Enshrouded Complete Beginner Guide | Secrets, Crafting, Strategy and More!

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enshrouded is a brilliant survival RPG that has so many amazing layers to it between the crafting the exploration and the secret mechanics enshrouded is massive and it's easy to miss out on some of its most important nuances so the goal of this video is to be the most complete enshrouded beginner guide on the internet let's dive straight in all right the first decision that you're going to have to make is which server are you going to play on are you going to create your own that's private or are you going to host one or are you going to join an online game if you do private it just basically treats the game like a single player game and later on if you ever want to join your friends your character will join their server so if your friend creates a server or if you choose to host a server right it's going to be the same character anyway so there's very little harm in choosing private to start if you're not sure what you want to do or hosting a game that nobody else joins if you want to play by yourself just make sure you put a password on it but no matter what you're going to be playing the same character on all of them and so you can log in on Tuesday on your private server and play your character and then on Wednesday you can join your friend's server and progress your character a little more and then you can host a server on Thursday right and it's always going to be your same character with the same levels and all the same stuff that's been done so there's a nice bit of continuity in that way so once you choose your server type then you're going to create a new one we're going to just join the one that I've already made here so I can show you how to play the game the first thing the game's going to have you do is build a flame alter so you'll come into your crafting menu right here and you'll build a flame alter in order to craft that all you need is Five Stone to get stone all you're going to do is pick it up off the ground when you see it right and you're going to do that and then you'll be able to craft your flame alter and then you just drag that flame alter onto your bar somewhere and then boom you'll put it down and now you've got a flame alter down on the ground and basically the way that acts is the red outline that was on the ground while I was placing it is going to be the area that you can build within once you've created an alter it tells you the building area it's 40x 40 by 40 this alter is really important not only is it going to allow you to build around it but it's also going to be a Teleport point so that you can fast travel to it and it's also going to be something that you can upgrade to make your character more able to explore the world so the first upgrade is going to allow you to extend its range so instead of 40x 40 x 40 it would be 80 x 80 by 80 right and it becomes a much bigger area for you to build in the 40x40 is plenty and everything beyond that is just for funsies right so you want to you want to make something extra Deluxe above and beyond what is required of you you can keep upgrading the alter to make the area you can build in bigger but it's by no means necessary the second one however is absolutely necessary so while you're playing the game you'll be able to come here and click on it and it'll tell you what you need for the next upgrade right now my alter would be going from 6 to 7 you'll be going from 1 to two at first and the upgrade materials required are going to be significantly less it's just a few things that you're going to be collecting while you're running around the game now this is a survival game so one of the most important pieces of advice I can impart on you is collect everything if you see a new material that you've never seen before pick it up keep collecting it until you have a full stack of that stuff back at your house because guess what you will 100% need it it doesn't matter what it is it's going to be used in some recipe some Building Material something somewhere is going to require that material that you stumbled upon for the first time so always pick it up and then in your base you're going to build a ton of storage coffers these things are relatively cheap so don't feel bad about building a bunch of them now one thing I will say is you know you can build some of these little ones here so if we go to our craft bench right here this is the first thing that you're going to get really in the game to craft with is you're going to get this craft bench and you'll come down here to storage so under survival you've got storage it's kind of an awkward place for it it I think a lot of people spend a bit of time finding the storage in there but that's where it is come to the bench scroll down to storage there it is and you can make these tiny chests real easily just some twigs and some string Twigs you just collect bushes outside and then string you'll collect fi fers from the same bushes and you will combine it into string and we'll talk about how to do that in a second here but since we're talking about Chess I just want to say you can make a couple of these little ones but then I would immediately switch over to the small ones as soon as you start getting metal scraps and you're able to make nails because the great thing about the small ones is they can be upgraded later to these magic chests see how they're glowing blue and what that means is when I'm crafting at a bench here it's drawing from the materials in these blue ones these magic chest now this one right here if there's crafting materials in there I have to pull it out in order to craft so I don't keep any crafting materials in there because that would be a pain and it is a pain until you unlock these magic chests and I'll talk about how to do that in a moment but just know that making these small chests is a great investment because when you get this guy here and you click storage you see here one of the cool things this game does is it uses the previous version of Something in the recipe for the enhanced version of it so it requires a medium chest a shroud core and goo right and that Medium chest is what I was already using from the very beginning of the game to store my items so very little is wasted now these little tiny ones here these are kind of going to be wasted I'd like to replace those and just trash them sometime soon but here's one that's not upgraded yet so I could empty this thing and then come over to the craft bench and then just turn it into a magic one and that way when I'm crafting all my ingredients will be pulled from it this is just really important so I thought I'd mention that early on here if you're enjoying this massive guide be sure to give it a like so the algorithm knows now since we're talking about crafting and because crafting is such a massive part of this game it is a survival game and you can choose to make crafting a really big part of this game or you can choose to make it a pretty big part of this game but it's always going to be part of the game so let's talk about the different types of crafting the first one that you're going to get is the one that we started with you've got this crafting menu right here it's V on your keyboard right you just press that and you'll be in your crafting menu and from here there's a lot of things that you can craft with without having a workbench this is stuff you can craft anywhere in the game anytime so you're out on the fly deep inside of a cave or way up high on a mountain or you know in the middle of combat with some enemies and you're out of arrows you can open up your crafting menu here and you can say hey I need I need some wooden arrows right and so you run around grab some Twigs off the ground and then fashion yourself some wooden arrows these are the worst type of arrows that you can craft but they're far better than nothing when you're in a pinch because if you do decide to use a bow you will absolutely run out of arrows from time to time so these will come in really handy same thing with lockpicks lockpicks are one of those things that you're just always going to need you're always going to want to have on hand when you're running around the game and this is something you can craft as soon as you start finding metal scrap metal scraps are real easy to find there's mobs that drop them when you're killing them you'll notice real quickly which ones they are more than that you can break containers out in the game and when you break those containers they will drop metal scraps so anytime you're out and you're desperate for a material start breaking containers if you need wood you'll probably get some wood if you need metal scraps you'll eventually get some metal scraps right those containers out there those boxes great for providing both of those materials now the workbench right here is the thing we were just talking about before this is your first step into crafting that's the thing that's going to let you make the next hereo materials these are things you can only make inside of your house it's a lot of crafting materials for building your house storage and then most importantly your glider and your grappling hug now your glider is something you can craft right away so right in the very beginning of the game you'll be able to step out side you'll kill a few little animals and you'll get some animal Furs easy peasy you'll get some string by picking up some plants turning those fibers into string you'll get some shroud spores by killing some of the baddies right outside the exit inside of the Shroud and then shroud wood is easy you just step into the Shroud and you chop down a tree or two I think it's going to take you about two trees you chop them down and you get your eight pieces of shroud wood and then you come on back now in order to do all that you're going to need to craft yourself an axe and a pickaxe these are two things you're going to want right away and then as you play the game more and you get farther into your crafting trees you'll be able to create better versions of the axe and the pickaxe that can you know do the same job but do it faster and better and remember you can find those in your basic crafting menu the one that you can open anywhere anytime in the game the grappling hook is also really easy to get you just go grab some metal scraps I tell you a great spot to grab that later in the video you grab some string that's just grabbing some bushes and then turning their fiber into string and then you get the Shroud spores which is just killing inside of the Shroud the one important thing to know about the grappling hook you actually have to interact with grappling hook locations placed into the game so you're not going to get to become Spider-Man in this game now let's quickly take a look at everything that's on the screen right now because this is the same stuff you're going to be looking at from the very beginning of the game to the very end of the game so at the bottom there we've got eight slots and then our Q which is going to be our ranged weapon so the way this game works is you've got this menu right here which is going to be in if you're on PC and you can put your gear on and it's going to go into these slots nicely here plus you're going to have a slot specifically for ranged weapons so you put your bow here for example and then when you hold the Q it automatically pulls out your bow you don't have to switch over to that weapon like you would for say if I want to use my sword or if I'm going to use my wand right I'm going to pew pew with the wand so you've got these eight slots and then if you hit alt you can switch to the back bar here or the second bar which has another eight slots for you to choose from I think a good strategy is to put your weapons basically like I'm in combat mode put all the stuff you need while in combat on one bar and then put everything else on the other bar things that you don't need while in combat you know maybe your your pickaxe or your logging axe those two things you know you wouldn't be using those in combat cuz they do horrible damage you're really in Dire Straits if you're using those as your damage so you would have food back here because you want to buff up before you go into battle not while you're in battle and that sort of thing so the front bar is where we have all of our weapons and this is a good time to talk about everything that's on that bar because you can kind of see the four different types of weapons that exist in this game and there's a really important distinction to be made between each one because it's not terribly intuitive once you understand it it's great but until then it's really confusing so let's talk about them so first you've got your melee weapons which this is the most intuitive one it works exactly the way you would expect it to and then you've got a shield which is fantastic this thing is Snappy as long as you hit your block button before the enemy hits you it counts as a block man it is really Snappy so definitely take advantage of how quick The Shield is in this game it's frankly it's crazy op because it absorbs 100% of most damage then the next weapon we have on my bar is a wand now wands are really cool because one they auto aim on your target so if there's an enemy you can by the way you can press tab to lock on enemies and then you can just fire your wand and it's going to lock onto him and every shot is going to hit that enemy you don't have to aim this like you would normally have to aim a ranged weapon the other great thing about wands is it has unlimited ammo well sort of every weapon has a durability underneath it you can see there under the sword it's full and you can see the wand every time I use it the durability is going down ever so slightly that basically acts as its limiter on how much I can use it whereas the bow is a ranged weapon but in order to use it it requires me to have arrows on hand now for that reason the bow is going to do quite a bit more damage than the wand but the wand is great to have on your bar somewhere just in case you need range damage because there are going to be things that you can't reach that you have to hit whether it's a switch on a wall or an enemy that's flying right your melee weapon is just not going to be capable of doing the job sometimes so a wand is really good to have just in case even if you're using a bow you know just in case you run out of arrows now the third one is probably the most confusing this is a staff now the way staves work in this game is pretty interesting so in order to use your staff you have to get spells and spells work as a form of ammunition in this game so right here I have a stack of heal Channel I have 48 charges of this spell you can craft these charges you can find them in chests you can find them off of enemies but each time you use the spell it consumes one charge so that's one type then there's another type while you're questing and stuff you'll find what are called Eternal spells and these are ones that you can cast unlimited they don't require charges but they're always going to cost Mana so on this one if I use it it's going to throw two little heal orbs out three four four right and each one of those ate some of my charges so right now I have 44 charges left you can see it down there at the bottom and if I use it you can see it counting down and there now I'm down to 42 charges and each one of those is healing me for a good chunk of Health there it's a really nice spell to have on hand even if you're not planning on using the staff offensively it can be nice for healing yourself in a pinch and putting your Mana to you somehow some way if we look in my stash here we can see I have a ton of other spells just kind of sitting here waiting to be used I've got Fireball one Fireball two I've got Eternal ice bolts and chain lightning so Eternal ice bolt would be a great example of one that I can just slot and cast so in order to use it what I'm going to have to do is right click it and equip now that means whenever my staff is being used it's going to use that spell there it goes shooting those ice balls and I get to use it unlimited time but you'll see in the top left my Mana is getting chunked down right it is cating Mana to use the spell so that's going going to be the thing that limits you even with the Eternal spells all right now if we look at the fourth slot on the bar you can see bandages bandages are really nice so if we look at bandages it says 4% healing per second so these are great because they scale with you right 4% is always going to be a considerable amount of Health it restores 40% of your health over 10 seconds and it does have a very brief cast time so you can use this in combat real easily you just kind of have to Sprint away use it and then boom now you're running around and you're getting 40% of your health back right so really useful to have bandages make sure to craft yourself some they're really easy to craft you go into your crafting menu the basic one and right here bandages and you just space right and you craft them it only takes one torn cloth which you're going to find tons of basically every other enemy you kill it feels like especially in the early game drops torn cloth it's going to be everywhere plus string which you can get from these plants outside like we mentioned before right you just run around you pick up the fiber right I'm getting Twigs that's great for those arrows and other things and then the plant fibers which I can come in here string right create string out of the plant fibers and then boom I'm making bandages no problem now next to that we have potions potions are pretty op in this game man so if we look at this potion right here it's 200 Health early on that is a lot and if we open up our character screen here we can see that we only have 355 health and so that's an instant heal boom you press it it's done and these potions are really really inexpensive to make so always try to have some on you for when you need them and then you can come to this guy right here I'll talk about how to get these NPCs in a moment I know you're probably wondering who the heck they are if you haven't been playing the game already but you come in here and health potions right there you've got one and two and that's actually good time to mention that when you're in these crafting menus you see this two here that means there's two different things there so you might have to tab between the two of them or click between them to see all of the crafting options that are available to you now this greater health potion is a little bit more work to get because you have to have chamomile but the basic one red mushrooms purple berries and water purple berries and water you'll find tons of red mushrooms also you'll find tons of so that means that you know these are really easy to make you should always have a couple on you at least and next to that speaking of which we've got the berries so berries in this game are going to be really useful early on you get two Health per second which ends up being a great in combat heal over time because it's going to give you two Health per second over 30 seconds so you can be running from an enemy you can pop one of those and boom you're getting Health back now in the top there you can see we have three circles one of which is counting down right now and that has the berry right and it's almost done that's the berries that I just ate you can have up to three food Buffs at a time water is a great one to use early on berries are a great one to use early on and then also some kind of cooked meat so you'll find meat all over the game when you're killing Wildlife you're going to get meat and what you do is you come to a fire you sit down in front of it and then you choose that item on your bar down at the bottom so here's where I'm my raw meat right and then I just hold the mouse button down on PC and boom there it's done now you have to let it go the second it finishes otherwise you will overcook it and turn it into tar which isn't always a bad thing if you need tar but when you're looking for food you know you don't want to overcook it you want to make sure you let go as soon as it's done now if you eat this food Raw it's going to give you a debuff instead it's giving you food poisoning it's hurting you it's actually not great so be careful about eating raw food now when I cook that food we've got grilled game here and this is giving me three Constitution and this is a good time to talk about how much more important that is than it sounds okay now by default our character has three Constitution right now at the beginning of the game I believe you have one or two right you these numbers are very low so when food is giving you three it's doubling your Constitution and at the bottom there when I have you can see it says increases Health by 50 per point and remember my health is I only have 355 health so if I get three Constitution I'm getting 150 more Health that's a massive buff so food Buffs are not to be underestimated these things are huge huge huge in this game and just to show you how big it is I'm actually wearing some heavy armor so it's not going to look as impactful as it will for you most likely especially if you're not running heavy but here we'll eat the food and there you go we got a big chunk extra Health yeah when we come into the menu now we have 505 health so we're a big beefy boy at this moment and then the other food that I always recommend to have like I mentioned is water water is going to be great for increasing your endurance and your stamina charges so it's basically you know stamina is everything in this game when it comes to combat unless you know you're a magic attune but even then you need it for all sorts of stuff you need it for sprinting that drains it jumping double jumping gliding all of that good stuff now the next item on the bar is is grenades you'll find these grenades all over the game explosive powder balls as it calls them and these are great for if you have a massive pack of spiders following you and you'd rather just kill them all in one go or if you want to blow up terrain so let's say you find a wall and you're very suspicious that on the other side of this Rubble is a prize right or a room to be explored you can throw a couple of those grenades at it and if that was the intention of the devs is to that there was something secret on the other side usually two grenades will be enough for you to know for sure there is or there isn't something on the other side so that'll probably be what you primarily use them for now in a pinch if you don't have them you can just pull out the old trusty pickaxe you can dig the ground out there I just dug a hole I'm going to regret that later because I'm probably going to constantly step in it okay so right now it's night time and you're very rarely going to want to run around at night because it's just you know it's harder to see so the way day and night works in this game is you come to your bed and anytime you're not in your bed time is passing regularly right and then you get in your bed if it's night time in the top left there you see it says Night speed 60 so night time is passing at 60 the speed boom now it's over right so it goes that 60x while you're laying in the bed and then as soon as you see that 60x disappear from the top that means it's daytime now you can get out of the bed and now you've got a full day ahead waiting you the other great thing about getting into your bed is it instantly you'll see there in the top left you see it says says rested 22 minutes so I have 22 minutes of rested buff and if I leave the house here you can see that it's counting down now I've got 21 minutes of rested left so if we open up and show status details we can see rested what does that do it increases our stamina our maximum and our regeneration so we have a higher stamina pool and we have higher stamina regeneration which is critical for being in combat cuz you're going to find in combat you're constantly running you're constantly moving you're draining your stamina you're Dodge rolling right that's going to drain your stamina and so that buff is more or less essential to being efficient out there you can absolutely go without it but it's a good reason to come back to your base and mind your base every once in a while and maybe catch a rest change it to daytime again and drop off all of your stuff that you've collected out there cuz remember what I said I said pick up everything that you walk by now you're obviously going to have to be a little bit strategic about this if you have a ton of something maybe don't pick it up unless you know you need it and if you're just finding something for the first time pick as much of it up as you can so that you can have a full stack of it in your crates in your base you will be glad you did that because every time I ran by something later on you know an hour or two or 5 hours later one of these NPCs in here said hey I need you to make something and it requires that ingredient that you totally ran by earlier and you didn't pick enough of it up so definitely pick up everything you'll be thanking yourself if you do now continuing around the screen here in the top right we have the quest and we can press J and it's going to bring up this menu here you can see the flame this is going to tell you what level your flame is and what you need to upgrade it you can see your crafts people's progress in here you can see what they have so we have the mortar but we don't have the Alchemy Station or the laboratory this guy has the forge but he doesn't have his smelter or his smithing tools right and so every time you get one more of those things you unlock more of the crafting tree more things that you can make with these Crafts People those are items that you'll find as part of their quest lines you've got your workshops this basically just a place where you can see anytime you unlock new things that you can craft you can click on here and then they'll have the yellow diamond next to them if it's something that's new we click on it now that's gone right and then most importantly you've got quests now quests there's a few different types so there's going to be your gold Quest these are going to be the ones that are primary objectives they're more or less tutorial level things or essential for progressing through the game you'll have those gold quests those are something you should always do anytime they're available then you've got these ones here these ones up here they're light blue I guess we'll call that and then dark blue so the light blue ones these are your Crafts People quests these are the quests you have to do to proceed with their quest lines and unlock more things that you can craft from them right these are very essential I would say these are almost as critical to do as your gold Quest so try to stay on top of these anytime they're available you're going to want to keep kind of pushing them and they're going to be great for pushing you out into the game sometimes these quests will push you farther than you're ready to travel and you'll know that usually because you'll get to a red fog or a red shroud that doesn't let you proceede there's two types of shroud in this game there is the blue shroud right there which you can see see that cloud those fog of blue shroud right there that is fine we can walk in there and our shroud meter will start ticking down no big deal right we've got 5 and a half minutes shroud we're going to be fine we can run around explore and the second we dip our toes back out the timer goes away and you know we're breathing fine again the other one is red when you see red shroud you've got about two maybe 3 seconds to get out of it after you step into it or you die and that's the game's way of saying you're not ready to go past this yet so how will you eventually pass the red shroud well you just have to upgrade your flame right you come here strengthen the flame and it says shroud passage level it's currently three you take it to four boom now that red shroud that you couldn't get through because it killed you instantly is blue and you can get through it so that's kind of the progression of the game you'll start exploring out and out and out and the Shroud will be blue and then you'll eventually get to a line of shroud and it's red and you can't get through it so here you go here's some red right and you step into that and you die red is dead in this game in a lot of cases not just the Shroud but also if you see lava on the ground something that looks like lava do not step in that it is an instant death I won't be surprised if the developers changed that but right now if you see that stuff do not touch it and keep a wide if you do touch it if your toe even looks at it you will die you'll kill over and die it's instant man so I think I touched it once without surviving I had like 1% Health left I don't know how I survived because never again did that happen so back to the quest the light blue ones here at the top these are going to be your Crafts People ones these are going to unlock more stuff and then below that these are the quests you'll find all over the game and there's there's going to be little lore notes you find these red glowing lore notes this time red is good so you see a red glowing note go talk to it always touch it read it and what that's going to do is it's going to put a symbol on the map with a question mark it'll put like a diamond here with question marks for instance and that's the game's way of revealing these locations to you before you have found them and it'll usually say something like if we look at one of them the equipment chest was taken and subsequently lost reach his former camp and unearth the equipment chest to claim its contents so there's a hint here one that it's kind of buried and two if we press F to show on map it's showing us right here it's right in this area oswal ander's chest so we'd run over there and we dig up his chest get his Loot and unlock that point of interest there so that's what these dark blue quests that's just points of interest and a little bit of a reward so the game kind of sends you there and it rewards you for going there sometimes it's a chest sometimes it's XP sometimes it's a legendary bow right what the heck I need to go do this right now so sometimes it's stuff like that generally speaking it's going to be a good idea to try to do all of them but it will be very easy to fall behind kind if you're just doing these ones at the top you know your gold ones and your light blue ones you're doing those you're going to constantly be stumbling across those places and every time you stumble into one of these places you'll find a red note there and you'll read it and it'll give you another Quest and you'll go to the next place it'll give you another quest to go to another place right and so the game is always putting a carrot on the stick for you and there's one more thing that you can see here and you see these exclamation points you'll see these sometimes you'll see them in the quest menu sometimes you'll see them when you're talking to the crafts people or on an item that you can craft and that just means that it's kind of essential that you do that to progress with them sometimes it's essential that you craft a specific item before they'll be willing to move forward with their quest line or sometimes it says you know you need to do this Quest so we can continue the quest line so that's the journal on top right in the middle of the screen here continuing the UI you've got your compass which works exactly the way you're probably used to compasses working in open world games like this you've got points of interest it tells you what direction you're heading you can come in here and you can just right click on something and then boom it'll put a gold diamond on it and then that way you can kind of know that you're constantly running towards it without having to constantly open up your map to make sure in the top left there you've got the health we touched on that already you've got the blue Mana bar below that then you've got the rested buff below that then you've got the three circles which are your food Buffs you always want to try to have three of those going especially in combat those things are going to be really powerful for you next let's talk about combat so the way combat works is enemies will of course have a health bar that you're trying to drain to zero below that though they have a gray bar this is their days meter the stun meter you fill it up and they'll be dazed and you get open hits on them this is especially useful for enemies with shields right it makes them drop their guard and then you can whale on them it's also great for enemies that are relentlessly attacking you and the way to build that up is to perfectly block so as soon as they start to swing you block not before not after and you'll start filling up that Days bar alternatively if they're blocking and you're just wailing away at them that's going to slowly fill it up as well so there's multiple ways to fill it up but when you fill it up there'll be days and then you can finish them off durability in this game is what limits how often you can use a certain type of weapon while you're out in the wild if you've played breath of the wild it works exactly the same way except when the item breaks you can go back to your base and repair it so if you find a really good weapon that you love you can always repair it and reuse it you don't lose it when it breaks so don't stress if it breaks it's okay you just got to make a trip back to your base and repair it but this is why it's really important have multiple weapons on hand because your weapons will absolutely break when you're out there on the go or you know you go if you leave the base for more than 30 minutes something's going to break on you one of your weapons is going to break I guarantee it if not multiple weapons right and so you're going to have to start switching to those backups also in combat you have Dodge roll this is very effective getting you out of damage and doing it quickly but it eats up your stamina bar so just be aware of that you've got jump you can jump over a lot of attacks in this game and especially if you have the double jump you can do that double jump is goated by the way unlock it I would even say unlock this first thing it's great for combat it's great for getting away from enemies it's great for exploring it's just great all around you want to have it it's I would say even essential I'll tell you how to unlock that in one second and then you've got your block it absorbs all direct damage so if something's hitting you with a single target attack like an arrow or they're hitting you with their sword or they're hitting you with some kind of single Target project right your Shield is going to block it if they throw an AOE ability at you that's going to chunk you down that's still going to hurt you so just you'll very quickly learn what's What You Know by trying to block things just be aware that the shield will block 100% of incoming damage for the right attack and it won't for the wrong attacks now let's talk about that skill tree that we touched on a moment ago here okay look at this bad boy so one of the first things you'll notice is the text all the way around the edge for some reason they don't let us zoom out I hate when games kind of artificially try to make this thing feel bigger than it is by pushing your screen in so you can't if we could zoom out just a little more we'd get a we'd be able to see the whole thing at once which is I guess what they don't want us to be able to do and we'd still be able to use it just fine so that really minor rant aside because I do love everything about this game I'm having an absolute blast so don't be fooled what you can see around the screen here is we've got Beastmaster Ranger assassin trickster wizard healer battle mage tank Warrior Barbarian athlete right and you can spec into multiple of these lines this is really it's kind of like a mini Path of Exile tree right you don't start as a class you don't play a class you just kind of build into class likee passives that will eventually kind of Define your character and make it unique to you so in this case I've gone with a lot of archery skills here and I use my boat quite a bit in combat and it's going to give me things like increase damage against flying enemies because those are some of the most dangerous in the game as it happens right so I like that all range damage is increased by 20% right lots of damage Buffs and then here occasionally we spawn a flurry of arrows that spread slightly so a nice little multi-shot 20% of the time feels really good right and so there's you can kind of build into the Stree and I won't be surprised you know this is Early Access I won't be surprised if they expand on this some as the game goes on because right now it's really really fun to interact with and to and to kind of fill out so which nodes on here would I say are essential well first of all it's going to be double jump I think this should more or less be the first thing that you unlock because if you there's going to be some cool place that you can't get to because you don't have double jump unlocked right there's you're going to see something up there you're going to see a ledge you're going to see a shortcut and you'll be like oh man it's just Out Of Reach well double jump would have made it possible and in a game that is built around exploration anything you can get in this tree to help with exploration is really useful so double jump and then updraft updraft I would also say is more or less essential it's not nearly as useful as double jump but it is still for the points that it cost you to unlock it it's totally worth it you can go any which way in this tree that you want to you know red is going to be kind of your melee green is kind of your agility ranged kind of thing plus Beast Master stuff going on over here and then you've got your magicky you know blue names over here right so have fun with this because you can respect it anytime for next to nothing so the way you respect is you come back to this little Shrine right here this very important thing right this thing that we have been upgrading so that we can explore the world more well it's also got this last option reset reset skill points so we click that and it says 10 runes I have 1,610 so I've got more than enough right I can respect multiple times right so it's really cheap to resp so don't stress about this treat just put points somewhere just put them somewhere pick the stuff that sounds fun and then later you can resp you know when you're getting to the end of the game and you have a better idea of what weapons you want to use what skills you want to use what gear you want to wear right then you can come here resp and make it exactly the way that you want to make it but in the meantime just have fun pick the fun stuff cuz yeah you know there's a a lot of really cool abilities in there let me tell you now you're probably wondering okay so how do you get these runes what are those about well the runes come in a couple of ways you can kill enemies and they'll sometimes drop runes but one of the most common ways that you're going to get them is from breaking down weapons so you'll find weapons in the game and a lot of times most of the time even they're going to be worse than what you're already wearing and so this isn't quite as depressing as normal because you can right click on them and you can click Salvage you can't click Salvage if it's equipped so the game kind of protects you from salvaging the one you're using so if we unequip this and we click Salvage boom it's going to give me 69 more of those runes those runes have another purpose though that is equally important if not more so so you can upgrade your weapons and depending on the tier of the weapon right whether it's blue purple or gold right they have different levels of upgrades you can see here each time we upgrade what we would unlock so the blue one gets three upgrades the purple one here gets four we would get those four things and then the gold one gets five upgrades and so you just come and you talk to any crafts person you click enhance and it's going to show you what's in your backpack what's in your action bar the circles tell you if it's been upgraded or not so it's got white dots inside of the circles that means those slots have been upgraded so if we click on this one that has not been frozen and we hit space to enhance here it tells us we're going to get eight ice magic protection so we clicked it boom now we've got one filled in and it has now been enhanced we can do it again and again and again and again right and now it's maxed out we've got that maxed out here the damage has gone up to 40 it was 32 it's so nice jump for that damage it's a good percentage upgrade right and we've got leech and we're leeching some of the damage back as Mana right great for a mage build so that kind of covers what you use runes for and how you use runes now since we keep talking to these NPCs here let me just talk about them and how we get them uh what's gonna happen is you're gonna be playing the game and you're gonna get these quaz and they're going to tell you to go to this place this is ancient Vault blacksmith you're going to go into this ancient Vault you're going to open up this metal egg and there's going to be a blacksmith inside and then you're going to go to another one right the game's going to say hey go over here and get the carpenter so you'll go there you'll get the Carpenter and after that you will also be given the summoning staff you'll use this summoning staff you just put it on your bar pull it out and then you get to summon these people you get to click on it and then it lets you put them in your base somewhere they like to be inside most of them if you don't put them inside you won't able to continue your quest so there's a lot of reasons to make your house a little bit bigger I'm going to dive more into that when I go full in on the Housing section here in a moment but just know that you you want to make your house a decent size cuz one you have tons of crafting stuff you have these NPCs that want to be in here but also something else that's really cool so we'll get in that in a second but these NPCs you're just going to go you're going to pick them up and then you're going to do the quests that show up in your journal to progress your progress with them and that's going to keep giving you more things that you can craft whenever you interact with with them like this one it wants me to craft this spiritual cane so let's go ahead and do that boom so he's really happy now and once I've done all of his quests and crafted everything that he wants me to craft we'll be able to proceed we'll be able to go onto the next Quest or we'll be able to craft the next thing and this applies to all of these NPCs in here so what does each of these NPCs do well there's one major difference between each of them they let you craft different types of armor so one is going to help you craft armor for being a mage one is going to help you craft armor for being a Warrior and another will be helping you craft armor that is great for being an Archer right so there are different types of armor in this game that are suited towards different types of builds and if we look at them we can see here so let's look at the ranger set and the ranger set you'll get your usual stats So Physical resistance 18 magical resistance 18 but below that you get a really important set 133% ranged Critical Strike chance so that buff right there is what really separates this from the Buffs you'll see on the other sets so 133% range Critical Strike chance the chest 24 stamina right because you do need stamina fire AOW and then you've got 3% range damage you've got nine stamina and two stamina regeneration so it's just really built for being an Archer and whereas if we come to this guy here he's got a mage set and if we look at the Mage 13% magical Critical Strike chance 48 Mana right you can see how it's kind of similar but it's very much tailored to towards being a magic user Magic regeneration so you can one of the things you can do since classes are not defined right they're very undefined you play a little bit of a Ranger and a little bit of warrior you can make a warrior and then if you need more Mana regen you can put on these boots so that you have two extra Mana regen which is no joke that's a good chunk of Mana regen likewise you can put on the warrior boots on your Mage and have two health regen it feels really good your health will always be regenerating in or out of combat if you're wearing these boots that you can can make over here at the blacksmith so he's got his Rising fighter set which gives you melee crit chance that's right one for the boots and then you can have a ring on which gives you another Health regeneration that's where I got the two from so these Crafts People are helping you craft different types of armor for your character and so you're going to want to get the armor that is suited towards you the farther into the game you get the more sets that will be available to you at first you're only going to be able to make this full armor set right actually before that you won't even be able to make that you'll be able to make the first thing you'll be able to make is Rags this one right here you'll be able to make this nice set of Rags that gives you 17 physical and 17 magical resistance can this even be called a shirt and that's all it's giving you it's there's no bonus stats associated with it it's just flat Fizz and mag resistance that's it on top of that these Crafts People are also going to do things like we touched on earlier they're going to help you craft potions Mana potions shroud survival flasks right if you ever find yourself in a pinch down in the Shroud and you need more time this will be great I haven't really had a problem with that usually if I'm down there there's somewhere where I can run to go be above the Shroud for a second to get my breath back if we want to call it that get the meter down and two more minutes is really going to be the thing I need whsp of light this is going to give you a nice little light that floats around you I haven't really used this because we've got torches in the game these are really easy to make you'll find more than you need probably and so I'm never without a torch it's always there somewhere the downside of the torch is that you can't have it out you know while you're attacking so it just so happens that I have this weapon has a nice glow to it so I can kind of while I'm using this thing it is starting to get a bit low level for me but I do like the way that it lights up the area around me just a little bit you know it lets me get by without that torch more than I probably should so that's when that's going to be really useful you've got this flask of fell this gives you 20 extra stamina which is pretty good um you know nothing to sneeze at it's all right I don't really use that one much either and then here you can also craft your spells and other reagents and like we touched on your kind of magic armor at the hunter you can craft something really really really important and that's your small backpack so one of the first things you want to do is when the game says hey go over here when you're ready to go get your Hunter like as soon as the game mentions the hunter go get them and that way you can start doing their Quest chain and unlock the small backpack and that's going to be really nice to have now the hardest part about getting the small backpack is getting the dried bur you're going to have tons of torn cloth you're going to have tons of of string and you're just going to need some dried fur so with dried fur being the only thing that's hard to get you're going to need a drying rack and then once you build your drying rag you need animal fur and salt so whenever you have something like this it's a good time to talk about this whenever you have these crafting benches like this if you open it up and right here you can browse the recipes and it tells you exactly what you need to put in there to get that thing going and in the case of the dried fur it tells us that we need animal fur and salt animal fur you're going to have tons of salt this like salt very early in the game is a little bit tricky because uh you may not have found some yet or when you ran by it you forgot to hit it with your pickaxe but just so you know right here right Northwest of peaceful Acres you'll head here very early in the game you'll be in this area and right here there's going to be like a little Ravine you'll see it it's glowing blue go down in there there's salt in the bottom tons and tons and tons of it and get yourself multiple Stacks because you're going to need it and you're going to need it to make this small back pack so go there and get that very early on it's just right just barely Northwest of where you start right it'll run into peaceful acres and it'll be right there grab that salt and you'll have your bag right away and that's going to feel good it's going to give you eight extra slots and because like I said you never want to run bu materials without Gathering them your inventory is always going to be full just like mine is right now and I'll talk about how to manage that in a moment here because there's some really cool tricks some really cool hot keys to make managing your inventory a lot easier if we come to the next one here we've got our farmer and she's just going to help you you know if you want to make seed beds and then you want to grow a specific plant like we said we needed chamomile to make potions right so we could put chamomile in here and then Harvest that over and over so that we didn't have to go out into the wild to find our chamomile it's really nice for that kind of stuff then you've got your blacksmith blacksmith is going to help you make weapons you know your one-handed weapons your Shields he's also going to give you your Warrior your like heavier armor right and even things like saw blades or charcoal kills where you make your charcoal right your forged where you can make some of those items right so he's giving you the benches and he's also giving you the things that you make with those benches then you've got your Carpenter he's going to get you that table saw we just kind of mentioned Kil as well as a lot of furniture and you're looking at this furniture and you're like oh are we just supposed to RP in this game and the answer is kind of no yes so you'll see next to each piece of furniture it says plus three to comfort we click on the next one plus two to comfort so the way comfort in this game works is really cool actually it's kind of incentivizing you it makes it worth it to craft these things that you might otherwise never even think about putting in your house if you're someone that traditionally doesn't get too into decorating their house so you'll see back here I have a bunch of stuff kind of just stacked here I need to make my house bigger in order to kind of neatly do it but when I go to the fire it says Comfort level 17 and that's what's determining how long my rested buff lasts right now it lasts 22 minutes if I go here to the Carpenter and I craft a bunch more stuff and put it in the house and get my comfort level up right so the ones that add three Comfort are going to increase the duration of my buff more than the ones that add to comfort right so the more the better but you can only put one of each item in your house it doesn't so you can't just sit there and pump out like 20 tables and then have 40 Comfort right it doesn't let you do that what you could do is you could do one of these wooden side tables then you could do one wooden table then you could do one wooden banquet table right you can do one of each and put them all in your house and it's going to keep stacking up that comfort for each one and then your buff is going to last longer and longer and like I said you kind of don't really want to be out in the wild without that buff you can but it's a lot less efficient you're going to run out of stamina just trying to run up a hill or just trying to run to your next location your stamina is going to run dry or when you're trying to Glide it's going to burn through your stamina faster right you kind of always want that buff up just because of how easy it is to have it and then finally So speaking of that buff being a reason you kind of want to return home let's talk about your gameplay Loop what it's going to kind of look like and feel like and why so you're going to run out into the world you're going to explore right you're going to go out here you're going to go you know follow the question marks like I have up higher here you'll have question marks like this and you'll go out to those locations you'll find what's there maybe find the secret item the legendary bow the you know purple sword whatever's there you'll find it and then your rusted buff will be draining your gear will need to be repaired your inventory will almost certainly be overflowing with items so you're going to have to come back just to drop off everything in your inventory if nothing else and remember you always want to be picking up so you want to come back often to drop off and fast travel is easy in this game you know you can always teleport right back to your base you just click on it and anyone that is yellow like this is a fast travel location but I'll talk more about that in a second because I want to try to stay on topic here so the gameplay Loop so you'll come back to your base and when you're here you're going to come to your benches and what you can do is shift R see what it says right here shift R if you're on Console it'll tell you what the buttons are right here and we press shift R and it's boom it's automatically going to move anything that already has a stack in this container over right so I just come to each container I shift R what I have left is not crafting materials these are things I put over here and then I got some legendary stuff that I've been putting over here right now now right and so my inventory went from Full to empty just like that there a few clicks so our inventory sorted the next thing we're going to want to do is come to this bench this bench has multiple purposes right one is you can craft basic items with it two it repairs all your weapons the second you touch it for free every time you touch it so you can see my wand has lost a bunch of its durability that green bar down there at the bottom is not all the way full whereas the sword is right so all we do is we come here and we talk to this boom it's full everything got repaired while this menu was opening up so we can just close that and that's the second thing we always want to make sure we do of course talk to any MPC sometimes they'll have Quests for you to do you'll see a red exclamation point over their head pick that up you know accept the quests it's going to put more markers on your map for you to go explore there's never going to be a shortage of markers on your map for you to explore if we open up my map you can see them all over the place and then another thing you want to do is make sure you have lockpicks on you so if you need to go ahead and craft some lockpicks while you're here and nothing feels worse than finding a chest that you can't open or a door that you can't get past because you don't have lockpicks although I will say if you run into a door that is locked if you run into a door that's locked and it's made out of wood just pull out your axe baby and chop that thing down it works like a charm I tested it and after you get your lock picks make some bandages if you need more bandages potions if you need more potions right and then stock up on food if you need to stock up on food you know food piles can be pretty big they last a long time you most likely won't have to touch your food piles more than once every like 10 trips out five trips out something like that so coming back to your base 99% of the time is just going to be hitting your storage containers hitting your repair bench and then heading back out that's what it's going to look like when you come back here and so it only takes 1 second so definitely definitely do it don't leave things on the ground because you didn't want to make a quick trip back to the base you're going to regret it so now let's talk about fast travel because fast travel in this game is kind of unique it's got your typical fast travel in that you can teleport back to your home cool so you'll notice though there's lots of these dark yellow diamonds on the map and that's because you've got these ones here these ancient spires these are quests that we get sent to and you climb up this giant Tower that's basically a massive jump puzzle you're jumping over spikes you're climbing up Ledges you're not fighting things inside as much as you're just navigating a giant Tower and finding a way up it finding switches finding chest there's lots of loot inside and when you get to the top and you touch the beacon you can fast travel to it and it lights up so we've got that one there we've got this one here but we've also got other teleport points homes you see home level one home level one home level two oh it's because I built this one over here we can get rid of this which is a good time to talk about this one so I made this one so I could technically teleport to that one over there or I could teleport to this one over here and you can do this from anywhere you don't have to be standing at it to teleport right you can just teleport from anywhere out in the open as long as you're not inside the Shroud so if you're standing in that blue shroud and the meters up you will not be able to fast travel so you got to make your way out of the Shroud above it somewhere there's always they always have some place in the Shroud that has like a peak that is above the shoud there will be a little Tower in there you can climb your way up and then you've got the fresh air and now you can fast travel if you need to or you can just reset your meter there's always something you can do inside of there to get out if you need to but once you're out you can fast travel so these altars you can build real easy right these only cost five ston so here's how hard it is to get five Stone one two okay I just got six done so now I would be able to go into my crafting make a flame alter space made it drag it onto my bar and boom now I can put a fast travel location down now I can't because I've used all of my altars I'd have to get rid of that one over there first so you basically get to plant fast travel locations anywhere in the game that you want and that's what you're going to use these alternate alters for is you're going to place them as forward operating bases you're not necessarily going to need to make a base at them because it's so easy to teleport like if you're going to teleport back home you might as well teleport to your base with everything you don't need to teleport to your forward operating base and then you'll teleport to the forward operating base when you want to go back out into the field cuz sometimes like when I was over here it would have been nice to put down a pad because this is a good five to 10-minute run to get back to where I was so if I had found a place to build an alter over there while I was there I would have done that and then I could just teleport back to where I am and I don't have to make this 5 to 10 minute run to get back so sometimes your teleport points can be very space out and that's where your Alters come in to kind of fill that Gap until you stretch that next ancient Spire at first you can't have very many Alters but every time you level it up right here you see flame alter strengthen the flame when you level it up yeah alter activation capacity it goes from six to S so each time you upgrade it you get more altars that you can build out in the wild now eventually you're going to build an alter like this one right here let's say I didn't need it anymore or well this one in my base you want to build another one way out farther in front front you don't want this one anymore because you found a Spire that you can teleport to past it so it's kind of not needed anymore right so you just come to the alter and you click extinguish flame and it's going to say attention extinguishing the flame will reset the currently protected area after some time or with the next start of the game so that's fine and then it says it's going to happen in 28 seconds so we'll let that count down here using some editing magic we'll skip right to it boom there it is now it's gone and we could go run out to that place we were earlier and slam one down so that we can use it to teleport back to our base drop off all our goods and then teleport right back to where we were to continue exploring into the darkness okay so that's how fast travel works in the game it's free it's almost instant and you can do it anytime you're not inside of the Shroud so use it often teleport back to your base often and drop off all your goods next let's talk about the map a little bit because we keep opening it up and there's a lot of good information on here a lot of really important information actually okay so you've got the yellow ones these dark yellow ones here these are places that you can teleport to then you've got the blue ones these are little towns that you can find little settlements abandoned settlements whatever they little points of interest that you can go to and find treasure items whatever you know it's just a little point of Interest you've got the gray ones these are your Crafts People related ones you've got these light yellow ones right that's why calling these dark yellow because these light yellow ones these are flame shrines you go to these and you just touch them and it gives you a spark and you can go and you can touch it and get a spark every time you reboot the game you can go back to the same Shrine and get a spark and you need these Sparks for various things in the game whether it's upgrading your Shrine or crafting or whatever you you need you'll need these Sparks so if you ever need Sparks you know go to the shrines go touch these shrines you can go and touch all of the different shrines or you could go and touch the same Shrine over and over every time you reset the game whichever is easier here for you next we have these green ones these are like little farmlands you can see they've got the little carrot in them Little Farms you've got ancient obelis you just go and you touch these there'll be quests associated with that you've got the scavenger stashes these are like generally filled with enemies you can go to them fight your way through it and get a reward and then you've got these ones here the maybe most important ones on the screen right now that's the purple ones these purple or pink ones whatever you want to call that this is how you get skill points to use in your tree so there's two ways to get skill points one is just leveling just like you would expect so you level up you get some skill points alternatively you can just run to one of these purple places and you chop down the red route the Shroud route as it's called and you get a skill point instantly the first time that you chop it down if it has a little check mark next to it that means you have chopped it down and got that skill point this one does not have the check mark which means I have not gone there and got that skill point I kind of left that there for this video so we could kind of demonstrate that right so perfect similarly you can see this check marks will tell you the other things are done so there's a lot of good information on the map mostly your map's going to look like this when you start and just for just look at how big this map is okay so this here is a lot of hours in the game what I've done so far just so many hours and then it just keeps going up man this game is going to be huge cuz remember this is Early Access so we don't have access to the full game yet but we have access to a lot of it and what we have access to is phenomenal absolutely love it so it's uh you've got a lot of fun ahead of you let me just say so you're going to be working your way out to these question marks most of the time you're going to see one of these out in the distance you're going to run to it if you ever see one of these towers so we let's look real quick see that right there see that tower that giant Tower just kind of making itself known off in the distance right here you always want to go to those when you see them if you can sometimes the Shroud between you and it will be red which means it's too high level for you at the moment right now see this is blue so I could go down in there no problem there's another Tower right there so you'd want to go to that climb your way to the top and that every time you do that it unlocks it as a fast travel location and and it lights up key interest points around it that you can go and travel to and Beyond running to those it's just a matter of you know opening up your Journal click on a quest and then click show where it is on the map and it's going to say go here and you're like okay cool and then you run your way over there and you knock out that Quest and just go from one to the next but always remember to prioritize those gold quests remember to prioritize your Crafts People quests because you're going to be really sad if you get far into the game and you realize oh man I wish I had that extra storage bag so I could hold more items but I haven't even started that quest for that uh crafts person yet next let's just quickly touch on the backpack and how it works so you're going to fill up your backpack when you pick up items of course this last row here is because of that storage bag that I got from that lady and later on you'll be able to get a bigger storage bag and hold more items down here you've got your two bars of weapons items whatever you choose to put down here you can I even have dirt here I don't really need it there I have a flame alter just in case I want to put one down when I'm out and about again it's always nice to have one of those in case case you need it although in a pinch it's usually not too hard to find Five Stone like I demonstrated but that's more or less you know your bag your backpack here you've got the character screen which we we've used a couple of times but I haven't really dove into it so you've got your bow right so you can click on these slots and it'll tell you everything that you could put there we could put there the bows we could put the staff we could put this cane you can equip one of those there and that makes it so that whenever you hold Q it automatically pulls out that weapon that way you don't have to hit like number four and then you know draw your bow bag it just you hold it down and boom it's already aiming for you then below that you've got your Shield you want to equip a shield you always want to have a shield equipped no matter what you're build let me tell you because whenever you're using a wand it's automatically going to pull the shield out as your offhand or whenever you're using a one-handed weapon The Shield's automatically going to come out when able if you're wearing a staff or like a two-handed weapon then The Shield's not going to come out below that we have our bag we've got the small backpack right now we'll later on get a bigger one hold more items below that we've got the glider and the grapp Ling hook and you'll be able to upgrade these so this is a tier 2 grappling hook right here it costs less to use because it cost stamina like everything cost stamina in this game so your glider cost stamina your grappling CS cost stamina sprinting cost stamina jumping Dodge rolling right it's all costing stamina and it all chews into how fast you're able to move around the world and uh how much saying power you have in combat below that you have rings you're going to find rings all over the place you'll find them in chests you'll find them on enemies they're very rare though I would say that the Rings are probably the least found item well I don't find a lot of armor actually to be honest most of my armor is crafted but when I do find armor it's usually pretty good like I got these gloves right here those were a nice little upgrade when I found them it gives 4% magic damage range damage and melee damage whereas my crafted ones I think were giving 3% to one of those things so it was a nice bump up you'll find gear but you won't find it often but when you do there's a good chance it'll be pretty useful then over here you have attributes and I recommend that every once in a while you peek into your attributes and look at the number in here so that you understand like oh man this item was only giving me one Constitution or oh this passive point is only giving me one Constitution that doesn't sound like a big deal but then you come in here and you look and you only have one Constitution to start with and you realize it's doubling your Constitution and giving you way more Health than you used to have and you're like oh that one Constitution actually is a big deal and the same goes for all of these stats so come in here and just kind of see where you're at get a feel for the values so when you find an item you know oh well that's actually a nice jump for me and like you by the way one nice stat look at this sneak attack damage 900% increase damage and I'm not really doing anything to increase my sneak attack damage on this build I have not speced into that in the tree you just start off with 900% and in the tree you can take passives that can upgrade it 10 times right so you get 10x damage instead of 900% so very big upgrades in there for sneak attacking if you're big on that and then down here you've got the C details this is where you can see Buffs food Buffs and your rested Buffs we kind of peaked into here earlier and if you ever have a buff going and you can't remember what it does like it's a food buff you're like oh man which food buff is going I can't remember which one I ate just come in here and it'll tell you exactly what the food buff is and what it does so if we eat real quick let's go ahead and have a mushroom and then we come back into the status and it says I have one extra intelligence because of that mushroom for 10 minutes nice yeah and likewise if you're ever not sure what a food buff is you can just hover over the I I don't have a mushroom anymore let's see if we hover over these berries if we click on the berry here it says two health regen so you can just click on the food before you use it to find out what it does as well you don't have to use it and then look all right let me travel over to this Tower real quick so I can show you something else that's really important to know so sometimes you'll be in the Shroud and you'll see one of these okay so these are important for a few reasons one these are respawn points so if you die you'll go to the last one of these that you ran by if it's closer than any of your other fast travel points so you're going to respawn here so you'll see one of these a lot of times before you're about to do something difficult that's a good sign that something tough is coming or that you need to be careful also you'll see these sometimes in the Shroud and if you come stand up next to it it resets your shroud meter so it's a nice little breath of fresh air when you need it sometimes and you can kind of use it as a place that you come back to and refill your shroud meter and then kind of go back out deep and Venture in sometimes you need to use it to get these Elixir Wells you'll go down down down inside and then you'll run out of breath and you'll have to come back up run to this thing H your meter back and then head back down in there especially if you don't have any of those Elixir that help you with that down there if you do die you're going to have to go back and collect your corpse because you're going to leave a bunch of materials on the ground with it until you collect it okay the next thing I just want to Circle back to Oh Long pck yeah good thing we had one but if we didn't we would have been able to break this door down also sometimes there's an alternate way in so we used a lockpick boat we could have just climbed this right just because you don't have the lockpick doesn't mean you're so so here's a chest right it's got a weapon in it we'll take that and like we mentioned earlier when you get extra weapons that you don't need you can just come into your inventory and here it is here it put it on my bar just be careful of that sometimes it'll slam it down there I move things around so okay so you just right click on it and then Salvage and you get the runs right so anytime you get that kind of stuff now the next thing is look at how much loot there is in this room really nothing right kind of except we can break these objects and a pinch especially early on this is so useful so let's pick this up and see what we got we got metal scraps metal scraps wood logs so early on metal scraps are a luxury you're going to use them to craft better armor you're going to use them to craft better Hatchet and pickaxe you're going to use them for arrows you're going to use them for all kinds of stuff and one of the easiest ways to get them is out of these kind of containers where you just break them like that and you get them even though there's nothing technically there to loot same with this you break this and you're going to get torn cloth whenever you see those it's always going to give you torn cloth when you break it these books you can dismantle and it's going to give you books old books like that okay so if you need old books that's how you get them you just go and you grab some books and if we break this it's probably going to give us yeah some wood right so breaking the moral of the story is break things break things and get the materials that are inside you'll kind of begin to get a feel for what you're going to get when you break certain objects but that's probably the easiest way to get metal scraps early on oh watch out for these red barrels these are explosive so you shoot it and it's going to blow up I promise you will die to someone else shooting a barrel next to you it's a r of passage in this game it's brutal when it happens just think of this moment and laugh because as mad as you are I am I was 100 times more mad when it happened to me dude so I feel your pain okay and then another way to get scrap is killing like these guys here you can tell they're kind of wearing scrap metal on them right and then if we kill them maybe we'll get lucky yeah metal scrap so we got it just like we said Okay so this little Camp right here if you need metal scraps early and you will brookmore right here it's uh just Northwest of the base go there and you'll get some metal scraps guarantee it lots of it if you break the containers and you kill the people and there's also some nice little loot hidden in there somewhere not going to tell you where though now it's night time so let's head back to the base and get rid of the night time so that we can see easier and remember you come back to the base you would go and you would just shift R you would drop all your stuff in here inventory problem is instantly solved you touch the bench to repair right that's your trip back to the base and then we come to the bed and night time is going to pass at 60x also it fully rests you so if we had just come into the base and stood next to this that rested that says 22 minutes would go up slowly it would go 1 2 3 4 right it's going to count up or you could just get on the bed and it instantly fills up so if you ever it's daytime already but you want to fill your rested just come lay on the bed for one second okay Sun's up you'll hear the rooster crow you'll see the sun come up also you'll see the 60x go away when it's daytime again lots of little indicators there now the next thing is you can play fast and loose with gravity in this game so a lot of times you'll run into a wall that you think you can't get up but the game has other plans well I think the game has plans for us to not but we have other plans right because it's just like Skyrim when you're riding that horse up things you weren't supposed to be riding it up to save time well we do that in this game a lot too so once you have your glider you can kind of manipulate uh gravity to your will to like as long as there's an incline as long as it's not straight up so let's say you come up to this kind of a spot right here and and you don't have double jump yet right so you can't make it up you're like oh man wish I could get up there well just use your glider and you can kind of defy gravity see that we just ramped up it right there even though we couldn't jump up it even though the glider wouldn't let us get up there you get this momentum when you use your glider that just kind of propels you up there there it is just like that so make sure to use that to your advantage spam that space bar whatever your jump button is on console and then another cool trick with glider is you can glide down Hills touching the hill as long as the hill is going down it doesn't matter if you're touching it you'll keep gliding okay so this hill is not very steep but it doesn't matter we can still Glide down it even when our belly is in the dirt look and as long as you don't hit something you can keep sliding so if you're ever going down a hill you know don't walk um slide on your belly yeah another quick thing to know about materials that you're Gathering is when you see corpses like you'll see a skeleton sitting there you can't grab the Bones from the skeleton and you're going to need bones to make bone Mill and other things so when you see a skeleton just smack the skeleton and you'll knock it into bones and then you can collect the bones now earlier I kind of touched on the fact that closing and opening the game resets these flame shrines it also just to be just to make sure you're aware it also resets every chest in the game except for the ones that have dedicated loot like there's some chests that will always have a certain item in them right like it's a legendary item and that chest and that location will always have it if you run there and you grab it that's a thing so those won't reset because you've already got it but the other ones that just have random items in them they will reset and each time it will be a different item so you can Farm those chests you can reset the game if you've been playing for a really long time and you're running back through areas you've been but there's nothing to loot because you already looted it maybe consider rebooting your game right going back out to the menu and opening it up again and that way all your chest reset so if you do happen to run by the same area you can open up that chest again and get a weapon and you know turn it into runes or you know if you're lucky maybe even get an upgrade this will also respawn the mobs that were there too though so just be aware of that another thing to be aware of in this game is that Gravity Hurts So if it looks like a fall that you wouldn't want to make in real life make sure you don't make it because you can and will die if you take a significant fall without that glider and sometimes it doesn't even look like it's that significant like this one here that I'm showing you I just jumped off it looked like it'd be a nothing burger and then I died instantly upon hitting the ground so be careful with gravity respect it also be sure to stay curious when you're exploring in this game this game is all about exploring finding hidden treasures and they are tucked everywhere behind doors and under piles of debris underground next to grave sites they are everywhere so stay curious and always be checking for Treasures you'll be surprised how often you find something quick shout out to Corsair who has supported me and my channel on my journey for the best computer peripherals out there check out my link in the description and that is everything Guys these videos take a ton of time to make and to edit so if you enjoyed it I would really appreciate it if you gave a thumbs up and even leave a comment down below letting me know it feels good to read those and it helps with the algorithm so thank you so much for watching I appreciate it and massive shout out to my channel members if you want to become a channel member click the join button down below to get perks like behind the scenes footage access to a private Discord Channel and more sincerely thank you guys so much for watching sub for more and shrouded content and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] video
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 137,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrowded, inshrouded, enshrouded guide, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded beginner guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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