This Is The BEST Class To Play In Enshrouded

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there are many ways you guys can build your character and have a different type of play style and in shrouded and with this video I'm going to explain to you guys what I think personally is the best class SL weapon combination you guys can use if you want to do a bunch of damage and just fly through the game now I've spent well over 50 hours I've got a level 25 character and I've been spending a lot of time farming the kind of endgame regions of the game and using all the different type of play Styles I can think of and I think I have a really good idea of what's good and what's bad so with that being said let's get started so the first play style we're going to be talking about is the one-handed weapon and a shield or aka the tank build now I messed around with the talents and I went with a more kind of like just straight up tank build and then I also kind of tried to mess around with more of like a like a one-handed uh sword and shield but more focused just straight on doing as much damage as possible and I got to say both ways of playing this was not very good I felt like I was very weak when it came to large groups of enemies even with the talent point that makes your one-handed attack swings a little bit faster it seemed like it was really rough and just really difficult to get a couple of attacks in before just getting just straight up overwhelmed by the enemies I think the tank build is definitely more oriented and targeted for group or Co-op play with this game but I will say if you guys are someone who are like super die hard and you just enjoy the play style of being a tank then you can totally play this build um I still think it's completely viable I'm just trying to say like you know as far as the other ways to play this game it's definitely got one of the more slower kill times as far as fighting mob than the other builds another build SL play style that I was really hyped for and I'm just kind of sad with the results was using a bow and arrow and kind of playing like a ranger in this game as far as the damage goes I feel like the damage of the bow and arrow is like it's just okay compared to some of the other things in this list here and I felt like when it came to the damage with bow and arrow the amount of time that it requires to farm and craft materials to I guess craft arrows for said bow is just I guess it's like the juice is just not worth the squeeze in my opinion and again it just kind of goes back to those arrows right I feel like when it comes to crafting arrows in this game um if you guys are going to want to play a bow arrow build you're going to have to dedicate a lot of time to just straight up farming materials to uh be able to craft those arrows for example I believe the kind of like later game arrows that I'm using is the iron arrows and you know with how hard it is and how slow it is to um gather iron for example you know you you need iron for a lot of stuff to craft right and it just it's really kind of hard to you know allocate some of those resources to arrows when you guys have to craft so many other things but I don't know for Me Maybe it's different for you guys but for me personally I just don't like playing games where I'm having to like constantly stop enjoying the game to have to like Farm materials to make ammunition that's just not fun to me and especially when it comes to like you know another combination like the wand in this game where the wand does not require ammo right it's like durability like a like a one-handed weapon it just you just use it right so yeah the to Long didn't read is bone arrow is decent but you just got a stomach being able to craft and farm materials to make arrows the next build we're going to be talking about is the two-handers or I.E the I guess Barbarian Build right running around with a giant two-handed weapon and just smashing your opponents into Oblivion I really wanted this one to be really good but unfortunately it just is a little too sluggish and lackluster for myself and then also of course the idea that we do not have any two-handed grade swords in the game that's kind of crazy in my opinion but I'm not going to get too upset about that because the game's in Early Access and for the most part it's really good for an early access game so yeah anyways back to the two-handed weapon build so the damage I guess for two-handed weapons is is decent right but the problem that I've ran into is that you know even again it's it's kind of like the same problem with the one-handed weapons uh there's the talent that makes the two-handed attacks faster but for me it just it's still very slow right and it just feels really sluggish to play and you know the I guess it's like the the weapon animations for attacking is just really frustrating especially against the one enemy I think you guys probably know which one I'm talking about I I don't know what the name is but it's like that that like tusken Raider looking guy that has the two giant like poison Cleavers it's it's almost impossible to like get a hit off on them with a two-handed weapon and not take damage but I will say that if you guys go with the uh jump attack with the two-handed weapon that's pretty fun to do there were a lot of times where I was just in a large group of enemies and I just like spam jumped slammed on them and you know it's it's kind of funny to see that but it's just really annoying that that's like the most viable way way to uh fight large packs of enemies without dying but even after all that the two-handed weapon I still think is is a pretty viable option to play this game with but the only reason why it's not the best in my opinion is because it's melee right and there are a lot of um ranged enemies and a couple of ranged bosses that it's you know the two-handed weapons are just melee in general is going to be completely useless and last but not least let's talk about ws/ staffs or just playing like a mage in this game in general because this this play style is by far the best way to play this game out of all the testing of different weapon combinations and builds this is by far the strongest one that I ran into now we'll talk about the staff in a little bit here but I just want to focus on wands for right now so when it comes to wands I feel like wands are just really powerful the fact that you know it's a ranged weapon and it does not consume ammo is really good here so you can basically just Spam this thing until the durability breaks on it but even then it's not a big deal because you know when I'm playing this game I literally have like a fire wand and a ice wand and that way I can always swap between like you know enemies that are you know super effective to a certain type of element so it's like you know you can just keep going and then obviously if one breaks you can just use the other one until it's time to repair so you have like these extended windows of combat and exploration where really don't have to go back to base and repair things you can just keep exploring but if you want wands to truly be really powerful you do need to go down into the battle mage section of the talent tree and pick up wand Master which is going to give you a 30% chance to spawn an additional wand projectile and then also sting which is repeated wand damage is increased by 20% so basically the longer you attack with your wand you're just going to be doing more damage and what's crazy is there are some wands out there that actually already have the I guess built-in where there's a chance to spawn an additional wand projectile and I had one of those wands so when I was attacking there were a lot of times where I would see like three wand projectiles flying at the enemy and it just like on- shots them right and then if you really want to make wands even better you know you go down the wizard section and pick up the talent mass destruction which is going to make your crits uh with magic weapons hit all enemies within 20 M and then also a chain hit which is a critical hit with magic weapon will automatically hit a secondary Target so there's like a ton of ways you guys can really buff the wand and then not only is it good for a single Target but it's also going to be doing AOE damage as well so definitely wand is the best weapon in this game in my opinion and if that wasn't good enough you guys can add a staff into the mix of this and makes you just incredibly op the only downside to using a staff in this game is obviously Mana issues because spells are incredibly expensive when it comes to resources so you definitely need to deal with that but I will say after using a lot of different spells I think the best one and most efficient one to use is the acid breath one or the acid spray I I forget the name of it but it's basically like the the poison uh spray like the green spell and I could sit here and try to explain like why it's so good but I'm just going to show you this clip real quick and let this thing speak for itself and that's going to do it for this video If you guys enjoyed enjoy this one let me know by leaving a like and also subscribe to the channel if you guys haven't already and also what are your guys' opinions on the different builds and which play style are you guys currently enjoying either way let me know in the comments section thanks again for watching I'm still solo and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: StillSolo
Views: 123,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded, best class, enshrouded best class, enshrouded best build, best build, enshrouded game, best weapon, enshrouded best weapon, enshrouded wand, wand build enshrouded, what to play, survival game
Id: HhR0SprMRbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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