Building a Big Starter House! [Enshrouded Ep. 2]

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welcome back to enshrouded everyone today I'm joined by my buddy fee over here and we are going to start work on a beautiful starter house for you all today so this will be super exciting and first of all I've got some updates from last episode uh first being we can hit the Escape key here and be able to show and hide the HUD which is awesome so that's something that I suggested uh in the demo that they add and they did indeed add that so I can take nice thumbnails now for my uh YouTube videos and uh just have a prettier experience without the Clutter when I want that another thing is someone commented in episode one that we can in fact sleep through the night now that was not the case in the demo so yeah there's two beds over here one in each tent so we're going to see if we can sleep the night it's currently night time and that would be amazing let's try this I am sleeping yep there you go Night speed time 60 okay perfect so you can indeed sleep the night and now it is sunrise that is amazing look at that okay well that's awesome that makes me like the game even more I didn't mind exploring at night but this way we can have it be daylight for a lot of the videos uh of uh building and stuff so y'all can see a little better we're not stuck out here at night so that's really cool so yeah fee and I will just start Gathering a bunch of resources we're going to continue Gathering shroud wood uh which is the dead trees down in the Shroud like you guys remember from last episode we're going to gather a normal wood and stone I think those will be the main materials that we're going to be needing for the starter house all right so I'm back here at the flame alter that we placed in last episode and a couple things I wanted to do was first of all show you guys that destroying the well essentially when the campfires burn out you can collect it and it gives you tar and that is how we unlock all of the uh shingle roof blocks and things so I obviously don't have enough tar to actually make a bunch but yeah wood block and we have yeah the Shroud wood block there which we haven't made yet and the tar to shingle roof so we do need lots of tar and obviously destroying campfires is not going to give you a lot but it'll give you a couple to unlock those recipes early game and with that said I think I'm going to go ahead and reposition this flame alter in the spot that I want it The Envision I have for this starter house is to essentially make like a nice big deck out front like a big covered porch with the flame alter being the center of the covered porch which could kind of act as like an outdoor campfire with some chairs around it or whatever it's a really easily accessible spot to be able to fast travel between flame alters and get to it to upgrade and things and then I want to have it go into like a nice cozy cabin and the main level just kind of be for like living area and things I might have a nice Loft with some bedrooms so we'll see how this goes so stay tuned so before I move the flame alter I'm going to start working on the foundation of the build here so let's go into our building and then go to our 2 m by 2 m wall blocks and then select it to be out of stone and I'm going to pick about where I want the center of the front patio to be which I think right here seems good so I'm just going to go ahead and place one of those and then scroll down to where it says 4M and then I wanted to select the bigger ceiling piece they have these Foundation pieces as well but for the sake of this build I want to do the ceiling piece here I want to select that to be out of wood and I'm just going to phase it right into the top of that stone piece just like so and now I'm going to go ahead and go over here and extinguish my flame and go ahead and move it so we can just hit extinguish flame extinguish flame there you'll have 30 seconds if you change your mind but I would like it to be gone so I'll just hit Escape so that it can uh disappear you will not get the stone back from that so if I don't want this to disappear I will have to replace this flame alter uh close to this within a few in-game days so fee do you have any stone on you I also wanted to show uh show everyone the gifting feature which makes multiplayer kind of cool oh yeah totally I'll be there in just a sec awesome so yeah you guys can see that the flame alter has disappeared now and and our build is still here and just fine but I want to put the flame alter in a different spot so that's what we're going to do here all right I got some stone for you if you're ready yeah I'm ready for it there we go so he just gifted me stone and to gift items you can go into your backpack you can see I can just click it you know right click it hit gift and then if fee is close uh close to me I can choose to gift half all and choose to send however many I want so that's a really cool feature make makes multiplayer pretty fun all right so let's go ahead and craft another flame alter here there we go and because I am moving it and you can see by default it can it kind of just snaps really deep into the ground I'm unable to like uh raise it up out of the ground here so having this piece here I'll be able to raise it up to the exact level of this piece which is really awesome so I'm just going to bring it and snap it in something like that for now and that is the proper height and then we can go ahead and actually destroy this so to basically destroy things we can go into tab again and we can just right click on it and it will destroy the entire blueprint if you have that blueprint selected so as you can see if I go up to our 2 m x 2 me wall block and then just right click It'll recognize that that whole thing was to met by two metor and destroy the whole thing which is really cool rather than destroying individual blocks which you can do by selecting the individual block here so now that we have our flame alter at the proper height now we can officially start working on the real floor and foundation of the build so I'm going to go ahead and press alt go to my four 4 meter go to the ceiling piece make sure it's out of wood and snap one of these all the way around and you can also use x to toggle finer snapping or not so without X being toggled uh you can see I can snap every single block here but with X being toggled you can see it just snaps in much easier and I don't have to worry about misplacing it so I'm just going to go ahead and snap one of these all the way around the flame alter here this is going to be my covered front porch eventually and you can see they're just hovering there is no structural support in this game so it's kind of like Minecraft in that sense which is kind of cool we can build really big castles and do all sorts of cool stuff here so there is the cover porch and I'm actually going to continue working on that first thing I'm going to do is go back to my 2 MX 2 m and we're going to go ahead and destroy the corner out of each one of these so there we go and in its place we're going to select the stone and we're going to go ahead and place a stone corner right here perfect but uh yeah these will be the corners of the build the uh deck posts and things and we'll spend a bit of time on this episode there we go so if I don't like where I placed it we can uh hit Y to just undo something and I think you can hit Y up to five times which is really cool so yeah we'll spend a lot of time building this you guys will get a lot out of this episode and I really want a nice starter house out of it that'll uh compensate for me and my friend and any others if they end up joining down the road so I've got some cool plans in mind here so now I'm going to go ahead and bring each of these deck posts uh two blocks above the floor that we're standing on here so I will just hit tab here and we can either just go ahead and place one of these or for some of them that ended up placing higher we can just go ahead and select our one one meter block and go ahead and place it block by block so that's where the blueprints can come in handy because you can get a lot more plac with just one action instead of placing things block by block when you have bigger things to do but yeah you can place things block by block delete them block by Block it's a really awesome system so there we go there is the outline of Our Deck now I'm going to go ahead and go back to my 4 meter selected to be out of wood and then we're going to start working on the cabin foundation so that will be our front deck and the cabin is going to come out a whole another one of these floor planks on both sides and it's going to be three of them wide like that so very similar to the starter cabin build that I did in the demo but this is going to have a lot of updates to it so there we go there is our cabin Foundation part and now with that in place we're going to go ahead and do the same thing destroy each of these Corners with the 2 m by 2 meter there so just right click it and I'd like to replace it with these guys on every corner here so there we go those Corners now have the stone blocks and I may end up destroying these ones here I'll leave them for now but I might end up bringing them in uh a little bit like to be here uh instead of instead of over here for example so we'll see at some point but for now I'll just leave them there and I'm going to to make a tiny little deck off of this side so let's go back to our four platform there and put a little deck over here and this will be a little covered porch that'll be on the side of the cabin and then the main cabin will be in this section right here and then a nice covered deck off the front so it'll be a larger starter house but very simple materials here you can see mostly just wood and stone for over half the build and then I'm thinking of some shroud wood for some accent pieces so again on this deck we're going to go ahead and do our little deck posts on the front so just destroy that and replace it with those here we go what do you think of the foundation fee it's kind of big kind of big but I I think it'll look good once it's uh built up on the walls and we've got the got the roof in place and everything so yeah with these side pieces now I'm going toh go back to the 2x two actually let's see if they have a blueprint for something else I'm thinking of let's go to the four and let's go to these column pieces I want to just phase these into into these four uh pillars here and don't worry it will subtract the amount of stone that you already spent so see it uses 32 but then when I phase into one of these it now only uses 24 cuz it's subtracting uh eight of them out of that so those will be our main columns for the house and then yeah I do think I'm going to destroy these pieces for the deck and I want to replace them right in this area instead there we go so destroying that and then putting some new ones right there and then these pieces I'm just going to go ahead and correct it kind of one by one we'll go ahead and destroy those and then we can just go back to our wood in order to fill this section in and there you go perfect awesome and then these pillars here I'm going to go back to my 4 meter there scroll down to Stone and go ahead and continue them up all the way as well so there we have it there is Our rough outline it is now night time so you want to get some beds and I could just put like a little temporary roof over here and we go ahead and sleep so it's daytime again all right so it's now day we've destroyed the beds and stuff and I'll keep working on my build over here and yeah Fe here's a crafting bench I'll just place it right there you can be able to craft some better gear all right so I'm going to continue these pillars all the way up so let's go back to the hammer and I want to go back to my 2 m 2 m blocks here and I'm going to build these pillars but on that side so I'm just going to follow this Center Line back go ahead and destroy that build it up and then same thing over here just follow this all the way back destroy that oops we accidentally placed it instead of destroyed it there we go destroy that and build it up there we go go to our 4 meter and go ahead and just Place The Columns all the way the rest of the way up awesome so this will be a little back door I think or it might be a solid wall I'm not sure since we're going to have a little door coming out onto a deck over here so with that said let's go ahead and make some stairs I think I'm going to go with the the four meter for now these stairs I'm just going to call it meters I know it's like I know it's all over the place it's not really to scale but I'm used to calling it meters from games like valim and stuff so so that's what we'll do here all right so so let's go ahead and do this out of wood we can go ahead and rotate it and I'm going to place it right on that section nice and centered and go ahead and rotate it again and place it right center on there then I want to go to my 1 M and go to the tiny little block there and go ahead and destroy the very corner of these stairs and I want to replace those with stone so let's go ahead and grab the stone block and just like that I think that looks really nice it gives it like a nice trim on the edge of the steps there I'll go ahead and kind of continue that out just like so kind of up another another little block there perfect so we'll do the same thing on the front just to trim out the stairs nicely that looks pretty clean and I think I might also go ahead and do some little deck posts coming up from here but I'll leave those for a little bit later so now what we're going to do is we're going to take let's see let me just make sure they don't have a blueprint for this already they have this piece actually they do that's the exact blueprint we need so we're just going to go ahead and turn X off for this because I want finer snapping we're going to do this with rough Stone and we are going to go ahead and place it toward the out side here and all the way up at the top right there so we're going to continue like this line of stone going around the whole perimeter of just the cabin part and this might be a little finicky right there we can kind of just walk it into place right there and just place around the entire perimeter of this section here so we'll stop it at the edge of these rocks right there go ahead and rotate it and all the way around the rest of it there we go perfect all right so that is now placed around the entire cabin portion so now you can kind of see it taking some shape there a Big Deck out front a little deck off the side and the cabin portion over here so with that all placed let's go ahead and start working on some walls so I think I'm going to go ahead with a window piece we'll do this out of wood and let's turn X back on there we go and we want this to be actually we want X to be off cuz we want this to be just inside that outer Stone border so rather than being like this we want it to be just inside so just like that right there and then this middle section I will just go ahead and fill in so we can just go ahead and take the the full wall piece back it in just like so perfect so there'll be two windows there and if you decide you want a window as well you can always just go into the one meter with the little block section you can just go ahead and chisel yourself out a little window anytime after the fact as well so now this side I think I will go ahead and keep it a solid wall for now so I'm going to go ahead and go back to my four and this is just going to be a solid wall piece let's go ahead and rotate it and bring it in there put it right there same thing for this section right there perfect and then I think I'm going to do two more windows and a solid wall so we'll go ahead and grab this window and throw it right there one right there and a solid wall piece right in the center there awesome and then two windows on the sides of the door here for this so let's just back that up right to there is that right no that's that's wrong I'll just to why to undo that again and there there it is okay so we want it to be placed there and right there and then this section here will be a door so we can go to the door frame section and go ahead and place that right there and I'm going to do that same thing on the front here so two window sections one there and one there and a door frame right there and then I think these walls as well will end up being solof solid so there we go go and place one there and like that perfect so there's our cabin outline I think that'll work out really nicely I could add more windows after the fact again if I wanted to but that looks really great for now all right so before we continue too far Fe and I are getting a little full on inventory so I'm going to go ahead and see what it costs to make a chest here so let's see here we've got storage small chest we need Twigs could you give me some Twigs oh yeah think you've got a bunch of it he's been the resource gatherer so we can keep up on the build all right o awesome okay there we go let's craft a tiny chest we might only need one for now I'm just going to go ahead and place it uh right next to the workbench here we can go ahead and move it uh uh move it later but all right here you go so that should be something it uh doesn't have much but it should work to at least all right so it looks like shift R to deposit Stacks G to sort storage and then R to deposit all nice okay all right so with that chest we'll figure it out uh but I'm going to go ahead and craft some doors for our house we can find that in the doors here and it looks like we don't have these pieces unlocked yet but we do have the crude wooden door which is just string and wood log so I'm going to go ahead and craft two of those we might replace them with the nicer doors uh later on but let's go ahead and bring those into my inventory here and I want it to be so the handle's on that side there we go and I'll Place one there and go ahead and rotate it and place one there perfect so nothing fancy this will be a very upgradeable house as we get uh better resources to kind of replace these with and then I can also do the same thing fill in all of these little holes with the windows because we have those unlocked so let's see here let's go back to here and windows o we unlocked dishes and fences as well nice okay that's pretty cool see I'll just make a bunch of Windows because I know we'll need a lot of those go ahead and bring those into my H bar and those will just take the place of these these openings here okay so now that those are in I am going to go ahead and continue uh up with some Stone pillars here so let's go to our column section here and let's see these are it looks like one two three columns apart all right so one two three and we'll put one right here so I kind of want one on either side of the door here and I wanted them to be out of stone so we can just hit Y there and go ahead and make a couple out of stone on both sides the door there and I'll go ahead and do that over here as well and then I want to go ahead and Center uh the windows on those columns all right yeah so I did decide to Center the windows I just think that looks a bit better there another thing I wanted to do here was go to the uh little one by one blocks go to the stone and just place a couple of them on the outsides here and uh it'll just create sort of like an archway effect over this and this was something that someone in the comments of my old build was saying as well of like depending on where you're looking it will kind of mesh in and so so like some of these will be straight like this so you can see it's like a blocky texture but then like the side ones here you can see if I place them they like create this Arch so I still don't know fully how to like purposely do that cuz yeah I'll try to like look in different directions and stuff maybe it's like having to do with like rotating the block which I don't think I can rotate the block and create an arch no so yeah in the meantime I'll leave it like straight like that and then the sides will just just have their own little their own little arches like this yeah if anyone knows more detail about that in the comments it looks like the back is going to decide to be arched as well instead of squared off so I'd love to know any uh any feedback I know I've talked to the devs about that they knew that that was a thing and they were going to try to fix it a little bit but they haven't done anything as of now so it looks like this side as well as the front of our build is going to be just more squared off which is okay but uh yeah I don't know if there's a way to purposely manipulate that so with those being finished we can go ahead and work on the second floor here so let's go back down to the four section select a wooden floor and I'm going to turn on X for this just for easy snapping and we'll go ahead and snap a floor to the area here let's see actually I'm going to turn off X sometimes X just makes a little finicky doesn't really put it where you want it so let's go ahead and just kind of place things like get the edges done first and then I can yeah then I can kind of move in from there it'll be a lot easier again it doesn't matter if they phase into each other and everything they'll only use the resources that they need all right there we go so there's a ceiling there and I'm just going to go on the outside and make sure I'm not overlapping anything or sticking out in any way by by accident and it looks like we are good so now that we've got a ceiling on we are going to go ahead and place some beds in here again and uh yeah fe's got the stuff for some beds I've gone ahead and thrown a little campfire down there but uh yeah the bed recipe isn't too expensive if we go into here and down to the bottom you can see Comfort we have beds and in the meantime by crafting a crude mattress which is just uh these things then we've unlocked the uh cruded wooden bed and then tables and the fireplace uh chairs benches illumination here so all sorts of cool stuff this was yeah just Firefly we have the wax uh to make a candle which was from the bees and stuff so yeah all this stuff just starts unlocking as you craft it which is really nice awesome so we've got some beds down there well you're ready to sleep the night all right so now I'm going to go ahead and start working on the staircase to the second level so let me grab my hammer out here and I'm just going to start doing this with the little little one by one block one block at a time it looks like we didn't fill that in all the way but that's okay cuz I'm destroying it this way we can just get a bit of a finer placement here so I think I'm going to want it uh yeah four of them wide there and let's see all the way over maybe to there or something we'll have to see but now I'm going to go ahead with the little 2 met and we'll do these stairs here let's go ahead and rotate it and put it somewhere let's see right right here and then I want to like glitch it into the wall by one so out then into the wall there we go perfect so one there and then I wanted to do one like that um and yeah that's okay so now we can go back to our little one meter and just destroy little edges off of that piece cuz yeah I wanted to do uh these edges in the stone as well so go ahead and place some uh some little Stone right there just cleans it up gives it a really nice look there all right so there is our little staircase up to the upper level looks like that's all we need actually for the blocks to be destroyed uh so that's actually not too bad at all all right so I went ahead and did the same thing on the other side of the stairs there so it's got Stone trim on both sides I think it looks kind of nice it almost makes these little step areas kind of pronounced a little more just a simple way to add some texture to it so I I do think I'm going to make this house like two and a half stories essentially I was thinking about just starting the roof up here but I want to do like a big covered porch and I think think it might look too wide and too massive to be this short so we're going to have a whole another second level so this house will be compatible even if you're in a multiplayer server with 16 people which will be great so let's go back to our four section I will turn on X again and we're going to go ahead and continue every single one of these pillars up and essentially do the same exact thing as we did on the first floor but for a second floor all right so I've continued the pillars up and the only thing that's going to be different about this second floor than the first floor is that I want to do the walls out of the Shroud wood blocks so fee has been collecting lots of shroud wood here and we can go here and craft shroud wood blocks they are very expensive but I think they're going to look really nice and you'll see why here in a second I just think the texture of them is uh a lot nicer than the normal blocks so let's go back to our four meter pieces here and I'd like to do two windows here let's go to the Shroud wood go ahead and rotate this piece and turn off X there perfect so yeah check out the texture of how the Shroud wood looks there that's just really clean I really like that look it's going to look nice from the outside as well just adds a little bit to the build all right and actually with those pieces I am going to have them be walls instead of Windows because I have a I have a different plan for the covered uh covered porch so let's go ahead and get rid of those and do them as just solid walls for that section and then I wanted these portions to be Windows there we go perfect actually we're not burning through too much shroud wood so that's not quite as bad as I initially thought thought it would be all right so let's do a couple Windows on this side right there and there I'm thinking of just a nice big one in the middle here so we'll see how that would look I'm just going to go ahead and fill it all the way in with a solid wall for the time being then we can chip out a window and then these are just going to be solid but we do need some more shroud wood all right fee I'm going to come down and help you get some shroud wood all right here we go let's use the new glider to dive into the Shroud I forgot I had that yeah yeah you just made it yeah it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun so here we go we are now in the Shroud again and I'm hoping I don't die I'm a little farther away from the spot I was last time looks like something's dying over there so yeah we'll just go ahead and stock up on all of this shroud wood and I hope you all are enjoying the episode so far it is going to be a little more uncut it's going to be a slightly longer one but I fig it' be really cool to fit the whole build into an episode you guys can pause it as you wish resume it as you wish and things uh but just for the sake of organization uh you can bear with me for this build it's definitely not a tiny one but it should accommodate all of our needs for a long time as we kind of venture through the game and then we'll do a lot of adventuring and then eventually uh find a really cool spot for like a hobbit house Village a nice medieval village places like that to really settle down with long-term projects where like each video could be of a specific build within that Village kind of a thing so those are like my future plans but for now I figure it'd be really good to have a nice spacious house to settle down to be able to put the NPCs at to be able to get all the crafting stuff have a nice bedroom lots of storage for our inventory and a lot of these Survival Games myself included but I see a lot of people just set up like a quick Shack and uh it'll do the trick for a while but I figure with this game there's really no need to like speedrun it so to speak so we're just going to take time and have a lot of fun and uh deck out a really nice first build oh gosh the glider just saved me oh no I fell down uhoh I fell down into the Shroud oh gosh oh gosh oh no he not good I can't get out shoot oh crap oh crap oh no I'm going to I might die here I don't know where I am and I'm out of stamina we're just on like a cliff edge here all right I could open the map try to find you I'm like at this really weird location here oh looks like I can kind of Follow The Path up my timer is running out quick though oh golly am I coming toward you can you look on the map and see if I'm like oh there we go I see the bridge faintly up here okay there you go yeah I'm right by the bridge oh man that was close all right we'll probably be dying in the Shroud a lot uh in future episodes here oh nice and here we go this thing has respawned so we can restore our time yeah I'm coming back to the house now and I see that you just spawned over there Naked and Afraid what happened down there there did you get by something or did you die from the Shroud I was just going to town on some trees and next thing I know I'm uh you're dying I'm done oh no all right well I've got back with some of my shroud wood so I can go ahead and get some more of these blocks and uh I guess just let me know when you make it back but yeah at least you still have your shield and your your uh Axe and stuff to get back down there and grab your inventory again yeah and I got my uh glider too so I should be able to just Glide right back yeah that's super nice don't lose everything on a death you just lose like all the items and stuff within your inventory but not your gear necessarily so here we go I've gone ahead and walled off the second floor here with the Shroud wood I just love the antique texture of that it wasn't too expensive All Things Considered so let's go ahead again and put a floor on top of this put another staircase cuz we'll have a little Loft and then we can go ahead and start working on the roof [Music] there we go perfect I think now we are ready to start Roofing this place place so as I did on the first floor I'm just going to go ahead and kind of start uh trimming out little roof line here with some more of these pieces just all the way across around the entire perimeter and those will be what we'll kind of bring the roof up from yeah as I start getting these around you can then sort of see how this looks from down below you can see the texture is really quite nice I really like the look of that and then once we have the covered porch and all the other exterior details right now it just looks like a big box but trust me it'll kind of come together as we go along all right so it's dark again and before we do the roof we're going to go ahead and sleep but I noticed we unlocked the fireplace in the fireplaces category here so I'm going to go ahead and craft that and that might be a bit better than the campfire hopefully it won't burn out as much and everything I'll just put it there for now yeah we can still cook on it but we'll see if that one doesn't burn out like the like the camp fire did and yeah if one person is sleeping you still skip the night at half speed so it's uh it's really cool and then if two people sleep it goes twice as fast so that's a really neat mechanic all right morning again and we're just Gathering a little bit of plant fiber to go ahead and finish the roof of the build here interesting there's some stuff over here up on top of this hill let's see another Journal let's go ahead and read it interesting inter okay another Alchemist theories there the title is war all right they took the pike me's reach they killed the king Gander any army of lunatics stickly pale barely lifting their feet above the bloodied ground they dragged themselves through our valleys through the MMA led by The Mad guard of the north vargoth I always knew the Elixir would so a seed of distrust I look up at the ancient Spire at the sky there is no running no hiding we must persevere another one from Bazar yikes it's depressing yeah yeah a lot of these are depressing all of the uh all the backstory and everything of the world it's pretty cool all right I'll go ahead and make a bunch of plant fiber roof block there we go go oh and we have enough tar now from all the campfires to make some shingles but we'll go ahead with plant fiber for this one and get up on top in the Loft here and go ahead and start this we want to start with these ones so I'm going to go ahead and rotate it and what happens if we do use X on this will it make it any easier uh not entirely so yeah I'm going to I'm going to just keep X off for the sake of the build from now now on I just think it works a little easier without it so the first roof piece is always a bit finicky but it looks like right there is where we want it sometimes a little easier from the side to end up placing it so that's going to be our first one let's go ahead and rotate around again we kind of look over the side here and right there that looks good and this back side is going to continue all the way across the entire back of the build let's see here and that wasn't the right spot so we can just hit Y it's so nice that they have those easy building mechanics all right another one there and one right there perfect and then we'll go ahead and rotate it around again going to look over the edge here and place one just like that Yep looks pretty good to me all right so now we're going to go to the little inner roof corner here and I want to place one of these right on the outside I think that's the right spot for it yeah that looks right okay and then I'll go ahead and rotate it another one kind of phase it down over and Pull It in a little bit perfect okay and then I also noticed yeah we have the roof Peaks I think these are new from uh from the demo so this will make it like super easy to kind of finish out the roof I need some more some more roof blocks though all right so let's try this roof Peak section here so let's get get to it on the side here uhoh I do take fall damage from that height all right let's just get back up there and try this from this end then let's try it there is that the right spot nope that's too far out all right one back right there perfect okay now we can go ahead and rotate that yeah this makes roofs a ton easier from what they were in the demo we didn't have these tools before uh to be able to do like the roof Peaks like this all right that's too far out again Pull It in a bit there we go awesome all right that's amazing now we can just go ahead and throw it down right there same thing on this side let's see back it up a little bit too far out okay I'll get the hang of this soon I think I just have to visually kind of uh get wrap my head around how this works but let's see here another one there and then we can go to our 2 meter I believe yeah 2 meter roofs go to our inner corner here and rotate that around and place it let's see right here let's try that maybe yep okay rotate it and then do another one right here yeah there it is we can just take our little 2 m roof piece or actually this could be another one of the another one of the four met there and then rotate it into place and let's see here this is going to have to be a little more something like that I think we just did it all right so there is the roof outline for the main build up here and then I want to do some decks coming off of it so I think I'm thinking a double decker deck on this side here and then just a single like roof that kind of comes down from this side over here and fee up there is filling in the windows of the second level with some window panes so that's nice all right yeah this is turning into a pretty large build but that's good it'll definitely accommodate us for a lot of Adventure just to be really organized and feel good feel good about getting our feet set in the game all right so with the roof completed now we're going to go ahead and fill in these end pieces so I'll just go a tab we're going to go to our 4 M sections there we're going to go to this stepped wall piece and I want it to be out of the Shroud wood which we've made a couple more blocks of so I'm just going to kind of put it right in here step it down a bit and going of push it back I just want to make sure yep right there and push it back perfect same thing on this side right down there and push it back in awesome so I'm just going to do that all the way around because the more again the more we can get done with These Blueprints the less we have uh work to do block by block all right so now that all those are filled in I'm going to go to the little 2 m pieces and again we can just get some more of this done with our blueprints while we have them so I can just rotate it and the same thing over here let's see right like that so yeah the only thing that you'll see is on the edge of your roof pieces you'll see like these little uh the little things of wood poking out which doesn't look too bad in my opinion it's kind of uh trims the roof out nicely I just want to make sure they're not poking out uh more than they should be so that's completely normal that's just the textures kind of meshing together in their own ways but again I don't think it looks too bad I think it looks just fine kind of adds a little little character to the edges of the roof yeah so that looks good all the way around so I'm going to finish filling them in and doing a central window in each one of them so here we go I can just take the window frame and essentially go in each one of these and that should end up actually completing most of it there and with these upper windows I want them to be a little bit wider so I will go ahead to the little one M block and bring them out two on each side cuz these are some nice viewpoints it's a bit bright it'll be a little bit less of a harsh contrast when we get some lights inside of the build here all right this looks awesome as the main portion of the house so my friend fee had to head out so it's just me now finishing the decks of the house here so let's get started what I'm I think I'm going to do is go with the 2x two here let's create a deck post right here and go up to the stone here and let's see fill that portion in something like that and let's do the same thing right here so destroy that and fill that in just like so and then I want to do another one right here so one two uh it doesn't really matter we'll fix the height of it eventually and right here oops there we go perfect so now I want to continue these pillars up all the way so let's go to the four 4 met section and let's see let's just go ahead and bring those all the way up like so because yeah this section oops is that not going to snap in in the right spot uhoh all right cuz we have X on okay so yeah whenever you have those issues just uh un toogle X there so yeah I'm going to bring those all the way up I'm also going to see I'll put X back on and bring those all the way up let's grab these pieces again and try to finish out the side sections here let's see I'm going to have to turn X off again for these there we go perfect so one there and there there and over here awesome all right that looks great and then this side I'm not going to do it on this will just be the wood floor so let's go over here and select it to be out of wood and we can go ahead and build the second deck level right up in here and it'll look something just like that when it's done I also went ahead and continued uh the little deck posts on the ends here here up by another two blocks high so that should be good and then yeah if we head up top here I've gone ahead and broken out this little area for a little doorway up to the second level deck up here so now let's work on the roof section over here and for this I would like to go ahead and place a wood floor because I might end up having a little Loft over here I'm not sure just yet but I think it could look really good if I uh if I do it right so let's go ahead and finish a little wood floor over here all right so we actually misplaced this column over here it has to be that way by another block so let's go to our column blueprint here go ahead and right click it and it will dismantle that whole section and we can just do a little touchup over here go ahead and destroy those two blocks and these two and then we can go ahead and fix that there there we go perfect all right so let's go ahead and open this wall up right here so we could have a little doorway and again I don't know exactly how big this will have to be I'll refine the size of it when I actually end up putting the doorway in there but that should do for now and then we go ahead and build a roof and I'm hoping the roof point will come like right up around here so that we can actually access this little Loft area which could uh which could be really cool so let's go back to our roofs here there's the 4 meter we can go ahead and rotate it stand kind of on the edge here and turn off X so we can get finer snapping here and let it sit down right there perfect so again just standing kind of close to the edge stepping back a little bit and putting it right there that looks pretty good let's rotate it around again and try it for this section here so I want to snap it like here and then I also want to like move it in toward the house there it is perfect rotate it and snap one right over here and then right there in toward the house okay so we may have to end up moving that window just a little bit higher which is okay uh that'll that'll end up being fine so let's rotate to our roof points here and I think it's right there yep perfect this time I'm getting it let's start it in toward the house so right there and then work our way out here there we go perfect that's a little easier so yeah let me go upstairs and see if that block BLS our view yeah it does so this I'm just going to get rid of these again you can just hold e and be able to pick up any items like furniture and stuff like this match this up a bit so it's going to have to be up to there so that may end up working actually so what if I just have two windows kind of on both sides of it I think the windows go up like four things high so maybe I maybe I have two windows something like that ah so they're not quite that high so we can go ahead and fill in maybe these two right here and let's give that a shot just two of them right up there so one there and one there all right let's see how that looks yeah I like that that really adds a lot to the house so now let's finish off this front edge uh and it'll really start coming together okay there we go I finished off the front section here and that is looking absolutely beautiful you could really see this house or Mansion I guess taking some shape I really really like it so now let's figure out something to do for these deck railings uh I was almost thinking of doing like single stone blocks all the way across and this was something someone in one of my chats uh commented was it would be really cool to add some like railing pieces to the game or little little things that we could use that are a little bit smaller and skinnier than blocks so I think what I'll do and by the way you can just build right from your blocks you don't have to uh have your Hammer selected all the time if you just want to build block by block so that is nice what I think I'll do is I'll go ahead and select the one meter we'll just scroll all the way down to let's see let's see how the Shroud wood would look uh first as a railing here you know what that's actually not bad and I really really like the look of it as a railing it kind of has that like I beam look to it which I like a lot so yeah let's just use the Shroud wood for the railings around the deck here again it's a little fat looking but I think this will look right let's just finish out this little section and see how this would look from over here yeah that's not bad that's not bad at all and then I think in here I kind of want to do let's see let's make it Stone and let's continue these up kind of like that now we can kind of tie the railings into them there we go I think that actually looks really nice and then I just used some little stone blocks which actually made for nice little round poles like in between the deck railing there for the second deck there so I think this is looking absolutely fantastic it really came together so with that I think the exterior of this build is completed and I will definitely be decking out the interior a lot more as we go along and unlock new recipes and things I'd love to get some furniture like little seating and stuff around this flame alter to kind of almost be like a little fire pit on the deck and such but with the size of this build it will definitely accommodate for everything we'll need for a lot of early game Adventure until I end up getting the chance to build a village and everything later on which I'm really looking forward to so yeah we'll be able to kind of make this bottom level like a good siiz crafting level maybe the charcoal film The Forge workbench all the NPCs can have a place down here and such then we could kind of have like some nice living quarters up here a nice little hangout area kind of a thing maybe some trophies and such and then a little bedroom in here and then the very top Loft could again just be more beds and things that's where we've moved our beds to for now and yeah this little fireplace also does not burn out so that's nice it'll just stay lit forever unlike the little campfire so this will be one of the bigger builds of the series aside from castles and things that I'll possibly do later on but I definitely have a thing for the smaller more cozy builds and when I get a village going I'd love to do something more like that with more Hobbit houses and things and maybe like an individual build for each of the NPCs and things like that but yeah I think for early game to have a lot of space for beds and storage and the NPCs until I get a village for them and things I think this will definitely be good so with that I hope you all enjoyed the video h thanks again to all of my channel supporters and members and be sure to subscribe and join the Discord server through the link in the description and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 93,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, best rpg games, enshrouded review, episode 2, enshrouded starter house build
Id: 2L_wPI1k1kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 38sec (3278 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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