma-like” blood that helps them stay warm. What “magma-like” means Im not sure though, possibly like slugma i suppose. Heatran is A primarily steel type pokemon that, due to its own intense heat, seems to be partially molten. And we all know why its here its the molten part! Typically boiling blood is not hot enough to melt steel! I mean even jet fuel cant even do that! this pokemon must be insane! Well it does live in caves, lava tubes and such, and, well, hetran seems to be more steel than fire. Here but it is still made out of super-heated liquid metal. Well parts of it. Otherwise it would just be a puddle. Hmm, a fire-steel muk would be neat. Primal Groudon is pretty much the god of the ground. And who makes the ground your on? Well groud-on. But in the real world its not far off. Volcanoes create hundreds of islands every century. Adding in the fire type to groudon by going primal really finishes off the idea that he created the land. In fact I may say he should have been fire all along. I mean he's red, Kid me for sure thought he was fire. But adult me understands that primal groudon was creating the ground where as groudon just rules over the land. Much less creation these days. Alright next up are pokemon based off of just normal everyday animals, But with a twist. Can you guess the twist? They can breath fire or are masters of fire moves. Flareon is One of the original eeveelutions. And well, what can I say? its fire type because Eevee needed a fire type. That's about it, nothing fancy over here, its origins are pretty weak. But Don't write it off just yet! The pokedex states If it inhales deeply, that's a sign it's about to attack. Prepare to be hit by flames of over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit! Other entries talk about its Internal Flame sac, which may help shed some light on how pokemon are able to store its fuel. In fact flareon's internal sac actually ignites when its agitated. So these organs must be fireproof inside and out. In Fact they are heat proof! as the ability is the same numeric resistance as being Fire type. Torchic Combusken Blaziken and Mega B! As I like to call em, are based off of Taiwanese cock-fighting roosters These chickens kick with no remorse. But other than expert fighters these chickens may also be based off of the Basan. A basan is a large fire breathing chicken in Japanese myth. Yep! so exactly like blaziken. In Fact some illustrations depict the same exact color pallet of orange and red feathers. Torkoal, Oh man these poor lil guys. I just love them and im so torn. Being based off of a coal powered locomotive and a, well a tortoise, it’s stated that It battles using energy it gets from burning coal. When losing smoke from its nostrils, it lets off a sound that is similar to a locomotive horn. Like it actually is a train horn! Pokemon are silly. But one thing about torkoal that you may no know is that if its unable to find coal it will stop moving. Most likley it would starve in the wild. Sad stuff man. Next up are Salandit and Salazzle. Two lizard pokemon that really smell. Hmm both meanings of smell in the same sentence I must be a genius. However these pokemon seem to be a bit more poison than fire, as there acid is so potent that it is able to effect normally unaffected types, meaning poison and steel. This could be because of their fire though! as the as steel is weak to fire. Just not jet fuel based fire. But these lizards are commonly agreed to be based off of Japanese fire belly newts. Yes they exist, while not being able to breath fire or acid gas they do share the same colors and general shape. But they also have salamander influences, which can also point to the fire typing, as well as salazzle being female only, as there are a few species of salamanders that are only female. Tepig and Pignite are just kinda pigs that are red and orange. Now while tepig is the lightest pokemon to learn heavy slam, Pignites pokedex entry goes into a little bit more detail of its fire generation stating that: The more it eats, the more fuel it has to make the fire in its stomach stronger. This fills it with even more power. Assuming its fire is in a flame sac like the other pokemon, we can get an idea of how it works almost like a pressure cooker inside them that they fill with fuel. Now most animals are miniature bioreactors, we take food, break it down into sugars and such, and use that for our bodies as fuel. I feel like fire types figured out a way to just take “food” in quotes and turn it into energy directly. I mean who knows what they eat. They could eat normal food but im sure you could in theory feed your fire pokemon wood and itd be happy as a clamperl. Pansear and Simisear, the only non gen 1 pokemon line to evolve with a firestone. are based off of the three wise monkeys of chinese myth along with simisage and simipour. Pansear is based off of the hear no evil. Some state they are hear no evil due to the word ear in the end of the name. Pan S Ear. They also have the largest ears. Pansears hand is up by its ear as well, trying to hear you better, though it may be deaf. Simisear then may also be soing some sort of sign language with its odd hand placement. As to its fire typing... it really doesnt draw it from anywehre other than gameplay. You see, depending on what starter you choose. So if you picked snivy you would then have to fight pansear. Which is really cool to be honest. Making those first pokemon you get rather important. Larvesta and Volcarona were Thought once to have been born of the sun... No im not kidding you ancient pokemon peoples were dumb just like today's peoples. It may be inspired from the saying “like a moth to the flame.” as for which moth it is, it seems to be the atlas moth. With its bright red colors you get a real sense of fire from it. In fact this bug has a lot of ties to fire. From being similar to seraphin from its wing placement and number, to being compared to the sun gods. Even its color palette matches the sun. or tiger lily flowers that only blossom during the summer heat. Heatmor is... well... uhh... dumb. Its a fire anteater with a muffler in its butt. Almost made to be the perfect predator of durant, heatmor is pure fire. Again we dont really see a good connection to fire other than its ability to breath fire and it similar design to a combustion engine. Even then this lame pokemon gets its own signature move fire lash. What the heck. Litten,Torracat,and Incineroar are some grade A FIRE starters you could say. These pokemon are based on a house cat, a tiger, and well uhhh tigers are orange so fire type! Ha good enough for game freak good enough for me! But in actuality littens dex entry states that it lights the hairballs it coughs out to create a fireball. And that when it regrows its coat it lights the old coat on fire. This must mean that the fur is highly flammable. Almost as if it was coated in sulfur. Much like its facial markings which is the alchemical symbol of sulfur. That’s about all I got though. Mabey its fire type because of its firey passion for fighting strong opponents. There have been worse reasons in pokemon. Next up is the infamous Fletchinder and Talonflame. Who Ill have to say I used, nay I depended on in x and y. For some reason I just kept using em. Also take note that fletchling is not fire type. Just wanted to clear that up. Now other than being insane in smashbros what does this line actually add to the pokemon lore? Well its a bird and its got fire, so its a phoenix. Well no, thankfully game freak didnt make ANOTHER phoenix. No these are based on the japanese robin and flame robin. Look at these little dudes, are they so cute. Lil puff balls of red feathers. And uh. Red equals fire! Litleo and Pyroar... ok ok so we’re getting close to the end and I knew id eventually have to do these guys. Normal fire. WHAT A typing. What is normal about breathing fire. I mean really. Isnt normal type supposed to be, I dunno normal!? Whatever that may be in a world of pokemon. Well Now that i think about it maybe they mean they are less fire than other fire types. But Thats for the normal type video. So if we look at pyroars mane and the yellow symbol it forms we can see that it is similar to the Japanese Daimonji and the kanji for fire 火 more or less. In fact that is its only real connection to the fire type. So it seems like a normal lion with the word fire on its face. Houndour and Houndoom along with mega houdoom. Are hell hounds. Or at least based on them. What are hellhounds you ask? well hounds from hell. You know fire and brimstone and all that jazz. now Im not saying jazz is satanic butt those slick rhythms just couldn't be made by man alone now could they? Pacts with the devil aside, These dogs just scream hell. I mean they have little skulls devil tails and demon goat horns. Now i dont know what you imagin when you think hell but i think fire and miss lamsby from middle school english class. Perfectly explaining these pokemons fire typing. Getting back from my scary place we have Turtonator... hmm mabey i should go back. This mata mata is dragon fire. According to the dex, It gushes fire and poisonous gases from its nostrils. Its dung is an explosive substance and can be put to various uses. I guess but it only learns smog naturally as a poison type move. But I wanna know whos the poor guy that discovered its dung is explosive. Just walking not watching where he was stepping and boom. Much like a landmine, in fact Im sure thats what they were going for here with his shell design also. A fiey landmine. Then theres a jet engine strapped to a dragon… its reshiram. We see its butt glow red, and if it weren't for that it would be the last pokemon not red or orange to be fire type. Based off of yang from the yin and yang. Yang symbolizes among other things, the light. And we all know fire is one of the most rudimentary sources of light. Could you imagine a light type. Hmm we actually would have quite a few pokemon in there... Other pokemon that dont fit in any category weve done yet are the inanimate object ones, So i guess they get their own category! here we got Castform’s Sunny Form! based off of a teru teru bozu Or a weather good luck charm that Japanese folks would hang in their homes. In fact the charms are used to ward away rainy weather. Or even bring it! All depending on the variant, so perfect for a pokemon that changes forms based on the weather. Now in this form, castform itself seems to dry out and absorb the heat from the sun it basks in, like a lizard. But Unlike a lizard it really absorbs the suns energy and can use it to attack with fire! When the electric ghost rotom possesses an oven, it becomes Heat Rotom! Its pretty easy to guess why its fire. Ovens can create a lot of heat and even start fires. Blacephalon is a clown thats mixed with fireworks. You know the stuff that explodes in fire! I mean it blows up its own head In an explosion! if thats not fire type Im not entirely sure what else would be. But with that we have just 2 pokemon to go, and they are the ones that I really see NO reason for being Fire Type, or at the very least, extremely weak reasons! These mons may be better off NOT being fire type. So… Victini. Ok ok here we go ive ben dreading this pokemon this entire video. Where to start, Sure everything points to this pokemon being based off of the gods of victory, Nike and Victoria. But nothing points to its fire typing. The only small little bit of fire we see are in its move pool. Most notably v-create where its ears burn up in fire before it attacks. In fact both of its signature moves are fire type. But are moves alone enough to make it fire type? Ehh im not sure. Oh heres an idea, its fire type because wining really gets your blood going and a by-product of blood circulation is inflammation, and that has the word flame in it. Weak. And lastly is Oricorio, Baile (ball-e) Style, Uhh.. its a bird that is dancing the flamenco dance. Its not known where the words origin comes from, but its possible its a derivative of the Spanish word of Flama or Fire. OOORR its means “expelled peasant” were not sure. I mean gypsies danced flamenco all the time soooo... its possible. Unfortunately that's the only bit of information linking oricorio to the fire type. But the dance itself is hot. Like a spicy salsa! its hot! so the dance must be Fire. So fire type. But like the watered down crappy chip dip you get sometimes, this reasoning is WEAK! Really its just fire type because they wanted it to be. The dex states that It beats its wings together to create fire. As it moves in the steps of its beautiful dance, it bathes opponents in intense flames. But other than the dex there isnt any indication it can start fires. It doenst even learn any fire type moves. Heck you cant even use move tutor or breed in a fire type move! Just turrible just not a fire type! There is ZERO reason to have a type at all if you cant utilize it! Ug! Well do you Know a better reason why oricorio or victini should be fire type? PLEASE let me know Down in the comments. And hey remember these are just fun video speculations so dont take anything I say as canonical. Sigh… well… weve only got a few more type to go in this series! Thanks so much to everyone for watching! And massive thanks to the Patreon supporters who let this series keep going! It takes a lot out of us… Love you all! And as always never stop using that goggin.
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,070,085
Rating: 4.8570175 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Theory, fire type pokemon, fire type, fire type deck, fire type team, pokemon go, pokemon lets go, pokemon lets go pikachu, pokemon lets go eevee, flareon, incineroar, pokemon anime, game theory, game theory pokemon, game theory fire type pokemon, blaziken, pokemon science, pokemon explained, fire, salazzle, pokemon fire type, pokemon game theory, not fire, litten song, fire pokemon, volcarona, reshiram, victini, nintendo switch, 8th gen pokemon
Id: R8eGzsflUqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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