Enshrouded - 10 Secrets The Game Doesn't Tell You

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hey guys welcome back in this video I'm going to try to go over some tips that you haven't heard yet I dug deep and I dug hard looking for some stuff that I haven't heard 20 times already so hopefully you learn some new stuff in this set of things I wish I knew sooner and yes there's a giant hole in my house I'm very well aware I just accidentally threw a grenade at it while I was getting ready to start this video so that gives me something to fix later all right the very first tip that we're going to go over here is the fact that you've probably had to go grab resin for one reason or another and you chop down a tree and maybe quite a few trees just to get a very little resin well that's because resin predominantly comes from the trees with brown leaves so pull out your eggs and chop down a tree with brown leaves and there we go look at it it's raining resin we just got two four resin from One Tree now if we go over here there's two more trees that always have brown leaves we'll Chomp these down just for example there's some more resin there's more oh look at that we got six resin from that tree okay so if you've been chopping down trees and not getting very much resin it's because the green ones have a small chance to give resin where the brown ones have a huge chance to give a huge amount of resin so make sure to Target those brown trees when looking for resin all right this next one has to do with lockpicks and yes you can craft lockpicks on your own anytime you need them right two pieces of scrap every time you want to make a lockpick pretty simple except for the fact that if you talk to the blacksmith and make your lockpick he'll make it for half the price only one scrap which is insanely useful early in the game when you don't have a lot of metal scraps line around heck it's always useful because you know metal scraps pretty useful itself so whenever you need those lock PS make sure to come visit your blacksmith he'll love you for it all right this next tip is there's treasure buried underground all the time all over the place and one of the most obvious tips that it's buried there is you'll see a pile that looks exactly like this all over the game they use this exact same pile to denote when a treasure is buried underground right there so if we dig right here let's see uhhuh there it is a treasure these are located all over the place and they very often use that same exact pile so once you know what to look for you'll find way more of those buried Treasures another thing that I've seen quite a few times is you'll see an area like this one where you've got these mobs here these little plants in a circle around like uh nothing basically and in the middle there's often times the chest buried there another hint that you'll see a lot of times okay now let's make our way to the next oh my next tip don't fly into trees another quick tip while I run to the next one is roads will often take you to important places obviously but they also give you a buff in the left you can see it there it says on the road and if we go into our character menu we can see it says on the road roads provide comfortable travel and reduce the stamina needed for sprinting so Sprint farther longer without using all your stamina if you stick to roads dirt roads save some stamina Stone roads save even more next tip in order to make the better health potions you're going to need chamomile and you can find it right here just Northwest of the revelwood Fast Travel you can then use the few that you grab there to farm unlimited back at home next tip when it comes to getting up surfaces you can climb SL just go ahead and pull out your Axe and make steps for yourself so that you can get up anything next tip you're going to get your Hunter and as you probably know she's going to give you your small bag and that small bag is going to increase your capacity by eight items but you can also get a medium bag from her shortly thereafter all you have to do is make sure that you have progressed her far enough and get some linen that's going to be the thing you've never found before or created before most likely in order to do that you just slap down your hand spindle and then you throw some flax in there you'll get the spindle as part of the Hunter's Quest but the option to craft the medium bag won't show up until you find the flax seed you're going to need a lot of flax so I highly recommend using your seedbed to plant flax to get 10 at a time you get 10 seedlings and then you just plant them next to your house and boom you've got yourself 10 flax and therefore five more linen just rinse and repeat that process the only other thing you need is water for your seed bed and the cool thing about water is that it does drop off of enemies and that it does drop out of containers but also right next here your house you have a well in this abandoned town right here and you can use that to get a ton of water and look at that come in lots of water just from interacting with ones now you can come back to this well every 2 hours or every time you reboot the game every zone resets so in order to get the well to reset you're probably going to have to reboot the game because it's rather close to your house so it counts as being in like the same chunk and the way the game works this is another quick tip is the game reset an area all the chests and all the loot and all the mobs and stuff inside of it will be reset if you don't visit it for 2 hours now if you go back there you're going to reset the timer and it's going to have to start all over so if you don't go to an area for 2 hours you can go back and get more loot from the same chest and the same mobs again alternatively you can just restart the game you can close it open it and go back to that same area and all those chests will respawn so if you don't want mobs to be in a certain area make sure you go back before the 2hour time limit is up next up if you decide to host a game make sure that you put a password on it otherwise anybody could join and when they join they can come wreak havoc on your game they can complete Quests for you or they can just walk into your base and grab all your materials and leave the game so password protect that baby next up let's talk about the Shroud survival flask if you haven't died because you misunderstood the way this works then you haven't lived the way this works is it adds 2 minutes to your timer while you're in the Shroud however it only works if you apply it before you walk into the Shroud so if you've been walking around with these thinking that oh man in a pinch I'll pop it to get two extra minutes no that does does work you're going to die a slow horrible agonizing death just like I did so because of the planning ahead that's required to actually use these things it almost certainly ensures that I'll never use one correctly if you're enjoying this video or if you've heard a tip that you didn't already know be sure to like And subscribe for more ined content also if you have a tip that you didn't hear me say be sure to leave it down in the comments below quick tip just in case you didn't know NPC should be placed in your base they're not happy outside and their quest lines won't progress if you leave them outside I talked about this one in my complete beginner guide but I just want to mention it just in case you don't know when you craft the Crafters will pull from your magic chest so you can store items in there and you can press shift R to throw any items from your inventory into your chest if there's a stack of that item already in there it'll automatically add it to the stack real easy way to come to base empty your inventory and go back out in 10 seconds next tip if you've ever noticed that there's areas with blue shroud and some areas with red shroud that's because the red shroud will kill you if you step into it for more than one second blue shroud is safe red shroud is not in order to turn the red shroud into blue shroud you just come to your Shrine you strengthen it and you upgrade it here it says shroud passage level this will increase the Shroud level that you're able to daverse thereby turning some of the red shroud blue next tip every time you kill a shroud route inside of an Elixir well you get a skill point so kill every single one that you see it's a lot of very easy skill points sometimes they're not even protected next tip the game tells you which ones are farmed so that you can go there and farm seeds and flags and plants and all sorts of stuff if you head to one of the Farms you're much more likely to get the plant plants that you're looking for if you're looking for some midgame plants Dade win right here Southwest of the rebelwood Fast Travel has a host of different flowers that you can pick inside of its seat bits and yes my character looks ridiculous when the game said I could craft copper heavy armor I thought I'd look like Iron Man instead I ended up looking like the Iron Man you get off of wish.com okay the next tip has to do with your settings in the settings there's a couple of really cool things that you can do one of which is you can change how far the camera is from your character so if the camera feels a little bit close to your character go ahead and move this all the way to the right so that you can get a little more distance and see a little bit more of your screen this also works really well with the field of view setting right here Max that out too and that'll really help you see more while you're playing the game whether you're looking for a treasure a door whatever you know when you can see more while you're playing it makes things a lot easier the next thing I want to touch on real quick is that you can change item deletion protection you can change it from epic and above and you can knock that down to rare and above and even below that so if you've accidentally deleted something that you did didn't want to or you're worried that you might do that you can come in here and protect various items and by turning this on when you go to salvage an item It'll ask if you're sure anytime you try to delete something you'll get this menu right here and you can also say stop asking until I open my inventory next time in case you want to do a lot of deleting of items in your inventory all at once next tip is when you attack an enemy it'll tell you if the damage type you're using is effective or ineffective so if the damage type is ineffective you should definitely try using a different weapon to take that enemy down faster so the wand there was neutral it was neither effective or ineffective so now let's try the mace that one said effective so assuming your mace wasn't absolutely horrible that's the one you'd want to be using in that fight next tip is whenever you find these red notes it's going to add a destination on your map new location charted one marker added and so then when you open up your map There It Is Love Letter to Queen Jasmin so always peek at your map after you touch those things all right guys I hope that this rapid fire tip session has been useful to you I hope I had some in here that you didn't already know I really did try to scr up some new ones for you guys if you have any tips that I didn't mention here leave it in the comments down below a lot of times that's where I get my best tips for these videos it's straight from you guys so check out the comments down below that other people's leave leave a penny take a penny type of situation and thanks so much to Corsair for being an amazing partner if you're looking for new pc peripherals corser has some fantastic headphones mice keyboard check out the link in the description below for new and amazing products from Corsair thanks so much for watching massive shout out to my YouTube channel members for supporting the channel in the way you do if you want to become a member of my YouTube channel click the join button below for special perks like behind the- scenes footage a private Discord Channel and more shout out to the newest member anamarie thank you for joining if you're not sure what to watch next maybe check out my unshrouded beginner guide on screen right now or one of the other ones until next time I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Lucky Ghost
Views: 124,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded, enshrowded, shrouded, inshrouded, inshroud, enshroued tips, inshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide
Id: lhIz_nyZKh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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