Building a Cozy House in the Forest! [Enshrouded Ep. 10]

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welcome back to enshrouded today I'm building a cozy little house in the forest of revelwood to act as an outpost for all of the quests in this area that we unlocked in last episode so with that said sit back and enjoy the build so I found a nice little clearing in the trees that I think will be the perfect size for the house I want to build today and it's right near the willow Crush Camp right over there to give you all a reference so with that said the main blocks that we'll be using in this build will be the stone a little bit of shroud wood and then wood block some rough wood blocks some Flintstone blocks and then shingle roof block possibly a little bit of the stone shingle roof block but I'm not sure yet and then I might mix in a little bit of the mycelium overgrown block just to give it some foresty character so with that said these are pretty early game material so hopefully it'll be fairly easy to get a bunch of them I just got a bunch of them in like 10 minutes so not too bad once you have all the NPCs and everything so with that I'm going to start the build this house may have a basement so I think I'm going to do the foundation with these 4 meter Foundation pieces out of stone and it'll actually make it easier to dig a basement underneath it later on so let's see let me kind of Center it in this clearing here and rather than being all the way in the ground I'm just going to kind of bump it up like that so it's two blocks above the ground and we will make a four long by two deep and that'll be the main house size and then I'm thinking a covered porch off the front here and then a little chimney off to the side there so just snapping that halfway in and that'll be the floor layout so a bit smaller and Cozier than the first one I did but I think it'll work out well well so with that let's go to our columns here and snap one of those on each of the corners here so there we go and I'm starting to build out fairly similar to the first one I did but it will be a little bit different I want to snap two of those there and this will be a little door and two little Windows going out onto the porch here so there we go I think that's a pretty good pretty good layout out to start out with I may end up yeah maybe I'll do like a little pillar there and one there or something so there we go that should be a pretty good layout I think now I'm going to start working on the walls just so we know where those are and for those I'm actually going to use a combination of The wood block as well as Flintstone just to give it some interesting texture so I'm going to go to my hammer here and then go to my 4 meter and then go to the door door frame piece here and then select that to be out of the rough Flintstone and then turn off X so that we can uh have a little bit finer snapping here and let's see something like this we're just going to do like one block High a little tiny perimeter here I think that's in the right spot yep so just all the way around the build doesn't matter if you phase it in here it'll only use the materials that it needs so let's see another one right here and then I'll rotate it again and complete this perimeter all the way around and then obviously leaving a little gap for the door right here and the chimney here we go so now for the chimney section I'll just select the single block and just hand place two of them on each side there and there we go that'll be our little interior layout here a little Foundation section and then with that I want to select my two meter here and go to these 2 m wall pieces and select those to be out of the tar wood block and I'm just going to stack those on top of that Flint Foundation piece that we just placed all the way around the build and then again for the chimney I'll just select the single block and we can just easily place a bunch of these up right here and that'll do perfect so the reason I really like this block over the normal wooden block is that it will give it sort of a log cabin look and I really like that feel for the forest here so now that we have the floor layout and a bit of the walls in it would be a good time to start working on the basement and I've never done one of these in and shrouded before so this will be a first time for me as well but we'll try this so I'm thinking is I can go to the 2x two wall block blueprint and just start sort of selecting the build here and just destroying down so I'm just going to do this all over the entire floor which will basically destroy this inner area down by two blocks deep and then again I I'll just kind of yeah I'll start in the corners here and I'm not going to do it in the chimney area just in this whole area all right so here we go and that's the benefit of these Foundation pieces is that they actually continue into the ground away so you can kind of get like a head start on your foundation and basement by already having a bunch of stone continuing down I usually don't like to use them if I'm just doing an above ground house yeah they continue into the ground uh by another two blocks deeper than what you see exposed here so that can be nice for the basement so I think I'm just going to go ahead and do the exact same thing again just with the 2x two and go ahead and delete it down a whole another level and there you go you can see as we're deleting it that brings us to the ground level so here's the ground and then from here we'll be doing something different but yeah I'm just going to delete the rest of this floor out of here okay so here we go now you can see it's deleted all the way to the bottom here so we've just taken out two rows of these blocks and I'm going to use this same blueprint and I'm going to do the same thing with the ground we're just going to let the blueprint snap into place and just make sure you're taking your time on this cuz the ground is a bit harder to see uh with stuff like this it's a bit harder to kind of uh not know where you've placed it and where you haven't because of the fact that the ground texture kind of meshes together which is again why this blueprint will make things a lot easier so just doing nice consistent rows all the way across until the ground is another two blocks like this and here you can see that finished so I think this turned out pretty well I'm going to go ahead and do that exact same thing again here on the terrain so just deleting nice rows at a time and then I think that'll be the final depth of my basement here okay there we go that looks like a really really nice basement and I almost really like this ground texture especially the way it looks here in this biome so maybe we'll keep the basement floor like this by the way this gives us plenty of depth now to either keep the floor like this and have like a big cell area or be able to build it up a little bit after the fact so now I'm going to go ahead back into my hammer go to the 4 meter here and go to the ceiling block and I want that to just be out of the rough wood here and then I'm just going to turn off X so we can get it in the spot we want it and I'm just going to go ahead and fill well actually I'm going to do it from the other side because this will be where the stairs go up and I'll just want to be able to have a little bit of light there to be able to see what I'm doing but here we go all right we'll just snap it in there and then move back right to there so something just like that for now and then I will actually start working on the staircase here so let me go back into tab but this time go to the 2 m section go to the 2 m ceiling and let's see just put that all the way across on this side here cool okay and then I'm just going to do like a little temporary stair here just so that I have a way to get out so I can step on top of this and double jump out of here perfect and now we can start working on the stairs that go up to the Loft and we'll kind of mirror those by doing stairs under them that go down to the basement here but this is looking really nice so far and I've noticed there's a tree right here that's going to be a little too close to the house so I'm going to go ahead and cut this one down and I actually haven't cut down any trees yet in this forest biome so I wonder if they give us anything different did that drop anything oh there's something down here looks like that's resin did the wood end up inside of the house in the basement area let's see here yeah there's some wood here okay so just normal wood logs it looks like but I'm kind of curious just while we're doing this what happens if I cut down one of these really big trees oh gosh we've got one of the shooty plant thingies over here all right let's go and try this and then I think I'm going to go back home afterward and sleep so you guys can see more of the building in the daytime here we go ooh and that's how we get hardwood that's awesome okay and yeah like I said I do wonder if the uh Carpenter unlocks anything new with hardwood or if it will eventually but that's cool all right I'm going to go sleep and we'll see you back here in the daytime and while I'm back at the bigger house here to sleep I'm actually going to go ahead and check in with the Alchemist here because he has a red exclamation point above his head and it looks like it's because of the mycelium that we just picked up to make all those new blocks all right well let's see what is that that thing you carry melium Flame born I advise you to be cautious what you're holding is highly dangerous it's a disease it's suffering it's fungus that aims to Devour the world humans saw potential In the Flesh of the plant but they only brought calamity please stay clear of the substance it marks demise okay well I won't be staying clear of it uh maybe maybe it'll be doing something weird to the build but I guess we'll see and for those of you who don't know the melium uh either comes in some of the chests and things that we looted over at The Elixir well uh but you can also just mine it from all of the glowy parts that are down in the Shroud okay back to the build now for the stairs I'm going to go ahead and select the 2 m stair blueprint here and then put it right on here so that the very top step is just inside that uh just inside the stone pillar here and then I'm going to scroll to the 2 m ceiling piece and kind of come over to the side here and drop it down right there okay yeah just making sure it's not sticking through perfect so this will be like our little Landing platform and then I'll go back to the 2 m stairs here rotate them around a little bit then the top step here will'll snap in something let's see just like that there awesome and then the very top of this should be the same exact height as the top of these Stone pillars here which it looks like is the case so that should be perfect okay okay and then just like I did on my other build I would love to go ahead and replace the very edges of them with just the stone blocks so I just love how it trims out the build and now I'm going to go ahead and Destroy these floor pieces right underneath these upper stairs something just like that perfect and then that will entally make some space for the stairs to go down to the cellar here so let me go ahead and finish in the floor up here just going ahead and selecting the 2 m ceiling piece and then filling these in there we go and then right over here in this corner as well I want that to be filled in perfect and then going back to my 2 m stairs here I'm going to then just kind of push them down and right back to the wall just like that so that the top section of this is directly in line with the top of that step there I think that looks pretty good so I can go ahead and destroy this one we can go back to our 2 m ceiling piece place it right there go back to the stairs do a rotate and place them right like that perfect so now this staircase perfectly is in line with this top one right here and that should work out well and then we can go ahead and just kind of grab our single block up here and go ahead with the wood pieces build our floor right back in this little section just like that awesome okay so now with the stairs complete I'm going to go ahead and keep working on the main floor again so I'm going to go into Tab and we're going to continue these walls up to the top height of these Stone pillars and to do that I'm going to first just scroll down to my wood block and we're going to go ahead and build these up by two more blocks tall all the way around so that we have it Essen one block from the very top and then the very top of the pillar there we'll go to our stone block and essentially just build it two blocks wide a little tiny uh trim piece all the way up top here so I'm just going to go ahead and continue that all the way around the entire perimeter here and then I'm also just going to go ahead and continue the stone here right above the door there we go perfect and in some cases it might be easier to just do the top Stone trim piece here first and then go ahead and fill it in underneath it just to be able to have an easier spot to stand all right so here are the walls completed now and again I just left some space for the fireplace and chimney out back here and I think for the fireplace and chimney I'm going to go do that after I have the roof on just so that I can kind of get a sense of where exactly I want to taper in and how I want to build the chimney what size I want it to be and everything so with that said I'm just going to go ahead and get a second floor down over here we'll just go back into Tab and then scroll down to the 4 meter here go to the ceiling piece and just do it out of rough cut wood there and I'm just going to go ahead and put a second floor almost over the whole build here and we'll just kind of stop it at the chimney section here and then come right back here something like like that scroll back to our 2 m pieces and go to the ceiling and then just go ahead and put it just like that so that looks pretty good there's our second floor that'll just make Roofing a lot easier and then for this section you'll notice we can't get down here yet so I'm just going to go ahead and go to my uh single blocks up top and then destroy out one 2 3 4 One Two 3 three four so there we go now we should have no trouble getting down the stairs and that's exactly how it is to get down to the cellar here as well so perfect all right so now I'm going to go ahead and start working on the roof and I'm just going to go to my 4 M roof blueprint here and I want it out of The shingle roof block and then we'll just make sure that X is disabled to make this a lot easier and we'll go right up to the edge here up front just kind of looking over the side you can also zoom in and out of your character to make this easier just by pressing Z in the scroll wheel on mouse and keyboard here and then rather than just doing it at the edge like I did the first time on my first house I want to actually do a bit of an overhang because this shingle roof block actually has a beautiful design that I really want to accentuate so I'm just going to go ahead and kind of sit it down and then push it out by one block and there we go we'll go ahead and rotate it around and then again rather than having it right on the edge here we're just going to sit it down there and then push it out and there we go and yeah check this out look at how it meets up in the center here with this nice roof Ridge and these little carvings and things look at how the overhangs look it just really fits the forest theme here really nicely so I'm just going to do the same thing here over on this side just kind of sitting it down bring it to the edge Push It Forward by one block that looks nice rotate it around set it down the edge and let's see Push It Forward I think me just make sure I know where the edge is there we go just like that and then that will be kind of tight for the stairs here but you'll definitely fit down here without any issues it's definitely the smallest I'd want to make a loft here but it certainly works for a cozy little house so now I'm just going to go ahead and fill in the backside here and we can just kind of do it just like that there and then a similar thing on this side and for this I'll just kind of zoom out of my character and match it up with the top section here right here set it down and then just kind of scooch it over just like that perfect and then for the front here I'm just going to go to the inner roof corners and this will be a lot easier to do down from the ground I'll go ahead and rotate them into place and we'll just put one right there rotate it oops I rotate too far there we go and then put another one right here and that is the outline of our roof and the overhang again just makes it look really nice but I love how these wood shingles uh just fit the theme of the forest here I was debating of using like the stone roof as well but I think this will look really nice so now actually I might do a little bit of work on the front deck here and to start out I'm actually going to go up top to my single one meter or single roof block here and then select this one to be out of the stone shingle roof block and then I'm just going to line it right up with the side and go ahead and place a row all the way across from the end to end of each of these pillars here and then I'm going to go ahead and make sure that the blue Highlight is always touching the back of the pillar there and yeah see so I don't want it like that I want it yeah right in there perfect I want to do this all the way up and this is just another way to get a cool looking trim piece almost looks like a new block that we don't have uh just by using the roof blocks in this way and this will just make the door trim look really really nice and then I'm just going to go ahead and take uh the shingles here place two like that and then snap one on the side one on this side and then fill in the center here so just snapping the side side and then just one more right up in here perfect so that looks really awesome and now I'm going to do a little deck railing on the outside so I'll just go to my single block we'll have it out of the rough Stone I'll just Build It Up by two and right there as well and then I'm going to go ahead and destroy a little step for myself right here so I can get up onto the deck we'll just Build It Up by two over here and two over here and then another cool trick that I was messing around with is if we go to our roof block again I'm just going to do this out of the stone shingle roof block we can actually use this as a railing and you'll see in a second here look at how nice that looks it's a lot skinnier than a normal block and you don't need any of the railing pieces or anything to get this really early game so you could do this out of like the plant fiber roof block stuff like that yeah check that out that looks like a really nice deck railing there so I'll just do that on both sides here and then we'll figure out what to do next so there is our deck railing yeah I love that I love the look of that it's nice and simple I was thinking about having this be an entirely covered porch but honestly I really like this little overhang right in front of where the door is going to go and then just leaving it open like that I think it just adds some texture adds a nice little area to the front might put some seating and stuff out here so now I'm debating what to do to fill in the walls for the roof Peaks here previously I've really enjoyed using the Shroud wood block for this but something I wanted to try was the uh if I go to my 2 m actually we'll just go to 4 meter here and go to this stepped wall I wanted to try the Flintstone block uh the rough Flintstone just to see how that would look if it would be any different or nicer looking than the Shroud would so if I place like one right there oh that does look really cool that's sort of a forest look I love the green in it and everything so maybe let's see let's do that half in the Flint and then let's do the other half in the Shroud wood so I'll just scroll up there there we go and then rotate it and let's see let's see which one looks a little better man they both look really nice actually that's tough to decide for this one I almost am inclined to go with the Flint I don't know you guys can let me know what you think in the comments or maybe I could do the Flint for the front section here and then I could do shroud wood for the sides even but I don't know with how like uh how much Stone I've been using on this cabin with the stone foundation everything I almost feel like the Flint just kind of matches it nicely adds a nice contrast so yeah for now let's go ahead with the Flint all the way around yeah that looks quite nice I'm really loving how the colors in there are matching the forest so yeah we'll leave it at the Flint for now and then another thing I wanted to do just to see how it would look is to use these mycelium overgrown blocks here and just kind of destroy a few of these pillar blocks and replace them with the melium ones I don't know I don't know how this will look but I figured maybe it could uh maybe it could be interesting just to again kind of give it that like rougher more natural earthy foresty feel there I kind of like how that is maybe like let's see this one this one this one I don't want to go too overboard with it but yeah it looks pretty cool I think I will leave it in there just adds a bit of like growth and fun texture there to the pillars so now I think it's time to start working on the chimney here so I'm just going to go to my 2 m wall blueprint here and we're just going to kind of rather than being all the way on the edge here cuz I just think that would be a little too big for the size of this house going to go ahead and bring it in something like that go ahead and rotate it and bring it all the way in toward the inside like that and we'll bring the walls and things into it later uh I may end up deleting the little platform below it but it actually looks kind of nice I don't know we'll see so yeah with that done I'm just going to go back to my little one or single block pieces go ahead and place a couple of them like this and then that will essentially be continued up a little bit more I don't know like maybe two blocks high or something like that yeah that looks pretty good and then I think I'm going to go ahead and fill in the center section because of the fact that there's no smoke mechanics in this game the same way there are in like valheim for example where you'll get smoked out of your house so with that I'm going to go ahead and do something like that I do two all the the way around it for a little bit and then maybe this Center section we'll just go the 2 MX 2 m wall block and sort of start continuing it up a little bit I also brought some scaffolding over just to make it a little easier to get up here on the roof to keep working a little bit so yeah we'll just bring that let's see up something I don't know maybe like that for now we'll see how it ends up looking and then I'm just going to continue these little pieces up around the sides maybe maybe just two honestly and then this section maybe it might be nice just to come all the way out with even all the way up to the top there cuz I don't know how I how I like it kind of tapering in toward the cabin I think it should stay straight up at the backside there yeah that feels like a pretty good size and I do think I'll just go ahead and delete all of these blocks up into the house there and then down to the floor there we could just leave that little Stone perimeter around the very bottom there that's okay yeah I think it would look nicer without these it'll look less beefy and messy at the bottom here so I'm just going to go ahead and continue yeah these outer blocks all the way up and then kind of shape it to something that I like and get back with you guys shortly here so there we go I really like that just kept it nice and simple did a little flare out on the top by just placing two blocks on either side of the little 2x two pillar that I continued all the way up so now we can go ahead and just kind of mesh these walls into it from the inside I think again just using some more of the block there but yeah I like that it's nice and small and simple I think it'll fit the build well and here's what it looks like from the inside so quite a good size for a fire and one thing we do have to do is bring in some Stone to sort of fill this whole area in so I'll go ahead and bring like a stone up there and we can bring these ones down all the rest of the way here so something maybe maybe like that yeah that could work okay and then remember these very bottom blocks we had them out of the rough Flintstone so I'll just be sure to continue those into the chimney there we go and then the rest of this can all just be these wood blocks here so that looks pretty nice and then I made a little tiny fireplace here that we could put in there but this chimney might also look a little better just with the normal campfire uh in here or the fire with the cauldron and stuff as we unlock that later on but either way just to give it a little bit of light and then that actually is like a perfect height for a mantle piece right up there if we could figure out how to do something nice for a mantle so I have to mess around with some interior decoration here soon but I think exterior wise this is actually looking pretty nice so far I think now the only thing left really is Windows and the door here and I think for the windows I'm going to go ahead to my single block here and up so not at the bottom but up two blocks going to go ahead and chip out a little section just 2x3 on both sides here and those will be my little deck windows I think that'll be a good spot then we can head over to the Carpenter and stuff make some nice Windows yeah that's a good spot for them there and then in the Loft I'd like to have one larger one here so again up to maybe just a little something there and I might do that on the sides of the Loft too but how does that look yeah that looks pretty good the Flint stone a little finicky there uh and how it like creates this like trim piece at the top with the texture there uh but that actually doesn't look too bad and I think that'll look a lot better especially when we do actually end up getting a window in there okay so I've done all of the window openings now we just have two in the Loft one there one over here and then the two on the side of the door and then one larger one back here and when I step back now with the texture of the windows it almost feels like these two pillars on the sides of the deck this one as well as this one right over here it just makes it a little too busy looking and I'd almost prefer to see the logs kind of come all the way across and then possibly even have some bigger Windows than just these ones to be slightly wider here so I'm just going to go ahead and remove those pillars and just see if it looks any better all right yeah I removed them and I think that looks a lot better to have the windows be double wide here in the front don't have the pillars in the way it just lets you admire sort of the length of the logs a little more as well even if I did have the windows a little narrower I think it was just getting a little too busy with that many pillars and I did the same thing on the back side I removed the ones on the side here and just move them instead to be on both sides of this Center window which could also be taken out and replaced for a back door if you wanted that as well so yeah with that said let me go to the other starter house make up a door and some windows and then see how that all looks here we go I made some of the new doors and windows that we unlocked with the carpenter so I'm curious to see how these ones look we have the polished wood door here so I'm just going to go ahead and put that right there maybe that'll be too fancy for this cabin I suppose we'll see in a bit and then I have the carved wooden window here we'll go ahead and put two of those in the front here just kind of has like a nice little window sill to it and then two of them in the the back and two of them up here in the Loft one right there and one right there how does that all look oh that actually has a lot of nice little character and charm to it I like that door and then yeah we'll fill in over it and everything but the windows look great I think this is definitely coming along nice so yeah let's go in here and fill in right over the door I think for that I'll just use yeah I'll just use some more of the blocks here and we'll see how that looks yeah I think that'll look just fine there we go okay I also use some of the shingle roof blocks just to create like a mantle illusion over the fireplace yeah I could do a different door for sure maybe this one is a little too busy uh for this and honestly yeah let me try a different door let me try the one below it so here's the door that we unlock before we unlock lock that fancier one let's see what that one looks like if I open that up actually I like that better for a little cottage in the woods little more rustic a little more crude but I like that look a lot something else I'd like to try too quick on the exterior here is uh what would it look like if I did like window trim out of this uh the stone roof block so let me go into tab select it to be the stone Shing roof block and let's just go ahead and do like a little uh I don't know how this is going to look that looks really cool it creates like an archway over the door there so how would it look if I did that right over these windows either way even just on the top of the windows that adds a lot to the build um yeah what if I did it like down the sides as well so like there and there oh my gosh this is actually looking really good for some reason right in there o check that out all right I'm going to do the other one and we'll step back and take a look at that see if we want to keep it or not oh that actually looks freaking awesome it creates a rounded effect around the windows I am so going to be using that trick for all the Hobbit houses I build in here later on that is really amazing actually yeah I don't know what you guys think of that but I just think that adds a whole lot of cool texture to the outside that somehow doesn't look as busy as the columns and things were so yeah I'm totally going to use that trick there I went ahead and used it again here on the interior just to create like a cool pole that acts as like a support pole for the stairs there so I just continue with the little shingle roof blocks up there and then made a little pull and yeah that's really nice I'm actually loving the roof blocks here cuz you can control which way they Arch and things like a lot more fine than just a normal block so yeah with that said I kind of want to do a little more interior work get some furniture in here and deck this place out I think it's definitely worthy of some furniture and things it is such a cute little cottage all right here's the build in a more finished State I've gone ahead and done some slight touch-ups and added some simple interior decoration and obviously be sure to subscribe if you'd like to see more building and decorating in the future here but with that said here I present you my cozy little Forest house so we just do a little walk through of the outside so you can see the full build here I really love the building pallet that I used I just think it fits the environment so nicely as I've said yeah just a simple little back window there heading around and the chimney there I think it just ties into the build super nice now let's head on to the inside here so coming in here we've got the carpenter which I think looks obviously like a little wood cutter with a saw and things uh so I think having him in this Forest cabin fits perfectly got a little workbench and things for him and then some shelving and then I also realized you could make this mantle piece at the carpenter so I think that looks really nice over the fireplace there I've got a little sink a little kitchen island some simple dishes and some seaing here so very very simple right now but I'd love to deck it out more as I unlock some better stuff now heading down into the cellar I left it pretty unfinished but went ahead and added the flame alter here which also adds warmth to the build so I think it fit there nicely it's super easy if I wanted to go ahead and finish it a little more I was thinking maybe this whole wall could be a bunch of storage here so definitely just some extra space in case it's needed there and then we head up to the upstairs here and this is just the little bedroom I've got a little desk overlooking the window here maybe a little reading Nook or for some late night craft projects or things and then the cozy little bed over here so yeah I think it turned out really really nice and then here's what the build looks like at nighttime it is actually quite cozy I just love the ambience and the lighting especially having some of these larger torches just to light some of the bottoms of these big trees and then being right backed up to the Shroud there that glows blue in the night really really peaceful yeah kind of spooky as well if you just kind of sit and listen to The foresty Sounds at night it's like yeah it makes you want to Cozy up inside all right well with that said I hope you all enjoyed this build it was definitely a lot of fun huge shout out again to all of my channel members be sure to join the Discord server through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 124,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded starter house build, episode 10, enshrouded cozy cabin, forest house
Id: j5-7ScN8H28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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