Enshrouded: Building a Small & Cozy Hobbit House!

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[Music] all right welcome everyone to in shrouded this is episode 5 of the unshrouded demo and the demo is out until October 22 for any of you who would like to play the game for yourselves so we'll wrap up the demo time with some streams and I'd like to check out the building uh since the last couple streams have been a lot of the ad adventure and game mechanics and everything so today I'm going to attempt to build a super cozy Hobbit house um cuz that's something I cannot do in valheim or other games so kind of looking forward to seeing what we can do in terms of building in caves and doing a lot of terraforming along with building and all that good stuff so welcome to anyone who's joining live if you're watching the replay welcome welcome so we'll just start a new world here that way I have the maximum amount of time to work on this if we want to spread it out across a couple streams so we'll see how it goes but I'm thinking I'm kind of debating where I'd want to put it I think up in here is a little bit too steep I'd love to have more of like a Rolling Hills feel to everything so I think what I'm going to do is let's Glide down down here this is obviously where it wants us to build our first house what I think I'm going to do is pick somewhere where the hills are a little more just comfortable a little more meadowy here's pretty flat I could try to dig into one of these rocks one of these big rocks kind of overlooking the Shroud down there which could be a pretty cool uh a pretty cool spot but it also feels oh my gosh that wolf I didn't know there was a wolf right below me all right yep let's get you buddy there we go so yeah we could kind of do it up in there or I could try to do it uh I think I'm going to walk over to here and let's see if uh yeah I'm thinking more this would be the vibe for some Hobbit houses like into this hill right here this is a little bit more a little more gradual and could be a really really great spot actually we've kind of got the little Camp here it's kind of overlooking the Shroud a little bit but just a little lower and yeah I think this is actually a really fine location let me go across to this side and check out the hills over here this is actually kind of a nice spot as well looks like I'm going to have to clear out some of the some of the enemies there we go so I just got to figure out what the grid of the land is so let me craft a flame alter cuz I'll obviously need that I will also need a workbench but we'll deal with that in a moment here let's switch there okay so that is the grid over here so maybe maybe I do the hobba house in this little area here it's by the bridge and this little Hill right here could actually be kind of nice for it so let me put a let's see let's put a flame alter down like right here for now that should save at least most of the progress and yeah I'd hope anyway and then we can kind of dig it into this hill it's already pretty pretty well blocked out for us and let's just let's just start start digging see what we can do so I think what I'm going to do is start digging downward we'll start creating the the little out outside area of The Hobbit house here also gather some dirt from that just to be able to do some of the terraforming but this is is going to be pretty nice spot I think let's see something something something like that maybe we could take the rake and kind of start flattening the area out just a little bit but this will kind of give us a nice little cozy front area to the house let's uh let's try to see what the rake can do it looks like the left Mouse button is to smooth the terrain and then the right Mouse button is to flatten it so let's try to to let's try to flatten the terrain and see what we can do here that's actually working really really well so it looks like we just kind of have to hold it on the sections we want it to do things to oh check that out that's almost like valheim I mean that that's pretty that's pretty easy and straightforward there it definitely gets a little bit finicky at times well look at that look at how flat this is right now and it's got a nice like little Stone texture there from the stone pathway here so that could be kind of a fun little entry to The Hobbit house as well I know we can manually create that but nonetheless it's pretty cool what's up John how's it going welcome to the stream yeah I think I'm going to I'm going to kind of start with this and I'll start leveling it out this way and just kind of pull it out a little bit this is looking good it's looking good nice little entry for our Hobbit house here I just want it to be flat couple little rocks there nice little Hill yeah I like this I like this a lot so let me pop down a workbench unless I already have one in my inventory but I don't think so yeah I will need a workbench let's grab that throw that down just so I can make blocks and whatever else I need to do and start building I know I need the flame alter to start building here but that should that should work all right so let me grab the let's see this is probably about high enough I don't need it to be crazy tall or large on the inside I think that's probably probably what would be good I can make the floor pretty even with this little front area that I've created so let me just start digging I guess we'll just go slow kind of one one pickaxe at a time and just sort of create a nice sort of curve shape in the side of this hill here I think a hobbit house is going to be an interesting build to try in this game kind of excited to see see how good we can get it this is already like that's already off to a great start I think so yeah we'll use the pickaxe for the majority of it or kind of the you know for the bigger stuff and then we'll resort to using the hammer to take out the little chunks of terrain and kind of start getting really fine tuned on certain things oh this is going to be a great little spot I think actually definitely not a bad location so yeah little things like this we can kind of go into the tab and start removing like little points and things that are just to kind of start evening out the evening out the whole thing here there we go this is looking pretty nice he kind of highight in things that are a little bit hard to uh to do here let's see there's the one we wanted perfect and probably this one as well maybe that one and let's see actually that's not bad maybe that one there yeah this is looking good I dug a little too deep here so let's fill in that just by one honestly that looks pretty good maybe that one there and then let's grab our rake and hold right click to flatten check that out this is actually working really really well I wasn't expecting it to uh to be quite as smooth as that to be honest but I think this is going to this is going to create for a really nice cozy little area we could even dig a second one into this hill right here or just have a really cozy little outdoor space here which I think could be kind of fun actually like this location I think it's going to be I think this location is going to be really great for it um yeah then we've got the little path here we can head in that direction we can go across the bridge head into the Shroud it's a nice little starter spot for a hoba house so let me try yeah I think we'll do some more work with the pickaxe here cuz we're going to want an interior so I can't can't be afraid to just go for it here we also get a lot of stone by doing so there it is that was a good hit it's kind of kind of just tricky and interesting just aiming the pickaxe in certain areas but I think I'm getting the hang of it here I think this is working out really well to hollow out a nice little area it definitely uses stamina no doubt about that there it is just going to dig down a little make sure I'm not getting too narrow in it perfect maybe one right in there we'll go back to the rake and start flattening some more again oops I think I flattened a little too high there there we go that's more like it so the rake definitely flattens but it doesn't uh you know it it gives kind of a natural look still to the Earth it doesn't entirely just make like a super smooth area kind of like the ho wood and valheim per se so yeah that's interesting but I think this is wor I think this is working out so let's take the hammer and start going at it with the maybe 2x two let's try this if I oops didn't want to do that I wanted to break terrain maybe I have ah I have to just do it with the single right now but yeah I think this is working out actually pretty well we can kind of make a sharper Edge to it there nice perfect I think this will be great how big should we go probably probably fairly large I'm thinking like a nice comfortable size we can go back pretty far in this hill cuz I think it I think it just gently kind of slopes up I kind of like the block by block method I like the pickaxe at first yeah this hill gently slopes up so we're good to go but yeah to kind of refine things more I really like the really like the block by block method here I just think it's going to be a little easier yeah this is getting really really nice Definitely kind of what we want with the the whole cave feel back here and then I'm noticing also that what the blue like so there's the highlighted box but then whatever the blue is focused on that's what's going to get cut so like if we focus the blue on the back wall there that's going to go back or if we focus the blue kind of like on the side or other things so that's how we can kind of get really refined at where we're taking material away uh which is actually pretty intuitive so like yeah we've got like this little piece kind of sticking out here so I'll just take it out like that take that back take that to the side take that down I think it's working out and we're definitely losing daylight fast as usual in this game so maybe we will try to craft some light pieces if I can get a torch or something black metal pickaxe perhaps what's up Charles yeah I know um black metal pickaxe would do like way too much right now I've got the iron IR one there is no Blackman on this game obviously but um but yeah the iron one it's like doing uh I just like the block by block method to kind of just get really refined actually this is working out pretty well right now isn't it I can always hit Y to undo things what am I thinking I yeah this game is so much more like friendly and easy that I keep thinking I keep thinking it's like valheim to like if I dig the wrong thing it just adds instances and leg and everything but this game's different it doesn't do that so yeah we can we can just keep using the pickaxe and taking some good chunks off I'll just go slow in case I mess up on something I like this size though at least for one of the houses I'm I will go a little bit higher I think um let's see maybe at least even add just like a bit of more of a rim along the top of dirt I will need some more light though for for that um let's see could probably grab a campfire or something but let's see what could we what could we make that could light the area a little bit even a little fireplace could work but see illumination I could do the Firefly lamp skull candle what do I do just a standing torch all we need is torn cloth for those which uh should be real quick to get actually the flame supplies some nice light as well but just not inside well it actually does do a fairly good job of supplying light inside huh that's not bad actually so yeah I think I can I can see good enough to at least do this so let me let go to tab we've got the dirt out right now which will allow for the grassy top so let's kind of start making a bit more of like a rim here along the top just block by block to kind of pull this Hillside out a little bit so it can dig a little higher there we go this is looking nice also kind of just changes things around makes the look a little nicer yeah creates a little bit of unevenness in the earth up there makes it look a lot more natural that'll be nice yeah here we go that's what I'm wanting see I kind of want one like maybe there yeah there we go bringing some grassy tops to the to the edges there this looks nice yeah that looks cool it kind of gives this natural like cutaway Edge to the to the outside of the house here then we can kind of raise the ceiling a little bit more see I want to get rid of this little Spike that comes down right let's see where was it right oh there maybe that was too much no that was good and there's just this one little thing sticking out there oh there it is okay yeah voxos are kind of tough to like get all fine and easy and everything you kind of have to work for it uh in terms of getting them all all to do what you want them to do but I think this is working out okay we'll just kind of rough roughly do it and then some of the house could be like raw stone for the actually I didn't like what I did there the house kind of be Raw Stone and some of it could be more uh there we go more sophisticated I guess yeah I'll just widen out the entry a little more here something like that we'll bring this wall back a little more slow and steady wins the race it's obviously easy just take the pickaxe and Jab a big hole in here um but I feel like at this point you know the front is is definitely looking pretty good it's just a nice it's just a nice gradual sort of C shape I guess which I like about it so maybe we bring this back a little more bring the ground back more this this also get me better at uh terraforming in the game cuz I've always wanted to uh yeah just do a little more with that let's see let's grab our rake again and hold this to flatten the area there it is perfect and bring it back into the cave a little bit maybe yeah that'll work nice all right now I think I'll do a couple more of the pickaxe we'll take out from some of the sides here so we end up with a little more space to the inside of this thing May raise the ceilings a little bit now that we're getting back into the hill a little more it probably could be a bit rougher with the with the rough like outline here of the cave but we'll try to get it nice in case I want any sections of it to kind of be exposed without the house necessarily being on the inside all right stamina's definitely draining quick by doing the pickaxe here I also don't have the best foods so we should end up getting there we're getting there though a nice little nice little cozy spot here I like that I do want to bring out the terrain here on the front so let's try to um let's try to bring some more on here we've got more dirt whoops I didn't want to take away I wanted to add some dirt to it there it is okay this is looking better right in there right in there there we go give the front entry a little bit more meat with the ground and then obviously we'll trim it out really nice with the stone and everything else as well once we start getting there but this looks pretty nice this looks this looks very nice so I think let's see here we do now I think just yeah a little bit more pickaxing I don't want to like underdo it on the inside here cuz we got to be able to actually set up a house of some sorts in here there we go and it's daytime so I'll be able to see a little easier it is nice actually that flame alter outputs the amount of light it does just because then we can use it for um you know to place like close to where we're building and then at night it'll be able to light the way make things a little easier all right let's take away from the floor in these spots let's take away in these spots right there yep that looks good there a little [Music] down yeah perfect I think that'll that'll look good how are we looking from the outside outside's outside's really nice um yeah let's let's give a little more work on the entrance here now and then we can yeah we can really start getting getting picky on how this how this is so I think I'll just keep kind of adding adding to the front here with more uh with more ground material cuz then we can yeah there we go start just adding like a rim up here along the top so we can dig back a little farther and a little higher to be able to make our nice hobbit door our way up here there we go be nice maybe come out here a little just to make the terrain have a little bit of uh yeah a little bit of variation in it that looks that looks pretty nice up here is yeah this is looking good I kind of like that little Bush on the top of it to be honest I know it'll go away if I uh if I pick it but yeah I kind of I don't know I might try to keep it there let's add a little more Earth over here a little more something up in here yeah this is looking good yeah right there then we can take away some of the sky here this is looking nice oops Yeah right in here that front piece and that front piece may have been easier to use the pickaxe for this but I guess we'll see yeah that looks nice let's take away a little bit of the the roof line there oops not that piece I want yeah that little Point okay so the lighter blue it is looks like that takes away like you know closer to us and then the darker blue is like the block behind it or something or when it like gets a little faded like that so I think yeah that that's a little helpful to know there okay this seems like it's going to be pretty good maybe I'll grab the pickaxe again now and grab some away from this Edge over here we can start going a little higher with the roof in here as well yeah here we go this will be nice there goes my stamina again take the rake and try to get this a little smoother again nice perfect and eventually we'll put a stone floor over the uh over the top of it so we don't have to like we're not going to have this being exposed on the the inside I mean it could be kind of cool it's actually is turning out to be pretty nice there but now I want to debate what I want for the front of it I am thinking Stone but I am also debating using let's see so I have the stone all right rough Stone block I also have um the Shroud wood that I'm thinking could be really nice for more for like the surround around the door or something like that um another thing I wanted to gather is some let me let me go to crafting and let's make another flame alter let's go over here and I want to get some of the the like rough cut stone blocks that's what this looks like so like yeah like that could be kind of neat to do the outside of that's what this Village is made out of so all we have to do is like literally place our um see bring our flame alter in inventory there pop it down and then see tab to enter building mode let's just go by like a 2 by two and you can see we can get rough cut stone uh from this and I think that could be really cool to use maybe it's just got a really neat texture at least maybe for the interior actually of The Hobbit house the floor as well like this this could make a really beautiful floor there uh kind of with the way it tiles together like that could be really really really nice um but I don't know what do you guys think maybe the wall wall or the floor I'm thinking the exterior wall should probably be Stone that' probably just look the nicest but we're just mowing this down this is crazy it'll all regenerate too which is like amazing all right it's got to catch up all right how many do we have now we got 540 you know what that'll be enough for the time being we know where to get more of it if I need more yeah so let's use the stone for the very outside of The Hobbit house here um so okay so that's a rough cut stone I think I'm we're just going to grab the normal Stone here it it'll make for a really nice looking a nice looking entrance so let's start by yeah right right about there is where I'd want to put it so let's see here yeah this will be nice this will look really nice let's see can I kind of fit in there yep there we go awesome get it across there yeah it just looks very natural right there which I really like I like the look of that for our front wall here um so I think we'll just I think we'll just go with that and go and fade that into the outside [Music] here yeah that'll look awesome oh my gosh I can't believe just how well the textures kind of meshed together in this game this is going to be cozy it is going to be tiny but that's okay that's okay we could even do like a bigger one over here experiment with like more terraforming and whatnot but but I kind of like the look of this you know I don't I don't have the all the time in the world definitely when Early Access comes out we'll be doing some some bigger Hobbit houses and more of them that's for sure I think this game it'll just be so much fun to do uh Hobbit houses in particular see right there perfect that should be good um actually let's try to get a little farther back in there there it is all right yeah there we go so this will be yeah those will essentially be the walls I think that one should probably stop right there let's see how do we want to do this that's actually not bad now I just need to figure out the spacing for a doorway but I think I want to do the doorway out of the the Shroud wood I think that would just look really really cool like a doorway and a little window in the side of it we we'll try to kind of just mimic the the normal Hobbit house from like Lord of the Rings or whatever um so yeah if I grab let's see what does it cost to build I'd love to do like one of the one of the doors with the iron in it what do I need just some wood logs yeah well I think we'll do this one and that should kind of match the Shroud wood really nicely to do like a nice little nice little door they don't have or I haven't unlocked a round door yet I should say we'll see maybe they have one um or they'll have one in Early Access or something who knows yeah let's grab some wood logs let's try to let's make the door at least and we can kind of go from there I do think the benefit of building in the little starter base location is that you're up by the trees so you can get lots of wood from that we could have built like The Hobbit house right in here I mean who knows come early access I'll start getting a little more creative and and finding some more uh some nicer locations uh to build in but for now this will work it'll just go to show how quickly you can kind of find a location and try to make make it work here all right so we do have have to figure out what I can empty out of my inventory I have I probably don't need all the all the arrows that I have let's uh grab some of those I could have actually kept picking these up I will take the resin cuz that's what I need to make the Torches and everything so we will uh we'll go ahead with that yeah let's just grab a bunch of the wood here there we go that would gave us a lot [Music] all right I don't know yeah I'll have to recheck how many but I'll need a bunch of wood logs I turned them all into blocks which I have way more than enough of to do building probably for the rest of the demo I have a stupid amount of wood blocks and stone blocks for that matter here all right so let's go check out the recipes again oh that looks so cozy doesn't it do a whole Hobbit Village like that imagine like little houses like that cascading throughout a hillside that's like this is like super small this one will be small we'll we'll try to do yeah we'll figure it out might try to do a bigger one but we'll see uh we'll at least start with this one for the first the first house all right no slot available in the backpack of course of course oh we have a lot of resin actually I don't need that much exactly um okay let's make one of those doors here and put it in let's see what are we looking for exactly maybe kind of off the side like that H cuz then I also kind of wanted to fit a little wind window in it um if I put like I'm just going to put the door there for now I'll obviously pick it up later but let's bring a window into my inventory how big is the window relatively speaking compared to the door um oh wait this could actually be perfect little door and a little window this will be super cute it's going to be cozy um but we're going to make this work so what I'm going to do is go and grab I'm going to go ahead and start building with some of the Shroud wood and we're going to kind of indent along the stone we'll see how this looks it might end up not looking so good but we'll see so we've got our shroud wood blocks and I'm going to start building with them um so this wall will be like two things thick or whatever I just think it could look really nice to kind of trim out the the build here I guess we'll see how it ultimately ends up looking from the outside but so maybe the door goes like off to the side and the window goes off to the side that's that's kind of what I'm thinking here oh that that's going to look nice I think actually let's spin our door set the handles over there and let's pop it down ooh that does mesh with the door kind of nice there does make it look pretty nice okay well that if the door goes there and then the window all right let's try let's build out with our shroud wood two on this side and then up like two or whatever oh this might actually this is going to be perfect that's going to be like exactly even that's that's what I wanted because then our window is going to go in there like that oh my gosh look at it it's so cute okay let's go inside and yeah we're going to need to get some light in here soon I'll grab some torches it'll be night time anyway soon enough so all right let's kind of complete this little section across here all right let's uh let's see what that looks like from the outside I love it that looks great looks really great and I think what I want to do now is grab the stone and put it to kind of wrap around so I'll put like something like that maybe it's not really going to mesh quite the way I wanted it to but no maybe look oh this one this piece is uh not in the right spot that piece has to go there there we go okay that's I was looking a little off is I have any other misplaced pieces well that looks looks pretty good yeah I like this like how that looks um and then we can see I'll put a little piece oops that should probably be either terrain or stone it looks good there there definitely o definitely the stone that looks nice just to kind of well just really blend it in make these transitions a little bit less harsh here there it is this is looking good all right next one there and I think maybe I can get a piece up in there that already looks pretty good but see can I well maybe not yeah this already this is already doing what I I wanted to do I don't exactly like that little sharp thing there so let's go let's go to the hammer and we've got our yeah we've got our dirt block here let's just add that in a couple of spots and take it away in a couple spots there it is that's the look I was going for so if you add it like right there and maybe up top here like there yeah add a little bit of grass on that maybe right there right there ooh that's that's clean that's clean I like that maybe in this corner here yeah just to kind of round things off a little more I like that yeah like I might actually keep that corner a little more Square this one could have there it is there it is that that looks awesome that's that's a cute little front to the to The Hobbit house like it I mean ideally what we'd be doing is is um kind of curving some of this stuff around just a little more like maybe rounding off the door a little more doing um actually we could do that let's destroy this this this this this and that and let's grab the door oops I wanted to pick it up all right cuz I have to be outside of my building mode there it is all right so let's bring this here let's pick up the window as well and instead of the door going where it was I want it to go over here oh wait we could tilt the wait oh this is crazy can like warp the door to the terrain that's really crazy wow okay yeah let's put the door there actually and then move the window over yet another block so let's um destroy that that and that and then put them um oh yeah then we can then we can grab the window and put it over here yeah that way we could maybe get a little bit of dividing happening between them and this might look better I don't know let's see see what this looks like let's build that up so that's officially finished off like that that looks nice we can kind of destroy that piece and then grab our Stone back in our inventory and then do some Stone let's see kind of up the center like that another piece kind of over there this could look nice little piece like that and let's see maybe oo that's really cute what about what if I um what if I filled that in that little Gap o there it is that's the look I wanted there we go oh that looks amazing that looks awesome a nice little rounded door I I like the little point up here but it might almost look nice if it was filled in what happens if I see what happens if I destroy that and destroy that there it is that's more the look I was going for I didn't quite like how pointy it was but I like I like this look a lot now we've got our cozy little window there we've got the little door I really like this look this is cool um yeah now we definitely just need some torches so let's go grab some stuff for those cuz I would love to uh yeah let's not don't need a string yet as of now I just need to be able to pick up the stuff for torches let me go grab the some more shroud wood blocks cuz I have seven oh I need more okay more than seven I don't think I'll need many of those so we'll just focus on grabbing some torn cloth down here I think that's mainly what will benefit me all right it is almost Nightfall all right yeah this guy is going to be easy torn cloth there you go I loot this torn cloth perfect and I think there's some more guys over here that I can get it from that way I can go ahead and just craft a bunch of them all right let's loot that perfect nice this is oh gosh I always forget about those another torn cloth there wait I can loot that one yep more torn cloth there all right this will work well man I haven't really been in the Shroud at night check this out this is crazy this is really cool too but let me bring my uh bring my torch into my uh lighting slot oh my gosh look at that image there this is the lighting is nice in this game I will say that for how uh for how it's done just in their own engine like like it is so yeah let's get let's get C back up I can at least make a torch probably a few more with what I have in my inventory right now and uh we can kind of go from there yeah check out how cozy that is get a little Homestead of those things going this is probably about the smallest I'd make a hobbit house if I were to make one so that's kind of cool that we tested its boundaries I bet if I made one it would look a lot more realistic cuz get more finely placed with the blocks if we did it really big but well the purpose of this is to stay kind of cozy so that's what we'll do here all right so let's go down to illumination and all right got to empty the pack we don't need those oh I could does this only stack up to 12 oh no it does go to 17 okay that's good I don't know why those didn't stack so let's yeah let's let's go back to the the illumination okay I want let's just grab like a bunch of these wall torches till my horn cloth is out that'll sustain me for what I'm doing in here so there they are eight of them that should get me by okay I kind of want one like you think right in the middle or kind of a little bit inset toward where the door is not really sure right in the middle there is kind of cool let's see how it looks so if I I kind of put one right there that's how it looked being on the stone or if I pick that one up and put two like side by side on the door like one there and one there how does that look that also looks kind of good or just one next to the door there that's the look right there that's the look it's not too bright but it just gives kind of a soft of a soft glow to the outside there I could also make those Firefly lamps um which I actually really would love to try let's go let's go and search for some fireflies anywhere where we see like a little glowing something in the in the ground those are the fireflies and I need a bunch of those to make the Firefly lamps let's see here I know I'll find some there's some glow over here is that a firefly or is that oh yep that is a firefly let's see I'll just go like on a big hunt for them I got to save up my stamina cuz I know there's wolves over here there's a firefly oh this is perfect we're getting a lot of them they are hard to spot in the day so that's something we can definitely definitely do to make use of the night here there's some more Oh I thought there were more over here yep there's one all right there's some more over here I can see these there's more of those guys too if we need more torn cloth oh that's the Rock we don't need that we just want just want the fireflies there they are this should be probably probably enough I can't imagine needing like a ton of them but yeah here we go oops I just want just want that okay let's make our way back probably find some more on the way maybe I don't know how quickly they respawn it looks like not a lot but we found a lot in a pretty small area I mean out of that trip we got 13 which is definitely enough for at least a couple of those little lanterns there's 14 there's another one down there yeah so they do seem to kind of respawn fairly fast or just kind of up here all right I love how you kind of see them lighting up and sparkling in the distance or other things too that's really cool it's very realistic all right that was perfect timing cuz now it's almost morning but let's go back to illumination and there's the Firefly lamp so we do need more plant fiber but at least we crafted one because something I want to see is how does this look out front so rather than the torch I am going to pick up the torch oh come on wait I need to aim on the torch uh wait is the game glitching oh here we go there it is okay that's more of the vibe I'm going for there's even one of those maybe two of them on both sides of the door but that's very cozy honestly like one there and then one just below it could look really really nice yeah oh I love this okay let's go to the let's go to the Hammer here let's take down our ground oh can we there it is [Music] okay can I not take down this this section of the ground ah okay I see because it's part of the doorway so let's just take down the outside area of the ground here cuz I kind of want to put on okay let's just pick up the door oh the backpack's full that's what's happening let's eat this okay pick up there it is tab there we go was because I was too close to the door here so floor doesn't need to be anything pretty cuz we're going to replace it with stone here so what if I escape and then use the rake for some of the rest of this kind of flatten this a little bit lower than it originally was how does that end up looking does that do what I want it to do yeah that actually does that looks good and I'm thinking for the floor we will use the we'll use that rough cut stone that I found um and we'll see how this looks uh let's could place it block by block or we could try to find some blueprints but at the very least I'll place it block by Block in the little doorf threshold there that looks great that's that makes an awesome floor Let's Go tab uh scroll down yeah I'll just let's go with like a the little 2x two area here so something oops I don't want the normal wood I want the let's see yeah I wanted the other other blocks here Tab and this is the yeah the Rough Cut Stone that was what I wanted oh that looks cool gives like a nice little perimeter to the area that's neat actually how does it look if I kind of continue it over to here that's nice cuz then then the Border kind of like Fades away into the grass here and then it just gives like a nice little floor there this is perfect for a hobbit house it's actually nice for the patio but maybe for the inside I do I do the stone a stone floor I know this looks really good too what's up harbringer how's it going how am I liking it I'm loving it I am absolutely loving it um we're about to get this door in again here but there it is there's the singular I want to I'm working on the floor now but yeah I freaking this is like this is so cozy and this is this is about the smallest I'd go with a with a build though it is Tiny that's for sure but it's cozy nonetheless so I think I definitely approve um so let's see let's try to I'm going to lower it just a little bit working on your Halloween build in valheim a minute ago nice nice that's awesome yeah I I feel like I should should be working on something like that doing something in the swamps but we'll see I don't know how many days I have guess Halloween's still still a little bit away I could I could uh I could try is the demo timed um yeah it is it is timed so we have 8 hours per world to do what you want to do and then you'd have to essentially start another world uh so yeah we've got 8 hours to build a hobbit house and you know see how it works I guess so we're not getting too fancy but I'd just love to you know do a little bit of building before the demo ceases to exist and then we can kind of let it let it sit on the back burner a little till early access but I think it'll I think it'll work well that's the Hope anyway so let's see let's go back to here tab go back to our 2 meter piece and oh yeah this will work this will give me a good floor ooh oh we got some terrain that's poking up there through the floor okay I'll have to deal with some of that that's okay shouldn't be too hard I love how it like makes it uh so that the terrain is kind of push down and out of the way when you place the floor pieces so it doesn't uh doesn't feel too like you know doesn't take away from anything okay in here is where I could put a torch at least this would be a good spot for one of the Torches to grab some light from the inside so let's grab one of those and put it yeah right on right in the middle of this wall maybe that'll work that just kind of balances out the light going to do a magic Village it's just going to do a witch's Cottage but started looking at other little swamp Islands yeah my brain just went into overtime nice yeah I really can't wait to see what you're going to be doing there that sounds awesome all right I want the oh I just one by ones Tab and I want to go to the one meter I would love to destroy oh yep that's one of the pieces oops uh okay this is going to be oh there it is whoops why why here it is I just have to aim at the top of this terrain here this is working this is working Hobbit holes will be a reason for buying the game definitely heck yeah that's like that's why that's why that's what we're doing today in the Stream because um it's the big thing that this game has the valheim does not that I've just really wanted to try out and I think it's uh I think it's really working well I mean check this out look at how like cavey that this looks here it's so cozy It's amazing And yeah let's go and throw our door back on there check this out though and then you come out here and and it's just like you know super cozy little entry there we made we like made all this terrain here and stuff too like that's what I love about this is it just uh yeah it's just so cozy I love it absolutely love it let's grab some more plant fiber and let's make another one of those uh make another one of the little Firefly lanterns I kind of wanted to do two like little staggered ones um illumination there it is grab some more of those yeah I think this will this will be awesome you'll probably build B end again definitely definitely that's something that I've wanted to something I would love to do in this one be such a great one for it all right let's kind of like right there maybe yeah that's cute just kind of like a little cascading Lantern outside that looks nice that looks very nice uh let's go back to the Hammer Tab and I want to get rid of these these little pieces that are kind of intruding here there we go that looks a little better maybe that piece as well this one yeah there we go I should kind of start cleaning cleaning the paat up a little bit yeah oh we can just kind of like block by block take this area out yeah I'd love to build a hobbit Village I mean just take like a big you know obviously when I have more than 8 hours of time to test the demo I would love to let's see what can I is that the right area nope what about that yep that was the the right one okay yeah I'd love to take like one of those big Hills or like even up up over there like check that out that big hill range in the distance with a little path kind of going up it there are so many possibilities that's like yeah that's why I love this game even if it doesn't have water or other things that other games have it's got that deep forest cozy feel to it that I think could just be amazing yeah it's it's just done so well so I I really like this patio to be honest I like the size and the layout here I think what I'm going to do is let's destroy just one more little thing here I might kind of do a little pattern on the outside of it these blocks are interesting the Rough Cut Stone how they have like this chiseled Edge to it that makes like the patio outline really nice it's kind of cool oops that was the wrong one there it is nope not that one and this one nope why that one no uh this one there it is okay we're getting there hope they put water but if they don't someone will mod it in yeah I'm sure I'm sure they would it is voxels it'll probably end up looking like Minecraft water but you know that still looks nice still looks quite nice I'd be fine with that yeah a little path leading up to this maybe could be really really cute maybe a little fence over here to kind of uh make this little transition a little bit better let's see what could I do what does it look like if I place Stone actually next to this does it uh oops does it like mesh with the oh that is awesome that's kind of what I wanted more for this this little patio out here was like a little bit of a stone oh that looks really nice that looks awesome okay oops wait why did it oops it didn't uh it didn't register that I placed that let's let's place that back there it is okay so let's place a couple of these little guys there it is that looks great we could probably phase these into the the terrain if not I could just do like a little bit of like rocks on the just a little bit of a free play situation in here that looks that looks really nice actually what if I kind of took a if I built a custom rock over here so terrain there is there's a rock here uh like right here maybe o that looks good it makes it look a little more cozy doesn't it maybe let's undo those let's see here if you get a good that transitions oh yeah yeah yeah you could definitely do Terrace Planters and everything yeah this is a is just such a nice oh maybe right there that's a cool spot then these kind of like phase into the terrain there that rock kind of overlays the patio just a little bit maybe something in the corner here as well this could look nice yeah like right there right there yeah it kind of hugs it a little little bit ooh that's cozy that makes the patio really really nice just seen how horrible you said that it's all good I can usually try to understand okay let's let's work on a let's see let's go up to the 1 M and let's work on a little bit of a Stairway down the center of this so I'd say like right where the door is maybe um or maybe kind of more down the down the middle here so this Block's got to go yeah everything everything over here like those three could honestly just pickaxe that section there I mean let me do that there it is okay and that little section there and that little chunk and let's make a little let's make a little a little bit of a stairs there enter Tab and let's go with the 2 m blueprint here rotate it that's cute that's really cute okay just something like super subtle that could look really nice and now let's go to the one m and let's Place yeah right here here going to bring this down is like a little pathway oops not right there let's go yeah there we go there it is perfect it just Blends right into the right into the edge there and this could kind of just spill out over the over the area I don't know it's it's pretty uh pretty rustic there's also the stone path block which could be could be kind of cool let's try dirt and let's do a single terrain block let's see what putting that there ooh that's that's what I needed just a couple of these guys to kind of overlap the path a little bit this looks cool yeah there it is there it is like that maybe there yeah I have a little bit of grass growing up in between the stones here and ooh this is this is cool this is looking awesome and then yeah you can just like nicely walk up it I don't know I'm just thinking if something like Fades off into the distance there and I love how that looks that is very very cozy looking and yeah especially when we start getting some furniture outside oh my gosh this is this is awesome this is really cool all right I'm thinking of getting the flame alter inside if we can work a little more on the interior here there's no doubt this will be done in 8 hours but this is cool I was planning on doing like yeah building stream like I said and then we'll kind of just kind of just let it be but yeah I think the flame alter I don't know where it could go the stones need Moss oh yeah we've got there's Mossy Stones I just haven't uh gathered yeah we can we can make any any path you see here like we could build this right here we could build this type of thing you can build yeah any everything you've seen in the game we can make this path with little toughs of grass through it um there's just endless opportunities are like these with the cracks you know the little Mossy cracks in them so many different types of blocks I'm just yeah I'm just keeping it kind of simple maybe we fade from this path into something like this or whatever um could be really really cool but yeah there's definitely those options so worry not you'll have you'll have all the options you want when it comes to uh getting those o there's this there's this weird uh yeah this weird piece that kind of there we go that looks nice okay and then I'm thinking can I get a block back in there oh wait I feel like I got it there yep that's it that was it cool all right that cleans that up nicely I love the terrain I've kind of made it like round off to be able to uh accentuate the doorways there oh this is so nice just little fireflies buzzing around the lantern oh this is so cool okay I love it absolutely love it um yeah just the way it like this is block by block but when you just look at it from far this is like so tiny you know imagine this like a much bigger scale or many of them the point being it's just so so much prettier than Minecraft so much prettier than Minecraft that's that's like that's the reason I'm going to get this game it's Minecraft but just way prettier and that's enough for me to me to want to give him my money this is cool I I'm going to have so much fun relaxing this game doing that just the way I could get the texture here of the uh yeah man I like a before and after shot I'll have to take a screenshot of my stream and maybe edit this into a little shorter video too but but yeah this is this is freaking awesome love it did you get the Tor walls um maybe I don't understand oh even with the stone walls inside still means Comfort oh yeah yeah totally totally even like the cave right now you can see we have comfort level six we're sheltered we don't have warmth CU we don't have fire in here but yeah totally the cave a cave is any block any block will uh count as shelter Comfort all of that so we just kind of uh I I should actually kind of clean this up a little more I think I'll do more of the Shroud wood um let's just kind of fade it a little more into the into the stone here oops was that where I wanted that yeah that was okay that's good so yeah there it is that that'll look nicer let's put it see oh I had it right there what is that yep that's where I wanted it the stucco walls wait are are you referring to out here or are you referring to a totally different build piece I was saying a play off the book there like the opening line about The Hobbit holes not trying out Sandy Hobbit Hole means Comfort oh totally totally yeah I think there is totally yeah building pieces so in the demo there's like 16 or 17 different building blocks like minus the terrain pieces uh that you can get I'm only using two so far for this um but yeah there's uh there's all sorts of options you know I haven't really explored all of them or everything we could do yet but I totally think I totally think we'll be able to replicate lots of Awesome scenes from movies and anything medieval or Lord of the Rings or any of that I think it's going to be really cool all right let's put that there can I squeeze one in up here please oh I I forgot I could use Q to like rotate it oh never mind that's my bow I would need to have the hammer to be able to place in there okay oh it's like the timber frame with the stucco that you can get from the villages with houses oh totally totally yeah I could go uh I could go adventuring probably should I could I could get lots more resources all all I got to do is pop a flame alter in the in the area I want to build oops didn't want that piece there right there is where I wanted it then I can just rip it apart and grab all the building pieces from it this looks kind of cool with like the subtle beams kind of poking through on the inside oh this is cozy too this is very cozy um let's see I can definitely Place more more back in here right there that's where I wanted it nice looks great that's what you're doing for mushroom bricks oh cool yeah that's awesome I uh yeah I watched that someone came out with video of like all the blocks we could get in the demo here and it had some uh had quite a few actually which is kind of cool so I think like right when you come in the entry a little workbench there would be nice um let's see I want to back to here cuz yeah I think the outside would be too cluttered if I put like a workbench out here so I think oh my gosh look at that the light even like shines through the window here at night oh that that could not be I could not be more cozy super tiny and cute but that's that's what I'm going for all right let's pick this up and let's bring it into the hot bar slot there I'd love to put it yeah probably right right inside let's go ahead and rotate it right to there or something looks pretty good maybe I'll close my door just so I have a little bit better area here yeah kind of like halfway under the window right there or something that looks nice yeah I like that actually I I'd prefer it like under under the window entirely let's put it yeah that's going to look better just centered under the window like that cool yeah we could do a little bit of an interior here this could be nice all right let's yeah let's grab the pickaxe and chip away at some of this a little bit more there we go that was a good hit just make it a little more roomy oh you can glitch our view into the workbench a little bit feel like it's still not as bad as valheim it's very comfortable to be indoors I feel like sometimes valheim you would uh just be you know we can even zoom in farther on our character here I feel like the yeah the view in valim would just sometimes be kind of glitchy and like you'd have your head stuck in the ceiling or some something and that's nice that uh it's not dealt with all the time in this one all right there it is this is looking nice yeah I really don't need it to be too big but just something something sizable but cute I am debating like where to put the flame alter because that's something I'd love to fit on the inside here if I could if that was possible but I guess we'll see guess we'll see if I can um yeah I think I just have to go a little bigger with it and I'll fit all the stuff I want oh this is awesome I just love how nicely it just Blends everything and carves out the cave here depending on like where you where you hit the wall it'll you know any High spot you just start slowly kind of knocking the whole thing back and it just rounds out so nicely I almost don't need a roof we could just keep it all raw and natural in here and it looks so good the way the light just bounces off the rock there it's not too shiny or anything I really really really like how that uh how that looks there super cool all right yeah we could do some more um do some more of that floor uh let's go down to our Stone there piece there piece there there we go this is looking mighty fine I love it this is so cool yeah let's go let's go back a little farther even I'm debating cuz the the stone the alter would be like these four squares so maybe the front four squares are actually huh let's see here so that's like one and a half you wonder how far down you can dig uh stupidly far stupidly far like to scale wise deeper than Minecraft's dig limit I don't even know if anyone's reached the bottom uh i' I've seen so trout has got some videos of uh they just posted actually either today or yesterday of that they called like the drop or whatever and uh yeah they were falling for a solid probably like a minute or something and then they hit the ground do we know whether that's the bottom or not we don't but uh yeah you'd have to dig for a long time you can also build crazy crazy crazy crazy high as well like I don't I don't think as far as I know there's like not a limit that someone's reached yet in the demo at least um so yeah you could definitely make like a massive ants cave or something way underground with massive tunnels and passages and you could dig a tunnel from here all the way under that shroud Valley and pop up on the other side if you wanted to I mean it takes a long time you'd eat some flame alters and you know all that good stuff but yeah it's pretty cool pretty cool that you can do that yeah let's keep hacking away at the back of this I think I want to make it a little bit longer not too much but just so that we can kind of comfortably fit the flame alter in here there it is need something there nice that's looks good all right stamina actually I could just try to drink a water for a little bit more stamina doesn't really regen it faster but allows me to have a little more of it which I suppose is a good thing there there that was a good that was a good hit I just love how even with the pickaxe you could hit Y and undo exactly what you just did like it's so nice so so nice that they give you those features you know the game's performance heavy but it's not instant space the way valheim is so I think in the long run when it comes to building this game might be even less laggy than than valheim all right we're getting there I think I just want to bring it out like a half of one of these more um let's see yeah just kind of round the back of it off something like that let's let's try that for now tab to enter building mode Let's go with actually let's hit Y to undo that I want an X to turn off snapping and I want to um why is it not let's see oh maybe maybe it's not snapping in there so we just want we just want to come out two is there an option for that I don't think there is so let's just let's just manually place it on here we just want to come one and then like one more over there so one more of these rows and that'll be I think the the back limit of of where I want want the house to be oops didn't want that there let's put it down there yeah like I just love how our head right now is not glitching in into that rock or doing anything weird like the the graphics are are definitely looking nice right now okay there it is can I squeeze one in there yes I can perfect and then one more row over here see if I can fit it if not I will dig back just a tad bit more all right the Hammer's kind of in my face right now here we go this will allow us to have more of like an even grid on the inside we can pop our flame alter maybe in the back corner there that would be a really great spot for it we're going to keep the inside of this pretty cozy and small I think um cuz that's kind of you know with I don't know wouldn't be weird but you know it' be weird if the house was like super massive but you could make a massive house in the cave where you enter this door and it's super massive and then on the outside it's like all tiny and cozy that'd be pretty cool all right so can I hit tab go to the blueprints here and go to a 4 M uh floor and now I want to wreck this section oh it will only wreck the blueprint area okay that will that'll still work though so we just want to come out like two more okay two more rows so escape from here and let's go to our one meter again one two there it is so this back corner can be knocked out and this is where our flame alter is going to go that's pretty big but yeah that's what it's going to take up we can still walk on it we just can't build on it if I want to I'll kind of go a little farther maybe I kind of have like an L-shaped maybe dig a little bedroom kind of back into that Hillside can do so much with this game it's just crazy and this is the first Hobbit house I've ever made I'm sure like if I start building more I'll get I'll get the hang of it um very quickly let's destroy that piece and destroy this little cone yep right there okay perfect Let's uh let's break down our flame alter here e extinguish the flame extinguish flame and let let's go to crafting flame alter and let's bring it inside can I pop it oh it's so close not enough free space let's dig out one little pickax thing right there is that all we needed uh not quite okay it need it does need to be like surrounded by some space here so let's bring a little bit in the corner a little bit on the sides there oh just not quite is it okay well I don't want to dig this too big not enough free space does it need a higher roof or something on it is that the issue do I need to like get rid of some of these blocks some of those chunks up there maybe see I really hope I can kind of oh this looks like this is the one okay can I push it down into the ground a little bit more please no it's going to stick up on me isn't it uh it is shoot can I kind of put it on the side of the I hit X maybe snap it not enough free space man it's going to give me those issues isn't it so I could do it like just one above like that which isn't bad but i' I'd rather have it flush with the floor so let's uh H that's extinguish flame let's just craft another one just so that my house is saved and I'll figure this one out uh I'll figure this one out here so let's let's just put it down right here and let's go grab the one that I had placed over here or extinguish it I should say cuz I only have a limit of two flame Alters right now for the demo so um or I should say right now not for the demo I haven't upgraded my flame at all so extinguish flame there we go now I can go ahead and craft another one but that way my house will just be saved in just in case something weird happens so you can put a brick in around it to transition it like a step oh yeah I could do that I could definitely do that kind of uh well it was already only one block above so I can't really like you know but yeah I could have outlined it with a little thing of rocks or whatever but yeah ideally I'd love it to be of flush with the floor if I could so yeah we're we're going to try to just dig it down a little bit more in here just just to see if I could for you know some reason be able to get it oh get it to snap in here oh I feel like we can't it was it was down there and I move back this way ah it's just not quite not quite snapping down where I want it to be what about if I come at it from this angle cuz that's like one too far uh can I use the Q and scroll wheel uh nope that that doesn't work with this H well that's a little bit unfortunate I was really hoping to get it to to snap down maybe I have to uh destroy the rest of this area I mean I can get it to kind of snap like H not enough free space yeah but why won't it okay I'm not liking how finicky the snapping is for this alter thing can I I somehow get it like that's fine but it's still saying it's like not enough free space and then here it just defaults to snapping too high now so let's just let's just haul it out more I guess just see if I can uh if I can get it to go like maybe I have to bring some stone blocks um maybe I have to put them down underneath here for it to like recognize it kind of a thing I don't really know but needs building area oh cuz that flame alter is too far of course it is all right let's extinguish that uh okay extinguish flame and put it you know a little closer and it's going to be ugly right now I don't care and let's go and craft another another one okay they are super cheap which is at least nice but could I somehow get it to snap in where I wanted it so like what if I did a little row of things that were like a little block lower in the back would it snap to [Music] them not enough free space it's wanting to snap either really high or really low maybe maybe I do have to like destroy the things around it let's just go to the blueprints for now um and destroy the floors here okay yeah this is kind of see if I can get it a little finer feel like I should be able to here well I guess we'll see all right snap to the level of the floor please please please please not enough free space okay maybe I do just have to dig down farther in this corner area let's just try that for a bit doesn't matter the floor can be deeper underneath I just want to learn how to do this cuz if I'm building it for real um in Early Access or whatever um oh that's funny since ww in the chat I keep like clicking chat on my uh cursor that's one thing I don't like as much about this game is that I for some reason like every time I'm digging or whatever it's like swinging my mouse and clicking on the little chat box that I have on my screen instead so I wonder if I could make that little chat box like not clickable or something I just chatted and then in it cuz I was hitting W to walk forward that's funny oh here we go is that that's now a meter down can I bring it up just a little bit that's that's really really close though I could have it slightly down like that um but I do wonder if I could if I could bring it up just a little bit okay extinguish flame we'll wait for that to fully extinguish and then see see if there's some way that I could cuz these were like down a little bit so maybe I could make it somehow I don't know I will really have to see it's definitely finicky but I think we'll get it all right I think it's it's going be yep there it is now it's now it's dead yeah let's let's put couple blocks up here and see if the flame alter will snap to them can you set it on top of a floor or does it have to be Terin oh yeah I could set it on top of a floor so I could like build a floor down there there it is okay that's what I needed it to be um that's probably what I wanted it uh that's not quite where the snapping point is that I was thinking it's good on the side there actually it's even one meter off so but yeah that that'll work so I clearly just had to um I clearly just had to dig a Little Deeper cuz it was saying not enough room cuz I couldn't go far enough into the ground for it uh so that was all the issue was and now I can just build a little wall on the side and snap it into the proper place okay cool I'm glad we figured that out let's go to building and let's uh let's go back to our little Blueprints and and let's Place some of these back just have a better reference on the side there go back into crafting grab another flame alter and let's try this so that's about where we want it right there and then one in from that so let's let's build this little stone wall right here but then destroy that okay how does that work yep oh I had it wait right there right there I think that's where I want it yep there it is all right so that was a little finicky but we got it we got it so let's go ahead and we can finish out these floors now [Music] um there it is okay and then we can just take Stone on our terraform block single terraforming block let's grab our Stone and actually we could do a double terraforming block and we can just kind of raise the ground up around this this altar as well oops there it is okay just kind of kind of make it all natural looking again if I can somehow there it is okay I can kind of clean it up with the pickaxe again after the fact but yeah this will work I may choose to like wall it off a little bit but it'll be fine single terrain block oops I just kind of want to add some in here fill these holes a little bit make things look nice there it is okay I just kind of do that a little bit and same thing kind of in this corner here bring that in yeah this is working okay perfect that's what I was wondering I was like if I can't snap you know flame Alters have to be snapped like every other block or something was getting worried there for a second but looks like we're good to go and here we go this is this is looking nice kind of just bring all this all the walls here back nice that looks cool now that's just a nice little cozy thing in the corner there let's go ahead and extinguish this one we don't need that anymore and let's head into here shut the door and you'll see we have comfort six we are rested we have comfort warmth and shelter check that out because we got our little flame in here so that's awesome that is awesome sweet I'm super super happy that that ended up working out so yeah now we could get all cozy with like a little bedroom and everything else uh depending on what I want to do what I did want to do was uh start doing a little bit more work on the outside here yeah check that out now we don't have any flame Alters in the way look at how cozy that is got the little fire inside oh my gosh okay absolutely love it okay let's go ahead and do a yeah like if we could have water in the game I could put like Little Pond outside or something that could be really neat so I was thinking of doing is grabbing some furniture so let's go to the workbench and see see what would look good outside um so we have tables which I could do like a nice little table that probably look better inside we have little fireplace of course I have to make the fireplace of course I got to make that that is just it's going to be super little cozy thing I could put that in the corner corner somewhere but let's see where would make the most sense for it maybe like right here by the front that's kind of nice so yeah I can hit R and like rotate it in whatever Direction so we'll just kind of have like a little corner little corner fire there we can cook our food that's actually a nice little fire to be like a little corner patio fire actually that could be really nice I don't know now I'm now I'm debating do I do like a little patio fire out here like right here on the corner I don't know what do you guys think what it outside or inside I am thinking yeah a couple stools or a stool and a bench maybe Furniture wise let's see what we have here eliminate so benches we just have this bench as of now we could yeah we could unlock some better stuff but let's go Ahad and make this a chair okay no slot in the backpack what do I need to oh let's just delete the fireflies I didn't realize I only had one um outside for the fireplace okay I'll give that a go let's uh yeah these are cool oh look at that a little side table that's what we need for outside let's go on our backpack and empty some more stuff don't need those um okay and now we can now we can grab the the chairs so like a couple of stools and a bench inside maybe stool small table yeah yeah yeah okay so what I love is that with furniture and doors and other you know little little like items like the workbench and stuff you can just hit R and hit scroll wheel and snap it like every degree like valheim so it's not just like you don't just have to hit 90° um you can obviously hit 90° but that's really nice yeah yeah cuz the flame alter is a little inside fireplace that's so so true I could put a little stool right here in the corner instead okay yeah that's a good idea what do you think the bench um maybe out here actually kind of like right here as like a little fence item for The Hobbit house that looks nice actually it's like it it's tied right in between the rocks or something like he cut some custom boards and put them right there by the rocks that looks really cool actually okay okay let's pick up the fireplace and let's put it outside I was thinking yeah I was thinking like right here we could put a couple little stools around it um so like a little corner maybe in the corner here oh I've got a little piece of terrain here that I have to uh try to delete let's go into our building mode and see if I can delete that little tiny chunk check that out I did it it perfect looks really nice yeah it's it's just it's looking awesome all right so yeah we'll kind of rotate it at yeah the 45° there and to stick it back here in the corner there that's cozy kind of adds some soft light to the outside there too I love it I love it okay let's go grab our stools and put like put one of them I don't know maybe like right here and then another one of them um maybe here so like you got a little something for the fireplace there yeah maybe two stools yeah that looks kind of nice and then I was thinking like if I had a chair which I have not unlocked yet oh chairs yeah I just have the stool as of now so I haven't unlocked all the awesome chairs they have but like eventually you know if I unlock them uh I could put a nice little like rocking chair a little something right here which could look really nice I kind of want to make U I don't know if fences would be the right move here or not um debating but yeah just check this out it is so cozy yeah super super nice just a little window sill and the little like it's little but you can definitely just look at it awesome let's close the door there check it out from the outside that is amazing look at that I also just love how the path just kind of it's like a couple big rocks that just kind of disintegrates into the into the land there you can pick it up again here you could choose to go this way this is awesome God I love it absolutely love it I think maybe coming out one more block on the path there could look nice so let's go to let's go to here and let's place like one of those there yeah yeah that looks cool and then that way um yeah that way it just kind of mixes it up a little looks kind of nice maybe even like a little terrain Block in the corner there or another stone block honestly let's see like uh well yeah first of all right there but just thinking something yeah there it is that's what I was looking for um take out the torch so you guys can see that right there kind of adds like a nice little curve uh nice little curve to the pathway coming up in here and then just yeah check out how natural this patio looks though there all Place block by block we custom did the terrain around it I love the little Firefly lanterns this is like super crude stuff you guys could do this the day you get into the game all it is is Stone little bit of shroud wood you could just use normal wood couple metal scraps like this is dead simple and uh just extremely cozy I'm absolutely loving it so with that let's see um let's check out the inside a little bit I'm thinking a chest right here next to the workbench so let's see can I build one of those I think I can make the small chest yeah let's make the small chest I've got some Nails in my inventory so this will be this will be it'll look a little bit nicer than the tiny chest cuz it's got the iron clasps on it and again with the chest you can rotate them you know super fine don't just have to be limited to 90° so let's kind of like kind of phase it in with the workbench there maybe like right here o that's a nice spot for it kind of continues the tabletop allows for a ton of storage there which I love looks super nice yeah that's a lot of storage you can even put some chests like up top there along the along the ceiling if you wanted to could put another one on this side of the door but I think that side of the door calls for a little stool I do I think it calls for a little stool um let's go back in building and bring our last stool out here and let's just rotate it like right here just so like you come in the door you know sit down take your shoes off or something I mean this is like super crude Furniture but you know it it adds something um something I want to see is how does this little table look I forgot I had that cuz this could be this could be nice for uh oh maybe this is what I do like in this little corner I don't know could be nice for like right here or over here for the bench actually um so you kind of go on the bench and you've got a little table there well that's kind of nice although I don't know I kind of also like it like open a little bit more what do you guys think or maybe the table should just go a little closer to the bench there I don't know it it feels a little big still it feels like the patio might be yeah it looks a little better open I think um that might just feel a little cramped so let's try to no let's put that on the inside maybe oh of course they've got beds we'll get to that in a second I'm thinking a little bedroom in here maybe I don't know I'm maybe we'll just leave this Hobbit house this exact size for now um we could certainly do it um bigger but this will this will just be cozy for the sake of the stream well you might just we might leave it here uh this size I'm I saying uh we can obviously go way bigger for a lot more interior but yeah we'll pop a little bed I'm thinking right here by the flame a little bed and maybe that uh that table could be the side table off for to the bed so maybe we have like a little nightstand over here um yeah let's uh let's put it here for now and that's honestly probably good do a buil in bed like those covered beds oh that could be cool yeah that could be really cool I'm thinking like a bed here and then a little side table and obviously like I don't have rugs yet but unlock some rugs and put them next to it or something I'm thinking the back wall here should be Stone it gives like the bed a nice back headboard and then the sides and this middle roof section can be just the cave look but having the back be Stone might just make it um a little bit more I don't know a little bit more like sophisticated little more built and let's see how that would look go to our let's go to our our 2 m oh this is a door frame that's interesting did that once in valheim and I had the raft mod ooh yeah yeah that could be very nice um okay can I build a little bit further down here might have to do it all manually here let's see oh that's like an official like door frame yeah I don't I don't want this piece I think I just wanted the um the wall there it is there it is okay so let's bring this wall over like this and bring it Stone in the background there again dead simple but it's going to look good um okay can I let's see really you're going to make me manually place the walls up there I feel like that let's see if I use x to use snapping oh here we go okay I just have to uh of walk around until I get it right there it is that'll be nice now if I escape out of that yeah check that out it kind of cozies it up along the backside there and uh o can I get like a piece of stone yeah right there maybe one over here I don't think so yeah I think that's that's pretty tight it doesn't it it still looks good though that looks really cute maybe the little Firefly Lantern goes on the table next to where the bed will be that's kind of cute there um zadira zadira how's it going loving this build I'm so happy to hear yeah it's such a cozy one I kind of wanted to see what I could do in the world of ins shrouded that I couldn't do other games which was build a hobbit house um so yeah that's what we've been doing we're just like check that out it is so cozy um yeah I love it I love it did I play Landmark I did not I actually haven't even looked into that game um on enough is it uh is it similar is it like building and and uh whatnot I really enjoy like the building survival games and stuff but um yeah I'd love to hear more about that game all right so we've got I probably should have gotten rid of those little Stones there that's actually okay that's not too bad we we'll keep them cutest little building ever oh okay it's no longer with us oh no okay well maybe I'll still have to look at it just to see uh see more of what it was about but oh this is such a such a cute little house I mean it's not going to like do much but it'll do what you need beginning game I guess put your little smelters and stuff outside here so cute isn't it you can put the little blacksmith like standing over here by the bench be a perfect spot for him all right uh let's let's see what we need for the bed it was the first Vox game oh okay soe wasn't able to do what they wanted um so it was sunset ah yeah that's too bad I feel like the boxel game industry is uh is going to hopefully hopefully make a return I mean if this game does popular and I know there's some other like mini game devs um you know to be able to do that Sony Online Entertainment okay gotcha gotcha yeah I I don't know I I love the concept of a voxel game I love how and shrouded did it to like mesh the textures together to just make like really earthy foresty builds like this it it looks amazing like I always say it's like Minecraft 10.0 it's just super cool think so too love and shrouded so much heck yeah yeah it's just amazing such a cool little game um and so much Adventure tooo I participated in the close beta and yeah it's such a treat it is an amazing game all right let's see what we got for beds we got beds here plant fiber string torn cloth for the crude mattress uh there was a better bed that I could a better bed huh anyway there was a better bed that I could make at one point I don't remember I think I might have need the blacksmith for it though so let's just make the crude bed for now it's it's something so jealous that I was in the beta wish you'd known about it yeah I was I was uh had my eye on it for a while just cuz like I literally only played well I came from Minecraft and then only played valheim for a long time that's what I mostly done on this channel and um just looking for more of the Cozy you know valheim really turned me on to some of the Cozy craft survival games uh and that kind of genre so since then I've just kept my eye out on things and I you know had my eye on under Rock and stuff and saw the trailer for in shoud and was like yeah this is this is okay and just started checking out more you know joined the Discord saw some screenshots I was like hang on this might be closer to to what I want in in terms of like a cozy little building game and uh let alone all the Adventure and all the other things I've been extremely surprised at while partic participating in the in the playthroughs and stuff it's just been amazing so we need that we needed torn cloth so we got to go back down to the Shroud devs are very kind and friendly to interact with yeah definitely that always makes an amazing game doesn't it cuz I I love that about valheim as well was the community the kindness of the devs and everything the welcoming feeling I mean that's something that draws me into it as well um and I think in shed will be hand in hand a beautiful beautiful thing to bring alongside valheim for the channel for sure if you want a 2d Builder get Terraria yeah I have heard amazing things about Terraria you know I I'm definitely more for the open world 3D Vibe but that's not to say you know I've got some friends that really enjoy Terraria uh just for again the story Adventure everything as well uh they say it's really really good all right can I find some more of these uh these dudes here we go here's a couple of them perfect horn cloth all right I don't need to loot the Shroud spores all I need is the torn cloth can I loot this thing looks like doesn't have what I want let's grab I want the torn cloth there we go I know that's going to blow up on me but maybe it has torn cloth in it or maybe I can't loot this one actually huh okay well at least that will hopefully be enough torn cloth for me to make a bed maybe oh I guess we'll have to see am I going the wrong way oh no we're good getting worried right there Tor is open world it's just 2D okay gotcha gotcha yeah so it's not like you know Mario or anything like I I guess Mario is kind of the only 2D game I've ever played actually alongside like mobile games and stuff but he has so many mushrooms I know there's a lot of mushroom down there it it is exactly like the upside down uh from stranger things or uh you know the scenes in Last of Us or whatever with the way like the fungus just kind of eats the world that's what it kind of reminds me of all right beds what do we need just some string let's grab that I think I can make some string oh you kidding me I don't have oh no SLO available in the backpack gotcha and let's make a couple two three I think that was all I needed uh beds here we go perfect it's more like modded sideways Minecraft oh okay that does sound kind of cool maybe I'll have to I don't know maybe I'll have to try it cuz I haven't really tried it like I can't really say if I would enjoy it or not you know I haven't uh haven't given it a go yet all right let's place down this little crude bed um I don't think you know it's it's small but it'll it'll suffice for a for a little bed in here I mean it's just cozy you know it's it's cozy look at gameplay on it oh chippy's couch to get an idea okay cool yeah we all have to check it out then heck yeah we got Comfort 10 in here look at that Comfort 10 got some nice cozy little items um I think that's like all I can do Furniture wise for how oh here we go so we can like you know we've got the crude wooden bed now that we did unlock so we could do like a slightly bigger one uh this was the one I was kind of thinking of that was a little nicer than just our our crude bed but I don't know why it didn't show up maybe we had to make the crude bed first and then we could unlock this one so yeah that's Plus to comfort as well so it's kind of like valheim with the you know Darkwood bed and stuff um how do you unlock uh fans of your chairs that I am not allowed to say I I I'm allowed to say like yeah there's there's better chairs I'll say that um but that comes after the blacksmith um and the demo is currently limited so I think there might be a fancier chair that you could unlock unlock with the blacksmith but I yeah I'm not allowed to say how you can unlock the one I'm thinking of at least or some of the chairs that I that I liked started playing this really weird MMO called chimmer Chim land got hooked on it cuz you can build your own house oh that's cool that sounds like Pack's day actually um so yeah PEX day is another one I've got my eyes on it's kind of like you know medieval uh building system very similar to valheim but an MMO I've never played an MMO but PX day might be one I check out uh when it goes into Early Access don't say you might get in trouble yeah yeah I won't I won't say too much I I was I was on a contract the NDA contract with Keen games for the closed beta so not going to share you know any details out of respect for them but other than just saying it's fun it's amazing you can unlock cool stuff it's a great game I'd recommend it all that good stuff but yeah I kind of like it without that bush on the top the bush added something you can um yeah you know we could we could put more more plantings around it if we wanted to but it kind of yeah just adds like a nice little look there without the bush kind of accentuates the sort of Rim around the top there so yeah let's see what other Furniture we could unlock if anything oh I like that a little nightstand let's make that um we don't want the whole game to be spoiled before they get into Early Access yeah yeah exactly that's why the Demo's pretty limited um but yeah it's it it really is the perfect amount they've done a they've done an awesome job here with with everything so where do we think this should go maybe maybe over here by the workbench kind of makes this like a little room or something something or maybe over here on this wall maybe over here on this wall for now that could uh that could look nice can we put anything in it oh no okay I thought maybe like you could put something in the door that could be really cool um or like in the little drawer of it that's cute though I like it a little uh little nightstand so I don't even have to like make a table and turn it into a nightstand I could just like use that does that up the comfort at all either um it looks like it doesn't so it looks like it's kind of in the same category as like tables obviously so like tables is is a comfort category but you can't stack them um okay that makes sense oh that could be a cool block to make to uh to do like hoba houses and stuff especially like the floor outside the patio or something we got the fireplace the bench could just do like a a candle I know where some honey is that could be kind of uh that could be kind of cozy you tried stacking them okay gotcha yeah yeah it looks like they can't at the moment yeah maybe we create some dishes crude wooden platter let's create some of those cuz I know we can stack those literally so we could like make a little dishes stack over here um oh gosh that makes a lot of dishes that's kind of cool um maybe they had a little dish over here I don't know I'm like over dish ifying things it's not even a word couldn't get them just right oh I see okay yeah that's like cute though I love how you can build on top of the workbench and all sorts of stuff like that there's a cozy little place in here I like it what else can we do any other Furniture stuff that might look nice plant fiber roof block could look kind of cool if I found like a way to kind of phase it into the terrain for the rim around the outside of The Hobbit house could be kind of neat see we've got the better beds there chairs benches yeah that's pretty much that's pretty much it I guess um cookies and milk before night time yeah exactly maybe we got to make a mug for that reason um yeah yeah it's a bit clutter uh he's got to get a dishwasher now but let's see what do we need for a mug just some wood logs there's a pitcher wood a wooden cup yeah let's go grab a wooden log it's easy enough to get let's grab this tree over here all right and I love that though and is such a great little build you know it's been about 2 hours since I started streaming today and uh you know we did the whole thing pretty pretty quickly as well you know it's not terribly grindy for a little thing like this and you could really just go above and beyond decking out the inside making it bigger making a whole village of them it's pretty awesome the capability here let's do where was it dishes I wanted the wooden cup no available slot there we go dishes there it is fact that it's proper clutter we don't need to use item stands and wood Shields is awesome yeah totally totally so you can actually just Place items down you know you can like hang trophies on the wall and other things with the stands or yeah there's some way to do it but um but then doing yeah little dishes and and things like that so nice you can just place them oh that makes five of them that's awesome so like it doesn't you know doesn't take much to like deck out the area a little bit place a little one on top of them there okay there's his cookies and milk for for bedtime and maybe we put one over by the how can oh we can we can rotate those any degree we want that's nice so we can put one right there I think it would be too much clutter if I used them up by placing more of them um yeah I don't know what do you guys think it's kind of cozy isn't it I kind of like how I just left this middle band of it all exposed I don't know I wonder if there's like other stuff we could put on the wall right now maybe uh I don't know I won't bother there's probably ways we could like make banners right now with like trying to go hunting and grab grabbing some animal fur and all that jazz but uh but for now I'd say this was a success I'm I'm pretty happy with with how that turned out it's really cozy that's for sure I just love kind of the free form you know coziness of the outside here I love this aspect of kind of the wrapping the terrain around the patio to uh make it a little more cozy um I definitely cannot wait for Early Access like I said I'd love to just create a little village of these things within the hill and then maybe some like official houses or a castle on top of the hill mountain or who knows um yeah need to get some sleep so good night this would be the perfect stream to watch before bed it'll calm you down a little bit yeah we'll be wrapping up here soon it's nice yeah cuz you can cook cook any of your goods out here on the ptio before your adventure um yeah I love it and yeah just a soft light of little Firefly lanterns and everything um super sweet I also love how the voxel mesh together at least on the top sides to kind of create the the round effect around the door so that they don't look too like blocky um I really love that really love that about it yeah I think this is perfect this is a perfect little size for probably the smallest I'd go on a hobbit house but that was that was the purpose of today how cozy and and small can we go and how would it look to build one of these so yeah imagine like decking out having multiple rooms in it you know a little kitchen and just like yeah tons of stuff this is just a little square it's kind of boring right now but um yeah as a nice little crude starter house if you wanted to build a hobbit house it's for sure a nice little uh nice little option so yeah with that said I think I'll leave it where it's at uh right now time to go copy chisle chip yep feel free feel free to use any inspiration you want and that's the purpose of this get start up a a world and build right alongside me while I stream or whatever the heck you want so yeah I think I'll wrap that up um I just yeah I love how it turned out I love how it turned out kind of surprised myself with this one I was not expecting to actually get a full little hobbit house done in the time of a stream and have it turn out this good just with how natural and nice it looks I think I think uh it was a success so yeah with that said looks like it's night in the game looks like some of you are headed off to bed I will be too shortly so I'll wrap up the stream here but thank you so much for joining to those of you who are live here I know it's late for a lot of uh subscribers on my channel here so had a nice cozy little audience for a cozy little build today but be sure to subscribe for those of you who haven't already I've also got a Discord server through the link in the description if you'd like to head over there and check out the community I've got going and with that said I will see you in the next one cheers everyone
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 615,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, livestream, enshrouded live, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2023, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded ancient spire, episode 5, enshrouded hobbit house build, hobbit house
Id: LFq0aLFmzAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 52sec (7672 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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