Hot Snacks Tier List

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science is still unable to explain how i'm able to tolerate spicy and hot [ __ ] so easily i am truly immune to capsaicin i believe the world's first true x-men i am a superhero but don't worry i'm using this blessing for good instead of evil i could easily turn to the dark side and just start stuffing my [ __ ] face full of like nuclear level capsaicin items and foods and start breathing fire into the world like a biological super weapon but i don't instead what i'll be doing is getting matt here and we're gonna be tackling hot snacks we've done hot peppers and hot sauces today we're gonna be doing the snacks which one's the lowest scoville is it the thais or the cheetos definitely cheetos or like the candies okay we'll start with cheetos we should explain what we're doing i think it's so we've done hot peppers we did hot ones hot sauces so now we're doing like hot snacks so like flamin hot cheetos and [ __ ] all the way up until 8 million scoville gummy bear i was reading it we've been wrong it's 9 million okay so you know infused with our 9 million scoville unit chili extract the hottest thing we've had together is like two and a half million i know i honestly thought i was gonna have to go to the er after that too these are good i like these i love the consistency of them they're just delicious a little hot do they have school pool ratings on these or does it not even register i don't think it registers it's just a cheater they're good though they do taste really good you know you guys want some i tried so yeah there it was awesome very good they're really good that's a nest here no they're so good all right this is just going to be eating cheetos for the tear list all right let's move on they're good these flamin hot cheetos were absolutely scrumptious they were beating my dick off for a minute though they were pretty hot i don't think i could eat a ton of these i'd probably end up like lil xan and going to the hospital for it if i ate too many but they were extremely tasty and pretty spicy i'm going right away to the ester flamin hot cheetos i think are like right at the upper echelon of spice and hotness that i can tolerate almost comfortably without breaking out into a mucus explosion and crying my eyes out so a big fan of the flamin hot cheetos now i'd like to talk about opera gx which is a fantastic browser i've talked about before it's the first browser that's tailored for gamers opera gx has so many features that's going to amplify your video gaming performance and take you to the level that you were born to be at you were meant for a lot more let opera gx be there to take your hand and bring you to the promised land with things like their gx player which allows you to log into spotify apple music and youtube music directly from the sidebar in opera gx that way you can keep your favorite streaming services running without having it hinder your gaming performance so it's good if you want to have a lot of tabs open without it tanking your gaming there's also twitch and discord integration obviously you can put these bad boys up in the background on opera gx through the sidebar and it again is not going to tank anything in your games and of course there's so many options for customization you can really cater opera gx to what you want so you can have this bad boy looking exactly how you envision it in your wet dreams opera gx is just the best and only real browser catered towards gaming and prioritizing gaming performance it is a fantastic browser so if you're just in trying opera gx you can click the link in the description below to get started opera gx is just the optimal browser for gamers and i'd highly recommend it so if you're interested click the link in the description below for opera gx this is just cinnamon i think you'll be fine let's go with the hot tamales fierce cinnamon cinnamon candies this is the pill it's just candy it's a mica knight it's a hot mic tonight i've never had a mike and i do you just wait yeah just put the whole thing in your mouth and chew it's like a chewy candy it's just cinnamon they're not great that is actually just cinnamon a little cinnamon okay it's like drying out my mouth cinnamon is a very different kind of hot it's not like pepper hot it just feels like too much yeah it's just like a flavor hot yeah like there's so much flavor just like earl floods the gate at once trying to break down into the castle i didn't catch on no you you wouldn't understand i wouldn't get it this one was extremely confusing and downright almost criminal with false advertising there was nothing hot or spicy about the hot tamales it was just straight up cinnamon to call these fierce would be like calling a goldfish furious it just doesn't make any sense it's just cinnamon it wasn't like the most repulsive flavor i've ever had but it wasn't hot or spicy either i'm just going to put this in like a d tier because it wasn't like awful all right so these are cinnamon fire jolly ranchers they used to love jelly ranchers me too what was your favorite color grape grape and blue for me yeah god i haven't had this since i was a kid tastes like a dog treat they really ruined jolly ranchers from this one it's not even hot it's just gross it's like christmas perfume in a candy oh it's like poo pourri that like that [ __ ] you spray after you take a [ __ ] that's actually what i was thinking that's what i imagined that would taste like there's no hot potato it's just gross it's [ __ ] gross get it out of here same problem i just had with the hot tamales i have with the jolly ranchers this was again just a repulsive cinnamon flavor it this one tasted like dog [ __ ] this one was horrible it was just and it was lightly coated in cinnamon it wasn't even like a big burst of cinnamon like at least the hot tamales had a ton of cinnamon this was just like a couple of cinnamon flakes accidentally mixed into the jolly rancher formula and then they decided to take those in a bad batch and put them as like a cinnamon sale and just wrap them up like this with misleading advertising it's not hot it's not spicy it's just like a little burst of cinnamon this is getting an f tier though for sure takis let's run it did you get anything with sriracha i couldn't find a single thing with sriracha these might have some sort of strawberry these look identical to the flaming hot cheetos these look like they're curls yeah they look like you see them up close yeah they're like little noodles they're the best like it's like oh that's a very like thick chip they're hot not bad the cheetos are hotter you think yeah the cheetos are absolutely i feel nothing on the cheetos but i feel stuff on this you're a psychopath these taste like bugles with like a little bit of an edgy personality this that would have a lot more dust on it i still know you just got a bugle for your first one i may have got lucky on the first one i think when takis first came out they were pulled off the shelves for like melting through the stomach lining of kids or some [ __ ] like that jesus christ but they've revised the formula right less hydrofluoric acid or something yeah no they went with gerber and added some lead to it okay good i like the gerber we need meat sticks they should do they should make spicy meat sticks for these put some hair on those babies chests yeah jalapeno flavored meat sticks ghost pepper vienna sausages my kid's gonna be strong god damn it i've heard a lot about takis glowing reviews across the board rotten tomatoes gives it 150 [ __ ] percent like this is almost unanimously considered a great snack and you know what i'm hopping on the train i enjoyed the takis quite a bit but i wouldn't call them hot or spicy i really don't know what i'd even classify it as because there's definitely like something there that's uncomfortable there's definitely something triggering like panic receptors in my mouth but it wasn't like heat i don't know it's a very confusing flavor but it is one that i really enjoyed i'm gonna put takis you know i'll put takis at an s tier because i really do think they're up there with the flame and hot cheetos i think they deserve that i was a fan and i'm happy to say that i'd probably eat these bad boys again what do you think the next hottest thing i think so wasabi flavored peas it's like the tennis companies had a few leftover cans so they said let's throw wasabi peas in there this is actually a tennis can holy [ __ ] they look pretty cool though those two look cool you know i can actually handle wasabi now when it touches my sushi like if before if a molecule of wasabi touched my sushi i'd like throw up but now i can actually handle it i become stronger those are disgusting those are really gross i don't get hot from them though oh no they're setting them oh baby those are gross those are disgusting i don't mean a lot of saving i think the takis were hotter i agree you need to have another one they're pretty hot oh i lied idiot they're not even hot they just taste bad [ __ ] dummy they're so gross they're really they're bad all right we've got the [ __ ] out of the way just as a wasabi has always been my arch nemesis when it comes to ordering sushi because there's always this [ __ ] clump of wasabi just this little kum dumpster wasabi that's always on the sushi thing and the sushi always somehow mixes with it and then it just becomes way too much for me to handle like if i take a bite of the sushi that's been contaminated by the wasabi i [ __ ] explode like my whole face feels like it hollows out and i enter like a whole new plane of existence it's it's always been way too much for me but genuinely since doing these tier lists with like the hot [ __ ] my tolerance has gone through the roof compared to what it once was so i was actually able to tolerate wasabi what much better over the last couple months so these these the wasabi peas they weren't that bad to me they tasted terrible they tasted absolutely awful as you would expect because wasabi doesn't taste very good in and of itself but it wasn't like an insufferable heat or anything i'm gonna give these a seat here they taste terrible but i'm just happy i was able to not break down and cry from them so i instead of being a d tier i'm just going to put them in a c because i'm a little proud it's like when you see your old high school bully and they're kind of struggling you just kind of smile to yourself like yeah all right this is better now that's how i feel with the wasabi let's go spicy chicken almonds i i'll tell you i snuck in and i had one they're they're delicious all right i do love almonds do you like chicken chicken is pretty good like chicken ramen dust on them [Music] are you waiting to choose that is good right they're not even hot no dude well it's kind of hot oh they take a little to get good those have some heat we gotta focus up those taste really good oh boy oh she's playing kickball in the back of my throat right now all right what is what is the the pepper in this one uh i can't read korean yup there that goes whoa baby wow wow is it not hot for you it's hot i'm sweating a little bit it's not terrible well i don't like i could eat a bag of these these are yummy whoa you wanna try one yeah they're actually oh that came out of nowhere i'm getting a headache [Applause] wow what the [ __ ] oh it's it's definitely like a habanero it's a habanero a hundred percent i can sniff it out the pepper on the bag doesn't look anything like that yeah it's a caricature of a habanero aren't habaneros a little like scrunchy ones now this was the first true test of my masculinity these almonds tasted incredible like the taste it was there like that is some beautiful formula they have for the flavor but then for some reason they snuck in [ __ ] dynamite this [ __ ] was extremely hot blowing everything else out of the water by a wide margin it was pretty rough if it was just it was even just like a little less intense i would have had a few more and i'd probably eat them again in the future but this was overwhelming this reminded me of like the really curly long pepper that [ __ ] my [ __ ] up big time when we were doing peppers a while back it had like that same intense hatred to it where it just it wanted to hurt me i felt i'm gonna put these at a beat here the flavor really did carry the pain though like it was pretty it was pretty uh surprising this looks absolutely horrifying it's like what xenomorphs are born from what's the scoville on that this got well that's just the noodles i haven't put in the sauce yet so it's going to be i think a million or 1.1 yeah it's something like that i mean it's ghost oh here it is it's just like one one million it looks like toxic sludge this looks absolutely terrifying the sauce in there oh let me see oh it's like nickelodeon slime time so yeah let's go would you like to do it nope okay oh it's not even green what whoa [ __ ] is this it's the ghost pepper sauce that looks disgusting actually is this even like safe yeah i've had one before okay well i had the step below this and it was actually delicious i ate it on stream and i finished the entire thing did it look like this um i don't know monique made it for me okay well i'm streaming didn't notice that was black while you were eating it well the noodles weren't black like this one it smells very good it does smell good i love ramen so this is ramen so we're able to swallow this this might be the last one that we should feel comfortable swallowing like gummy bears made to be swallowed that's true yeah they're all made to be eaten but i don't i don't think i could handle it i would be needed to be rushed to the hospital which fork would you like i'll take the this one all right oh you can hold it over your bowl bowl spilled [ __ ] this is so many noodles too i am going way too hard they're just long noodles you're fine no oh my god this is scary let me get those drips off you should we just not cheers this one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right it's hot still okay yeah yeah yeah that's why we can't have it yet yeah let's just wait wait it out maybe the capsaicin will be evaporated maybe if you stare it down it'll give up some of its power yeah i'll try and intimidate it you ready here i can get a little cheers now that it's not dripping okay yeah let's get it um not good that is good you don't even need them all nope oh oh my god i can't follow it that bad boy yeah you didn't swallow that whole time it started coming it started coming in while i'm still chewing and i panicked it's not that bad it's pretty [ __ ] bad oh it builds it builds a lot whoa baby that's actually good [ __ ] wrong oh the tongue it actually just keeps getting worse i keep almost saying i'm like over the hump and i just keep that's eyes are going to red that's unlike him this is like a new breed of evil that's some hot [ __ ] nice [ __ ] god ah my teeth are on fire getting a cavity filled doesn't hurt this bad breathing out is the worst part [Music] bailey bought it for me i can't wait don't let her down matt this is for you my lips are on fire [Applause] the heat from the noodles we have big race they kept saying don't do it you don't want any of this tetra hey what's up that's so much snot ah i'm leaking it's like an exorcism this ramen i don't know how to express the pain enough this ramen was worse than just eating the straight ghost pepper eating the ghost pepper was less painful than eating this ramen this [ __ ] was absolutely brutal so i did two servings here i double fisted with this hot ramen when i was just chewing it in my mouth and was unable to swallow it due to like intense immediate swelling it was [ __ ] atrocious but when i went back after the storm had passed and i actually swallowed a noodle i almost didn't feel anything like i chewed the noodle pretty thoroughly and like swallowed it as soon as i could and it wasn't bad like my throat tingled a little bit but it was really tolerable so i i'm like reevaluating all of my decisions on the other hot and spicy [ __ ] where i just like put it all up in my mouth and let it marinate there and then spit it out i wonder if it would have just been less painful to fully eat the substances because with the noodle it was far less intense i'm going to give this a seed here taste wasn't terrible or anything like that but the heat you will never enjoy this i don't think there's any psychopath out there that would eat this and be like yup i'm going to want another bowl of this i don't know how anyone could like man-mode an entire bowl of it i i it's incomprehensible to me oh man i stepped up on that one oh my stomach [ __ ] hurts ah i feel good right now like 100 recovered okay i mean i feel fine from the ramen as well but this is so intimidating this pan can actually never be used again well it shouldn't anyways because it's bent in the middle here let's just show the audience look at that that's a high quality pen it's copper bottom baby isn't that the name of a sunscreen copper that's what danny's here for oh my god all right wait let's let's talk i think we did two noodles maybe you can debate with it and it won't be two noodles you need to make sure it's not a fluke what's two noodles you think like that one you've gone mad you've become dr bernonian doctor burn oreorium we're going to cheers it are we swallowing no [ __ ] wave man that looks like he wants to you can you can how long do you chew for them you can't just spit it once it starts getting hot you got to get the whole flavor i usually give it like a good 25 seconds if i'm not going to swallow it all right you ready yeah oh my [ __ ] god this actually smells like the most painful thing of my life your neutrals are cold hell oh i'm not swallowing no it's only been hungry baby click together on the trash can did you get enough in there oh my god why does that exist oh my god [Music] i this is the most painful moment of my life [Music] ah [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] liking that video huh i think i'm having a heart attack there you go ah i get so much [ __ ] worse why did they make that ah this is so bad you both gone silent it usually doesn't happen i'm [ __ ] crying oh the only time i'm feeling good is when i'm swallowing the milk you're gonna make yourself cute just from drinking so much milk oh my ear oh my ear my ear [ __ ] there's no milk in my mouth [Music] i'm literally crying i'm actually i'm entering fighter flight [Music] mode i'm starting to come back to the levels of pain where i can interact with you oh that was honest to god hell i was trapped in my mind like for a good three minutes there i forgot we were even making a video like i walked over with a mouthful of milk that was like charlie needs this like my my friendship took over over the content i honestly thought i was having a heart attack but like it was like a flashbang went off in my skull everything was getting fun everything went blank in my head it was because at first i was like haha this is funny and hot oh that was honest to god some of the most pain i've ever felt in my life i mean this with no exaggeration the psycho serum was the most painful experience of my life you don't know pain until you experience something at this magnitude it was an actual life-changing experience with pain i don't know how to even describe it and the agony we went through i i i don't want to spoil the surprise but we couldn't go back for the gummy bear because we were still in such intense agony from this this experience the psycho serum at 6.4 million scoville was an absolutely brutal experience i i don't know how else to explain it it was as if everything in the universe all at once melted around us i wanted to just drop on the floor and just flop around just i i i i can't really get across just how painful it was and for that the psycho serum is getting an s tier like that was on a whole nother level that i didn't even think possible psycho serum isn't spice or heat it is bottled pain manufactured synthetic pain is the best way to describe it it [ __ ] tastes atrocious and i would never recommend this to anyone it's it's more of a weapon than like a cooking supply or like a goofy pepper prank or something it is baffling that this like even exists like like jarred emotion like emotional pain and physical pain blended into one paste it it was wild absolutely wild
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,370,241
Rating: 4.9684548 out of 5
Id: Mh2SB2VaDeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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