HELLDIVERS 2 on MAX Difficulty is CHAOS

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that's right guys we're back on Hell divers 2 today and I cannot get enough of this game right now I'm over 60 hours in at this point and I'm still loving every second so if you want to see more hell divers 2 content on the channel honestly just keep doing what you guys are doing the support so far on these videos has been awesome so if you want more then I will give you more today though we're turning things up to 11 well technically nine since there are nine difficulties in the game with the highest being held I mode essentially you're up against infinitely more enemies as well as multiple Crushers biot Titans all of the heavy en basically and while a lot of my hell dive deployments have been against the automatons recently and man is that difficult today I wanted to show you one of my very first deployments on Hell dive with sacal clean and Ballistic bill now these guys are all psychos and pretty much exclusively play on Hell diive difficulty so they took me under their wing and showed me the ropes I will say I've got quite a bit better with the rail gun since the gameplay you're about to see but I figured this was a good one to show you leave a like if you do go on to enjoy the video subscribe for more and I will catch you Legends in the next one it's actually so cool seeing all the upgrades on the ship man yeah I didn't realize that once you upgrade your uh all your orbital you could actually see the guns oh actually changes cosmetically yeah yeah so this a Max orbital I got maxed bird Bay in the in the back there I wonder what it looks like for me uh it it shows you when you go up to the the thing like and You tab through the uh upgrades oh yeah the ship modules you can see like the visual change oh I see so mine would be yours like is oh yeah the little drone Bay at the side oh that is cool it's log in every other day or so and there's just like new planets to go explore and check out yeah that's my favorite thing the whole Global like conflict and War and event system is quite cool keeps things interesting yeah it feels like you're actually fighting for something all right where we going what we doing last mission we're launching a nuke one thing that's actually pretty crazy about this game when we're in a server M all the AI um are shared between all four of us or how many people are in the match so it's like some AI are being ran on your computer some are on mine oh wow is how they're doing it yep yeah they got like this really yeah they got this really like weird uh like I don't know networking component stuff that handles all like the logic and stuff right Daisy used to do the same thing that's why in Daisy original armor 2 zombies are only near players cuz when you walked into Zone and they popped up they were Tethered to one person's CPU so if you were the person first person in Cho your CPU is running the AI for everyone else so it's in this game for the same reason then to like spread out performance and balance the game for all players Whoever has like the beef your computer ends up becoming the host cuz the game can like look at your specs oh really so it's like when you go and hop into a match with a bunch of people running some nice PCS like it's going to be running pretty good hell yeah which is kind of interesting how that works but I honestly kind of like it like the old days of post migration yeah damn bro that thing still alive dude B Titan yeah what is this start man I thought this was going to be a nice easy drop yeah you don't get much Breathing Room on this difficulty what was I thinking on safe mode on the rail gun air strike on him try and turn him might hit he's going towards bill right now no stop reload oh I just got smashed by another Crusher how does this DMR not have medium armor pen yeah I'm not a big fan of the DMR setting up another recoil shot on that good shot sure yeah this DMR is so ass yeah I've not had much success with it oh Metals in here hell yeah lots of ammo too if you guys need yeah cool cool I'm going to call resupply down too resupply The Recoil I do have the um go for it a supply pack if you need it at any point oh nice let me know CH on me then resil off the thing yep still bugged what the hell don't work yeah I know I don't know whether my guy is bugged or something but literally you just no I I've had that where it it resupplies and it doesn't give you [ __ ] I think the bag might be bugged yeah I heard the sound just didn't actually give it you yep hey there you go we got stalkers on you coming back over I need help yep with you damn bushes Supply still over there I'll clean has res it works I'm okay I just got a stalker on my ass right now oh holy oh that's so cool that's my favorite thing in the game it's so sick the rag do so good man we got to find that stalker layer yeah heavy all right I'm going to start looking for it we're going right leg on the heavy he nice reloading slowing it right legs out right leg's gone you can shoot it now there we go down nice even the Stagger on the rail gun is really good just stopping them in their tracks when they running you in the stalker ler my Paws marking it rail gun is definitely the like one of the best guns in the game by far oh yeah love of enemies boys Nate n TR move move move running running running my God I [ __ ] got raged all brother I found the stalker there [ __ ] oh no another B damn Kami bugs going to call in a big boy laser for the big boy Titan Hammer of dawn Vibes yeah sick good clean oh my god dude this [ __ ] thing is so AG yeah another Crusher man on us holy [ __ ] mhm I got a beam on it is done stalker on stalker two of them yeah on you all mine's right there keep moving keep moving I'm being water boarded now those mine separate me and Tomo though yeah I think we're okay we just been like getting hounded in this area since we started way too many coming at us oh [ __ ] uh we got a mushroom uh yep SE got two is on your ass as well clean should be pretty low I'm going to try and tag up the g yep put a lot of rounds into it from range I'll stupid ah got it nice dude you big bastard you big bastard of course it's on me now there must be a heaviness somewh it's like a heavy every 5 seconds I know dude I get one of them I got I got a bunch of heavy okay what is that I don't know if it's dead what I landed right on its head though bed the heavy I got you try and land on the heavy that's that you're landing on yeah yeah comeo come on come on land on the baby come on come on witness me oh let's go baby oh another ball Titan coming over there look oh wow we managed that hord pretty well dude mhm Jesus that was a lot of stress yeah more look look more Heavies immediately yeah this is getting pretty crazy I think the bile Titan stopped following me or it bled out cuz it's not here yeah we just ran from the area got to get the launch codes that guy just drop inight bler in coming as well nice head shot head shot oh God I'm getting mold here Lads get them off me it use noral St to get out of this trying to work on him I did it hug them out mid mid swarm holy [ __ ] okay there we Go's dead yeah nice yeah thanks for the assist there bill that was a bit close man that was [ __ ] offense crer coming out the ground we love that now I'm dead kg out cool and clean in towards your body if you see someone else ping a charger if you someone else PS it it double pings and stays forever call down a resupply pretty huge dude I'm never using a DMR again yeah I'm feeling for you dude I want to resupply down on me how you doing zck going through it I soled one of the objectives over there but then I went I went to another objective and my gun I'm trying out this trying out this scorer thing and it like does like a weird AOE that kills you oh yeah that is rough and I shot a mob and it swung at me and I hit his arm and it blew me up in one shot from 100 to zero oh my God this Crusher man time to reload there's two of them three of dude you know what this game needs more crushes oh my God that inen oh myud call you on your body let me bait him back to your body clean oh dude I think I shot it with my go Crusher marked just aim towards your beam got it nice bastard I'm going to hand a a second almost shot you there just going to go for the head one more I got by on me coming in second dead I found the nest they coming from on the B there's a Crusher next to him as well charger and another charger coming out the ground and another one hit the bile Titan nice been killed by that file damn it Lally stood on a p which slowed me and then I just got ped up the ass it's in it should be good two of them coming in hot oh my God there's a bunch of them got the re one nice good hit oh my God there's three chasing you another BT over there this got mob by pouncers dude all right we got 20 minutes to launch this nuke oh I find the 500 kg is a little bit underwhelming yeah I don't know the reach doesn't seem that much which is crazy you stand right beside it almost mhm I it's great if you can land it right under underneath the Titan but yeah it'll one then but yeah rail gun is going to do the same job in a few hits yeah exactly I'm sure the up on the Titan spitting or not should be like one more hit I'm going to land on that leg feel like if this game has stealth there definitely needs to be a stealth like indicator of some kind yeah 100% those stalkers catch me off guard so many times Fire's over here still okay everything's on cool down oh bug bre we just got we just got to move dude we got to just fight move these guys yeah we focus the last objectives careful I'm calling M they're going to spread out that there's a lot of Bugs on Me Oh no you're drone I'm Sor come on dropping a rearm ahead of us let me try and rearm you s see if it's bug still ow dropping the re here I'll grab it and then you can grab it does re work for personal still like can you like rearm yourself yeah yeah I can rearm from the supply box but I can't rearm from D no I mean like if you if you I mean like if you have the ammo on your back you can like resupply yourself just yeah I can press five and it works okay interesting oh yes that's nice hey look another B Titan guys of course there is it's been 10 seconds since the last one I wonder if we're doing something wrong wonder if there like something we're meant to be destroying to stop them they're dropping from the sky half the time though what's that all about and you have to focus so much you have to hit it multiple times to get the weak point then kill the weak point yeah and then boom Another One pops up and you're like okay I guess I'm doing that again well we did ask for it on held over difficulty oh yes there's the far kg and he's still alive my god dude this thing's Relentless dude doesn't help that the Downs are up 50% so we have less stuff to n them down oh yeah true I mean we are focusing ads right now okay I got the Titan if it was if it wasn't for that I think we would be a lot better off it's a horrible modifier in a game it's all about stratums dude y you know honestly it could be worse we could be dealing with the [ __ ] butthole murder guys sorry the what now what it's americ thing don't worry about it tell all fair enough you know that like no didn't study that in school just what we do here in the states boy what can I say guns and butt stuff don't if you noticed Tom but on my right hip you see little pouch thing with do on it that's how many um oh yeah yeah that's how many samples I've got oh awesome yeah know you can check um press tab you can see your friends ordinance and stuff but it'd be cool to see that there as well oh [ __ ] mfield M oh yeah yeah all right we're good on the fuel station uh if you bring up your map and then up top right it'll tell you how many team has of the samples but the one on your hip is how many you have I mean it's a bit annoying to count though isn't it we Dro samples here as well got these yeah who this body is god dog over that be me and here's where I died earlier yeah I prefer the SMGs over the ARs honestly bro one handed weapons are kind of dope dude cuz you can hit fire them while like running full speed yeah you can shoot behind you it's really cool and carry the SSD which is nice I like the defender SMG A lot actually there's an army of Ms over there I'm going to n on this to slow down keep running keep running keep running all right I'm just going to give you the Amo SEC hope this works for anything oh that did work actually fine much be a ping issue since I'm yeah I think if you do it while you're not sprinting I don't think it bugs out maybe it can fix itself if you die what it did for me when you gave me ammo we weren't we weren't moving at all when you gave it to me right how about it good shot damn left legs exposed he's dead nice all right let's regroup with clean and launch this goddamn nuke four charges back there coming after us cover thank you good cover I'm a here as well C last lock me cheers oh that resupplied me just fine there you go yeah it's working for him it's just not for me cuz last time someone else was trying to resp me it didn't work as well my I don't if it's my guy or my weapon it's just first time I tried it was nothing right yeah it seems really inconsistent but the amount you lose from it is massive cuz if it doesn't work it's like oh that's a whole amoly might as well just use the normal resupply got a breach somewhere I don't know if I've had that issue before though which is weird two Heavies on us behind here we go again I'm here oh man we're going out nice this rail gun is working over time right now first y another one up on the Rocks someone's calling in mind there careful Sor on the FL pick him up if you need is locked second crush is dead one more to go ow ow ow ow ow laser okay I'm running away until the laser stops shooting people getting beamed by that thing behind us what the hell was that baiting these crushes around like a matador nice front right leg is off when you guys can get the shot on that all right good shot beautiful shot another one there launch it launch in the nuke be that moving another one does initial launch kill you if you're close no no no no okay we got 5 minutes to get the extract charge is almost done oh is dead nice hell yeah brother M of times I pull out that rail gun I need to reload again want to try to resp me if you got one uh yep for you yeah didn't work 06 and then you did it and then 06 still it's so broken last one too so going try again all right so extract we go oh a lot of Mines right here holy [ __ ] you guys like we're not going to come back here [ __ ] loads of landmines everywhere the [ __ ] and I'm dead nice how' you die dude it was one that was clicked in the ground and it set off and killed me literally couldn't even see it I'm going to try and clean up the ones around your body no pun intended I say it's not your fault it's just a game bugging out the fact that nuke just launched and I didn't watch it I feel like I should have my hell dive license revoked it might be a lag thing apparently I just got back to six of six Maxs but it was like 10 seconds after you clicked me right there might just be some kind of server Q that's what I was thinking it's good to know if it's just a that's fine I don't care yeah yeah yeah as long as you get the ammo you need some Bill yeah I'm oh I'll take it anyway I'm good we missed out on the uh the question for you miss out on the super sample somewhere I haven't seen him anywhere at all I two crushes and a ball Titan coming out just what the doctor ordered I have no cool Downs to the Titan for a kg there I'm going to get away from that sack you're good should deal with one of the crushes at least ohom I think I think it got him I think it got him it didn't get him it didn't get him holy [ __ ] throw an or on him doing right over there clean yeah just a close call call got the extraction nice oh boy co the face to the face ow ow I don't trust myself on on safe mode right now oh two B Titans one's dead holy crap secondary and another Crusher come out the ground I'm do it for Liberty I want to die minute 30 to right boys covering you clean [ __ ] okay will they're behind me as well so ow man I love getting slowed over and over again Huns are on me now too it's got to be a nest somewhere try and take some of this heat from you clean team what the [ __ ] they just came through the ammo yeah bug breach in the middle uh wild Titans there as well n coming in right there move and I'm dead pulling you in going to give you a bit more space okay I've got the Titan I've got the Titan try and call me in on it this one oh there are two there are two Titans B him this way clean that should be good yes dude behind it's already here 30 seconds 30 seconds Bird's almost here and I'm dead again don't you throw on this Crusher here yeah I mean holy [ __ ] man you did sacrifice your life for a Titan clean good job with a beam that Titan is taking it like it's nothing though got it nice dude bastards from the top ropes two more charges to spawn on me yeah never have too many those can we boys's incoming now guys woo and we got a [ __ ] T of samples I'm trying to get up oh my God the reload okay right side of the crush is exposed so many of that's just bouncing off in there get in boys got to blow my own head off again for democracy hold the door hold the door clean ini he's got the jetp pack let's go oh my God that was so easy yeah oh man I don't know what you guys were complaining about there was a moment there where I don't think I took a single breath dude you you're supposed to breathe when you play this game I know right oh man I blame it on the crusher spawn dude that's horrible man like you kill them and two spawn you kill those and two more spawn and a biome yeah you kill them two more spawn Relentless rail gun is so necessary in Hell diver mode the thing that's nice about The Recoil though is that it can it can one tap the armor on the legs pressure all right it's good
Channel: Tomographic
Views: 952,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 ps5, new games 2024, shooter game, coop games, best coop games, new steam games, game of the year, helldivers, tomographic, helldive difficulty, max difficulty helldivers 2, max difficulty, helldivers 2 pc gameplay, helldivers 2 tomo
Id: V6gkYw5aktk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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