Enshrouded - 10 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner | Tips & Tricks

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enshrouded drops you into the world of Ember Vil Pats you on the head and gives you a swift kick into the unknown the game is challenging but also incredibly rewarding if you've correctly set yourself up for Success which is why we're here to help you get a jump start on your adventure so that's why today we are sharing 10 things we wish we knew sooner about Keen Game's new co-op Survival game in shrouded it's a huge game even by Early Access standards and if there's one thing I've learned in my dozens of hours playing it's that the Developers really want you to explore the world before adventuring too far into the world it's essential that you craft a grappling hook and glider these are two tools vital to exploring Ember Vil and it's not that they're hard to get but as with most survival games it's hard enough to prioritize things in your head when there's so much to see and do know that spending just a few minutes collecting the resources and crafting the items at your workbench will not only save you time up front but also give you access to so much more of the world the glider is one of the best tools for navigating Ember Veil especially once you unlock the Fast Travel towers that give you access to different regions of the map towering above the rest of the world these are the perfect vantage point and having a glider allows you to soar down close to your target objective in order to craft the glider you'll need shroud wood which as the name suggests you can get by venturing into the Shroud and chopping down a few trees grappling hooks on the other hand are essential for navigating points of interest you're practically required to craft one early on in the game so this is more about prioritizing the work than anything else in order to craft this you'll need some metal scraps which can be found in the early game shroud kill a few enemies or go to a point of Interest like an Elixir well within the Shroud and smash up a couple of boxes and barrels and you'll easily get what you need and speaking of crafting there's nothing stopping you from leaning into a variety of weapons and builds I for one still haven't landed on a particular play style but I can tell you if there's one weapon I never leave my base without it's my wand in the early game this weapon is invaluable it absolutely chunks enemies health and best of all it autotargets enemies making it incredibly easy to run around kiting foes while chipping away at their health I can say with certainty that my early game success is largely due to this subtle yet deadly weapon to craft a wand you simply need to have the required resources and craft it at your workbench but keep your eyes peeled because you can also find great wands from treasure chest while exploring unlike the staff and Bows which are considered ranged weapons in the game wands are considered base level weapons similar to that of a sword or axe that means it has unlimited ammunition and is only Bound by its durability which ties right into our next essential early game tip in order to thrive in Ember Veil you need to understand how tools and durability work and shrouded makes this relatively simple but it's worth saying out loud all of your main tools and weapons can break rendering them useless each item has a durability bar underneath the icon and once that durability is exhausted the weapon breaks however fixing your broken gear is actually very simple all you need to do is return to your base and interact with your workbench you don't need any materials and there's no cost to repairing your gear you simply need to remember to interact with the station you can also find anvils out in the world and these are great in a pinch and should never be overlooked these will also repair all of your gear back to full durability but don't rely on them as you never know when and where you'll find one you'll always want to maintain your gear because you never know when an enemy is lurking just around the corner range combat is a really core early game piece of gameplay and the devs put in a neat feature that we actually overlooked at first but really became clutch one of the coolest combat features of enshrouded is the ability to quickly Swap and equip your range weapon this is great if you're fighting a horde of enemies and want to shoot an arrow or cast a spell but don't want to change off your main weapons in practice it works like this while you're using your main weapons in this case a sword and shield if I press and hold the Q button I instantly swap to my staff while continuing to hold Q I now have full access to my magical staff and all my spells this allows me to fire off a spell and as soon as I release the Q button my sword and shield snap back I can't tell you how incredible this quality of life feature is yes it's simple enough to just swap between weapons but to have a hotkey that temporarily gives us access to our ranged weapon of Choice has been a combat feature I never knew I wanted even as a player that's leaning more into melee combat I find that having a ranged attack handy is important either for puzzle solving or combat the ability to pick off one or two enemies at range can't be understated especially as you get further into the game and more enemies attack and packs it's a great feature one I definitely recommend checking out now what's a survival game without some essential treats food is a huge part of the enshrouded gameplay experience and and it's handled differently than most modern survival games there's no hunger or thirst meters in the game instead you have three slots that you can utilize to buff your character for an extended period of time depending on the food that you eat you'll get a variety of Buffs and while it might seem like a system not worth investing in it's been absolutely essential to my success especially early on in its most basic form you'll collect meat berries and other food like corn and tomatoes from various sources within the game World Hold On To these and if you can cook them at a campfire not only does this make raw food edible but also increases the bonus you get and extends the duration of the buff for example eating a raw red mushroom gives you a plus one to intelligence for 10 minutes but cooking that mushroom gives you plus two intelligence for 20 minutes it's a no-brainer then that you'd want to cook whatever food that you can as you push further into new parts of the world you'll realize that not all food is created equal in the beginning some grilled lean meat with its plus one to Constitution might have been okay but when you push deeper into Ember Veil you'll want to cook some grilled game which gives you plus three to constitution in this case those three extra points are giving you a whopping 150 HP total which could mean the difference between life and death before leaving your base you should always have three Buffs rolling or at the very least make sure you have food on hand at all times you should also make sure you have a full rested buff before ever heading off into the Wilds this will grant you an increase to maximum stamina and stamina regeneration which in my opinion is one of the best Buffs you can get early on in the game speaking of stamina here's a tip you need to know one of the best early game food items you can get is honey when used this increases your stamina regeneration by 15 for 3 minutes it's a small buff but early on in the game stamina is such a pain and that honey buff makes a world of difference while exploring keep an eye on the trees you're looking for big white beehives if you you can interact with them then pop them open and you'll get some honey and wax which can be used to create torches if the hive is Out Of Reach simply pull out an axxe and chop the tree down you'll get some wood and all that honey for your efforts and just a word of warning bees can and most often will pop out of those nests and start attacking a simple ranged wand or magic attack will let you dispatch this swarmm relatively quickly I personally always have a stockpile of Honey on me at all times because even dozens of hours into the game I still find it valuable in shrouded like many Survival Games doesn't exactly hold your hand and that can be frustrating when you're trying to figure out what to prioritize luckily the game's journal helps guide you and offers up various quests that players can complete if they want some additional rewards as you progress you'll notice quests within the journal are colorcoded gold quests are similar to that of main quests and tied directly to your base and the Shroud blue quests are all tied to your NPC progression and gray quests are all lore related these are unlocked by reading books and Scrolls out in the world or sometimes offered by the NPCs themselves it's important to read these bits of L to they're not long and often point you to some hidden treasure within the area the game won't hold your hand and it doesn't Mark anything on your map you actually have to read and interpret what the book or scroll says just a small bonus for paying attention the most important early game quests are the ones that unlock new survivors at the time of making this video there are five NPCs to unlock the blacksmith the hunter The Alchemist the Carpenter and the farmer each plays an important part in your technology progression without unlocking them it's very possible you'll get stuck at a certain point in your experience I made it a priority to unlock these NPCs and while that does require some exploration and certainly some combat it's worth it see each NPC has its own set of craftables and even at a base level those are incredibly valuable for example unlocking the blacksmith gives you access to new melee Focus armor weapons and essential tools on the other hand the hunter gives you access to rang focused armor weapons and crafting equipment each brings something different to the table but it gets better each NPC will offer you quests once unlocked and those quests will require you to hunt down various items the NPC needs to expand their crafting menu as you can see here we have the blacksmith unlocked and have completed and built the forge which gives us access to an entire new tier of items but we still need to complete the quest to unlock the smelter and smithing tools which will expand these offerings even more there's something to be said about prioritizing this work because no matter what you enjoy about the game be it exploration combat crafting or building almost every NPC has something that furthers one of those aspects of the game the longer you wait to unlock the NPCs the longer you'll delay being able to see and do more across Ember Veil ultimately it's up to you but I'd highly recommend you prioritize unlocking these NPCs this next tip is simple and to the point do yourself a favor and craft a backpack once you unlock the hunter NPC she gives you the option to craft a small backpack which expands your inventory by eight slots enshrouded is the type of game where a few minutes of exploration will net you dozens of items so having a little more inventory flexibility is a big deal you will need some dried fur in order to craft the small backpack which you create by using the drying rack and combining animal fur and salt the Edgerton salt mines is a great place to farm a ton of salt and it's not too far away from the springlands Fast Travel point so with just a little effort you'll be sitting pretty with even more bag space Inventory management is such a core element of any Survival game and during the first 10 or so hours of the game I was cursing and shrouded up and down because it appeared as if items that were stored in chests couldn't be used for crafting every time I wanted to craft something I'd have to go around and collect what I needed and hold them in my inventory not a great experience and something a lot lot of modern games have adjusted for then I unlocked the carpenter NPC and everything changed see he allows you to craft magic chest and this right here is what I had been missing to start you'll have access to small magic chests but as I mentioned before with each new Quest you complete the Carpenter's offerings expand as you can see by the items description items stored within the magic chest can be used for crafting purposes anywhere in your base once I had a few of these down everything clicked into place and I was able to organize and craft items with ease unlocking the carpenter does take some effort as his quest takes you pretty far away from the starting zone but it's well worth it for the reasons alone finally I wanted to talk about in shrouded traversal and while this does tap into a bit of the game's Jank it has saved my life on multiple occasions first is the jump and dive technique that livid discovered and shrouded has a lot of verticality and it can be frustrating navigating the world sometimes well if you jump and dive repeatedly your character can can on many occasions slide up a hillside you can't do this on a straight vertical but it absolutely gives you access to areas you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach perfect example here I managed to get myself on top of this Temple I was exploring and drop down right into the final chamber obviously that's not supposed to happen but who am I to stop you from taking advantage of the game's lack of physics if you want a more legit way to navigate the world then I highly recommend you consider specking into the Survivor skill tree and the double jump Talent this gives you access to as the name suggest a second jump and this is absolutely essential for exploration and combat I'll admit during our pre-release experience we were not impressed by the enemy AI you can easily out Fox most enemies by simply jumping to a place they can't reach and the best way to do that is with double jump I'm not ashamed to admit I've spent a good amount of time just Out Of Reach of enemies and kill them with my wand or a well-placed spell is it cheap absolutely but is it effect persective bet your ass so there you have it 10 Things I wish I knew sooner about enshrouded we hope you all had a great time exploring the world of Ember Vil and if you happen to stumble across another tip or trick you want to share with the community leave us a comment down below we have a whole lineup of videos planned for unshrouded including this one our best talents to get early video so be sure to subscribe so you never miss a thing my name is Kodiak and from everyone here at Legacy gaming thanks for watching and play on [Music] he
Channel: Legacy Gaming
Views: 219,330
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Keywords: Legacy Gaming, enshrouded, enshrouded tips and tricks, enshrouded beginners guide, enshrouded guide 2024, enshrouded early access, enshrouded early access guide, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded game 2024, enshrouded game, enshrouded tips, enshrouded gameplay tips, enshrouded new player guide, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded pc, enshrouded building, enshrouded gameplay guide, enshrouded game guide, enshrouded release date, enshrouded guide, enshrouded trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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