How to get the BEST Glider (& MORE) at level 1 | Enshrouded

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looking to get some insane Loot and  the best glider in the game well I   can show you how to get it at any  level even on a fresh character so   long as you're willing to go on a  little Adventure into a high Level Zone don't worry you won't have to kill anything  beyond what's needed to make your first grappling   hook and your first glider and the materials  needed can be farmed up in just a few minutes the   place we are going to is one of the sun temples  on the Southeastern corner of the map usually   you wouldn't be able to reach this until you have  your passage level at like 5 or six because the   area is surrounded by Red shroud or the deadly  shroud fortunately you can get around this with   some fun usage of the game's building mechanics  and your ability to mine your way through pretty   much anything so if you didn't already know  the way loot in this game works is it scales   with the area's level not the players level so  if I'm in a level 25 area anything I find from   chests will be that level 25 being the max for  the player and for the gear with some creativity   and patience you can go into higher level areas  loot the chests log out to reset those chests   and loot them again so that's what we're going to  do the spot we're going to is a level 30 area and   has a chest that gives you the best glider in the  game guaranteed no need to craft it just loot it   and equip in the same building there are some easy  to grab chests with max level gear and since gear   doesn't have a level requirement you can equip  it immediately so I'll be doing a full run on   a fresh character on a fresh server just to show  that you don't need anything special no Quest or anything then head over to get the blacksmith so   you can craft a lockpick as you  need one to open the door for the glider after that you craft your first grappling  hook and your first glider then Farm out a little   bit of stone and wood now use all that wood  to make as many wood blocks as you can about   100 Stone and 250 wood should be more than enough  okay prep is done pick up your workbench and head East we want to stay on the southern end of the map   until we get to this big ass  Hill where it transitions into desert dig or build your way up  and drop yourself a flame alter   so you have a closer place  to spawn just in case you die since I can only have two Alters  up at once I'll be fast traveling   to my old altar removing it then  fast traveling back to the new one once you make it to the desert  continue heading east until you   get to the red shroud once  you get there it's time to build you can either go out and up like I did   and just Glide down or build a  bridge straight across if you want once across you might see one of the sun  temples down below but this is not the one we want so continue East until you  get to the next section of red shroud drop yourself a new flame alter  so you can build your way over it once over continue heading east use this Natural Bridge to get  on top of the large Fortress and head   to the Southeastern part of this drop a  new flame alar and jump across the gap t head past the little town and continue around   the Southeastern part of the  Shroud until you see the sun Temple drop another Altar and head inside use  your pickaxe to Break These Bars and jump the   Gap make sure that you sprint Jump Then Glide as  soon as you can or you won't make it once up head   through the large door that takes you back outside  and work your way around to the other side making   sure to avoid the large birds use the stairs on  the right side the chest up there has the ghost glider there are some other chests in this Tower  but they didn't really seem worth grabbing   I found it better to just get the stuff  below with the skellies and reset also   the big groups of vases can be broken for  some scraps and highle materials if you   need it now if you want some amazing gear  you can head back down to the floor with   the bars that we broke but instead of going  through them just head downstairs and loot   the sarcophagus oh and be sure to avoid  the skeletons because they might on-shot you there's a second one that gives grenades  and arrows and a flame Shrine that gives four Sparks once you loot just exit to main menu to  reset the chest rinse repeat I farmed   this for maybe 15 minutes or so and got  pieces from two different armor sets one   legendary a bunch of epics and some rares  I went back on my main character and got a   legendary staff right away so the loot  from this one sarcophagus seems to be   really high quality on top of being max level  and that's it enjoy your sweet new glider and   some awesome Loot and as always the goo crew  appreciates you and thanks you for watching
Channel: itsGoohi
Views: 141,704
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Keywords: Enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded guide, enshrouded review, Game, Gaming, Video, Video Games, fun, funny, funny moments, Awesome, Gameplay, footage, pc gaming, gaming pc, guide, how to, survival, arpg, walkthrough, fun game, chill, relaxing, relaxing music, enshrouded game, enshrouded release date
Id: P5SRpAJ0bKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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