Enshrouded: How To Build A Cozy Starter Cabin! [Beginner's Guide]

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hello and welcome to enshrouded today I'm going to be showing you how to build a absolutely beautiful practical and super cozy starter cabin for your first base in your enshrouded world so this little build of mine actually won the building competition for the closed beta of this game that I participated in so the devs absolutely loved it I think it turned out great so today I'm going to show you how to build it so to get started we have to obviously get out of this Cinder vault and head to our first base location um this will be the first little quest in the journal here go over to the quests you can see claim a spot for your base F to show on map and that's where we're headed so you can head over here and you can see as you come down the stairs here that little uh beam coming out of the ground over there that's where we're headed so once you arrive it should be a nice big flat area absolutely beautiful spot to build your first little house here the first thing we need to do is to craft a flame alter which requires Stone so you'll need to collect these little rocks and you only need to collect two of them because the flame alter is only six Stone so once you have six go into your building crafting menu and you'll see the flame alter up here at the top you can just craft one of those and then we're going to make sure that's in our hot bar and we're going to go ahead and place it down we're just going to place it kind of in the middle of this uh this area here maybe like right right in here somewhere just go ahead and place it down and next step is to craft a workbench and for that we're going to need to cut down some of these trees you can see in our building recipe the crafting workbench we need eight wood logs and we need three string string can be made using plant fiber and plant fiber can be found by tearing out all these little bushes and shrubs around here it gives us plant fiber and twigs and that's how we can make the string you can just go into your crafting do some string so we've got our string now our wood logs for that we're going to need the axe to chop down trees you could obviously just punch them forever until they fall down and for the axe we need a couple more Twigs so just gather couple of Twigs here we've got enough for our axe now and go ahead and craft that I've got some iron gear and other things from this character from other worlds to make this tutorial go a little bit faster um but once you have your axe you can just chop down the trees here and that's how you gather the wood logs so you just go ahead and pick those up like so and then we can craft our workbench so I'm the crafting workbench go ahead and build that and when that's in your hot bar we'll just go ahead and place it somewhere near the red line here which is your building boundary from your flame altar just go and place it here and this is what we'll use to make the blocks we need to craft with and the only materials you need for this build are Stone you'll need wood and then shroud wood and then plant fiber for your roof so it's super super simple and looks really great for such a limited uh inventory of materials so for the stone I already showed you how to get stone but you can basically hit e to craft on your workbench you'll see rough wood block which can be crafted with uh the wood logs rough Stone block which can be crafted with stone obviously plant fiber roof block can be crafted with the plant fiber and then shroud wood block which needs shroud wood you'll notice all of this just drops regular wood so to get shroud wood you need to go into the Shroud hence the name of the game and shrouded so that is all those dead trees down there that's where you get shroud wood you chop those down and it looks like we've got a little wolf let me take care of this guy there we go so yeah all those dead pine trees and stuff sticking out of the ground you go down there and you chop those down and then you come back with your resources and you craft your shroud wood blocks your stone and your wood and your plant fiber roof blocks you won't need a ton of them uh for the sake of the tutorial I've obviously gathered a bunch um but you can see you can stack up to 5,000 of that block in a single inventory slot which is absolutely insane for building crazy fortresses and whatever the heck you want to do so now that we have our blocks it's time to make a construction Hammer so we can go into our crafting Construction Hammer which just needs one stone so you can go ahead and gather another Stone here go into our building crafting construction Hammer go ahead and make that and it's already in our our hot bar here and then we can hit tab to enter the building mode and this is where you can find all your resources you can see on the right of my screen I can use control and scir wheel to select which resources I want we've got the stone block the wood and the Shroud wood um and then for uh because that's all we can use for blocks and then if I go and scroll through my inventory you'll see like we've got a roof blueprints here and this is where we have our plant fiber roof block so it'll only show you the blocks that you can use to build that specific thing and here we have our 1 m 2 M 4 meter roofs and terrain we won't be doing terraforming here but lots of different blueprint options that help speed up the process so we don't have to be placing all of this block by block cuz that would be kind of tedious so first we're going to select our 4 M found block here and we're going to do it out of wood so we're going to bring it up next to the flame alter and we're going to you can see it can only snap up here or all the way into the ground we're going to hit X which is going to allow us to snap it in a much finer area so X we're going to kind of snap it about halfway into the ground something something like that then we're going to come over here and actually extinguish the flame alter so you can commune with it and then just hit space and we're going to go over here and extinguish the flame you'll have 29 seconds and then your alter will disappear you'll need to gather some resources to craft another alter if you don't want uh if you don't want things to be destroyed or lost you obviously have more than 29 seconds to do that you've got a few a few ingame days before things will uh progress will be lost we'll just grab some more Stone go ahead and craft another one of those Flame Alters the reason for this is more just aesthetic reasons we're going to make the alter part of the build it's going to look really really nice here so we're going to take our alter and we're going to put it over here we're going to put it like level with the build here so you can see I can put it uh just any anywhere it doesn't really matter that kind of phases in and we can stick it up higher above ground here previously we couldn't stick it this High it would kind of just snap all the way down into the ground or a little bit above ground but we're going to make it part of the build and I like a slightly raised Foundation it's just going to look really good for our deck so you can go back to your hammer and then we can go into the tab and when you've selected your 4 met uh Foundation print you can just right click and that'll remove the old one that you placed then we can just go ahead and place those Foundation pieces all around this flame alter here and you can see this one didn't Place quite right so we're just going to go and hit X which is just going to be much finer snapping so we don't make those mistakes quite as often and we're just going to go ahead and place one of these around that flame alter there just like so and then we're going to start with the front deck which is going to be three coming out there and then we're going to rather than putting a corner one there we're going to skip that and do one two 3 and then on this side one 1 2 3 and that's it that's literally the floor layout of our cabin super cozy super nice now we can start with some of the stone pillars to uh start creating our foundation and then you can see on the inside of the cabin is where your flame alter is going to be uh and this doesn't create too much smoke so don't worry about your cabin getting super Smokey or anything it's just nice to be like a little fire indoors provides a bunch of light inside before you can get torches and everything you can you obviously don't have to do this and put it in the build but it's just kind of a nice spot to uh to put it you could also make one of these deck pieces be the flame alter If You Want It Outdoors for some reason so yeah with that we can now go into the tab and then we want to scroll up to where we see our one meter blocks and what we're going to do on every corner of the build is destroy uh actually whoops accidentally place to block if you accidentally Place something you can either right click it to destroy it or hit Y to undo it you can hit y up to five times um so that's really nice we're just going to destroy uh a little 2x two square out of each corner so one 2 3 4 and then just kind of destroy it down to the ground something like that and then wherever you see these little pillars kind of coming down on the front and back of the builds we're going to do the same thing 1 2 3 4 and then destroy it down to the ground 1 2 3 4 and destroy it down to the ground and we're just going to do that all the way on the front and back but we're not going to do it on the sides here only on the corners only on the corners in the front and back of the cabin and then around the deck so where you see the deck we're going to go ahead and do it here so 1 2 3 4 and down so let me just go ahead and finish up with that and get back with you shortly all right so you can see I have all the corners destroyed as well as these little pieces I actually misspoke earlier we don't want want the two outer corners of the deck so we're just going to replace those we just want to destroy two little blocks on the outer corners of the deck here so just one two and then bring that down to the ground that's all we want to do here because that obviously matches up with this which is uh which is what we're after so once you have that we're going to go ahead and create some pillars in the middle here so you can just eyeball the ones you have over there and kind of eyeball from here and we're just going to destroy 1 2 3 4 and then right in this area so there you go those are little sort of mockups for the foundation and like I said on the sides of the cabin we're not going to worry about it just on the corners like a row down the front a row down the back and then a row down the front of the deck with each Corner only being two wide or uh one wide instead of two wide so once we have that we can start with our Stone so just control and then Mouse wheel to select the Rough Cut Stone and we're going to bring little pillars up in each corner so starting here I'm just going to go 1 2 3 four and you know just kind of make it look like it's touching the ground there that looks pretty good you can kind of sometimes get little Stone pieces you know to go down a little deeper or whatever if you want but that's touching the ground it looks good and then uh we'll just bring that flush with the foundation wherever there are these little cutouts so we're just going to kind of bring some Stone up so there we go just something like that and then on the corners of the deck you're going to come out so we're going to come out to there um just so that it kind of overlaps the deck just like so this is going to look really really really good when it's done all right so we're just going to go do go ahead and do that all the way around it's night time now so let me go ahead and finish up with that until they're all flush with these little uh these little 2x two squares here all right so I have that done now you can see the little Stone 2x two pillars or their locations anyway and that is finished now with the foundation of the house the next step is to continue those pillars up around the cabin part so we're going to go back into building and then you'll want to go to the 4 meter again and then pick the column which is a 2 m x 2 me column and you'll want to make sure that the used snapping is checked off rather than on like this it's just a little easier off so right above each of those Stone pillars you'll hover it above the stone pillar by one block and then sit it down onto the stone pillar this way we're make sure we're not going to like shove it down any more than we have to so these should be eight blocks tall so again right over here we're going to hover it up one and then snap it down it's just ures that you're not going to mess up hovered up one snap it and it's day so it'll be easier if you guys to see cover it up one let's see right there and snap so we're going to do that above these outside ones but not the ones on the outside of the deck just the oops so we accidentally did that so I'll just hit Y right there that's where we want it so that's what it should look like these are the pillars for our house and then where it's on the deck this is going to be pretty simple just go into your building mode go back to the little uh 1 M section you'll go to the little uh 2x two wall blocks and we're going to place one of those on top of the deck here these don't have a sound for them as of now that's a bug um I don't even know if the devs know about that I've tried to tell them but I don't think they've uh done anything about it yet we're just going to build those up basically and now it's time for the stairs so we're going to go to our 4 meter again scroll to the stairs and then we want to build these out of wood and then you can hit R to rotate them 90° and we're going to go ahead and put those right up against the deck right like that and we're going to go ahead and do the same thing on the backside here for the back door so rotate them and then make sure they're right outside just like so so that you'll have some back stairs and a little front stairs up to the deck here looks super super nice then what we're going to do is go into our Hammer again or our building mode and then hit the go back to the one meter and we're going to scroll and we're going to go ahead and destroy the edges of these stairs by one block on each side then go to your stone and we're going to replace that with the stone block oops I acally destroy it instead of clicking so just like that and then we're going to build it up another one so 1 2 3 so it creates a really nice little Stone trim on the sides of where the stairs are so again we're just going to go one two three on where the edge of the stairs are and then up another one two three and then if you can fit one in the ground there just like so do that look awesome it just kind of trims it out makes it look super nice so we're going to do the same thing here on the back side all right so now it's time to create some little deck railings we're going to use the wood for this and on the inside you're just going to bring it across using the one block at a time method just like so so we're flush with the inside of these little Stone pillars here again this is a super super simple starter house super easy starter game materials you'll find right in this location and a little bit in the Shroud just like that looks pretty nice you can either leave them open or or you could go ahead and you know put a little uh middle Block in them like that if it uh if it suits you that looks kind of nice but I think for this just going to leave them open it definitely looks pretty nice there so that looks that looks good I'm pretty happy with that now we're going to work on some of the walls here and for those we're going to go down to the 4 M section again and go to the wall right here the wide wall we're going to rotate it and make sure it's lined up at the top of our columns here and then we're just going to go ahead and start placing those and not in the front yet because we're actually we can in the front cuz we can uh destroy a bit of it to create our doorway so just kind of in between where these uh where these columns are so something like that we're going to go ahead and do that on both sides doesn't really matter where it is cuz you can see how the stone still shows on the inside uh it will automatically only use the resources you need to place these which is a super nice feature so we're just going to line those up and snap them in place just like so and we're going to go ahead and rotate them again and on the inside of the stone here so not on the outside put back one I'm going to go ahead and snap those so here that's the outside inside and then just snapping one kind of in the center there so we'll do the same thing on this wall so inside and then see inside and right on the center here perfect and now is the time for the windows and the doors so we're going to go ahead and go to our little one meter again and we're going to start destroying a little spa for the door here I know it's a bit bigger than that I believe the door is I'd like to say that's how big the door is but we're going to have to actually go make the door and figure that out so to make the door I think we can do that in the workbench here so eat a craft and let's see here doors here we go so you can make the crude wooden door with eight logs and two strings so let me gather those resources and make that all right so there's the door here I'll go ahead and craft that go into my building oh it's already in my hot bar so I'll just switch to that and I believe we can just rotate it and yeah that is the size I guess it right yay we're just going to kind of snap it something like that I'm actually going to rotate it so the handles on this side that looks really nice so there's our little door go ahead and open and close it it's a beautiful little door size there and now we can start deciding where we want our Windows to be so I think I'm going to have two windows out front here let's see let's destroy I think that's how big a window is it's 2x3 so we're going to put a window [Music] there a window there those are some good spots we're going to do the same thing on the back side I'm actually going to do a back door here so I think it's yeah it's one more one more higher and then I'm going to do the windows here as well so one 2 three something just like that and then I think I'm going to put two windows on the sides here maybe some longer windows that could look nice so these are two blocks away from the edge so maybe see one two and then maybe a bigger window so three four maybe something like that we could do two bigger ones on the sides I don't know I don't know yet maybe I'll end up filling them in later but let's go ahead and block them out for some bigger Windows here so we'll do that on that side and then the same thing on this side as well so let's see one two and there perfect so now let's go ahead and craft a bunch of Windows and another door for the back there so you can see here the window frame is just wooden logs so we'll just go and craft a bunch of those I know I'm going to need some more then we can make another door obviously you've also got some dishes and some little fences if you want to kind of decorate your yard with some crude stuff before unlocking more recipes later on in the game all right so I've got another door here and I've got some windows so let's go ahead and put our door let me just rotate it that direction there perfect that looks good we can go ahead and fill all these out with our window panes I was debating making some of these windows a little bigger like the ones that look out over the front here so you certainly could do that in fact I very well might do that on the front of the cabin here I don't know maybe I'll keep them one we'll see how that looks from the front how does that look um that's actually not bad that's kind of cute just having them uh one wide so yeah we'll go ahead and do that for the front and for the sides we can just go ahead and rotate it do one two have some bigger Windows here and again you can switch it up you can put Windows wherever you want when you start putting furniture in and decide where you want them uh it's super simple just to delete them and put them wherever you want with that that is kind of the base level of our cabin now we can start trimming out our roof line here for that we'll go to the Hammer use the one meter scroll up to our Stone and we're just going to do one me met across the top just like that or one block and then two in the corners here just like so so that looks really nice we're just going to go ahead and do that all the way along the front and along the back and then on the sides here we're just going to go all the way across the entire top of the side as well as just having one in the corner just like that so similar we'll just do that in between every one of these uh every one of these Stone arches so it looks like as I'm building them along the back here they don't actually blend in an arch so yeah there's still a little bit that goes on there I think it's just the what happens with voxal you know some sides it'll do that some sides it won't but either way it still looks nice to have some blocks and kind of makes that that Archway effect even if they don't uh kind of mesh together the same way they do on the front the last time I built this house it worked on the back and it didn't on the front but I guess it just kind of depends on the orientation and position of things all right so now we have the first floor of of our cabin completed and now it's time to build the second floor so rather than using the the foundation there we want to use these the ceilings all right so we're just going to go ahead and mesh these in place doesn't really matter you just got to fill in the the area they'll all mesh in and only use the resources that they require so you can uh yeah you don't have to worry about wasting anything or any of that they'll blend right in just like so we can go ahead and kind of complete as long as they're not overlapping the out to the outside of the building you're good to go um so we can just go ahead and kind of fill in the roof here and this will be the floor of our Second Story it will be a two-story cabin which will be quite nice all right so there we go we now have our little ceiling here you can see here how the flame definitely makes some nice light especially when the doors are closed makes some beautiful light on the lower level here and it doesn't get too smoky in here so that's why I like to put it inside the little cabin and you've got lots of room down here lots of room for everything you'll need starting out in the game now we're going to start with a little staircase that goes up to the second level and for that I think I'm going to go ahead and use the let's see what size stair would be the best for this I think the 2 m stair would be nice this this little one right here so we're going to go ahead and put it let's see I'm going to go four out so something like this and then maybe like that that looks like pretty good that way it doesn't overlap the window gives us plenty of room to kind of come over here and go upstairs then we'll go to our um go to our 1 meter pieces and go ahead and just block out a section in the roof so that we can actually get upstairs something like that there we go go now we can get upstairs easy peasy and just like I did outside we're actually going to destroy the very outer pieces here select our Stone and just trim it out to look really nice oops accidentally destroyed that one again this just gives it a beautiful trim but with these ones we're not going to go up to we're just going to just going to do the one you can see it just gives such a nice such a nice texture there to the side of them and then this very top stair we could do the the stone side as well right up here something just like that that way it just kind of arches all the way up up into the roof there it looks super nice so there's our little stairs to go up to our second level here oops and it also looks like I forgot to I missed a little layer on the floor here so we can go ahead and just fill that in it'll all mesh together and work out properly here perfect all right so now we can get started on our Loft here and this is time for roofing Roofing is definitely the most difficult part of this game just due to the hardness of of snapping everything together and and all of that so I'll take you through it step by step and hopefully you'll be able to follow along but there it is our first story completed so start with our roof we're going to go in to our building menu and then go to our 4 met roof and this is the piece we're looking for we're going to start this is going to be really difficult so kind of try to follow along if you can and I know it's going to be a little bit difficult but we're going to turn off X or we're going to turn off snapping so we can get it a little bit finer place you're just going to have to be really careful that you know what you're doing here so we're going to do is I kind of like it there I want it down one so something like something like that right there to where it just comes out again I I'll go ahead and rotate it and we're we're just snapping it to the very outside of this Stone Rim that's around the building so we're going to rotate it again and you can see here I want it there so that's like you know one up that's down then I want it in from there we don't want it there we want it lined up at the edge now I can just walk back and ends up being in so there right there I think is yep right there that may actually overlap too far let's see here yep so that's one down you can see it's not quite as high as the first one so let me redo that still a little bit hard for me Roofing is the hardest part of the game I will say that so let's go ahead and there it is so there we go and now we can go ahead and kind of continue it up to the top there rotate twice and basically they'll meet in a point all right this one's too high so press Y and you can kind of troubleshoot this with me here let me zoom out a little so I can see this better there we go nope not quite pressing y right there perfect so you can see how they meet in a nice point there right up top you can see if I zoom out again you can see the front there they meet in a nice little point up top and they overlap quite nicely just to the edge of our house right there to where you can kind of see some of the beams and that's how we want it so we're going to go and do that to the other side of the house now these are always the hardest parts once you kind of get the corners in place it's much easier to continue from there but getting the corners and all the snapping correct is definitely a bit difficult but it doesn't take you too long to figure out just go slow take your time and it'll uh it'll work out well so right here that looks pretty good right with the build we're going to go down one and out and then over right there perfect that looks good rotate it and go to this side here in one that looks good and then we're going to do our little Point here not quite I need to be right there perfect and then oops I didn't want to undo that I don't know if there's a redo button actually that would be kind of cool all right I meant to rotate it there we go and right that's too much so you can see we don't have that nice wooden beam along the top so we're actually going to undo that undo that one and you can just usually I get it right by eyeballing the center I think that one's right so yeah usually I get it right by just eyeballing the center there um but yeah sometimes it's a little finicky there we go so now we have that beam there and now we're going to continue the back side of this all the way way up so we're going to go ahead and let's see right there there doesn't matter it'll only use the resources you need so right there and actually we're going to go ahead and destroy this one there and there cuz we accidentally didn't place a row of them so the blueprints do make roofs very easy let me just go on the outside and check that that's overlapping nicely perfect that looks fantastic all right so now we can uh head back up there and start on the other portions of the roof this is where it'll get a little bit tricky but we're going to spend a little extra time on this just to uh just to get the hang of it make sure it all turns out good so going back into our building menu and we're just going to continue the roof all the way over oops wasn't quite high enough right there right there all right so just like that so we've got a solid backing here and now for the front we're going to do a little 45° roof Corner thing here so we're going to go to our little uh inner roof corner I'm going to go ahead and rotate it into place and we're going to start with this one over here so right at the edge of where that roof is we're going to go and snap this piece into place so right there just like so going to rotate it again and then right there I believe just like so all right and then again you can always just hit Escape come out here make sure it looks good that's exactly what I want right now so that's perfect let's get back up there and keep working all right so now we just want the normal roof pieces here and we're going to come down let's see something right here like that looks good and then just basically so it's not sticking out into the room so right here that's too high up going to hit Y and we're going to try that again right oops right there yep right there okay and now we need these 4 5° sections again first we're going to yep right here and then we're going to go ahead and snap them in this will finish off the roof section here and this is kind of tricky we're just going to start phasing them down into each other and then back up and up over right there perfect now we're going to rotate it right there and kind of phase it to basically just continue these all the way up top like so so you should see these wooden beams come and meet nicely and then to finish these little sections off here we're just going to go ahead and go back to our uh actually for this we're going to want our 2 met or a smaller Roof 2 met roofs here just go to your roof panel and we can finish these little sections off so actually that needs to be a little bit higher right there rotate it rotate it and right there perfect so now if we go outside that is our roof all completed it's got some nice roof ridges there matches up really nice and again you can always just hit Y and kind of mess with it a little till you get it right I know I'm going to get the hang of this to where it'll be much faster much easier um it's definitely a bit more of an advanced building system compared to something like alheim but I kind of like that so now comes time for the Shroud wood that's what we're going to use for the walls of our loft there but that looks really nice what a cute nice little cabin there so with our Hammer selected again we're going to go all the way up to our little 1 M blocks and this is just easier to do with 1 M actually let's go to 2 m and then scroll all the way to the end here where it says stepped wall and then we're going to go to our shroud wood and we're going to do this in the corners here so not on the stone but one in from the stone you can see here how you can see the stairs we're just going to click it till you can't see the stairs just like that and then we're going to rotate it do the same thing over here so you can see the stairs and just back it into the roof by one so just like that let's do the same thing right over here something like that let's go to our uh 2 m wall now and let's go ahead and snap snap this so like one and two we're just snapping it right on the insides of those stairs so one and two just like that then we're going to go back to our little stair piece and go right on top of these just like that same thing on this side all right so that's the beginnings of our wall you can see how it's looking out from the outside here you will see like a subtle little you know pieces kind of poking through the roof that's completely normal it's not going to be too noticeable but you can see that just creates a beautiful contrasting wall uh compared to our normal wood at the bottom just kind of gives it some nice texture and we're just going to kind of complete both of those walls and then uh actually I'm not going to complete them just yet at this point it's just easier for me to build block by block if you if you like the blueprints you can obviously feel free to use those but at this point I kind of like to uh just kind of go into my into my 1 M start building block by block so again with the Shroud wood we're going to go across and we're going to basically build a window frame here so I'm going to go too high something like that and then we're going to keep let's see 1 2 3 4 so we're going to build in one block on the sides of each of these walls and then up three we're going to do another section that comes across and that's going to be our window frame and then we can obviously just go ahead and fill in the top of it and we're going to do the same thing like that on our other wall so once we fill in the top there we can just go and take our there's our Windows there yeah we're going to put three of them so one two and three that's how that'll look all right so there's this wall completed as well as this one with some nice Windows three Windows wide and then you guessed it we're going to do the same thing on the front again with the triple wide window and the front we're just going to kind of come in as well let's go to the tab again just starting with our little 2 m stair wall here going to rotate it and rather than coming all the way out to the edge we're going to come in one you can see right now it's not snapping to the board we want we just have to click X and now it'll snap where we want it to snap so just like so going to go ahead and snap it in place you could just kind of go all the way up to the top with this uh with this same method here it might be easier honestly again it's up to you whether you want to use single blocks or do the blueprint system all right there it is nice little wall and we can go ahead and take our Windows one two and three so there's your Loft it's fairly sizable definitely not too bad at all maybe I'll go grab some stuff for some furniture and deck it out a little bit but you can see how the flame kind of lights up the downstairs nicely especially for if you don't have uh torches or things yet but that's what it looks like from the outside so far super super nice um so yeah with that maybe I'll get a couple torches and and then uh maybe deck it out just a little bit so you can see uh where I might Place some lights and such all right so for doing torches one of the main things you'll need is TN cloth which you get by filling these uh in the in the Shroud here you can see they'll give you shroud spores and torn cloth so that's what we need to uh to make a lot of the Torches all right so I've moved the workbench inside here and we're going to go ahead and make a couple of torches so go to the illumination section and going to go ahead and make some of these so we have to empty empty my backpack here let's see I don't need the Shroud spores but to make the Torches um it's not too expensive we're just going to do some of these wall torches you just need resin wood logs and torn cloth we're just going to go ahead and make two of those for now and I'm going to bring them out front and let's see they're in this hot bar go ahead and place them on either side of the door just somewhere in the middle like so it'll provide some nice outdoor light so that would be like my favorite place to put a couple torches could obviously put some in the loft there this will just provide some nice light right out inside your house you can do the same thing on the back door as well it's getting to be evening here so we'll get to see how they look pretty soon yeah I'll put some there maybe and then let's see how much is it for a bed we can just start adding all sorts of cool stuff we've got benches here this is really cool um see beds okay so plant fiber string torn cloth we can make a little bed there so maybe I grab yeah make a couple chairs just some simp little stools here we could put uh I don't know put them right outside the the door maybe one there one there if you want to sit out on the deck uh we still can't sit in them yet uh which is something I recommended they add so it could be cool if we could press e to sit in them but that's not a thing as of now for the demo yeah just start decorating you can see this is how it looks at night time torches add a really nice light on the deck there and that flame just adds a nice glow on the inside so cozy so that's how it's looking you can just keep adding Furniture you know maybe we could put a bed over here I'd probably you know create a big bedroom in the Loft up here if I was to do a bedroom but yeah with that said it's just super cozy looking I absolutely love this design so much so I do hope you enjoyed this tutorial here I hope you'll use this design and create yourself a nice cozy little cabin I just think it turned out super amazing so like I said it won the build competition I'm pretty proud of this little design it's definitely something I'll probably be building in a lot of my in shrouded worlds uh just as like a nice little starter cabin to get my feet set and uh it looks super amazing doesn't take that long to build you can see here the demo time is 8 hours currently per world I still have 6 hours and 44 minutes left uh and that so yeah it hasn't even taken me an hour and 15 minutes to do this build entirely uncut obious the video is a little bit shorter than that but um yeah pretty cool pretty cool design so if you enjoyed be sure to subscribe join my Discord server through the link in the description and I will see you in the next one cheers everyone
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 107,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded live, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2023, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded building guide, enshrouded cozy cabin build, how to build a cabin in enshrouded, enshrouded starter base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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