Enshrouded is WAY Bigger Than We Realized! | Enshrouded Spotlight

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[Music] enshrouded is an open world survival action RPG with a heavy emphasis on exploration combat building and crafting as a Flame born one of the few remaining remnants of a Dying race it is your job to write the wrongs of your ancestors whose greed caused a great shroud to cover amville the continent on which you reside waking in an abandoned Temple wearing nothing more than your undergarments you must gather build and explore to uncover the the past and to conquer the future and shrouded is a game being developed by a smaller team over at Keen games you may recognize their name from some their other titles such as portal Knights a solid Survival game ano a real-time strategy with a cult following and they've also had their hands in other gaming genres such as racing cooking and action games but with their newest title and shrouded the devs over at King games are aiming to go bigger and better than ever after a very success successful beta back in October keing games has been hard at work tweaking squashing bugs and optimizing their game for release and with the release date of January 24th fast approaching I wanted to give a breakdown of what we know and what to expect upon release so here's a list I've compiled of five reasons why you should be excited or and shrouded starting with number one imil is a voxo world and why is this important voxo means you can manipulate the world however you see fit not only do you get to explore climb run swim and fly in a voxal world but you can also destroy buildings dig massive Caverns or even build Majestic mountains a voxal world means you are in control and not limited to a static World Bound by rules and limitations it also means you can do things that can't be done in a non voxal World maybe you want to dig a giant pit filled with spikes as a trap or a goblin Camp you're preparing to attack or maybe you want to dig a path zigzagging up the side of a cliff as a shortcut to get back home in a voxal world you're allowed to do this and you're only limited to your imagination so what does this mean for unshrouded what means you can approach every situation and every encounter differently there may be no two approaches handled the same way and that's part of the joy you'll find while playing in a voxal based world every building every base Every Mountain can be destroyed and leveled if you see fit think Dishonored and terms of approachability no two enemy camps have to be approached the same way and even the most outlandish ideas can become reality if you're willing number two and shrouded offers up to 16 player co-op support nearly any game can be more fun and have more replayability when you play it with friends but why does this matter for in shrouded and maybe you want to be a Mage and your friend wants to be a warrior so you can balance each other in combat or maybe you both just want to be Rangers who Take On The World one stealth kill at a time whatever you decide Co-op allows and it allows creativity and outside of the box thinking especially in the aforementioned boxal world so in a survival game there's even more of a reason to play together the grinding dungeon clearing and Village building instantly becomes much less of a chore and more of a fun side quest so what does this mean you can choose to conquer Ember Veil however you like together is one strong unit in which no enemy stand a chance or as a dark and mysterious loner who only appears when someone needs stabbed or maybe just maybe you want nothing to do with fighting and you want to build a great Village while your friends run off and explore and that's what make Co-op good co-op so much fun number three endless roleplay you may think to yourself you're not a role player however role playing at its core is simply immersing yourself in a game to better enjoy it and that's something we all do what whether we pretend to be spec op soldier in Call of Duty or the savior of a kingdom in Zelda no matter your preferred way to play immersion real immersion in a game means you not only play it but you feel it every Battle Victory feels rewarding and deserves a Champion's honor at the meat Hall and every death feels devastating and can cause even the mightiest of Warriors to take a step back and plan accordingly for their next belt so no matter your style preferred build or character choices if there's endless roleplay ability you have the freedom to do whatever you can think of take a look back at balers Gate 3 every player approached the game differently and that was part of its charm that's why the open concept of enshrouded is so important your stories will feel real as though you were a true explorer who just returned from a long adventure and these interactions create lasting memories and that is another reason games that apply this concept are so appealing number four a looming threat too many survival games have no deeper story or purpose beyond go here build this craft that and rescue this person and in shrouded that's not the case from the very beginning you're given a deeper purpose a backstory to firmly place you and your character into the world of imil what you do with that is up to you however that threat is always there waiting in the background in this instance think Calamity gon and Zelda breath of the wild no matter how many dungeons you conquer or goblins you slayed our shrines you solved there will always be a threat of Doom if you don't continue the story The Princess will never be rescued in the Kingdom never saved this type of Storytelling even in a survival game adds a true purpose and drive to every playthrough each tree you chop each piece of armor crafted and each region freed from the Shroud adds to your preparedness and hopes that one day you will conquer the evil that is covered inil so why is this important for a survival game well because we all have super short attention spans and we have way too big of gaming backlogs if there's not a deeper purpose to Anchor us to the world of Ember bille many of us will never complete the game and even fewer will return for another playthrough number five no afterthoughts games especially Survival Games feel as though parts were just afterthoughts thrown in to add more variety into the gameplay and shrouded doesn't feel that way every bit of gameplay whether combat crafting build building or exploring feels as though it was planned and developed with a focused goal in mind this means Builders will find just as much appeal as Fighters explorers will constantly be satisfied with the depth and complexity of their adventures and even farmers will feel that in shrouded scratches that itch so few games do so why is this important because we are overwhelmed with numerous games that all do basically the same thing only with a different paint job there's so few good really good games to enjoy but there are hundreds of okay games that aren't inherently bad but they're also just not something I'll return to once I finish if I even do finish gameplay matters even simple gameplay mechanics such as fishing farming or harvesting if these gameplay mechanics feel weird or off will get burned out before we even get to the fun stuff and as a quick bonus for you it's just straight up fun games especially survival games if not balanced properly or wealth thought out they go from exciting and new to stale and boring really quick survival games have so many mechanics that have to be fun thank Minecraft if you didn't like the sound of breaking blocks or the feel of building you wouldn't play it just like how a great soundtrack can make a mediocre game better a bad harvesting mechanic or a wonky building mechanic can ruin an otherwise good game and because our culture pushes results and demands a new game every week as a Gaming Community we are constantly bombarded with games that are either stuck forever in Early Access or they're missing content that should have just been there from day one foundational content even massive AAA games like Starfield are lackluster and too focus on making money rather than just making it fun we constantly get to age old adage of a mile wide but an ankle deep meaning so many games are just super massive but they feel empty and boring and shrouded aims to correct the these issues by Leading with a solid foundation of good survival mechanics and an open concept of approach it how you want you don't have to conquer the shrouds you don't have to fight you don't have to be a warrior the open concept means if you enjoy farming go farm if you're tired of dungeon crawling take a break and build your home whatever you want to do and however you want to play is completely up to you because of this approach the beta in October was praised by players and reviewers alike as being a surprisingly good start to a game that's that's not even fully released yet another game that comes to mind is the bloodline which is being developed by a small team and has the same basic premise of let's just make it fun this small idea which seems obvious to players too often gets bypassed by developers either because they ran out of time money or their vision for the game just ran dry so with all that said will in shrouded be the next big Survival action RPG we've all been waiting for or will it fail like so many before it honestly only time will tell but for now I am hopeful and I'm excited to find out for myself so let me know will you be playing in shrouded on day one or even at all do you think keing games has what it takes to make this the next big game you sink hundreds of hours into or will you even finish it let me know your answers in the comment below that's going to be it for today thank you for watching if you're not subscribed please do so and make sure to leave a like if you enjoy this video as it helps the YouTube algorithm know you want to see more of this type of content for more informative videos and breakdowns check out my playlist and as always have a fantastic rest of your day
Channel: SirKraken Gaming
Views: 137,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, Survival Action RPG, Upcoming Survival Action RPG Game, Voxel Survival Game, Huge Open World Survival Action RPG Game, Upcoming Survival Action RPG Games, Keen Games Survival Action RPG Game, Games Releasing In 2024, Games Releasing In January, Games Releasing Soon, Shroud, Fantasy Game, Medieval Game, Keen Games, Big Open World Upcoming Game, Survival Game, Action RPG Game, RPG Game, Destroy Everything Survival Game, Base Building, Crafting, Farming, Coop Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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