Episode 180 - TikTokers vs YouTubers

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Dog they really saw a company named “TRY LOLLI” and thought it was a good investment on top of the “hurr you get 1 bitcoin free!” shady shit.

I love the guys but every time I listen to a new episode I feel like these ain’t really the dudes I thought they were

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did they say the name of the company they invested in is Loli? That's uh... an interesting name for a company. Definitely not the first thing that comes up when you google it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/We_Wear_Short_Shorts 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah i got a cold open idea what is it let's uh let's chug these oh a cold open i get her all right let's do it you're on okay yeah all right ready okay one wait how do you chug i've never oh you just from there i'm not doing the you've never chugged no we're not doing the keystone we're not shotguning we're just chugging oh yeah see i don't even know the difference man i never i never kissed a girl all right ready yeah one two three go so cold oh it's so cold it's refreshing though really refreshing that could have been a thumbnail for i know dude right when i was doing it i was like oh it looks like i'm chugging down on something else right now oh i meant the after with your face it was like a 31 year old man gets piped by liquid death is that brand friendly oh man did i miss probably not to be honest probably not i kind of feel like a bozo that i've never chugged before but i just tried it dude no i got i got um you know deviated septum i feel like if i just i feel like i'm gonna start doing it it'll be like waterboarding myself you don't think a single person who has ever chugged has had a deviated septum no i just i just imagine like i'm gonna start doing it and i'll start drowning like dude just do it like words and you're like damn is he all right is he good no no well man joke's over man um this [ __ ] is it's pretty pretty solid though for water it hits man it does hit what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace guys anyway um we got big news noel and i are businessmen now officially officially we're big time investor business guys yeah we're the head honchos man yeah so um which one like you let you guys know that we invested in a company called lolly it's a bitcoin company yeah and um basically the way it works is that when you it's like one it's like basically honey but with bitcoin whenever you buy something online it's like a rewards website it just gives you money back but it gives you it in bitcoin instead which is [ __ ] awesome because if you were to do that like you know six months ago the money that you got would be worth a lot more now that's the point um so try it out if you want it's try loli.com uh you don't have a referral link do you did they give you one they probably did but i just you know i don't know it i [ __ ] we could we can plug those yeah but try it it's a great website and it's [ __ ] awesome and we're stoked that we're officially business investor men now how does it feel dude i i don't know i feel i feel the same honestly yeah just like i don't know i i didn't feel anything i signed the paper and i said all right oh i guess you don't feel like a cool like a you know like silicon valley guy now uh yeah you know what actually sand hill road i do when i go buy coffees and stuff i say you know this isn't a coffee for just any ordinary man okay i'm an investor as an investor of coffee i'm about to you know about a hit zoom hard right now this is an investor's breakfast okay no this is not a a regular man's breakfast this is a an investor's breakfast okay so yeah guys if you see us start shilling this company and you're like um i feel like they've sold out for this company it's because we did it's because we invested in it and we're getting it tattooed on our bodies selling out but that's different though selling out is when you it's when you get paid to promote something if you have a stakes that's true is that still selling out it's technically partially our company now it's technically i was going to say selling in because we bought in yeah yeah we actually hang out we paid to promote the company which yeah exactly the opposite of selling out that's yeah buying in we paid to be like we're part of this too we basically join a fret uh investing is the financial version of a frat that's that's all you can join many frats yeah yeah you can that's the best part that's why that's why you know college grads love investing because they can be in like 10 frats at once and that's not something they could do in college exactly so you know so we're part of this frat now it's called lolly and yeah it's kind of weird to see a big ass article like that we're officially we're officially no longer relatable you know i wouldn't say so sorry don't talk to me about that [ __ ] i'm an investor so oh yeah whatever problems you you're having because it's not the same problem i have investor problems yeah right yeah somebody's doing crazy things i got a board meeting i'm a [ __ ] investor all right once you become an investor you literally can't relate to anyone literally all of your problems except for other investors yeah i mean that of course but like yeah it's like once you invest in one it's like oh no i'm in bed i gotta invest in 90 other companies dude this is so i like that idea of an investor's breakfast we should have those just you and me talking about our investments and laughing maniacally at mcdonald's what an investment that was that's that's where we're going to be at the mcdonald's eating our amazon amazon english mcmuffin missing hair and then our caretaker is going to be like oh man okay guys it's time to go it's time to go back remember la la lee wait a minute where's my apple pies [Laughter] there's no apple pie it's gonna spike your blood sugar remember cody wally hasn't existed for 40 years one of the best investments i made personally and when we talk about lolly when we're on like that senior citizen bus that goes to the senior home you ever seen one of those and then they drop off nine of them at a [ __ ] at a michael's arts and crafts store or a brunch like a cracker barrel or something like that yeah speaking of cracker barrel i'm gonna um i think i'm gonna hit one on thursday i found one it's pretty far away but let me get after it what yeah cause um i did that video where the dude said you know i ate cracker barrel and i [ __ ] my brains out so i'm going to start my diarrhea tier list and i'm just going to go it's going to be ongoing series where i just eat it places and see where they fall um where where is the cracker barrel it's up like by santa barbara or something so it's going to be a track oh [ __ ] that's a drive yeah but you know the yada lag makes it easy yeah yeah you can drive in style and luxury i'm gonna suit the yadalaq and put on my suit and my body ride around in a big body whip and a big body whip whip big body whip eating chicken and fries or as the english would say chips and chicken [Laughter] chips and chicken chips and chicken oh my god bit of a cheeky nando brand yay cheeky nando's yeah you know where i'm just you know where i'm driving up to tonight where leemore california because tomorrow i'll be surfing kelly slater's wave pool i've never been more excited in my entire life we're going for the whole day and i just like it's it's an absolute dream come true like i congratulate like i'm i'm gonna you know after this i think i'm done you know oh yeah yeah i mean i don't have to do anything else i don't even surf and i saw that um i saw the video of that when that when he finished it i said damn i i even i want to surf that that's so dope i'm so excited it's my name though it's massive like isn't it like like a mile wide yeah it's like eight football fields long or something it's wild but it's apparently it's way harder than it looks like when you paddle in you gotta paddle like to the opposite direction you normally would and most people miss the first wave which is like devastating because you only get so many shots at it if you miss the wave you're just sitting there in the water like with your dick in your hand like what the [ __ ] am i doing here and there's like pros there that help you and watch you [ __ ] up yeah and they help they also help you get barreled and [ __ ] so i'm really hoping i could tuck into a little pipe you know yeah it hit it a little bit yeah hopefully i could get up into kelly slater's place to get you know piped pitted you know yeah hoping i can get piped at kelly's ranch oh yo speaking of kelly slater do we have that killing slater loser i can get a little bit of kelly's tube you know i'm hoping i can experience kelly's tube hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank today's sponsor liquid death you may start noticing that there are these strange tall boys of beer in the bottled water section of your local stores where well guess what it's not beer you idiot it's actually mountain spring water right from the alps and it's called liquid death why is it called that noel well cody that's because it will brutally murder your thirst all right and they're infinitely recyclable tall boy cans are helping to bring death to plastic bottles they also donate 10 of the profits from every can sold to help kill plastic pollution and did you know plastic isn't actually recyclable anymore and that most plastic you throw into a recycling bin just gets sent to a landfill because it's not profitable to recycle aluminum is infinitely recyclable and actually profitable for recycling facilities and can i just say how weirdly refreshing it is to drink water out of a can i know that sounds kind of stupid but it really does make a difference [Music] i'm telling you this [ __ ] my thirst is getting demolished right now brutally murdered this is the most metal water you can possibly buy like yeah i feel like a rock star when i drink this well right now you can get two free koozies with your first order of any case of water at liquid death.com tmg that's two free koozies with your first order just go to liquiddeath.com tmg the lewis hamilton ship yeah yeah yeah yeah let's see that do we have that uh here we go beachgrit i'll link this the title of this article is extremely important race car driver lewis hamilton proffers most high praise to world's greatest surfer he probably doesn't know this but kelly slater changed my life for the oh it was lewis praising kelly got it but this was wait but what it why how did kelly slater change his life um [Music] oh this is like just straight from lewis's instagram it's just the caption on the picture he posted but wait didn't the person you saw say that lewis didn't even surf he just went there and took some pictures no he was in the water but he was like in the channel so not actually where the waves were breaking got it that's what he said but i don't know he might have like went out earlier or something like that and was done with the session but i mean he's that pipeline and like the waves i don't think the waves were small so i can't imagine that he was actually out in the lineup i don't know okay [ __ ] gnarly last lewis hamilton thing i'll say just because it's hilarious he posted a clip of him playing acoustic guitar and someone messaged me that and said release the troglodytes and i thought god damn it wait he plays guitar too yeah come on you don't remember we played that song he's he's like a covert artist on a christina aguilera song like you're right right right he's he's gone on live like rapping and [ __ ] it's he does it all man he's just trying to do all the coolest [ __ ] on earth yeah like he's trying to collect all the sexiest [ __ ] i mean that dude cannot stop so he can just be the cornucopia of sex appeal you know just oozing like yeah yeah i can play guitar i can surf i'll drive the fastest cars on earth i'm hot as [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah dude it's i just think it's crazy to like you know be like an eight eight time or eleven time world champion whatever the [ __ ] it is now and still get up in the morning and go i wanna get i wanna [ __ ] today i'm gonna learn how to play guitar yeah he wakes up and he's like i don't [ __ ] enough i mean i [ __ ] a lot but it's not yet enough it's not enough i'm not done i'm not done like that guy looks at his dms and he's like only 500. i better uh what could i do what could i do how can i learn today guitar guitar guitar guitar your body's a wonderland oh my god the way your voice doesn't have the accent 1000 yeah there we go that's what i like to see that's funny what can i learn how to do today i'm gonna learn how to play soccer [Laughter] i debated getting a soccer mullet speaking of it's got nothing to do with anything a mullet yeah if i just like just kept growing the top and the back and just kept shaving the sides yeah you should do it nah i want to do that like just when i cut my hair just go crazy for a week yeah like diet completely like i told you just bleach it and then get a mullet and just look like tiger king for a week yeah you should i want to do that bleach your eyebrows too just do the holy ape [ __ ] yeah just do the whole nine yeah i might do it get um get some ink box tattoos and they say don't put them on your face but you should just disobey them why can't you put them on your face i don't know i guess the skin on your face is pretty sensitive so how long do those things last pretty long time my mine was on my calves for a couple weeks oh that's cool yeah kind of maybe i want to get it yet are you going to get yatted in the yadillac i've been thinking about getting at it full it up i love those tick tocks of people that are like don't uh don't date a don't date a tattooed guy yeah i turn around like let me show you what you're missing but people do it seriously and they have like one arm tat yeah also i don't know it's just funny i kind of i also kind of love about that sound like the the tattoo superiority some people have you know like they'll cut off like some bozo 18 year old with one arm tattoo and they look like a [ __ ] like they just took a bath in ink and they're like oh really yeah okay it's like oh no you're tatted you're tatted dude you think you're tatted look like they [ __ ] ate a vat of ballpoint pen ink and like oh you're tatted i mean dude if i was that tatted it would piss me off so much to see people like on instagram just get like one hand tattoo and they're like wow blasted he's sitting there with you're sitting there with like gooch tattoos you're like you've gotten needles in the most painful places on your body possible and this [ __ ] random person's like got a new hand got blasted on my hand last night and no other tattoos anywhere it's like you just really you started on your hand absolutely inked i don't know why they have to be girls because i mean yeah it's usually the girls that get the the dainty hand tattoos you know what i'm saying or like you know like a dude with like a dagger on his forearm and he's never fought blasted blasted full [ __ ] got this new or i love the um yeah got this new chess piece it's like a little am like a family stone chest piece [Laughter] yeah i got a chest piece family crest right here chest pace that's cool what is it oh it's my initials just right above my nipple by the way i know i don't have any room to to make fun of shitty tattoos all right i have plenty myself but i like them shitty um yeah i actually was like the other day i was like i think i might just get my birth year tattooed on my heart i don't have any other ideas like that's i just don't have any ideas so i want to keep getting tattoos so i'm like i might just get 1990. i might just [ __ ] do it i'm just gonna get the worst [ __ ] i'm gonna get like um like other other people on my body just like random ass people oh so not like notable celebs nah yeah i'll just get like a stock photo and be like yo can you tattoo them they're like who is this i don't know oh my god that'd be so funny just shut up [ __ ] suburban family is there a photo of them mural on my back yeah can you do this is that your family no yeah i mean it's it's a family but it's not mine can you also put like a rest in peace under it oh my god are they not they're probably alive but did your whole family die no i mean nah but we're going to pretend that they did so his family will this family will one day though they'll be dead one day everyone in this picture will die so so that's it's a pre-emptive rip yeah just put pre-rip just put pre-rip you put like some wings and like gates around them pearly gate thanks man oh my god bringing like an image of a stock photo some dude on a computer in an office to a tattoo artist and i want this can i get this on my abs can i get this as a chest piece let me get this as an abs piece [Laughter] can you do this on my pelvis and i'd like it if you could line up one of the eyes with my belly button to do it on the computer on your [ __ ] lower body just [Laughter] um guys we want to take another quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's expressvpn when you use the bathroom you always close the door behind you right you don't 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actually watch formula one at least for me yeah yeah you just know everything and it's like make it interesting to people like me who don't watch it yeah it's just you know like to if you never watch the formula one season if you don't follow like everything seems really intense you're like oh [ __ ] dude that's [ __ ] but i don't know what it was weird it was weird i just i couldn't do it i only tried to watch it because yeah i watched that did you watch it yeah i didn't finish it but i watched most of it last night watched the whole goddamn thing i mean it was good it was definitely a good story i whenever i see those reenactment scenes i'm i want to do one of those okay you want to do it right now no like for a documentary like i want to be cast as one of the reenactees yeah yeah no i i kind of felt the same way but they were really good they were good good yeah like the guy what was his name nick what was the singer rick singer the guy who played rick singer killed it like i thought that could have been an hbo show or something yeah the the he had he had great um all of them they they really nailed that awkward pausing on the phone yeah and i i kind of liked that sorry go ahead were you about to do it yeah just the whole like they'd be like what do you mean like they had those good little like in between like yeah it's cause i think they did those conversations verbatim yeah yeah because you can tell they're not scripted dialogue they didn't flow they were really awkward which is like what normal phone calls are like people say weird [ __ ] yeah so the guy was like not that like they kept going on about how like good of a salesman he was and how you know he was a smooth talker and he knew how to like uh you know harp on people's weaknesses in the middle of a conversation and then it cuts to the conversation and he's like yeah i'm in london cool cold there yeah i'm in london why'd you say that twice you know like just weird [ __ ] yeah i mean i can't you know these one-way roads it's so weird like it's just a little bit off everything he said was like just weird you know clearly was not tv dialogue also the guy playing him had way more charisma than the actual him the actual him that guy's eyeballs were stone like there was nothing just he just looked so empty-headed yeah and and that like little pitch video for his website so funny i take my students and i that i'm like how did anyone give this guy money yeah i know he's like we're we are a multinational corporation specializing in making sure your child fully sees their potential and then like they're talking talking to the woman that he dated and she was like yeah he was like so charming and i went on his website after and i was like you watched that [ __ ] video and didn't immediately ghost that guy yeah that part was crazy [ __ ] out oh like older people have a different definition of charisma i think that's what it is yeah he's just a guy that speaks his mind you know like yeah that old school confidence where you don't blink and you don't emote i mean that's probably what it is i think like the probably all these rich dudes who are so used to people being scared of them because they're they got money right yes on the phone and he's like listen it's 75k if you want your kid to ace the sats at 75k yeah he was pretty uh you know i don't know he was pretty like determinant no that's not a word at all i don't know no yeah no he was he was pretty direct he was like he spoke definitively like it was just like these are the terms [ __ ] he's like listen you can use the front door your kid's not [ __ ] smart enough to get in just telling you that straight up right now your kid's an idiot he's not getting into harvard okay he's a dunce okay he's getting c's and d's okay you can't go in the back door because that's not a guarantee so we got to go in my side door my side door let's go on my side cool 500k i also feel that the rich guys in a way you know he he might have hit on a subtle you know they they don't usually get strong-armed they might have liked it you know someone telling them how it is it seemed like they did that's what i'm saying it's him listen here i'll respond to that this is the price they go oh i like this guy no one's talked to me like that that's what high level business is it's just like who can bend over the other one yeah you know yeah yeah these guys are like multi-multi-millionaires and they're like it kind of feels good to be the beta yeah for once you know that's what they look for in business after a while once they've made their millions they don't really care about the money they're looking for that that good ben bend over experience they want to be bent over they've been doing the bending at a point yeah yeah yeah that's that's that's all it takes to reach that point as investors as investors will probably reach that point yeah where we get sick of all the good investments we're doing you know good investment you know bud i'll tell you we used to do the bending now we want to get bent you know you got to give him you got to give that guy some credit rick singer or whatever oh ballsy as [ __ ] ballsy as [ __ ] to take on you know the the entire college admissions process and the way that [ __ ] has been working forever and to find those little loopholes and to pay the people off on the inside and to slowly build his network like obviously it's immensely shitty but at the same time it's like this dude dude got balls that's a crazy thing that he was actually able to successfully do yeah i think the greatest crime in all this is these schools just get to like rub their hands and be like oh no we didn't nah we didn't do that because like the greatest crime is that the schools aren't like aren't you know uh tried for the same thing it's like they do the same [ __ ] they just big people write these checks to donate these buildings and then they get a second look at their kid and it's like but why isn't that just the same thing yeah you know all they do is they just can the the people who are associated and then if names weren't named then uh or if there's no proof and they say nah man get [ __ ] outta here like that that dude who didn't do [ __ ] he didn't do [ __ ] that that that sailing sailing guy yeah the fact that he's a he's a felon he eat bro a felony did he get convicted he plea he had to plead guilty what so he didn't serve time so he pleads guilty and he pays a 10k fine he is confined to his home for like six months or something he's got a two-year probation and his lawyer's like you know i've talked to him and you know he's back in school and he's he's better than he was he's better than he was he's at home with his kids i'm thinking how is that not soul crushing i mean it is the way that guy talks oh my god he's like a puppy he's like and i uh i i fortunately i um you know i unfortunately had the worst phone call of my life and uh now i'm a convicted felon like no he's like no you know he's not that guy's nowhere yeah he's nowhere close to a felon man i think that's the shittiest part that the schools get to just go nah nah we didn't do it yeah no that wasn't yeah and then the whole the way that they used the olivia jade footage was just so like dude that like clip of her saying how much she hates school so right after the it's like oh man i know that was all over twitter before but for them to take that and like and clearly add that narrative in where they're like trying to paint her like an awful person yeah well the other part that obviously you know i wouldn't understand um but i think either of us would easily forget is like acceptance rate that part completely escaped me the first time the story came out or whatever um and like when the girl said oh yeah when i saw her and her sister got accepted i thought damn that's crazy and it kind of clicked it clicked with me like oh [ __ ] yeah you don't really see that like it is pretty rare that like siblings would land at the same school like sort of no i mean not if you're like legacy didn't her mom go to usc or her dad or something i don't know no neither of them went to college yeah yeah so that's what that's what the big deal was yeah so then it's rare yes oh but if you if your parents went then well i mean if your parents went it probably means they've been donating for a long time which means uh i got a shot of going and so that's why you see like a lot of siblings go to the same college if they if the parents went to the good cause schools are just a [ __ ] pyramid scheme man this [ __ ] is crazy at least like the ivy leagues and stuff i mean it's you know what's crazy is that like i was listening to this podcast and the guy the host is like one of the smartest people i've ever listened to like the guy's like a legitimate genius and he went to ucla or he applied to ucla i think when he was like college aged and the acceptance rate at that point was like 60 or 56 or something like that dang he didn't get in this guy's like super [ __ ] smart he didn't get in now ucla acceptance rate i think is six percent it's like impossible to go to college to one of those colleges that was like one of the main points that they uh wanted to do wait 16 hold on 16 percent no no the total acceptance rate across u.s campuses oh yeah wait wait 16 that's where it is sorry 16 that's insane it's pretty insane i mean it's hard as [ __ ] to go to a good school you know mm-hmm well at least one of them especially it's like impossible the big ten or whatever yeah that was one of the main points though that a guy makes at the end of the documentary where he says the quality of the education isn't any different there's plenty of schools in america that offer you the same education it's just this [ __ ] like system that they create and one guy says the thing that's [ __ ] up about all this is that these schools are gonna claim prestige because you know oh look at this look at all these celebrities that are in businessmen that were willing to go to prison just to get investors yeah and investors oh oh oh i see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean it's the that's what matters with college most the most the biggest thing that matters is the credential right now i mean you can access every harvard class online for free and it's been like that for like 10 years now every single one for free you can have a harvard education for free on your own time but it doesn't matter no one's yeah no one's gonna look at that on a resume and be like oh what the [ __ ] it's like the just the name that [ __ ] matters and it's messed up yeah it's just messed up dude and frankly it's my stop yeah i had like my last semester of college i had this realization that i was like dude i've just been paying to go to a glorified community college i've been robbed i was so pissed yeah i was so pissed dude i went to csun oh yeah yeah what was that i walked around the campus it was beautiful actually i loved it it was a you know it looked like a cool like the you know the pool is like all sunken and you know what i'm talking about like a student area or something like that where there was a pool but there's a walkway it's like above it you no you do know go to campus very often i mean campus for me it's like i just went to like the business area of the campus like the investor side the investors side basically yeah nah it's a weird school bro just cause it's like it's a commuter school like not many people live near campus or like or they do but um living on campus is like you you probably moved from somewhere like yeah but uh that's not that's not a great way of illustrating what i'm trying to say what i mean is i don't think many people move to csun so it's like it's kind of limited so to live there like it you have to be a sort of a specific person um whereas i feel like other larger colleges you know people move there like from all over yeah but yeah that's why like the parking structures are [ __ ] insane and like the parking is they're huge yeah that's that's what kelsey said she's like parking was a hot commodity it's like it was crucial in your experience or like it basically like defined your day you couldn't find parking uh the time you got there [ __ ] your whole [ __ ] up yeah it was like dude how many times i had to park literally two blocks from campus and walk that [ __ ] in some days like i'd i'd go and if i did like laps and i couldn't get a spot i'm like not going to class just not doing it later you didn't have like a cool little ripstick or anything you could just nah there was one dude on campus who had that and lydia everybody everybody was like yeah look at all [ __ ] high school boy over here but everybody wanted it yeah everybody wanted it yeah because you know yeah the campus is [ __ ] huge it was nice though really nice i thought it was a good that little like area in front of the library or whatever yeah the quad yeah something quad el quad i liked it that's a nice spot yeah they use that [ __ ] in star trek i forget which one but that was cool wow that's doubt yeah yeah so um yeah guys you don't have to you don't have to go to ivy league i think that's the point of this whole conversation yeah and i think that there i think that i see it starting right now there's like a um a lot of like innovation in the college space i think a lot of people are trying to um innovate in in terms of like exactly what i was saying where it's like college the only reason people go or the only reason two goes for the network and for the credential and i think that that being the case i don't think that you'll have to actually go to a big name school to get those two things in the future no i think there's gonna be a lot of ways that you can you know earn or i guess like people like shorthand like people like to look at a resume and be like oh you studied with this person or you did this thing or you did you did this thing in a couple words yeah this like uh that now validates you yeah and i think there's gonna be other ways to do that in the future like yeah very close very soon future you know yeah like go let go live on the um jesus christ go live in the investor tick tock house yeah exactly yeah exactly the launch house the launch house yeah is that what it was called yeah um i lived at the launch house for three years oh my god wow how did you score that tell us more you know that application is is long to get into the launch house what are your socials like you're hired for building nuclear missiles crazy hey guys we want to take a quick break to thank another sponsor of today's episode and that's skin here's a fun fact did you know that your skin is the largest organ of the human body did you also know that skin is the number one non-latex condom brand in the effing world see skin creates products for those who know what they want and who are not afraid to to demand it those who 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up devin and i and they said do you wanna do you wanna talk to the founder and i was like i looked at the website and i was like oh this looks super legit it's a cool idea [ __ ] literally made fun of it a week ago oh my god yeah take a lap dude go ahead and do a laugh around your office go ahead and do a lab i don't know who i am anymore am i laughing business man do a laugh in 10 birth or am i a podcast man dual lap in 10 burpees for that transgression right there ah [ __ ] i'm an idiot wow i'm like launch houses sounds familiar is what it is yeah yeah because their website's legit i want to apply to like google and all my credentials just be like six-year member of soho house two-year member of launch house [Laughter] it's exclusively like social yeah we're talking about credentials that's the credential that matters yeah soho house baby yeah paying two thousand dollars a year to go drink at a bar to pay for drinks to pay for drinks yeah you pay a fee to pay for drinks and then um pay your friend and and you also pay to be like yo dude you want to go to the soho house six weeks from now yeah got his table for three um for 45 minutes yeah yeah it's gonna be sick exclusive he's like can i bring my friend no sorry only allowed one guest yeah all right we're gonna eat beside you know jeff goldblum probably so that might be cool and then you go eat there and then it's actually weirdly a quiet day and you're like that sucks i guess uh i guess fridays aren't hitting like that weird yeah yeah and you just like yeah but at least you'll have some cool story when you leave like yo dude we saw lance bass do you remember joey fatone from nsync yeah his his sister was there isn't that crazy yeah exactly that's sick i always wonder you know is it worth the membership price but then you hear stories like that and it's like definitely this yeah because like if joey fatone's sister's here dude she looked exactly like him like sir it was like joey vadone with long hair crazy so sick literally like they're related it's [ __ ] up man do you remember taylor lautner yeah yeah his his trainer goes to soho house no [ __ ] i swear to god it's [ __ ] up man [ __ ] sick that's what hollywood's about it's [ __ ] sack it's [ __ ] sick [ __ ] drink a jalapeno margarita sick right beside taylor lautner's trainer sick so [ __ ] sick do you remember um bro you remember when we used to watch will ferrell there was a guy that looked just like him at the soho house it wasn't him though no way it wasn't him no that's sick though i found out because i ran up to him like yeah step brother and they're like sir sir covet i was like oh my bad my bad just i know did we just become best friends and they had to tell me they're like no full this is not will ferrell and [ __ ] and i was like [ __ ] whatever could have been hey you're live on the podcast what's up who is this oh shoot sorry i forgot you guys are building no worries you want to say anything to the people no not right now okay okay bye pissed right now i gave her a chance to say something to you guys and she said no no we're gonna bully her for doing that she should be our first guest oh when we when we what we make when we get back in the studio yeah when we get back in the studio that should be our first guest our our agent you know what i actually i we would like to know what kind of guests people would want to see yeah i know people kind of like sometimes we have guests they're like ah ruins the vibe a little bit but i think i think the way we want to do it is like do some time by ourselves and then have a guest on yeah and uh i'm actually really curious to know what who people would think would be a good guess for us to interview let's just find someone from a stock photo and make them our guest and then surprise him at the end by getting his face tattooed yeah yo man we're so thankful you came on the show check this out and we want to actually show you our brand new chess piece this is how thankful we are oh no why [Laughter] because we're so stoked you came on man as soon as we found out we you agreed to it we went got blasted [Laughter] just got blasted it's a little name on the side of the finger what's crazy is holding up a hand blasted and saying just got blasted it's like you just fingered yourself like yeah that's true just got blasted yo two fingers nice no fool she got a tattoo oh speaking of speaking of blasted should we talk about panuma once again four episodes in a row we might as well make it a trend at this point every week we we hit on the new developments um i mean [ __ ] i feel like we could say that for the bone because we got a video of the guy yeah yeah we play a whole video of the guy on the bone okay yeah they were they did an interview with a guy who got panuma yeah and it's like a postmortem interview with him so yeah we got to talk to him about it yo speaking of blasting off so i used this bad boy yesterday my vr headset if you're just listening and i played a little bit of phasmophobia so it's a horror game it's been out for a minute tons of streamers have played it so i'm you know i'm definitely late to the meme but yeah i was just gonna try it out on stream and so siva and i we we play a quick round first of all horror games in vr so [ __ ] it's it's like it's not fair no cause it's not like a haunted house where you're you're kind of like oh it's for fun and you know it's like oh look at the makeup and ah you got me you know cause the way phasmophobia is you're ghost hunting so you start in a truck and you have to like load up a bunch of gear and then you have to go into the house and the the player movement is so unfucking believably slow that you're like if this was me in real life i could take off running but knowing that you're just pinned to this [ __ ] like movement speed where it's just like [Laughter] and that's not fair yeah and that's how you're like when the ghost sees you you have to run away because it will kill you um and the the game is super interesting because you have to call out to the ghost so you learn the ghost's name and then it's the code is written so that it's like picking up all the players being like you know when we played it was like sarah thompson or some [ __ ] so you have to like go around with this like little ghost reader you have to be like sarah thompson are you there and then like it will actually say that into the mic yeah you have to like speak and it will wait is it multiplayer yeah someone else playing the ghost no it's like written into the game so it's like you and your friends are just basically going ghost hunting whoa that's sick it is actually and it's creepy as [ __ ] because like you know the one i did we go into this log cabin and all the lights are off and the ghost will do [ __ ] like kill all the lights so you might like get up to the third story and you've turned on all the lights like and then all the lights shut off and you're like well it's not fun and yeah and so um you know i'm starting to get that like this sensation i started like feel sick from vr which is like super common and it was the worst being scared and wanting to vomit it was just like so brutal but basically we get down to the living room with a cabin and it's so weird to talk about this because you know telling it back it's it feels like i did it you know what i mean like oh we went to this house and like whatever and so see i'm playing with seva and the one creepy thing i hate about like game models like in vr is like it's not perfect so the whole time steve is character like it doesn't blink and like the hands are all [ __ ] up and i was like dude we have to go over here to find the ghost i'm like i already don't look at me when you do that it's [ __ ] me and then so he puts the reader down on this little table you know his eyes are open he's like sarah thompson are you there sarah thompson and right behind him this like the lights flicker and then she shows up ah and it just her that's that's got the shivers damn her back and her head are facing me and she's literally doing this [Laughter] like crazy fast and i instinctively dude i'm standing in the middle of the room and i instinctively just go like this i just go that's it like are you good just one scream and see if it starts busting out i think he see he was dying laughing he's like yo take a picture take a picture because i got a camera from er so then that's when the awkward part is i'm like in vr trying to get this stupid [ __ ] camera and i'm like i'm recording you i'm recording you oh you just carrying it up on her um yeah and then we go back in the truck and see he was like [ __ ] you got the wrong camera that's have fun when i you'll be having fun when i show this video to the cops later get out of this house enough say it you can say to the camera i'm recording you i'm recording you this is going right onto facebook [Laughter] so yeah it was uh and then and then i took the headset off and i legitimately wanted to just puke everywhere but i'm kind of stoked because basically i think everyone i've talked to says like yo you just use you got to use games like that for like a week and then you're good and i'm actually hyped to play it because it was i don't know it was kind of dope to just in three o'clock in the afternoon to [ __ ] my pants with fear it's kind of sexy i kind of what was it called phasmophobia get it we should all play yeah i'm yeah i'm down and it's on the valve yeah it's on the index okay so i guess you can play it on anything right it doesn't matter but did did that make it feel cooler like oh the motion detectors and everything were so like was reading your body and stuff and does that [ __ ] work yeah and and uh siva was saying like when you die you can you're like basically like another ghost in the house like you can help people or you can scare them siva said he found two shoes in the um in the house and he like went up to the other players and started walking them on the ground like towards people and they're like what the [ __ ] dude that's [ __ ] awesome so wait you're playing online with other people yeah you can yeah you just join a lobby and just like go sick yeah and like there's other [ __ ] where you um like the ghosts will chase you more if you're screaming so like if they hear your voice they come after you so like the people that like see the ghosts go and like run away and like scream their ass off that's who it goes after oh man this is like making me feel bad i'm really getting like the shivers dude it's a creepy ass game and yeah and like so that's the other thing is you have to hide and you you're supposed to like not talk so you have to like go into things and it could just be in there just going crazy dude when it came i was like the light goes on it it goes bruh bruh bruh rocky slush dude when she popped up in the living room i'm like what's my primary kenny what's my primary yeah yeah i so badly wanted to blast this [ __ ] blasted all right we want to quickly interrupt this week's episode once again to say thanks to the sponsor better help is there something interfering with your happiness or is preventing you from achieving your goals better help will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist yeah you can start communicating in under 48 hours it's not a crisis line it's not for self-help it is a professional counseling done securely online there's a broad range of expertise available which may not be locally available in many areas the service is available for clients worldwide you can log on to your account anytime and send a message to your counselor you'll get timely and thoughtful responses plus you can schedule weekly video or phone sessions so you won't ever have to sit in an uncomfortable waiting room as with traditional therapy better help is committed to facilitating great therapeutic matches so they make it easy and free to 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] is going pull that flyer up on the screen though [Laughter] let me out let me out let me out [Laughter] there it is right there all right okay there it is boxers pick some youtubers versed verse tick talkers this is like so this is real this is actually happening yeah yep um huh which is it's kind of crazy you know actually no it's not no it's not all they're doing is just profiting off of what you know like i feel like groups of dudes just do this [ __ ] you know you've watched your fight what do you mean like your friends have like fought or at least you know my friends were like i'll box you right now or whatever it's all just sort of for fun right so they're just profiting from that but the the i think the crazy part is they're just gonna make a [ __ ] ton of money and most of them aren't great or like really good fighters at all do you think they're gonna make a [ __ ] ton of money though like i think that they they probably think that they're gonna break some pay-per-view records with this card because i think they think more people care about this than they actually do you know what i'm saying like i'm and i'm basically saying it's not gonna be i'm not saying it's not gonna be interesting like i'm probably gonna watch it i'm saying i don't think a lot of these people's fans want to see them fight i don't know i think they do like at least like faze jarvis like that's all like teenage [ __ ] gamer boys yeah um yeah that's true i'm gonna you know i'm gonna uh who else um who do who do we think uh taylor holder is gonna fight so taylor holder is probably gonna fight ryan's toys i think he's gonna beat the dog [ __ ] out of ryan's toys [Laughter] straight up seven-year-old just walk up to him like you chose the wrong one buddy everyone's like that's a little messed up that they that they put ryan's toys on the card right he's like eight years old isn't he oh yeah yeah apparently he really wanted the smoke yeah and he's going to get [ __ ] clapped i'm betting against that dude [Laughter] oh my man gotta know my man got a fragile chin [Laughter] i think the funny part is i think it takes just so much training because you know i like what little i know of boxing when my coach just turns it up even a little bit it's so disorienting like she's like slip you know cut you know block whatever this might be the pace and then she might just pick it up a little bit i'm like oh [ __ ] and you get caught right i think what's so funny is it doesn't it doesn't matter like this car just doesn't matter if borderline they should just not train i feel that's what i'm saying it's more of like a street fight i think they should just get four ounce mma gloves and just do this [ __ ] in someone's backyard yeah yeah make this like a full-on backyard brawl that would be sick i would watch the [ __ ] out of it yeah exactly but what i don't like is the over production like they're probably gonna do it in some [ __ ] stadium and have a uh performance and you know yeah 14. it's not a real fight this is a backyard brawl that's what it should be [ __ ] 14-ounce gloves covering their entire face the whole time getting tired after 60 seconds it's a robbery they should just scrap it out for real like do you think they're all training for this they are i took i took a i took a breeze through a couple people's videos um you know some of them don't turn their punches over when they train which i think is really interesting because their trainers encourage that behavior like some i've seen some people straight punching like like sock'em robot it's like dog that's not gonna work yeah yep oh great job buddy great job yeah and deji vs vinnie hacker that's a weird one yeah i don't i don't know how that's gonna work who do you think danny duncan's fighting which tick tocker uh would suck if they just picked like a huge weight difference yeah people just um i don't know who else could taylor hold her fight um let's see who could he fight um shane dawson oh ho ho ho ho people would yo what if this whole time shane was just getting fit as [ __ ] yeah and training every day training for this yes ripping ripping mitts insane speed then i would definitely watch this that would be wild what if it's someone like what if it's someone like mark robert or mark yeah yeah the nicest guy ever or like or vsauce vsauce here like oh taylor what nah don't do that don't do that don't do that oh you can't punch vsauce you just you just knocked out vsauce man [ __ ] is your problem and why you gotta knock out v socks or [ __ ] oh my god taylor hi this is mark wiens yeah yeah i'm here to eat some delicious punches oh dude that'd be horrible eat here to eat a delicious knuckle sandwich from taylor here dude you're just punching the [ __ ] out of mark wiens and he's just got crazy crazy technique he's like i eat those [Laughter] oh wow buffer before the show everyone's like what is he the host [Laughter] just punching the [ __ ] out of mark wiens he's like delicious soft mark wiens is just no hands up just completely avoiding every single punches dodging every punch it just puts them behind gonna have to do more than that taylor ooh delicious soft pillow punches it's amazing that he serves them up just so cleanly just enough for me to get around [Laughter] now he continues to serve that soft pillow punch but i won't bite i won't bite and then he's just looking at these decadent cheesy punches from taylor [Laughter] not a single one is landing what if someone show like what if it's like taylor holder versus the fine bros like they just step in it's like a tag team match it's like two versus one yeah that'd be wild [Laughter] um or what if it was bell delphine just a [ __ ] straight up hate crime what do you mean just beats on a woman like just i'm saying if she agreed to it oh man yeah i mean you never know oh bro well how sick would it be he feels like amanda nunez just like yeah a straight up [ __ ] pro killer taylor's like [ __ ] wait what dana white's on the other side like yeah we booked amanda to come through and [ __ ] murder you [Laughter] he's like what nah dude no phone ah i heard um sorry go ahead i just wish these guys would like box people that actually box it's the it's the corniest [ __ ] like they you know well that's what the paws are doing yeah yeah sorta which side are you on youtubers vs ticktackers i also love i love that that you know that's someone someone at some promotional company being like what if we did youtubers versus tick-tockers then everyone could pick their favorite platform and that's the side that they root for it's like oh the most added touch [ __ ] battle of the platforms that couldn't be more tech entrepreneur it's so true battle of the platforms first of all no one calls it that no one says platforms platforms the average person does not go tick-tock is a great platform yeah no people but people will want to side with whatever platform they prefer whatever platform they're spending the most time on [Laughter] we'll do uh we could do yeah we could do snapchat versus tinder how about that linkedin versus indeed [Laughter] yeah yeah so yeah there it is we're gonna watch this for sure yeah whole bunch of free promotion but that's whatever dude i mean people are gonna upload clips that's gonna be the best part is it's not like these fights are gonna be long technical interesting fights you know the best that can happen is one of them stays composed and gets a few good shots in yeah and i love how exaggerated things are in a context like this like if someone just does decent everyone's like yo he's got hands yeah yeah yeah yeah so we're gonna see some people do really poorly probably like we're gonna definitely see some sort of knockout um somebody's gonna catch somebody with something unless there's something like some egregious failure like you know nate robinson running into a fist i don't think so man yeah that's my big prediction i don't think anyone's gonna get knocked out because knockout comes either from like power or like technique and i just don't think like training for three months six months is enough to really like you know be composed you know no matter how much sparring you're doing like that [ __ ] is i don't know we'll see i could be wrong could be totally wrong each one of these guys could [ __ ] put the other one on the mat we'll find out i'm curious to see who how danny does because danny used to didn't used to be a personal trainer or like a pt or something like that yeah yeah so he's going to drive in drive in the stadium on a [ __ ] like four by four yeah yeah he goes into the ring he's just gonna launch the middle of the ring he's gonna launch a mini dirt bike at his opponent and kill him pre-fight this is how bad is like the graphic design on this dog come on you know what the [ __ ] this looks like man what i mean this could be a hub thumbnail yeah yeah this looks like an ad on the hub yeah like this doesn't even look like they're fighting each other youtubers versus tick tockers who's the better kisser they're all wet look at austin they they photoshopped water droplets on their sprayed his ass down yeah with the virtual water man all right we got to get we got to get ready for the live episode oh do we all right yeah yeah this week we're doing it live actually we're gonna watch pneuma interview we're gonna watch addison ray's new song maybe we're gonna talk about cacti we're gonna watch conor murphy drink semen it's gonna be a crazy one you can join us next time we do it at patreon.comtinymeatgang yeah we'll see and uh yeah we'll see you guys thank you for joining us for this episode try lolly try liquid death all right okay and bye
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 330,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lolli, Operation, Varsity, Blues, College, Admissions, Scandal, Cracker Barrel, Olivia, Jade, SOHO, House, Launch, Google, Penuma, Horror, Wocky, TikToker, YouTuber, TikTokers, YouTubers, Cacti, Fight
Id: 4iXuEpTKFzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 50sec (4130 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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