Enshrouded Chat and Chill - 10k Subscriber Q&A

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all right welcome everyone so good to have you all here glitchy JS game Miller yo Phantom how's it going everyone Michael Michelle Del Lin welcome so exciting thank you so much for all the amazing support everyone for 10K subscribers um I'm also trying some new audio settings today so hopefully you can hear me as well as the game audio uh because I haven't tested it for streaming yet I've only tested it for recording um yeah hopefully it's all good hopefully I am uh hopefully I'm hearable all right balance is pretty nice awesome yay all right that's good to know I uh I set up like a bunch of tracks to record I'm currently little sneak peek for those of you early on stream here I'm doing a little little bit of recording with a few of my other YouTube Friends Smitty survival basic Builder poison blade and vers doing some building and enshrouded doing some little collab stuff so I was changing up all my audio settings getting ready for that and uh I'm glad it's still working yeah thank you so much for the congrats on 10K yes so cool to have hit that I'm so excited old bll welcome welcome Andrew thank you so much yeah I'm so happy you all are enjoying the content today will just be a fun chat and chill stream might be doing something in shrouded I'll hop into my world maybe a little building little exploration fun stuff and any questions you guys have whether it's about YouTube uh what I do anything like that we're just doing a fun Q&A 10K stream here make a tour in your Hobbit house heck yeah yeah we're in the we're in the little hobbit house the the latest one that uh that I built right here and uh yeah we just got well my friend and I just recorded the next episode uh so that'll be coming out tomorrow and uh and then yeah we did get the table saw in that episode so you guys will have a little bit of like a head start here but that's where that is working on some planks and we we're starting to get some of the storage on um yeah it's uh it's going pretty well I really can't wait to start uh unlocking more of the awesome furniture and everything in here but I I think it's already looking pretty cozy with some of the some of the starter stuff here but I don't know do they have sofas later on and things there's probably better ways I can build sofas and stuff how's it going shees welcome welcome such a beautiful build thank you so much yeah it was uh it was a lot of fun to build this one it was kind of a test um trying a bunch of different trying a bunch of different concepts like the tree here I mean it looks like crazy crazy funky but uh but it kind of worked and uh it was fun to try because I might do it like on a slightly bigger scale in uh in the other area that I was planning on building which maybe we'll do a little bit of work on today but uh yeah any tricks for blocking while the white balls of Doom from those flying ghosts in the Shroud yeah I can't block those I just roll out of the way honestly I just take my staff uh I like the staff with the ice uh they don't like that and so I'll just do that that and then roll out of the way yeah those ones are a little tough a soil tree was such a clever idea yeah thanks it was something that I wanted to kind of test um because on the top of this hill here where we're currently working on a really big terraforming project I should have taken out the glider there I keep forgetting how high up it is already uh I wanted to possibly do like a really big tree on the top there so it was a fun test to see kind of how that could uh how that could work out lurking from and shrouded have a great show congrats on 10K Hobbit house guide working great awesome thank you so much yeah thanks for joining everyone a slightly bigger we're in trouble yeah yeah yeah it's uh I don't I don't know how much bigger we'll see if I end up doing the leave uh things that I did on the other tree with this one this one may turn into like a larger dead tree but I wanted to do something possibly big enough just some cool like growth thing maybe I won't even call it a tree but using that concept I guess along with maybe uh yeah either the flower soil or maybe some luminous growth as part of the leaves and whatever uh but big enough to like put something inside of possibly like do a treehouse uh in it on the very top there and then this little this project over here was just that Big Empty Hill spot that we picked uh bunch of live streams ago I guess not a ton of live streams ago a while ago cuz I haven't done many live streams lately um but yeah for The Hobbit houses I want to do a bunch of Hobbit houses in this hill and then this will be kind of the larger Village it'll be a larger project uh so I want to do lots of uh homes for the NPCs and things and then it also uh has a nice view of the desert and other biomes over there uh to be able to see some bigger builds like I'd love to do a tower or something on top of the pillar of Creation in that area it'd be a lot of fun treeh housee is amazing idea yeah I think it'd be a lot of fun I think it'd be a lot of fun it'll be kind of tough and and funky and things this project is going to be a much bigger one so it's kind of like uh that's why I've decided to do it more in live streams and uh and then I'm going to kind of take those uh possibly some footage from the stream but like a little bit of recording outside of it and chop it into like little progress videos uh because yeah this one will be a pretty large one it'll be hard to kind of encompass everything in a how-to video necessarily how's it going Stefan have some amazing builds thanks yeah I'm so happy so happy you are inspired by the latest builds a lot of potential yeah I think I think it's got a lot of potential I just love this area too the view the sunlight it's a it's a different vibe you know between this area and then if I go back to my uh my little hobbit uh base in the forest is is kind of a different vibe it's more cozy less sunlight um but you know it's uh it's so fun to have all these different places to build how do I get the resources for so much terrain donations are just grinding yeah um I just I just do a lot of the grinding sometimes my friend will come on and uh and go grab some resources but yeah the tree was kind of expensive because uh I kind of placed it block by block which was a lot of Farm soil so I found that making the Farm soil was easier in this case than mining it from Woodard because I could just toss a bunch of bones into the bone meal uh grinder here and get tons of bone meal really fast because I had so many bones from the earlier uh playthroughs and um and then yeah with that along with dirt which was super easy to get uh I was able to just crank out a bunch of Farm soil how's it going Holly and twitch chat welcome yeah valheim would take a lot more time to hoard resources absolutely yeah how's it going drowsy welcome minute to your first live what's up everyone what's up chip yeah great to have you here is it possible to replant trees the size of the ones in revelwood I wish unfortunately it's not yeah unfortunately we we can plant trees that are like uh about this big like the really big ones if I go back to my starter house over here um then I I'll be able to show you some stuff thank you so much for the subs welcome any thoughts on a decided server for patreon members for the for the Ed yeah I'm definitely thinking about it they're I think a big thing on their list is to uh up add updates with player based progression so uh but it's definitely more of a game where like you work together and things so we'll have to see but I'm kind of like waiting to see what uh what those updates uh imply and then yeah we might we might very possibly do a a server friend shouted that'd be a lot of fun yeah I think you can plant trees that are like as big as uh as big as these ones right here oh gosh the wolf's like nope that's my tree oh my gosh Phantom another 10 memberships man you are you are so amazing you are absolutely amazing yeah huge shout out to Phantom he he's uh yeah he gifted some memberships in the last one such an amazing person so much support yeah thank you so much so appreciate it all right so yeah you can plant some of the bigger ones like these ones here and then you can plant more like the little pine trees like these guys I think this is yeah I think these are the ones um then yeah that's uh that's kind of the biggest you can go but unfortunately they don't have the vines around them like the big ones in revelwood and uh and that was something that I was like a little disappointed around cuz I'd love to be able to PL all those home is looking amazing thank you thank you good afternoon William welcome yeah thank you so much phantom for the memberships huge shout out to you shout out to uh drowsy we've got you as a member in here and all the other members whether you're watching or uh in my Discord and everything it has been so amazing to have your support and all of your support in general it's been such an amazing ride here 10K sub subscribers and I am just so excited to see what the future holds continue doing awesome survival building games like this and uh yeah it's been a fun ride so yeah with that uh I suppose I could also talk like as we as we do a little building like some of the future plans of the channel kind of my my schedule and things because I know a lot of you are new with the ined stuff so uh you haven't been with the channel for years so to speak to kind of know my my uh Rhythm but I think the the big thing here is that we'll be doing lots of the games in the winter for me it's colder and the work that I do U happens a lot more with warmer weather so the spring summer and Autumn and uh and then in the winter I've got more time off and it's cold so I'll be inside doing more of the games and things but yeah in the summer uh I do excavation and Contracting as my main job and so the content will be a little slower but I'll most likely be kind of uh working on building projects on the back burner posting a few videos uh throughout the those few months and then uh then I've also got a personal Channel where I would like to kind of revive it again it's been a long time since I posted there but I have a lot of projects and things that's how I kind of got started with the whole YouTube thing and then um and yeah I kind of just grew from there I started the Chisel chip thing uh loving the building in games because I liked building in real life and so it was kind of right up my alley when all these new amazing survival games I really got hooked on valheim and uh and now I'm shrouded it's been so much fun have you found all the unique brick forms yet I haven't I think uh some of them but yeah I'm just at the point of having gotten the table saw from the carpenter so in terms of the map like this is this is what we have so far haven't uh haven't gone to Pike me's area yet and that'll be real exciting we've got like three episodes uh more for pike me uh and then after that it'll be a lot of fun adventure in the desert areas and things good morning from organ Oregon hey welcome welcome do you have favorite building blocks or does it depend on your current build kind of depends on my current build I'd say I uh I kind of had some favorites uh for like biomes uh I feel like I always really like the uh this Flintstone for the revelwood biome I don't know why it just like I love the colors in it and how they match the the ground textures and things uh but yeah I kind of had different plans for this build initially as I was building it I decided like I I wasn't originally going to go with this uh with this half timbered and then it just started looking really nice um sometimes it looks a little busy but I liked how you could put some vines on it I think in some of the spots I had some Vines yeah like back here and stuff I liked how you could do that and then I was originally going to go with a [ __ ] roof but I just liked how the red uh looked with all the other Brown in the forest here for this particular build so I'd say I definitely have favorites that I have been tending to use a lot but I haven't made it far enough through the game to like have my my go-tos all the time I've been loving the roughcut stone a lot um video of my construction work IRL yeah actually um yeah if if you all want to check out uh that channel let me let me put a link in the chat um I think that I think that'll take you to it uh but that that's my channel where I have done lots of building stuff IRL I I actually have uh I kind of started by doing some music I enjoyed a lot of music and uh and then I slowed down on some of the music did a lot of like Automotive stuff and uh and then got into like building mountain bikes and I was actually thinking about starting a mountain bike company and decided not to so I just got a whole bunch of learning like I didn't go to college for those of you wondering so a lot of my learning in the last years has just been like experiential learning um starting businesses doing things that I felt that I could like gain a lot of stuff out of so those have been some fun Ventures and I'm hoping to kind of take that channel more with uh film making and music and tutorials around those things later on and uh so we'll just kind of see where it goes but well I be doing biome specific builds yeah yeah that' be a lot of fun so this was kind of like the revelwood biome build and then that other one that we were at uh before was uh was more of like the the main Meadows area build which was super fun um and that one will be like a long project that I'll be working on and then yeah we'll be doing ones in the desert stuff like that as many flame Alters as I can have I'll be building most likely and Michael thank you so much thank you so much for the gifted memberships and so much support from yall today thank you so much this is this is this is so kind of you all I I so appreciate it I so appreciate it and I've have let's see me scroll up and chat a little more that's cool the other project Channel yeah yeah project channel for real life stuff yep yeah that was kind of the that was kind of the plan for that so I started that one actually many many years ago and uh it's kind of just been a back burner thing I never got consistent with posting a couple videos took off through some people but uh they they never come back for the recent ones cuz I'm all over the place with that channel Channel I've posted anything from you know music building things Automotive stuff mountain biking film making uh all sorts of crazy things so we'll we'll just have to see where it [Music] goes how's it going space dude welcome in the UK just arrived are you watching other new upcoming games that you might stream eventually yeah I've been uh I've been having my eye out on two in particular right now and I know a bunch of you are probably playing night and Gale right now I know I think Phantom was uh doing that glitchy was doing that um because that just released when did it release like uh a little over an hour ago maybe um fellow mountain biker here heck yeah welcome yeah that that's kind of my fun thing for the summer uh when there's no snow I've been I've been uh enjoying that as like a way to get movement and things and I uh live in the mountains so it's just beautiful beautiful scenery at the same time as get an exercise I'll definitely take it yeah thanks Michael thanks for all the memberships you guys this is awesome your husband and you play together it's epic awesome yeah it's a fun game and shroud is a very fun game um have a crafting Channel too nice nice hard to combine the gaming with other Hobbies yeah yeah yeah I was uh I was looking at your uh Instagram glitchy from the stream the other day and uh all the art and stuff that you did that's awesome hour ago and playing it yourself now yeah for night Andale yeah yeah it's uh it it looks like a really good game so I've decided to hold off on night Andale for the time being maybe we'll end up doing it but uh from a lot of the first impressions and uh my other friends that had uh the Early Access keys and stuff like that um they were saying that it was just like really comp Lex U for the get-go and I think uh B based on their knowledge of me they told me to hold off for a little bit and uh and possibly check it out later or something when more updates or other things but I think uh having having the oud in valheim and with enshrouded being fresh and all I think also for my stress levels and all this stuff to do maybe we'll do night Andale but maybe it'll be like a live stream thing or something we'll have to see 300 Hobbies yes my thing yeah yeah I can totally relate I can totally relate yep the old bow thanks for the membership welcome yeah welcome you all this is this is so so kind yeah and uh yeah for all the all the new members feel free to join my Discord server uh either through the link in the description or just type exclamation point Discord and uh and if you have your YouTube account in this case connected to Discord there's a little tutorial for how to do that and and you can access all my builds for and shrouded so you can download the world FES for this and uh all my previous valheim builds so hopefully you all enjoy that hello everyone late to the party welcome welcome yeah this is awesome this is awesome great group of you all I wasn't expecting uh as many people on today because of night and Gale's release but uh this is awesome we just have a fun uh a fun chill day today and uh yeah so any questions you guys have feel free drop them in the chat uh absolutely anything and thanks for the subs everyone welcome and uh while we do that I will uh I'll work on a little bit of terraforming for the latest project uh that I'm doing with some of the Hill there so I finally am getting some of the things organized here in the in the chest rows for magic chests and we've got let's see I'm going to want a lot of the flower soil and dirt I think for now and yeah we'll probably have to get even more dirt but I Gail look so boring after coming from shrouded though yeah I don't know I think I think uh they're just different types of games uh I think a lot of people try to compare all these different games uh so closely and it can sometimes I guess it's almost evening I may as well stay here until it's night and then rest and then go start working but uh yeah a lot of people to compare lots of these games that like there's certain aspects that can be compared in things but night G is a very different feel it's uh I think a lot of people are really enjoying it it's a very great game for a certain you know certain type of people it's got like you know the gas lamp fantasy concept different style of Graphics different style building and the whole realm cards concept I mean it's it's just it's a really unique game and I think that's uh that's what has uh a lot of people hooked on it but night gaale downloads forever yeah yeah you were saying the files were so big for it uh for what it was but I have not tried it personally and I don't think I will at least for a while we'll kind of we'll let it run its course it's one of those games that uh I didn't get a chance to play in like a beta or a demo uh as much as I wanted to really uh get a feel for it and uh I've made mistakes with games in the past of not really being being able to check them out as much as I would have liked and then watching the trailer and then it's not quite what it was in the trailer or something so I just felt that I didn't have enough info yet on night Andale to like uh put it on YouTube yet so to speak but yeah possibly possibly in the future really need to step up your building skills looks awesome yeah I tell everyone it's just about practice you know as a kid I enjoyed Legos and Minecraft and you know those those that stuff and it's all about just building wrecking it down starting new worlds building more all the time just for the fun of it it's all about the process they're not very comparable but building sure will be more fun and shrouded yeah yeah I think uh I've really enjoyed the building system and in shrouded o that big shadow on the tree kind of went up really fast yeah it's so like it's so dark and spooky in the forest here but I think the I think the little hobbit hole is cozy enough at night we'll just sleep in this one here here cin late to the party welcome you're not too late we just got started not too long ago what happens when you create a new world will the quest repeat so that's a great question actually that is something that they're currently working on a lot of updates for as of now right now and in shrouded uh if you start a new world and a new character then yes the quest will uh repeat it'll be like starting a fresh playthrough for enshrouded uh but then if you start a new world with an existing character so like say I take this character right here uh with all of these quests complete and join a new world most of these quests will be uh complete I'll just have to go like grab the NPCs but the map exploration I've done and things will kind of imply over to the new world some people like that some people don't a lot of people are asking for player based progression to where like if you join a new world regardless you're not unlocking it for everyone else for multiplayer so I think they will be working a a bit on that just to kind of uh tweak that experience but yeah we'll kind of see where it ends up and TR is just Minecraft with smaller blocks yeah I uh yeah it it definitely has the resemblance it's a voxal game you know like I like I said I think the building is similar you know having built a lot of stuff in Minecraft that's what inspired me initially to do this treat uh I've built like huge trees in Minecraft that was something I really enjoyed building out of the little the wood blocks and so uh I figured I'd try it and in shrouded and uh the block based stuff but yeah it's it's very different um other than that but I love that the blocks are like a quarter of the size essentially as they are in Minecraft it makes for so much more uh freedom and creativity best way to hide entry point hidden door yeah I'd say so I'd say so so like in this one I did I did two hidden doors uh there's one one over here for the little spiral staircase up the tree and then one over in this section uh they are not the same texture as the rest of the walls so like the most hidden would be to use the same exact hidden door as what matches the walls I just haven't unlocked the rough cut uh hidden door or whatever the one that matches these ones so uh but yeah if you unlock there's certain hidden doors that go really well with their block combination to where you wouldn't know they're there unless you come up really close and you see a little e to open kind of a thing learned so much from you chisel others on your Discord server my first build were straight up terrible but now I've learned so much and they look good awesome I'm so happy to hear that yeah yeah it's all about just continuing to to have a lot of fun with it I remember when I started my uh started my valheim playthroughs back a while ago I was just super stoked to like start building um but every every game there's a new building system and it takes a little bit to get used to and uh and then you kind ofy then you kind of learn it you know I think uh coming from a lot of Minecraft this building system was kind of right up my alley and Minecraft and valheim combined having sort of the way we could rotate the furniture use the windows use the roof pieces in a in a cool way I think it was a lot of fun there yeah there is a rest recipe um bir yeah there's there's recipes a lot of different ones so like the secret doors that I have currently through the carpender uh if we go over here I'll just show you here quick doors those are the normal doors secret doors here we go so we have the secret stone door which is the one I used and that's why it doesn't look the same as the Rough Cut Stone cuz my walls are rough cut stone like here we go secret wood door this would look pretty good with the rough uh wood blocks we even have secret Stone floor passage so we can have like floor you know little trap doors secret doors but I don't have much unlocked yet I know there's a lot more of these uh as I get Farther Along Watch Out for splinters you hope they make uh stair yeah like hand hand rails for the stairs that would be cool yeah I think the best way I found um actually I might I could show you uh show you guys here um someone might Discord was saying a uh materials craft blocks at the workbench oh do my blocks not show up unless they're in my inventory I think that's the case yeah I have to bring my blocks into my inventory but you can build a stair and then I liked uh I really liked how the uh [ __ ] wood roof block looked as a handrail so if you stack like some of those up on top of each other it creates uh it creates the exact effect that we essentially created over these doors this was the [ __ ] wood roof it creates this like carv that's angled and then you just kind of line a bunch of those up and uh creates a really cool handrail for like a large St staircase uh you could also like phase window pieces as railings uh into them if you have like a a thicker staircase that will allow for that one thing valheim has over and shrouded is a sense of good uh World progression being pasted out and rewarding yeah I mean it's a Viking game it's a sailing game and exploration they're GNA they're going to give you rewards for your honor in a game like that that's very true yep yeah it's just different I like the I honestly like the chiller pace of enshrouded when I'm feeling up for like doing a stream like this that's awesome I can just chill here I don't have uh wolves trying to bother me or something coming up to me at the moment or destroying my base I think they might add that as an option in the future for base raids and more like uh more rewarding stuff for sure you know it just came out so they've got a they've got a ways but yeah I I feel like the devs have been pretty on top of it like that you can build from scratch or set up a flame alter and rebuild existing structures yeah that's been a lot of fun yeah yeah I think the some people are saying like it's hard sometimes to find a building location because people are worried about the fact that there are so many structures uh you know there's like there's structures right here basically everywhere you build you could look in some direction there's going to be a pre-built structure some people are saying like oh you know it's too many structures it it limits the creativity but at the same time it also makes the world feel kind of more lived in a lot more lore and storyline to it and uh you know I think people are worried like oh you know if I rip down structures like the quest won't be there or something like journal pages you could still keep them there but you could rip everything down here and start from a completely blank slate and uh have a really nice build you know you don't have to don't have to always keep the structures but yeah can you put soil in a base of your tree um so we'll have Greenery like the other trees have yeah yeah I could I could put uh some of it there the trail on my last mountain bike video looks sick was living in Colorado Springs a couple of years ago but never got around to checking out the trails in the Denver area yeah yeah that one I think yeah if you're if you're in the area that one was uh I think hard money up at uh Blackhawk and that was that was a lot of fun yeah I I can't wait to go back to that one that was the first time I tried that trail but uh yeah that one was a lot of fun base raids yeah yeah I think they'll I think they might make things like that a toggle and even things like having a weather system in shouted and stuff uh little things to make you um like enjoy your base more you know I think uh and base raids is one of them the the concept of like feeling a sense of safety in your base I think in shrouded like it has such an amazing building system but like I'm just as relaxed and fine being right outside there's no weather there's nothing to hurt me right here as I am in my base and so I think a lot of people are like oh you build the base but then like what uh what could urge me to live in it more because we have so much Great Furniture we have all this amazing stuff that uh it could be really cool for them to add more uh more elements like you know a rainy stormy day that makes you want to cuddle up inside uh and things like that or base raids uh as an option or something if they did it in the right way I think that' be cool can you build build a path yeah you can build a path yeah Graphics of valheim is a negative for you yeah I think uh they they both have their style I uh I actually really appreciate uh valheim graphics for what they are I think the biggest the biggest difference of valheim is I can't build super big because of the instance thing I like how that's not a thing in this game and even all the new Unreal Engine 5 games that are coming out uh they just have much better performance and I love building but in valheim I've definitely some of my builds have like maxed out the limit of like anyone with a PC that's a little lower than mine is not going to render in because it's just uh it gets laggy it's not like it's not quite as fun because like this game especially for the terraforming if you mess up you can just like Reet terraform it whereas valheim when you do that it like adds instances to the game and makes it more laggy so it's like there's so much pressure sometimes and I like the free form uh relax style of this game this my main house yeah this is my main house as of now the latest one I built here so that's the main house we have I'll just run through like a little tour of the builds we have the little tiny Forest house um that I built uh I think it was episode something it was it was a while ago episode 10 or something of my playthrough built a tiny little uh Forest cabin you know maybe this is for the hunter or something and uh yeah so that that was a little home I had the little starter house as well and and then we've got we've got the bigger projects that I'd uh that I'd love to be working on more yeah yeah if they add raids I'd love to be able to at least toggle them on and off yeah the thing you couldn't stand in valheim yeah it sometimes got a bit overwhelming especially especially when you start working hard on a build and like if they if they did raids the same way they did with valheim where they could just demolish your base if they didn't make an easy way to repair it or like a blueprint to your base that like you could just use resources from chests as your base like gets in disrepair to like repair it automatically but if they made it like valheim where it just destroyed your base that would be a lot of repairing needed if you're trying to go through block by block and fix up everything that would get old really fast so I like I think they could add it but they they have to do it right if they do uh or like a toggle or something so that you could have a big base and not worry about it uh if you wanted but maybe it's a toggle on the the flame alter you could you could do a thing on the flame alter that could either let enemies into the flame alter boundary to attack Stu or not and uh that could be kind of cool love the build so happy to hear glad you do check out Buffalo Creek if you haven't already enjoying in shrouded vids lately even though I don't really play games these days yeah maybe I'll May I'll have to check that out I haven't heard of that area but uh yeah always looking for new uh trails and stuff that'll be fun I have not gotten the ghost glider yet uh Mickey yeah I I cannot wait for that we currently just have uh the advanced glider I think it is and yeah I I absolutely can't wait for the ghost glider that's going to be that's going to be a lot of fun um yeah just haven't gotten it yet we haven't made it to the to all the biomes been savoring this the experience of this game are they still trying to optimize the game better because the GPU uses for this game is astonishing yeah I think they are trying to currently they've just made like a toggle of like you can just set your settings really low and then uh and then turn off the warning for like oh you don't have enough RAM so you could just get lower FPS or something but for graphics of a game like this you know unless they make it more performance friendly when you do turn down your settings it's it's hard to make it um like they've they've done a pretty good job for what the game is performance wise uh but they probably will they probably will be continuing to to make that better about an hour south of Blackhawk okay thanks yeah yeah I might have to try that one ever Tred building system in no man's Sky I haven't I have a friend that's uh plays a lot in no man's Sky though and it looks pretty cool and speaking of No Man's Sky one of the games on my radar is light no fire that's a really top one for me oopsie I actually hit my hit my space bar oh yeah this trick too I got a I I've been loving the the thing with the glider where you can like reset your uh your Glide and uh and just go like forever this is going to be so much fun with the with the ghost glider to just keep using the little updraft thingy uh I'm I'm pretty excited for that I they maybe they'll f fix it but I kind of hope they don't it's just been way too much fun how's it going Millie twitch chat welcome not rushing through the content enjoying the journey yeah yeah it's a it's just a fun one it feels like uh it's not the type of game that's like I'm just going to try to speedrun it uh it's it's just it's just way too much fun you're having trouble controlling the ghost glider is it because it's too fast some people have been saying stand like wicked fast and they want to be able to slow down sometimes yeah I know I know I could get the ghost glider now if I wanted to cheese it for the sake for the sake of things we're we're just going in like a in a good progression uh in in an order that makes sense to me that's how I've explained it in uh in my videos so that uh you all can follow along with the with the quests and Adventure episodes that I've been putting out I think I thought the ghost glider wasn't it like um wasn't there a big uh temple in the in the desert way off like in that direction where it uh where you find it in a chest at the very very top I don't know exactly where on the map but I'll find it when I find it game looks legit like a fantasy version of no man sky with foxal based building yeah yeah light no fire hopefully releases next year that would be awesome yeah yeah going back to that topic yeah light no fire and I know yeah someone asked earlier like some of the anticipated games I have for the channel light no fire and under a rock are my top two uh currently because I uh we don't know much about light no fire I know a bit more about under Rock um they're both both probably a year or two out at least um but yeah light no fire just the environment the graphics it's uh as a procedurally generated game goes it's looking really promising uh they obviously kept no man's Sky up to date and uh really put a lot of work toward that and I think after having no man's Sky up to date and realizing like really what it took to make a massive game like that I think that is going to give them a much better launching point for light no fire because uh yeah because I think with no man sky like they promised a whole bunch and in the initial release before they've updated everything some people are like oh you know this wasn't quite what we were expecting but then they took the time to update and actually make it good and uh I think after that experience they'll do a really good job with light no fire and I'm I'm really excited I mean with the mounts the graphics the the sort of combination between like single player multiplayer MMO style like you could just have a huge server with friends there and it just looks so awesome and even the building like the environment the little sneak peeks we got of the little builds and stuff uh it looked cool I don't know how it works as much with the building system but the materials and the the style of houses that they were showcasing uh it's definitely on my radar so that's that's uh that's fun yeah the way you talk about it makes the live stream so smooth and calm to the ears oh I'm glad to hear glad to hear yeah so so fast yeah yeah the ghost glider's pretty fast that's that yeah that's true yeah I'd love to do a desert themed build I was thinking like uh possibly even two I really want to do a big castle like desert themed Castle on the top of this pillar of creation assuming we could build up there the one that doesn't have the black building on top and then I'd love to do like yeah like maybe a little Savannah West style Village oh that would be a lot of fun absolutely yeah yeah I hope light no fire is is going to be a really good one I mean it seems like it's going to be great it looks like they're taking their time I mean they clearly are they're on to something with having been in you know five years of development kind of undercover for a while they've clearly been putting lots of work and the fact that they can keep up with that along with uh updating no man's sky and everything is uh is pretty cool I'm I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where that goes still have to check the game out yeah yeah it's it's very new there's not much about it yet you know every pretty much every video you see online about it is basically going to tell you the same stuff right now um just just pretty much what we've seen in the trailer and stuff uh that's that's kind of all we know so far but it's looking really exciting Sun Temple SE Corner oh Southeast corner of the map okay okay cool yeah the sun Temple so that'll be like down in uh down in there somewhere about that with Starfield yeah yeah yeah do a floating desert castle that'd be cool I speaking of floating stuff I would absolutely love to do floating islands uh and builds and things like that whether it's off of that pillar of creation like doing a castle on the top and then doing like floating islands extending from it or even right here I don't know finding a cool spot above the Shroud maybe doing a floating base above it that's what's great about in sh just the the Limitless creativity for that uh it's uh it's it's really exciting I think I'll play night and Gale yeah I spoke to that a little bit uh earlier because that just released uh and for now I'm going to be holding off but I might choose to do it uh down the road I think glitchy here is going to do it uh so you all are welcome to tune in to some of her uh her streams and things but uh but yeah I think I'm going to hold off for the time being and kind of let it run its course I didn't get as much info as I would have liked on it to kind of know if it's uh going to going to be my style but we'll see Star Destroyer would obviously be next yeah and thanks gigg congrats on 10K Subs heck yeah yeah this is this is incredible um like I said like I said in a stre not too long ago when we were close to 9k um that like beginning of this year I hit 5K Subs like the last day of December and uh and I was like you know and it had been uh I think two years two and a half years since I started the channel till then and uh and I was kind of secretly like oh you know my New Year's intention is like oh what if I could double that what if I could hit 10K by the end of the year and it's month number two and we're at 10K this is like incredible I I never never I never expected that and this is uh is so awesome so yeah thank you all again for all the support various Sandstone blocks and palmwood Furniture uh make for some awesome builds looking forward to trying them out yeah cannot wait to start unlocking some of those uh some of those recipes yeah I got the refined wood block all the yeah you guys will see the carpenter episode tomorrow uh my friend Crimson joined for that one again and uh we did some fun adventures and got the city wall block and polished or the refined wood block I think at the table saw some cool stuff so I'll be using some of that to be building soon and then uh yeah we'll just kind of keep uh doing the Adventure episodes I know you all love the builds too and uh I've just been kind of taking them at at my own pace you know if I do building all the time I I kind of like like to create when the Muse is alive so to speak so that's why I kind of mix it up with some Adventure episodes and then some building and then some adventuring it keeps it keeps it fun for me and uh I don't know what burnout feels like I've had it happen in the past and I definitely don't want to I don't want it to happen with my creativity so as much as I'd like to get a really awesome build video out like every day uh I have to pace it obviously but have great content thanks thanks congrats thanks Jackson appreciate it when you first arrived on my stream you had 8K and now it's been less than 2 and a half weeks you have 10K that's amazing yeah yeah the last few build videos have really uh have really helped me grow really brought an awesome audience so yeah uh I'm really stoked that you all have been loving the enshrouded content I uh kind of had a feeling of how that game was going to do based on some of the demo builds that I was doing and based on how much I loved valheim I was like you know there's no no way this game is going to suck because of all the amazing stuff that it offered um yeah and I obviously started the Channel with a lot of valheim a lot of valheim builds and stuff and I'm so happy that a lot of you are enjoying and shrouded as well and I'd love to uh I'd love to do more valheim as well when I kind of mix some builds in I've got a few more ideas of things I want to try there but we've been grinded and shrouded a lot because of the launch and everything so for those of you from valheim I'd still to continue valheim content as well uh here and there that's for sure 100 plus watching and less than 50 likes Step It Up viewers hit that thumbs up and support the stream yeah thank you thank you everyone like And subscribe you all are awesome internet will give you your download soon enough builds and patience young Padawan in patience leads the dark side exactly exactly yep uh I wouldn't want anything uh like you know I wouldn't want to feel burnt out I'm sure you guys wouldn't want to see me on video like welcome everyone another build video super stressed out now trying to uh trying to complete this been pulling all nighters I hate my job I wouldn't want to go to that state so be be bop hopefully I'm pronouncing your name right how's everyone doing my light to the live you're not too late yeah we've got a we've got a while to go just a fun uh chat and chill stream today for uh for hitting 10K Subs so welcome yeah yeah to be able to add more random structures for valheim hopefully being inspired by all the random structures here in uh in in shrouded that'd be cool yeah Bim already has some and and yeah some people like how simple it is making you want to build more but it could be cool to have like larger uh points of interest and uh you able to do that valam is also very modable you know there's so many mods uh even like uh nineb another YouTube uh YouTube Buddy created a really awesome adventure map for valheim and stuff with a lot of mods and and cool things so you know maybe the dev team hasn't prioritized it yet just because of all the all the content that uh is being created by the players so to speak but I guess we'll see liking the videos a must hit that like button heck yeah it's a must you guys what am I currently working on we're currently working on a very large slow paced terraforming project uh so this used to be a large Hill um in the middle of the map it was It was kind of more like a cliff really spiky not so uh not so friendly looking for building and so flattened it out we're continuing to sort of like make this a nice more of a Rolling Hills feel and I want to put a couple little hobbit homes in there and create like a big Village for the NPCs over here so I'd love to do like a hobbit house for the farmer uh and do like more Hobbit homes in here and then other like Village style houses like medieval village style houses kind of around the area and then a bunch of farming in this flat area here and some cool structures or like a big tree PL plant looking thing on the top with possible Treehouse or something and uh yeah it's just going to be kind of a long uh long fun project over the course of time so we're just working on it on live streams I'll break it down into some videos here and there uh as little updates for those who uh who can't make the streams and uh yeah it'll just be kind of a fun larger project here how's it going KF welcome and thanks uh thanks yeah super stok to have hit 10K yeah Kong is my uh return to Moria buddy we did some of that on YouTube I've been doing some of that on Twitch now as well that uh new dorvin game because I have uh loved Lord of the Rings so yeah anyone who wants that uh Kong wheels does that on his channel and we uh I've been doing it on my twitch so uh yeah that's been that's been fun as well do you think they'll add more NPCs in the future um that might be my guess yeah it kind of it kind of depends on uh honestly kind of depends on the future progression of the game you know it feels like the way it's been uh we have unlocked these five NPCs really early which makes me think maybe they won't but like maybe they'll add mounts or other like things to make the world more like lived in I guess later on I don't know I'm kind of uh I'm kind of curious but yeah it's hard to say it's hard to say do you think uh the devs will let us Place more than one NPC so we don't have to move them all over the world with us probably at some point I think that might be part of their update uh that they're currently working on with a lot of like player based progression aspects uh they may they may choose to add it it's not too hard though like everyone just has a summoning staff and the chances that you all need the NPC at the exam exact same time is uh well you know could be could be up there but with 16 players and probably not a ton on it's uh it's not too bad but yeah they might they might go ahead and add that along with uh along with that update it's a fun run yeah yeah it's been a lot of fun I had to guess uh only half the game is built right now the northern half of the map is going to be 25 plus new levels cap yeah I I would guess that as well I think they capped the levels and everything right now because you can't just be the Giga Chad of enshrouded and have every single skill unlocked and everything for the way the map is right now yeah I agree that they probably will be adding a higher level cap and um like I've said right now in Early Access we have access to currently 24 Square km of the map and then before release uh will be 64 Square CLA so we don't even have half of it unlocked just yet uh so they've got yeah I think a big mountain Northern biome is definitely up their alley uh just kind of based on based on what we see so far but yeah it'll be cool like to see make a mountain Fortress inside a mountain yeah that'd be fun yeah absolutely there's so so many cool uh bigger projects that I want to take on with this game don't forget to like And subscribe chel CH is awesome guy puts out great content don't want to miss any of it thanks Kong I appreciate it yeah and usable Furniture absolutely yeah being able to do like a short press e and sit on things that would be that' be awesome or be able to use the bed and stuff like uh I put it I put everything here for decoration cuz it's cool but yeah I'd love to be able to like use the bathroom elements in some way or something like most games don't have these and this uh they have so much cool furniture that we can't really do anything with and I think it'd be super cool to add some more interaction add some again fun reasons to to live in your base so to speak and I think they will I think they just kind of Pumped out a lot of the content and uh I I think you know from a strategy standpoint um they're on to something with that you know pumping out a lot of the content a lot of the quests Adventures refining that and then circling back around um as people kind of you know keep playing and wanting more building features and base features to to then go back and update all of that yeah the snow makes you walk slow yeah I think I think think they're clearly working on like they yeah that that biome over there those big mountains there that would be uh like yeah I'm totally going to build a castle on the top of that mountain in the distance uh when that's accessible to us but yeah that'd be super cool to have like a northern cold biome yeah the view from up here is just crazy this is why I love this location in the middle of the map here I figured I just had to build here we get the full Sunrise Sunset and then uh this little spot just lends itself perfectly to a glider platform to to get to everything over there just it's going to be a fun a fun large project here and so far we're not having any issues with lag or rendering even though I put like over 5,000 Stone into the terrain terraforming here and uh taking things down a lot like the only thing I noticed is like as we start stepping back really far it kind of like the texture Pops from like the blocky to the smooth uh slightly before the stuff that we didn't terraform does but aside from that it's it's no big deal it seems like that's just a performance thing with player built structures uh and player built terrain kind of a thing but yeah adding a toilet that that functions right notification on screen your bowel is full y increase in stamina endurance when you uh when you go to the bathroom definitely winning formula this game doesn't feel Early Access very much at all yeah yeah I'd say they've done an incredibly good job and for Early Access it's insanely polished that was even my uh when I played it in the close beta I think about 5 months before Early Access it was already like that that sold me on the game I was like this is absolutely going to be one for the channel I'm super excited uh and yeah that's usually not the case because I've gotten reached out to sometimes for other betas and things and they just haven't been the same in shed's really really got something special Skyrim in shouted Edition yeah got a work meeting going to lurk for a bit yeah no worries for popping by and uh saying hi Kong whe player toplayer interaction would be great can hug your teammate yeah yeah that would be cool uh and also like yeah possibly adding some more like emotes uh things where we could ping locations on the map to other players I think that's like a big part of what they're probably currently working on it's the most upvoted thing on the upvote thing uh the uplo page for features to be added there so I'm guessing that's going to be at the top of their list there but great if they could add chat in the game not everyone joins Discord call while in game yeah absolutely you know to add chat be able to add uh player your names rather than just your steam ID uh that'd be cool I got confused at that at first when I was uh trying to test out with my friends cuz I was like wait why is my name not showing up because it was just my steam name and uh then I figured out that it was just the steam name regardless of what you set your character name to be so that'll probably that'll probably change as well but I feel like they'll add new NPC it'll be the stranger that gives you the first Elixir that'd be so cool to meet the guy yeah yeah or from the passages we've read um maybe maybe plot twist uh sth is still alive or samoth whatever his name is the guy that like got completely greedy Over The Elixir some of those passages in lore is pretty cool it'd be cool if they uh read them to you uh it's I I keep butchering words and and everything and I know like night Andale has that feature where they read the some of the NPCs and passages to you they have a actor like voicing that maybe they'll add that later on with ined 2o that's kind of a secondary thing that they don't need to add but that they might in the future but it would make the lore and stuff I think a little more fun cuz it's really good lore and a lot of people don't uh don't read it and they just kind of pass by things it's like there's so much to do if you actually take the time to to uh see what it has to say completely surrounded your base with trees and shrubs the frame rate is solid I mean filled with insane degree yeah the game engine seems more solid uh to me than valheim yeah it is so you yeah unity and uh Unity doesn't have things like so Unreal Engine and I think this game did a lot of things similar to Unreal with the lighting system and things so like unreal's new Lumen and nanite uh technology that makes it so much um so much better with textures and frame rate especially for foliage and lighting and stuff uh valheim does not have those features uh they they've really tried they've had to do a lot of updates to optimize the game and they've done an amazing job optimizing it with all things considered but uh yeah I think uh I think this game considering it's their own engine this is really incredible you know uh yeah I'm pretty impressed and TR gave us more in Early Access than some AAA games yeah yeah they've got a lot that's for sure reading lore in the Shroud yeah yep uh I I purposely picked the skill if I go to my little I go to my skills here uh I purposely clicked the skill where was it inner fires and uh before I started playing with my friend I also also had the one that increases it by 5 minutes just so that I could read the lore in the Shroud for yall in the episodes U because I kept I kept dying to that and yeah we've got all the Shroud flasks and things yeah adding mounts to the game yeah totally that'd be awesome be able to ride a big creature in the desert biome or something that'd be pretty cool I'm at least glad that they made the glider really fun as a as a good way to Traverse the terrain and stuff totally passed the Lauren and Sh and watched my videos and was surprised in a good way yeah yeah it's uh it's kind of the thing that like you know there's a lot there to read even my videos don't cover everything every now and then I'll I'll find new stuff off camera new passages every now and then when I'm just exploring around um a lot of the main stuff is on camera but yeah they they've got a lot packed in there and it all relates to each other in a way that uh you really get this backstory of uh of enshrouded by paying attention to it so yeah it's pretty crazy yeah it definitely adds to the game absolutely yeah yeah you often skip through it cuz enemies are trying to attack you while you're eating yep yeah I'll try to take out the the enemies and then then go read the lore but that's what often happens I'll sit down to read and something will sneak up on me do you think they'll add more quests yeah I think they might um especially with future content future biomes and stuff there'll be lots more quests um but there's like there's a ton that's something that like the lore gives you you know some people are like oh no all the questing is like locked behind lore and locked behind stuff it's like that's just part of the a game like this but yeah like all these little markers on the map this is all like little quests and little things that I've just unlocked through reading all the lore and it's like that's why we're spending so much time in just this area and we haven't even made it to Pik means yet because there's just like so much that I keep unlocking that I thought I was like oh I'm totally done with this area I've unlocked every Quest I'll come back and find something new or hidden passage somewhere that I missed and'll unlock another Quest that I had no idea about and uh yeah so that's kind of uh that's been exciting but yeah I think they'll probably add more Quests for sure yeah lots of Clues hidden random treasure totally totally yeah more armor display stands yeah really you hardly have any control over the glider I don't know I uh I seem to have lots of control uh be go right left down up um I've been I've been enjoying it maybe it's harder on uh well yeah even my my friend plays on an Xbox controller says it's uh says it's just fine there as well or maybe uh yeah some people didn't know that there was the key to be able like dive down and go back up and other stuff at first though cuz they didn't really tell you much of that uh up front in the game but yeah I haven't been East yet at all yeah I've got a long way to go and uh I already have around 200 hours uh close to 200 hours uh in in in shrouded now just checking out all the building and savoring it so it's got a lot of content uh for for what it is can't wait to fight a yeti in the snow biome yeah a lot of really cool points of interest and stuff on that side yeah I can't wait to get to the the more uh desert biomes I mean it it looks super cool I I love the little uh trailer sneak peeks and stuff from it so it's going to be it's going to be a lot of fun yeah found uh some need berri chests near [Music] tombs oh yeah yeah totally there's so much like I think someone someone was even saying in one of my playthroughs that I missed if I go up to the ancient Spire over here there was a Buri chest underneath a tombstone somewhere near it so much stuff that they've hidden uh that we can find eastern part of the map is amazing I can't wait this part is already been a blast this will be so much fun and the building blocks you unlock in the desert are awesome yeah that that sounds like it let's see that's the is that the entrance to the area that looks like that's where looks like that's where you enter Yep this is so I think someone's saying like over here maybe um where was it that there was like uh tombs and stuff yeah there's another like there's another passage over here there you go I I haven't even found this one um yeah and then the the whole uh there's new stuff on that guy like is there anything under this Tombstone like there's just hidden stuff everywhere and it's crazy I on maybe there's nothing hidden under here someone was saying there's like some hidden treasure underneath a grave over by this spire somewhere but maybe maybe it wasn't that spot maybe it's uh May it's up a little higher up here so yeah there's a another little hidden tomb over there yeah I don't see a little grave right in this area but they probably there's probably lots of stuff yeah lots of people miss the stuff yeah so like I and I kind of like that honestly it's been fun to like that's something that makes like a handbuilt map like this so rather than doing procedural generation it makes the handbuilt map uh a lot of fun makes it a lot of like replayability so to speak that people are worried about it's because the quest system in the game kind of uh like touches the surface for you kind of gets you awake to the fact that like you got to look up you got to look everywhere for all this hidden secrets and uh and then when you do you kind of unlock all this cool stuff and uh so it kind of made people aware that there's lots of hidden things and it's so cool to see like Reddit posts even to this day you know after a few weeks of being out of like oh I found this new thing or whatever and it's kind of cool that they leave a lot to the player to explore love the swampy mushroom area um not at all yeah if not all of it in the was in the Shroud yeah yeah oh definitely being or maybe even being able to like place a flame alter in sections of the Shroud and then the flame alter depending on the level of it it could like clear the Shroud so you could build there or something that could be cool it's nice that you could build over this is a cool spot speaking of which to like do like a floating island base off of over over this shroud it's kind of a cool high point here buried Crips uh CP dungeons yesterday nice yeah yeah so much stuff to explore that's for sure yeah I still can't get over the the glider thing i' I've been loving the I've been absolutely like obsessed with the whole uh ability to use the updraft on the glider and uh and then when I figured out a time the little like in my case space bar and right click at the same time to try to uh double down on it you can just go so far and this is just the advanced glider there's like what two two better gliders than this one the ghost glider is like the best one um yeah it it just goes so incredibly far with being able to you know do the little updraft thing and then like reset so you can do the updraft again and then with like better gliders you actually end up like going upward with it and it's it's absolutely crazy and it's just way too much fun uh so you can get to so many places on the map like this it it's very expensive with your Mana though I had to have a ring and then my boots and stuff are regenerating Mana um yeah it's pretty crazy I guess you're abandoning your build in searching for dungeons yeah I know that's that's what's been so much fun is like I'm still uh just doing casual builds and like I still actually have questing to do even when my builds are finished uh which has been a lot of a lot of fun yeah we can get all the way over on top of this Cinder Vault here which is insane just with the advanced glider normally we'd land like right on the other side of that bridge there but the updraft we get all the way over here yeah exactly with a flying Mount you'd be able to hover in the air other stuff yeah that you wouldn't be able to do with the glider totally yeah yeah being able to add mounts to the game that's a true that's a true point um to be able to still have them all be really unique and stuff in comparison to that but and then here's the starter house I may well it's kind of already been decommissioned since the building of the new base I still have it here cuz I haven't needed the flame alter for anything else and uh I'm doing my like World save files so I'll have a save that still has this starter house but we may end up needing the the flame alter for something else down the road if I get bigger builds but but yeah it was a fun one it had plenty of space but yeah I've kind of taken everything out of it it's uh it's moving ready uh cuz I've gone gone all to the hoba house and other stuff I'm been doing yeah with the glider you only have one way to go which is down yeah if you uh if you have the ghost glider you can go up with the updraft technique uh so like overall with the glider I'm going down but yeah with the with the ghost one because of the stamina or the yeah I think the speed of it and stuff and the drop rate you're and if you get Mana armor you'd actually be able to like do this and end up going up with it you know uh which is kind of cool um yeah I I liked that part when I when I figured out that was a thing be able to like take off from this little Hill and make it to the top of that Cliff with the glider if you had enough uh of the Mana yeah I think I'm while I'm over here I'm going to go ahead and grab some more dirt uh where was my little boundary there it is okay we go ahead and grab some more dirt for the terraforming over there cuz this spot you get lots of dirt I'm getting like 5 to eight dirt or something uh from pickaxing just a bunch of this so it's not too grindy how do you do the up thing for the glider uh so the way I have it set up right now and it can be it can be a lot better than this but I have the ring of vacity which uh subtracts 20 Mana but has plus 20 Mana regeneration and uh so that's why like you know if I use a staff for example my Mana is just like that little blue bar just goes up super super fast and that's kind of the route I've been going in as the wizard route so if you have Mana gear um um then you can do that you can also have armor that increases your Mana regeneration you pair that with the Ring of rapacity my armor currently doesn't really uh you can see it's just the adventure set so it's not doing any it's doing Health regeneration but not nothing for Mana uh which is why I'm still like gliding down with the glider but basically you you take off from a spot so like you know a little rock or something where you can get a double jump in and then deploy the glider or if you don't have double jump just be able to uh you know get the glider deployed and then be able to hit space bar uh and then you just do a little rightclick and space bar at the same time which resets your Glide uh so that you can like essentially right clicking every time you right click or block it uh takes away your glider and you just start falling and the point is you fall and then you deploy your glider uh right before you uh start falling too much and the hope is that the updraft actually goes higher than the time it takes you to fall and redeploy your glider so it's kind of a timing thing but once you get used to it it's uh you actually start going up which is kind of fun can't do it more than once without dropping the glider yeah it it's kind of a timing thing so like right here you know if I just hit right click I drop the glider but if I I hit uh right click and space bar you can see that little like that little twitch that happened right there with the glider which is like instantly resetting the glider uh without me falling so it's it's kind of a timing thing but yeah I need to work on your timing yeah yeah it's kind of a timing thing and sometimes I do end up falling a lot more and it's not super consistent but most of the time it seems like I'm getting it yeah yeah it's just it's just a timing thing it's a lot of fun is the hoba house your main new base yeah it's it's the new base yep it's it's been fun it's in a good location too how's it going poison blade welcome after the weing blade is there another legendary sword I had the point where the blade is a little underpowered but yeah so I still like the Wailing blade uh I like this sword which is an epic sword uh but it's kind of just as good as though it's a little better than the Wailing blade actually at 32 damage when it's fully up upgraded um but one I've been liking is my bronze sword uh which is 37 damage uh at legendary when it's fully maxed out which is obviously a lot better than the whaling blade I think do I sell my wailing blade over here I think it's at The Hobbit house base uh let's go back there and we'll compare some stuff cuz I got this bronze this legendary bronze sword really early and I'll show you where I found it uh for those of you who are curious but I have the ring of health and the Ring of rapacity right now yeah so I've I I still need some health regeneration if I'm going into a wizard build so that's why I've decided to pair those two [Music] together uh no you cannot equip two ring you can equip two rings of vacity but they're not going to give you plus 40 Mana regeneration unfortunately I think it only Stacks with armor so you can't you can't be too overpowered uh but yeah you can equip both of them I think but yeah I haven't experienced uh double the Mana Reg Generation by having two of them equipped how's it going Maria [Music] welcome but uh yeah I think I had my whaling blade in the in this chest so yeah 22 damage fully maxed out from the early game whaling blade you can get and uh and then 37 damage uh fully maxed out so obviously way better with the bronze sword here it work Works wait you're saying uh you're saying the that two rings of okay okay we got to try this here quick um I I haven't gotten it to work but maybe it was just a bug or something for me the Mana regenerates is unreal you test it yourself all right we got to try this cuz then we could actually go up with the glider like ridiculously and then I could just have armor that Regens my health instead of the ring that regen my health yeah we'll we'll try it let's I'll I'll give it another try yeah I didn't I didn't notice it before but uh yeah you can use two of them all right we'll have to give it a try uh so let me go to the spot where you find that bronze sword first and then we'll go grab another ring of opacity and uh and give this a go uh this will be a lot of fun okay so the ring or the better sword that I found was over here uh if we Glide down to the carpentry Camp I think where we find the little the blacksmith chest which was over by this area yep right over here so oops we got a little little guy over oh couple of them all right yeah I've been liking the wand a lot especially for creatures because they don't like fire damage it seems to be pretty effective so it was it was in this Rubble here this was where I found the bronze sword uh with with the Quest for the blacksmith in this gold chest uh yeah it it tends to drop some pretty good stuff uh and it dropped that bronze sword that was legendary so yeah I already have the [ __ ] wood so I'll just Salvage that one but yeah you can come periodically check in at this chest and this was given me a lot of good gear uh pretty early game when I got uh I guess it's not too early game but right when you get uh right when you kind of enter the revelwood past the little Camp over there um yeah it's pretty good maybe it was something in the last patch yeah Mickey that's true we we'll go ahead and try it and see drops decent random loot yeah I know there's lots of better places probably for farming uh for farming good loot yeah let's go let's go back and grabb another ring of capacity and uh I want to try this out uh maybe maybe that's what was fixed with the patch maybe it wasn't but uh let's let's check this out I have a feeling it was cuz yeah I definitely don't remember it working from before but it's over here at the willow Crush Camp is where we got it so uh let's get into here from the back side so I don't anger a bunch of stuff really helpful awesome yeah believe it still works don't spec into Spirit at all and you and uh you can spam spells okay interesting yeah having a farm chest and just having a alter near it yeah yeah totally then you can just teleport and keep doing it I'll probably end up doing that like as I get later game with some better Chest locations that I end up finding but where was it the Ring of rapacity was over here let me just eat some stuff so I'm not uh completely going to die super quick I think we might still have to fight some things oh no maybe not oh yeah we've got some bees um oh there's a guy over there nothing over here okay this is where we got it to mine through this you like watching my streams they make you want to play but you can't watch and play at the same time yeah yeah um a lot of people watch and or or they they you can like Listen and play at the same time just have your have your browser window open and stuff I know some people do that um yeah watching makes you want to play yeah well cool I'm uh I'm glad to to promote a good game you all uh you all should definitely definitely play it all right so let me equip this this ring then we'll go back and sleep or something H okay so we have that one this one was the Ring of Health okay now we have two ring of rep pacities equipped um if I spam oh maybe maybe ah actually you guys you guys are is that going up faster so like if I'm spamming this as fast as I can we're never losing Mana it's always full by the time I'm spamming it so let's go back into my character and uh replace that and let's spam this yeah it indeed does uh regen twice as fast I just just didn't notice it cuz it took all the Mana away because it it it subtracts it by 40 Mana by having two of these equipped but uh but because of that uh oops there we go yeah it indeed does that's insane that is actually so broken but it's so much fun all right yeah we'll have to do a gliding test absolutely um builds are too creative you have to watch thank you thank you I'm happy uh I'm happy you're enjoying them can't focus on stream while you're playing simultaneously yeah yeah definitely I guess it's uh just being able to multitask and different things is uh is hard sometimes I do have the updraft yeah that's what we're going to try that's what we're going to try um the regen is so fast it doesn't matter exactly y having the minus 40 but having the regen that fast that' be cool yeah this is going to be fun well we'll have to try this now because the updraft just uses Mana not stamina so I'm like really stoked to see uh how this works all right so let's let's go to the top of the ancient Spire in just go over here and again with the better glider this would be so much better because I think the better like the ghost glider is like twice as good as this one or something um and one go yeah fly across the map in one go yeah once we have the ghost glider we probably could uh with this one it's just not fast enough so my stamina wheel is going to deplete although I could drink a flask of fell I could go back and get one of those for my stamina but uh yeah let's let's try this uh so we do that we reset do that we reset oh my gosh that is way too broken and way too fun so yeah to answer the question of uh you can only go down with the glider uh we're going up consistently we're actually going up my oh this is way too cool oops my stamina my stamina's getting uh low we're going to have to land over here oh here there we go there we go oh man way too satisfying though uh that's pretty cool and uh with the ghost glider yeah that'd be that'd be a really quick way to catch up in a new world if you want to just get some resources to start out or something that be crazy oh man yeah watch out for stamina and flying absolutely yep yep go explore off map in the north yeah I'd uh get teleported back you see so there's the boundary where was the boundary there's a boundary over here uh and you you can't you can't go past it or you uh you you don't yeah you can't yeah I could I could fly along that mountain range and stuff this is insane became a bird for a bit exactly yeah this is this is pretty crazy running is for losers yeah now it is hope they don't Nerf this in the future patch I have no idea I have no idea uh it's it's way too much fun though um how am I canceling and flying so quickly that's the timing of right click in space bar so you click like if I'm gliding right click cancels the Glide uh right so like if I'm gliding now and I do like a Glide right click and then if you hit space bar like as your fall from the right click really quick so it's like right click space bar but basically at the same time and then it just does this little like uh this little twitch sort of a thing um yeah here here uh so this is like what it looks like when you hit them both at the same time and then it cancels it out to be able to hit the updraft again yeah it's pretty insane yeah now we just need like stamina armor that gives us like three rings of stamina then we'll be all set no one share this video with the devs oh you've got your base up here nice nice yeah this is a this is a cool spot uh for a base that's for sure the view is insane oh yeah if you fly all the time you'll AB Miss a whole bunch of stuff on the ground like I'm glad I didn't discover this early game or I probably would have done it too much uh and yeah we'll we'll like go on foot for a lot of the desert exploration everything but then like if we have to get to existing locations this trick is amazing if we want to like you know take note of a location get to there really fast from the Spire that's super cool yeah you could use the blood magic to add to your Mana absolutely yeah uh it sub I think it subtracts from your health and then adds that to your Mana bar in case you wanted more of it so oh yeah you could abely program a mouse action to do that glider trick yeah I mean like it's like one of my little streaming buttons I could just use my hotkey and say every time I press it it clicks right click and space bar at the same time to have like the fastest reset time you could probably do that that's true maybe it would be too fast I don't know we'll have to see put a little delay um have I gone to this icy Mountain the one right in front of me or the one back there the one back there is off limits the one over here you can actually get to the top but the boundar is like right there but yeah I've been to the top of this one it's it's pretty crazy we might even be able to fly up there now with the with the new stamina thing see if I can drink this do I play small lands too I don't that was actually on my Raider though it's a great game it's a really great game yeah I was kind of busy with valheim and stuff at the moment and I didn't uh I didn't I kind of passed by that game but yeah it's a great game Addus 700 Stam regen timer infinite stamina yeah yeah yeah so you don't regen stamina in the air I don't think so anyway while you're gliding cuz your glider is using stamina but yeah if you had a armor have to add like three or four wheels to your stamina then that would be absolutely crazy yeah yeah let's try let's see like how much we could actually fly up on here go the ghost gliders is probably going to be a lot better so we can't quite get up to the top of the Mountain there it looks like but uh but we can basically kind of fly in a straight line and we went up quite a ways from where we were before well we can't we'd have to like kind of go zigzag if we wanted to go up uh to the top of that mountain from a low point but yeah yeah night and Gale just came out yeah definitely quite a few quite a few doing that one yeah you could cancel and fall for a bit I don't does your stamina regen when you just fall uh so if I cancel is it going back up it's not yeah so if you fall your stamina won't go back up it just stays stagnant yeah they they did make it so that you couldn't just uh do infinite you know stamina there but this is this is just way too much fun you can have three rings of stamina really that's that's crazy howdy basic Builder how's it going welcome have I played any in shrouded Co-op yeah yeah uh the latest episode that you'll see tomorrow is going to be with my friend again I've done a couple episodes with friends uh but yeah Crimson has been joining for a few I'm also doing uh yeah like I said at the beginning uh a little bit a collab building stuff with basic and poison blade and verog and Smitty uh and that'll be that'll be a lot of fun so yeah it runs really good with uh with a lot of people it's been a lot of fun to try that out how's it going Island Papa welcome welcome yeah stamina potions while falling I don't know maybe that'll work try to do it with your glider just seems to die every time yeah yeah walking or stamina you get the or yeah standing you get can get the regen but yeah this is crazy cuz yeah if you had armor that like but this is it's basically regenerating as fast as I'm like you know you just have to wait a tiny bit but indeed that answers the question you can stack the Ring of uh rapacity I had no idea that was a thing but uh that's pretty cool I get up to this level of the Spire let's try it y we can look at that that's that's that's awesome Yep to to much fun this game is the first game you haven't immediately return to your Minecraft hardcore world yeah this is this is a lot of fun for Minecraft and valheim players and stuff yeah how much sense does it uh make to not regain stamina yeah to regain it while walking and standing but not while falling doesn't make sense e but maybe that's their version of a Nerf on so to speak uh you got to die sometimes with the glider especially early game you got to die sometimes with it crash your glider cuz you change the camera angle end up uh stopping the glider and falling falling to your death yeah yep got to get some food in you be right back all right no worries Phantom have uh have some tasty food am I going to do the boss fight today probably not yeah uh the the live streams are more uh are more of like my my in between stuff and then I've got the episode so the episode coming out tomorrow is for the carpenter table saw and then we have one more after that I think and then uh and then the episode for pike me uh area yeah yeah probably to reduce the Infinite Flight yeah definitely that's probably the stamina thing your wife and you love the videos and love the game awesome yeah yeah thanks it's it's such a great one yeah died to the glider Landing a deadly shroud that's like my friend Crimson he always dies like he always manages to to drop in the deadly shroud somewhere and it's it's kind of funny uh it's just it's just uh what a tracks him I guess every every time he lands he's like oh this place is lighter and nicer and I just instantly dies all the time yeah all right let me get back to now that we know that the Rings can stack that is that is awesome I'll be flying around more more at this point have I heard anything about the next update haven't heard anything I can only assume it's going to have to do with uh multiplayer functionality just adding more player based stuff based on uh what was rated the highest uh and that's also something devs kind of hinted to was like oh yeah we we noticed this is an issue and so you know I think they'll think they'll be working a lot on that that's my guess anyway yeah we'll keep trying to get some terraform right now I'm just kind of this um this like stepped up look and then we'll kind of uh smooth it out from there eventually best way to make corners of a home look like boxy Square um you're saying that's what the building system in in this this is like oh less boxy okay okay I was like that I was like yeah it's it's pretty easy to make squares in the game um how's it going kit welcome here to lur thanks for stopping by yeah um doing uh picking first of all picking like a more rounded block so like uh I don't have many blocks on be like the terrain block for example that's how I built my tree uh where it had like the rounded trunk because terrain blocks uh kind of don't look as boxy or Square they have very rounded edges uh and then you can also choose blocks like the stone like the rough Stone and stuff that's not like super squared and chiseled like rough cut stone necessarily and use that and then then uh and then I even replied to a comment a while ago like I try to PL like if I'm planning a larger circle like for a build on the top there or something just go into like Photoshop or something create a circle and then heavily lower the resolution and pixelate it and uh does the trick easy enough or sketch it out on graph paper or something if you're trying to do a big uh Circle yeah making it a player based progression yeah for the new update uh-huh never get over how cool this game looks can't wait to upgrade your PC and join heck yeah yeah bum uh it'd be it'd be fun um if you've got so I'm I'm going to be trying it actually I don't know maybe even later today I keep saying I'm going to try it haven't yet I got to try it on my uh 3050 uh laptop has a 3050 graphics card and uh I want to see like how well it runs on a laptop GPU that's a 3050 with only 4 GB of RAM cuz technically it's a little lower than the minimum specs but uh yeah I can keep you posted in the Discord bu of uh how it works I know I know I'm going to have to lower my settings in order to do that but uh but we'll see now that they added the little ignore thing where you don't necessarily have to follow the prompt that tells you your graphics card sucks uh I might I might give that a go but it's definitely a fun game you're breaking your head over a build poison blade yeah yep um I have like the monkey mind thing a lot to plan like The Hobbit house build man I I like wasn't getting sleep over recording that video I was like trying to I was trying to uh think of all the stuff in my head of like where I wanted things what ideas I wanted to try and uh yeah I can definitely definitely get crazy yeah they haven't given us details not necessarily but yeah it should it should be pretty soon yeah server Administration stuff because of Griefers yeah yeah being able to do some of that say like oh this is this is this person's flame alter and you can set it so like even something like valheim with a ward you know but like better Wards or something to where you can say oh anyone within this flame alter boundary is either allowed to destroy things or not allowed to destroy things or allowed to interact with chests or not kind of a thing like that would be a pretty easy feature they've set they've set up this game for so much potential and great updates and stuff like they really have a good really good base to work with here um building the edge of a cliff and you keep falling yeah yeah poison blade I keep making the joke that I like um in valheim I die from more trees falling on me but in this game uh I've died from falling off a tree because of building the the big tree project that I did before um yeah don't think that laptop is going to do well it's only four gabt of ram minimum is eight I think the minimum specs are six it's a 1060 is the minimum specs which is 6 GB of RAM but uh but maybe 8 gig is to run it smooth I mean I have no clue I'm going to I'm going to give it a go and see cuz my desktop here is running it buttery compared to a lot of games I've played when I look at like the temperature of my graphics card and stuff so maybe if I use if I do the settings right it's still an RT x350 which means I could use dlss I think upgrade the graphics driver I don't know I I'm just going to try it out of curiosity kind of see where it goes hardw work's Castle would be epic yeah it would be a huge project um I think my brother was actually building that in Minecraft at one point maybe I'll have to get him to get the game someday and build Hogwarts Castle on this game because you could uh you could do floating candles in the hall uh which would be incredible it'd be so cool to do a building project like that and then do all the floating candles and Magic elements that Hogwarts has speaking of which I've been rewatching the Harry Potter series it's it's too good rub Kare R Kay thank you so much for the uh for the tip there thanks for all the building tips and great content thank you I I'm I'm so happy that uh that those have been inspiring very much appreciate it thank you Bim tree death is standard the glider deaths are and enshrouded yeah there you go falling and enshrouded versus having stuff fall on you yep totally yeah and basic yeah uh glitch's Alchemist tower build is amazing yep yeah that was that was an incredible one and yeah you did the rounded Tower there as well glitchy uh and I I think it turned out really well the way you did the roof and stuff there you definitely got the got the hang of how to do the the rounded stuff in this game and uh you know you keep doing that on like a bigger scale and it only gets better and better from there kind of a thing and uh yeah what is the desktop GPU it's a 4090 so it's uh it's pretty decent still by today's uh desktop standards but when I look at the temperature from like running valheim versus the temperature and and usage running this game it doesn't look like insanely far off so I don't know depending on settings and stuff we'll just have to kind of see how it how it ends up being I'm just curious to try it like on low settings even if I have to turn foliage and stuff off cuz the sliders in this game are pretty uh you can do a lot to turn down settings to at least play it but your GPU uses nine uh while playing and shrouded and about 20 GB of RAM usage systemwide that's a lot yeah I feel like I don't know I don't know what mine is doing right now if I go into task manager I'm running two instances of OBS so I'm streaming to Twitch and streaming to YouTube in 2K at 60 frames per second playing in shrouded in 2K at 60 frames also my CPU is at 21% usage memory oh yeah it is using a bit of memory it's currently using 20 GB of memory for doing all of that but that's not bad I think if I lowered it and if I wasn't streaming it would use less than 20 gig um and then the GPU is at 45° C so freaking cold it never gets that cold and it's only at 60% usage like it I don't know what they did to this game but like with the graphics card that I have I uh I don't understand don't understand why it's that cold because with valheim it's like up in the 50 and to be at 45° with streaming two instances and playing this game on maximum settings I I can't get over that uh cuz it yeah like it it feels weird to me why it wouldn't perform well on a lower end PC so I I want to try some stuff maybe later and uh we see floating candles yes yeah absolutely it was given that tip too uh for the Mage Tower yeah yeah because of the no gravity thing in this game with objects and stuff that would be epic to uh do the floating candles there for the elements and stuff that'd be awesome did it and suffered but thank you so much yeah yeah 4090 is pretty decent is it still the best one out there are they are they trying they keep hinting to 5090 stuff uh but like of course there's way better graphics cards but on like a consumer level you know the like government and Military stuff have like graphics cards that have like 70 to 80 80 gigabytes of RAM and everything and they're you know that's just like normal for them but um but yeah I guess is it still like it's still probably one of the better consumer ones cuz I got it like8 months ago when I built my computer now and uh I guess it feels old because technology always tends to upgrade so fast that I like automatically am expecting like oh the 40 you know like 5090 and 6090 or something out are out now but they're probably not they're probably taking their time now because they're realizing resource depletion and how expensive everything is getting I'm going to be curious to kind of see where the industry goes but is uh one of the devs of this game from Minecraft I don't know I don't know um maybe you know I'm sure they've uh sure they played that I mean boxels have been a thing for a while you know it's not like a Brand New Concept it's just what they've done with it and the way they've done the graphics is is pretty incredible so yeah there's lots of inspiration besides Minecraft that would spark a game like this but you never know I'm sure they play Minecraft lots of people play Minecraft I feel like it's a isn't one of the most popular games or something now I need more dirt 4090 is still uh still the upper tier still the top of the line for the consumer stuff all right well that's that's probably why it's still uh why it's still doing well yeah I just couldn't get over the temperature thing you know I never got why this game is running better than valheim for me uh when I play valheim with Max settings obviously so maybe valheim just has much better optimization as you lower the settings and this game uh has good optimization on Max settings but when you lower it it doesn't change as much as it does with valheim maybe that's the case in which case they could actually optimize it a lot better that could be really good updates down the road that's for sure yeah they they did a they yeah their game the portal Knights um was the the voxel yeah exactly yeah these these this team is pretty experienced with it and that was another good good side to kind of getting the game I was like yeah I know they've got experience at least with the game before so that's good am I going a smooth place to rain at all yeah I will I will yeah I'm just kind of starting with a minecrafty look because uh it's easy for me to kind of block out the hill with big chunks of terrain but then yeah I'm going to take the rake and blocks and flower soil and stuff and just smooth it all to look like Rolling Hills afterward yeah it's just a lot of terraforming right now so that's the that's the current project is valheim a good game yep my absolute favorite game uh I've been loving and shrouded as well but like valheim is the kind of one that just always going to have a place in my heart I'm always going to play it I feel like maybe until other games come out but like it's it's so good it's kind of the the uh industry standard for a lot of survival games everything gets compared to it I guess uh which is funny but yeah it's very good The Rake makes free dirt and stone and soil yeah it does yeah we used it to raise up the terrain uh in the first layer of the Hill there and that was a lot more efficient than the dirt but we raiseed it up to the maximum height and so the rake doesn't work anymore to raise it so I got to go mining everything now which is okay never played Minecraft well not everyone has uh I played for a long time and when better survival games came out that were less blocky looking cuz I kept trying to do Minecraft like uh texture packs or resource packs for shaders and stuff but when I got into valheim and stuff I was like oo I could get this survival cozy experience without blocky graphics and I tried to go back to Minecraft and it was like yeah it's fun imagination you can just go big and crazy with builds but especially not at this game's out I haven't played Minecraft in a while bim's engine is just poorly optimized the basic games runs fine when doing massive builds yeah with the instances and everything yep it definitely gets tough I mean they've optimized it to a really good degree but I think they were they were kind of mentioning that like the difficulty it would take to switch engines and stuff would be very very tough so they're they're probably going to be keeping it that way for a long time but haven't actually played this too much uh yet time is not been on your side yeah yep now that's what I was speaking to earlier about uh doing my excavation in the summer I definitely don't have as much time for this kind of thing um yeah the summer I do um you know especially this summer I'm planning to post a little more on that other channel uh that I have for my personal stuff more biking more music some excavation Vlogs I don't know and uh kind of keep you guys posted there I might do a little Community post about that soon as as winter comes to an end of uh you know how you all can still stay in touch and other stuff when I'm not necessarily posting as much as I am these days on chisel chip uh and then we'll you know keep picking it up in the winter season every time when I've got more uh more free time on my hands is that wolf going to come up or are they stuck in the rock that one tends to be stuck in the Rock sometimes yeah I've noticed that every now and then when I come to locations like they don't they didn't reset quite properly and the animals are kind of uh stuck but let's see let's go up here yeah I got it three years ago and never stopped yeah fim's crazy yep never feel bad you never got into valheim or yeah you feel bad you never got into valheim well it's never too late it's uh it goes like what it's like $11 or something on sale uh sometimes and it's definitely worth checking out if you like survival games um it's pretty good that's for sure taking a break and playing this until ashlands comes out that's my goal yeah when ashlands drops we'll be doing lots of valheim content as well with that I might be doing another playthrough of it but I'm kind of thinking just more builds more exploration streams and then maybe when the full release of valheim comes I'll do like a fresh playthrough uh which will be fun excavation yeah that's my main job as of now uh that's that's how I actually uh that's how I actually earn stuff um when I'm not yeah doing some YouTube I'll do the excavation the summer it'll be enough to get by in the winters as well and then uh yeah so I started like um it's kind of my like little little backstory since this is just a Q&A stream we can uh did I sleep or is it now like evening I I don't remember if I skipped the night or if it's getting darker it's getting darker isn't it yeah okay I got out of bed too early I was like anxious to get back to building um but yeah my uh my normal job I kind of started I started by working for uh like tire shop and Automotive stuff and I didn't like it at all and so I got into starting my own uh business I did like uh first I did like wood crafted items at fairs and stuff I would do a bunch of like home items with woodworking cuz I really enjoyed woodworking and um then I got into Luther started making stringed instruments and uh and that was fun but I never got into like selling it because of the patience thing it's just it takes so much time uh to make an instrument but it was like it was crazy fun and so I did that for a while thought I might want to be a luier someday and make stringed instruments and uh and I kind of got burnt out with how much I did it but now I've kind of enjoyed it again from a a different perspective of like making all the instruments that I want to play for my music stuff and uh from then on out I uh created a handyman business doing um home remodels and whatever whatever the heck people needed being done that was that business in their house whatever they needed fixed so you know Plumbing simple electrical stuff that I didn't need a bunch of insurance for yet and stuff and uh then I kind of started getting burnt out on dealing with customers every day uh in my off time having to deal with all the scheduling that comes from like lots of little individual appointments every day all the driving around all the running around and so it it got uh it got pretty tiring and uh I'll still do it like every now and then if I need a little extra income but then I uh actually met this other guy doing some uh volunteer work for an auto shop back when I was uh still in school and uh and then he sold the auto shop we went into doing home remodels together uh did some apartment remodels then he started up this excavation company and wanted me to be part of it and uh that's what we've been doing ever since so um yeah so that that's what I do in the Summers is I do uh excavation for digging installing septic systems doing septic tank Replacements uh pipe Replacements Foundation stuff terraforming and Grading uh pretty much like lots of lots of different stuff uh and we specialize in doing it in the mountain where uh that that that's the stressful part with that job we specialize in the mountains because there's lots of money there because not a lot of people like to get the equipment up there and uh so yeah it's that that's can be the challenge sometimes is like running into jobs where you're like on a 45° slope with an excavator and uh I'm just seat buckled in using all the bucket and everything to try to claw my way up the hill to get to the job site and uh find a place to put dirt and it can get pretty overwhelming so you know for now it's good uh we'll see where I end up in the future but going to lurk mode starting a new build basic nice nice yeah did some woodworking too it's quite addictive yeah yeah it's a lot of fun I kind of got into it like as a kid actually like wanting to uh make my own stuff when uh like even like Yeah from day one it was it fascinated me my parents got me a carving set when I was seven and uh and I started carving like little faces into uh logs and dead wood and stuff that I was Finding and from from then on every time in school that like kids would have these new toys the little skateboards or the little uh Kama toys with the ball and the string and stuff I would uh just come home and make it coming to school the next day I was like yeah here's mine sometimes it would work better sometimes it wouldn't but uh they would all they would all like it and uh and from then on I just kind of got into it cuz I was like o I can make my own stuff now like this is cool and uh and that that's kind of where it where it went and uh kept kept buying tools and stuff and yeah it was fun chip lore yeah there you go Yep this is a this is a lore of chisel chip stream yep that's what that's what uh this one can be so yeah any question about that kind of stuff too like I'm happy to happy to answer some of that like this is just a chance for anyone to anyone to ask questions as a as a fun 10K stream because terraforming is pretty chill on the project I'm doing right now here in ined so it's easier to talk and and uh doing shrouded an interesting backstory yeah yeah uh so yeah that's that's where I'm at right now and that's the that's the job that I do in the Summers um and and then you know YouTube as I grow it you know if I if I get my other channel going too uh it's nice for a little bit of side income as well you know it's enough to like uh get a few meals every month I guess it's it's not really much yet but but you never know you know by the time you get like lots of subs and stuff it can be a nice uh it can be a nice side thing especially if it's something that's enjoyable you know that's first and foremost for me is I just enjoy it I enjoy it a ton and uh if it happens to bring in a l income it's like y that's that's really nice and uh yeah everyone who supports the channel and everything it's it's it's great we'll see where that takes off you know I'm kind of uh at a place of like no attachments to anything right now the excavation job could go anywhere at any point it pays well right now but I have no idea where it'll be in years from now or if I'll keep wanting to do it it's uh hard on my body as well cuz like I'm the only worker so the other guy that I do is like managing the business which is nice because it takes that stresser off but then I'm managing the actual projects on the job site and uh it takes a lot out of me sometimes so I'll be coming home and I'll be like oh I really want to do a video but I'll end up just going to bed at like 6:00 p.m. and that's that um so yeah kind of interesting but would you build a big island of Hawaii or build on Big Island Hawaii got land and need a su um yeah I'm I'm in I'm in Colorado so I'd be a bit far away uh you know if you wanted to pay like 100 grand for shipping an excavator across the sea or maybe yeah You' probably just be able to rent an excavator over there for a lot cheaper I mean it's uh yeah we're mostly based in the in the in the Colorado stretch Mountain stretch um yeah that's uh it's it's a need you know everybody uh everybody takes the crap it's like uh the the good old saying goes you know be so good they can't ignore you in today's saturated internet world or uh or be a plumber cuz everybody takes the crap um and then then you then you want to have to worry about losing your business um realization happened with me uh learning to turn brass on a lathe unlocking I can make anything feels like a superpower yeah absolutely it's awesome awesome where am I it's a nightmare in friend yeah yeah so Colorado in the US in the United States is is uh is where I am beyond that I'm not going to get specific but uh but yeah so is it like a nightmare for finding excavation stuff in France is what you're saying or or uh you can rent equipment but labor it's hard to find the island yeah yeah I can imagine that you know there's only uh some so many people and other stuff over there and uh you know I don't I don't know much about it uh I've got an ants in Hawaii but uh yeah a lot of people are going there for like retirement and stuff and not necessarily a lot of fresher workers and so I could imagine that it could be hard sometimes to to find that this is starting to look pretty nice little bit of a softer Hill there I don't to bring it out a little further on this side but yeah the the unlocking feeling that you uh that you get when you can just make anything it is it uh that was kind of like my my version of Freedom as a kid so to speak being able to like have supportive parents who trusted me with woodworking tools at a young age and then being able to just create uh I had a lot of fun with that that's partially why I just love building games Survival Games because it's like as my skills enhance and I don't necessarily have all the money to create the newest latest projects that I'd like to create sometimes and then I'll just go into a building game because it's like Yay it's it's a it's essentially like a free project you know you buy the game for a onetime fee and you can just be creative to kind of uh fulfill that little a little part of me that wants to keep building doing fun stuff all right yeah this is going to work really well this is a lot of terraforming but uh I think it's going to think it's going to be cool it's coming together what kind of more Hobbies have you tried apart from the ones you showed online and told us about now um yeah I've uh so the mountain biking turned into a pretty big hobby uh a couple years ago and building mountain bikes so I because of the fact that it's like when as soon as you start building stuff with that mindset of like oh let's just you know let's just create what I want a lot of things that I've wanted i' I've built like I have this stream of building a house someday uh and and stuff and and so the mountain bike thing became pretty big for a while where I wanted to build one from like a frame and stuff and uh kind of Speck it out and then I uh I just it turned into me wanting to build my own frame and then me reaching out to other people welders and machine sh sh people and ended up building some of those and uh yeah so I I just I love the building stuff I haven't talked too much about music uh just yet I I'd like to continue some more of that obviously I built the instruments but uh but I also have a have a knack for recording and uh and writing songs I did a lot of uh violin and guitar in school I did violin lessons I was actually required to do that for school and and I uh didn't like it too much so I kind of just stopped in high school started self- teing myself the rest and then picked up guitar and enjoyed it as well and uh and then I sang in an a capella group for uh for choir and uh and doing some of that got to sing with some AC capella bands and stuff in the area and that was cool and uh that kind of got me into a lot of music and I've always been hesitant to share it's like uh it's always hard uh sharing things that are like more personal so to speak and when it comes to like my music like I tend to write like a lot darker songs and things and so uh I've always been like you know get it together you know I got to I got to revive that channel bring some music back but um yeah at some point I'd like to do some more of that do you think they'll have more build contests possibly I don't know cuz yeah yeah for shouted cuz they had the beta the beta build competition which is fun yeah they might you can share your build in there and then you might get featured on like a little uh Twitter post or something like that that's what they've been doing recently but uh you're an artist yeah I uh I I'd say I'd call myself that you know just a general General artist I like uh Like Making Stuff creating which has also been hard when it comes to like niching down the concept of picking one thing and going with it has uh has always been hard for me because uh and you don't have to I'm not saying anyone has to it's just been hard in like the job industry and stuff uh to to sort of fit in when I'm when I'm not uh like you know jack of all trades master of none kind of a Thing song was beautiful did you check out one of the songs that I have on my uh on my other channel just listened to it on the server it was awesome oh nice nice which uh which one did you uh which one did you see up over there I had was it the latest I think yeah I had one that I guess it wasn't too long ago was a little little while ago but U but yeah did an acoustic song there uh but yeah I'd like to do some more at some point soon what movies do I like uh generally it's really hard to say you know types of movies I've watched and really liked have been uh I don't know if I don't know many of you know these like I of course love the classics of like the Harry Potter series Lord of the Rings series and Hobbit movies um and the Star Wars series have been like my favorite uh series I also have really enjoyed uh Divergent I don't know if any of you have watched that that series but obviously with all the stuff I do that resonated with me and I really like those movies a lot with uh I think shayen Woodley and stuff uh acting and and whatnot but yeah those were a lot of fun and uh in general in terms of genres and stuff I'd say like I love the sort of either feel-good action uh romcom type movies uh when I'm just like I just want a chill movie to watch or uh I like the more deeper like uh plot type movies I like I like things like uh very pot with all the story and the the magic and or like treasure hunting movies and stuff uh are a lot of fun yeah I'd say say that's kind of uh best way I can Encompass some of it but listen to the voice inside oh nice nice yeah that that was the that was the later one I did I wrote that one a long time ago uh for my cousin's graduation my older cousin's graduation and decided to do a re-recording of it uh recently and that's what uh that's what that one was so yeah I'm I'm glad you liked it yeah maybe I'll have to uh maybe I'll I'll have to get back into it get more uh get more songs coming out I love it I mean that's why I've got like this mic this this road nt1 it's not the best like podcast mic because it's just a condenser mic for recording my voice and guitar so I've had to do lots of settings on it in OBS to make it sound decent for just my voice when I'm streaming and not uh not not have you all hearing my dog barking all the time and stuff and I think it's worked out but uh yeah a lot of the stuff I have is more for like music recording you know and uh I got it for music recording and editing and uh you know that's kind of why I've got the computer I have and things so it wasn't really gaming as a first thought it was more like oh it can run these good games too but I also needed to do like all the editing and recording that I enjoyed and I really liked to film making and stuff that I'd like to bring back possibly like little tutorials and stuff like that too when it comes to D Vinci resolve or music uh writing and stuff as I uh as I build my skill set over there but we'll see diverent the books were better okay okay you wrote dystopia Utopia nice nice yeah because the uh yeah I I just enjoyed the the concept there and I haven't been a big reader as as a lot of you can tell I've always been more of a kinesthetic visual learner and so YouTube has always been like my big learning platform since school I haven't been uh doing as much books so I I'm I'm kind of the one to do sometimes I'll read the book before the movie but I'm often the movie before the book kind of person uh so I like the movies that are really good and and uh then if they're really good I'll kind of hear what people read in the book and what they missed in the movie to kind of get a better context and stuff but Harry Potter Lord and Star Wars best movie series ever yeah they're pretty good it it's hard to find good stories anymore I keep searching for movies and it's like it's hard to find uh like really good Classics anymore all just getting like this animated Disney stuff that I'm not so into anymore but am I rebuilding The Hobbit house not rebuilding uh or like the Shire sort of a thing kind of I'm uh building this big hill there will be Hobbit houses in it a big uh big tree on the top lot lots of little houses uh like medieval village surrounding it so that's like this big project here this will just kind of be a big one that we work on over time you have the same mic the road N1 yeah it it's uh I I've got like a lot of the classic starter gear for music it was like I got that sure sm57 for my first mic and then uh when I made a little more money I got this one and uh it's kind of been the one ever since I was going to get like a nyman recently but then I uh then I had to hold myself back and I was like I uh I have to actually do it more I have to record more I have to post more and this was a case of like you don't always have to have the best equipment to get creativity out and so I've just been sticking with this road for as long as I can but I use it every day and I've put so much so many years of use into it and uh it's still it still sounds great in my opinion for uh for some music and stuff you learn to record and do things on uh on like average lower end gear and then you start getting better gear or like a nicer guitar in my case or something if I did uh later on and then it's just like that much better because you learn uh how to really make it sound good it's not all about the mic or the equipment it's about like just how you can express the creativity and sing and everything but Disney has gone down in quality yeah growing up used to love Disney now hardly watch it yeah that's kind of what I feel like they've kind of uh like we cancel the Disney subscription I I don't really uh like just buy the Star Wars movies or something and that's it but they feel like they've just kind of kept putting all this bloat with uh some of the new series and some of the new uh Marvel stuff or whatever it's like they're not there's no uh really good storyline to them anymore that I really enjoyed at first but do you know any Survival game that has the Redstone electric machine wiring in capability keeps you uh playing Minecraft yeah um I don't know there was one oh gosh someone was saying it uh not too long ago that was actually anticipated for coming out in like a year or something like a forest apocalyptic Survival game where like you have to build not necessarily Redstone but like yeah electrical Contraptions water trenches and things to like divert water from streams and I don't know maybe maybe one of you uh would know the game I'm talking out I'll have to research it didn't look too much like house building stuff but as a survival game it looked really good and uh and kind of had more of those elements to it I'd know it if I if I uh was reminded of the name but sorry I forgot about the big build can't wait for the end result yeah yeah it was kind of something I didn't do for a little bit CU we did the little hobbit house build see the little one is still over in the I guess not so little but the one that I just posted the video of is over in the re Wood Forest right down that hill and then this is going to be the the larger uh the big sort of central base Forest Village project um so yeah more of like a village than a single build necessarily but yeah how's it going smudge just got the game and it's amazing awesome glad you're liking it have I seen the Ahsoka series I haven't actually uh some people were saying that that one was good I I watched the Obi-Wan series I've watched all the Mandalorian stuff the new Mandalorian series felt like like a little dragging it didn't uh yeah I I didn't like it as much um I enjoyed it but uh but it kind of stopped me from being super excited about Ahsoka but some people were saying ahoko is actually kind of good but haven't seen Mandalorian yeah I'd say especially the first season stuff like it's a I I really enjoyed it and I'll still keep watching it just because like I kind of want to know what happens but Andor was cool andor's like Andor was like the deeper story line and it came in at the right time so yeah Star Wars was kind of falling off with some of the shows and then Andor came along and like sure the little kids and stuff were like oh I don't understand this we need lightsabers and laser guns and more Jedi and stuff but then uh people who got the storyline were like yes Andor was like at the right place at the right time that was a good show yeah yeah Andor the top yeah it was pretty good it was pretty good yeah I think even now that we have the grass and starting to smooth out this hill as we step back yeah textures don't start getting weird anymore as much they're not as prominent yeah this is good okay yeah so far I'm really happy with the terraforming this game I think it's I think it's working out nicely we kind of start doing the rake here soon I might build this hill out a little bit more uh in this area just to make it a little little less uniform with everything else I don't know come out a little F farther over here love the Ahsoka you're Star Wars nerd watch the young Jedi Adventures for kids yeah yeah I I'm kind of a Star Wars nerd as well uh those were the that was like the first series I ever saw and ever since like I've gotten like all the Lego Star Wars sets and things as a kid and that was just kind of the classic so I feel like I'm always going to watch end up watching it uh you know whether it ends up getting good or not but worked on some episodes of Andor it was really cool to see nice nice Ahsoka uh begin really well but the end is uh anticlimactic interesting well maybe I'll still have to watch it I don't know is there another uh season coming out or something of it later on to where the anticlimactic ending will be better I don't know sometimes it's hard to wait but is this game PVP it is not this is a PVE game working together uh rather than against each other season one and two of Mando were top-notch but the third was Tales of book it's on yeah yeah didn't Marvel um like redcon the entire storyline from endgame Andy War yeah they kind of just kept building uh all this stuff off of it because it did so well well and then they uh they just haven't been putting out original like good original stuff lately is what that's just been my experience but son and I were able to stay on a Star Wars uh Intergalactic Cruiser experience nice nice that's awesome bad batch is really good okay the Star Wars Ane yeah I've heard that one's pretty good and I I have yet to watch like the anime uh the Clone Wars and stuff there too I've read a lot about them and uh and stuff but yeah I I I've got some got some that I still have to see that's for sure game looks so good Hobbit House video made you wish let's say heck yeah it is so good I can I can I can say that now out of all the time I've played it it's uh it's definitely worthwhile if you enjoy chill survival building games it's a lot of fun I've been having a blast on my own a blast with friends it's been a really fun game going to get some food real quick heck yeah no worries that's that's true poison blade and shouted not PVP just wait and I will get my bosss yep so uh you can still kind of PVP just in a different way yep absolutely you can Chuck the little uh so I usually make it a rule not to have these little these little hand uh explosive powder balls in my hot bar when I'm building I I guess I picked that one up from somewhere and it automatically went into my hot bar yeah uh that that's say you can really start griefing player B I think that's what people are annoyed about on multiplayer if they didn't have a close group of friends uh bad things started happening all right I'm liking how this is looking this is this side is probably ready for some flower soil and some raking to try to smooth it out so working on the other side just a little bit but I I personally like the Tom Holland version of Spider-Man but I have not seen every version of Spider-Man so I guess I'm I'm a little I'm a little biased but but yeah I like I like the Tom Holland ones haven't seen the Ahsoka series um but from what Clips you've seen it looks so good yeah I'll have to check it out feel like yeah just from my love of Star Wars I'll have to at some point you haven't played until you put enemy into 10 m deep hole with the bombs yeah yeah it is true that like uh yeah using Contraptions and stuff this this game is kind of cool in that way like it doesn't have the Redstone of Minecraft but I love the little secret doors the fact that you can build grappling points uh and like the swing Acres the the whole like little bomb thing the like you know there's there's cool little elements that make it uh make it kind of fun as well there fun elements for the [Music] adventure just like Tom Holland has a person more than the other Spider-Man yeah yeah he's a good person I've watched a lot of movies with uh with his acting and uh yeah he's he's pretty cool I never used the ramp shape block yeah I I don't know I just find that like I can't uh you know I could I could certainly do it down here but like I think my favorite honestly is like the disc and the big one I just I tend to like use those two or like I'm doing rocks I'll use these ones out of stone and stuff and place like rocks uh if I'm trying to form like a cool like yard structure but aside from that I've just found that the disc and the the bigger blocks just are easiest for like getting big chunks down and I can kind of visualize things better and then you know might use the ramps occasionally if I need to smooth something out but mostly just kind of sticking to these ones I feel like but yeah exactly I I don't think any of the others were bad by any means it's such a personal preference at that point you know it's uh yeah when you talk uh movie stuff that's for sure glad I haven't gone this Star Wars Galactic star Cruiser uh you haven't missed much wasn't it was uh it was really bad okay okay I know uh Ubisoft is working on another Star Wars open world game actually that uh kind of like the Avatar one that they came out with kind of excited but it feels like lots of movie games just don't turn out very well but I don't know yeah and that's a good point Lucifer with the yeah with his return to Moria any good it's really great and I've been having a lot of fun with my multiplayer series with Kong I've decided to just do that on Twitch now so anyone who wants to continue watching those live be sure to check out twitch uh but yeah I haven't uh I've not liked how buggy and uh everything it is being uh like it's it's an insanely kind of opposite from enshrouded and Early Access it's uh it's extremely buggy and uh it kind of took away from the experience of the game for me especially near the end but it was a it was a super fun adventure and I think they've came out with some better patches now yeah I'd prefer it with friends and I don't like how buggy it was those were my those are my pain points with that one but I liked it overall yeah probably best Lord of the Rings game so far as they go um well you get crucified if you say you've never watched any Star Wars movies or spider- man no no it's it's just a popular one but that's the thing with movies everybody assumes like everybody sees everything it's like I'm sure I've missed a bunch of movies that other people are like oh you haven't seen this one yet [Music] but but might attract expressions of pity yeah yep all right when's night going to fall did I already sleep through it this time I'm like looking at chat I'm not looking at my screen it looks like it's looks like it's getting darker maybe but the genre I like most for movies yeah I kind of spoke to a little bit but I like the I like action romcom for like chill type movies and then I really like uh like big story lines for like things like the Harry Potter series diversin series The Star Wars movies treasure hunting type movies uh for like Expeditions and stuff I enjoyed the Outer Banks Show that was fun kind just a a fun Feelgood movie yeah it looks like it's getting lighter okay it's [Music] morning do I watch any anime series um I do not actually the only really anime movies I watch were like little ones as i k like todoro and some of that that type of stuff yeah I've never gotten into anime not that I've ever tried but uh you know I've just never really uh watched any or uh or known what to look for I guess but oh yeah if the character's on their back then it's morning yeah I just wasn't sure if I had actually if the characters on their back because I couldn't sleep yet or because I had woken up already yeah that's true when when the sunrises it's uh they just kind of chill in their in their uh bed and [Music] stuff have a feeling I'd get immersed in the Outlander series on Netflix haven't watched that but uh thanks for the recommendation I'll have to I'll have to check it out an Arcane okay cyberpunk uh Edge runners okay interesting yeah proba lots of cool stuff out there I'll just have to uh I'll have to create like a movies Channel and I ORD server you can suggest what I'm going to watch next cuz I definitely have trouble finding stuff uh sometimes and uh this is cool to get some suggestions wife turned you on to it she had a whole uh book series absolutely devoured it no nice nice okay yeah I might have to check it out then we'd be happy to watch you react to movies yep I'll just have to create like a a dark Web Channel and uh and uh you know pirate a bunch of movies and watch them for free on the internet react to them it would go absolutely against everything YouTube or twitch would allow or I could do I could do like the little Clips little clips of movie reactions that would work right if it's like under a certain amount of time Arcane is amazing nice okay perfect aesthetic music and everything nice yeah just a chisel chip reacts there you go there you go yep might have to might have to expand my repertoire I mean if YouTube takes off bigger you know it all depends on it all depends on work and everything else so yeah basically the planet in the summer is that I want to like keep you guys posted with Community posts and uh keep slowly working on build videos you know when I come home from work be able to keep uh posting some of those for valheim and shrouded and stuff and then uh and then in the winter is when I dive into more of the series and episodes obviously ashlands is coming out in the summer which is kind of a bummer for me obviously because uh I won't be able to check it out probably as much as I'd like to but we'll still give it lots of attention I want to do some live streams with my character from the werheim series that I did in valheim a while ago that's uh pretty much ready for ashlands we'll kind of go check it out when it releases uh and uh just see what they have there CU I'm I'm pretty excited for that could I do more vids like the last one absolutely amazing yeah yeah absolutely that's my favorite uh stuff to do they're just slower to come out because it takes lots of time to uh to come up with the ideas and to do the building so for lots of big projects we'll be doing some live streams and stuff and then I do the adventure videos to kind of keep the content fresh and have fun and get through the game but then uh yeah the building is is my favorite part so there will definitely be lots more of it just uh just not every day yeah yeah uh you can you can rotate the rake so like if you do the if you do this you can see for me it's just R uh but you can you can do this uh to rotate the angle you say you said y could do something now Y is just undoing stuff even if I have the rake held but uh but yeah the the RN scroll wheel can do the rake so like if I want to flatten out this hill here like over here where I've been starting I can uh I can hit R and then do like this and we can start flattening like check that out and uh this is going to start making like the hill a lot more lot more soft here yeah my voice and the voice of daily of Internet are very soothing to listen to It's probably why daily dose of Internet does so well got a good voice and reacting to stuff and sharing class but yeah I'm glad to hear that um I try to uh I'm not like the type that's uh it's like super hyped or like yelling at the camera all the time which a lot of people watch but yeah I definitely uh I like the more chill vibe to what I do and what I like to share for Content but wish the rake also had a smoothing function um oh yeah yeah just kind of like kind of like what I'm doing here essentially but like where you can just hold left click and say hey chop the sharp edges off of everything instead of necessarily having to angle it that could be cool yeah yeah cuz this is obviously working uh but that would be that would be nice to just have like a simple little tool for it yeah this is going to be cool we can start dispersing some flower soil on the hill as well here soon but'll work you're working while listening uh to me in the background nice nice yeah the multitaskers uh that's a that's an enjoyable thing oops don't like that I love how you can still use y with things like the pickaxe and the rake to be able to uh Undo It All right so this is like a steeper angle so let's try to yep there it is okay that's more what I kind of want okay perfect the laugh is so beautiful you multitask too nice nice yeah I've got like the evil villain laugh but uh just just the way it is some people give me [ __ ] for that in the comments but they'll give me [ __ ] for anything in the comments so it's it's uh it's the usual the evil fill and laugh is what it's become all the little ha little Chuckles it's just what I do uh just what I do when I have fun with building and reacting to stuff so apparently it works if if you guys want me to have a reaction Channel this is looking really good nice Hills there it's almost like too perfect like I have to uh yeah I think once I get some shrubs and some better stuff planted over here uh I'm going to it it'll start really coming together uh and not look quite like this perfect hill going up into the Cliffy Rock up there and then yeah once I get The Hobbit houses uh chiseled chiseled into it and everything I think it'll be good randomly watch The Hobbit House video while making uh carrot cake this morning sat down after putting it in the oven and here you are looking forward to getting uh to know your channel awesome well welcome to the channel I appreciate it and uh I'm glad you glad you enjoyed that video yeah I can't I can't wait to do more of the building like I said uh light no fire looks amazing when it comes to the the graphics some the building under a rock is like like I'm usually not one for the uh cartoony Graphics but I love the art style Graphics that under a rock that other game has to offer and uh so I'm really looking forward to that one one and uh and it's got really cool like creature Ai and mounts and building and like it it seems like a really cool fun Vibes uh like Island tropical game and uh I'm kind of looking forward to adding that one to the library in a couple years so that that's kind of the plan but yeah it's it's my genre I love these uh more like cozy survival based building games The Shining mushroom yeah I I totally could uh do it with the yeah the Luminous growth uh try to disperse some of that in in throughout the hill to kind of light it up at night yeah I've been I love how you could use that as a Terrain Block it's really it's really been cool all right let's see here this is going to need to be like another sharper rotated one there it is all right perfect yeah I kind of might leave some of the Hill like rocks like rock textured like that ooh that's a good idea uh placing a bunch of bigger rocks throughout the hill to make to add some more interest I might try to do some of that like a big rock here or something we'll try to get The Hobbit houses outlined first what am I working on now we're working on like a big a big Village project so I'm going to be doing uh currently a bunch of terraforming to bring this hill as like a more Rolling Hills F and then on the very top of it we have our flame alter but this is going to be like Hobbit houses in the hill with a bunch of of normal houses around it for the NPCs like a little village and then uh and then we're going to do like a big tree or a big structure up here with a beautiful view in all the directions and a cool uh a cool little like glider platform spot and then maybe something down here with some like little Hills and tunnels throughout the hill or something uh so yeah just a big like foresty Village project over here is uh is essentially what it'll turn into got a new idea have a nice day every day everyone you go to work nice thanks for stopping by I appreciate it uh have a good one the mountain biker and me should know how to roughing up the terain absolutely absolutely yeah surprised there aren't a lot of channels doing big Mega projects for the game on YouTube besides the few I've seen uh even though it's still limited you can still build massive builds like in Minecraft yeah that's that's kind of what I'm trying to do I'd like to do this as sort of its own Mega project I guess you know it's not just going to be one video so to speak maybe a video tour at the end obviously and I'd love to do a giant castle Fortress uh build like over in the in the desert there on that big Mesa pillar creation or whatever uh that would be a lot of fun yeah and on the map uh this is this is right over here so it's this like mound of of land kind of in the center of the this area so right like if you go to the ancient Spire for the springlands you can just Glide across this shroud it's right over here by Hill of scavengers uh the catacombs there like this area picked up Elden ring to play until in shrouded gets more content nice all right I take it you uh you completed the the quests and everything in shrouded then no one of my friends I think has elen ring likes it a lot and yeah Phantom you can probably see one of my uh one of my frames uh behind me I've got I've got the mountain bike frame on my uh on my floor I don't actually know if this all if it's showing on my camera yeah it's not because I'm I'm too close and blocking it uh I could I could get it though uh if you wanted to see the mountain bike frame I've got like frames and random crap that I work on in my room cuz it's like it's my office my room my studio it's kind of like everything then I've just got a shed where I uh where I do my other woodworking projects and stuff uh why is my rake not rotating there we go okay perfect give you so much inspiration oh I'm so happy good hear that you're enjoying the builds ever the creative Spirit yep exactly is there a way to make an uphill path yeah absolutely you can take the path blocks and uh then with the rake at at whatever angle you want to start creating the path you can start spreading them up the hill uh with that angle and they'll just they'll just follow wherever the rake angle is and uh yeah super easy mhm or or you could obviously place it block by block and it'll all mesh together but that'll take a long time so I just suggest like putting a little patch and we'll do some of that over here when I start outlining more of The Hobbit houses in uh future streams but yeah I'd love to do what I'm kind of envisioning is a path that starts over here and uh and then winds up this side of the Hill into a first Hobbit house that's going to be over here which will be like a larger one and then the path will kind of come right up here above that Hobbit house and then I might do a little tunnel through this little jut out of land here that the path goes through and goes to the other side here where there'll be more of like a Cliffy style Hobbit house and inside that Hobbit house might be like a spiral pathway or tunnel that then climbs up to the very top of the hill over here that's kind of the that's kind of the vision just a little bit of uh what this place could turn into have I ever played Conan Exiles I have not but I know the building yeah the building is crazy in that game but the game is very grindy yeah I think that's probably why I haven't because I just haven't had the time to dive into all the all the complexity of it but yeah it's uh a lot of people have said it's really good yeah hoping they add armor stands and stuff yeah that'd be that'd be nice can't wait for this build think yeah yeah it'll be it'll be a fun one just stay tuned for a lot of live streams and like I said I'll do like little uh Snippets here and there so like I'm working on like as I'm not live streaming I'm just kind of explaining things and I'll put out like a terraforming video for creating this hill and then I'll put out like a video for creating the The Hobbit house or a video for like individual projects that are a part of this big project that's kind of how I'm thinking of structuring it anyway so yeah that's the that's the goal there yeah this is this is starting to look pretty nice I think this side of the hill is uh is is nearing a more completed State like AKA ready for adding some flower soil some shrubs some rocks digging The Hobbit house so this side of the hill is starting to take shape this side is uh it's getting there but it it needs a little more work especially maybe in this area I don't know let's see kind of like this thing being here um if I added a rock like kind of poen out of the top of there yeah that looks kind of cool it just uh kind of kind of wants to be there you wish you could move your level four flame oh yeah yeah and still keep the level yeah that's true just have a bunch of uh shroud cores on hand before you move it and then uh move it and then upgrade it and uh you got 30 minutes before it'll reset back back to normal to be able to move it you're building a hobbit house in that same location nice nice yeah it's a beautiful location I love the revelwood forest for the vibe and then I love how this area is just like the view is insane while still having all the greenery and stuff it's got all the forest around it but by the time I plant some larger trees do some farming here on the outskirts it's going to feel very foresty while still having all this all this uh open feel and uh not being quite as claustrophobic uh buried in the forest as my uh my little hobbit house cuz yeah this one this one's just cozy though and I love uh I just love it for that I could get rid of uh this now this was how I took the thumbnail for the for the build so I guess for any of you wondering how I take uh my thumbnail shots I I climb up on scaffolding and uh and I position the camera and then uh and then drop myself out I know there's there's actually a mod now for in shrouded where you can uh it's a build camera where you can fly around you know fly around take a cool shot of a big build and I might try that out for uh for larger builds I just haven't wanted to download cheat engine and all the stuff with that I don't know how yet uh but yeah it's it's apparently a thing now for that so uh I'll have to try it out at some point cuz that would make it easier but I don't need that anymore cuz it's kind of yeah now that looks a little better also need to uh unlock more recipes or add more recipes for the forge can only craft Metal Sheets in it oh is that all you can craft even endgame interesting yeah you love using the SL terrain such a treat yeah yeah definitely it's so so nice that you can just build up terrain everywhere I mean even the I I really like the concept that I did for uh for this build where I just did the outline for The Hobbit house and then just built up the terrain to it and it looks like I dug it into a hill but it was like way easier than digging into a hill uh I'm kind of yeah I figured I'd try it for these ones for the other Hobbit houses we'll dig them into the hill I think most likely but for these ones I figured I'd like terraform around them and I think it worked you love the sound of the birds yeah yeah yeah that's something else I love about revelwood is the the environment um and at night the owls and the wolves hallowing and stuff it's like it's really cozy I feel like they if they added a a weather system to the game revelwood could be a cool uh a cool spot to kind of cozy up and which is why I wanted The Hobbit house over over in revelwood here for like the Cozy Forest base build cameram mod is fun though it can be tricky to set up okay okay yeah I know yeah I know you uh you got it all set up uh poison blade so I'll just have to uh I'll have to reach out to you and if I if I decide to get it I saw the I saw the thing on like how to set up and then the code or something that you put into cheat engine or something and apparently that was all it did right like you couldn't cheat in any other way it was just uh it was just like a build camera in time of day or something that you could [Music] set yeah I think that's what it was yeah I'm happy to have this larger base now this is uh this has been good to finally organize everything it's too bad also you can't cook from these bigger fires like you'd think you'd be able to but you can't uh they provide a lot of warmth so like even all the way out here I still have like warmth uh which is nice yeah you can't cook from them and yeah that's all it does poison blade yeah yeah if that's like that'd be something I definitely consider especially as I get bigger projects because taking thumbnail shots is nice to be able to back my camera out a little bit um yeah I don't know if they'll add more uh NPCs we were kind of going over that a little earlier but uh yeah they might but because we unlocked them all so early part of me is thinking maybe they'll just have new recipes available but I don't know they might add more NPCs as time goes on or maybe even like a Trader or a traveler something uh as we get more biomes unlocked and things with future updates I don't know your back glitchy what did you miss mostly just more terraforming and chatting not not a ton not a ton today just a chill stream can pop in anytime kind of a thing um saw some using something that let them have a creative mode yeah so there's like a build camera I didn't hear of a creative uh mode though your Alchemist is sad without books yeah you fully moved in The Hobbit house yeah yeah so in the in the next uh episode that will be posting tomorrow I've edited it and I played on Sunday with my friend uh Crimson who joined in the last playthrough episode uh so he'll be joining for some more of the episodes so we did one and in that episode that you all will see tomorrow I uh we went on the little adventure to grab the table saw and did some fun stuff there started doing some storage so another another fun Adventure episode coming tomorrow uh but yeah throughout all those episodes we'll start really moving in we're find like I finally got food in the chest now and getting ready with this place so it's nice yeah yeah regular NPCs walking around your base would be nice yeah so I know it's a weird thing to compare to for any of you that know the Lego fortnite that came out they have NPCs and they can do stuff you can assign tasks to them like hey go out and scavenge for resources or come and adventure with me and they'll help you fight or you know you can give them an axe to go chop down some trees that would be really cool to add um and like yeah I didn't really play Lego fortnite for very long but that concept was pretty cool and I'm sure other games have done it something similar too um but yeah that'd be that'd be really neat that'd be a fun way to interact with uh stuff around the base as well CU yeah he's he's like locked in one area cannot [Music] move yeah can find an enemy free locations yeah kind like valheim Traer but uh but yeah or or if they were able to wander like the uh villagers in Minecraft or whatever with the camels and stuff that'd be cool um yeah the books for uh for glitch's Alchemist Tower yeah she put a lot of books in there that looked really cool I feel like they take a while to get but they're not too bad once you like I've started putting some books on this shelf a little stack of books here and uh I've just been kind of picking them up now when I'm at locations consciously instead of ignoring them and you end up getting a lot of them but uh yeah it's yeah the Lego is fun yeah yeah figured I had to check out the Lego fortnite people were saying uh in my Discord like oh you should check it out cuz it's it's a Lego Survival game that's all it is it's like basically nothing to do with fortnite except for the characters um and so I was like ah check it out and I kind of liked little NPC concept but uh yeah I won't be doing on the channel congrats on 10K thank you so much welcome we're scrolling through YouTube feed yesterday saw someone build a huge I mean by huge Library full of books can't imagine yeah yeah oh it's it's a there's there's some crazy there's some crazy stuff here and yeah that's that's a thing too building a library for example we could do it in this game super cool all right we got to do another little glider thing uh soon did a little updraft thingy all around still can't get over that it's just it's too too much fun yeah most of the books in the tower were donated by the kind folk yeah yeah I'll have to let you guys all into my world give me lots of books and other stuff I think there are resource worlds but there's a satisfaction to getting everything uh farming everything over time maybe like way later when I have everything unlocked and I just want to do big build videos or something but I've been enjoying all the little adventures to get resources it's been fun yeah Library secret doors absolutely that' be cool from the best jumping off spot let's fly all right let's do it let's do it uh Phantom let's go let's go back up to the top of this hill and uh where do we want to go uh do we want to go like in this direction we've got the we've got the little uh glider platform we could just like head over to the hunter Vault over there cuz this this was kind of I wanted to turn this into a glider platform because of how steep the cliff is here I didn't do any terraforming on this side other than flatten out the top of this hill but it's kind of just naturally a really cool spot for a glider platform I feel like and then of course you can make it like over here pretty far as well but you bring me some to if I decide to make a library really enjoy that you are taking a time with the game instead of deciding to yeah just smashing it yeah exactly I I feel like this game is not the type that needs to be speedrunned or rushed uh I've been just really enjoying it it's been a lot of fun which direction saves your character advancement serves your character advancement best um let's let's go this let's go over here we could uh we could uh check out there we've got some of the stuff over there but that was uh let's see yeah do we want to go anywhere we could go places and do something fly to something and uh and loot loot a little town it is getting dark though so uh so maybe we don't just yet I wonder if I can make it from here across that uh shroud over there and all the way back to my Hobbit house let's try that to sleep if I land in the Shroud uh then I being stupid but uh let's try this am I I am rested let's try this with the ghost glider yeah I'd absolutely be able to make it over there let's just try it with this that would be sweet if I could cuz then it's like all the different uh bases are interconnected and that would be pretty neat all right I've still got over a wheel of stamina left this might work yeah definitely wouldn't be surprised if someone made Hogwarts yeah that's for sure that'd be really cool okay my last wheel of stamina let's just kind of Glide down here so I can dive if I have to before I die well we made it across the Shroud I'd say I do have the reduced stamina when gliding skill yep I do oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh it like goes down fast at the end it feels like where am I I can't even see there we go the heck am I going so dark uh broy farting midair yeah that's the skill that that's the skill it's called farting midair and uh you can unlock it no oh gosh I hear music something's after me okay yeah no the it's it's just the updraft skill the updraft skill paired with uh ring rings of veracity to make your Mana go up really high so that you can hit the updraft multiple times uh because it uses lots of Mana so upgrade your Mana have the updraft skill and you'll be able to do that it's a lot of fun where's my house is this it or are those lights in the distance yeah there it is look at that see yeah my stamina wore out but if I get better stamina um then this would actually work I could make it all the way over to here for sure or the ghost glider just because it goes so much faster yeah it it is a skill that costs four points it's relatively expensive but if I go into my uh was it skills here right in this direction I chose to go the dexterity and then airborne so that they consume 30% less stamina and then the updraft oh so that's like the quickest probably best way to get that skill if you want it but yeah barely a few meters out nicely done yeah I I I think it worked and we saw our we saw our build in the distance so I'd say that's pretty cool that we can fly to all of our builds from that high point there that's really cool makes the world feel very connected found your channel because of this game enjoying your chill commentary oh thanks I appreciate that uh welcome to the channel yeah I I very much enjoy the chill survival crafting building games so he'll be seeing this one a lot of course right now because it's uh just released and then I did a lot of valheim and we might do some future ones as they as they roll out but getting a bit low in the air there good thing I had some beans beforehand yeah we're just going to we're just going to have the name that's like it's it's the air fart now love the builds thanks thanks I appreciate it this skill is just eating beans that would be so that would be so funny if the devs just added like a comedic element so like rather than rather than patching that or fixing it to where we can't uh use the updraft so many times they should just rename this skill eating beans because uh it's like an inside joke among all of us at this point beans are the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot the more you toot the better you fly so eat your beans before you die we could start a we can start a little poetry channel here all right we'll go ahead and repare that stuff head back for little bit of terraforming here got home level four yeah I'll probably be able to make it to home level four with the ghost glider with all the updrafts but air fart yeah yeah just add a fart sound when the glider when I use the updraft I'll just have to edit that in after the fact for all my videos now have I checked out Icarus I have not I heard of it though um or it's like the planet that you're stuck on uh kind of a space game I guess wasn't it I think I've watched the trailer for a while ago you're at the Kindle waste fast travel and there are several bright flashing white lights what are they I don't know um haven't been there I'll have to I have to go check oh I do need to remember to shut my doors in my houses yeah I had a few goats in my starter house they came they came uh from the lawn and they came into my starter house when I wasn't there cuz I left the doors open I had like five goats in there and I was like oh I guess it's time for some farming oh yeah that's true though then I'll then I'll get a wolf sneaking up on me or something when I'm just trying to craft something that got stuck in there add some more of the requirements for the wall decorations and other decorations because some of them are too expensive to build yeah the wall decorations are kind of expensive needing planks and some of their stuff but yeah doesn't cost Mana um but they introduce beans into the game oh there you go so you need beans to use the updraft along with Mana or something that would be funny um oh you didn't connect that it was the game thought I had five goats in my house IRL oh that's funny yep uh I could see that what's chip doing with those goats oh that that would be funny maybe someday I'll run a farm and uh and uh a bunch of goats will get in my house you never know yeah yeah The Hobbit inspired burrow house from glitchy yeah yeah I definitely found found glitchy through some of those awesome builds super cool I feel like this is coming along this is coming along pretty well I might try to do like a little more a little bit more smoothing here and it's already been long has it been already 3 hours almost exactly for the stream which is crazy I usually don't like to go too much over so I don't uh instantly kill my voice sometimes I feel like having my headphones on like clamps my head too tightly and then my voice gets all tight by the end of a stream and I start sounding all high pitched I don't know if any of you experienced that that or if I just have to learn how to like do voice exercises you'd think because I like to sing and write music this wouldn't happen but maybe it's because I have headphones feel like maybe it wouldn't happen if I had earbuds or something yeah time flies when you're having fun exactly yeah yeah it's been a lot of fun if uh yeah if any of you have any last last questions or anything uh anything for the fun 10K stream here feel free I'll hang out for a little bit uh for anyone that may have just popped in or something and uh then we can wrap it up here and this you know maybe we do like another terraforming stream at some point of kind of finishing this chipping out some of the Hobbit houses um yeah and then be on the lookout for the adventure stream tomorrow for the table saw for the Carpenter and stuff you should eat beans you can go for it for another 3 hours there you go there you go I just I just need need to find the beans and and uh then we keep streaming for another 3 hours exactly yeah just a privilege thank you it was nice getting to know you better thanks Phantom yeah yeah I figured it'd be fun be fun uh yeah time flies so fast there yeah you feel me about the voice yeah it's like it's weird I just feel like I start the stream like in a much more relaxed state but as I keep going it's like I just I get all T in my upper uh pallet and then it's uh it's hard to relax again um I don't know I'll work on it it might be like I have to do like warm-ups in the morning if I know I'm recording lots of content I'm an introvert in real life so I don't talk very much and so uh when I stream or stuff it's like I won't talk all the time in the summer because it's just me alone at work every day and and uh and so then I start talking uh on content and I feel like my voice like sucks sometimes because it'll get so tired but it's uh it's not too bad it's not too bad feel like your voice is always coming to Listen to Nice yeah I try to keep it pretty good and how's it going Erica welcome thank you so much you came just before I'm uh wrapping up the stream he for introverts yeah yeah do me a favor and tell my wife eastan mommy Island Mommy there you go cuz Island Papa I said it in Spanish isand isand Island Mommy hello hello Island Mommy I love that all right got to turn in take care everyone heck yeah thank you so much for for stopping by and thank you so much for the support for the gifted memberships and everyone who uh who joined today it was uh it was so much fun and because we talked about it a lot um I'm going to go ahead and put that link for my uh for my other channel in the chat as well here for anyone that missed that earlier uh let's see that should be right so I hope to do some more music and uh some fun projects and other things that I uh that I got into on that channel and uh do some more of that especially in the summer and things you know might keep you guys posted on some of the job stuff I think I even have an excavation like day in the life of excavation video on there for any anyone that's interested uh if you want to get to know me outside of the gaming stuff so yeah and be on the lookout I might do I know some of you have requested like film making tutorials on editing and D Vinci resolve both for this Channel and possibly that channel for color grading and everything so stay tuned over there if you'd like to see some of that coming hopefully in the near future I might try to might try to revive it a little come up with a plan um oh and yeah I'll I'll pop it in twitch chat uh for for you there yep what kind of music can I find in YouTube uh yeah so I do like a lot of acoustic singer songwriter type stuff yeah I'll throw my link there as well hopefully it'll let me there you go so that's my that's my music channel uh or not really fully Music Channel but but more of like my uh my outside life kind of a thing uh in comparison to here so yeah the in music's very calming yeah they released their soundtrack too that's really awesome introverts unite or not let's just chill right here it's warm and snug yeah there you go yep yeah the Ben corono Channel yep yep so yeah obviously for those of you that haven't catched on I did like a little IRL video or whatever I think it at like 1K subs or something pretty much talking about the same stuff we talked about today but uh but yeah so that's my that's my other channel and uh yeah everyone go sub to that too yeah if if yall want to stay up to date you know I'll post some more there in the summer with mountain bike and stuff and music and kind of uh all sorts of stuff it'd be cool to uh to see some of you over there recognize some of you it's always always nice but yeah with that said yeah going to head off have a nice day every run yeah thanks for stopping by poison blade can't wait to uh continue our little uh collab building projects and stuff yeah thank you all so much obviously for the support on this channel as well it's been it's been such a fun ride I had no idea um I had no idea that I'd be uh getting to this point this early in the year and everything and that you all be liking the in shrouded content and yeah rounding in on on 6K Subs on that channel yeah yeah that'd be fun I'm getting like maybe a subscriber a day over there because I've I've haven't posted in Forever it's kind of it it was kind of dead for a while but yeah I appreciate it I appreciate it take care everyone heck yeah yeah yeah thank you guys um you'll be there for for other little videos I don't like I said I don't post a ton but might be doing like a headlight restoration video for my truck on there and then we'll kind of shift into more of the music film making um mountain biking creative route uh over on that channel so we'll see what it turns into but I appreciate it all right well I hope you all had fun today I had a lot of fun doing this and great group as always you guys are so much fun on live streams and everything I've also got a Discord server through the link in the description or you can just exclamation point Discord in the chat and uh head over there if you'd like to continue chatting with each other or playing in shrouded groups and just talk about stuff I'm pretty active over there as well and uh do little notifications for live stream and stuff but uh yeah you all are super awesome and I so appreciate all of the amazing support so I'm super happy to have hit uh 10K Subs yeah it's it's been a fun ride all right yeah take care everyone yeah thank you so much be sure to subscribe and uh yeah join that join my other channel and thank you all so much for joining for the memberships for everyone today for all the support and uh yeah I'll see youall in the next next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 3,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, livestream, enshrouded live, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2023, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded ancient spire, enshrouded hobbit house build, best base location enshrouded, 10k
Id: aQ8ifu6GOzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 14sec (11414 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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