Danger Lies in Pikemead's Reach - Enshrouded

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone I'm cic Fox and welcome back to enshrouded back for some more adventures in this fun new game and tonight might be the night we're finally going to shed this ratty looking tabern thing I got on and maybe get some real looking armor I've got a couple pieces on actually it just doesn't look like it when I have this uh torn padded querist thing on uh we're going to replace this thing tonight I want to do some farming we've already got a few crops uh planted right now at the uh at the house I planted a couple things off stream uh but I need to go find some more crops in particular I want to try and find corn because there's a recipe I could use to combine the corn with the honey to make make like this uh sweet popcorn stuff that looks like it's got a pretty good stamina boost on it so I wouldn't mind grabbing that welcome every's here in the chat so far if you're watching on the channel afterwards welcome as well as always a huge thanks to everyone who's clicked on that join button to become a channel member thank you all very very much for the support I do greatly appreciate it special thanks to our top tier mistakes for made members for choosing that top tier membership option so as I said I started planting already I just have a couple things out here so this row here is uh chamomile uh these ones are not quite grown yet yet still got like repo is it repo or repot I think it's probably repot on there I don't know I think this is a German company so I'm not entirely sure uh and then I've got some of the flax growing here uh I planted it in batches so it's not all growing at the same the same rate but uh we got some flax so we can finally make uh the the different armor I planted a couple of bushes over here or shrubs cuz I want to see what kind of uh stick volume I can get off of them so we might be able to like Supply ourself with sticks for arrows without having to go hunting for them we could just walk out and rip up the plants in the front yard um I think I might even have some more that I had in progress in here yeah we'll plant a few more of these shrubs see how they do it uh supplying us with sticks for arrows uh like I said I want to try and find some more crops tonight that we can plant I know there is corn in the game uh I'm not entirely sure of all the different crops you can get um but I'm sure there's other ones that will be useful too the the corn I know in particular is used for that popcorn so I I want to get my hands on that if I can find it uh maybe we'll grab some of this flax here what's our Harvest rate so we got one flax for it back back yeah one flax but each one flax can then be used in the uh in the seed box in order to produce uh 10 more to plant so not a bad exchange rate got to be a little bit careful when you're like harvesting these things though cuz you'll see like if you're just hitting the button too fast these other ones aren't ready yet it immedately switches to like harvesting those ones Grant you just replant them but probably is repot because you can move them around B looks cozy yeah it's getting there it's getting there I mean I'd like something a little bit more on the outside here to make it look a little bit more cozy I probably should have done something to make these into like individual little flower beds instead or not even flower beds but like little planter areas uh for now I just threw down some uh I threw down some dirt you know let rip kind of thing throwing it straight there that's the uh the farm dirt too so it should be growing a little bit faster than uh that it might otherwise uh I do need more water got more shrubs ready there [Music] um split my stack a couple times here you get 10 for each of these so I'm going to put those ones in there we'll use these other ones for making linen go plant the rest of these you check the hunter back backpack upgrades now do you have the linen uh no I haven't yet I also need the linen for uh for some uh armor upgrades at the very least I know we need it for the uh for the chest piece I can't remember if there was other ones I still needed I have the um I know like boots or pants or something I don't remember what do we got here I no not him although this guy I think has something I need also he's got the wooden bucket eventually we'll need the wooden bucket in order to make our own water well but I don't have the well unlocked just yet so I can hold off and making the bucket for now get what she got drying racks animal fur resin torch Ranger set carpets medium backpack I need dried fur and linen goodbye what if I got on the drying rack oh just berries go with Dr fried fur I need animal fur and salt stick those in there animal fur and salt unfortunately you can't even just like draw them out of here you got to have them in your inventory uh there we go some of them their fancy dried Furs whoops okay so three salt and one animal fur for everyone that it makes that's not bad I guess we'll get that going uh over here we make the linen slap that in there that'll give me uh that'll give me like seven linen which really isn't all that many I need more flax this is going to take water I need uh oh actually wait a minute it's making still making shrubs I think I need two per I going to need six water there we go should probably go lot sub more water too while we're at it the well might be ready over here love your little Monastery looking base I kind of like it I I want to figure out something more to do in the courtyard here cuz the the courtyard is kind of barren right now uh it would be nice to have something a little bit nicer in here um and then outside I feel like we should have some like Pathways and maybe some of like makes the Garden area look nice maybe some sort of like lighting like this thing out here probably set up some sort of like I don't know light posts something of that nature f guarden with a little water feature I wish you could have water features cryptic Fox the farmer that's right old school it's pretty easy to uh pretty easy to do the farming of this it's really not it doesn't take a whole lot of time I think more than anything it'll just be like trying to find the other seeds for things that I want to plant got to keep an eye out for things I can Harvest want a little little bonsai tree I wish we could do like a bonsai tree [Applause] thing 7 seconds so we get more shrubs oh man the linen crafts fairly quickly at least got eight out of it it's all right all right eight linen and then uh in here we have the adventure set I need charcoal I should have some that I had in progress outside so that'll do um I I should probably double check what the ACT items I have on here so I've got the adventurer trousers Rising fighter boots Adventurer gloves Adventure helmet so I need the boots and the uh and the chest piece still uh oh and I want to make the new glider too I think we need linen for that also maybe gliders I do I need oh I'm short one shroud sack how did I how did that happen I thought for sure I brought back enough shroud sacks one sack short dang it that's super inconvenient how's this thing doing okay we got to get more copper while we're out around too this thing's [Music] [Music] done there we go Venture arm and then the boots I'm going to need uh well linen and dried fur again so you got a hopefully that uh hope that flax is ready out there soon change this over to flax seeds all right so the armor I have right now is 42 physical resist that'll bump it up to 61 doubles the amount of the health bonus which is nice nice and like plus 9 magical resist that's pretty good plus it looks cooler look I actually look like I'm wearing proper armor now oh my God I look like a proper Adventurer minus the boots we still got some shy boots on but he doesn't look like he's just wearing like some somebody's like battered battered up Castaway talking about making a pool I don't there's no water in this game it seems like everywhere that the water was turned into the Shroud least that's how it seems I fig I'm going to need a lot of these cuz we're going to need a lot of Twigs I'm an arrow consuming Maniac low ARS collect fog and that's where the water would be but spores took over and it shouted yeah pretty much so like anywhere there's like you can see like the red stuff for example I don't think it's like lava but it's uh it's more of the Shroud just it's all settled into the low-lying areas where the water is where the water would be anyway oh it's going to take a while okay I got to wait for the seeds um I guess I can get rid of this just delete that there's no point carrying that around oh what did I just put away oh my arrows copper Arrow we're going to need those lock picks going to need those huh guess it would help if I was holding shift when I did that there we go playing power world last night my all confused with the controls now I was like why did that happen oh shroud cores we might even be able to expand our shroud thing some more our Flame alter I need two more shroud cores before we can expand and get the 120 area this thing we need a bunch of stuff uh I did find where the Amber is I got I was poking around a little bit fell whsp wyvern's head so we're a long way over of that I guess haven't even seen one of those things probably don't want to yet shoot an arrow with a lockpick yeah exactly that's how you unlock your heart oh I should probably cook that food too roasted meat on a bone make sh course of The Alchemist uh oh yeah you're right you can actually I can make those go of those uh the smaller ones broud Sparks or whatever they are be a cool thought as to have a swimming fishing area with a nice dog to run off a you cannibal I do that every day had yeah that would be cool I they get rid of the flashing when crafting yeah it doesn't bother me too much when I'm playing myself cuz I just look away from the screen but when I'm streaming it's a bit much so I could totally see that I hope they get rid of the fog in the buildings too eventually oops don't punch the blacksmith he's there there to help you okay I've got too much food on me now put someone here save it for later let's see shroud cores I need more shroud liquid apparently so I can make it but I still got to go get more stuff spiritual cane what we already have grinding Stones we already have the chain heels and chain Lightnings and stuff here now not that I'm really using magic apparently the uh the strongest builds in the game are the magic ones could be a bit of a glass Cannon but you just like dump out damage and more importantly I've got to get my hands on another shroud sack you've got a good so I guess we'll go look for those well I didn't mean to hit that but whatever it's good we need it anyway all right so we're down here uh we need to go this is where I found the Amber over here guess we'll go over to the rebelwood [Music] Spire Bel the rebelwood Spire I know there's some of those uh shroud plants that have the uh they're blue and you get the sacks off them we'll just splash on down into there careful expanding the base here it went too big and now I only get uh ominous shroud music and ambient sounds oh really cuz your your base like moved into the place where the buildings are back there or something a test of skill I want to do a test of skill there's so many points of interest on this map still I haven't even come across any right we're going down here we should be able to find what we're looking [Music] for really looking forward to getting the upgraded glider so we can fly farther that be sweet [Music] see a blue thing already well that's one so these big rock pillars here some of them have like Amber around the the base of them just kind of like Grows Right In The Rock You got to like chip it out where the one yeah it's right over here this one here I know had Amber in it yeah this is the Amber here this like weird orange Webby looking stuff I know we're going need more of this oh did it lag a little bit while I was in the map sorry it's hold on a second let me turn off the uh replay buffer that seems to help there we go you big old in yeah coagulation of Hamber this whole thing's like Amber all through the inside of it Hollow the whole thing out no gravity here no not exactly I mean there gravity affects the player and it affects your your bow shots and stuff but uh it doesn't affect physical things so you can Shields the all the way through here and just leave it hanging in midair just like in Minecraft there's a good chunk of Amber in here holy getting a bunch of stone too which I don't necessarily need but wait so you need bronze 20 tin ore for one tin bar you need three tin and S copper big oh my goodness that's a lot of tin I haven't even come across tin yet super looking forward to that Grind All Right 58 this that's a good start um I hold on with the stone for now but I'll probably wind up getting rid of it actually free up room in my inventory uh I also need some more of the um some more of the shrooms I get that void juice shroud liquid whatever all them shroud liquids tumach with onee membership renewal thanks tumach appreciate it you know I'm going to get some more shroud sacks since last time I didn't get enough of them we get extras I swear at some point when I was playing I came across corn and I don't remember where I found it but now I want it there's like a spot of Amber like right there we need to consider getting out of here oh don't do that this an arrow all Now where's the roadway out of here am I showing the Amber spot on the map yeah sure uh just one second let me get back over here I can find out where it was now well so I have this one marked down here that's where I dug out that big chunk of it so it's pretty much almost straight east of the uh the ancient Spire down in the uh the Shroud uh there was another spot on the ground over here I found somewhere a little turned around in the fog now I'm not I'm not sure where exactly this why you don't go wandering around in snowstorms people more intense fog think cor was at a homestead yeah probably May would make sense uh we're down to 2 and a half minutes here I got to get out of the Shroud I guess we'll go down this way evil stinky flower I'm hitting like branches or something in front of it don't die that weird ah inside the tree oh crap I thought there was a way out right here uh might need to double back I know there's a slope here that will get me up out of the Shroud I just I thought I was down this way did Johnny get the corn it's like leave now all right we're free what's this need to go really dark out here man yeah we can teleport home with this stuff let's get that upgraded glider that's travel for the win could got the tree down and got the Shroud wood I guess I just didn't want to spend the time doing it not that I couldn't have got it I just didn't didn't want to spend the time uh okay gliders shoud wood linen string sh round sacks boom speed has completed a graceful flight oh yeah so 100% range it goes to 150% range 15 speed same stamina per second though it's an improvement though I'll take it this I guess we can just delete so you never really lose your equipment bring this fast travel West flight blah blah where is that now sorry the map's going to be a little chunky here when I go in here um springlands fast travel oh right here and then West oh yeah the farm that's right here you're right the Harvest Homestead is right thereit hit that up in the morning I guess away some of this stuff it's going to be so much fun which the uh the better flying you mean okay there was uh who would go to the cooking pot am I I might be confusing I can't remember can't tell I'm confusing something with power roll that I was playing last night or there was actually something I needed to craft here I think somebody wanted a cooking pot was it you uh oh yes so she wants the kettle and I think I have a quest for that take care stay kind fireplace for the farmer yes we have to go to uh in Pike me's reach get our Kettle back all right let's go get we'll get corn first oh and I'll plant the uh the fla out here we needed to start growing batter cheese balls those things are growing nicely all right I'm not fly enough to make these like perfect but we'll try to space them at least reasonably reasonably well quite light up but whatever it's fine don't need more dirt over here two left and I ran out of the dirt there we go with super chat I can't type messages in chat really that's weird uh I mean there shouldn't be anything stopping you I wouldn't think oh how do we how many do we get here one twig one twig and two plant fiber off of these that's weird why did that one grow faster than the other ones huh how random s got me six Twigs I'm going have to plant a crazy number of those things for that to be really worthwhile Lord man you snapping good planing no I'm a heathen I don't snap nothing you have been messing up YouTube's always messing up in some way or another I got the rest of my sticks sure I got sticks here somewhere right stick we got 26 should be enough to make some more arrows I think not her over here not there come on that's better if it bleeds we can count he 16 dried fur what else did I need for that bag need backpack oh the six linen right have you be got to East all your veggies for better Buffs East them all I don't know how do we East what hope only just started planting stuff so I I have very little here right now I got to go find some more uh we have chamomile and flax growing i' I've been uh planting some of these shrub things to try to get sticks to see how many I can produce under that um we need to go find some more so we're going to go hit the homestead B TR over to he use snapping farming makes placement uh blah blah no that's handy do all the things all the things at once I got to go west down to there that's where we're headed I've been here before that's probably where I saw the corn before actually oh we get so much more Forward Motion 50% more actually wow we can really go places now with a glider that's cool so much better those drives straight to the ground no problem what are we got here Tomatoes we've got Tomatoes This is just plant fiber as long as we're here we might as well get the shrooms too I guess I don't know what I need them for but I know I can make a mushroom soup oh no you don't back off wolf get your own mushrooms little jerk oh hey wait out the garden too good thing I had already emptied it cuse with Super Chat cult lamb has 2 DLC and a major update out give them a look sometime possibly I don't know there's so much coming out right now February is going to be a really busy month for games uh for anybody who likes survival games in particular so obviously we're still playing in shrouded uh Power is obviously still out there in the world but then we also have um uh nighting Gale coming out Pacific Drive is coming out uh winter survival is coming out the uh the 1.0 update for um sons of the forest will be out oh jeez Wolf the 1.0 update for um oh crap what's that other one with the little miniature people oh man my brain won't work anyway another Survival game it's coming out also uh and I just heard that there was an update coming up for something on also on February 22nd like three things in on February 22nd crazy not a lot of corn to be hand here but we got some small land yeah thank you small land is coming up with 1.0 and then there was something else that had a big update coming out it's busy month good start to the year just a busy month that's all not sure where to find time to play everything I want to do any allw type games uh no and the next time there's another allw game that comes out I won't play it on the channel I might still play it for myself but so I after I streamed it um a few times it wasn't really doing very well so I decided I was just going to finish the game out like record it and upload it uh and so I'm still working on that but like the last upload of that got something like 400 views which is just like dramatically lower than anything I ever do so it's not not terribly worth my time definitely need to take the month of February off yeah pretty much only I could our company used to have a sabatical process where like every 5 years you would get a one month paid sabatical or four weeks basically on top of the uh the paid time off you would get so like after you'd gotten a little bit of tenure you'd have like five weeks of paid time off for the year and then every fifth year you'd get four weeks together of a of a sabatical off awesome benefit eventually they decided it was just too expensive and they they got rid of it I got to take advantage of it I think twice before they got rid of it and then the third time they were phasing it out so I got instead of like the regular four weeks I got like an extra 3 days or something that's just the the point of the cycle I was in oh my God this glider's got so much more Forward Motion it's great it's not even the top end glider give me give me the corn give me the corn why can't I harvest this one have to get me man can I chop it can't chop it there we go you just got to get enough down close enough to the route I guess all right what else have we got here that's growing Hy am using my static to play video games that's that would lead quickly to divorce my wife is uh you know supportive of the whole YouTube thing because it helps to provide for the family but uh I'm pretty sure she would not be okay with that I had to guess a you jerk evil wolves apparently your phone blows oh at least it's not a YouTube problem because it was a YouTube Problem it would be harder for you to resolve it I thought this Farm was the one that we had found a message something about something something buried in one of the fields too I don't know where [Music] though I got to get some food that last longer these ones are just terrible I guess I could also get spend some points on the buff that makes your food last longer too I guess you've stubbled into a corn video Yeah welcome to what is it is it Iowa that has a lot of corn welcome to Iowa or Nebraska or whatever it is one of those places Le there AR children in the corn yeah if you if anybody spots any little blonde kids let me know I'm like to avoid those if possible I don't remember there was a chest up here yeah there was fair bit of gor grown over here in Manitoba too there is yeah lots of potatoes also for the McCain company couple more little things PE where's my torch smoked in midair suck it bees love how some of the hives fall to the ground and other ones just like stay hanging in the air Nebraska is the core all right I know Idaho is the potatoes all right we cleared this Farm out or did we what's over here yeah no okay this Farm's clean like you don't have to deal with bees on Icarus this last week we had to had to use ballistic arrows to kill them oh my goodness it's crazy I did see there was an update with they haded bees and like uh bee tending and honey collecting in that kind of junk haven't tried it yet though is there any Farm stuff down here in the Shroud oh that a book church was destroyed curses last night's wind made a mess out of our church or whatever was left of it every was right should have reinforced the roof of some of those uh building blocks you relishing that too I must patch the holes but I can't recall where I last placed the blocks thought I saw them near the church but I can't find them anywhere do my eyes grow tired of age uh tired of age after all a weird little Nook in here with some books in it is the church down here in the Shroud or is it up above that they're referring to hey buddy oh there is a wreck Church down here I got on top of this pile there we go I found the [Applause] basement think this place is seen better days oh oh monkey the intense stuff hanging out in the basement here I know it does a lot of corn too mostly for seed oh yeah just to see a lot of people growing cow corn out west oh could have got up the easy way clim there Get [Music] Wrecked whoa out of nowhere you know considering when I bought that jump attack I was like I'm not going to use this all that often I've used that jump attack a lot a basement there L rooms in this basement holy cow a church with an Executioner's a I'm concerned so useful maneuver all right yeah it gets out of the way of a lot of stuff too which is [Applause] nice that was not what I meant to do found those blocks he was referring to yeah we're running low on time here we'll have to uh go this way we'll get out of the out of the Shroud recharge I can't get through there [Music] still none of the blocks that message was referring to [Applause] it's also good for AOE attacks I guess ah yes the blocks yeah there's some kind of building block that the note referenced and I don't know know where it is I sort of thought it would be down here in the Shroud but maybe it's not maybe it's up top hard to tell with all this fog I might have already gotten them too I don't know is this the church with the uh Northwest of the starting area uh it is yeah got to go up to the steeple you say this is the church this is the steeple open the door doors and here are the people how do we get up there there a [Music] staircase again I could have taken the easy route you totally just did that what climbing up the outside of the building or the or the church steeple thing there we go Stone shingle roof blocks think I already had those oh well okay that's it for this Farm area anyway take this home and plant my corn farmer cryptic on the case like how you can m in any direction of the game not just straight down yeah it's great like everything in the game is pretty much destructible as long as you got something that's capable of doing it uh we need to make waiting for materials what's it oh okay um corn seedlings we need corn cobs and water going e a lot of corn it'll give 20 each so that's like 100 corn right there that's not bad let's uh put some stuff away oh I got Tomatoes oh I got to make tomato plants too I should make another one of those uh garden seed bed things cuz we don't have enough some that some's this building blocks I've been stock them all up in here but I'm running out of room I got fur in here too for some reason I don't know why that thing also shrooms can go in there [Music] guess once I get the cooking pot I I'll have to keep the stuff at a different chest uh sword can come out of there arrows I guess this is my food chest now whatever okay Colonel Fox the stalker the stalker the slacker does game have animal animal husbandry no no just uh it has farming for plants but um there's no animal husbandry that I'm aware of now that I've seen anyway I got more shrooms here too so many shrooms I need a bigger chest to store food in my God okay somewhere there was the recipe for the corn um shoot don't remember where I saw it but I know I saw a recipe for making like popcorn go get them let make some more bone meal we can uh get a second one of those seed beds going never mind I got lots of bone meal already made there we go I of think I should put it outside we'll put the uh the seat beds over here there we go only one SE by what is this hardcore no I just hav't got around to building a second one need more stuff I don't know what else I need to grow plus three health regen for that where on Earth did I see that popcorn [Music] stuff this the farmer Farmer has it oh yeah there it is energy duhh corn cobs and honey well for some reason it I have corn cobs in storage but oh they're under the back soon CRA they're not in a crafting box all right popcorn it is okay so uh this will give me plus seven stamina recharge uh it only lasts 5 minutes which is not exactly awesome that's as compares to the honey which gives plus 15 stamina for 3 minutes huh okay that's way worse than the honey crap I was all excited to make the popcorn and it's not even better than the honey what's up with that I me came whe te health regen and endurance anytime well now I'm disappointed I was I was really excited to make popcorn man oh uh yeah this fireplace I got to get the other Kettle for before I can make now I'm disappointed I got all that corn for nothing gu plus one strength I we sure we'll get to farm it and all but not what I thought it would be flager and false advertising see tomato seedlings also water it's amazing how everything requires water it's almost like their plants or something get those going maybe you get more serving of popcorn per cook uh I'll double check I don't know what are he's [Music] doing they have different stages of growth if I leave these will they get bigger so I can get more Twigs out of them because one at a time is not really great yeah no rain to help either yeah so with the popcorn we get uh we get five for one honey so I guess like the net benefit overall is bigger but I don't know feel like just using the honey directly is going to be better cuz you get a higher boost off of it my fla in here I guess oh I should see if I have enough to make my boots now what do we need for them boots Venture set boots six linen break a legal break a leg or several uh shout cord had enough for two that gives me enough to upgrade this thing upgrade alter bam 120 by 120 now where does that put the line out here oh hope if I had the hammer out I didn't notice the hammer glows that's cool all right so there's our new barrier gives me significantly more room for farming we got all kinds of room for activities want twig go m a wolf dance oh I know I know uh but I figured if I could have a whole bunch of them just sitting here at home that I would just like walk along and pick up I figured that would be handy um but like at one twig per Bush it's not really uh as helpful as I thought I might be now that this is inside the range of my stuff I can just dismantle these things but they won't respawn get dismantled buddy plan 100 at Exit uh once you'll be okay yeah just uh yeah I got to PL a bunch my Tre is nice and big man that's started really small I PL of this thing as a Little Seedling it's huge now okay more sleeps isn't it one way to make 10 SE seedlings uh it's like a to fiber to make 10 seedlings so you're effectively converting seedlings into twig or um fiber into Twigs rather there might be other options I don't know what go got here so I made the uh the shrub seed Ling that's the one that gives the twigs now you got five shrubs out of like two um no one plant fiber so one plant fiber per five shrubs and you get fiber out of it seems to get more fiber than sticks I was like if I can just run along and do this and then have a whole bunch of Twigs to craft with and that'd be [Applause] great I got me 18 and 55 okay we got that I can make some boots [Music] now yeah baby don't waste your breath don't waste your breath all right so five additional armor an additional health regen and they fit better with my pants it's probably the more important factor there wait some of those were three fiber yeah I think I have a skill probably should look at my skills I look those in a bit um no I don't have it actually and that's only for mining I thought I had a skill that get me like occasionally gave me more of something when I was gathering but I guess not uh I have two points I can spend um I was doing the Assassin tree stuff over here but I'm kind of not really I'm not feeling it I want the updraft obviously but I kind of based on the way that I've been fighting I feel like I should probably going like something like over the warrior side cuz I keep going sword and board um your Parry bashes your enemy for 20 blunt damage I mean that would be handy gain 30 stamina over you par an enemy is attack I mean like there's some good stuff over here in the athlete we got under Warrior lady to attack fast with one-handed swords and axes that' be good increases your Constitution actually B by one Health points by 50 per attribute point when attacking with a melee weapon all damage inreased by 10% meat now increases Health by an additional 15% defeating a shroud infested foe with a melee weapon you replenish plus 5 Seconds of shroud time increase your strength all melee blunt damages increased by additional 10 slasher for 10 thrust for 10 attack with a melee weapon your critical hit chance increase by 10% I mean there's some good stuff down there what about the tank things equipped with a melee weapon you can perform an evade attack with uh which dashes towards the enemy and Deals more weapon damage with left Mouse button L regains 10% more armor Constitution those are both Constitution heavy plates Z maximum amount of physical damage your armor is able to mitigate is increased by 10% there are three more enemies within 20 MERS you suffer 15% less magical damage three more enemies see 10% less physical whenever an ally draws the attention of an enemy you draw anal I don't need that all damage against players within 10 meters by 10% that's for like other players multiplayer and stuff healer tree is overpowered is it where's the Healer tree East Master Ranger oh he's got to be down here here it is what do we got intelligence uh again I haven't really been doing magic too much blank is a good one replaces uh Dodge roll ability with a short range teleport Health gains from healing spells will be increased by 10% when killing an enemy with a magic weapon you have a 10% chance to summon a friendly fire wisp huh that's fun Health gain from healing spells be increased water Aura all players within 15 me generate one Health Point per second for every point of your intelligence like again this stuff seems like it's probably most helpful when you've got multiplayer killed by an enemy all is within 15 met 15 me gain 30% of their Max Health God I don't know where to spend points the tree's got too many cool things on it endurance Runner where to spend where to spend um Eagle ey greatly increase the zoom while aiming with a bow plus 50% damage to ranged enemies all range damage is increased by an additional 20% wow all Dage with all damage de with range weapons increased by 10% I've been using the bow a lot but doesn't include yourself in the aura not sure whether it does or not Joseph it might I haven't tried it so I just don't know I don't know what to pick I'm a little I'm a little torn I'm a little torn heavy-handed en stun bars increased by an additional 20% when attacking into their block with a melee weapon uh oh boy merciless attack perform a merciless attack by pressing e to deal massive damage to an enemy you've overpowered oh that's after they're staggered if it does it means you'll have regen yeah this is true um but you have to get like way down in the tree to be able to use that right all players within 15 M regenerate one point of Health per second intelligence I wish it would tell you if it included you does anyone does anyone use this yet don't jack all trade yeah that's the trouble with spending your spreading your points around you don't get deep enough into the trees right so I mean I knew I was going to get double jump anyway I've been using the jump attack a lot so I feel like that was a good that was a good grab um I definitely wanted the updraft so I don't have any issue with going up there to get that one um the base duration of the buff is good for everybody so that was fine to [Music] grab don't care about Reviving people o maybe I'll go down the warrior tree that'll give me access to more shroud time or if I go this way I can Branch into the I don't know God I'm so I'm so indecisive there too many choices uh i' probably end up with a battle mage just you know that every time I play Elder Scrolls games for example yeah the Mages are really powerful in this um I mean you can also we can also resp later if I decide to so I think maybe rather than agonizing over this I think I'll just pick some stuff we go Constitution uh I don't have access to anything anything else right now cuz it's I don't have the points for it I can put another Constitution point in give me more Health increase your intelligence attribute by one magic all right hold on to the other point for now whatever God I can spend forever just like agonizing over my choice in there okay we already to the farmy thing uh oh actually the corn should be ready some of it anyway yeah there we go let's go plant some corn baby oh do I have Farm dirt on me no I don't got my ho going with survival Ranger build love bows extra food slot shroud time sounds good to me yeah there's lots of good options I I kind of like the uh the variety that you can go with plant corn out here instead of the uh strawberry things oh wait uh snapping there we go all right that's a little easier I guess I suppose I mean if you want your rows to be straight or something like I don't know there we go I made a crooked row I ran out already jeez go through that so fast man well the exra 5 minutes of time yeah that would be good I don't know I might end up respecing later I I use the bow a lot only problem is you just like burn through so many arrows spend all your time crafting sticks okay what about tomatoes are the tomatoes ready nope all right let's go adventuring El what other Quest areas can I knock out actually seed of Suspicion what was that about that his way point go up here let's see what that seed of Suspicion is how dare you plan organized Le it's so against my nature normally I just like throw them in the ground but people were complaining I didn't have the snap on so you know got to give the people what they want sometimes seed of Suspicion oh the Glide time is so much better throwing some spuds for your aim I haven't found potatoes yet actually I don't know if there are any in the game or not oh there it is just hiding in the ground here oh it's a roll wow okay Miss for oh it's only level three well should have got that a lot earlier I guess oh well another one knocked out uh where should we go next I don't even know what that is this is flashing over here this flame sanc okay hold on where's my journal let's go get the fireplace thing for the farmer uh show that on the map okay that's what we want set as Waypoint go back up top here we'll fly most of the way people also want benti I'm sorry we can't get to people that turns out they revoked all purchases of benati from the steam store so uh anyone who did want to play it just can't anymore and it's uh it's a very tragic and unfortunate thing but um sometimes you know you just got to deal with deal with what you got it's very sad very very sad there's another Elixir well over there too okay wow good flight time now I am not going to get even a fraction of the way there I thought I could fly a lot of the way there but that's that's not happening keep ey that stamina too look look at the clay over there we've been in trout toied you and Sergeant Kelvin uh should play This Together he's playing right now as we speak I don't know who Sergeant Kelvin is I don't think I've seen his channel don't hit a tree George George George of the Jungle strong as he can be watch out for that tree all right we got out of there sort of might as well get this Elixir while we're on our way here I love how you can ground skim like that adds a whole lot of extra range on I presume there will be enemies here gives me the option to sleep in the bed that's like in the dirt not on the dirt but like literally in the dirt what we got after me the flood by the Ancients during last week's rainstorm my own eyes gazed upon a sight most mystifying hooded fig ow out [Applause] me oh I broke the okay now I can't even read what it said H and figure something there we go H figure the road uh to glenwoods end with the look of a spectre they float above the ground or has my memory betrayed me sure they probably put another point of interest on the map our shr ow you little jerk I need that guy shooting at me he's so rude this mace is pretty cool but I'd like to get a a good sword again just need to be something that's better than what I'm currently wielding assume somewhere here there'll be a staircase going down killed all these guys here we go found it oh that hurt just may a little pay a little attention to that do not step with the red stuff yeah it's funny how how like how consistently red stuff in games is bad the general rule just never stand in the red also don't shoot the red things cuz they'll usually explode wored I was going to attack and like slip off the side of the stairs [Music] here we go Mr Oldman the 6mon uh membership renewal oh and upgraded to uh mistakes are made tier too no less thanks Mr old man appreciate the support thank you for being a member of the channel uh I don't know what blew up there but I think it might have been an Archer throwing a thing at me oh also Super Chat from Christian uh if you had to pick one in shrouded or po World um personally I think I would probably pick in shrouded ow that was that flower uh not because I don't like Po World cuz I do I had a lot of been having a lot of fun with with it uh but there's just something I like about this game slightly better I think that's just my take I mean I have like I said I've been having fun with power world but um I don't know this this kind of game is a little bit more up my typical uh gameplaying alley oh got me got some I'm already down to 3 minutes of the Shroud uh uh that's less than ideal it's over there I wonder anything over there oh jeez oh no okay I got to I got to go out and reset my shroud funny I jumped right over top of that one shot accidentally so trade for red Barrel is uh bad if they made it green yeah oh oh no a no that's really inconvenient um crap I still got 2 minutes it's not get we're reading chat while I'm trying to run up a staircase for the record that's a bad idea what's the timer for so in this game when you go into this fog it's called the Shroud uh and you have a limited amount of time you can be in here before the Shroud will just flat out kill you so as you as you level up your uh your flame alter at your home base it increases the amount of time you can spend in the Shroud but you've got to always be aware of how long how long you have on your timer think I'm going to pop one of these things so we can get some bonus time in here okay let's go back and reset epic smartness right there it's going to drop in here I think oh that was the wrong button all right we're fine there we go L mentioned spores so maybe yeah I mean it is seem to be like all mushroom based kind of thing they so I think the idea with this they were they're trying to make something to solve a problem I know that's super vague I don't remember what it was though and it resulted in them releasing the Spore um kind of like polluted everything made everything turn bad we're going down that way over here oh all where's that oh God almost rolled off the side dare say that might have been bad ow uh some quick healing in I'm forgetting to like replenish my Buffs I come from he wasn't there before already killed the guy [Applause] bugs loot so probably should be going after the boss first and doing all this looting stuff after huh who's his daddy and what does he do I don't need fiber so I can't craft any bandages oh good there's multiple bosses cuz one wasn't enough oh god oh he got me midair popping berries I don't have any bombs on me either didn't look terribly effective oh God uh eight ow be out of here maybe I should have put points into the bow stuff I could use some stamina right by now ow oh oh no oh God crap go go [Applause] go I got to pull back for a second here I don't think they can climb ladders we can just cheese it oh God they can't climb ladders or did he just no maybe he just jumped I think he jumped cheesy yes yes it [Applause] is where' the other one go oh jeez I almost killed myself dropping down o Wilwood short all right um six get some healing men back in oh hey friend oh boy he reset oh he's a little borked isn't he oh oh crap go for arrows listen can we talk about this or something too bad solo it's in paars they're not really fun to play with what that Archer helmet all right go see if we can get this thing chopped out before I die I did not mean to do that yeah wasn't cheese it was strategic thinking thank you you understand that definitely wasn't cheese it was absolutely stragedy using the terrain and stuff to my advantage anyway we didn't die so take the win God these things always look so crazy different after you've been in the Shroud the Shroud goes away it's like being another world oh that's going to be a problem what I got on me I've got some lightning but have I got a I have a staff I put that I've literally never used this before I don't know what the range is or anything oh I'm out of Mana okay clearly I'm not set up for using spells what the heck is that oh God explo you Barrel I don't like this flower thing man up let's good [Applause] boy he sounds upset yeah here buddy doing a very good job of timing that am I a Oh wrong thing a come on eat let's see here friend I use the term friend very Loosely what is this this this got to be a spawn thing right oh oh I wasn't no I a all right we'll spawn at the top it's all right we got the respawn like right there but ah all right figures I live through the big mean guys I let that guy kill me it's like being beat by the backup Squad I still don't have any arrows that's kind of problematic keep thinking there might be something on that little Bridge thing over there but I don't think there is beaten by the potato mobs that's right they've out potatoed me they went o grotten I fig that's got to be a mom spawner always beat him easy on the second time [Applause] oh jeez that was crazy oh that's why oh God run oh man without uh without ranged attacks those uh uh Banshee guys are going to be a problem I can't do enough damage with the magic cuz I I don't have any uh I need buildup for that like craft arrows I don't even have Twigs to craft Arrows with dang it whoa almost flipped through the world there that would have been bad that's uh the Shroud recovery we don't need that obviously cuz there's no real shroud here oh we're back at the beginning with two of them there there's got to be something worth getting back there right there's nothing back here let's find out oh my God oh okay that that didn't work so [Music] good that would be funny if I'm trying to kill myself to get to something over there and there's like nothing there I can't even make bandages what's up with this Max segma damage armor helmet Archer helmet monkey looking feel like they don't want you to be there exactly which is why I want to go look there P look pretty amazing the rest uh the comment L oops oh yeah it's nice the um so unlike uh a game like valheim where it's um it's all Dynamic generated this one's like a crafted world right there's not even a chance back here literally literally pointless killing myself trying to get in there there's nothing there wasn't much in here chest wise got that chest there already something in there I saw it I don't know Joseph I feel like you're pointing me back there to get me killed like no no totally swear oh sorry I was wrong [Music] wand's the best way to hit bats well that's cuz the wand like um the shot seeks out the enemy [Music] right not pointless you're agroing everything that ignored you before yeah yeah [Laughter] exactly I should probably keep a wand on me as a backup for when I run out of arrows cuz they do seem those seem to happen with some [Music] regularity oh why would they put the secret little room in here and then have nothing in it feel cheated okay we got a we got a soldier on we're heading over here looks like if I walk out here I'm able to fly a little bit but it's night time so now I can't see what I'm getting myself into we'll go on land might find something else can Harvest dark out here how to get more arrows I have to craft some but I'm going to have to craft them back oh there's lots of plants down here uh I need to craft them back home but if I do that actually have I got any stone on me I was thinking I I couldn't put down a um a flame alter because I already used them all up but I think I actually recovered a couple so that I just specifically so that I could double check there we go seems I can let's go home and swap out stuff we can reset our buff too which would be nice [Music] lag you should keep W just for the simple fact that you're playing a fantasy game why stick with real world rry yeah I mean they don't shoot all that fast I found but they are certainly useful uh okay level 32 power I've got staff in here that's level 3 32 same thing so that I can salvage might know a lot of the arch helmet in case I decide I want to use it later probably not going to but you never [Music] know stick it in there I'm getting get crazy number of these potions put those away cuz I want the copper arrows uh okay so what about this bow level 15 level 18 17 to 27 yeah I'm not going to get this thing up high high enough even with four upgrades to challenge 27 power I don't think anyway well I up I upgraded this one three times right so I guess it must have a level 15 bow also I'll keep the [ __ ] bow maybe it's kind of mcis I'm so indecisive let's check it out let's get it done tall tals you know I grew up in the capital they used to tell stories stories I shared with my daughter as well sometimes at night there's faint lights glowing beneath the waves a sign of Queen Pik me's gracious rule my daughter said she saw them once children's taale I thought but who knows stranger things have happened in Ember Vil H yeah there's just like a never ending stream of like point points of interest they're adding on uh enhance equipment Wildwood boat I got to actually carry the things on me I forgot we'll try it I have a feeling it's going to come out to like the same power level or something similar but even if it's slightly better it's still slightly better come on nope it's definitely not even going to get close wow wonder why the [ __ ] bow is so strong 27 power I got to go with the raw power it's just better got back a bunch of the things I put in at least uh all right I want to make uh bandages cuz I've been running around without them which is really foolish what about some healing potions even the minor ones would be all right purple berries I haven't got many of right now got grabb some purple berries we can make some health potions or these ones here uh also require purple berries well how about that go SN and berries there's got to be some growing out here magic damage better for certain bodes yeah there's some spells that are like super powerful there's like this spell I think that people are talking about called acid bite which uh just destroys stuff particularly bosses so I've kind of been going sword and board cuz I enjoy the uh enjoy the melee combat but it seems like focusing on Magic would be uh a good option cuz it's just really powerful in terms of like raw damage output anyway I think you tend to be a little bit more Fragile the way it usually is with spellcasters plus with the staves you get you're consuming both um stamina and uh uh stamina and spell charges when you're you're not stamina um mana and spell charges rather got to keep both around that's right I end with battle mage nearly every time yeah you got like your your melee skills and stuff but then just like powered up on magic or you like just FOC focused on a ton of magic yeah the flax is ready I need to let it sit there for the [Music] moment I probably should Harvest and replant but I want to go back out and try and get that [Music] uh um the cooking pot thing for the farmer [Music] I think I actually had berries in here uh two of them it's not many but okay so with that I can make a couple potions it's only three but it's better than zero flax makes what linen yeah so over here on the uh what is this thing the hand spindle you take the flax and turn it into linen might have other uses later on too I don't know but um definitely useful for linen now uh here T to build a standard Mage it somehow ends up Rogue or like a warrior oh yeah mostly depends on the game and how I'm feeling at the time yeah I it's good flexibility to be able to alternate between the two oh I didn't make arrows cuz I'm stupid to busy chatting too busy chatting and not crafting God hope they have enough copper left to make some more they in Turtle charges for the staff oh yes but those are like late game stuff M late game I don't know either way it's beyond what I can do now tell me I can make arrows 50 50 is not enough need more Twigs dang it this is why I planted Twigs I only need a few though so I'm not going to go try and like hunt down a den we'll just SC scavenge a few around here and then we'll go I might need to hit a den soon be Jedi yeah look get the force push come on there we go can make poison arrows too I guess poison arrows do oh the same amount of damage but they also have poison I should be making those why am I making regular ones you are so dumb oh well next time I make arrows I'm going to make all the the poison ones cuz clearly clearly those are the way to go everything else is like the same cost check the blink skill yep I don't have it but uh I seen it it's cool pick up the flax and make new seedlings I should you're right get to the Copper oh speaking of copper there's some right here that's funny okay I'm going to turn this one off so I can take it with me well not take it with me but like set up another one later I mean uh I need to go that way oh I should get some stamina of stuff underway here oh Ian just ran out of water it's problematic it did not carry me very far back off I would like to find a more powerful bow okay I got to get up out of the uh Ravine I in it's probably another advantage of being a mage is you got more Mana to use for that updraft ability well is really trial behind melee weapons for the most part yeah they're just useful in certain situations where you don't want to close into melee range and they definitely trail behind spells it takes six arrows to take one of these things down now granted I'm not spec into bows but Point remains I guess going on here battle [Music] trenches come on sliding all over the place that's weird a little defensive position or something all right there's an arrow flying there Pike Ms reach that's a spawn point in case we die anybody home he's just hanging [Applause] around this guy too some of this some of this area is shrouded and some's [Music] not ah found the opening bucking for dumping Hot Tar on people that's funless you're on the receiving end new location charted Huer Square [Music] place is pretty empty man oh okay oh God dang I guess this is where the poison arrows would have been handy Neil with the Super Chat thanks for getting me addicted to this game you're welcome Neil anytime I can help you waste your money you let me know good game though um sorry guys what oh oh God I'm going to die woo get me out of here that didn't work um like to heal please thank you oh God we talk about [Music] this get out of there I need some stamas please that'd be great not Dy those guys aren't very friendly where his [Applause] feet yeah the B guys get dead where's those other jerks jump attack jump attack a I was TR busy trying to like escape and not get hit they can hit me while I'm jump attacking so I was like oh the battle music started again did they see me already oh he did oh God chees it God dang oh man okay the big guy's okay by himself it's just what I'm trying to fight other guys at the same time it's kind of a problem hey buddy what you doing oh you stuck he's like yeah I am I'm going to unstuck him doing this he I'll help you poor guy oh that's his bar that's probably what it is the mer Merchant say cheese it probably is effective but it's really not doing a lot of damage oh look he died that took a lot of arrows though again the poison arrows would have been way better all right let's get this uh route out of here right to the route of the problem direct your uh fog stuff buddy what we got here Invaders have taken the square the foot soldiers must be marching to the harbor encroaching on the gate no doubt blessed to have made it to my hidden attic on time can't see from here but I hear them their lord the guard of the north is chanting something dark and tainted Sky outside moves no it's the clouds a misty veil with strips colored blue light what on Earth peing now I see it the cobblestones rip open like foul flesh he's removing his gloves by the ancient his hands they look Frozen and dead like preserved rotten meat is he raising something from below I can't see lean a little further oh look I think he fell out from up there he's like I got to lean out just a little bit farther guard of the north gloves minus one men uh sorry minus one Max time in the Shroud but magic damage range damage and melee damage wearing these gloves in the northern Lord carve those way through the shrouded valleys of Ember Vil cars be put into people and soil could be traced from cold Heights Bleak mountains to today's ruins of Pike me reach I want to go up and see what that guy had in his attic up there oh going that way it's a cool looking set the location charted do wish you could pick up the uh okay looks like there's a pathway through there uh I kind of wish you could pick up the barrels and move them around sometimes get old boom barrels I should actually blow them up just to see what they expose like nothing it's a shroud route again but I already got rid of that thing all right there's no easy opening to The Attic I guess I'm going to have to uh get to it from the outside [Applause] somehow nothing man all that effort chasing down the story only to find out that there's nothing there anyway but that's is where the guy was lean out his window too far and paid the price smack the barrel with your base listen I don't want to die like instantly even if it would be [Music] entertaining surprisingly little loot in this place even in these like upper levels why is there a save point right here you want die your Flame born I might be Flame born but I'm not explo explosion born [Music] Truth or Dare cloudy I dare you to join me for a little Mischief we're meeting at skimmer's Cove tonight with June and Ricky June wants to steal her father's Lantern so we can travel there at nightfall I know how to get past the guards since last summer so no worries Ricky says he's going to yell real allowed to rock the cove and lure out the lizard creatures I think he won't dare though he's a chicken crawl out your window at midnight if you dare to join I left some lanterns over for you we got snacks too or tell Ricky you like him you won't cuz you're his chicken as well right again Courtyard [Music] bad this Courtyard a chest down there ow that hurt oh crap I forgot I was out of water uh what was that oh what [Applause] this oops that was a weird roll hey more flax not that I don't already have a bunch planted prow raid hey prow thanks for the raid welcome anyone who might be joining from prow stream oh what's [Music] here St on the back swing but not the front swing oh secret basement and there's still no loot oh sub basement oh you little jerk oh didn't even kill him feel those barrels should be a little more powerful [Music] oops there we go a hatchet hardly seems worth it found the children yeah thanks for the raid pal appreciate it eluded some water did I uh one water anyway and water is better than no water I guess couldn't tell there's anything back there was just [Music] [Music] wall [Applause] some other basement that was the save point I already had right I'm so turned around right now there you can make with with cile besides tea uh it's part of the healing potions actually uh it's useful for the uh that larger potion I have in spot number eight on my hot bar I'm like thoroughly turned around I don't know where I've been and where I haven't been now lot of redness down there I got to get up there still uh there is a flang flame sanctum here somewhere too right a head there oops that's it right there victory flame sank him nothing is sacred three arrows inside Casper's ribs and marcus' spine is surely splintered carried him to safety fire raining down on us we've suered the command Cyrus We Su the commander Cyrus at nightfall when the fell crept in alas we're blessed beyond all while veiled in Holy Light the fell won't come near perhaps our refuge is the final result of Emily Fry's blessing I pray their southern Caravan route is less perilous than ours I set down the pen Casper cries he needs soothing Raul boom got the kettle score and a couple Sparks okay we've got another one of those things oh jeez we found an enemy a dang okay arer toast he just help us they broke through soldiers of the northern guard they ravaged it all the brittle walls were torn apart the gate was lowered they locked us out can I run rats in a cage their fists Clash against the iron I lower my hands fold my palms and pray dear ancients please anyone open the gates this feels like a trap oh god oh oh that hurt oh it was a trap really wish I had explosives right now oh oh God excuse me com through okay yeah I already got the the uh the flame out of the flame sanctum there they're probably going have taken cover in the flame sanctum they might not have come in but oh boy oh boy jeez these guys are mean oh God okay I think we got them all good Lord that was just the tease you need stronger weapons yeah I kind of do I would like to find some more this thing is uh it's been fun to play with but it's it's not exactly cutting it all right thought that might have opened something interesting but not so much go through that door that open and see what's in here night wind bow that is better than what I have what time I found an upgrade [Applause] weird little pocket in here there another one of those Flames we can collect here little frame flame Shrine G it is so easy to get turned around in this game all little winding buildings and stuff fog filed streets awful that's the what's the courtyard look where that port colis gate is open right [Music] there is that guys are different they're all glowy h there's hiding from my bow and I'm out of Comer arrows no more arrowes almost got me by surprise this must be Crips here or something cuz they've all got staircases going down yeah that's fun oh hey friend we returned to Earth today never thought I'd see a war nay a live invasion in the last of my tired days I buried so many I confess this comforts me guiding people in their final voyage so many last goodbyes today M comes mine the nor armies past the gates we can't seek resp spite in the castle corander locked all doors lowered all Gates I'll not stop The Horde or it will not stop The Horde rather they'll find their way ancients preserv us the Shroud is seeping inside something drips from above if anyone finds this if anyone's left I want to be buried next to my wife and son under the old oak The Headstone blank they have nothing left to say oo guard of the north chest plates that goes with those gauntlets that I got again it's got this reduction in Shroud time though that's kind of troublesome does look those look pretty cool [Music] though uh I'm going to get rid of that CU I've only got one wizard boots we got all kinds of armor in here ah I'm running out of food um I'm going to drop the cam meile cuz we got that growing at home berries down here I guess Imperial Garden oh man everything's so different than late of [Music] day okay already in there I got salt out of that guy I think I'd be concerned about using salt I got out of a dead body Rand was trying to tell me something inventory is so full surely you'd want to stop home and get some arrows a TR the armor set probably should probably get out of the fog so we can fast travel back um I need to be able to put down a uh another flame alter got to get stone what have we here I don't like those bugs [Music] stupid bugs the catacombs I'm Restless the night groans from Behind the Walls strain my ears are rattle grinding and dull the whimper from a dry throat as the Kindle was Sands a throat dries as the Kindle was Sands a hollow knock on my skull attached to my spine and shaking my core with every vibration cannot bear it I brought Timber and Nails whatever it is it will not enter unless it has an axe [Music] [Music] I'm up above now uh can I mine these things for stone or do they just give me like nothingness nothing just it is might have to like dig into the dirt and get some Stone maybe there we go now the question is can I actually place this thing down anywhere in here come on there we go not sure if you can build in the capital itself yeah I might not be able to find out not enough free [Music] space so it would seem the answer is no but if I if I uh fast travel out of here then I uh can't get straight back back might have to get out of the capital here and try to place one of these things down but it's got to be like a non shrouded area too this might let me fly out instead of walking uh no you can't fast travel to these you can only set way points for them the only places you can fast travel to are the the um the flame alars you put down or these ancient spires should be able to travel back to the last rested Shrine yeah but if I if I travel home it will classify that as the latest shrine at least that's what I've run into before metal star mace damage 32 and I'm my backpack's full uh I guess we can get rid of the flax I don't need the dirt one wax isn't doing me a lot of good how does that compare to the one I'm using so this one's 30 5 damage this is 32 all right I need a way to get out of here quickly I can fly out but then getting back in is going to be a nuisance I got to fly out someplace where there isn't any shroud I don't remember it being all shroud when we came in here it's also two-handed I think is it I don't know I could check I guess I thought the metal star Maes were all one-handed keep the dirt it's worth a lot in Water World so what direction did I come in here from down here right so there's got to be got be an open area out front there that's uh it's not ined there we go I love the glider in this game man to get top one of those Hills and side it might be useful I have to climb all the way over there though this least got me back home so I can unload and I got our cook pot there we go praise the Ancients you got my Kettle how's Raul oh their time ran out as mine Stood Still so we really are the last how cold let's light a fire in their honor crafting a fireplace with a kettle will warm us right up bless the anent music in this game reminds me a little bit of uh that um crap what was that Spanish one The Conquistadors found of Youth survival found of Youth okay we've got all kinds of stuff here uh this metal star mace is not going to be better than the one I'm using so let's sell that 32 damage Hatchet that 32 power staff that can go uh I've run out of room in here for these where's that bow I found okay so this one is uh 24 power versus 27 it only has one upgrade so it's actually not better dang it yeah wentai for trying let see how that armor Compares okay so the stuff I've got is uh oops naked chested there for a second it's not appropriate on stream upgrade new weapon uh it only had like one upgrade it really wasn't any better um okay so this is 44 and 44 versus 61 and 30 gives more Health Untouched by the flame and veiled and a lingering cold this armor used to belong to Lord Borgo who was rumored to have a frozen heart that splinters and breaks with every tired beat got higher magic resist but I'll hold on to it anyway just cuz it might be cool I hope at some point they have armor stands in this game if they don't already all right let's get my stuff [Music] fixed yeah I need more arrows again it's like a never ending thing uh oh I got to make the copper arrows before I can make the poison arrows a crap I could have made poison arrows before four ah I'm so lame I got to get [Music] Twigs lots of different music Styles it yeah I guess it kind of does doesn't it just realized your character looks like uh price from Call of Duty uh okay is it the chops that's got to be the chops right okay right hold on I got to go get some Twigs I know there's a cave right up here or not a cave but like a Wolf Den be a little cautious the guard of the north AR clearly didn't help the original guard yeah that's a fair uh that's a fair assessment I guess plus he just wasn't wearing oh crap this was within range of my shoot it was in range of my flame alter so it didn't respawn look like I need to move that thing really not helpful this shroud either yeah know the uh the time reduction in the Shroud would be brutal it'd be one thing if the if the armor had like some really strong characteristic that you might be willing to take that negative four not it doesn't really have that higher magic resistor whatever which I guess is all right a little bit higher Health too but don't feel like that's worth it reminds me I actually have eight points to spend holy crap um ah let's go this way Warriors Path when attack with a melee weapon all damage is increased by 10% uh after feeding a shroud infested foe with a melee weapon you replenish plus five shroud time I mean that could be handy meat now increases Health by an additional [Music] 15% the added Health would be helpful increase melee by 5% all blunt damage is increased by 10% I'm going to take this just because I'm using a blunt weapon right now but I'd rather have a sword I do need to get water too yeah smoke pot not war can't smoke War anyway what are you thinking what we got over here spring speed increased by 10% and stamina consumption decreased by 10% I think I'm going to take that cuz I I do find myself running away a lot faster and with less damina consumption would be great some swords will do some of each damage type yeah noticed that a better sword somewhere in there it's underneath all the twigs [Music] all right 5502 do for now have to make some arrows anyway it is a little odd mining for Twigs but it's a really good way to get them you get quite a bit in a short amount of time okay give to me more arrows lady okay so now we'll be firing the uh the the poison arrows instead of just the regular ones going have to get more copper again soon I'm running [Music] out we get water [Music] what do I need to build that cooking pot fireplace not much don't be asra okay in here I can make six different recipes we got uh grilled game grilled mushrooms roasted Asia Rula water in little range this mushrooms odd taste comes from Pure magic forcing through great power awaits the consumer they're not really any like fancy recipes though they're just like regular regular ones real pleasure of the taste buds uh able to set free all of its strengthening abilities oh really okay hold on let's throw some corn in there see what it makes what do you want keep it bre strange letter Flame born some time ago a curious thing happened I received a note take a look from rean courtesy of the conways I never met a rean but I know the conways cers from the East they must have traveled through the trade Outpost blazing Rock to deliver this message can you investigate break never ending stream of requests from these guys uh did I get more berries the dried ones nine of these let's see if we can make some more uh make some more healing health potions oh I got to get water and camomile I think I have downstairs unless I use it already I got to go pick it okay we got the water we'll get the camomile we'll make some more healing now you to find you a good copper deposit there's a few good ones well found a couple good ones anyway ah only five water I really got to be able to make the uh the well that didn't work a I couldn't quite make the turn what you got uh popcorn vegetable puree C me tea no she's got nothing new nothing new with the fire but the this guy's got something going on I got my eye on you got to get masonry tools want to hear a joke Carpenter without masonry tools that's it that's the joke I'm a farce a poser I need proper tools but the blacksmith won't let me his go figure I know where to get some masonry tools though there's a research side at Pillars of Creation ring a bell all right sweet we got to learn some to make some stuff other things car Teal's real good talking about like real good as a buff or real good as in like you like drinking it five health regen and two endurance uh L last 35 minutes okay that is pretty good I ran out of water so I can't make potions now uho compared to this one which is 5 minutes of plus one health regen that's awfully good I like that it last 35 minutes that's crazy wow that is good okay I need water I get more water uh I guess I can put the cam meal back cuz I don't have water to make the potions with now half for a third of your Harvest should always go back to make more more seeds oh I kept forgetting to make seeds into that uh where did I just put it thought I stuck it like right here there it [Music] is oh I got one water in here it's only going to let me make uh one of the camomile okay we can go back there's a well in the ruins right next to your base oh that's I I just went and got the water from there but I need more it only had five in it right now why I dig your own well there's a point in which you can craft your own well and then you can have infinite water cuz you can just like put the well down take the water out pick it up put it down take the water out again um but I don't have that unlocked locked yet unfortunately I wouldn't be conven if we found a well in here somewhere a crap let just see if I can get myself killed right away shall we heck you won't do the double jump also can't land on top of the spikes apparently we'll go this way oh crap a wrong button and we're back here jeez stop hitting me those bugs hurt man oh wow look how quick that healing is oh gold chest fell right in a hole Archer gloves not terribly useful we'll take them good folk heed this warning skimmer's Cove crumbles and Roars King gander's Imperial Guard suspects an impending collapse refrain from visiting the cove reventure for your own risk search and rescue operations cannot be performed until the war subsides furthermore stay clear of the coast at night reports confirm strange vibrations in the water as well as moving lights however King Gander wants to reassure you personally that sightings of an aquatic Beast remain unfounded Pik me's reach is as safe as can be see he was very correct Glory rises from the depths once more dearest people hear my tale it is true they've returned I've seen the whis with my own eyes down by white winds Shores brighter than ever before they've returned to bring glorious light for the The Depths hailing from The Cove do not fret they are our reptilian Brothers glistening scaly backs peek out from beneath the waters ready to carry you to safer Shores Good Fortune must be upon us our war will end The Craze for The Elixir will subside the water will rain the water rain will clear the soup the soil will stop to sour good Omens are all around gu's a little diluted okay I got to get uh uh back around over to here whatever that is ah I didn't make it oh crap oh the gate's closed again now it's open that's weird why does this chest look closed in here can I loot this thing I did weird and shroud just had to fall when I'm too sick of migrain to get anything out of it see you later all right see you xon hope you feel better my green suck I can't remember how I got over to where I was before now it's all dark too [Applause] am I in the other side there or something like I was in there already a bulletin board down there uh I'm going to see what's down in here I can't tell if this is a place I was in already or not there was it one that looked like this but I don't know if it's the same one ah bugs yeah I came down that ladder actually Pike weekly nothing Grand about Gander King gander's latest addition to Pike me's reach is in my opinion disgrace the pathetic attempt of a man with timbered teeth to reach his mother's levels of adoration it's a narrative more shallow than white winds Waters Last Summer our Lord's attempt to rename the Imperial Gardens to gander's Gardens was fouled by civil unrest instead we've been blessed with a statue of his likeness statue's gaze is as stiff and paralyzed as our our ruler's disposition to the Brewing troubles in the north the grandest thing about Gander next to his treasury is his wooden overbite Ramone Jones editor of the Pik weekly thander watches over for us King Gander Son Of Glorious Pike me Grand patron of the Rebel wood and spring lenss watches over all orinal gaze unites us as one Shields us from Calamity and ushers in a new age of prosperity good work Buddy clearly done good things here oh one of those guys there's got to be another uh get poisoned ow ow okay he died fairly easily could be another one of those roots here if that guy was standing there is that a book on the bench of the right of the stairs where you walked up to read the other books uh it might have been like a book you can break apart kind of thing oh ah going to move he like in the ow jerks that for some chain lightning all right God this place is just like a complete warrant of little nooks and crannies to search in it's crazy I even I'm not even going the right direction anymore what's this gander's Imperial Gardens oh maybe there was something I was supposed to get there it's just a disable book got the question mark there like it's uh supposed to be something I should see but you have to go behind him H that's where the book is well there's this thing here that um but I didn't see like a like the book here could be dismantled if this was the book you were talking about but it's just a dismantle thing it's not like anything else there's something to read at the foot of the statue yeah I read that already King Gander Son Of Glorious Pike me we already read that I don't know unless I got to like break a statue down like suck at statue I don't know it's me you play a ton of games but you consider playing factorial on stream your logical brain might enjoy it uh I've toyed around with factorio just the tiniest little bit I have the game actually uh I only ever played it for like 30 minutes I think [Applause] or did I stream it no I don't I definitely didn't stream it once I never played a room World on stream but might be fun to play I don't know try digging in the garden yeah we could try that I guess maybe there's something underneath the ground I hear there is a sparkle when I come over here like a tinkling sound oh jeez right there hey look we found something completely unassisted and that got rid of the question mark That's funny there shouldn't be something over here with a scatter Legacy when and out dig it out well this doesn't feel so good there another shroud route ping here something oh there's a chest over there as The Tide Rises all my light this se's been by my side her face glistened during the day decorated by twirling specks of light gently brushed by the sun my troubles would fade at the sight even as she Rose and Bild it over the edge she swept away all troubles and pains now the light of my eyes Fades I hear the waves echo in my ear like a whisper of a con shell they grow closer hit all I've left below for her to take my parting gift to an old friend [Music] oh Banshee jerk oh God this guy's got hit me when I came up here didn't you oh that sucked okay we got to take some chamomile tea I've still got it dang it am there okay we got him man this City's dangerous man he said he left the stuff below for this lady friend oh come on get up there tell you what happened is potato a sometimes if you hit the hit the button it uh fires you can't stop it I want to waste my arrow on that thing AR's chest armor I can't see anything that didn't work what happened [Music] there this town is nuts can't see anything no it's back this way whatever it is it's got to be down there right where all the bugs were ah CR oh no no not [Applause] bad [Applause] trying to hit that Barrel over there maybe not the best idea guard of the north pants man we're going get a whole set of armor we keep this up we're locked out so and so's closed the gates to the inner city just left us po to rot and die it won't help waros Army will get in I hope they burn let Gander taste copper and steel that'll go down easy I'm h hidden but I still have the Blasted sickness from last winter my body fails me if I sneeze if I Yap the nor things saering around outside the sewers will be my tomb I'm shivering it's not my cold flashes something's off there's there's wind in here no just breathing in here and sharp like a blade can't see where or what it's in me in my throat it's so cold it's acid it's worse worse than the sewer help feels like winter again oh guess I should pay attention to my shroud level oh crap oh rud oh crap me out of here get out of the Shroud all right we're fine suck a bug all right where's that leave me curio Cavern of Curiosities over here we got scattered Legacy and whatever that is we get back towards the center part of town I guess now it's definitely Gatorade he's trying to say Winter's coming maybe that was John SN hold on got something ah too slow another note yesterday the River flooded just swept across the border and all the way to the plaza its mellow waves foaming at the great stairs an eager tide they say a blockage must have loosened Upstream but I beg to differ water tastes different it whips against their utter walls Rising during Queen Pike's rule this would have never happened the kingdom RADS under gor Mander we become weak the impression they don't like this gour maner guy didn't see any chest in there all right we can climb up and fly again John Sno can't get over how much there is to explore in this little city thing here keeps closing the chest even though I've already loot of them I guess they must reset as soon as you fast travel okay this time we're going not away toward the Imperial Gardens I guess well there's the statue there I can fly past him a there's a chest there missed it now come [Music] on well that's not ominous not going in that way just the band warming [Music] up don't if I want to see this band that's got to be two-handed right oh [Music] yeah oh stamina nice keep the fresher uh torch there ah I can't get up there guess we got to go down to go to that door over there but this feels like a trap and you guys did say avoid the courtyard need how short some of those foods are all right OHA my God hey buddy uh seven oh God woo um was that one and two damage I was doing there oh oh that hurt two damage I can see this is going to go great I'm not going enough Stam or not enough um enough durability on my weapon for this oh crap oh crap get up go go go oh rang attacks huh that's way better than one or two [Music] damage there oh [Music] no that potion there a That was supposed to be a healing oh dead oh my God what he's charging his breath weapon he's vulnerable then all right well we did some damage to him many arrows have I got 60 I thought I had a healing potion down here but it was uh definitely not healing that was that was not healing at all this light 30% damage multiplier I feel like I should be taking that thing almost at him yeah for sure it was it was uh it was very very close very close get him next [Music] time uh I'm wored that my weapon's going to run out of power think good considering it's all relative though right ow he hits harder I know I can hit him with the head it does more damage is a real problem [Applause] though well it stunned him ow ow now dead that went so much faster oh my God down alter to travel back here I can't though I don't think I can put one this close to the city I've got one out front but uh I'll have to go back through the city when I teleport in I got one down here 54 arrows left my stuff back oh you know what I probably should have uh prep first oh come on oh God that just stops me it's better just to block that jump or I keep getting hit there doesn't seem to be eye frames in you roll [Music] you have no stamina I don't be good they killed the bugs for me good job a that's ow [ __ ] him all right he wasn't so tough ooh Commander's ring 30% Mana plus 30 Health heat of the pike open all the doors in the pike the castle within Pikes me all right we got the car got the key that was a tough fight well actually not that tough he's a big meanie though didn't like him didn't like him at all hold on got to get a victory shot it's not good [Music] buddy uh do you the guy's head yeah I've got uh that's a fell Thunder brw oh here it is here fell whisp wer in head so that we need that for upgrading the uh the flame alter we have was 30 Health what I've actually got ringwise here eight stamina Health 3% life leash chance 3% woo go me uh feel like I should just take the straight Health Plus 30 health and plus 30% Mana is better than a three 3% chance of Life Leach go for the cuddle pose he detect right in oh I can't get in [Music] there the bug bits around here too there we go got two shots anyway oh what have we here requires the key but we got it go us can't say I'm not disappointed mean congrats to your yeah hey you got a couple deaths out of it don't uh sound like you didn't get anything what is that weird noise when I pull the STA up that's so [Music] weird chest there I want to see what's up first though give me a gold chest that's not a gold chest got healing I'll take it good view from up here look at this it's a killer View [Music] [Music] let see the whole fell yeah oh Fox that was epic that fight was fun he took a Tak a shocking amount of damage when he's stunned just cuz I'm curious if there's anything in here I'm going to guess probably not although there is an opening in the floor it's just where the mushroom grew up uh I can't get up top of there so that rolls that out oh yes I can there we go chest guard of the north helmet man if you were wearing all this garden and the nor equipment it looks really cool but sure shrinks your uh your shroud time setting sail W he fled if at all Gander alone or with another cortis City's drenched they've crushed our wall or early mour and now cat our town with thick suffocating nebula colored like ostrich feathers a cow here alone for the first time in years like a little girl my heart flutters like a thrash and caged Canary I should have run away and chared a ship seized it I could fence and read a map after all maybe it's not too late I could still wake up to the ocean blue and feel salt on my skin see mermaids and sing at the Docks cloudly finally I want to end in a storm and a blaze and not a lonely little Tower don't laugh at me I feel so small oh he didn't get out of here things did not end well for that gentleman oh crap that was not good oh God I'm GNA die wow I can't uh I can't reach that thing now well that's what happens when you don't fly properly I think we're going to have to teleport out of here I'm pretty sure I may not have a way out all where are I [Laughter] Yeah overshot by a little bit just a little bit come on give me double jump don't see any anchor points I can latch onto to pull myself up though it's getting dark dang it ruined a good thing sure this door over here will probably open another way have the key friends nearby they're inside the [Music] door okay that's cheating they're in the floor that's cheating man [Applause] God he didn't ruin it merely performed as expected party hard we got up here what the heck he this is is where that thing broke out of don't see anything in here aliens means whack-a-mole yeah yeah [Music] I don't have no idea where I'm going right now up I think I I mean kind of gradually going up yeah Rusty sword oh backpack ah what if I got that I can pitch I mean I don't really need these um dirt I can get anywhere hold of the sticks cuz I keep having to go after those I don't really need this my celium stuff experience scroll gain a small amount of experience upon absorption of content well let's use that no point sitting on it finally got a sword and it's Rusty that just figures [Applause] oh now where am I going so many doors it's better than your mace isn't it no my mace does 35 damage um yeah here's the mace here it does 35 the sword does 32 and then it only has like a single upgrade does poison damage though not sure if I'm supposed to be going anywhere in here here or if this is just uh exploring Loop kind of thing oh wait I came all the way around here this was the up top of this thing was the tower I tried to land on when I overshot oh crap well found the way down anything else in here I can see [Applause] anything now all right I guess that's it let's get out of here and right as I say that I find another chest he wind bow power 24 how's that compar to what I'm using here power 27 level 18 where's that bow level 15 15 even if I upgrade it twice it's still not going to beat out the bow I have iing upgrades is a challenge okay I think we're done in here go back home M bill could one shot the boss earlier oh really Buzz only Power 17 was doing 300 damage to that boss yeah if when you get it when he's got uh like weakened or whatever it does quite a bit question mark to my left that was like outside of the city though like up on a Hilltop there somewhere it's also this one down here scattered Legacy have to go after that one another time I think it's already getting kind of late uh I do have to be out of work in the morning so I'm gonna have to crash for tonight but uh we did get some farming done I found some more seeds didn't really get some really good food I thought uh with more things to to um to grow we and cook with we'd get some different recipes but um that doesn't seem to be a thing just yet I don't know I got to find some better combination of foods that tea I made is pretty sweet but um I need some I need some more stuff that has like a long duration like that that would be helpful anyway thanks so much for coming hang out tonight really appreciate thank you for the super chats and everything as well don't currently subscribe to the channel go ahead and click the Subscribe button come back and hang out with us another time I'm as always cryptic Fox I'll see all of you next time for
Channel: CrypticFox
Views: 38,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrypticFox, Gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded let's play, enshrouded first look, enshrouded live stream, enshrouded part 1, enshrouded ep 1, survival building game, mistbury catacombs, enshrouded building, wispwyvern, wisp wyvern enshrouded, enshrouded boss fight, pikemead's reach
Id: nSMu9l-HY4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 49sec (13489 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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