Enshrouded: Finding Secrets & Things I Missed!

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[Music] all right welcome back everyone to enshrouded super stoked to have yall here again a little under the weather uh so my voice might be a little scratchy today but aside from that super happy to see y'all again how's it going all right yeah so we had a really awesome live stream yesterday uh started a little bit of building did some location scouting and today I figured it'd be fun to do a stream where we go back to all of my previous locations and try to find things that I missed secret doors chests things like that but oh yeah I'll take care of myself don't worry it was I think it was because I was just talking like way too much and too loud and stuff on some of my videos and I kind of lost my voice a little but I'm feeling really good otherwise so we'll just take it nice and slow today all right hello from Paris awesome yeah welcome everyone all right cool so yeah today I wanted to just do a few updates from last stream and uh yeah I guess uh over on here on this hill I'm doing some tree tests uh to see if trees grow faster in the Farm soil versus the regular ground these ones have been planted for quite a while now like three or four in-game days and these ones have been planted for one in-game day so I just want to see like if these ones are in fact going to grow faster so we're just doing some building tests and stuff we might do a little building today but it most be lots of adventure um yeah might be a long stream so much to discover yeah lots of hidden things that we passed over so starting with hidden things let's start from like the spawn location kind of work our way from there I also have my mic in a different spot today to not cover my face as much so hopefully this is like you guys can still hear me okay I just pulled it out a little further and uh yeah hopefully that's all good started your server trees yeah trees can grow when you're not logged in yeah if it is up that's very true that's very true did I know there's salt by the beginner location IAC yeah I uh I've heard about that isn't it like right uh that's actually that's a good point that's something we could try uh isn't it like down in here somewhere like on the this Cliff side I'll have to uh I'd love to find that because yeah yeah what's up Quantum welcome saw your chat from earlier yeah welcome everyone first time catching a stream well thanks I appreciate that you love the content appreciate that Corey welcome yeah I uh it's a little bit later today than it was uh yesterday so we're trying a few different times see what end up working for people we might be able to alternate a little it's in the Shroud for the salt okay further up by a tower of some sort okay yeah we'll have to check that one out I know right off the bat that right up in here yeah in this Village there was a secret door that someone told me about and then someone said there was one by the blacksmith that I skipped over in the episode as well so we'll go to those two first and I think the one I was thinking of over here here uh it was in one of these buildings uh is it was it up here I think maybe it was up here let's try let's try to get up here if I can it was in this one we didn't really do much exploring in this house here there's also a passage up there that we didn't uh read or maybe that's part of the new content because uh uh yeah they did do a big patch and I will clarify right on the beginning of stream here I posted a little Community post as well but everything that they add in the patches and updates will take into effect in your existing worlds so it it won't affect inside the flame alter boundary but everything update wise will take into effect which is really awesome so myself and you guys don't have to worry about sinking lots of hours into builds only to find out that you got to start a new world every month or whatever for updates so yeah the Wailing sword yeah it's a nice it's a really nice one that's my main blade right now yeah that's a really good one ending work soon nice okay I'm glad the time works for you Quantum that's good yeah all right so so this was one of the doors right over here we've got a chest bandage and arrows so pretty simple stuff uh what's really cool is you can go inside of them too and like hide from your friends in here I love that so that's yeah another simple chest at the uh at the spawn Village of longke here which is fun and thanks for the subs y'all welcome that feeling when it feels like the devs think about you when they plan their update system like that yeah I'm really I'm really happy that that's the case that we can just sink a bunch into building have a lot of fun with that and not worry about uh not worry about the area because it's just going to rewrite all of the existing World files except for inside your flame boundary and that's that's just really cool looks like you could Grill things just with the sword yeah syum yeah yeah I don't know does it actually do fire damage uh I'm curious it doesn't do fire damage it just glows uh to light your way so that's at least cool all right so yeah right over by the blacksmith we had something something secret that I did not find yet all right did you know about using a foundation and uh picking it up to dig massive Caverns for bases yeah totally totally yeah that's what I should have done in my uh in my episode that I did the Cozy Forest cabin to dig the basement that would have gone a lot faster and I totally forgot about it so I just used the little 2 m by by two the 2x two block to dig out the basement which kind of took forever um but yeah when are you going to build The Hobbit houses uh we'll be doing that a lot actually very soon probably not a lot in today's stream um but yeah we are we're getting really close to a lot of building to come we scoped out a lot of locations in last stream and I've still got more of the playthrough episodes but we'll kind of mix those in along with building because now we're far enough along that we've unlocked some pretty good materials at this point to start out with so that'll be fun all right so yeah in the blacksmith VA Vault uh someone was saying there's a secret door behind the blacksmith uh like the little pod where we rescue him and I I just got to level 10 I think um where where can I check that is that in my yeah level 10 here we go so and I I think another thing maybe I'll do this today I'd like to clear out more of these shroud routs because I think those give me uh skill points or lots of XP and uh and that would be useful to start upgrading before we head into the desert and do some tougher stuff in the playthrough there oo ouch okay it's so funny these guys like definitely don't hurt as much as they did back when I first came here it's so easy now all right so satisfying to see me build I appreciate that I'm glad you all have been enjoying the building yeah a lot of people really wanted the building to be on stream to be uncut uh for the larger projects and then sort of do like a tour uh Showcase Video when they're done so I think that's what we'll be doing for a lot of the a lot of the future big project builds and then I'll still do dedicated videos for smaller builds and things here we go this has got to be it yep all right yep I didn't get to this one uh let's see go ahead and make ourselves a lock pick and what do we have in here yeah chopping the Shroud rout gives you skill points nice okay just a rusty sword nothing too special in there but early game if I had found that back when I actually did the blacksmith um it would have it would have made life a lot easier so yeah right now I can just Salvage it we're starting to rack up some runes now to start upgrading Future Weapons which is really good oh yeah and then chopping the all these Chambers and stuff for scrap metal I don't think we can do the original one but I think all of these ones yeah we can uh what was it did the pickaxe or the axe go a lot faster axe is faster than the sword I think the pickaxe might even go faster than that yeah let's let's just see what what goes fastest on these Chambers here cuz yeah that's very true uh you get lots of metal scrap yeah pickaxe definitely goes faster okay let's see if we get some uh some metal scraps from this is the performance any better after the update uh yeah I'd say so oh yeah we do get three metal scraps for each one of those that's actually really good yeah that would give you a lot of good early game Metal scraps that's for sure yeah I'd say the performance is like you know I it's hard to tell for me just because I uh I have a PC that doesn't really care performance- wise uh so my like my data if I go to my task manager or something isn't really going to show much of a difference but I could definitely try it on my uh on like my gaming laptop and that that would tell me if it's better or not but I think they did do a lot to make it a little better A lot of really good tweaks with that one yeah regular melee weapon should be quicker ironically yeah [Music] yeah you're level 17 and hardly doing any damage 50 Max without any Buffs yeah it's I think you max out a character at level 25 um yeah the green and bronze things are good to smash too okay and yeah the Anvil right there you can get a lot of scraps early yeah totally um something yeah so let's now that we have those two secret uh chest thing yeah I don't remember these location like this thing here from before and things like I feel like this might be new from the patch uh they added lots of like lots of little updates to the locations which is really cool how's it going jar hello again all right and yeah Isaac thanks for the reminder again keep making lockpicks at the blacksmith cuz they only cost half as much that's a that's a really great one I kept forgetting that still to this day it's like I'll just make them on the go when I have metal scraps in my inventory but uh how's it going caspy welcome I'm glad you could make it to a stream and glad you're enjoying the content yeah we'll be doing doing some more streams uh soon now that we've getting been uh chipping through a lot of the playthrough episodes so this will be a lot of fun all right so the salt I I would love to find where you can get earlier game salt without always having to go to uh without always having to go to the to the spot where was it yeah right over here these salt mines cuz that's kind of a pain there's a lot of mobs over there it's not too bad now lat game but it's definitely nicer to get it a little earlier you know if we could but just found assault in a way better location than the salt mines yeah that's what that's what I'm looking for right now I think someone sent me a screenshot at one point but I couldn't tell exactly where it was so might mention where you on unlock luminous blocks and where you got the sword yeah that's all in my uh all in my playthrough episodes but the sword is over by The Alchemist someone was also saying there's a secret door or something in The Alchemist chamber that I missed uh that sword was over here and the scavenger stash for the whaling blade and then yeah Alchemist fault and then luminous blocks you go into there's a lot of places I think but the where was it one of the Tomb here not the ancient Obelisk uh was it it was this one hidden tomb entry that's where you can find the Luminous blocks you mine that glowing blue stuff around the coffin in the middle and that's uh that's how I did it anyway yeah the legendary staff is nice this root staff I found uh not too long ago but I've maxed it out and it's it's been amazing 30 7 power plus seven poison it's it's been pretty good compared to like the shepherd's lightning stabs that I've been getting so I just decided to Max this one out and that's been my weapon for you know a few weeks now it's been really good that's a really good staff yeah hidden tomb has the Luminous block and a hidden door okay might have to go check that out mine the rubble by the vaults okay see there's a SP salt spot right over the bank and the Shroud around a tall building from the start area so it's not it's not this uh it's not the well right that's but is it is it this way in the Shroud so like do I walk along this hill and then dive in to one of these buildings there's some more buildings over here yeah the shepherd's lightning it's pretty good I had it for a while until I got the legendary root staff and then I liked the root staff cuz it did some poison and other things too yeah that's also where you get the bone block yep yeah the Tower and the sh this uh is it this this one right down below me or was it the like is it one of those ones in the distance I'm guessing probably this one one of these if it's by the start in the Mist okay yes okay let's head down to this one cuz i' like I've walked through here but I didn't know there was salt like super close here oh and this is cool we can we're not even enshrouded right now so we can actually just teleport out really quick by just coming to the top of this that's nice okay and the salt is there uh oh right here Ah that's a lot of it all right I love the wand too it's just been amazing we can just take care of these guys super fast over here oh that's going to be way easier to get salt from all right yeah right here there's a chest inside too okay let me is it is it right here or you guys are saying I pass it uh is it uh I know this is some salt salt on the tower too is there like a whole another mine section of it this is this is a lot of it actually goes in Fairly far okay go back up the stairs let's try this oh yeah a lot of it in here as well oh yeah this is a lot okay well this is nice cuz I didn't like going all the way over to the other salt mine to find a bunch of salt for uh getting all my dried fur cuz eventually I really would love to make that uh that new armor set at the hunter but we need a lot of tried fur for that and honestly I was kind of holding off because of the salt but this is cool all right so there's a chest in here somewhere you guys are saying it'd be cool if they added an entire Underground map yeah that could be pretty cool uh all right is there let's see let me get in this building uh there's a little door somewhere there's Little Critters over there ah is this like a is there a secret door over here or something yeah you guys are saying up the stairs and on a Ledge to get to it okay and that's how you get in all right let's take care all the buggies there we go all right once you catch the stream at actual time time welcome kenen welcome yeah we just started so you're just in time just off the stairs okay so here's like this ledge we get this over here and let's see I see that grappling point up the steps to a platform one step down then go off the stairs and ledge around the cave okay uh let's see man you guys really explored these areas to find these things under the grapple oh okay so it's like it's over in this area then okay maybe yeah I'll go I'll go up I'll go up and then go off the edge where the grapple is try to find it all right yeah this will be fun I love all the secrets that devs have kind of hidden for us okay so here is is ah sneaky okay ah there we go another Hunter's bow that would have been insane to get early game like again I don't need as much now but like for future playthroughs that's a really really good bow I think I still have the Hunter bow or maybe I have the forest long bow now I have the forest long bow but that could at least probably be upgraded once I think but yeah 10 power for an early game weapon uh that's that's super easy to get right after the glider nice okay yep I'll be salvaging it you fell in it by accident made my day yeah that's that's cool cuz it's uh yeah looks like you can even sneak sneak in through the little window over here if you m some of that Rubble yeah they've been hiding so much stuff here with these uh these little secret Areas this is cool all right well let's go ahead and fast travel out and where else where else should I go to try to find some fun Secrets I know some people are saying The Alchemist fault should we head in The Alchemist Vault direction we could go this way and pick up some more weapons I could show you guys where to get that sword from and uh either way I can just Salvage it the cave behind the first well that's a great idea let's do that while over here actually it's uh it's getting dark so I'm just going to go back and sleep and then we'll glide into the Shroud yeah I haven't been there that's a good idea cuz I saw some stuff in there uh but yeah I haven't really uh haven't really done much here oh the Wailing Blade the Wailing blade sword yeah the the glowing one that I have so I'll show you as soon as we as soon as we wake up in the morning there we go yeah it's this one it provides light when you walk around and it's actually a really good sword so Mariela how's it going welcome I did not know about a big gold chest I could dig up near the stable we we'll have to go check that out yeah this is great this is really great cuz I was kind of falling short even uh on these on these runes here and it' be nice to rack up some more of those so that when I start getting better weapons I can uh start upgrading them yeah let's go to the let's go to the uh Cave I think yeah it's the cave like right right behind that that first well here so we'll just go ahead and go down I may as well take out the boss while I'm down here as well uh just to get another shroud core because I'd like to have those because when we start building uh those will be really useful to us just start upgrading our flame alter increase the boundary and stuff yeah invest in the updraft Talent yeah when I get some more uh skills I'm actually headed in that direction right now I'll open the skill tree real soon here let's see oh gosh we don't like this shooting explosives here all right so yeah if I go to my where was it skill tree ah it's it's the next one so we just need three more skill points and I I really like that one so yeah would love to do that all right saw a table you can plant or uh get the planks to make the brute trophy yeah yeah Harvest Homestead yeah I don't think I've been to that is that this area uh is that this area to mend Old Wounds this Quest that I like just never did or finished it's got to be in here tell me if I'm right uh I never I never went there blink is a nice skill as well okay try to lead a normal animal into the Shroud I could probably there that's I'd have to get the Beast Master skill then we could do that all right so what I find is that for this thunder root guy the uh staff just takes care of him really quick like three or four shots there we go you think that's where it is okay okay just make it chase you into the Shroud that's true with the with the wolves and stuff oh yeah this guy just gives so much good stuff I feel like I could Farm them all the time so we already have this mace so I can go ahead and Salvage that and there's another shroud core there another trophy I guess for decoration and comfort and we can just chop down the little shroud route here yeah I could eat food yeah I know I'm I'm like uh we're in the starting game area so I've just been pretty chill about not eating much right now but yeah I probably should oh yeah and another thing too I don't know if maybe I went back here in my playr but there's a chest and some stuff over here a health potion uh and a bunch of my celium in these uh these crates and stuff here so I definitely didn't get all of that yeah I might be starting a little bit of work on the The Hobbit house today today will mostly be like a little fun adventure stream and then after this stream a lot of the future streams will be building so definitely stay tuned all right and then yeah I know there's a chest up here if we just kind of take this outer staircase up uh this was yeah right right over here I think I did get this one but another crackling wand which is actually a really good wand again just not needed right now but am I going for a warrior mage build uh currently yeah right now I uh I've kind of been liking I mean you guys can let me know like where I should start going I've been liking the Survivor route I really like the double jump I like the uh reduced stamina when you're running and stuff reduce stamina with the glider more time in the Shroud uh these have been really nice and then I'm going over in this direction just so that I can get the uh updraft here and that'll be nice and yeah we did get some skill points there some more for that so we just need one more for the updraft and then beyond that uh yeah you guys were saying blink was pretty good is that that's probably down here somewhere isn't it right here yeah so we get head into the Healer battle mage route I don't know I feel like I'd pick completely different things if it was multiplayer uh like if I was playing with a lot of people uh versus single player so yeah we've got a lot of stuff over here that we didn't we didn't go to for all right get some more of the Shroud spores cuz that's how we can make more of those shroud cores oh that's nice the Healer gives you constant heal that's nice okay cuz I know you could heal like your friends and stuff but sometimes that could be useful I think I have a ring one of my rings is doing that for me yeah you can see my health bar just keeps going up uh and that that's really useful that was one of my favorite things to find that's for sure all right so let's see here we've got was this the cave or was there a cave like right back here that I that I just walked by uh yeah there's something over here I think this was the one yeah the Healer was nerfed in the patch yeah there was a really powerful one I heard about that yeah oh another Rusty sword don't mind if I get some more runes from that okay more melium and probably some more stuff in these barrels too yeah lots more mycelium in there okay well let's see what's in here uh now that I'm ready for the for the spookier stuff I probably wouldn't have been brave enough to check this out early game to be honest it's only now oh I feel like I'm going to get lost in here okay it does spit me out over here by the well again that's good oh golly I keep running into those plants we've got something to search over here more my steelium stuff there all right that'll just rip away our shroud you love the game your husband and you play it together yeah it's it's really an amazing game I've been enjoying it a lot is there anything else I miss in that cave aside from Little search pile and exploding plants we didn't go we didn't go this way much did we yeah let's go this way lots of Critters okay oh there's a path that goes through here actually I don't know maybe I'll come back for Critter parts and stuff I know we need lots of these uh things to make the Shroud cores at The Alchemist okay yeah yeah so there's like a whole uh where are we on the map right now of curiosity ah sort of like right in in the middle of the Shroud area interesting so that just kind of throws us back on the path here now where does this go do an experiment stream what would that entail what should I do for an experiment stream there trying all sorts of weird stuff in the in the game seeing if it works I search this one it doesn't look like it okay yeah just try a bunch of stuff that' be fun just like messing around with different building mechanics uh trying things that you know we haven't tried before that could be cool oh you can Circle back to it later oh nice for that little path that we came back out on I don't need another one of the Rings there okay we'll just get all this stuff Salvage that uh let's [Music] see and there we go under the bridge by one of the pillars yeah there's the chest that I can dig up for the carpenter yeah I have to uh oh I'll be doing that in the next playthrough so these streams will still be in my playthrough playlist uh but I'm not going to be like unlocking quests and reading passages and things in them so that people who want to just watch the playthrough videos can watch those and they'll make you know all the sense and everything uh and then if you want some extra fun stuff we can do the streams as well as a lot of building on the streams so that's kind of the plan right now AG ring a wolf into the Shroud yeah yeah I could definitely do that we could try something like that it probably uh they would definitely attack each other like the Shroud shroud guys and the Wolf all right so coming back here let's see what do I want to do back in my house I should probably repair some stuff how's my backpack looking we've got all that salt now I can get some more uh more dried fur going cuz yeah the new the armor set the Alchemist or the hunter here so we we don't have this one we don't have this one all we had is the Scout set and I'd love to build uh build out uh both of these actually cuz they give a lot of uh yeah they give a lot of good Buffs here and I love how all the armor sets are used in that way it's a lot of fun yeah also see what you can or can't break yeah totally for the uh for like an experiment stream kind of a thing no I love it you like the build in the game kenen I'm so glad I'm so glad that that was uh inspiring for you not the not the Carpenters chest Under the Bridge North Side pickaxe the rebel Rubble is that uh that's not the quest where so so right now I have a quest uh that is where is it Bridge construction report the carpenter hid a treasure chest inside the middle pillar of the brilin bridge uh so if it's the middle pillar of that bridge that's it's not the quest okay you love that I'm keeping the playthrough series and this a little bit separate yeah I figured it' be nice for like that to make sense without the live streams just yet so we could like you know do all the quests and keep it all really organized that way Plant some trees in my house yeah yeah thanks for the subs I appreciate it is it so where where is it it's on the North side you guys are saying for the chest in this bridge like over over here do I keep going in the middle pillar the quest is bugged unless they fixed it in the patch maybe they fixed it we'll have to see yeah I'll try to get that chest I don't know if it if it's for the quest I don't want to risk it so I'll try to get it uh I'll try to get it in the in the next episode cuz yeah I know there was uh like the middle pillar of the brilin bridge so my guess is okay not that one this one right there's Rubble here and this is this is the middle pillar of the brilin bridge so I'm guessing if it's this one here uh it's part of the quest so I don't want to I don't want to do that just yet it it is this one okay well maybe it's part of it maybe it's bugged either way if they did fix it in the patch uh I will I will hold off on that one for now there's a different one besides the one that's that that is uh in the rubble right there at the bottom of the pillar in the Shroud first time making a live stream love the content so far thanks appreciate it I did I did run past it is it uh it it it's not it's it's a different one than the one right here cuz I I know there was one right over here yeah the one in the rubble right here or wait where was it in this side where was the middle pillar not that one it was this one over here yeah there's Rubble over here and this one yeah this one's for the quest that one will be in the next episode to the side on the bridge no digging needed and it's at the bottom here or is it uh yeah when you when you're saying I just ran past it is it is it at the bottom or do I have to go up onto the bridge to find it on the top okay okay and yeah that's what I was wondering cuz I was confused about those two and the quest is uh I just opened my journal to see it was uh it was the one for the carpender for the chest that he HD in the middle pillar of the brilin bridge from his aunt brilin um okay some people saying backup some people are saying in the Shroud so we'll see we'll see uh you completed the quest yesterday okay yeah we'll save it we'll save it uh for the quest then cuz yeah I think I got everything like on the bridge unless you guys are saying like it's in in any of these Rubble piles and stuff cuz uh we could certainly try some of these I don't know if the dev hit anything in here it doesn't look like it for this one that one's pretty shallow just mine all the rubble piles up here nothing on the bridge okay yeah I didn't think there was stuff in here uh I thought I remembered even mining them here don't go over the wood beam Ah that's a good point so is is there something in one of these Rubble piles or a chest like hidden back in here somewhere cuz yeah I've never gone to the bridge uh right in here right in here then somewhere in this area not right over here yeah I don't see much this one might be a hard one for me to find yeah there's some Rubble here nothing on the bridge yeah I'm I'm I'm going to go with that for now uh and we'll do the we'll do the chest for the carpenter in another one um it was so close it to the left okay you you're saying like over in here in this area okay I feel like maybe there's a quest in here a a chest in here I should say uh yeah not in here okay yeah Isaac you can tell me where it is in the in the twitch chat off the side of the bridge oh do I have to like Glide down or try to uh ah I can't believe I missed that some wooden arrows is that the one you guys were talking about oh I can't believe I missed that okay well yeah there's a chest there now I know now I know the one you guys are talking about okay oh man all right so let's head should we head over to The Alchemist area then cuz I I know someone in in one of the comments in on the video um check the Discord for the golden chest okay let's see you sent it to me there oh is that the uh where is that at is that the oh there's the brilin bridge and it's right in the oh it's like down in the Shroud uh right in here Isaac yes right in here okay let's uh let's check that out then if you're saying there's a gold chest in the Shroud in the cliffs side under the bridge yeah I'll probably still be missing some stuff if it's a gold chest that seems pretty good cuz those usually have some good stuff in them uh so that's right on this hill or somewhere somewhere on this hill is on the hill Hill or like right yeah somewhere over here we'll make our way over to the hill first and uh check this area Out ooh it's a cave entrance okay so if I is it is it on the well side of the Hill ooh whoops I should have deployed the glider there or is it on a uh ah whoa am I going to be okay in there is it in here it's not here okay okay not that I was like I don't all that looked like was deadly shroud so toward the well um the well is right here and then up the hill up the hill behind the well ah is it this one right behind ah this has got to be it yeah this is it okay so we're searching for golden chest in here possibly legendary loot we'll see oh is that uh is that it over there the distance aha that looks really interesting I haven't seen this chest before ha and a root staff man that was a good find dang again I have that but that's a really good staff early game wow okay you died looking at the stream you're playing in shoted too that's funny all right so we'll Salvage that one 36 runes though and I haven't seen a chest like that looks like that before so that's really cool all right we found that one yeah we always need runes so uh oh that's the highest tier chest like Beyond just the normal golden chest that's cool I didn't know that okay yeah let's head toward the Alchemist now then um where was that would probably just be easiest to go to from uh we could go to it from the ancient Spire here I'll go to it from my home over here because we can kind of walk by the cave areas and and uh salvage some of the better swords over in that area as well there's a whole bunch of good loot as we walk over this way there's lots more explosives and stuff like that yeah that's so cool that they have chests in like all those random places part of me wonders like I know the map is relatively small but it's like it's huge when you think about it and like the amount of time they put into placing all this stuff for for us to explore uh it blows me away sometimes it's really cool yeah up in here I know there's a lot of stuff and I always love kind of going by here to uh to grab some of the loot we've got arrows sometimes there's a health uh potion in that chest there and then if we climb up here there's a bunch of stuff all right they did a nice job cuz it's fun yeah definitely definitely it's a great one so I know there's one down in here always and that's got a nice little Hatchet in it uh give us some more runes from that and then I know there's lots of stuff that I always run out of because they're just so convenient uh which are the explosives up here so yeah we we always need those all right and then some more arrows in that chest yeah lots of stuff in here yeah the loot does replenish did you not know that yet yeah the whole entire world that's the reason that updates take into effect in existing worlds and stuff the entire world around your flame alter uh replenishes itself every 30 minutes now I believe with the fix uh or every time you like log back out and log back in everything around your flame alter uh like reverts back to normal essentially which is pretty cool makes this so that there's essentially infinite resources um such a satisfying chest to find for the first time yeah yeah yeah I know some of these chests that we're finding now would have been like insanely good if I had found them a lot earlier I think you can craft explosives yeah you just have to uh I think what is that through the Alchemist or something later so yeah we go through this cave passage this is like the the legit way so to speak to get over to the Alchemist vault [Music] I am Harry Potter right now my little fire one this time though I love that this one and the sword provide light uh I really like that about them I think we come here and then above here yeah like I think even if I go to crafting here I think I could make a yeah explosive powder ball net and oh no that's just a net I haven't made one of those by the way so that could be fun to try sometime but uh yeah you start unlocking some cool stuff all right I think and then yeah we have a flame Trine over there we go this way and this this goes a little uh a little closer I have wolves I can do the sh experiment yeah we'll try to do that some point probably so this is peaceful Acres that was The Mending Old Wounds thing here's the scavenger stash so we just have to head continue this way actually let me just uh let me put this as a wayo here that way we know where we're going what wand am I using oh gosh I was looking at chat the wolf just comes over see these these are these are streamer problems Isaac you died by looking at the stream when you're playing I always die by looking at the chat all right it's not too bad early game here um yeah so this is the fire wand uh it's is a scorching wand and it is an epic uh tier and then I have at max level so you can upgrade it a few times but yeah and a bunch of good stuff in there but we explored a lot of that in the in the play through there alumi how's it going welcome there is shroud right here uh we could try to lure a wolf into it if you wanted me to again I don't think anything's going to happen really oh yeah there he goost there's some more of the melium stuff a really cool cave in there I wonder if there's anything in that area oh yeah if I find a wolf and there's a little patch like this I'll try it how's that I see bunnies but they're not going to chase me into the Shroud and here's the path that we pick up that goes by the ancient Obelisk there oh it's a salt mine down there nice so another awesome place to get salt that's good to know yeah I'm definitely going to be using that salt trick to find it a little early game here did I not click on this uh this Obelisk it's still glowing red ah because I can loot this guy every time yeah The Wanderers boots I don't need them cuz I picked those up so here's some more salt and stuff some uh bone meal and things so yeah then we go over here from the ancient obisk and this is where I got the whaling blade which is a legendary weapon and super easy to get early game obviously so we head right down here and then right up this path and right ahead there through the trees is The Alchemist Vault um and then in here is where I got the blade so all right let's see here let's try to get that guy oh he fell in is on trp that's funny okay oh all right we're not going to talk about that mine all the black Rebel in the vaults okay well that's what we're we're going to the uh we're going to The Alchemist Vault apparently there's lots of good stuff the RNG gods with you when you got the blade yeah I think this one it's guaranteed the whaling blade yeah so this this is always going to be that which is which is cool so and yeah you can salvage it for a good a good price there lots of metal scraps more uh okay we're doing it again I'm sorry we're crafting a lockpick without the blacksmith you saw nothing all right good yeah definitely didn't walk into a trap there nothing nothing happened all right so there's there's those things and that's yeah this scavenger stash is is pretty good and we've got the Alchemist Vault over there and I know it's night time but we'll do this at night cuz there's some lights on the inside we can try to look around and find some stuff here you've been meaning to go over there before you got the mun yeah yeah oh it's a cool spot and this blade is still what I'm using you know I'll probably be using it all the way up to Desert or something all right now that I'm a little more upgraded I'm not as afraid to be out here taking these things out at night yeah the staff just one shots level three uh things here it's really nice oops I don't want to get blown up there necessarily all right this is going to be a little tough to see we've got a a beacon here that'll give us a little bit of light and ah here we go get that one okay yeah we're doing fine we're doing fine at night some water there o do we have another uh it's night time now we have another little uh passage over there and I didn't read it I can't believe I missed that in the uh is that a passage oh whoops where did I go okay okay I'm just start falling into the abyss now what the okay I got to get a torch out here or uh let's let's get the sword here we go now I can get out of here didn't want to fall in there we wouldn't want to do that without double jump I think yeah I missed this passage I'll have to read that like now this stream I'll have to like do a little episode of reading all the old all the passages and sort of finishing up some existing quests that I haven't done yet I totally can't believe I missed that but I guess that's because it was daytime when I came here before so there you go coming at different times of day you get different things um there's some of the the black Rubble right by me this stuff yeah this this uh this darker gray still just gives me Rubble uh unless there's a known chest under this but which there might be there might be chest in there yeah these guys are still resisting the wand here but it still does a lot of damage even though they're kind of resistant to it yeah I got to take not that The Alchemist uh area has a scroll that I haven't read yet I got to do the brilin bridge quest uh yeah they are weak to frost I have the frost in my staff here which is why it's just been uh one-shotting them okay so someone said there's a secret door Somewhere In The Alchemist Vault that I didn't go through in the comments of that episode so we're going to have to look long and hard in here see if I can find something oh you were just was hoping that it would give me a new block by mining the black Rubble yeah yeah sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't uh with certain terrain materials I think all the rubble is just rubble and then some of the path blocks uh the different types of soils things like that uh will give you a new block but yeah got another spot for a nice feature after The Alchemist it's close by nice that's cool yeah so many good building locations and stuff in this game more Elixir there all right so this secret door where is it and what did I miss I'm going to look through like all of this stuff like is this a door oh that's a door all right we found one okay let's see stuff under that wood too okay oh what do we have in here another explosive powder ball I love that you just hide away in these so cool all right is that the only one or is there more there might be more either way there's a lot of good weapons in here this down here this is where I got the best wand or I think it it was the ice wand before this one but this is a really good really really good uh chest here ooh another Forest long bow there you go another rare one you can upgrade a lot that's the bow I have so this is a good uh this is a really good spot for Loot and I can just Salvage that one cuz I have the I just have an uncommon one but this one was already a higher level to begin with so that's why I uh that's why I upgraded it holy tree found me on Twitch nice nice yeah so I am multi streaming I'm I'm on Twitch and YouTube and YouTube will always be the better higher quality one just because of YouTube settings that make it a lot uh lot nicer but I figured I'd start multistreaming since I built my new pc that could do it so I did just start the twitch thing and uh I figured things like the return to Moria series some other live streams here and there I might just do on Twitch that aren't related to valheim and shrouded necessarily and then everything else I will just uh I'll do on both I'll do twitch and YouTube because I may as well so yeah if any of you are interested in like return to Moria and stuff like that or any of you who have watched my previous episodes on return to Moria be sure to head over to my twitch and uh follow me over there if you'd like I've got a link in the description yeah lots more arrows here too all right lots of metal scraps a little repair area I think that might have been the only uh oh there is an area up here I don't know if I went up here before did I go up here maybe I did yeah so that might have been the only secret door in The Alchemist Vault but that's cool that we found that I'm not seeing anymore just yet anyway mine all the bones oh do those give us bone fragments if I mine the if I get the skeletons oh they do well that's cool all sorts of things that like are very intuitive but I just never took the time to do like if I needed bones for some you know for making bone meal or something be a quick spot to get them so there's a spot out here is there anything uh anything of Interest around the side here this this just kind of goes out to the land which is also a really pretty spot you can jump off the outside towers for a CH oh yeah there it is there's a chest up there and that's easy to see because it's night time well there you go thanks for that all right I am super happy we found that I don't know if there's an easy way to get up there from the outside except for climbing down from the top yeah that's awesome okay you didn't know that one yeah this is cool ring of Health that's actually really really good I think that's the one I have yep that's the exact same ring I have and that's still one of the best ones I found so far the Ring of rapacity and the Ring of health so insanely insanely good I may as well just keep that around in case I need an extra or for my other character or something I don't know but uh yeah that's pretty cool cuz I don't I don't think we can get up here from the bottom can we maybe if I was like really uh really tricky about it but uh yeah I think that would be I think that would be the way to do that one all right and then another there was some some sarch stuff but may as well just Glide down here you can't be at the top of something and not Glide down it eventually and then we could fast travel back or something and sleep these places at night do look pretty cool jar other character yeah yeah I've got another character I'm doing a playthrough with a friend of mine uh haven't been doing content on it but we're just checking out multiplayer and seeing how it is um so yeah it's been fun or if I want to test things in the game without uh without unlocking any of the uh new things with this character because I don't want to like prematurely unlock stuff because of the fact that I'm doing the playthrough and I don't want to unlock things off camera so that character will just kind of be like to test certain things if I feel like I skipped by something or try to figure out what to do in each episode so yeah fee my friend fee yep he was in uh he was in the second episode bu building the starter house yep so him and I have been doing a a little bit of multiplayer stuff I've got another character for that all right I know we got a chest in here I have not done the Queen's tomb yeah I I still got to do that so this is a really good weapon executioner a I already have one it's all Salvage look at that we're racking up a lot of these that's good you hope they add a AOE loot option yeah yeah rather than having to pick up everything with E I mean the good thing is at least like when you're destroying uh your structures and stuff it just automatically shows back up in your inventory so I would say all things considered this game really isn't too grindy um and yeah I honestly really like that about it it's been a lot of fun Queen's tomb is fun all right yeah I'll have to I'll have to go there uh that's that's the next quest uh one one of the next quests I have so we have this one which I feel like I'll do that on on Stream So maybe the next playthrough episode actually we will go ahead and do this one we'll read the journal over by The Alchemist that I forgot might do a couple more of these root things and then yeah here's the Queen's tomb so we haven't done this stuff in here yet and we still have these things and then we still have all the stuff in this section where uh Pike meat area is but yeah when you uh kill a bunch of enemies you have to press it like 15 times yeah yeah totally yeah at least they have like the take all option but there's a CH there's a cheat for the queen uh I don't know if I want to hear it just yet I'd love to hear it so like when I'm live again after I've done that episode let me know but um I mean not not that I want to die a ton to it if it's a hard fight but I feel like I'm kind of uh feel like I'm kind of geared here I feel like I'll I'll uh I don't know I'll figure it out we'll see vibing you want to hear yeah you you uh you all can join my Discord server put it in the ined chat and just put like the lines on either side to mark it as like spoilers you can tell each other that the cheat and then see how horribly I fail or something and yeah I got to I got to break everything in here get all the loot from this it's a good point I don't do it a lot but I should lots of water there that's always needed yeah 15 times for a slight exaggeration yeah yeah yeah I can stream and then cut some of it into uh into some shorts yeah totally if I've got some uh I I've been doing that sometimes I I don't do it maybe as much as I could but uh yeah I I could I could definitely start doing some of that if I have funny moments on streaming things I'll have to uh I don't know I'll have to remember them so there's a shroud route right up here let's go to this one let's we can do a couple of these shroud routs uh today because those uh those aren't really a quest thing those just give us experience and when you get all of them you viously get the Ste uh the steam achievement of like weeding the Shroud or whatever uh but yeah we could we could use some experience we could unlock the updraft for the glider there you find farming in this game to be very satisfying yeah still haven't done a lot of that just yet oh is it like down it's down in the Shroud so these where the old salt mines this is where the quest tells us to go that was just a pain I died so many times in there before cuz I came here at night and I couldn't see that little scaffolding to get out I just kept dying from the Shroud um yeah I can't bring a wolf down here unfortunately uh just because of the fact that they're not going to follow me off the cliff although I have seen like mountain goats fall off the cliffs before so Farm is called Woodard yeah okay okay yeah that that's uh that's got to be this area uh right here then to men yeah wood guard there you go uh-huh to mend old wound so I'll do that CH uh that Quest I think it's part of like a quest where we might get something from it so I'll hold off for a little bit I'll do that one in in the next uh playthrough episode here we go another one of them shroud routs just use the shield and push the wolf off the cliff yeah that could work so there's another skill point so uh let's see do I have enough to yes I do updraft let's go aad and do that so now if we are like gliding I can press space bar again oh whoops that was too late uh and and then we can get another big boost in the glider especially when we make the better glider with the carpenter I have to uh I have to do that maybe I'll do some of that in the next one too we'll craft some of the armor sets make that better glider uh although I think I still needed some stuff for that better glider that I didn't have just yet so I'll have to find some of that as well but uh yeah there's a Time for the updraft that that makes sense cuz yeah I think like and now I'd be yeah yeah I can't hit it right away you have to be gliding for like a couple of seconds before I'm able to hit it so that makes sense okay oh yeah the the chest Under the Stairs wasn't that um that's a good point yeah so that was what was that was that peaceful Acres was that this area down here that there was a chest Under the Stairs I can't remember but I do think I do think that that was uh yeah that was that was in the lore like you would have never known there was a chest there unless you read the passage which is why I'm reading all this stuff it's actually kind of entertaining too I love uh I love all the lore in this game and the way it explains the storyline and everything I think that's uh it's been a lot of fun all right another shroud route over there let's head in that direction may as well just keep getting experience getting these things out start clearing the map a little more and then yeah anyone in the chat if if uh if you remember any of the episodes I we actually we got a lot of good uh lot of good chests here today A lot of good new stuff unlocked but if you remember anything else from the episodes feel free to let me know and uh and I can uh I can head down and try to see if I missed a bunch of stuff but we'll head to this other shroud route here uh uh it was this one all right yeah we'll set that as a way point Glide down there yeah I also unlocked that skill of less stamina for gliding that has saved me so many times now it's so nice and especially with the better glider I think that'll be that'll be a good one yeah you wish there was a clean stream of the water that wasn't turned into the deadly shroud yeah we'll see if they add it with new biomes in the future we should hear probably later this week about more of their road map plans and things um o location below interesting is that uh oh that's that's got to be in this shroud right here yeah that's got to be in here okay oh there's also a hidden chest in the camp where they make Elixir under the still okay okay break a tree with my wand that could work it's just like punching trees it just does three damage so it works every everything will work on the trees but um don't ask you how you found out about the internal timer on the glider for the up trft I'm guessing you died to it then trying to press it too late where is this rout uh-oh am I going away from it am I did I just did I just trap myself in a shroud right now it's over here it's got to be over here okay we yeah exactly can't use the glider without without that location above now what the heck where's the Shroud route where are they trying to where are they trying to put me are they are they trying to put me in the Shroud here are they trying to trap me here it's in a cave above me how am I supposed to get to that okay let's trying to figure how to get out of the Shroud I've got some uh I've got some stuff to make my shroud time go up uh which is which is fine okay it's uh where the heck is it I don't see like a cave entrance is it accessible from here or do I have to access it from the top right under the top in a cave it's along the cliff from the top is where you access it okay it looks like maybe I can continue this way either way we're getting some shroud exploration time here let me just make sure I'm not going to my quests no we're fine okay and maybe I can climb up these Hills where do I get out of the Shroud up that way it's probably the quickest way out or up here maybe up here but to the left at the end okay cool yep here we go and we'll try to make it back up to the top there Glide down do a 180 and it's right under you okay and just m my way out yeah yeah if I wanted to take forever wait I I know I can get up this there we go double jump is so nice sometimes there we go all right so over here o we've got another little house over there is that this uh no that's the that's the Shroud yeah let's let's go to this place not part of a quest yet if I chart the location it doesn't complete the quest if there's journals in it I'll save it but does this place say anything no it's just a random little Tavern let's check it out um there's a cave that leads to it from the top okay should be an entrance there okay yeah if uh let's see like over in this area area I'm guessing as we as we get closer to it well let's let's uh yeah let's loot this place while we're here and then I'll go look for that uh I'll go look for that entrance anything interesting I have to keep on the lookout for doors and stuff this is actually a nice place if you wanted to renovate it too pretty well put together I hear the mice oh not mice spiders okay yeah here we go and I have a thing against them now after my power having gone out so many times the day I was trying to get the Hunter's hand spindle going through the spider cave every time I was right in the middle of the spider cave the power went out I'm not going to like spiders now all right let's see any anything interesting in here it's like not looking like there's much is there like oh we can open these that's cool I didn't know we could do that uh lots of books crates other random stuff some water not a lot over here yeah uh Quantum if you'd like to uh if you'd like to do the dedicated server stuff I know you're in my Discord server and uh and you were mentioning you had one for for some people if you'd uh if you'd like some people in there uh yeah if anyone actually if anyone wants to join my Discord server Quantum you can talk with uh with them about it in the inra channel yall can discuss and see if more people would like to join uh cuz yeah shouted in shouted with friends is a lot of [Music] fun check for hidden doorways I feel like maybe there was more in here I don't think we went upstairs and there's got to be an upstairs did we was there anything that I yeah we didn't go upstairs anywhere there's there's no secret doors down here um e those guys are harmless but all right yeah there's got to be an upstairs how do we get to it that's the question um ah maybe it's a whole separate room over here cuz I I thought I was in here before yeah this is the wardrobes where do we go up the stairs or how do we get up there is there a grappling hook [Music] somewhere you think they add a repair function to the Hammer oh I don't know actually that would be that' be cool to be able to repair uh like things that we we started destroying I don't know how do I get in that top section there I feel there's got to be a way isn't there um H yep I I was about to say the same thing we're we're just going to bomb it if I can't get up here there's a little spot right here oh that almost made it there let's see okay yep uh hang on a second that'll work oh it's done out of shingles interesting and there's nothing up here of course but uh cool that we could get to it this is the kind of thing like I feel like the devs would hide something up here but don't see anything nothing it's just shingles and then another another roof on top of that although the shingles do make for an interesting floor texture I guess kind of looks like a rug I don't know but okay well that's this area just just very empty uh we just got trolled by the devs up there all right okay so this uh this cave here let's try to look it uh we're going to go on this path and up here where do we have to go again I'm going to assume up here and then we can kind of loop wait this is where we were why is it telling us ah we got to kind of go go around this way okay is this the entrance or is it something to do like with this area your son says it's nice to see a person that's it's gaming nice yeah in shout in Trout's fun yeah some of them have hidden stuff up there that's for sure so this has got to be it this is the cave this is the entrance you guys were saying from the top and there's the Shroud route yep all right perfect I know that's going to blow up on me there we go go ahead and get some more XP wait for my stamina I could uh eat a honey right now I'm not rested either there we go another skill point so where are we at skill points wise now we only oh we only have one cuz we just unlocked that okay what direction should I go in next like what would you guys recommend do you think blink is really is worth it uh I know there's some stuff here like uh being able to chop down trees and pickaxe a lot faster um Eagle ey there's lots of good stuff up here with the Marksman stuff wasn't there another one yeah increase the time in the Shroud by another 5 minutes this one might be good to work toward the Beast Master section so yeah maybe we work toward this one because that's a good one and then that will unlock this area calm Spirit there we go so let's do this one and then this one I think I think that would be good to do okay yeah so we'll do those and then there's the hunter Vault right over there cool so we did that one there's one over here so maybe we maybe we try to find that one over there depends on the fighting preferences yeah yeah I think I'll do the Shroud time cuz it's been kind of fun exploring in the Shroud and I I did it once so we have an extra 2 minutes and I I'm really happy I did and having another 5 minutes that would be that would be pretty cool so let's set that as a way point head in that direction again and there's the updraft nice oh I love that okay yeah that'll be awesome when we have the newer gliders they go a lot faster use a lot less stamina there we go another health potion in there so you can see here we've been playing for 30 minutes and all the loot over here is back yeah that's what you would do the Shroud gives you anxiety yeah y adios where's the wolf that was over here going to jump up on me isn't it I don't know no open that another metal star mace there oh no we don't have room for it what can I delete here don't really need the little fuzzy okay cuz I would like some more rooms there we go yeah and the bad guys are back too yeah exactly so oh and while I'm here we got to make up for the explosives that I Ed on that house when nothing was in there grab some more of those again all right yeah it definitely it can make it a little tough if you like just took out a location and then you uh come back you know not too long after and there's there's stuff there again to take out but it can also be nice all right here's another one that this is a good spot to be I'll I think we're fine the new armor has been doing really well against this stuff so like I haven't eaten the whole stream here and we've been okay with the earlier game things all right yeah this was a spot that we had a lot of uh like we could go in through the area over here yeah I hope they make salvageable yeah because I don't need any of the new ones anymore so I know they've got yeah another scorching wand there oh gosh what should we I don't really need another trophy do I some Twigs some people are going to hate me for that because some people are really trying to farm them for arrows uh I don't really need that ring either well whatever it'll be enough to uh enough to grab it then we'll make a run by the house to uh to drop off inventory later on more explosives nice yeah read the story hints in this one yeah I read the story hints uh before curse these numb skulls blew me to Smither those Scoundrels yeah so this this guy was not happy uh and and so this this uh scroll goes like directly with the one where was it was it right out here somewhere yeah it was right over here where they're like oh yeah you know you should you should just be fine you know he was fine um where was it perhaps he plays a prank on us uh and they were like oh hopefully you had some Provisions in there so they were just poking fun at each other and uh and this guy was not happy about it clearly he died in there oh you keep the heads for bronze version later in the game nice okay you're writing a Reddit post on how you deleted the Twigs right now oh no I'm sorry I'm sorry guys I I just I keep finding enough arrows at locations like I just have all sorts of arrows I just keep going to locations and picking up all the arrows and I don't know probably not a good idea I could do a lot more with a bow if I wanted to uh okay oh is it over here is this where the Shroud route is is it is it in this tunnel I thought I remembered this one being the deadly shroud a long time ago I guess we can access it now all right yeah it's got to be up in here yep there it is okay these caves are really cool as well like I I just I don't know I really like them it could be neat to build in them cuz once you clear the Shroud route I'm guessing you can build in them um oh wait to get a wolf first do you want me to check if there's a wolf out here you you really want me to lead a wolf into the Shroud for some reason but it's not going to do anything yeah the staff of endless spells now that I have the ice bolt spell I feel like I just haven't needed the uh just haven't needed the bow quite as much sometimes but the staff has such a long range that it's been okay all right I literally I took care of the wolf I I I'm sorry I took care of them I don't see any Wolves Out Here hoping to add hudry to the game later yeah that would be cool all right so let's take care of this route get another skill point you saw a movement maybe maybe somewhere awesome Quantum that sounds great right just drop his bones in there and see what happens imagine you suddenly turn into a werewolf that'd be funny all right and there we go so do these things regenerate over time as well or do these stay out like can you keep chopping them down for another skill point every time can you just Farm them that way or do they like I haven't tried that since this is the first time we're kind of getting lots of shroud Roots um yeah the mountain Above This shroud is a nice place to build it is it is a really cool spot you can climb up there pretty easy from the uh from the cinder Vault where you start out in the game and then right behind it you can uh pickaxe your way up and then it's a cool spot I put a flame alter up there at one point Glide it down it's it's a lot of fun they don't seem to come back oh that's cool so we could officially like build in like a big cave base that could be kind of neat especially in that spot where we chopped down the Shroud route where was it again it was somewhere was it here not that one this one here maybe is this one no that was the salt mines that was the one we just did shroud route maybe it the one up here that we did um yeah the grind teeth Grotto that area that cave is huge and it's actually gorgeous with so many colors and lighting and like it's such a cool spot so uh yeah yeah you don't get more skill points yeah especially for like yeah doing the boss over and over again kind of a thing but they they do come back huh interesting okay they probably wouldn't though if you put a flame alter there and it' probably let you if they're not there I don't know that would be pretty cool to to try out do a big cave base in the in the grind teeth area so that one has been taken out we have enough skill points to go in this direction yeah we need two more okay Relentless flame just shame deleting Twigs oh man oh we've got another is that that the other tomb over there any more shroud roots that are fairly close we do have one over here by the hunter Vault yeah so we've got a lot of these uh we've got a shrouder over there another Quest over there yeah so we'll we'll take them out uh at some point but at least it's good we got a lot of the ones in this area and then we just have that to do which is the wood guard area and I think that's where we can get the flower soil as well if I'm not mistaken yeah try to build in them create a video out of like building a cave base that would be cool yeah yeah you can't build you have to build on the very edge of the mountains there because if the flame alter is outside that red boundary for Early Access or if the yeah it won't let you uh it won't let you place it in that area um can I always get more Twigs yeah I can get more Twigs it's okay I just know a lot of people are grinding for Twigs so it it was probably a stab in the back right there yeah the snow biome is going to be developed uh at some point they don't have any content up there but like all the mountains behind that Spire over there that's all going to be a really sweet biome like I'm I'm guessing once they add that content in the future that would be really cool I'd love for them to add like a weather system and stuff like that now I have to add a Twigs emote on YouTube yeah Isaac you'd be able to use that should I add a Twig's emote to YouTube I I should all right just for you maybe I'll try to do that uh I'll try to do that next okay that would be funny then every time I delete Twigs you guys can spam the Twigs emote all right so with that I'm guessing oh oh whoa that's just like a random Bat Out of Nowhere bye I guess a fur patch all right this is another chest we may as well just grab this one oo that's some good stuff oh gosh all right oh more poison more poison all right these guys are persistent okay so I think with that now that we have this area of the map taken out uh yeah there's there might be a few more chests so if you guys think of anything let me know but in the meantime we might want to uh we might want to do like I don't know kind of refine some more of the building location stuff uh from last stream because last time we narrowed it down to a few spots so if I go to go back to where I started this stream off uh which was right up on the top of this hill yeah if we go right over here oh there we go our trees grew all of them grew they're tiny though uh they're really small and I wish they could grow bigger how do you get them to grow bigger do you give them more space is that the is that the key I really wish I could grow them bigger cuz that was something I didn't like when when we were planning Out The Hobbit house build and last and the last stream uh I can't replant the trees uh like the big ones in revelwood which I didn't like oh they need time and they'll grow bigger with time that's that's really cool okay I didn't know they started like you know they had some stages I thought they just like popped up well that's really nice okay so give them some more time then save the TS yeah yeah we'll give him some time to uh we'll give him some time to try to try to do that they get big big oh that's nice so one other thing that I was wondering actually let let's go sleep because I need to see this during the day uh one other thing yeah and then we can do some build planning here uh and if you guys think of like a chest I missed or something uh let me know but otherwise we can do a little bit of build planning here I'm feeling good and my voice is still doing all right so may as well may as well keep having fun today and welcome in everyone all the new viewers oh like a big oak tree that's nice white oak oh cool yeah plants do go grow a lot faster when planted in Farm soil so uh yeah if you've got Farm soil that's the only benefit they will grow in just normal grass or like in the flower soil and stuff but the Farm soil goes a lot faster all right so there we go we slept let's do aair there and do a deposit of all this stuff I've got um what do I have Rubble I can stack that I can oh what else all these little fur patchy things more cloth scraps more metal scraps I'll just deposit a bunch of this bunch of this stuff here got way too much I put another chest down I I got to get more of them though I'm not very organized right now actually while we have these let's go let's make some uh some shroud cores oh we can only make one okay it's something make some Rubble blocks can you make Rubble blocks I don't think I've unlocked that recipe yet or have I um let's see [ __ ] wood plant fiber melium um I don't see them yeah so I don't know if I've unlocked it yet oh yeah I can deposit the whole stack if I click the center button nice okay let's get ready to rumble yeah be able to label chest that would be nice at least it's cool that it shows you like the the things that are in that chest a little a little sneak peek of like the three items on the top so at least I like that part of it um I mean for now maybe this will have to do I got a see there's the melium Critter Parts oh what else is in here and more just random blocks well we've got enough of space for for the time being I guess just for a little bit of Adventure I'll go ahead and fast travel back to where we just were yeah yeah I'll have to I'll have to see what the NPCs say and yeah shift R shift R deposits the whole thing as well yeah see we'll give these these guys a little more time and uh let's head over to the spot that we ended last episode of the possible Hobbit house so here I went ahead from last time um give me a follow on Twitch too by yeah thanks for joining and thanks for the follow I appreciate it so here's the uh here's what we did last time I also just started spamming like some dirt uh if I go to my hammer just with the single terrain block I started spamming some of the dirt around it so if I go to dirt here and then that's why there's like little some little grass clumps uh yeah we started we started building this Hobbit house in the last live stream or just building a cave that will become a hobbit house possibly I went ahead and put a flame alter back in the center of this hill here and uh kind of just knew it was the center because I started digging back and I pressed on the map and if we zoom in right here it's kind of in the center of this mound here based on the way the map is looking yeah put the flower soil on the roof totally totally yeah we we'll be we'll be decking out stuff like this like insanely lots of decoration lots of beautiful stuff at some point um yeah this was like this was kind of what we started I put that flame alter in the middle it's currently at level three we can upgrade it two more times I think which will expand this building radius or boundary by like a lot so we'll have plenty of room just with one flame alter to do the entire Hobbit house uh Village over here have you tried to smooth it with the ra yet not yet I I definitely will though I also kind of like some of the lumpy Rocky texture in some spots obviously we won't leave it like that but I kind of like being able to like spam some dirt in between these little gaps and it just kind of automatically Smooths it out a little and plant some grass and like again when we get the flower soil and things uh this will all just start looking really nice I don't know I just like taking my time with it making it look nice um so yeah this was this was like one of our possibilities for The Hobbit location and after today's stream I'm hoping the future streams will be lots of lots of building like we'll settle down in a location for a project start putting lots of fun time to building because I'm just so excited to get to that in this game um so yeah the one thing here I planted this uh these trees here I planted this one and this one and I was wondering like when I plant them they don't have the Moss and things around the bottom so that's one thing I wanted to ask you guys because I figured out I did a lot of testing yesterday after the stream of some things you know for potential build sites these trees don't have the Moss or the leaves around the bottom maybe they will at some point but I really like that the Trees of revelwood have like these nice like the ivory growing on them and stuff a lot of the Moss up the bottom I don't know it just looks really good and that kind of was what set this Forest apart was the ground texture I love the ground texture but check this out if I if I grab the terrain block if we go to the 4 meter terrain and then I place it down it's just standard normal grass it doesn't it doesn't pick up on the ground texture that's in this biome so it doesn't plant like the little purple flowers little like you know rock patches the gray with the Autumn Leaves there it doesn't do any of that um yeah there's no there's no hardwood seedlings yeah yeah and that's that's the uh oh is there a what do you mean by the old growth uh Christopher is there a type of soil that I that I'm missing that like I haven't unlocked yet that will that will make the ground texture look like this like like uh yeah just like I love the little uh I don't know all the little leaves and other things [Music] try the rake with the path yeah maybe I could let's see let me go so here's the rake what happens if I do just like flatten it out uh it's it's yeah it'll just flatten that area out [Music] um when the trees fully grow they uh they do end up looking like old growth oh that's true you could mix some dirt road flower soil rocks and spread it all out to create this ground texture that's very true I could try to do that oh yeah and then kind of mesh mesh things together so like if I move it if I move it around it's not it's not changing the ground texture though necessarily uh all it's doing is just uh flattening the area and if I do the uh h and cheryn thanks for the sub I appreciate it and I'm glad you're like in the enshrouded builds yeah revelwood does have a really cool ancient look to it and that's something that I was that's something that initially drew me to this place yeah it does spread uh so you can spread out Farm soil you can spread out grass and things with the rake like for basically infinitely it's kind of broken in that way but it's pretty cool um yeah I I loved the I love the revelwood area just because of the growth here I liked the ground texture I liked these big trees but to find out that we couldn't replant them because I'm going to have to kind of move them for changing around the terrain I was kind of thinking in doing the planning after the stream uh yesterday that by the time I have all these Hobbit houses built and by the time I make this into the Big Forest project it might end up just looking plain like with normal grass with the flowers and things too yeah but the only benefit is that we get out of this area so it's basically for those of you who don't know it's between this area right here where we're at right now and this area where we were just at yeah that that would be nice if they added more of the trees yeah but uh yeah it it basically uh I don't know I like this area a lot too so if we do like a hobbit house or a shire project essentially with a lot of like cool foresty builds this area looks plain but hear me out cuz I have like you know I have the whole vision for what this hill could become if we wanted to do The Hobbit house Village in this area the reason I like this area and I'll I'll tell you like the two different reasons of why I like each area I like the revelwood area are because of the sound effects because of the music it has like the you know the wolves howling at night the crickets chirping it's got a vibe to it like a really nice foresty Vibe and I just I really like that and that's what kind of Drew me to it but when I found out that I couldn't make the ground texture like it wouldn't just mesh that same ground texture that the trees don't have the vines on them when I plant them stuff like that it made me think well if I can't replicate that environment and it's just going to look like this then why not do it here because of this area has a beautiful view I mean check this out we can see everywhere we can walk around the back side of the hill we can glide anywhere and then I wanted to do a big fortress on the top of that uh pillar of creation there in the desert and we could see it from here really clearly which would be cool but it just feels like a nice really nice central location on the map uh and that was something I'm still debating Revel what is your favorite place yeah it is a gorgeous view it is and that's a good that's a good point uh Dom with the with the trees that they might match the terrain when they're done growing the fact that the terrain doesn't match itself though leads me to believe no but I love the Big Trees yeah yeah I love the Big Trees too and that was something but like if we look out we can still see the big trees in the forest and this is it's so hard to decide because if I think of the Shire right this was this would technically match the vibe more Sunny green grass very happy Vibes uh doesn't feel claustrophobic in any way more of like an open field yard area here for some possible farming and I could entirely manipulate this hill to have Pathways going up it little hobbit houses scattered and like make it a lot more gradual sort of feathered out into the ground here and then even on the very top of this hill I could build like a massive tree just out of the terrain blocks and stuff that could sort of be like the heart of the village I just had I just had that vision for this area last night after yesterday's stream that I was like you know maybe I want to revisit this area and give it some consideration I could do both at some point but with how long these projects take and with all the building it really makes me debate this ver this location could also have like some Medieval houses I could do some houses for the NPCs um and sort of scatter them around the hill within the Hobbit house area um but the you like the revelwood better for it yeah and then some people like the other area yeah it I'm so torn between them because this area we could do a village down here um there is one disadvantage to each area the one for this area is that below here we have this uh location and it has the flame it has a little scroll in it that we haven't read yet and if we expand our flame alter it's going to cover that location and that's never going to regenerate the disadvantage we have to the other area is there is a flame Shrine underneath the hill so if I expand my flame alter it's not going to regenerate ain't the flame shrine at all either blow up the bunker Thing by The Hobbit houses yeah I got to I got to take care of that at some point um yeah that's true I could do like a building height difference in the terrain make the trees get really big um and and kind of look like that yeah basically my point was if I do it here we get the birds tripping we get some of the sound effects of revelwood but a much like I I like the view but at the same time I don't like it quite as much I like this Hobbit house spot and I also would kind of go around the hill with it um but then if we yeah revelwood is a nightmare at night I know it's it's spooky but it also makes it like cozy for that reason um but if we head up here this is another cool spot that I was really liking oh right on top of the hill so like if we have a hobbit house right in there and this is kind of the front lawn we at least get a little more of a view up here but we don't get much sun it's very shaded it's very kind of in the in the cliff in the Rock which might be nice for sort of that like lost feel lost in the forest feel of it but I love the view of the other place so it's really hard to decide this place feels more dfish than Hobbit dis yeah that that's a good word for it it feels almost too Cliffy or like not really too Cliffy but a bit like uh I kind of liked the Rolling Hills of the other place just the more like gradual open feel and just having the big view I don't know and I don't like that there's this hill right over here off in the distance it kind of Shadows the view to anything over there on the map and that's okay but not too bad you have your base next to the shrine and it respawns even with the shrine being in the flame alter um oh that's that's a really good point mild suspense yeah we're re revelwood could be really cool for an Elish style town we could do like floating islands or interesting builds Bridges cool things like that going up the hill for a really cool Elven style maybe Elven dorf style Village and then the other area over here Could Be Where The Hobbit Village goes or like the nice Shire you know I could call it like the Fairyland project or something yeah Hobbits love sunlight and safety that's exactly what the first place is that was kind of what I'm thinking like see look at the vibe now here the sun's in the same spot we just fast traveled here and we have like nice big Sunny fields that I could level out and plant in we just have such a nice view and it feels like the lighting here is just good like the whole day to just shine on the builds uh from any direction and then I could do um then I could sort of like bring the house up this side I could do like a cool little medieval house kind of sticking out of the hillside here we can get down to the bridge there to get out to the desert we we could have Pathways that wind up to the top of the hill for a beautiful Lookout Point I don't know you think The Hobbit foot would be nice in the forest but they are nomatic the forest place is definitely perfect for elves especially with the red trees oh yeah totally perfect for the concept yeah the shrine is completely inside of the flame and it still works that's really good to know so the only negative is like if the devs ever add an update for that so here's the sh that I was talking about and it doesn't it's not inside the flame currently uh but at some point it would be so like you can see here if I go to my hammer you can see the flame alter boundary oh it's hard to see at night time here uh yeah it's it's or sorry at daytime it's easier to see at night but the flame alter only goes like halfway down this hill but it's only level one so as I upgrade it it's going to go all the way into this hill and cover this little flame Shrine down here uh and that might that might happen how's it going verog welcome welcome to the stream how you doing add more trees um yeah yeah so that's what I was thinking um could I post screenshots of the cliff location and others yeah I probably could we could run a pole or do it actually vers what do you think uh since you do lots of building stuff we've got this location I'm trying to do like a hob House Forest project uh that I want to work on like over over a long period of time we have this location here which I really like the view I like the sunny peaceful feel I like the roll like I could build out Rolling Hills off the side of this mountain here for The Hobbit Village and sort of just like make it into like a little fairy tale island in the middle of the map here um and then so we have that as an option and then we also have this as an option which I kind of started on my last stream um but it's in the revelwood but because we can't plant the big trees or do any of that stuff I feel like eventually when I deck out the landscape it's going to look the same in both places the only difference in the revelwood is that we get the sound effects at night of like the birds chirping and stuff but here was the other spot it's in the revelwood on a cliff here so at least we have a little bit of a view but it's definitely more secluded and a little more uh I don't know like cozy yet kind of spooky some people are saying this spot would be really great for more of an Elvish style build over the hills cuz it's very Cliffy very Rocky and stuff um the other looks nicer for a hobbit yeah yeah I could definitely run a pole I don't know yeah I'd love to hear your thoughts on I don't know if uh yeah this spot's beautiful it just doesn't lend the view in the sunlight the way the other spot did for the lighting and I feel like that's kind of important for builds too sometimes and it's a little like I don't feel like I have enough space for a nice yard or a lot of farming over here we've got we could go over here for planting some stuff in this big flat area and they're both great locations we'll probably end up building it both but you like the other one more yeah I'm I was kind of leaning toward that I started building in the in this one in the revelwood but after the stream yesterday I like kept you know I was I was up up all night like with my monkey mind thinking about the build ideas and I was like you know I kind of want wanted to revisit this place cuz uh you like this one too too so far yeah it just I don't know it feels and then you get this beautiful view of the sunset and the spires and all the structures the mountains over there which for a hobbit like just to chill at night you know sitting around a little campfire overlooking the cliff here it just feels like a pretty cool spot yeah the field concept fits the hobbit's lifestyle more than the rocky Terrain yeah that's kind of what I felt a bit with this it's like it doesn't have the chirpy you know sound at night with the wolves howling and the owls and stuff and I love that about revelwood but I think revelwood is just like it suits itself better to I don't know to like just Cozier like single Forest houses like maybe we could even just build a single Hobbit house in revelwood or like you're saying like a cool Elven build on the cliffs with like Bridges going across stuff like that but this was this was the first house I built in revelwood and I love revelwood for the Cozy like Forest cabin feel right it just it just uh I don't know something about it is really nice but I don't know if it's right for The Hobbit Village and howdy basic Builder how's it going welcome it's screams Hobbit Place yeah yeah Hobbits would be too lazy to make a a village in the mountain yeah the forest gives the full Elven Vibe yeah that's kind of what I was thinking all right well thank you guys for clearing that up a little bit I was like I was just up up over it like you know if I'm going to sink a lot of hours into a build uh I like to spend time finding a location that's going to fit the vibe and the and kind of what I want for it and I feel like this one uh I don't know I just every time I come here it's like a breath of fresh air or something I love the open feel and then we could even plant again do a lot of plantings do a lot of landscaping it needs a lot of landscaping right so I have like the vision it looks nothing like this we'll be doing lots of landscaping but this place is a good starting lump of clay to work with so to speak it's got potential that I feel like I can see but uh yeah and yeah renovate the blue goblet Tavern and stuff yeah doing some Renovations could be could be really cool I know you wanted me to do that yeah yeah it's a really nice open Vibe yeah so it's still like way up on the cliff side right like if we Glide down and look up at it we're way on a cliff side but just this area here in general like it just it continues out for a while like we could you know we could fill all this in with terrain to make this area level I mean we could we could have it be a big project um but it just kind of yeah continues down here you go off that way for the starter area are you can glide down anywhere you can make a nice little path kind of coming down the hill some Cliff Dwellings off the side I don't know but the top of it just feels big enough and spacious enough for for the hoba house build I don't know yeah with the open space you could do more of your own style yeah I have a lot of like it's very plain which I actually kind of like because then it lends itself to be sculpted and crafted in a lot of ways uh without feeling limiting in any way I feel like it could just completely come to life in a in a fully unique way I could create this this island this little central island could you know basically be its own biome by the time I'm done right nice flat area by the Queen's tomb entrance oh is there is that that's down here right cuz the Queen's tomb was uh yeah the Queen's tomb's right here so yeah it's right in that area there's nice Rolling Hills nice nice flat Fields there yeah I haven't been over there just yet we'll we'll be doing that in the next playthrough episode put a different build on a cliff area or above on a hill for the view yeah totally do a viking Village in the forest and a hobbit one here yeah I I think that could be cool or like yeah a viking or Elven themed Village in the forest lots of Bridges connecting things and all the like Cliffy areas okay well that that wraps that up then in that case I'm going to let's see um start building please we'll be building we'll be building Lots don't worry but I I do take my time with big projects like this so uh don't be don't be too disappointed oh a peblo style uh in the Desert Canyon oh that would be really cool yeah so I'm thinking yeah for the desert like I said I'd love to build on top of that big Mesa over there the pillar of creation and we could do a cool windy path some cliff dwelling Mesa style uh you know weblo type builds off the side and that could be a really cool really cool spot for that so that one's definitely set in stone and I think the Rolling Hills feel of this by the time I'm done like this this Center Rock feel uh feels very sharp and pointy but it's not going to when I'm done I'll round this all out I mean we'll be doing lots of terrain work but I think it'll be worth it in the end and I could get one flame alter like up on the top of that hill to cover this entire area for building so once you start pushing out build videos they will really blow up all of your build videos so far I've got a ton of support yeah yeah and I appreciate that guys I really I uh yeah been shouted it's been amazing such an amazing community and yeah my build videos have been have been doing really well for sure I've been I've been kind of just savoring it so to speak um and I know for some of you it's like you're sitting on the edge of the chair like build you know I want to see all these build videos um but yeah I I feel like I'll still push out like single little build videos of things like like the little Forest cabin right every now and then but for bigger projects I feel like this game just is made for a massive terraforming project and I feel like this would be it I feel like it's just uh it's the right thing to be able to to utilize the game mechanics in a unique way something like I can't do in valheim the same way uh and then valheim has all its different building mechanics that will they'll be fun in other ways you know um I can make a viking long housee yeah I'm level 10 oh and you were replying to Holly tree and twitch okay okay so flame alter in The Meadows with the hills around it are deep in the mountain in a massive [Music] cave I'll probably put the flame alter at the top of that hill to be honest I might build something around it but that way it doesn't uh penetrate down too far into the hill it'll still go all the way almost to the bottom but maybe we could save the little flame Shrine there if I wanted to uh but then it might be able to have some height to it if I wanted to build a cool thing on the top of that Hill later on so I'll probably put the flame alter kind of right in the middle on the top of that hill and that's where I'll upgrade it from um and then that yeah that'll kind of be the final spot for this area I [Music] think wish we could make better houses still nbish in the game yeah it's just all about practice all about practice and and uh lots of building tearing down building tearing down yeah you can plant almost all the like all the little Harvest stuff that you find I think you can plant I don't know about like tiny little like the yellow flowers like this that's like the flower soil so you can you can uh plant them essentially by placing down flower soil and I think that's how it works but okay well with that maybe we do try to climb to the top of that Hill uh let's let's go sleep and let's climb to the top of the hill for the flame alter cuz I I feel like a hobbit house like a big Shire project a fairy tale project would be a fun one to spend a lot of time on right now and then I agree I kind of like the revelwood for more like single builds or a cool like Elven style build or something like that I think that could be really cool it's always so hard to decide when the terrain is this beautiful I definitely have like a perfectionist in me it's it's hard to pick oh the little small yellow plant on the ground is chamomile nice so you can just plant that as well then I'm guessing perfect yeah the feeling of trying to pick a base spot is a really good and bad feel yeah there's always a sacrifice for something right you know picking this spot for for The Hobbit house Village is sacrificing the other spot which I'm sure could turn into something really cool you know and it's like it's not a sacrifice entirely cuz I can do it anytime but like I know I'll be sinking hundreds maybe thousands of hours into like a big long project over time and it's uh it's like I want to spend the time picking that spot and I could do it off camera I could do it off stream uh you all like the stream and you like chatting so it's like this isn't this isn't super interesting I know for some of you so we'll get to building more and I probably will do a lot of like planning off camera after today's stream on stuff like that but uh yeah I always love your your guys' input when it comes to planning the location and uh stuff like that helps me decide easier oh yeah cozy little H Hobbit house surrounded by lavender and some of the flowers that would be awesome yeah so let's try to get all the way up here um yeah it is good to have a second spot totally totally we could have a few projects kind of going uh and then switch between them to sort of keep things uh keep things fun that's for sure so what's an easy way to get up here um is there an easy way on the other side I don't know if anyone else has been uh been up up to this area I can uh aha oh whoops I pressed the wrong button okay uh we'll try that again we'll try the little updraft thing and maybe that's how we can get up there okay and I know I could pickaxe the way up there um but I don't know how much of the terrain and tunnels and stuff I want to do in this land because of the fact that I actually want to build here and I'm not going to be destroying the flame alter once I place it at the top so the terain won't reset itself um I think I can do this some of us just want to hang out yeah yeah so that's what these streams will be uh if you just want to hang out for a bit for for this stream uh that'll be that'll be what we'll be doing here no no no I was so close oh ouch that was not so good okay feel like I don't know now I feel like I just want the challenge of uh of doing that uh trying to get up there by the glider without trying to pickaxe it yeah the updraft is pretty cool I'm still getting the hang of it cuz we just unlocked it earlier today um I think I'll be able to I think I'll be able to get it to work maybe I can oh there we go I can kind of spam the jump thing here and then let's see let's wait for a little bit of stamina you like being able to just chill and watch me fall down Cliffs yeah yep there you go here we go there we go oh no no no there we go we made it uh we made it to here oh we might have to use the I don't know might have to use use the pickaxe or something to get up there you know we could just build ladders and stuff actually maybe I should just do that just build like a bunch of scaffolding pieces what can I do just like in my crafting out of curiosity a flame alter yes let's see workbench we just need some string which I have the stuff to make as well maybe I do that um maybe I maybe I do maybe I'd try to get like a little ladder just to the top of that area or we could I don't know there might be a backside that's a little easier too yeah before I do that let's go to let's go like around to a backside um actually no I think the front s side's the easier way so yeah I'll place a flame alter like right in here um let's see we'll try to get up there not enough free space is is it going to is it because it's not flat no it's because it's not flat here turn off X and then it'll work no it's not going to I can't place on the side of the Hill here okay yeah we might have to just pickaxe it a couple of times or blow it up with the with the powder ball things or maybe I can get up here somehow uh but I don't I don't think I'll be able to ah feel like I'm close let's go oh that was that was a challenge but uh we did it with a combination of double jump and glider oh my gosh yeah check out this view we are smacked out in the center of the map basically in the Early Access portion so this is like the edge of the map here and we have the edge of the map map here for the desert but like we're kind of in the middle of this this area which makes this actually a really good location and I can flatten out the top of this hill here and this is where the flame alter could go yep I like that I like that a lot this is a cool spot okay yeah rake it flat yep let's do that with the rake this this uh let's see how oh we need the building area for so I'll have to pickaxe this this section just to get it flat on the top here for a flame alter then we can use the rake and kind of shape the top of the hill here but then I'll just be able to fast travel up here we can glide down anywhere yeah mistaken regular shroud with the lava floor and red shroud yeah yeah that's an easy thing to do so can the flame alter I'll probably need it to be a little flatter up here just kind of go off of some of the high points with the pickaxe and let's see not enough free SP oh right there that's where it's got to go and that'll work for now at least and I don't want this to be up here and I just dismantle that there we go I don't like this big rock sticking out go ahead and take care of that you're back what are we doing well we decided on a new Hobbit house location from last time uh we decided to do it here in this in the Rolling Hills right down there on the edge of this uh this Rock area because of the view and it's just so nice over here it's a nice sunny fields that I feel like the hav house could be good and then in the in the forest of revelwood we'll do more of like Elven style build builds um and like you know cozy cabins stuff like that in there rather than the whole sh build so this will be where we do a lot of future live streams of [Music] building um yeah so I'm liking that I'm liking that a lot I think this will be the spot for the flame alter I will go ahead and let's see I kind of want to let me do a little bit of building with terrain right around around the flame alter so there's the dirt block let's go to the big big chunky one just kind of put them all the way around it uh just to have some space and make a nice little flat area up here that I can kind of blend down the hill from um all right no biggie we'll fast travel back up there here we go I I got to use the the terraforming round it see yeah it doesn't go down too deep right now when I upgrade that flame alter it's going to go it's going to be huge it just kind of exponentially upgrades it's kind of crazy so we can go ahead and extinguish this one that way this area will kind of go back to uh it'll go back to normal in 30 minutes or next time I log out o yeah this tree is definitely starting to grow now I see does it get do they get bigger than this they might get bigger than that but uh it's definitely starting to grow a lot that's for sure giving you beacons of G gondar Vibes being in top of the hill yeah we could put a big fire up there yeah totally use a grappling hook system to get to the top yeah we'll totally be doing a lot of that and then uh and that could happen on the cliffs and revelwood too but yeah I'm just I don't know something about the view of this place just stands out to really do a cool build I don't know I like the high vantage point and things uh so we're we're sticking with this area the trees get huge okay so like yeah that's exciting then so I can plant some of them around this Hillside when I start sort of doing a lot of the terraforming for it and uh make them get a lot bigger there that'll be good all right so we can upgrade this already like let's see let's just do one upgrade now it's 80 by 80 by 80 and look at already how big the perimeter is now already out to here and we can upgrade it like four more times or something uh and that'll be perfect actually cuz by the time it's fully upgraded that red line should be under the ground a solid amount so that we could still dig underground quite a bit and uh and then it'll also cover a lot of the Island area here um it'll it'll probably be out past the edge of this hill here it'll probably be all the way out to like where I am right here which will be perfect cuz that'll that'll cover most of the terraforming we need to to take place for this hill cuz this needs a lot lot of work it is is nowhere near being nowhere near being ready to to build Hobbit houses in just yet and I might do some of the terraforming off camera it's just going to it's going to consist of me placing like you know taking lots and lots of rocks lots of dirt and placing a whole bunch of them um and just building out the front of that hill now um because I don't like how steep it is but I think we could build it out to be sort of a Rolling Hills Vibe and not be a steep Cliff there that sort of just Blends into this field here nicely and that's a lot of terraforming I'm okay with that and that's what I like cuz we can turn it into something really unique but all right and I think to upgrade that again we need a lot more shroud cores anyone know how to just get shroud cores really fast can we Farm uh Elixir well we can Farm The Elixir well but can we uh do other Elixir Wells drop more shroud cores and stuff it's like I know we've got one over here we've got one over here uh is there is there an easier way to get them rather than cuz making them is tedious um they can be farmed oh the M yeah the Mage makes them yep Alchemist makes them uh but that's like I I don't have the resources right now uh to do them and I like the the spores where do I get a lot of shroud spores then cuz I feel like I don't get many from killing the little uh the little guys in the Shroud cuz yeah it's not too pricey but it does cost a bit and I need like 10 of these shroud cores which means I need like a hundred spores in order to well that's actually not too bad but okay yeah flying monsters in the Shroud Dro them too so we probably just have to do a lot of that how many do I have in my backpack currently I just have one yeah uh let's go let's go back into the Shroud and try to farm some of those I have to upgrade the alter a lot before I started the terraforming so that's the reason for this I don't know if this Elixir well has reset yet or if it hasn't yeah those floaty screamy mobs are kind of creepy where we uh where we got The Alchemist from or no that wasn't the alchemist that was the yeah the carpenter oh yeah Farm them at night that's a good idea that would probably give me a lot of them looks like it has reset itself oh no it hasn't okay well there's new new guys over here though yeah we only get three from each of those which is something looks like that's what we'll have to do though cuz I upgraded so many flame Alters now and then ended up tearing them down and stuff so I've used up so many of my resources um for that kind of a thing where's that guy there all right oh the little the flower mobs in the Shroud I think those I still have not uh gone to yet in the play through but yeah I don't think there's any more uh any more of those mobs over here well that'll give us some anyway you just grab some shroud uh spores while I'm down shroud liquid I should say I think there's might have been some over here maybe not all little mushrooms yeah I might go ahead and fast travel back um all right home level three and I thought I might have some chop down one of the giant mushrooms oh oh and then we can loot those as well can't we that might be an easier way to get it let's see what do I have in here I've got these shroud spores is it just shroud liquid now that I'm missing to make a few more of them at least yeah okay that's not bad at all that's really easy to get so that fly down I just want to upgrade it one more upgrade for the time being cuz that'll get all the way to the ground and uh that'll be that'll be much easier [Music] so I know like right down here was a bunch of the Shroud liquid there we go few more spores there build Hobbit houses out of shroud wood yeah shroud Wood's a nice material I like that one all right so there we go we've got some more can start making our way back now I'll keep just grabbing these but this I just need 30 shroud spores so we can make three cores and I have 36 that's good cuz I think it was four or if I'm not mistaken maybe it's five uh shroud cores to upgrade the alter uh to level two the Palm wood is beautiful yeah I can't wait to get that well we have we have some stuff now let's go back with this see what we can do these Elite like these big mushrooms these will give us a lot of shroud liquid as well we do need five okay oh yeah all right those give us a lot yeah that's good so I need 40 shrouds for we're getting close we'll be able to do [Music] it yeah being able to plant the mushrooms for a hob house or Elven build yeah that'd be cool all right where's some more shroud mobs I am in search of them now this is the Elixir well spot we take out all of them in here let's go down the path a little more we'll come up here to renew my time but I'm not too short on time right now yeah I could get shroud wood I'll just wait for that though I've got some blocks of it already uh that I can use to build but there are a lot of these bigger trees though that'll drop a lot let's see oh there's your answer for a wolf being in the Shroud it doesn't do anything yeah they came in from The Meadows area over here all right I it's funny like when I'm looking for mobs and they're never there when I'm not looking for them they always sneak up on me any more of them they should become shroud Wolves yeah here we go yeah these guys do not like the fire that's for sure yeah the background in the Shroud is kind of creepy with the trumpet yeah yeah definitely so this should be everything we need and we can just get up to here and fast travel out of it wait where was The Meadows now I'm lost were they right up here the the little bug things the Little Critters in the Shroud yeah they're they're just Critter things I guess they drop Critter parts and and uh they don't they don't hurt very much they're in a lot of places particularly a lot of caves and things all right well we can get back to The Alchemist up here love being able to communicate with me yep that's the benefit of live streams welcome alen joy to Stone membership appreciate it hopefully enjoy the valheim builds and and shrouded builds when I get some all right Alchemist here the Shroud cockroach yeah there we go four of them we had the perfect amount of stuff now I've got five to upgrade it again and let's go back there on top of the hill shroud scarabs here yeah [Music] yeah all right so I think we can upgrade this without having uh I want these trees over here to disappear um tell you what let me just log out and log back in again so that the terrain resets itself and then uh and then we should be should be good to go there there we go now I don't have the trees and other stuff down there that I have to worry about with expanding the alter okay so upgrade alter there's five so now we have 120 and then it goes to 160 and then 180 I think and then that's that's the maximum but I think already we still have two more upgrades as a possibility uh and look at yeah so all the way out here with two more upgrades that'll be perfect and uh yeah that covers a good a good section for the whole Shire build within this hill here imagine if this took place nowadays yeah kind of reminds me of like the last of us or stranger things or something with the with the concept of the Shroud um but yeah I want to see how far down the uh the red line go well I won't be able to see it on the edge of the Hill there okay so yeah this will work for all the Terra farming stuff that we want to do so the big thing now is to get a lot of stone lots of it we can uh just dismantle yeah most of this actually cuz I'll be I'll be doing my own landscaping well we'll get lots and lots of stone I don't like how it does an extra pickaxe when you stop holding down the mess bud but I can just Harvest a bunch of stone and stuff from over here Stone and dirt and then this terrain will reset itself as we go o lots of Flint too over here that's actually good cuz the Flint stone is one of my favorite blocks what wand do I have I have the scorching wand and then I've just upgraded it to max level it's the Epic one so I was able to upgrade it a few times all right now we're struggling with stamina so I'll just eat a honey for the pickaxe there we go yeah the zone is a cube yeah exactly so it goes down into the ground and then it goes up into the sky as well which is why I wanted to put the flame alter at the very top of that Hill cuz I Knew by the time I upgraded it we'd have the we'd have the boundary being all the way down into the bottom here and it would go up into the sky as well if I wanted to build a little bit on top of that Hill uh possibly later on but we'll see all right so I got to figure out like what is the biggest what is the biggest terrain block that I can place yeah honey can be farmed I think I think you can even make beehives later on but uh yeah you can go to any beehive and and keep farming it buddy of yours gifted you a copy and you've been playing it non-stop yeah it's an amazing game it really is yeah we'll be getting like this is a good spot to mine cuz we're getting like everything we need Stone Flint stone dirt cuz I I think the Flint stone for the front of The Hobbit houses would look really cool that Flintstone block and you know what I am going to go make the copper pickaxe because that'll help me a ton with everything so let's use up the stone here and then I'll teleport back and we'll make the copper pickaxe I think that'll go faster I don't know if it'll Harvest more actually that's a good point does it Harvest more maybe it does uh but yeah we can go to the uh yeah the copper pickaxe is good okay cuz I do have that unlocked from my play through oh 138 already this is good so let's see I first I think the big thing first is just to build this hill out like a lot from where it is right now um and let's see what what's like a good big this one's pretty good just start placing all of these and actually you know I know the rake can do a lot of this as well so let's go to the rake let's like just keep holding down the button and this will start bringing the terrain up all the way out and just make life a lot easier I think got it last night and felt like it harvested faster oh nice okay yeah we'll have to try it then yeah the op rake right now it's kind of nice that they just like to sculped with that I mean look we're raising this whole area with it I don't know how I'm affecting this top section not too bad okay yep The Rake is op but while it is before it gets fixed let's get some of this terraforming done while we still have an OP [Applause] rake got a party tonight so you can't play well have fun at the party and enjoy playing when you can play it's a very fun game very fun experience I have just been savoring the heck out of it I love it so much I'll be playing it a lot that's for sure oh that's right jard that you couldn't play yet yeah that's why you've been on on the streams enjoying the stuff wanting to see building and everything yeah hopefully you do get to someday they removed the requirements and stuff for uh like you can you can just go ahead and ignore the system requirements now with the new patch from today uh and and just like bypass it and set your computer to the lowest settings and still be able to play some times which is kind of cool yeah I'm not using any materials to do this it does use stamina but not much you can see I did that whole section on just one bar of stamina now we rais that whole area up to this height essentially the big thing now I think is to level the ground uh over here so like what height do I want the ground to be at and then I got to level the whole thing in front here but we'll deal with that at some point in another another time let's go ahead and do another uh another one of these I don't know how high can the rate go can I like can I place one of these couple of these Big Blocks and try to level it all the way up to that height you may as well try it right I guess we'll see yeah it does chunk the PC especially if you don't set it to be low settings but uh it should still work in most cases all right let's give this a try I don't know if the rake is going to go this high no way well heck if it does why not cuz we need this hill to be built up we need these Hills like this is going to look like a nice pretty Rolling Hills when it's done that's the hope yeah rake is way too op not complaining I mean I love that we can terraform in this game I guess all [Music] right yeah terraforming is important for big builds all right so that's done now that we don't have stamina let's just go and I don't want to put the rake all the way over to the sides here because of the fact that uh like it's taking down this hill and I don't want it to do that so we'll just kind of manually place these blocks over the sides in this case yeah this will work wonder if they'll have a creative mode eventually like Conan yeah maybe that' be cool if they you know depending on what they end up adding in the future there we go now we're starting to get a little more of a of a hill going here I can just continue I'm just going to continue bringing this all the way up let's go and place these guys all around all right and another rake time we have to go repair it soon though too oh hang on oh we we raised it to the maximum okay it's not as op as you think it can only So So eventually we have to we have to build and then maybe we could stret so we have to build this whole layer manually and then maybe we could stretch it out even more with the rake okay that's something I was wondering I was like there's no way it's just going to infinitely keep raising this up boo rake is trash yeah that's okay I mean we we can get stoned so fast that's why the rake really was like you know it was op but it wasn't that op cuz like this isn't taking long either and the it's only using one stone every time if I just kind of glitch it back in like that instead of two so it's pretty efficient there we go there's our Stone so I have to go get some more and yeah we'll go try to make the copper pick but here we go this is actually not going to take as long as I thought originally uh because that that used to be like a whole another chunk down from where this is cuz we leveled all this up and uh and now it's already starting to step up nicely and I want to sort of create that nice hilly effect that comes down from the sides here cuz that's what we need first to sort of Envision where the little hobbit houses are going to go so that yeah that's kind of the plan there let's head back and see what it costs to make the copper pickaxe all right I'll go to the workbench and all right it was through the blacksmith wasn't it pickaxes there's the there's the copper one copper bars and shroud wood I know I've got those uh didn't I have or no I must have put copper bars in one of these chests yep there they are those where did I put the Shroud wood I know I had uh a stack or something something somewhere yeah I'm building now it won't be for a crazy long time next next ones will be the big building ones but there we go there's the copper pickaxe let me put the old one gosh you guys I need to sort out my inventory that's why we're doing that's why we got to start doing more building I need a good house to fit all my stuff uh this is a good house but I just like haven't taken the time to deck it out with chest just yet cuz I feel like if I'm moving to a better location like The Hobbit house Village I don't want to entirely uh don't want to entirely deck out my starter house just yet oh nice we start at the top of the hill every time this will be very beneficial for terraforming as well as we start building higher on the hill we just have a nice little fast travel to get up and down that'll end up working out really well all right let's see how the copper pickaxe does against all of this uh all this stuff ah two Stone every single hit nice well that that hit just had one stone so it's it's alternating but what are the specs on it I should have checked my old one six stamina cost a much higher durability I'm guessing so maybe maybe it is cheaper All Things Considered I don't know and certainly I don't know maybe it's a a little faster too either way the higher durability and everything else will certainly help when getting Stone and stuff all right so in one stamina run right there how much Stone did we get 61 not bad considering we started the last terraforming chunk with like 100 and something so 130 or something like that yeah there we go the little cave I'm making yeah it's so cool how the sounds are um like echoey and stuff too like I love how the sound design is to where no matter where you are it starts getting echoey as you dig underground and the hard Stone on the side of the cave how's it going triple triple clown welcome all right what do we have now over 100 123 there yeah it's not that grindy got to get sleep or you'll crash on the keyboard have fun all right well I appreciate you stopping by for a bit we probably won't be yeah we probably won't be too much longer with this one and then I'll probably get working on the next episode for our playthrough we'll do some more quests and stuff um yeah I'm I'm happy with this area so thank you guys for bearing with me and for all the feedback on on uh the locations here I just think this will be very pretty by the time we do lots of landscaping and stuff so that'll be the goal all right you'll kill till you plume Plum drop plume drop yeah all right so Stone fill in all these spots so can we like now that we have that built up is it possible to build up another row and then go up to here with the rake is that a thing now or are we still do we still have to build up higher um all right let's put like that there that there then go to the rake here ineffective okay so we we maxed out the rake here unfortunately so it maybe they fixed that maybe that was a patch I don't know if I remember it doing that but I never really tried so yeah from now on it's manual for the for the hill here and we can use the rake it it's a smoothing tool you know it really is it's like a leveling and smoothing tool it's not just going to build up the terrain forever what armor set is this this is is the was it called again the adventure Set uh and then I have the wizard's hat that's a separate hat that you find in a chest uh but then everything else is the adventure set see yeah we could sort of just make like step UPS like this and then the rake can turn that whole thing into a nice little Hill there eventually but for now I'll just keep kind of building it up with the stone here uh just send some nice wide chunks bringing it out gradually and stuff we'll have to sleep soon for nighttime yeah that stone goes a long way that's for sure I don't know I think the rake just like register the location and is like okay you've raised that spot to the maximum height we raise it cuz I tried I tried refreshing the blocks here and uh and it didn't uh it didn't work like it didn't the The Rake still said it was ineffective so I'm guessing that uh that's what was happening is that it just it's like location independent or something seen the first seven videos it's great helps a lot oh awesome glad you're enjoying the playthrough welcome to the stream we're doing some work on doing lots of terraforming we'll be doing lots of streams after this one for terraforming and building uh because I want to create a little Shire a whole Hobbit Village in this hill here with a beautiful view uh so so it'll be it'll be fun yeah that Hill is that Hill is building up quick remember where it was at like 10 minutes ago or something not too bad watched every episode except the first one yeah first one was pretty much just getting started getting ready to build the starter house yeah it might have been the limit or something yeah for the rake yeah that's what I tried for the rake to place a place a block spread it out place a new row and and it just stopped spreading it out it it uh it kept saying ineffective so it worked for the first time and that's how we got it like halfway up there but from then on it just stopped working all right we'll mine a little bit through the night but I'll go I'll go sleep it's easy enough cuz I I like to do building in the day when I can see the terrain so I don't mess [Music] up it's nice though with that extra rested buff we're still rested so we can stay rested the whole day which really helps the stamina yeah they might have fixed it it might have been a bug thing with the rake there that they uh it's not the case anymore so let's see I'll go back and and sleep here I'll try it again just for curiosity just to see if something was wrong with the first couple times I tried it but yeah I don't know game looks good you like it but you want to wait for full release for all the new content improvements yeah it's a really really solid Early Access game though I will say that incredibly solid and it's uh and it's great that all the new updates Implement in your existing world so you don't have to worry about you know starting new world all the [Music] time Phantom yeah greetings from Switzerland glad you caught the live stream heck yeah happy to have you here welcome all right can I can I jump out of bed here there we go goes being a little weird Okay do I have stone in any of my chests here actually cuz if I do I should bring it and use it up we've got a lot of Flint stone in that one which we don't need right now um those are all my equipment chests more Flint stone there let's see lots of stone lots of my blocks in that one okay yeah I don't think I do I think I used that up last time uh yeah it's this one okay oh yeah repair my pick whoops too late thanks for that though yeah we'll go back and repair it I'll put a workbench over here by the flame alter or something build something small with the bone blocks I have yeah The Alchemist tower that glitchy did yeah that was pretty cool oops don't want Farm soil yeah see so like I've already built two or three rows now completely manually here and if I go back to using the rake it's it's done like it it won't raise up any higher yeah so that that's it that's it for the rake yeah it definitely has a lot of content uh in Early Access compared to a lot of games yeah that's for sure I'd almost say it's got yeah it's got like at least as much content as valheim uh does now and it just came out the map is going to be over twice as big but yeah if you really take the time to read the stuff to go through the Ventures the quest the lore do some building it's got a lot of playing playing capacity yeah I mean I've played like uh almost 1500 hours in valheim and uh and it's amazing and I'd say like you know if you speedrun valheim so to speak I mean yeah if you speedrun it you can do it in like 8 hours a normal playthrough of valheim like assuming you're not doing lots of building would take around 40 hours and between the demo beta and Early Access here just with like this world and stuff I've already put in like around 60 hours with all the lore and gameplay and all this stuff and like I still just feel like there's so much I can do and that's what I love about these games games is that it's never really finished even if you take out the last boss games like this and valheim and stuff you can always just keep having fun building farming locations going on fun adventures it's just a lot of fun oh yeah yeah I could pull the ground down uh if I use it on the lower level yeah I could definitely pull the ground down I just think it's maxed out in terms of how high it can go right now so yeah 100 hours of Val i'me still on the Bronze Age yeah yeah yeah you can really Savor games like this and it's nice yep empty on Stone now but that's that's turning out really well that used to just be like a flat Cliff we're kind of turning a hill I'm just going to build it up with blocks like this for now and then we'll eventually uh we'll eventually start smoothing everything out with the rake planting some flower soil like really doing lots of landscaping but it's going to be like a lot of streams are just this Landscaping project for now uh before I start a lot of the builds and things but yeah I really like this spot I just think it's uh it's a cozy nice area that I think could could really could really be good with the views and being able to kind of see the whole thing be able to step back like to here and see a lot of the village here is nice because the other area it was just a little too Cliffy for a nice spread out like Meadow farming build I just I don't know yeah all right let's go let's let's start mining some more and then our pickaxe will break we can go back and repair it seeing as you came late what is the current project we're doing a lot of terraforming for a hobbit house build or like many builds essentially I want to do like a a shire project or like a fair land or something over here uh so like Farms Hobbit houses Maybe treeh house I don't know lots of nature type stuff and that'll be like a big live stream project that I'll focus on for a while yeah 130 hours for you and you're nowhere near done with the content yeah exactly you can level up the character pretty quick but lots of room for Content like I I don't even know if I could say anyone has like found everything like what we did at the beginning of the stream finding chests and all the little secrets and hidden stuff that I've missed uh there's a lot of stuff that's that's hidden that uh you know I feel like every day there's like a Reddit post of oh I found this new thing or something like that very nice nicely chosen spot yeah in the beginning of the stream well not the beginning I guess the middle of the stream we spent like a solid half hour flipping between locations and the stream before this one uh to determine this location right here so I guess as like a quick update this is the this is the decided location for a shire just cuz I love the view I love The Meadows the sunshine it's nice this was our this is our second choice and we might still do a lot of building here yeah the terraforming is very satisfying it really is is yeah um but yeah this was the other spot that we had started working on last time that I you know I made a hobbit like I started digging out a cave and creating this cave artificially uh to do a hobbit house over here in revelwood in the forest over this Cliff I just didn't feel like I had enough space and I want to do builds here but just something else I think uh cuz yeah we've got some space some Fields over here but we can't plant these big trees with the Moss and stuff around them and and like because of that I just I feel like right now I like The Meadows to just have like a very simple plain lump of clay to work with and turn into a shire foresty project so I love the vibe of revelwood but it just has to uh it's it was so hard to choose between the two honestly so hard to choose yeah sure go for it uh Phantom sharing a helpful find for the archery people yeah go for it a lot of people are having trouble uh farming twigs and we knew that but are there other uh yeah oh yeah totally the den the den things uh where the where yeah being able to mine the bottom of the dens for lots of Twigs yeah definitely and yeah Isaac and twist chat don't start on the Twigs yeah all right there goes my pick Let's uh terraform with the last bit of stone that I have here and uh then we'll head back and repair that's awesome though 4 almost 400 Twigs from that spot that's cool all right we are definitely getting there this is this is not taking quite as long as I thought oh what the heck is that texture sometimes the textures are weird like they I don't know they just take a little bit to render in when you have everything on the super high settings but so yeah we're artificially making the entire Hill and everything thing that will become this Hobbit Village because that just that's the most creativity it's a lot of time it'll be a big passion project that's what I love about these games is building let's see let's do one there something okay now we're out again but we didn't get many in the first place cuz the pickaxe was almost dead can't wait for the full release yeah it's going to be awesome yeah that's already looking nice Blended there I like that and then we can even bring Hillside around this little pointy section here and then yeah once we get a lot of this terraforming like the chunk area the terraforming done we can start creating Pathways kind of outlining where The Hobbit houses are going to go we're just going to treat this big Mount of dirt like a big lump of clay for now just start pushing in all sorts of directions doing all sorts of addition to it it's going to be a big build but uh it'll be cool and I guess this will test also like I don't think it lags the game much it's not like valheim where it adds the interest or the instances and stuff and no Fallen Angel it's not full at all it's just Early Access um yeah it's the map is going to be over twice as big in uh in the full release and lots more content to come let's see so everything is was repaired from that um I guess now we just go back at it mining stone terraforming for a little bit I'll probably wrap up the stream pretty soon next 15 minutes or so we' been going for a solid 3 hours today maybe some of the building ones I'll spend some more time on but we'll see make a Terrain wall yeah you could do lots of stuff and yeah I know don't end the stream yet yeah it's a lot of fun but I can't stream the entire day or I'll keep losing my voice unless I talk very softly oh my gosh Phantom five channel memberships gifted thank you so much I so appreciate that all right huge shout out man that's that's awesome thank you so much yeah to anyone else looking to join we have three levels there's the stone or the wood simp simply just supporting the channel and stuff having the YouTube perks in the chat you've got the uh the stone level where you can have access to all my valheim builds and future and shrouded builds basically just downloading World files and stuff and uh and then the bronze level where I currently have a community valheim server as well you can talk softly you don't mind okay we can do that to save the voice I'll do that in future streams maybe I feel like when I have little allergies and stuff like my throat just doesn't cooperate tips for combat you started this and uh yeah I'd say getting used to parrying is really overpowered parrying and then uh you can just yeah get your Stam get stamina foods like the honey and stuff because then you can just hold your right Mouse button and block everything if you have the stamina uh and stuff like that and man Phantom welcome to the stone membership another one man dude thank you so much all right so yeah you connect YouTube to Discord and uh and then in Discord server you'll have access to the channels uh where you can find all those files and stuff I so appreciate the support thank you so much and yeah Captain crumbs how's it going yeah Shield is a good thing all right we're hollowing out a big cave here this is this is pretty crazy you've been meaning to for a moment well I I still appreciate it yeah it's uh it it really helps me I you know I I love uh I love the support there it's like like it's uh it goes a long way when people do it YouTube ad Revenue doesn't doesn't really do much and it's been fun it's really been fun growing this community and uh and it's it's actually insane to see how much it's been growing within shrouded lately and it's so cool to uh to have you all as a part of it and everything how quick does the game pick up pace after the start um depends on where you want to go but fairly quick I'd say by the time you start going to like the third NPC it starts picking up a little more you know you get a little more combat stuff like that um [Music] yeah all right we probably have a bit of stone by now we've almost gone through the whole pickaxe here which is cool cool yeah you really can go at at whatever Pace you kind of want to set for yourself yeah totally and speaking of the community I think we're almost at we're we're nearing and up on 900 Subs soon on the channel and that would be amazing if everyone watching would subscribe I know most of you are probably it's been so cool having all of you on the live streams it's it's so cool that you guys are liking the building live and just chatting and stuff after the playthrough videos and build videos that I've been posting so that's been awesome still have the stone pickaxe yeah I suppose if you're not mining all the time stone pickax is is uh is just fine but yeah it's going to be so exciting to hit 10K that would be that would be amazing I mean I I yeah that was one of my things of like when I was looking at New Year's you know around New Year's uh I hit 5K subs and we've like gained a thousand or more each month since and uh it's been it's been so amazing to see it growing like that and I was like my New Year's goal was like oh you know maybe I could hit 10K by the end of the year and it's already only month number two and we might hit it by the end end of the month uh of February that would be so amazing you guys are awesome yeah Perry is parrying is just blocking but you time it in like the right timing and then it flails the enemy back and you can get like a attack on it that does a lot more damage and stuff um yeah that that's the benefit of the parrying it's a little different to time in this game compared to valheim but once you get the hang of it uh it's it's just practice and then you you kind of time it right ends up working out all right so let me get let's go back to here yeah 369 Stone now Perfect all right let's start building this one yeah the pairing is is hard that's for sure it's it's the kind of thing you get used to I feel like I I just started practicing on lower level mobs uh kind of just getting the hang of it and then uh worked my way up from there I still don't do it a lot though I kind of mostly just hold right click just cuz that works but uh in valheim I think the parrying was a little easier to time and it uh it's really powerful in a game like valheim um in here it's tough because the enemies will also block your attacks which is uh which is kind of fun but also makes the combat a little like different uh than something I'm used to go back to the Grave I robbed yesterday oh that's true and then uh and see what else is in that little chest up there yeah considering all the mining you do you get the mining skill point occasionally double drops oh you can get double drops from that oh heck with this terraforming project we might just have to do that I can always refund them later but isn't that in this direction where was it the Mason is that one is it the is it the Mason skill or is it uh strength increases strength or is it some other one that increases the drop rate like maybe it's the Mason one yeah uh let me know if it's the Mason one I'm might I looks like I can get that right now and uh if that doubles the drop rate sometimes that would be awesome for uh for this terraforming project merer Miner and the one that has the tool wear okay uh so let's see we have the Mason here where is uh quality gear there's the quality gear Lumberjack and Miner here we go when you mine resources you have a 10% chance to get additional resource okay so it looks like we have to do Mason or Lumberjack first let's do the Mason and then we'll head in this direction when we get some more skill points that's cool though how's it going peaceful Badger welcome going pretty good for me so far we're about about to wrap up the stream here soon but we'll be doing lots more building live streams getting the next episode ready for the uh the next playthrough episode here for unshrouded all right yeah that over 300 Stone there that that was the way to do it just just pickaxe be patient for the whole life of the pickaxe and uh and we're we're getting this hill built up a lot more gradual from what it was so that's good thanks for the new Subs I appreciate it yeah we've been we've been on fire since in shrouded posting daily for a while I usually don't post that much uh but I didn't have my other work it's been really cold and so I figured uh with how uh with how fun the game was I was like you know what I can handle some daily episodes for a while we might be taking some breaks here and there soon though but um live streams are always fun and relaxing yeah the the 2x two it's it's technically two terrain blocks but if we phase it into a block even by like one or something it just Hales the cost which is most of the time what ends up happening here I'm just phasing it in to like have the cost of it a little more but yeah it's not that expensive you know it's really not too grindy which is [Music] nice yeah get that blade and then get the the matron yeah yeah it helps for that I feel like my staff was pretty good against the maton but the sword was good to finish it off cuz I couldn't stay out of the way of the poison and stuff stuff there with that boss fight picked it up last week and played it every day yeah and Shout is a lot of fun no breaks you like daily episodes I wish uh but that would not be good for me um it's too it's too much time staring at my screen to do the editing and stuff for them live streams are a little easier sometimes but uh but yeah for the most part it will uh you know it's not going to be daily all the time I got to got to get workouts in and and self-care in and things to make me not dwindle as I get older and I do a lot of work in the summer like I said I'm Contracting an excavation but if it's not the summer I have a bad habit of like just just getting lazy and not working out and then I'll then summer will come around and I I got to whip myself back into shape really really fast uh or or it's not good how am I planning to smooth terrain though I'll do that with the rake yeah I'll do that with the rake you can change the angle of it to whatever angle uh you want and just smoothing the edges of it so it's just going to look very blocky for now and then I'll be smoothing it with the dirt I'll be putting dirt and flower soil and other things on top of it to make the nice ground texture that I want and then smooth it all out and then even you can place like smaller Blueprints and angled terrain pieces like these and stuff uh to really just refine the look of it a lot so some areas might be a little more Rocky and Cliffy some might be very gradual nice hillsides uh kind of depends on what I what I'm feeling what the terrain wants to be I guess oh yeah some of some of the game settings yeah yeah I could I could show you the settings I have it's pretty much all just maximum uh quality I have my resolution on 1440 cuz I'm streaming in 2K um have vsync everything else is pretty much just default uh and I have the quality preset on custom I have dlss on and then dlss set to Quality and then pretty much everything else on Max quality except for uh Shadow quality cuz I didn't notice the difference between quality and Max quality too much I mean you can kind of see it a little bit but not enough to where it made a difference for me um yeah those are my settings I also have a pretty good graphics card so uh so it makes it a lot easier they might not be able to run for you um but I've got 24 GB of video RAM and that makes uh pretty much any game Run Run pretty buttery so I wouldn't uh wouldn't take my settings for the best settings for a per performance uh on a on a lower-end computer some of my older videos I had I had a much older computer and I had to worry about stuff like that so I've got some videos for like recording and streaming settings uh for OBS for some of the settings that you can set your game to um the typical streamer op setup yeah it's actually the the big reason you know like normally I wouldn't spend this kind of money on computer if I was just doing this streaming cuz I can I can still stream at a lower resolution stuff we don't have to be going 1440p and stuff um the the big reason is because I I uh do music production film making stuff that requires a a heavier uh graphics card for the da Vinci uh resolve stuff I do and I'm planning on actually doing a lot more of that over on my personal channel for film making and music here in the future uh when I get that up and running again kind of took a long break from that but uh yeah I really enjoy that I've got a lot of camera gear I really like color grading and uh stuff like that and I needed the new computer for a lot of the color grading stuff when I was color grading like 10 bit log or 10 bit raw footage from my drones and things it was just really taxing my old computer and that was that was the main reason I kind of just went all out with a lot of good stuff on the new computer cuz I really wanted that to run a little smoother and it's been nice not having to wait 5 hours for something to export only to find out that it crashes while it's doing it so it's nice yeah Arc survival ascended would probably still eat your computer alive does that one just like go to infinite settings at some point or something all right let's kind of start shaping the curve of this hill a little more I want it to come out a little more in this section let's [Music] see all right this is like this is looking really good that was what the three under Stone did check that out again it's blocky right now so it's uh you know it's not it's not great yet but it's getting there we're definitely getting more of a hill feel over here from what it was without any of that and then bringing it around the the hillside here to kind of gradually go up here uh I think that's really that's really coming together so again I've got like this whole Vision in my mind I might just kind of I might do some of this off camera some of these like chunky block placements but I'll take like a before and after or something of the hillside here and try to just bring out the hill but yeah we'll do lots of streams for the for this Village project I think this will be a lot of fun doing a shire foresty Hobbit house Village project and I'm almost thinking on the very top of that Hill there by the flame alter I'd love to try to see what it would like how I could build with the terrain blocks since they mesh together all nicely and don't look blocky by the time you smooth them out like how how it would be if I built myself a massive tree and then used the grass and the flower soil for the leaves and built like a huge tree coming out of the top of the hill there with all the Hobbit houses under it that could be really fun appreciate all the work I put into the videos well thank you so much Phantom and I appreciate your support yeah I I try to make them uh easy to follow along with fun and inspirational and stuff and simple and uh do what I can but yeah I just have a passion for building stuff and all that and when good games are coming out like this it's uh it's a lot of fun well I could plant a tree it's just not going to be big at all like I'm talking a big tree with like a windy staircase on the inside of the trunk and a big treehouse in it or something or even like a treehouse that hangs from the branches I don't know just some fun ideas I guess that could be cool yeah just look at this you can see the sunset like all the way to the very last second from on top of this hill which I think is cool virtual Legos yeah exactly [Music] exactly yeah the soil blocks or the path block could definitely make for a a pretty good tree trunk that's kind of what I was thinking is uh is those so rather than the stone I could use those and it would give it that Brown Bark feel I could even mix certain blocks together to create the look that I want cuz I've built Big Trees in Minecraft like really big ones and uh so I kind of had the experience of how to get the blocks to go into a circle and wind up like a tree trunk it's going to be difficult with the tiny blocks like this but it'd be a fun project that's for sure um yeah I can kind of I can make it not look too much like the land there yeah you can separate it out a bit I mean sure you'll you'll know it's the land block but the point is that hopefully it doesn't look like uh you know look too bad of it but all right well I hate to say it guys but I think I'm going to go ahead and wrap up up the stream get some uh get some food here and do some stuff for the rest of the day but I'll go ahead and repair up I know it's it's so uh I'm so happy that you all been enjoying these it's it's a lot of fun and I think the next video the next thing you can expect on the channel either tomorrow or uh what was tomorrow or Friday or something um I will probably do the next playthrough episode and possibly just do some quests possibly go in uh see if I pull up the map in this area we could maybe do the Queen's tomb the uh Carpenter chest under the brilin bridge uh this area over here for wood guard to get the flower blocks and that way for the next live stream we'll have some more recipes unlocked and uh some new goodies and we can keep building keep doing the terraforming for The Hobbit house project bed time for you thanks for the live stream heck yeah yeah thank you all so much for joining and uh yeah be sure to subscribe super stok to be uh nearing up on 9k and almost 10K soon this is amazing so yeah thank you all for the support thanks to the new channel members today and uh yeah I've got a Discord server in the description for those of you who want to join there I'm active on there sometimes we've got a great Community for valheim and shrouded players and things over there to chat and everything I can notify you all like an hour before every live stream over there and stuff so uh yeah be sure to have her there subscribe and I'll see you all in the next one by
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 8,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, livestream, enshrouded live, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2023, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded hobbit house build, best base location enshrouded, enshrouded secrets
Id: 3VjfYZeWYsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 38sec (12098 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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