Enshrouded: Building a Cozy Hobbit Forest House!

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welcome back to enshrouded today I'm building this cozy Hobbit Forest house here behind me and this is one of my best bases so far it's full of so many hidden elements and little secrets and awesome building techniques and things so I'm super happy with how it turned out hopefully you enjoy this build video and then stay tuned for the end for a full tour so I've scoped out a beautiful spot here in the middle of the revelwood forest I think it'll fit the vibe perfectly for what I'm going for for those of you wondering on the map here you can just travel up to the revelwood spire and then Glide across this shroud and it's right over here and this location just speaks Hobbit house it's got a nice gentle Hill here and this is how it is without any terrain modifications or anything so this will be a perfect little Hill to kind of back my build into so with that said let's get started on the build I'm going to go to my blueprint and go to the 4M ceiling blueprint and then we're going to select it to be out of the roughly cut stone here and I want to kind of go right over to the edge of this curve in the terrain maybe something like let's see right there and we're going to do one two three and then 1 2 3 and A2 so it's going to be three and 1/2 wide essentially and then by three of these uh ceiling blocks deep this will be the first large Hobbit house and the reason I'm doing this first instead of building up the hill and then digging into it is I reckon it might be a little easier to actually frame in the whole Hobbit house do the rooms I want and everything and then afterward go ahead and put the dirt on top of it so we're going to try that for this build and see how it goes with that said I like the size of this and then I might do like a little pathway that winds up and above it a slightly smaller house up here and then a little cottage on top and then possibly a big tree that I build out of like terrain blocks or Farm soil to look like bark that could kind of wind up and sort of uh I don't know give a border to this side of the build so with that I'm now going to take my half timbered block and we're going to go ahead and start outlining the front face of The Hobbit house here so I'm going to go ahead and do that quick and then you can pause the video to see uh how I outlined it I'll do a nice front view here so you all can uh follow along then we'll move on to the next step okay so I have the rough outline here of the front view of the larger Hobbit house here and you can pause the video like I said if you'd like to copy it here take a screenshot or something but I'll just walk through it quickly it goes from this edge of the foundation here and between this Edge and the edge of the window is essentially six blocks and then a little window that is two blocks up from the bottom and then a little 2x two window cut out and then between this edge of the window and the edge of the door is four blocks and then four blocks wide by five blocks high for the door opening another four blocks into the edge of this window and this window is three blocks high by four blocks wide and again up two blocks from the bottom and then another four blocks from the edge of this window to the other edge of the foundation here and then you can just copy the L out for sort of how I outlined the top section there so with that said it's now time to start working on a few little details on the front of it to start making it look really nice I'm going to start making like a little porch just out of the normal Stone off the front here just so I have a little bit of uh area to work with I'm going to make this look much better later on uh but for now it'll at least just have something here there we go just something to kind of outline that and we'll kind of free place a nice little path coming down from it here which will look really nice later on I'm now going to take my shingle roof block and we're going to do some really cool details around the outside here that'll really bring it to life here so we're going to skip the bottom corner and up one from the bottom we're going to go ahead and place a wall of these blocks all the way up to the top corner but we're not going to place it on the top corner so again up one from the bottom corner and then stopping one block below the top corner there and then along the bottom row here we're going to go ahead and place uh four of them just like that we're creating the rounded door effect here and then along the top I'm going to go ahead with my stone shingle roof blocks here and we're going to go ahead and place one two right in the center like that and then go back to the tar shingle roof blocks and right on both sides of those we're going to place one and then two just like so and this is going to create the outline for the door some of you have commented you don't see these nice little wood carvings that happen with the wood roof that's because you have your voxal details turned off so just turn those on to any setting besides off and you should see these start taking shape and now we're going to work on the windows in a very similar way we're going to go ahead on the bottom Place one two wood blocks skip the corner and place one two going up and skipping the top corner so that'll be for this window and then on the very top we're going to switch to our Stone shingle roof block and go 1 2 3 4 and what this is going to do the reason we're not doing it out of The wood all the way around is because if we did it out of wood it would fill in these corners and I really like this like rounded effect around the window both inside and outside so I kind of like leaving it like that just some variation to have the little uh Stone shingle roof block right above uh to sort of shed the water off the little window there so same thing for here we're going to go ahead with the wood and we're going to place 1 2 3 4 across the bottom skip the corner 1 2 3 1 2 3 and then along the very top I'm going to go ahead with 1 2 3 4 5 and oops six right up there in the corner so here's the outline around the windows now and now we can just go ahead and take some wooden window frames and go ahead and fill these in and for this one I'm going to go ahead and place one here and then rotate the last one and place it here this will just kind of give the effect that there like little uh windows that can open and like one of them's open one of them's closed just to add some cool texture and stuff and now I kind of want to create a planter box on the outside of this window and for that I'm going to go ahead and Destroy these four bottom roof blocks blocks here first we're going to go to the hammer and go to the single terrain block with flower soil and I'm going to go ahead and replace these I'm going to do 1 2 3 4 and four more on the very top of them so 1 2 three and four just like so then we're going to go back to the tar shingle roof block and I want to place two on the bottom and then two on these inner corners just like that and then going back to the half Timber roof block here I'm just going to go ahead and place one temporarily right there to be able to place one two and then destroy that and then go to just the single stone block here um go ahead and do something like that maybe it kind of rounds out the sides has a little bit of flowers in there um maybe it's too busy looking but I think it looks pretty cool for now all that's left here is to go ahead and add a door so I'm just going to use this darker door right here which I think looks really nice being trimmed out there by the roof blocks and I also wanted to go ahead and fill it out a little more with the greenery so we'll just go and place like two more flower soil there over the window box I think that looks pretty nice and then you can also add Vines to this type of material for the half timbered block also the rough cut stone block you can kind of see some of them forming on the sides here um but yeah I don't think it's working for me on the front I kind of tried this a bit earlier and I seem to be able to get like little flowers and Little Sprouts of grass which is awesome so I'm going to go ahead and at least kind of do that in a couple spots but you can see here that it does work for me on the backside I'm getting some Vines and stuff just like that so it's just really finicky it all depends on what side you placed it on I found that the side that was forward here just wouldn't get any Vines no matter what I did uh so yeah that's a bummer but I'll definitely use the vine trick on walls when I can and when they will show up you can see there it's just a piece of grass it just really depends on the location yeah with that I'm really really liking the front of this Hobbit house here so now I've been working on outlining the rest of the Hobbit house here we have a little door here which is going to turn into a secret door to go into the tree trunk of the big tree I'm going to build over here and then I've been continuing the roof out from just this front face of The Hobbit house with more of the half timbered blocks I've done another little uh half jut out here um so essentially a full a full jet out over here which is going to become the base of the tree a little half jet out over here which is going to become the fireplace and chimney over there and I've brought the roof out to here the top section goes all the way out to the end here and then for these sections I'm just going to kind of continue bringing the roof lines in uh and I think let's see I'm going to try some stuff here and turn off X and just kind of bring this in about to there and then I'm going to as you can see I've kind of uh deleted the corners of each of those so now I'm just going to kind of take the uh let's see this blueprint the doorframe blueprint with the same blocks here and just go something like that on both sides and I think this will be nice cuz it'll give me slightly higher ceilings just in this area to have a nice area for the fireplace and maybe a little dining table here and have enough room and height to be able to hang a chandelier and I think I'm going to do the same thing over here and then the back side will just curve up and I think I'm going to mirror image this little uh wall here over here inoss Stone uh so yeah we'll do that and then I'm also just going to go ahead and start doing some terraforming over on this side so we're going to go to the terrain and we're going to go to the 2 meter cube and then out of dirt here and then I'm just going to essentially build this entire side up with these four M cubes here uh all the way kind of outlining the chimney here and then essentially let me just create a quick outline for y'all here just going to kind of back it up into the hill and like a nice rounded fashion here and essentially just take up this entire area up to about here and fill it up to the top here with these 2 m or yeah the 2 m cubes here and this will essentially create the next level of grade for the next part of the build so now we have something that looks like this here you can see I've brought this entire little yard area up with those terrain blocks leaving some space over here I've brought the entire roof all the way around the house is finished so this basically just mirrors this and then this back side here is a perfect mirror image of this front side here except for the fact that I just used the Rough Cut Stone instead of the half timbered for the back wall and here is just a little chimney I might raise it up or lower it a little bit uh when I get the final grade of the terrain later on but for now I think it's looking pretty good if we go inside here this is how things are looking now just got some pillars here I might choose to kind of section things off with walls and do a full interior here at some point but that's how the Hearth and little fireplace area is looking so far yeah I'm really really happy with it so now I'm going to start outlining a second hoba house that's going to be a bit smaller than this first one right over here and then we'll kind of bring the forest cabin up out of the top of that Hobbit house and then the top of this Hobbit house will become sort of the yard and some Farm fields and things so to start outlining this Hobbit house I'm going to go into my building here we're going to go back to the 4M ceiling piece and then turn off X here and I'm going to back it right up so you can see the very last little square of this build so right up to that and right along the side of the chimney there so I'm going to do that and then I'm going to come out one and then two turn X back on to get the halfway point and then go ahead and destroy that first one so this second hob house is just going to be two and a half wide by two deep for now so you can see that it's just one of these ceiling pieces set back from the front of the existing Hobbit house and then one of these ceiling pieces in between uh the existing Hobbit house and then this one so there we go that's the rough placement for that and then I can kind of be terraforming a little path that comes up here later on but I I think right now I'm going to go ahead and get a front design done on this hobba house again similar to the way I did it on this one but I think for this I'm just going to do a door right over here and then just a super small window over here so rather than having a door with two windows on both sides but it'll essentially just be like this 2/3 of The Hobbit house over here without this bigger window so let me get that done and then you can pause the video to copy it if you'd like so here we go this is the outline of the smaller Hobbit house here again you can just pause the video I decided to do the front out of the Flintstone uh rather than the half timbered block I may end up changing that later but I figure it'd be cool to use the Flintstone in our build pallet just from the greens and It just fits the forest so nicely so I might use some of it on the house that I'm going to be building above so I think it'll look right when everything's done but if it doesn't I'll just switch it out again for the half timbered but similar idea here we just have four blocks from the edge to the edge of this little window this is the same little window as the side here again it's pretty identical to again just the first 2/3 of this Hobbit house and then between the window and the door we have four blocks we have the door and then six blocks between the door and the very edge and then I went ahead and continued again the sides in the Rough Cut Stone and then the roof with the half timbered block and I only came out halfway here because now it's time to start outlining the foundation for the cottage that will be above and I'm planning on having everything here connected so there's going to be a little secret door in this Hobbit house that then goes up essentially through here I'm going to do stairs up into this Hobbit house and then this Hobbit house will go into the foundation of the cottage so that everything is interconnected with little tunnels and things I think that would be really cool so with that said I'm going to go into my door frame blueprint right here again select it to be out the Rough Cut Stone go ahead and rotate it and sit it down right there that's going to be the first piece of the foundation and we're going to start making this little secret door passage between these two hobbit houses here so now that we have that done I'm going to go to my little stair blueprint here go and rotate it something something like this let's turn X off for easier there we go and then I'm going to go to my little uh 2 m Cube here and we're going to take out this this um actually I want it to be one up from the bottom so that that that and that there we go and this is going to be my little door that comes up through here and this will all be covered Underground when I finish the terraforming later so now with that said I want to just destroy these Blocks individually just to make things feel high enough and I'll trim it out all really nice later so we won't have to worry about that I'm going to take my little 2 m ceiling piece and just fill in this little section right here so that looks quite nice I'm going to go back to the stairs again and I'm going to continue them down right over here just so that we're going to start kind of closing in our little tunnel over here I think I'm just going to use the rough cut stone for this CU I think it'll look nice maybe we'll use the half timbered for the roof of it but we'll have to see here so let's just go ahead with this here back it into there like that and then do one more right here perfect and then the walls can be the Rough Cut Stone so I'll just go back to the wall piece select that to be out of the Rough Cut Stone here and we're just going to outline I was debating having this be just two blocks wide is like a super tiny secret entrance but I think I am going to do the full four blocks wide which case let's just back this out to here and do something like that on both sides here so another one right here this might be a little tricky want it to snap right there I think yep and then this one to continue up right to there then we can kind of hand fill in the rest of the part so I'll just put like one there we'll go ahead and put one right right over here just like that and we're definitely getting here and now I'll just go ahead with like the single blocks here out of the rough cutstone go ahead and fill it in the rest of the way here so just like three three and three maybe a fourth one in there we'll see how the textures end up looking so uh let's see here and there we go and and then a couple up in here just go ahead with like three like that then again one two and three and here we go we have our little entrance from this Hobbit hole into this one here and then this piece right here will essentially Mark the foundation of the larger house so now I'm going to go to my little 2 m wall blueprint here and we're going to rotate it and continue this up by see one two go and rotate this again and then rather than right on the edge here I'm just going to phase it in there so it'll be one two and then across here three and four go ahead and rotate it again and then kind of phase it right into the edge there one two and then again for three four and I think I'm going to do uh 8 wide over here because this is going to be sort of an L-shaped house here and this looks so cool when the terrain comes up to it so that's how it's looking right now uh and then I want to do let's see it's rotated again let's do it right over here and leaving the corner free will go right there perfect so we're just going to do one two and for this I could go ahead and turn X on now just to make sure I'm snapping in the right places although X can sometimes be a little tough so maybe we'll leave it off here and three 4 five six there we go perfect we're going to rotate it again and see if I can get up on this hill here we can use Q and The Scroll wheel to move the blueprint slightly farther away and I'm going to do again phasing into the corner there one two and then three and four oops that's the wrong spot so four right there just like so and then rotate this again phasing it into the corner there and we're essentially just going to continue this uh side all the way across oops that's the wrong spot for that one all the way across until they meet in the corner right over here and now we're left with something like this here this is the outline for the foundation of the house and is essentially two of these 4M ceiling pieces wide by five of them long and then this little jut out part is 3x two essentially so just two of these wide and juts out one from the little 5x two section here and this will start looking amazing pretty soon so now that we have this outlined I'm going to kind of start working on connecting and integrating them so we're going to go ahead and fill in this Hobbit house here let's go ahead and fill in the side here the rest of the way back just like so and I'll continue filling up these pieces here with the half timbered block just right up to here and then you can kind of see how things are going to start working this is going to be this h house it's going to then have maybe a little stairway up into the cellar or the basement of the main house above it and then you can also go into this house here and that Foundation piece will continue into the ground once I do some more of the terraforming so I'm just going to kind of perfect things kind of wall this section off and then get back with you all shortly on what I end up doing to sort of outline this area so here we go I've gone ahead and closed in this wall over here and I've also gone ahead and done a little floor over here and continue this Foundation down by another 2 m so it's officially uh if we go into our 4 M blueprint it's officially one of these 4 M walls High uh rather than just half a wall High so there we go I've continued that down you recognize this little door here continued the floor across the bottom and gone ahead and just filled in All Around The Hobbit house here and I think this is starting to look really really good so now I'm going to start doing the staircase here and how that's all going to work and by the way I've just left underneath this entirely Hollow I see no sense in building the terrain up to it because you're not going to see it anyway so maybe later but we'll see so now let me go ahead and go to my little uh 2m ceiling piece select that to be out of the roughly cut stone and turn off X we're going to go ahead and make ourselves a little Landing platform for the stairs right here scroll over to the stair piece and go ahead and rotate it and put it right there that's perfect so it's going to go here you're going to go up going to rotate this again and and go right up to the top I think something like this right here and then this will essentially go up to the main floor of the house and then go down to there and now I want to try to figure out what makes sense for a staircase that goes down into this Hobbit section whether I do something maybe like this where you can just pop up right there that honestly does not look bad and I could make it look really nice so maybe I do something like that and then I wall off this section or whatever so yeah you can kind of come down these stairs head down into here come up here and go right up to the top I kind of like that actually just nice and simple so there's the stairs and now I'm just going to fill out down here uh temporarily again with some more of the roughly cut stone right up to the stairs maybe something like that and then one of the blocks right over there yeah this looks perfect here and then I might even leave this open down into The Hobbit house and maybe put like a little uh railing or something over here so you can kind of Overlook down in uh I don't know we'll see what I end up doing there but for now it is time to start the terraforming process everything is now filled in and we can start bringing the hills up and actually start putting some dirt over these Hobbit houses now so what I'm going to start doing is going to my terrain blueprints we're just going to go to the 2m Cube here and I think in the big chunks just like over here where the foundation is exposed and things we're just going to go ahead and like overlap it a little bit underneath it just so you don't see anything and something yeah just like that s to start bringing this hill all the way out and all the way back there perfect and all the way across the side of The Hobbit house here just want to make sure I'm not having dirt accidentally poking in but I don't know something like that for now blend it back into this hill so the big chunk parts of it then we'll do like over in here as well kind of come up on the foundation a little more uh and just continue sort of terraforming and bringing Earth up around so I'll use blueprint where I can and same thing over on this side we'll kind of Stack These Blueprints up to about here sort of start rounding off the hill and then for Over The Hobbit houses you know I can obviously start with like these blueprint pieces maybe right there um right there slowly start kind of stacking them out uh again where I can use them and then we'll just go ahead and you know either use the single terrain block or the little uh 1 M Cube section here to sort of start filling in around the area so I'm just going to fill dirt all the way over these Hobbit houses until I'm really happy with the way it looks we'll just use the dirt and then occasionally place a few little blocks of flower soil and things just to add a lot of interest and then we'll start thinking about door placements for the house here and Pathways and things like that so here we go I'm really quite happy with how this is turning out I think think it's coming along quite nicely I know it looks really complicated maybe but it's really not too hard again I'm just using blueprints where I can especially I've been using a lot of the uh the 2 m or the sorry the 1 M Cube for the terrain here and I've also been enjoying the uh disc one uh so I've just kind of been using that to sort of flatten out the top of like this little Hill over here just for some gardening later and stuff and then in sections like this where I'm kind of filling in around tricky spots like the chimney and stuff here I've just been taking my time just with the little uh single uh terrain blocks here out of dirt and just go nice and slow just around the trickier pieces one thing I did want to show you though on camera was how to create this nice looking front you can see this Hobbit house obviously is a little more janky right now uh whereas this one has this nice overhang and again it's not that tricky at all but I just kind of have a really easy method I just like to do um essentially a Terrain block at each of uh these sections so just going to go across the entire thing all around the outside just with these single terrain blocks and then you can see here it's already starting to create a really nice overhang there oops I don't think I needed that one or maybe I did there we go and uh yeah something just like that that's already looking better and then we're just going to go up right on top of each of those where there's like a little step up and you can see now it's just creating this nice little overhang here so you can see like there's a little step up so we'll Place one right on top of here there's a little step down one right there and let's see one right up in here oh it was right up there let's see might be a little easier up in this kind of climb up a little bit right there there and here we go just like that there's a little step down there we go we start creating this nice outline to The Hobbit house this beautiful overlap there and I do like how it's been working here on this uh half timbered block you can kind of still see a little bit of the steiness of the uh Flint there we can always just take a Terrain block here and there and kind of fill in sections you know if we want to for kind of affecting it I may choose to do that may even choose to kind of bring it out a little farther in spaces just to sort of uh again create that free form earthy effect so it's not too perfect kind of a thing then I've just been kind of using these single blocks again to uh kind of start wrapping around The Hobbit house and just start making things look really really nice so I'm definitely very happy with how they've been turning out um and then I can also yeah I can also just kind of go up here some of the flower soil like I was saying and uh yeah in a few places like in between the hills or maybe like down in here go ahead and put a couple of these uh flower soil blocks down create some nice Little Flower patches maybe at the front of the house here we could go ahead with a couple of them I just think yeah there we go just to get a few flowers here and there this is definitely taking shape I've got a bit more perfecting to do I think the big work with all the blueprints is now completed I think now I am just going to start taking my time and going ahead with all of the uh the little uh single blocks here perfecting everything but yeah the rough shape is definitely here you can see we have got a pathway kind of coming up here and we'll do more of the pathway out of like you know free placing these little stone blocks and things I'm thinking I'll do like a stepped pathway kind of coming up here and then possibly even a little deck coming off the house and that's where the stairway is to the upper level I've also just gone ahead and added a floor here with a little cutout for the stairs and then gone ahead and covered this section down into The Hobbit house because I just thought it was a little Cozier and nicer if it was covered I just think that looks a little better see I can kind of go up there go down here I've added my flame alter inside the house now finally since I think this is just a cool spot for it it was a big Hollow empty space underneath that uh basement of the house anyway so I figured ah why not just add a little jut out off the back of the house here and another trick that someone in my Discord was saying is if you pay really close attention at the tip of my hammer there there's that little tiny Corner uh that little like crescent moon shape right on the edge of that Circle there if you make that facing that that's basically the direction you'll face when you spawn in so whenever I fast travel to this flame alter I'm facing just like this and I can walk straight out into my Hobbit house so yeah wherever that little tiny Crescent is uh facing you can see it's not on any of the other sides it's just on that one side that little tiny Crescent there so that's a really awesome trick and it actually works so yeah just rotate your flame alter till that's facing the direction you want and we can go right out into here and I've also just placed a little tiny outline for the circle of my tree this will be continuing up with Farm soil as the Bark for the tree and we'll get to that shortly but first I want to finish this terraforming and then start working a little more on the house here uh so we can get a sense of how the trees going to come up and where the branches are going to be so that they're not not uh too much in the way of the house but yeah this is looking incredible so for the house portion here we're just going to go into the uh 4M Blueprints and I'm going to select them to be out of the half timbered blocks and we're just going to go ahead and fill all the way around with some walls and I'll probably be cutting out windows after the fact um but we might do a couple of them right now we'll see where we end up getting so I'm just going to go ahead and fill in all the way around like maybe this area right here could be a window um let's see something like that maybe and then this will all be like a wall I'm going to do a fireplace probably somewhere right in here uh so I'm just going to have these be solid because of the kitchen area then we might have a window over here somewhere I guess we'll see might have a window over here kind of above of the staircase but this is actually going to be the other staircase to go up to the loft so I think I'll leave that without a window for now and I can also just scroll up here and use these little uh half wide pieces it looks like I'll need some more Timber but I'm going to do like one of these a window and then like yeah to have like two bigger windows in the front here and then a door over here out to a tiny little deck with some stairs going down oh here we go this is close to what I had in mind I've got two windows here in the front both are uh four blocks wide I've got the little door here and then two windows the backside here just mirroring these front ones a little tiny one over here because this is going to be the kitchen so maybe this will go over the sink or something and then I've just got a chimney it's just four blocks wide by two blocks on the inside and then just surrounding it uh by Stone right now so that's how it looks so far then we've got a little window here and a little one here and then I went ahead and just mirrored that bottom staircase but right on top of it to go up to the loft right here and I always like to trim them out with some Stone edges so it always looks nice and then on the outside here I went ahead and also trimmed around the windows I do have a video on windows so feel free to check that out if you'd like more detail on how to use roof blocks like this but now I think I'm going to start working on the deck so I'm going to go ahead and select my 2m ceiling piece so basically basically three of those wide right there but just in by two blocks on both sides then I can turn X back on and we can do three more of them just like so and I think that's a pretty good deck size and then I want to just go to the little stairs here and go ahead and put them let's see they turning X off like right there actually that's perfect that's kind of what I had in mind for a little deck and some stairs and I can go ahead and kind of continue some little railings up just with the stone blocks I think um so I'll just kind of outline where those would go I don't know something like something like this for now yeah probably there's something on both sides of the stairs something on the corners there maybe I'll do it on the back Corners as well but I think this will work out and then I can kind of just destroy these and replace them with the stone and just continue all the way down to the bottom there so something like that I'll kind of mess around with it a little more but I think that's looking pretty good and then I'm just going ahead and done the little trim around the door there so now I'm just going to go ahead and throw a floor down up here that will become the Loft and then we can go ahead and start working on the roof so here we go I've laid down a floor now for the Loft and we're going to start working on the roof which I'm going to do out of these roof tiles blocks uh because I was debating between that and the tar shingle roof but the tar shingle roof just does not mesh with the texture of the half timbered block quite as well and leaves like a weird Ridge with some gaps in it so I'm just going to use this one and again we're just going to kind of sit it down and forward to create this overhang so rotating again and then rather than being right on the top here we're just going to sit it down and out and right there and then I'm going to rotate it again we're going to continue it out the back side here just sitting it down and out go to this roof corner piece and then push it down just like that go to this one again and fill in that little Gap rotate this and put one there and then we're going to start in from this side here going to do one there rotate it and then one right here so again pushing it down and out for the overlap going to go to the inner roof corner and put it right there perfect and now I'm going to have two little jut outs for two little windows for the bedroom that's going to be up here and to do that we're going to First grab roof pieces here and you can see the blueprint underneath it from the floor we're just going to snap it directly in line with that blueprint kind of phase it into there and then same thing here you can see there's just one little block missing right there so we're just going to go and do that so there's a perfect blueprint width here in between them and we're just going to do the same thing on this side because I think I want this to be uh even on both sides for the little jut outs so we'll do something just like that perfect and then I'm going to go to the little 2 m inner roof pieces you can go ahead and zoom into my character a little to make this a little easier and rather than snapping it just like I did there we're going to actually phase it in on both sides so then rotate it again and phase it in by one block and then do the same thing over here so phasing it in rotate it and phase it in just like so so it's going to look something like that then we're going to just take the 2 m roof pieces and uh let's see if I can get them to to snap over here might need to kind of step on the roof here for this just going to put one right there and rotate it again put one oops I think one block back just like that perfect and then same thing on this side now we have our little roof jet out pieces then we can head back inside here up the stairs and I'm going to go ahead and fill in the ends of them with Flintstone uh actually cuz I just think it looks really nice so we're going to do the rough Flintstone blocks go ahead and put one here and rotate it and put one there same thing on this side and then we're going to cut little windows out of them so right in here rotate it and there and we're going to use this Flintstone as well to make these jut outs here but in the meantime I'm going to go ahead and grab the little 2 m wall block and up two from the bottom we're just going to go and destroy this this and that and we're just going to do the same thing over here to create our windows so up to from the bottom there and then another one up perfect and then for the little jet outs here I'm just going to go ahead and select the ah we do have upside down stair blueprints there we go so I'm going to select some of these go ahead and place one there and one like that and same thing on the other side here rot rotate them around Place one there and one there nice and then this will have a overlap by one so we'll just go ahead and select the upright blueprint again and go ahead and place like one there and then rotate around one right over here and then we can just kind of fill in this middle section by hand actually so I'll just go to my single little roof blocks here we'll just fill in like one two 3 4 and I think that'll end up being the window so we can just fill in along this bottom section and yeah perfect that ends up working out well we can also go ahead and fill in above these guys if we want to and uh maybe I'll end up filling down just to make things look consistent and nice here something just like that yeah that'll do the textures get a little weird at the bottom or maybe those little walls end up being out of the half timbered blocks or something but that looks nice and then I'm just going to do the same thing on this side and here's what it looks like from the outside when all the windows are trimmed out I think it turned out beautifully again here's what it looks like on the backside here and I've just gone ahead with the single roof blocks and continue this roof across I think it looks pretty nice and I also really really love the way that the Flintstone kind of texture meshes with the roof there kind of creates these little like corners and accentuates it so I'm really really loving that and then I went ahead and just added the little top to the chimney over here so definitely turning out beautifully so far and last but not least it's time to work on the big tree which is going to be very tricky no pun intended uh but I really want to try to create like a spiral staircase around the middle of the trunk here create a trunk that kind of goes up the spiral staircase will have a little doorway right here so you can kind of go from there up the spiral staircase and then out onto the yard here and up into the house so just another cool way of connecting everything and then I'm hoping to kind of just build everything out of Farm soil here so I've kind of outlined a circle here with the Rough Cut Stone and we're just going to take the Farm soil and go ahead and like place blocks all the way up basically just following this pattern and you see they kind of are like meshing together like that that's exactly what I was hoping they'd do uh to be able to not leave any gaps and things and that looks pretty circular to me and especially as we start continuing it up so let's see like one there there it's going to be tricky I'll just have to keep like keep an eye on everything make sure I'm snapping things to the right points here but I think this is working out I think this is actually going to work this will be really really really cool never tried this before but I think think I've just think I'm on to something here let's see yeah and of course I'll kind of continue roots and stuff over here so this little uh stone foundation will all be hidden but I actually think this is going to work let me just keep continuing this little ring up a ways and see how it looks yeah this is actually starting to look like a tree trunk that is awesome it looks kind of like a barrel right now but man it looks pretty round with the way the textures are kind of all meshing together so I've gone ahead and just built it up the height of the hill and so far look at that it's working out perfectly and we've got plenty of room in there for a spiral staircase so I think now I'm just going to mess around with like coming out with some Roots maybe like a big one over here let's see I have no idea how this is going to work but let's just try try to continue bringing this out maybe into the ground and stuff continue it all around [Music] here yeah I think that's working out really well I'll just keep making it wider maybe we'll just go ahead and do a full covering of the base here to start out with and then I can kind of start bringing the roots farther down here I have no idea how I'm going to do the leaves or how this is going to end up looking but we're just going to try this is a complete experiment and if it works out well I'll definitely be doing this in the future yeah that's starting to kind of look like a root we can just keep bringing them out and doing those and then I'm kind of thinking something similar for the branches just kind of put some scaffolding around the tree and sort of have some branches I don't know if I want it to be super big and tall like some of these uh really large ones but a little bit fatter a little shorter and yeah we'll just kind of see how this process goes here we go that is definitely starting to look like the base of a tree and I can keep tweaking it keep bringing the roots out farther as I continue building it up but I think now I'm going to try to do a spiral staircase in here I'm going to do that with a roughly cut stone we're going to go ahead and maybe start it right there let's see how this works um yeah something like that maybe and then we could do let's see one more like there maybe one like that there we go now we're kind of getting somewhere and that'll be able to build up so again one more there and I think another one let's see here here and then up here just like that there we go we have officially turned two corners and I think that system is working working well I can kind of bring that out just a little bit there too we could even have a little hidden chest in here like a little nature seating Reading area or something with the way the vines are growing on these stairs which I absolutely love and then yeah we're already pretty much up at the top here where we need to be to kind of come right out into here and I think uh yeah I'll end up seeing how how I want to do like a little doorway but that actually worked out perfectly it's the perfect tight even to have the little door here come right up and around and right out to here so that's amazing and I might even continue it up even farther to have like a little window in the tree depending on how tall I end up making it but I'm just going to keep uh bringing this trunk up Place some scaffolding as I need and just keep seeing how this goes so it's looking pretty good now we got some more of the roots at the bottom here got the staircase platform here a little door cut out I also put some luminous uh some of the luminescent blocks down here I just think that looks really cool and then yeah you kind of wind up I put a little window here and on the top of the door and top and bottom of the window I used the stone for the terraforming instead of the Farm soil just to make like the naughty look in the tree uh with maybe a discoloration there which I think looks really cool and then I've just kind of started making these platforms for myself uh since there's no gravity in this game that I can just hop to and uh work my way up the tree and that seems to be easiest for me and for this little section here I'm starting to taper in so I'm just using the little 1 M Cube and we're just continuing up with that for a little bit just in a perfect square and then I'm going to kind of delete the corner pieces out of it to round it after the fact but this seems to be the most efficient on Farm soil you can see it still uses up so much Farm soil I've been trying to get a lot of it uh made while I'm doing this project but it seems to be efficient enough but uh still be able to have me control all the placements of things enough because I feel like using the really big terraforming pieces uh they just don't give me enough freedom to be able to uh to try to control where I'm placing things so we're getting pretty high up here now we're about at the peak of the roof of the house and I think it's time to start branching out so again I'm just going to select the 1 M Cube and I'm going to try to like keep using these platforms and sort of like I don't know diagonally start bringing branches out give them some uh some bit of beef and stuff later on but I think this will work and then yeah I can just kind of keep uh making them a little fatter this is actually working surprisingly well that's all meshing together quite nicely so yeah I'm just going to kind of do that maybe in like three directions or something and then just use like single terrain blocks to sort of Branch out of them and then we'll see what I could do for the leaves all right so I'm pretty happy with the branches now I don't want it to be too big and I think it's a pretty good size so now for the leaves I'm experimenting around with the flower soil here and basically on the ends of these big branches so like right out here I'm taking like the little disc and uh putting some flower soil down just like that and then I'm going up to the little guys and I'm placing a couple of these platforms around the area something like that and then going up to the single terrain block and just kind of shaping the flower soil a little more giving it a little bit of uh texture and things so it's not just a round patch I'm almost thinking when I'm done with this I could plant some ferns or some plants on top of the flower soil uh just to give it more of like like a leafy feel but either way I think it pairs nicely with the Farm soil here if we go down to the bottom here um yeah it's definitely just kind of going to be a Mossy looking tree I love how the bark is kind of like gnarly and knotted and things so it kind of fits the vibe I think and once I'm done with all the leaves I think it'll fill out a little more I can continue bringing some of the branches down a little bit but it's turning out pretty good so here is the tree looking pretty complete it's still got a ways to go I think but I think it looks pretty good maybe I'd end up doing like a little stump in the future rather than a full tree or make it more of like a dead tree but you know what it's enshrouded and maybe this tree was like genetically changed or something from previously being in the Shroud or whatever and that's why it looks all funky cuz there's a lot of weird growth happening in the Shroud so I think it does kind of fit the environment and the vibe here and uh either way I think it was a pretty cool thing to try so now that's left is to do a bunch of decorating on the interior maybe do a little landscaping and then we will do a full walk through and final showcase all right so here is the build pretty much finished or at least finished enough for the sake of this video I'd love to continue working on it as I unlock better things later on in my playthrough series because this is definitely my new favorite base so far so with that I hope you enjoyed the little tour here starting off on the outside I've just done some simple little plantings some stones to accentuate the little Pathways little fences and little simple things to kind of add more interest to the terrain also gone ahead and added some patches of this luminous growth here which adds a really soft passive lighting glow at night time as well as some candles and things here and there and you'll see the build at night here shortly I'll be sure to show you all but then I've got some uh planter boxes out here up front some Indigo plants and I might add some more farming patches down here uh in the future when I have to be planting a lot more things but with that said let's take a look in the first larger Hobbit home here and this is a good place for the farmer I've gone ahead and put Emily the farmer in here and we've got a little tiny kitchen here I might replace this fireplace here with her uh better fireplace and Kettle as I unlock that later on but I'm really really happy with this place we've got the seed beds out front here with some light from the windows they don't need the light but I figure it was a cool spot to put them here and then the flame alter where you spawn in at a tiny little bedroom Nook and then we go into the tree trunk here where I've added some more luminous growth and terrain to kind of accentuate the infected and shrouded feel assuming that this tree was sort of grown in the Shroud and that's why it looks funky or something and then we've also got a little secret door here just out of stone I haven't unlocked the secret door that matches the Rough Cut Stone here yet but this one will do for now we've got the hidden little chests here couple couple magic chests and we continue up here got a nice little window Lookout here a little stool and a chandelier up there for some soft light at night time and then this is one of the ways up to the house where you can go up the deck there and into the house uh but then we'll go back down here and I'll show you sort of the rest of this area so we come through here there's another secret door here which can be opened and closed and then in here you'll notice this soft blue glow in this little secret tunnel between the two hobbit houses and this is because I hid some of the luminescent blocks underneath the stairs so you don't see them but they create a really nice glow here just so you can see your way up the stairs and then this here is the smaller Hobbit house which I've turned into the workshop for the carpenter um he's a short little fellow and I figured he'd fit in this Hobbit house just fine I'll add his table saw and other things as I get those later on just added some grass and more growth sort of indoors just to kind of add to the earthy feel and again that's what it's like on the outside there and then this is the second way to head up into the cabin so now we are in the cabin basement here or the cellar I've got a little corner for the huntress here and then this is uh Oswald's area for the blacksmith and crafting I've gone ahead and phased some of the little fence pieces into the wall to create the windows and Vents and stuff here for the basement cuz we had a little bit more exposed foundation in that area and then I hope to line this entire back wall with a a bunch of the magic chests for storage and building so I don't have a lot of those yet but that's the hope for future then we go ahead and head up this staircase again I've got some of the luminescent blocks hidden underneath it a little hard to see the glow here in the middle of the day but they are there and we go out into the kitchen of the main floor of the build here uh and this is a cool spot I thought for The Alchemist because maybe we've got like a little juice bar here for the potions and things so yeah a slightly larger kitchen and fireplace I've got the dining table over here and I can't wait to unlock some better Furniture but in the meantime I've gone ahead and built myself a little sofa and coffee table and little area in here just out of blocks uh before I can unlock some better stuff but I think it turned out pretty well it's got a cute little cozy feel the little entry way here where you can uh take off your shoes at the bench and things and uh here's little deck again and then heading to The Loft which is currently the bedroom and bathroom for the little build so I've got a little table here we could deck it out more later on but a tiny little fireplace here in the corner just to add some warmth to the bedroom for higher Comfort a little desk over here for some reading and art or things and then you could put two beds side by side or do it the way I did it here with just one bed and a little nightstand there and I think it turned out really well and then heading through this door this is little bathroom here and I think the uh little vanity objects and stuff here fit really nicely we've just got the little toilet little counter space the sink the candle and the tub and it's actually kind of cozy in here at night time if you want to do like an evening bath or something assuming they ever uh let us interact with Furniture and Things which I'd love to be added at some point but yeah very very tiny but I think it works well to be a little bathroom off the bedroom there so then if we head all the way down the last thing I want to show you all is the tree here in a little more detail I've added a little grapple point up there so you can get up here from the ground and uh walk along the branches and things and jump across the leaf patches and stuff which I just think is so much fun I've added a little candle to each one of these Leaf patches so that at night it adds a super soft glow and uh it's just really really cool to hang out up here so with that said let's do a tour of how the build looks at night time from the outside so here it is at night time in the dark Forest of revelwood I love how these larger torches here just provide a bunch of light for the yard out here and yeah you can see how the Luminous growth here just provides like soft glow outside just add some interest to the terrain there so and then yeah just placing those little candles throughout on the pathways and things I think it's beautifully lit outside you can see looking up at the tree here how all the little candles up there are uh providing some of the light nothing too harsh but just super simple super soft and I just love how it looks I love how the Luminous uh or the luminescent blocks and the growth here here are lighting up the little caps of the Indigo plants here so I've placed two little hidden ones back there and then some luminous growth here and I just love how that looks and then it also creates the Blue Fog back here almost looking like it's the Shroud in the distance there if we look at it from over here which I just love it goes nicely with the with the golden light from the Torches here and then yeah nice little cozy lighting inside the tree here with that Chandelier and then uh here's what it's like to be on top of the tree at night I put a couple of little uh luminous growth uh pieces over there then you could just sit over here I could even put like a little stool or chairs or things on these little branches but it's just like a little Fairyland up here it's really cool so yeah I'm just so happy with the way it turned out and the inside is lit nicely nice and cozy and everything like you saw before so with that said I do hope you enjoyed this build I had so much fun with it it's definitely one of my favorites if you'd like to download it as well be sure to join my membership here on YouTube or through patreon in the link in the description and a huge thanks to all of my current channel members be sure to join the Discord server as well through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 224,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, enshrouded starter house build, enshrouded cozy cabin, forest house, enshrouded hobbit house
Id: 1UskC9mDK70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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