Episode 163 - Buying a TikTok House w/ Carrington Rodriguez

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β€œWhen ur 6ft u don’t need to know what Reddit is” πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Of all the people from this season that I thought would be talking to relevant LA ppl, Carrington was not at the top of my list, lol. But a collab with TMG does kind of make sense for him.

Out of everyone in the villa Carrington is probably the poster-boy "douchebag", but he's also the most self-aware.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YouThought234 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He talks about this subreddit at the 9 minute mark. I was laughing at how he didn't know what reddit was til after the show lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/renxgade πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

not me watching a 50 minute Carrington interview and actually enjoying it lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/darosiest πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved this ep! Always loved how Carrington kept it real on the show and it’s great to see him on the pod with Cody and Noel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MishL-xo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really enjoyed watching this. New found appreciation for Carrington. I like that he isn’t about the influencing life. He seems lowkey

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I FEEL LIKE MY WORLDS HAVE COLLIDED,,, i love cody and noel theyre so funny and i liked carrington in the show too tbh so this is great

edit: spelling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aloof-anon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s funny how carrington is not even mentioned in the title or the description 🀣

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/roon0136 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Carrington getting that bag okayyyyy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PracticalResult9073 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up guys welcome to the tmg podcast this is actually today's episode today's free episode but if you want uh the bonus episode that went up today as well you can find that on our patreon that's patreon.com tinymeatgang and uh that the free episode will be ad free as well on there so uh and if not thanks and enjoy this one peace peace uh welcome everybody to the free episode today hello how are we this is actually today's episode this is actually today's episode i think we should start with a little relationship advice today already yes fresh out i think we should get right into it because i think our guest today is um you know someone that we wouldn't have been introduced to if it wasn't for british people it's my weird way of relating this relationship advice nice two who we're going to have on the podcast today nice um even though it's in the title but you know even though that's in the title but i want to yeah i want to let people know like we should start from the beginning right we we we found this person because we started watching his show which was a british show first and foremost one of the things we loved most about the british love island was their banter and their slang and everything they used to say and so when i read this relationship advice i thought this is this is honestly perfect and and i think we should probably even read this one in a british accent maybe okay you ready yeah me or you or what do you want to do i mean we can whatever you want um here we are here we are man okay no this isn't reed brit not gonna lie i'm pretty [ __ ] chuffed oh no no trust me keep going not gonna lie pretty [ __ ] angry i'm basically only here for a whinge and a moan yeah there you go what's a whinge yeah this is a pirate entry if a melody soul wants to give me some advice that might be helpful though because i currently want nothing more than to punt the bastard off a cliff that's good damn i'm 27 and he's 33 together four years we have optsi hobbies and we usually like to make each other a handmade gift for christmas i usually enjoy it but honestly this last year he's constantly at my house leaving his ball here under my toilet seat when whinging about boris johnson and doing my sweden what's that what is doing my sweden yeah sweden what is that this is an this is an english ass sentence right here i saw an advert for dog's trust and about how milo the doberman is going to spend christmas alone this year and i'm jealous of the [ __ ] of the [ __ ] i'm jealous of the [ __ ] who's milo the doberman what's that we don't know i don't know anything yeah i'm so lost anyway i sew as a hobby for christmas i thought it would be nice to make my boyfriend a blazer he asked for one for his birthday but i couldn't get the fabric for his birthday this year where did they live where is it what where do they live i don't know oh yeah i've been knitting for my boyfriend for christmas but i can't get the fabrics to make his lucky sweater oh wait a minute we got we got the man here oh is he here waiting to get admitted maybe we could read this with him nah nah yeah yeah pop pop i'm in here let's do the intro and then we can we can do this oh what's up man how are you yo you're doing good your last name i had no idea how do you pronounce it it's really easy actually it's just smith okay he's like he's like good one cody that was [ __ ] stupid that was funny yeah starting off on a bad foot yeah um no it's ecologistic super easy actually nice all right what else did that looks are you back home i'm back home in salt lake yeah i got here yesterday at like 5 00 a.m we just kind of drove through the night um you drove in california yeah so i flew there i met up with some homies and we just like had a great trip hung out you said some homies like like you just didn't do a tv show with those people no so i met i met up with them too but i have other friends out there okay okay guys i just hung out with them yeah no i consider them even though we knew each other for a little while like sam like johnny's selling all them so i would just call them homies like that but yeah so i drove back because my buddies were like let's just have a good trip you know stop by the century have a good trip back so he did and it was fun yeah hell yeah bro well we tried to make this work last week sorry uh sorry the schedule got messed up man but we're glad to have you on you're all good uh it's too bad we couldn't do it in studio though would have been would have been cool i know you could have seen just how small we are [Laughter] this is how shitty our studio is google says i'm five [ __ ] seven so i'm on board with that [ __ ] wait how tall are you six foot so it says i'm five seven it might have been changed now no it's changed now six feet so when i came out people were like commenting [ __ ] like five seven i was like like i don't even look at the [ __ ] commas anymore but for a while it was just like short like short keying love i love you blah blah and i was like what the [ __ ] and then someone said google has me at 5'7 and i was like what the [ __ ] you're like i'm not [ __ ] short yeah it's like [ __ ] all my buddies are over six foot anyway so i feel like the short one but five seven just slander but i'll like come on hey what's wrong with five seven what's wrong with that dude hey wait no i'm just saying because i'm not if i was five seven i'd rock that [ __ ] too hey listen if that's you that's cool that's not me yeah that's good yeah good dude i just i just i'm not if it if i was i'd be cool with it but i'm not because that would be pathetic god thank god exactly this is weird it feels like i'm watching one of the one of the talking heads from the show yeah dude so like yeah and the be cut dude those were those were the worst so i watched the show back finally it took a while just because there's certain parts i was kind of like damn like they got me at the worst like the worst moment but the beach hug when you're sitting there talking to the camera like there was one episode i remember we got pretty much 5x the amount of liquid we normally get let's cost them more oh yeah yeah yeah i can tell some episodes you guys look bad like your eyes are like glass you're like i feel like they don't love me anymore yeah straight up like i was sitting in there and i'm just looking at myself like dude i am current and you already know they're getting like every answer out of me they want and they use that same one for like the next two episodes because it was so long yeah i was like damn got you can you even say that do we have to cut that out uh no i think we're i don't know yeah we probably didn't talk about production too much but that's what i want to know though i want to know yeah that's fine that's fine to say just not i'm sure i just can't be saying like yo someone told me this or that yeah yeah yeah yeah when you when you like go to the to the b cut room do they tell like i always wondered like when you did the challenges and you're talking about the challenges as they were happening or i guess like when you're talking about [ __ ] that happened what am i trying to say yeah no like when when okay let's say you do a challenge and then you go then you're talking about it they always have you phrase it in real time oh like you're in yeah yeah like you're in present tense but is it that you do the challenge and they get you after and they go okay how did this make you feel and then when this person did this is it just that yeah yeah no that's that's exactly how it is we come back and uh just kind of how did you feel in this moment how was this and you talked about it yeah did they ever make it like do they do you ever give an answer they say that's good say it like this though it's more of it's more of like we know we know that's good but just be more drunk when you say it yeah no it's more more direct i'd say kind of like if you're just talking around the point they'll be like you know we want you to hit that on my head like hit that a little harder and then you will but you really learn how to answer the questions without throwing people under the bus so you just talk around and you get to it but then when you re-watch it back it's kind of like snaps just put that part in there and you're like [ __ ] like yeah what's funny is i i googled carrington love island height and the third link is a reddit post carrington update so is he five seven or six feet dude i hate i found out what reddit is just just after the show [ __ ] i know you guys don't know what it is apparently but it's [ __ ] terrible it's so it's so weird the the conspiracy theories of like the show like there's there's fans of people who like make up theories like i saw one it was like caleb caleb was bi and cameron's gay and and they've been secretly talking what like where did you get that from like what the [ __ ] how did they get your sex tape bro i don't know right i hacked the love island server and i got your sex tape it's a wrap for you both hold on you you didn't know what reddit was that's the part that you just found out what reddit is and how old are you 23. dude i am doing it like i i've heard about it i just never when you're 16 you don't go on the internet like that like the internet is a utility it's just like it's the most that's the most hot person [ __ ] of all time just like i just found it i just found out people sit inside all day and post on a what do you even call this don't these talk to people in person that's hilarious they're not even like normal conversations it's just like the weirdest [ __ ] you know like the weirdest [ __ ] no offense to anyone after using reddit but damn dude i am oh my god this is the funniest thing this is probably the best segment that we could have ever asked this is the funniest thing i've heard about my entire because we constantly pretend like we don't use reddit even though we do and so to have someone on here that literally has never used it yeah it's [ __ ] amazing this is the funniest thing i've heard literally my entire life yeah i just found out what reddit is man god damn it so funny straight up you might hear some power drills for a second but uh mind it so yeah dude did you have a good time out here how was it no it was fun and i uh like utah's awesome i'm not going to [ __ ] on utah but the beach that was just amazing like we had a spot right at newport beach um once we left l.a it was just you could walk straight out to the boardwalk it's just cool man it's a different it's a different lifestyle and i just like it you go to bear flag that okay place in newport no okay sounds good though yesterday that'd be what so what's the plan for you like um you just going back to work or are you doing a bunch of entertainment [ __ ] now like no yeah how's it been like transitioning back into real life after the show it's been it's been weird for sure like i i wasn't uh expecting as much attention i guess i didn't think it'd be like that big and i still don't even think like like if there's some cloud meter like i have like this much i'm not you know i don't have a big head at all right now but it was it was cool coming out there's a lot of love i thought there'd be way more hate just because i was kind of like dating on a dating show which you should you're supposed to do but i mean i guess it's frowned upon nice and nice so i like the dig i like the difference people hate me because i was [ __ ] dating on a dating show but you're not supposed to do that you're not um but no it's been cool yeah i'm not going to influence i'm not going to do any tick tock [ __ ] like that um my man my man i i just can't like i am actually getting into acting i will do some modeling as well yeah i have a pretty cool audition around new year's for acting like a really good series so i'm really excited about that i'm just going to try to you know shoot my shot with you now that i have a little bit of a little bit of something to work with you know yeah oh yeah so did you did you get like when you left the show was it right away they like you got an agent and a manager and [ __ ] like that or no so i'm with cbs for i'm on a contract for like almost a year still so they rep you um yeah they rep all of us we have to reach out to them for like brand deals or anything like that um but yeah i will be looking once that's over to get into you know work with working with someone else uh right now it's modeling i have a couple people i'm talking to and i'm allowed to fully just send it with them but i think everything just has to go through cbs for like a little bit of time so yeah right yeah all my modeling stuff has to go through yeah same rap yeah all my modeling [ __ ] it's just yeah the brand gear totally know how to totally know how that goes getting hit here man you're [ __ ] checked dude we want you to come take a picture i'm like yeah no sweat man talk to my talk to my bicep agent i'm curious what uh with the show what was your guys's like favorite part like funniest moments feel like that well first of all coming from the english love island and that first season of the american love island was doo-doo yeah and i have to bring this up a little bit the dude is one of the dudes at cbs who was a part of the buying process to license out love island to uh cbs he caught cody and i getting breakfast one day and we we played the love island game on youtube for a little while and he goes man i think you guys helped get people to understand what love island is you know i i'm certain of it i think it's because of you guys we were able to bring love island over to the states and we were like cool involve us and they just never did which was which was whack no we were going to fly out the market they tried to make a couple things worth yeah so that was one thing they wanted to do they actually for the english like half season when they shot it in uh south africa they were gonna have us go there and film there but because of kovid they said nah or no maybe we were touring it might have been both either way so we're never really able to make anything happen so i think at least for me personally i became jaded with the show because i'm like man we putting all this love and you guys dick us around [ __ ] you guys yeah so when this season came out you know because of covet i'm like i guess we'll watch it and for for me i was blown away by how good it was and i think they painted you in such a way i think they made people hate you at the front but they knew they're like oh this guy we're gonna take him to the end and he's gonna [ __ ] so you know candidly i think you're one of the best characters on the show hey dude when you use the bathroom you always close the door behind you right yep okay but that's because you don't want random passerbys looking in on you right of course not okay big fat doo-doo yeah yeah when you're taking a big steamer no right so then let me ask you this why would you let people look in on you when you go online oh good point online peeping tom exactly using the internet without expressvpn the sponsor of this episode it's like going to the bathroom and not closing the door and showing your little peeper to everyone okay yeah do you know that uh your internet service provider like comcast or verizon knows every single website you visit that's right they keep track of that [ __ ] and what's worse is they can sell this information to ad companies and tech giants who will use your data to target you with what ads are something maybe more weird i don't know yeah but guess what expressvpn puts a stop to that okay creates a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet so that your online activity can't be seen by anyone all right so in context of the metaphor no one gets to see your little peter pecker but you yes picked a picture of a pepper picked a piping hot pepper or whatever the [ __ ] it is yeah i i mean candidly cody and i've used expressvpn all the time it was great when we were traveling overseas um just in general it's it's it's it's awesome it's one button you just go oh it's a big power button even you could do it you couldn't mess it up you just click it and then you're just safe yeah it's how we watch love island yeah really it's awesome it's the world's number one rated vpn by cnet wired the verge and countless others so if you're like me and you believe your online activity is your business and nobody's else's secure yourself by visiting expressvpn.com tmg today use my exclusive link expressvpnexpressvpn.comtmg and you can get an extra three months for free it was i saw a meme that was like i was on the love island reddit i just i just found out what it was and i went on it and there was a meme that said the villain and it was a picture of you and then it was like the real villain and it was a picture of johnny or it was like the tv villain it was like a tv villain it was you or then it was like the real villain and it was johnny yeah no that's that's [ __ ] yeah when i was in there so when new people come in they uh they kind of get a glimpse of what's going on at first to give them like a head start you know what i mean yeah um i talked to i got along with pretty much [ __ ] everybody i'd say the one person i didn't really was just caitlyn and that's just because she was there for like two days you know what i mean so yeah they would come in and they would all kind of like at first just be a little weird towards me i'm like where's this resentment coming from but because they saw should i have it you know i mean so they probably think i'm a scumbag and then we just all became way good friends so when they all left the show they'd go on podcasts and like the after the island youtube thing or whatever and uh they all just say good thing so i think that all saved my ass because if they learn and people would just be like all i see is this yeah this guy [ __ ] sucks so yeah so you do think they cut you like a little bit bad yeah i've never been one to say it like everyone else has said it for me because i'm not trying to be a [ __ ] about it but at the end of the day because you've never before this right no that's my first time yeah have you ever done anything like really on camera before no no i mean that's a hundred percent it you've never done it so you're just you're just being genuine like they ask you a question you're just shooting answers now they're like they're like who do you like the least here and you're like oh cool i'll answer that yeah perfect straight up no i i was way honest just because like there was times i talked around the point but i did not want to get caught lying on tv i was like that's like a scumbag move so i was just pretty honest about [ __ ] i just tried not to be in a situation where i had to be honest about like a certain person or just design you know i mean bro i think that highlights a weird thing about americans where i feel in america we put so much emphasis on uh other people's feelings like you should have sensitivity towards other people's feelings yeah we're talking some english people and they're saying they hated working with americans because they could go in i think i was actually talking one of elena's cousins he said he hates dealing with americans because he'll pitch something or he'll have a meeting and they're all smiles but he knows as soon as the door closes americans are like we're not [ __ ] working with that guy that guy was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and so i feel there was this expectation on you i mean i was guilty of it of being like oh carrington shouldn't be that blunt with people and he should be more sensitive to how but in the end you you you were right like you had to be that way but although yeah and here's here's another thing is that that's kind of what love island was about from the get-go at least on the british version yeah about like backstabbing and hooking up with people and that was kind of the fun of the show in the beginning right it wasn't really about like the long-term relationships that blossomed am i am i wrong i think that's right no it was more about like just people like having fun like it was more kind of like the real world i guess or something like that have you ever wasn't actually about finding love but now the american version like i feel like america is so like just bachelor in bachelorette and that's all we've known for so long that people crave like the oh they want like the uh you know like the like the marriage that comes out of this i want like yeah and so like you said it's like it's supposed to be a dating show but then all of a sudden like you made a couple people and people were like [ __ ] you this guy's a scum yeah no and straight up so when i was going on everyone always like nobody wants to be and i wouldn't even say i was in a negative way i really wouldn't like yeah i talked around but at the end of it i think i came out i was happy with how i was shown um but when i was going in of course in my mind it's like all right like you know be the sweetheart guy blah blah everyone thinks that and then you get in there and [ __ ] just changes and you're kind of like do i wanna fake things for the money or do i want to actually get to know this girl say this girl's like up my alley or she's not i'm still going to talk to her and get to know her just because who knows if we do like each other and if not i'll move on but yeah i went in there and very fast i was like i can't fake this just for the money like i'm just gonna be real and i feel like it's been a while since and maybe i'm wrong on a show like this where people haven't necessarily just played the game to get to the finals like i put myself in the position to go home many times from just being honest and that's what i think saved me so yep yep yep no i i think uh not 100 i think you played it in a lot of ways that most people would not have the comfort of doing i think most people would default to you know that's why what's her name what was she english or she was english oh lauren lauren yeah i think yeah i think whatever i mean i understood why she got annoyed when she left because she's kind of saying what you're saying and she's i don't this like none of you guys even tried you know like all of you want to be coupled in oh damn i forgot about her yeah she got so pissed that was uh she was that was so unexpected and and when i watched the back i knew i didn't even know she did the same thing in the girls room they're like helping her back her back she's like it's like so [ __ ] fake yeah you're all you're all so [ __ ] fake and i was like what i was like what she said that to your faces [Laughter] so um so you think you're gonna make the move out here or are you just gonna post in salt lake until can you guys hear that i'm sorry is that [ __ ] no no i can barely hear it all right you guys hear me with these yeah i don't have like i don't got like the big nice dildos [ __ ] mics i got these little [ __ ] out whoa so shots dude i [ __ ] i love that we're talking i've watched you guys for so [ __ ] long that when i clicked the video and saw my face i was like goddamn what did you think when noelle said you were a fish with tv bro when i well when i saw that i was just like okay we'll see where it goes and it kind of ended and i was like because some people get like 15 minute videos about them you know i mean like the dope yeah i was just thinking [ __ ] if this is 15 minutes of me i might have to unsubscribe i know it was cool the next couple epis the next like two you did it was just kind of like bringing up some funny [ __ ] i did and uh you know i thought it was funny in the end i mean i'm pretty sure you can watch like the progression by the end of it i said you know i sit on carrington but i like that guy i walked it back i did i walked it back what did we not like do you remember i didn't like um uh what's up with mckenzie what's her face my gimmick mackenzie but like yeah i mean i the fact that they're still together mackenzie and what's his face connor yeah connor dude what do you think of that was it really as toxic as it looked like i tried to i tried to have them not talk for a sec you know what i mean so oh that was one of my favorite moments of the show is when you came over and tried to save that like conversation from happening what did you say you were like i said hey can i borrow him i have to tell him something important something ridiculous because i didn't know what to say like what what am i going to be where are we going like outside off the street to caesar's like we're not going anywhere like i got nothing to [ __ ] tell him so i did that it didn't work so i went back dude that that gave me a specific memory one time of me being high as god and uh walking up to some dudes that were like parked by my like my homies car and i was just high as [ __ ] and i was like and my my boy gotta move his car and they're like the [ __ ] who are you like they wanted to fight me it was just weird like what the [ __ ] am i doing here not even the same thing but it was the look that she gave the look that she gave you after you said that and you were like or we could just do it later yeah yeah i might just okay i'll leave you guys to it that look that looks yeah it's funny so mckenzie's kind of on a similar page to me with kind of how she's seen i feel like but uh sure sure he's actually a pretty cool like pretty cool girl man and the only thing i feel like that that really made her look that way was the relationship with connor and i didn't see like i wasn't there with them dating throughout the whole [ __ ] time like i'm doing my own thing yeah i just saw bits and pieces yeah again i just kind of figured like they probably shouldn't talk especially after all the of more [ __ ] so um but they're working out now it's i think it just goes to show like dating and meeting for the first time dating ass backwards living with someone than having to be loyal three days in but also having to like do your own thing and talk to other people all that combined stress probably just doesn't make anything work inside of the you know what i mean yeah no that's that's such a fair way to put it you know yeah um i definitely think she's a different kind of person than than me but uh i think they're perfect for each other i think they're gonna well i think they're gonna go the distance honestly clearly who else would they get married to you know what i'm saying they're probably i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah i did clown connor for having a like a like a it's a weird it's a weird roast but yeah a tiny ass tongue it was a disproportionate tongue to his face oh my god he's got a pretty small head too yeah it's just like you got like a little shih tzu face like you know you go he'll see this and then be like why does he talk like this he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's not even gonna see that he's he's a nice guy though he's nice yeah i'm gonna leave him alone i'm leaving him yeah he means one yeah he is honestly like yeah he is i mean for a second he got you know and he he knows it too like for a second he he got walked on he realized it and so he kind of backed off from uh mckenzie but yeah he's honestly one of the i've never met someone so nice i was like damn bro like how are you this nice time yeah yeah i you know that that was one thing that blew my [ __ ] mind about him is i'm like this will it's like he just lived in some weird bubble where he's not interacting with the real world and he just has this genuine sort of he doesn't think anyone has ulterior motive he takes everyone he's like a puppy almost yeah but i don't hesitate to say that because i'm not trying to call him an idiot you know what i mean i just feel they're smart puppies they're not associating puppies with pissing and [ __ ] themselves so oh yeah yeah but they love unconditionally true i agree with you on that though i think he's never i don't think anything bad has ever happened i'm like good for him because he's always just been if he stays this genuine his whole life and nice like [ __ ] that's a good guy if there's a heaven he's going to it you know what i mean [Laughter] but not you you're going straight to it now i'm joking yes yes or worse yeah yeah how much were you guys drinking on the show cody wants to know so if he needs he needs to know like when he applies yeah should i bring should i bring my own little [ __ ] thing yeah you think it's a vodka yeah we drank it was pretty much every day you get two glasses of wine sometimes three so not a lot but going in from being a hotel for a [ __ ] month in a room like not drinking at all and then going straight to that it kind of hits you at first but then there are certain times i cost them more the first day we're in there uh the first day we're in there they just gave us like a ton of drinks so weird [ __ ] face so it just depended on the day i felt like who would you what do you mean like they gave you drinks so would it be like the producer just being like hair here well here's another bottle they're kind of like yeah they're like set up okay you just go outside you go outside and just come like oh whoa hey like there's drinks here they're just [ __ ] randomly getting put there and [ __ ] oh gotcha okay that's wild you know whether you're treating yourself or shopping for someone on your list finding the right holiday gift is never easy but this holiday season hawthorne is making gift giving fun and simple huh hawthorne is a premium tailored personal care brand that's about making it easy for guys to feel and smell their best that's right uh you just start by taking the quiz it's an easy quiz it's just things like what's your favorite drink how do you like to spend a night out do you smoke et cetera et cetera right and it's actually pretty fun you just answer all these questions and then all of a sudden they're like boom here's a body wash for you uh boom here's a cologne it smells [ __ ] good this is for people like you that like to go out and have a manhattan every now and then yeah it's fantastic and uh you can you can personalize gifts for people this way and you can say this is especially for you nobody else um hawthorne is fun it's convenient it's uh it's a way to get super high quality products tailored specifically for men okay hawthorne even takes the risk out of giving you excuse me hawthorne even takes the risk out of it by giving you free shipping on your order and returns and if you don't like their products they'll even re-tailor them based on your feedback get special offers for the holidays going on right now by visiting hawthorne.com that's h-a-w-t-h-o-r-n-e dot c-o to check out their special holiday offers hawthorne dot co and do you see the people that are moved like the production team like do you see them no we don't we didn't really interact with anybody like that it was just once in a while like i mean with any show you kind of like see the producers here that you know what i mean but everything i don't know production-wise we everything yeah true like i don't know how a reality tv show works like yeah no so we didn't see anybody moving [ __ ] around like that we'd always show up to the spot when it was already done funny if you guys are like um out with some chick and like some sound guys like oh [ __ ] i should get out of your guy's hair sorry with the camera [Laughter] no the kid dude the cameras are boom guy comes in and bumps your face sorry sorry sorry about that keep going you guys were you guys were sucking face sorry about that dude the camera the cameras are like that though because they're they're um you can see it on the show they're they're like in the walls and stuff right um and there's some like in a push like a little r2d2 guy would come out and just like oh that's funny so i remember the first day i went in i was nervous as [ __ ] [ __ ] man and i just i'm talking to somebody and like my game's being displayed on a national level yeah and i'm just like you see people coming up just like looking and zooming in you see the red dots on the cameras and i'm like so where are you from like how are we going oh that's right yeah dude it's it's intense that'd be so awkward you're like yeah so ah [ __ ] uh [ __ ] and then where are you where you from you're like yeah that's exactly how it is man and what what else about it that first moment when you walk out like when you're walking like was that literally the first time yeah that you see the cameras and all that [ __ ] that was that was by far the most i would say out of the whole show and not everyone got to experience that so they don't get it but that was by far the most like that was the scariest moment just going out i haven't talked to anyone for a month like i've been in quarantine and [ __ ] i go straight out they're like yo like get pumped up ready to go i'm like yeah let's do it let's do it i walk out like no like i need to get more excited i'm like all right i'll get more excited and i go out screaming like a madman which i would never do and everyone's just sitting there quiet in the pool and i'm like oh [ __ ] like i look like an idiot and i kept walking forth and just cameras and ariel's there reo and i was just like oh so they [ __ ] you in that and that i wouldn't say i got [ __ ] in that moment it's just like i got i think i when they wanted me to get excited i misunderstood and i went overboard yeah and so when i watched it back to somebody else like oh my god that would never do that [ __ ] like i'm just i'm just pretty relaxed i wouldn't i would come out there [ __ ] walking if i could you know bro i wish you went like 2x that like i wish you like walked out planted your feet and just [ __ ] yeah yeah carrington say my own name in third person yeah dude carrington has arrived everyone's like you know this guy's [ __ ] crazy they'd be like dope as [ __ ] no because then it would be ultra funny because then you just pull up to the pool and you're like hey what's up i'm carrington they're like oh what was that you're like i don't know i'm actually a pretty cool guy by the way that wasn't that wasn't me no that was that was by far the most nerve-wracking moment though [ __ ] that i still like i still think that that first the first scene of the show is like the most [ __ ] up thing ever where the dudes just come out or the girls come out or whatever and they just everyone just judges each other just purely based on yes i forget look like it was um it was it was the women choosing this time yeah yeah but sometimes vice versa right yeah and some seasons the other way around but yeah it was women this time i forget who chose you uh caitlyn chose me that's right and uh she was not into me from that second on like and and but same goes that way like i think with me and her it was pretty instant that we were just like this is not gonna work yeah i did try to make it work for a sex just because what am i girl's shoes this next week i'm [ __ ] so it's like i might as well try to make it work and she's just kind of like no not the guy will be friends thankfully we chose that week and so instead of me going home she did so yeah yeah that was tired yeah we're just boys see you on the outside [Laughter] she's like no wait it's sucking your face take me back i actually am into you i'm so into you please for seven more days yeah that part has got to be so sus when you're just trying to flirt with somebody and all that and then in the back of your mind all you can think is are you just you're just trying to stay another week what are you doing what are you doing yeah that's that i feel like throughout it you i'd have this problem at first i was thinking way too hard about love and i was like could i see myself with this person like a year like i've known him for a day and i would just kind of instantly just be like in or out yeah and then eventually i was just like i'm just gonna chill with you each day and see how it goes towards the end like be a normal [ __ ] human and stop buying into this like i'm gonna love you in three days [ __ ] because it doesn't really work you know what i mean and yeah you don't know what people's motives are though they could be so straight up and genuine [ __ ] but you could leave and watch it and they could be like [ __ ] this guy like it's scary it really is that part is is like i i'm i want to see someone on on one season try to just fully two-face it i want to see a dude who just out the gate is like i'm here to [ __ ] and i'm saying anything and everything to get to the end and see if they can get to the end because one guy did that on the bachelor or the bachelorette i think he did it twice or something he almost he almost won twice where basically he just fully looked to camera and said i i'm not gonna marry this girl because at the end of the bachelor don't they don't they get to choose right like they both have to choose either each other or the money of either you watched no no i don't know i haven't really watched them i think that's the format like once they get to the end it's kind of like love island where you have to you know do you both choose or whatever and this guy almost did it twice where in his cutaways he's fully like oh yeah i'm just here for the money and i'm going to get the money and i'm going to do anything and everything to get to the money so he was like seducing her but not actually yeah not not into her at all wow that's crazy super villain how did the fans like i would love to see that [ __ ] too but how did he not get kicked off from do the bands have no interaction with not on that not on the bachelor not oh okay it's all yeah that part is crazy no no it up i wonder if i feel like people wouldn't even hate him because it'd be kind of like i mean she has 20 30 guys to pick from i mean just don't [ __ ] pick that one you know that is kind of a crazy part about love island where like you are pressured to make it seem like you're in a healthy relationship because that's what america wants to see yeah like it's so [ __ ] clear in every single like audience votes that yeah you know and it was very it was clear to everyone that was watching the show i feel like that uh christine or justine and caleb were gonna win yeah because everyone was loved how great their relationship was which i guess is i mean maybe that's the point of the show but it's kind of not clear still what the point of love island is it's like is it supposed to be find love i guess no i agree i think that i i was just always thinking if i was a fan watching in [ __ ] dude i added some water real quick go for it i'm [ __ ] dying over here dude this dude really wore the gray sweatpants to our [ __ ] podcast i didn't even want to see that you put that [ __ ] right on camera you stood up and you [ __ ] you hiked it up and you did it again you just standing up holding your nuts ah man man i these [ __ ] meat boys i'll show you what a meat i'll show you gang no i did not even mean to do that [ __ ] bill we're going to have nate blur that out 140 144 make sure you blur that man [Laughter] just grabbing me no can't do that these pants these sweatpants are baggy as [ __ ] i just had to grab something yeah this is just as bad man i had no idea dude no but back to the live island thing i always thought as a fan watching in have you never like talked to someone for two days instagram whatever meet them and you're just not into them and you stop talking like that's a real last thing that everybody does yeah and the fact that we're doing it yeah you can't do that on there it's like you all have done the same things we're doing good or bad yeah you almost judge them so much more like and they're so so much more harder you know what i mean crazy i couldn't find the name of the the bachelor dude this was like a long time ago and any any deep devout uh you know churchgoing bachelorette fan let us know who that was um but yeah no it it it is i mean even i'm we're super guilty of this judging the [ __ ] out of reality tv um cast members i mean that's the whole point of it right that's why it sells i think because people can go oh they're a bad person i'm not a bad person yeah yeah i mean that's sort of the ammo it is anyways dude um i don't know cody we can keep rolling or whatever you want to do okay i got one more question hit it bro we do this we do on our podcast we do um relationship advice where we go through someone's um you know the troubles that they're having in their relationship and we try we try to give them advice and uh since you were on a dating show i want to know what you would do in this situation as well are we gonna read this thing from the top no not that one i have a different one oh god i gotta hit it this one's shorter this one's called my gamer wife won't pay attention to me me and my wife were recently married and i know this is a tough time for everyone and it's hard to stay busy so people resort to video games and stuff but recently my wife has been playing a lot of the old guitar hero game and she won't pay attention to anything i say when she is playing the only thing she talks about is how she's stuck on 50 of some level it's crazy train this wouldn't be a problem expect she hasn't stopped expect this wouldn't be a problem expect she hasn't stopped playing for a while now am i just panicking or is guitar hero really ruining my marriage this is this a real thing i don't know who knows this is this was posted on that website that you mentioned before oh oh yeah yeah we're just going to assume it's real let's assume it's real we assume all of these are real by default because it makes more fun what would you do so yeah your wife was too busy trying to beat crazy train on guitar hero which is a [ __ ] hard level yeah it is if she's doing that all the time yeah i'm just kidding no i uh i would here's what i would do here's what i here's what i suggest this young lad doing i would probably go get another guitar plug it in start playing with that girl and uh start playing video games work he's like oh yeah you get you get another how does it you put it in i don't know yeah yeah yeah you can do it you can co-op that thing show her you're interested in her interest she's going to buy into that you guys can have some fun you might like it as well oh my gosh at the end of the day i think i think she will uh she'll probably stop playing as much because you're kind of like jumping onto her wave too she might be like this isn't i don't have time to get away from my husband anymore so i might just stop playing you know what i mean weirdly was like super genuine advice like actually that's pretty good hey the player two to her player one yeah exactly oh my god well you just you just made uh you just made a whole bunch of people fall in love oh my god karen is nice he is nice he cares about feelings he knows how to relate to a woman i would just unplug that [ __ ] unplug it but you're never gonna beat it i just you're never gonna beat it it's crazy it's the hardest [ __ ] song i would just be toxic i'd walk up i'd unplug it and be like you ain't yeah you haven't beat it yet it's not making fun of her you still you're trash it's a new track time for a new hobby let's go you think she was trying to beat it for a while is that what you said yeah yeah pathetic yeah i was thinking she was i just pictured in my head that someone just killing that [ __ ] just like yeah just hitting the blue the horn [Applause] guys when money's tight investing in yourself may not be top of mind but mental health is a necessity not a luxury and guess what taking care of yourself doesn't have to break the bank investing in your mental health has long-term benefits and with 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these every damn day i'm wearing them right now i'm wearing what i got on oh it's like almost like an abstract sort of painting there they are right there relax there you go uh oh okay look what the [ __ ] i'm wearing yeah i gave you a little gift there what are you wearing hold on i don't even have to zoom up right now look what i'm wearing oh yeah jesus christ yeah check out this i'm wearing i'm wearing the butthole pattern oh no wait that's just your body's down too that's just my butthole this holiday season we're encouraging you to take it easy soften the stress literally no more malls and wild holiday shopping order me undies online and uh guess what they'll offer you free shipping gift your family and friends with the coziest clothes than undies for some well-deserved me time heck gift yourself with uh some of the coziest clothes and undies for some well-deserved me time they this year where the why did this say big twice this year we're staying in and we're going to be damn 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deal i'm like listen i love you this is over but yeah you know what i mean i was gonna say it's probably not the worst thing that she could be spending time you know if she's like spending a lot of time with her like yoga instructor you'd be like that's that would be good that'd be terrible yeah that's true but she's ripping guitar hero in the comfort of your own living room it's like you still trust her she's just really sick hours of yoga a day yeah i'm just really trying to get the downward dog thing right it's just so hard and emilio is so good at it amelia he's teaching me so much yeah man he's half greek so like he just has like a certain build about him that makes him you know it's just another it's a it's hard to explain very strong hands emilio but listen i got your guitar hero to play when i'm at my yoga lessons so yeah you do that you should try and beat crazy train it's really hard [Laughter] it took emilio like six months to beat it so i'm sure it'll take you three years all right anyway [Laughter] anyways mate yeah we could uh yeah thanks for being here man we appreciate it sorry for the scheduling [ __ ] but yeah thanks for being on man it was great talking to you we we [ __ ] love the show so it's nice it's really nice to hear some behind the scenes and [ __ ] like that and oh for sure and dude the whole uh like the whole cast like the inner circle [ __ ] loves you guys too like shelley johnny all them they are like big ass fans i haven't talked to kent or connor but they're not fans but the others are so uh yeah it's pretty cool you guys had me on so thank you now yeah tell them to hit us up man maybe we could get on the whole we could bring you all together oh maybe we could do a face-off with mackenzie and you guys can just watch on zoom you could all just like yeah you could be like a confronter the lives i feel like mackenzie can go in on an argument i would be i i might be like i think you're right from what i saw on the show i would be the exact same i just revert to connor mode just go there's silence oh no yeah i got those eyes that one time and i was just like that's the middle of my sleeves and get toxic yeah i roll up my sleeves and get tired like let's be petty you and me both so i'm glad we're doing this argument over zoom because i bet your breath stinks and i wouldn't be able to argue with you much longer because your breath stinks she's like look at you yeah invisalign mouth and it would just it would just derail it would be it would now do that we can pay-per-view that [Laughter] people pay-per-view everything nowadays i know right yeah well this is going to be pay-per-view man so uh we'll hit you up yeah as it should be cut you would check man um yeah bro thanks for popping on we could we do this again next time here in l.a let's actually hang um yeah um and yeah bro hit us up if you ever need anything bro down all right peace out guys please bro later i won't cross grab no more yeah uh cody are we staying on or yeah uh whoo all right dope that was great yeah that was that was fun dude that i mean we couldn't we could not have a better quote from that then i don't know i just found out what reddit i just found out and what he said what do you say he said like the things they talk about is kind of stupid the conversations they have are so it's weird perfect yeah i know we got like at least a thousand people that got high karma accounts that heard that and went ah damn it yeah and they just deleted reddit right there no no they deleted our podcast they turned off yeah yeah they're like oh they [ __ ] these guys we're out of here yeah then they go on reddit these guys have completely forgotten who they are where they came from i am a mod of the gardening subreddit hey um okay we have the thing yes we do we're filming something very very cool extremely cool in 30 minutes it's [ __ ] up the package should have just arrived mine arrived kelsey got it my i've been had it's literally right in front of me you have it wait do you have the actual the other half the edible part but if you can i bet no one knows what it is no one knows what it is i'm 55 all right i like that you're keeping track of this so yeah what what do we do because we have to do that we still have a little bit of time i just have to pee and um yeah we should get ready for that let's i wanna yeah yeah i just we should finish this relationship advice because we never finished it i just feel like people are like what the [ __ ] is it yeah what's the what's the what's the summary oh the ending here okay here i'll show you okay let's face it okay she said for last three days when sewing 80 different tiny little invisible pockets and invisible seams but okay it's actually not the end isn't that funny i just thought the british slang was was kind of funny basically he won't wear it because it has flowers on it and he thinks it's gay or something like that which is just like oh my god powers ain't gay homie come on come on here's a good one my dad male 50 is obsessed with gay men keeps bringing keeps bringing them up randomly in conversations why is this in relationship advice sorry i just thought of a stupid thing to say come on man flowers ain't gay the sweater is gay yeah the sweater itself is the gay garment no not that flowers on it to be gay anyway so um we almost feel do we gotta um do we gotta eject okay we can eject and then we can we can come back afterwards and do a little maybe we can do a little uh a little postmortem yeah okay all right all right guys we'll uh we'll be back in a minute we're gonna shoot this thing it's gonna be [ __ ] obvious what we shot oh yeah that which i think is fine maybe we can yeah we can let people guess yeah i'm i actually yeah we should do this because i need like i'm scared yeah i gotta poop actually before we do this yeah okay all right all right all right guys thank you for watching and i will know we'll we'll see you next we'll be back we'll be right back all right bye stop recording we're back all right we're back guys you all right yeah how you feeling okay yeah you're fine yeah i'm fine i'm totally fine what do you mean i'm same as when we started you sound you sound just like how you did a minute ago i'm fine how are you ah [ __ ] oh that was good okay we're back and uh here we are and actually i want to thank first of all i want to i i meant to start off the episode this way but i wanted to thank the academy for all the grammy noms that we got this year yeah i don't know if you saw but tiny meeking was nominated for uh album of the year song of the year song of the year and then we had best score of the year as well for a film because our song was in um the tax collector yep it's opened with walkman or if you remember that yeah when shia labeouf walks out yeah it's like wheaton good good i'm a fat man creeper and so i wanted to thank the academy and i know the weekend got snubbed but um i'm sorry man sorry we had to do it to you yeah it's because they gave us so many [ __ ] noms so it's crazy how we got um nominated four times for performance of the year that was pretty crazy yeah that was that was nuts i mean they really really like us at the academy you saw denzel going off on twitter denzel uh curry curry yeah what did he say i saw something about how he's like not angry anymore uh i've i'm i i thousand percent feel like feel what he's saying some capacity basically he's just [ __ ] frustrated he i feel him in that i think he's going through it i like it seems like the pandemic is really [ __ ] with his head a little bit why what was he saying he just feels um this part is is specific to him this is not the part i related to but he's you know he feels he doesn't get uh credit for the work he puts in he feels like he's he's put out a ton of solid music and and no one really acknowledges it or talks about it and he's kind of saying he plans on making music to with the intention of making hits next year and how his whole style just is kind of snubbed you know you don't know people don't really care about uh or people don't pay try don't talk as much about you know sort of conscious and focused rap music and stuff and he he he's in a better headspace i think now and and um but yeah i just i just felt for the guy because i actually you know i agree with a lot of what he was saying in that i think he is a great artist and i think he's done a lot of good stuff and i can imagine how frustrating that would be because if i had made some of the music he had made i would feel very good about myself as an artist and so yeah that's all yeah huh well uh so you said wait he said he's going to go to making hits no he just kind of crazy you know what watch like next year i'm gonna have billboard hits i'm you know i'm gonna make tracks that you know um yeah this was like from his first rant which is a bit more bitter and i think he was just angry so i think maybe he's just feeling that he has more to give and in his mind he's kind of like all right you want to see [ __ ] that's a bit more mainstream you know not as hyper creative and artistic fine i can do that too bam and and so huh maybe we'll get some of that out of denzel but it's crazy he's been reading too many negative comments dude that's what it is man he's on his own youtube videos sorting by newest on on youtube [ __ ] you no honestly because um he's [ __ ] great all the music he makes is fantastic and people love him people love him every single time a new track drops ever like people are like dude denzel never [ __ ] misses he never misses because he never does he truly doesn't bro like i don't think i've heard something by him where i go oh that wasn't as good as that like i feel every project feels dumb unique yeah focused and it has a theme and like [ __ ] zoo maybe people you know don't agree with this but that album zoo i think is just dude speed boat has 40 million plays and ricky has 70 million it's crazy that you know he ca like the proof is in what he's made and he still has that feeling i just feel i feel for him like that's got to be a [ __ ] feeling to not feel accomplished even though he's very clearly accomplished yeah yeah no i know and um this whole he's like one of the guys he's like one of those guys where no matter what song there's always something interesting or or with so much a rap all like there's so many lyrics and lines that are the same in every single song yep especially by generic rappers that you know don't really care about what they're writing but he he's always funny references there's always funny lines like it's like listening to ski masks same thing it's like you gotta you wanna listen to the song multiple times just because the flows are really interesting and because you didn't catch something that he said which is pretty rare i feel like in mainstream rap at least i wouldn't say denzel's mainstream but he is i mean he's 40 million 60 million 70 million like that's like he's he's loved by a lot of people bro he's got six million monthly listeners off of you know his his his approach to making music is like a thousand percent creative oriented it's it's not you know i'm gonna do a little creativity and then i'll do something that a lot of other a lot the majority of people understand to try to get them into this other [ __ ] he's super unapologetic about what he does yeah his music videos are [ __ ] dope like it's just crazy that you know but but maybe this is maybe this is the thing is that we're saying all this and it's it's nice to hear that but maybe you know the industry doesn't give him looks which i can see him being frustrated with yeah that would make sense if this was more of an industry complaint but denzel if you ever hear this you're the man bro yeah that's all big fans here yeah major um justin bieber posted something did you see this yeah moving on to what a transition justin speaking of people were fans of i just thought this was kind of funny maybe it's not funny maybe it maybe he's got a point here but i think that it's worth bringing up he posted this on instagram he said to the grammys i am flattered to be acknowledged and appreciated for my artistry i'm very meticulous and intentional about my music with that being said i set out to make an r b album changes was and is an rmb album it is not being acknowledged as an rmb album which is very strange to me i grew up admiring r b music and wish to make a project that would embody that sound for this not to be put in that into that category feels weird considering from the chords to the melodies to the vocal style all the way down to the hip hop drums that were chosen chosen it is undeniably unmistakably an r b album shut up man [Laughter] you're fine but also fine did you listen to it no it wasn't to me maybe i just don't know r b music i haven't listened to a lot of it growing up but to me it wasn't r b at all all right let me let me what like what's like uh the drums especially like it felt super poppy and light all right what's the album called changes changes all right all right what's uh what's a song i could oh yeah i listened to forever i i mean listen i mean the one with the one with um with quavo is on that album intentions how can you not say that's how can you say that's not pop i could see this being art now if ty dolla sign was on this you would have a different feel no dude with those with those 808s the the like the jumpy like boom yeah yeah bouncing right it's like they made the bounce it's not made to like get into it like r b supposed to be slower and like yeah maybe i'm again maybe i'm completely [ __ ] wrong but like all the r b listen i don't know i think i think you're kind of building off of like um old like sort of 90s era r b it it can skirt on those higher tempos easy and um yeah uh there are plenty of plenty of artists that are in the r b category that can't kind of do similar stuff like this but yeah i yeah i still agree with you though that this song skews a bit more pop definitely but yump dude yummy that's not r b though yeah yeah yeah it's only a commercial dog come on i don't know i liked i like the album i'm just saying i didn't think i didn't think it was r b but um why does he even care nominated for a [ __ ] grammy has over 700 million play like dude they you won them already yeah why do people even give a [ __ ] about that stupid ass award man yeah i yeah i don't i don't really know either they there's there's so much prestige for some reason behind the grammys it still carries so much weight to say you're grammy nominated but it's like every year they [ __ ] up so bad dog they chose macklemore over kendrick and and and kanye and that's just one example i know and [ __ ] magna carta was in the was in the lineup i think that year as well like off that one example alone yeah how could you even give a [ __ ] how did the weekend not get one nomination that's not one this wild people were talking about his [ __ ] non-stop his um his most recent music video what's the title of the track i forget it um i don't know songs by names it's like it was uh released close to halloween too late yeah okay too late that that only has 10 million views everyone is smoking dust how is not everyone that's one of the greatest music videos i've seen ever yeah dude that was that's what i'm talking about maybe he needs to be nominated for an mtv music video award or whatever because his music videos this year have been top [ __ ] notch on real bro yes so great yeah um [ __ ] up this video only has 10 million views yeah um no no nothing i was just gonna look wait which one uh it's too uh too late too late is the name of that [Music] yeah you're right oh that's only from a month ago though i would have expected this video i don't know how this wasn't on like every director outlet yeah until i bleed only has 11 million that's pretty crazy maybe people don't think it's as creative as i did but this video makes you feel like oh that's [ __ ] well [ __ ] up it's good dude like blinding lights has 347 million plays on just the audio version on youtube how did that not get anonymous nomination show is stupid but that's so crazy i'm happy freddie gibbs got a nomination yeah if he'll win you know that's another story but i'm very deliberate for anyone yeah he's definitely deserving um okay well one more thing i want to talk about before we stop oh uh the tick tock mansion's going public did you see this no let me see this oh my god i hate going to new york times then you have to subscribe and you can't read the [ __ ] article but it pops it up like after a second so you think you're about to read it and then it's like please pay you're like [ __ ] um okay basically one of the companies that is like one of the investors behind many of the tick tock houses uh needs cash and they're doing that by being taken public by another company or something like that so it's like a speculative deal or something like that but so does it trade as like a like a so what what are you investing in the company or yes okay so it's just the house is a publicly traded company you say the house is traded the house is whoever owns all the whoever owns all these houses basically the one company that's the main investor behind all of the tick tock houses i see i didn't realize it was it was that narrow it's just one person i mean there's one behind like four or five of them or something like that interesting goddammit can i just read this [ __ ] article yeah i'm looking through it oh there we go okay there we go bruh in the first six months of the year what west of hudson i think is a company had a revenue of nearly 96 million but a loss of 983 000 that's what i'm saying and that was wait which one was that man come on i think that's which one was that the clubhouse uh i guess if i read the article yeah it's this is it's also for most kids who invest in the stock market there's interest in new kinds of social media trends so here it is here it is so this company west of hudson was acquired by a chinese healthcare company which is falling like healthcare group what it's an entity in las vegas that was incorporated by a chinese hospital on 06 and has n has had no assets as of the end of 2019. the deal was a reverse takeover in which a private company west of hudson is acquired by an already public okay so they're just using that as the vehicle to be publicly traded um and and secure investment i'm sure they if they're losing a million bucks per house or whatever it was like they need cash yeah no i think that revenue and loss is for all everything was it yeah oh yeah west of hudson had revenue of nearly 96 thousand dollars but a loss of 983 thousand dollars that there there it is right there the proof is is right there those are all bro they make no money like we've i we constantly talk about like the economics behind the wave house and all these houses and how much money you could possibly make from it with that with like with the [ __ ] rent payment and everything that you're having to make yeah and giving the kids their cut of whatever deals you're making yeah and there it is they lost a million bucks and they made a hundred thousand bucks in one year lit i don't want to get too fixated on the money part more than how how does no one think it's weird that there's like these grown-ass men running around being like all right we're going to buy a house put a bunch of teenagers in there we're going to make money off the teenagers that's literally the entertainment industry dude i mean that is the entertainment industry but at least i feel with i don't know acting or stand-up or whatever it feels like there's a bit of structure in place like not just you know hey your kids want to live in uh maybe maybe i'm wrong no no i'm wrong no i'm wrong look at [ __ ] every nickelodeon star look at every they start even younger yeah yeah you're right look at how [ __ ] up britney spears is yeah but they're on like tv shows like like a disney a child actor like they go into like traditional entertainment i guess this part is weird to me because it's just a dude who says hey i'm gonna get your brand deals and then a 16 year old just says yeah and then their parents say that sounds good yeah you know what i mean it's it's not it's not as though the owner of the house is offering them some legacy hey i'm gonna put you on a disney show yeah yeah and it's also it is less structured i don't know it's like even if you're like taking advantage like if you're you know if you're like an agent or whatever you're like a you know whatever uh exec somewhere and you're like i'm putting this kid in this disney show but he's gonna get paid this many millions of dollars because disney's a giant network or in this case it's like we're going to take a chance and see if your kid can make money somehow on tick tock i don't know how it's going to happen but tick tock doesn't pay you or i mean it does but not a lot and we're just going to we're just going to try pictures trust that brands are going to hit them hit us up bro what my scene look at your face what what is it what is it what is it this looks like somebody's house that we've been to that i don't want to specifically say who because we signed an nda uh which one i just which wait which house the one yeah it's not there it's not it's not his house anymore oh it's not okay no that's dan bilzerian's house and it's not his house anymore but what it's the wish it's the wish house he moved out he moved into another place weird okay what the [ __ ] is wish it's that um weird facebook marketplace where you can buy you know three dollar cars and [ __ ] so they have dan bilzerian's house now i guess they have his old house dude that house is messed up big what do you mean is he huge that malice is [ __ ] in this is a huge house right how do you pay for that yeah he moved out in uh in january actually no july he moved out pretty recently that dude is living off whatever money trying to pay for that thing and they're they're trying to pay rent on that [ __ ] with teenagers well no isn't wish like a giant company yeah yeah yeah yeah so i guess yeah they own it i'm just saying bro and i don't want to beat a dead horse i just think there's something so odd with this whole thing like it's it's not even mad con mad con was just capitalizing on sort of the boy band uh dynamic you know but it's like you know teenagers observing teen you know that [ __ ] still weird yeah but it you could understand how it works i don't understand how putting seven teenagers in a [ __ ] 80 000 square foot home yeah and you're like this is a business i know they're pro they're probably going to make money i don't know how it's going to happen yet but don't make money and they're going out for brand deals and they say all right if we just do a hundred of these a day we can pay for that yeah exactly this is crazy man so all right so they're going to be publicly traded brushed i say let's buy some stock no we should just to be funny what's the symbol that's a great question well it's a chinese stock exchange so we'd have to trade on some i don't even know how we could do that no don't think that's on robinhood hold on let's see is now listed on the so-called pink uh oh wait wait which appli okay wait wait hold on what it all adds up to is that the combined media company which has been up which has applied to be renamed clubhouse media group is now listed on the so-called pink sheets market market support for tiny public and often speculative companies trade on friday tangji stock closed at two dollars and thirty cents wow this is really interesting how do we how do we trade that i think we kind of have to be careful about how we talk about this because it's like if we're like sitting here like telling people oh we're gonna buy this and then some other people do it as a meme like can we get nailed for i don't think so dude this is what this is all dave portnoy does now he sits on a live stream and just talks about what stocks he's buying got it got it what's the symbol they don't even put the symbol in the um let's see yeah this is the end of the episode so we're kind of like just cruising at this point was tongji on there no it's not no not a ramada oh it's a pink sheet so it doesn't uh yeah otc pka so over-the-counter pink sheet so it's up 60 cents oh we have to like call a broker to buy it probably maybe yeah i don't know how the [ __ ] that [ __ ] works man no you could probably some service will allow you to trade oh my god this is such a pump this is such a pump dude why such a pump dude a pumper dump yeah on wednesday it was a buck 73 and now it's four dollars and 20 cents oh wow article one of this article come out founders cash now november 20th dog this [ __ ] get out of here dude see this might be illegal i don't know what i don't know say calling something a pump and dump or maybe not i don't know you can [ __ ] say that who knows man i just know the sec is about to be knocking on our door all right what are you saying about tangie media group all investment related commentary is purely opinion and you should not trade on this advice we are not uh licensed stock brokers in any way there we go boom pump dude how do we buy the pump we're too late no i want to lose money on this that would be funny oh okay all right well buy now i want to lose money so that they don't lose money on this so that they can upgrade their mansion you know yeah short this [ __ ] all right hold on um okay um sorry sorry sorry sorry shout out my contractor my boy is here sat on my contractor him and the gang just been you know patching holes moving sockets you know shout out my boy moving sockets that's dope yeah it's like i feel like [ __ ] i mean the biggest thing he did was you know he had one major thing that we did but the rest of the [ __ ] we just been like and he's such a cool dude but we just been bugging him like hey man can you can you move this socket we don't have a socket behind our side table and he's like yeah sure i can come over and do that like great oh really so that's what he's really doing yeah and then you know hit him a few days later like hey man we kind of mounted the tv too low he's like all right yeah i'll come over i'll help you out man that's so great having a handyman i mean dude him and his two homies um uh shout out to construction guys jose and benny they're [ __ ] i love them dude i want to chill with them you should you are aren't you aren't they and you're about to go too in your place right now yeah i'm about to go too i'm gonna make yeah that's your segue out of the podcast yeah so i i gotta go post with jose and benny so man i wish i could hang with them oh wait i can they're here right now i gotta go [ __ ] work on the water heater guys invest in invest in tongji guys invest no shut the [ __ ] up that's how we get in troubles dude oh yeah right don't invest in con nevermind nevermind nevermind do whatever you want do whatever the [ __ ] you want i don't even know how to buy that stock so i'm not going to buy ranch futures yeah all right [Laughter] see you guys next love you guys bye
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 431,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love Island, Carrington, Rodriguez, height, Short, King, BTS, Reddit
Id: tr4YpTGE5k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 38sec (4958 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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