「Stellaris」 Merchant Void Dwellers Build

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh ready we're live greetings everyone i'm stefan and today we're going to be exploring a trade build not just any trade build but a trade bill that's actually kind of meta i might even say um so the whole crux of this build is going to be to merchant spam as it says in of course in the video title merchants in 3.1 with the addition of the new mercantile tree are actually relatively plentiful you can potentially get one merchant per commercial zone and when you combine it with voidwallers you can get a lot of merchants really really quickly so that is going to be the crux of this build and we're going to be taking a look at just how efficient it could be first we're going to take a look at the build itself afterwards we're going to go through and play with it and see how much we can get in year 30 or beyond so this is the merchantman build as some of you have already guessed this is going to be a merchant guilds functional architecture build ironically the best trade build installers is not a megacorp build megacorps are unfortunately uh cursed with having pretty terrible civics and so you can't really do stuff like this with a megacorp uh the thing is functional architecture like we can they do make do without merchant guilds but functional architecture uh whether now giving two building slots is just too good to pass up like you can't play a proper uh commercial zone spam build without functional architecture like two billing slots equals two merchants uh merchant guilds on the other hand can be quite good for us uh because merchant guilds is gonna give us uh two unity per merchant and considering how we're also going to be extremely happy we're going to have high stability on our planets this 2 unity is going to be a lot more down the line in fact early on we're going to be able to just rush through any traditional trees that we want because la mao unity um as far as the other aspects of the build go i'm going to be going with fanatic egalitarian uh this is actually not like we're actually going democratic not because we're going for egalitarian but we're going a fanatic egalitarian because we're going democratic democratic is good for automatic resettlement and whenever i play habitats uh i usually like to go for democracy because manually resettling pops around 20 different habitats that's the pain i don't want to deal with uh fanaticalitarian since we're already going democratic uh it's gonna be quite good for us we're gonna get 50 extra faction influence gain we're going to get 10 extra specialist pop output and uh we will have access to utopian opponents although we're not going to use it why not well that's because we have materialist materials is here primarily for academic privilege academic privilege works extremely well with any build but with this build especially is going to work quite fine academic privilege is going to give our specialists and our rulers extra happiness and is also going to give us extra research from our research pops since this is a bill that's meant to be strong we are still gonna go for research we're not gonna just meme and go completely bonkers with trade value we want research because we want to be powerful and we also want research to enhance our trade value further the thing is with research we can get stuff like the stock market market exchange and with that thing we can get extra two merchants and plus 20 trade value on all our habitats that's something that's definitely worthwhile and uh since it comes pretty late in the tech tree uh going with high tech for this build is certainly going to help us out with that now as far as our species goes [Music] we're going to be going of course thrifty uh 30 is going to give us plus 25 trade value which means that our merchants produce a base of 15 15 trade value per merchant now if we translate that directly to energy that's going to be 15 energy per merchant which is quite good in the early game but you also have to consider that the 15 is base there's a lot of modifiers through the mercantile tradition tree and also modifiers through stability and stuff that is easily going to push the trade value generator permission to more like 30 trade value and getting 30 energy from a pop a few years into the game that is goodness otherwise of course we want as many merchants as possible so we're going rapid breeders now i would go for some other traits instead of rapid breeders but there's really not very many good alternatives considering how we're going to be making most of our raw resources via you know merchants rapper breeders is probably the best way to go uh if i come up with a better uh trade for this i might optimize this build later but growth is always good otherwise we're going with intelligent as i mentioned before we do want tech for this build and that is what intelligent is here for unruly and not adaptive are basically free picks for this build i would go for solitary normally but solitary in 3.1 has been nerfed quite a bit apparently and i haven't tested it thoroughly yet but apparently the extra available housing does count towards planetary capacity and so having more pop housing usage decreases your planetary capacity which also decreases growth i don't know how impactful it is i'm gonna have to do extensive testing for when i redo all my tier lists but solitary is no longer as free as it used to be so with that out of the way let's take a look at um i guess we'll take a look at how this build performs shall we [Music] merchant man let's start now we're going to be going with default settings and garan admiral although you know let's not go default this time we'll go for slightly more uh ai empires to uh play around with also chat uh if you have any questions i will be answering them once uh the things in the stream calm down a bit for now i'll just go through the beginning steps of a good trade build and uh speaking of a beginning that's two choke points right here and uh it's a pretty nice looking cluster okay let's take a look at our scientists and our leader leader is pretty okay it's gonna make our early expansion pretty cheap and our scientists are all right as well uh we're actually not gonna go for any of our energy techs because all our energy is gonna be produced with merchants so instead we'll just go for extra research i'm gonna go for extra pop growth speed and we're gonna go for extra research i suppose uh we will want to upgrade our habitats in due time but for now we'll just leave them be it's better to just build more habitats rather than upgrade existing ones at least in the early game let's see as far as our planets go we're going to want to specialize our capital planet into research we're going to want to keep our minerals habitat as mostly minerals habitat slash industrial habitat and we're gonna make our energy habitat into trade yes for once we're going uh we're going for trade instead of for energy on a habitat i don't know this this is black i usually don't play like this uh i bet there's some memesters out there that will play this build way better just because they know the ins and outs of trade so we're going to go ahead explore uh we're still going to do the min max strat of downgrading our initial corvettes now we can sell off some of our extra alloys well maybe but i want to sell off too much but i certainly do want to hire another leader sure archaeologist works i will still probably go for any energy deposits out there and since we do have the uh space miter roller trait all these are going to be really cheap [Music] all right uh let's see policies now unfortunately uh we can't go to marketplace of ideas or consumer benefits right away uh we're actually stuck on both creation until we go ahead and research our first uh tradition tree our first duration tree is of course gonna be mercantile uh but it is gonna take some time to get there because mercantile is the thing that unlocks merchant spam and we can't really get a lot of unity without merchant spam so there's that [Music] uh what we are going to do though is set our initial policy from expansionist to isolationist because that's going to give us a bunch of goodies [Music] and as far as our initial species rights we're actually going to set them something different as well academic privilege gobber [Music] alright we also spotted nebula which is uh ready pog [Music] [Music] now we are of course going to want to go for as much minerals as possible because each commercial zone is like 300 something uh minerals and yeah having to build that over and over again is gonna really drain our minerals economy so we'll set this up right away and we'll also start selling off some uh food as as void dwellers we start with way too much uh also one important aspect of this build is going to be to go into a trade league uh this is actually why with this build you really should go merchant guilds or for mega corp because trade league is just incredible trade league is going to be used primarily for one purpose and one purpose only the trade league policy i can't show you just how good it is right now because we don't even have the consumer benefits and marketplace open but basically trade league is when you combine consumer benefits and marketplace of ideas and you just get a lot of extra resources from just a little bit of trade value once we managed to get into a fed our unity production is just going to skyrocket let's see all right i can build uh should be able to build the mining building on our station not yet though i think we need to research what is it mineral purification and after that we should be able to farm a lot of minerals from our starting cluster uh this cluster we really should secure as quickly as possible we are playing with like uh 14 ais in this galaxy so chances are we spawned right next to one let's see mercantile unlock that and we're gonna go for a commercial enterprise as quickly as possible yeah i suppose we are going to go commercial zones instead of at trade districts [Music] uh commercial enterprise does give you extra merchants from uh trade districts but trade districts are just a tad bit more expensive so since for mid maxing i'm going to want to go for commercial zones [Music] that's a nice system let's see [Music] uh very questioning i could potentially release a vassal and make a fed with them i'm not sure if i want to i'd rather just go for a regular route of uh hey xeno want to be friends yeah sure give me stuff and i'll just give them some stuff and they'll be fine you could be friendly with the xenos for once [Music] okay let's see [Music] oh yeah real quick um i i would like to say a couple of words about 3.1 not that i haven't been able to uh say a life before uh you know one when i heard that 3.1 was going to be a lot of balance changes i thought it was a good thing but i'm going to be completely honest with you guys uh the fact that they fixed a lot of stuff is actually [Music] it's actually worse at least for me because i really enjoyed uh breaking the game and now now it's harder to break the game like the helmet is supposed to do now uh find new exploits like um and 3.1 is going to make things very difficult for any challenge builds because um like i went into a game yesterday uh in multiplayer and like half of the exploits that i'm used to are gone like for example you can't um make fleets travel faster with just one tug corvette uh you can't spam art monuments on many planets uh just by buying one you can't release and revasculize someone for infinite crisis um menace like there's a lot of stuff that's been fixed and honestly personally i don't like it but uh i think it's better for the game that way that's a lot of planets it's a gaia planet man well we wouldn't be able to produce a lot in this planet anyways but damn that is that is amazing let's see we can upgrade the capital here that's gonna give us an extra merchant in 22 months we'll be able to get a lot of extra merchants so we're gonna we gotta prepare for that [Music] in fact i'll just have a couple merchants around all my planets because uh merchants are gonna produce us quite a bit of amenities which should help us out quite a bit yeah i think i'll go for an upgrade first because uh when you upgrade your initial capital building it actually gives you extra housing and amenities and on habitats it also gives you extra building slots actually it gives the extra building slots on all platys but upgrading your capital is good let's see okay guys guys i swear i swear there are no paid actors in this stream we got asteroid blast door we gotta ask okay you know what honestly asteroid blast door doesn't even matter that much with a trade build because i mean we're going to be pumping energy credits out of our uh behinds um the whole game but that's a guy planet and that's asteroid blaster in case you guys aren't aware asteroid blast door is 50 to 100 minor artifacts like you saw me you saw me load into the game live like this is not my god just realized [Music] uh let's see oh yeah just fyi uh void dwellers the reason why we can't really make a lot of resources on this guy planet even though gaia planet is amazing uh is because uh the new voidwaller strait actually gives us minus uh pop-up but on non-artificial worlds and since gaia's planets we can't really make a lot of stuff on them [Music] people are saying this is rigged oh my god i'm gonna restart this game like this is this is too good no i'm not going to restart this i i like this start man [Music] pre-recorded [Music] you know i really [Music] i want to show off this build on its own merits [Music] you know we're not we're not going to play with this uh with this start we're not going to play with a start that is just unfair all right let's see this is another start in uh relatively oh no this is this is a lot of border core all right let's just quickly speed run through all the stuff that we did isolationists species rights set rights academic privilege about the trade deal see this is a little less less insane uh all right this should be good yeah i'm not gonna go through everything i did again but uh this is this is a restart look some people saves come and restart their games to get a better result uh i don't want a better result [Music] we're not going to play this we're not going to play a game that's already won for us actually this start isn't that bad that's one chokepoint right here and one chokepoint right here okay i can live with that [Music] let's see leaders let's get a voidcraft dude avoid spark a genius all right definitely grab that next [Music] uh i didn't talk about the build order last time but we definitely want to get a researcher up as quickly as possible and we're going to want to spam commercial zones on all our other planets we do a little bit of trolling [Music] [Music] all right now we spam those commercial zones again but yeah if you guys have any questions uh this is going to be a pretty chill start compared to uh all the other ones that i do so you should be able to take questions just fine got the first leak which means uh potentially a eukaryopolis which we definitely are going to want to go for uh because the eukaryotes is an artificial planet we should be able to get some output on it as well i'm not sure if the trait works let's see habitat preference yeah so because of our habitat preference we're actually going to have very low habitability on equipment but you know what uh we can always just gmod our species let's go mercantile of course gunning for commercial exchange as before [Music] [Music] let's see did we set our species rights yeah we did asteroid blaster in three two one no no no no asteroid blast door this time epidermal what essential path would you pick with this build i honestly would pick what is it called a voidboard as the first probably tech ascendancy a second and then either psy ascension or bio ascension uh biosensition is pretty nice with void bars because you can get your species modified and stuff like that otherwise psy ascension is good for you know size stuff uh for the longest time i have to say i've looked down upon static ascension as the worst path but honestly it's not it's actually pretty good like if you just take a look at the bonuses objectively it's a pretty damn good essential path at least compared to uh what is it called bio synth is still number one but with synth we're gonna lose out on all our bonuses and in the end synth is not going to be really worth it on habitats did i just click hostile xeno attractions did i oh i did la mao all right i mean if we don't meet any xenos in the first 11 years we'll be fine this is just a instinct i'm sorry could do be like that and horizon signal uh just fyi uh apparently in 3.1 you can't go in and out of the system repeatedly to force spawn horizon signal uh the funny thing is though they said they fixed that like a year ago so i'm gonna severely doubt whether or not you could actually force spawn stuff with uh going in and out i imagine if you just build a bunch of science ships and just have different science ships go through a system it'll still spawn it but you gotta test oh uh we've been slacking on building let's see clerks clerks heck actually minerals uh now i said clerks but we're not actually gonna go for clerks clerks are actually quite bad even with this build because even though yes we are producing a decent chunk of resources from clerks it's not enough like look at this our clerks are producing five trade value each and our technicians are already producing eight energy each which is a big gap a technician a technician at the very start of the game is 50 better than a clerk and although a clerk can provide you some amenities very soon amenities aren't going to be an issue [Music] whatsoever now let's see [Music] let's enforcers uh we certainly will want to go for adaptive economic policies and i think we're gonna actually go for consumer privilege yeah marketplace of ideas is good but we're already running low on consumer goods so we'll go for that one [Music] [Music] let's see uh i wonder do we have enough mineral deposits to build habitats with we have one [Music] we have one okay yeah minerals are going to be pretty tough with this one because i don't think we really have a lot of yeah planets with minerals [Music] that's fine though we'll manage william farmer this has to be cgi he's not even blinking yes i am uh an e-tuber a v-tuber that's it the real me is actually a tiny man like this this big uh just sitting inside a very advanced gaming chair uh getting cgi over with this face nah if i were to do cgi i would go for a a very cute anime girl as um as you see on youtube all the time like v tubing is a surprisingly profitable thing that happens and uh honestly i wouldn't mind having countless uh weebs sent for me that'd be pretty nice all right let's see beautiful bubble you see it's not asteroid blast store if it was asteroid blast store we might see another reeser okay but uh nah i'm just joking around like without asteroid blaster as the first uh archaeology we're probably not gonna restart plus it'd be pretty annoying to restart all over again we have zero though which is uh how to pog we are gonna wanna go and breach into the shroud and having zero production for our shields is going to be very nice well assuming we can get sonic theory at least all right now that we're basically done exploring our nearby space uh we'll put our first science ship over to assist research uh i forget that half the time but assist research is a free 12 or 20 uh extra research depending on the level of your scientist and let's see damn even with rapid breeders our growth isn't big enough we need more more actually i think i'll build a maybe not build but hmm we want more alloys to build more habitats i think we'll make our mineral planet our ally planet as well just to make sure we can get extra habitats up and running in due time negativity negativity thank you for the 10 bucks merchant build also works good with a new ring world i used unity trade used artificial service on trade district and buy all minerals and alloys and food why 30 hmm i mean yeah merchant merchant guilds is quite good but at the same time ring world like if you're playing the new ring world you got to be suffering like uh i've tried out playing the new ring world and it's it's quite bad let's just put it that way it's quite bad it's basically a gaia planet but without all the gaia bonuses and with uh a strange minerals job [Music] sandias i don't think materials gets addict theory uh yeah we're gonna go for a curator uh as quickly as possible actually i might wanna build an exoscience ship just to make sure that we can go ahead and explore the galaxy uh normally i like to go with what's it called a spiritualist uh to get sonic theory as quickly as possible but honestly we're not in a big rush also there we go we got our our merchants uh so now we really don't need technicians or clerks but we still need jobs so we'll keep some clerks around [Music] okay commercial zone commercial zone commercial zone and now our energy credit production should skyrocket is jamie ringster saying our brainwall is still opaf now the thing is a shattered ring has been changed to the point where it's not even a ring world anymore when you start well it technically is a ring world but you basically get a size 25 planet with the minerals jobs that produce both minerals and alloys but you only get one alloy per job so it's not really all that big and uh you don't even get like all the building slots at the start like it's stupid [Music] uh twister so this build cannot work with any other origin mostly uh i mean you really do need a lot of buildings thoughts to make this build work and the only way to reliably get a crap ton of billing slots is by going with the void dwellers [Music] all right let's send the science ship out like here i get uh automatic surveying that'd be pretty awesome but i doubt we're gonna be able to get that early on [Music] oh yeah right we should probably change our designation to tradestation totally forgot about that there we go [Music] and we have freaking enforcers actually wow what is going [Music] okay i see um i was wondering why we were getting so much crime with uh such a happy population [Music] corruption must be rooted out uh nathaniel imagine playing this belt with a megacorp neighbor yeah dude that'd be amazing uh honestly this build works better in multiplayer than in single player because in multiplayer you can get a friend of yours to uh play megacorp [Music] and although megacorp normally isn't that good if you have an empire like this making a crap out of trade value right away the megacorp becomes quite good suddenly nathaniel why didn't you go for for photogenophile for 20 trade value it's a good point but xenophilia is a sin [Music] all right let's see we have first contact um honestly i kind of don't want to research the first contact uh because we accidentally went for aggressive protocol so uh i'd rather not make our first neighbor pissed off at us let's see if we got the adoptive economic policies now we can go for us what's it called consumer benefits economy we can also go to militarized economy because we're not gonna be producing consumer goods ourselves and we can also get rid of all these artisans yeah even without artisans we're gonna be swimming in consumer goods [Music] ah let's see honestly i'd rather have you merchants rather than any administrators [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no we're actually out of food okay so first thing we're gonna do is build a hydroponics bait next thing we're going to do is make sure our jobs are in order uh because it doesn't seem that way [Music] yeah i'd rather have farmers than clerks i believe these guys also help produce clerks in terms of raw resources yeah that's nine production rather than 6.2 i mean 6.2 is quite good but [Music] [Applause] [Music] off-road training company uh i'm surprised this thing didn't get buffed like it still produces two trade value per trade hub like we got the solar panels both we got the hydroponics bay buff but this thing right here no no love for trade valley from paradox smh [Music] uh diaz could someone explain to me why trade value is only good now uh because previously it was terrible like you had no reliable way of spamming merchants except for shattered ring and uh clerks even in this version are terrible like a clerk is immediately out produced by a technician and the only way that clerks are really useful is if you're really lacking on amenities in which case just build a entertainer lamau [Music] let's actually replace this with a habitation district because we do want our population to not go down due to planetary capacity [Music] what do you mean garbage starbase building hydroponics bay is amazing we get 11 food from this thing like that's basically a free job right there are we talking about the the trade hub yeah [Music] jamie rustinger i think trade valley is only decent now i mean look our raw resource production is pretty insane right now i think it's amazing not just good although we do still need to get some more uh tech output senior seven and we're only at uh 200 we could do better than that [Music] also since we do have an excessive amount of uh trade value and uh we're making too many consumer goods let's distribute some goods as well uh do a little bit of communism i guess actually not communism communism wouldn't distribute luxury goods they couldn't afford it let's see we will want to go for robots even though psyonix is a good path for us building robots is still going to be good to go or is it yeah well maybe i don't know actually hold on we have a ceramic metal armor this actually unlocks more building slots um through later attacks in the society tree so we're actually going to go for crime and metal armor and get more building slots and get more merchants that way [Music] let's get some labs going here let's actually replace this thing right here with another trade thing because we are over producing food again i mean worst case scenario we just buy food like it's better to have merchants than anything else [Music] because you see as you can see here without all the bonuses yet we are producing an average of let's see six merchants 142 trade value a lot of the math um a lot of trade value like 20 something per merchant so yeah that's pretty good it's not decent it's great let's see trade out plus 10 percent let's go for that market fee minus 10 that's also pretty awesome all right aliens here uh we still don't want to talk to them just because we don't want to insult them accidentally ceramic ceramic i don't know i was i always thought it was ceramic is that the right pronunciation is is it okay is it ceramic or ceramic chat you decide let's also buy some uh more uh non-ceramic alloys eye for talent yeah oh we actually got investor on this guy didn't realize that uh right now we want to save up some alloys and start building more habitats because we are really behind on that we could move our capital and designate this planet as a research habitat or something like that but i don't think we need to [Music] uh max does aggressive stance do things on accident no but i really would rather not go down the aggressive route because i'm pretty sure it doesn't give you any bonuses upon um discovery or does it i don't know let's actually try this uh so these second aliens like their mushrooms they don't matter uh let's see if we actually get negative opinion from them if we go down the first contact route okay most of chat is saying ceramic so i'll say ceramic okay you guys have decided it is ceramic not karamic according to google so i'm like okay that's good enough for me if i if our great overlords over at uh google incorporated say so that is the way it is ah ceramic is a german pronunciation right i do have a lot of german viewers for whatever reason uh approaching xenos is a very german thing to do uh in stellar's terms i mean now let's see voidborn let's go for that that's going to give us an extra two building slots and we can have two extra merchants per planet hell yeah i mean at this point we're going to be struggling trying to try to spend our energy credits because we're already at uh 1.5 k we're producing more even though we are still buying up uh alloys and minerals i'm thinking do we build an extra alloy plant or do we not i guess we build an extra alloy foundry on this planet because um if we build an industrial district um that's gonna be only one uh alloy worker unless we change designation which we're not going to do [Music] the back track there was no backtrack i only made a joke in context of stellaris there was there was no other context [Music] i'm a little bit trolly today [Music] it's kind of happened that way [Music] uh let's see like we're producing what's it called what's it like 200 energy credits per month we're also producing uh consumer goods out of the wazoo like i don't know we could start selling consumer goods i guess it's not going to be that bad in terms of ratio because uh with with marketplace of ideas we effectively buy consumer goods for two energy credits so selling for 1.6 isn't gonna be too bad but [Music] i really would rather not let's see let's be peaceful let's not nab them for investigation and instead keep at it like friends [Music] metal armor ceramo metal armor uh [Music] i guess we'll go for extra minerals because minerals can be good uh as far as turning them into always goes and speaking of alloys let's actually build an extra habitat i would like to build an extra habitat over a minerals planet just so we can potentially make that into a mineral planet combined with merchants but i don't know let's see capacity subsidies what's that go for research and of course mandate unfulfilled because uh democracy but also because democracy it doesn't matter that the mad debt was unfulfilled we'll just re-like joe blow again let's actually see what is his mandate he wants us to build mining stations hmm how are we gonna do that [Music] i guess we'll expand and spend our valuable alloys that way no i don't think so let's see we found the uni nation and uh actually i think they found us because we barely got anywhere with our first contact let's see are these guys friendly these are erudite explorers and they're wary of us [Music] well you know what let's uh sweet talk you into it i want to make a federation of these guys as quickly as possible so [Music] getting them on our side is going to be kind of important commercial pacts research agreements oh we can even guarantee their independence but that's going to take uh influence so let's not do that all right i think once we go for the federation route we should be able to make a freight fed with them pretty reliably change you know policy yes yes uh give me a moment [Music] [Music] all right this habit that is basically filled up uh we can potentially unemploy an administrator no we're not gonna do that yeah they're already entrenched in there i'm gonna unemploy all clerks and just have this guy move out and potentially do a more fulfilling job elsewhere [Music] all right we're getting our uh factions and actually they're extremely happy for once i guess this combination of ethics is actually pretty good and because we have democracy the pop from this plot it actually moved very very quickly which is nice [Music] let's see diplomacy adopt and uh in 21 months we should be able to make a federation if they don't agree we'll just uh bribe them have plenty of resources in fact let's just bribe them right now all right consumer goods there you go just we can honestly just give all the consumer goods away like we're we're not gonna be having problems with that [Music] and now they're friendly perfect for my defense effect just for now and uh yeah once the federation is researched we're gonna be printing unity like nothing ever before yeah no we're not gonna we're not gonna become a vassal of yours unfortunately whether we're in a defensive pact and they're friendly so they're definitely not gonna attack us [Music] god damn it the aliens okay well you know what let's prohibit purging let's just appease this faction why not all refugees welcome sure i mean refugees are workers right we can make them into more merchants so why not reactive yes yes and now even this faction is happy awesome funnily enough i'm pretty sure uh this first contact is still an aggressive first contact just because we started out as that either that or these guys are hostile and uh they're gonna be fanatic purifiers or was it exterminators yeah that could also be a thing in which case we're probably going to want to build a starbase i also want to expand we're also going to want to expand over here [Music] i'll just take all these uh planets around [Music] automatic serving let's go oh burb shard oh howdy there uh where are they okay so actually we only have one choke point and it's this thing right here okay so uh that restart restarted into a start that's potentially even better for us because all of this space is now oh actually never mind there's around here ignore what i said i was wrong endless expanse yeah what what a troll game you make an archaeological site on the border of the oh the fallen empire sure thing yeah sure i'll go for that damn i'm pretty sure endless expanse is actually a pretty good one too that's sad oh all right they actually expanded over here i might as well just leave their territory like it's it's freaking exterminators like no doubt about it they're an aggressive robot like what else could they be driven assimilators could be see if we unemploy this guy yeah let's just unemploy this guy eventually he'll demote himself down and actually do something useful like the thing is compared to merchants administrators are actually kind of bad like as you can see here an administrator produces a base of uh three unity and eight amenities amenities are obviously not even an issue at this point so uh this guy basically only produces three unity like a merchant produces two unity and i down a trade value so i actually don't want administrators with this build funnily enough okay this is the xenophobe fe we can't we literally can't go here and this is the memorex which is i think 20 stability on your capital and a bunch of resource production oh whatever hey do you want to be in a federation no you don't why not um i think you do i think you do want to be in a federation with me you know why uh consumer goods maybe not consumer goods maybe energy yeah there we go hey can you do me a favor uh and uh be in my federation make sure it's a trade league let's make it the wtoo these are driven assimilators okay not exterminators but assimilators i guess it's not all that bad at least these guys don't have the same bonuses on their fleets and now that we're part of the trade league we're gonna be pumping out unity like crazy yeah 191 unity per month yeah that's pretty good migration treaty um no uh we actually don't want a migration treaty because we want people to move around in our empire not out of our empire honestly we're good on minerals we could probably make do with just making alloys from this point onwards actually we can make deal with making habitats from this point onwards that's the number one priority because we're running out of space very very rapidly let's see can you offer me alloys yes you can perfect we'll buy them in bulk is that a good price that's a pretty good price we probably also set up a monthly trade deal for alloys as well [Music] hold your horses for building habitats fyi you could press h at the h key on your keyboard to stop uh construction ship from building anything like normally you can't stop a construction ship from constructing a minerals uh thing or a new starbase but if you press h they will hold as i remember it [Music] oh no we're losing federation xp whatever will we do let's go for that [Music] people are talking about tomb worlds yeah there is a new thing with tomb worlds uh the what is it a radio traffic thing where you have plus seven pog growth speed on tomb worlds but honestly it's bad like in all honesty like tomb worlds as is are bad enough you can't really make use of them without being of two world habitability or having the tomb world origin but if you have the teamworld origin you're just stabbing yourself in the back like radiotrophic and relying on two worlds it's not a good thing it's a meme thing but it's not uh powerful per se embassy is close to unity hey do you want an embassy almost actually hmm yeah i don't think relations are going to improve especially as they come closer to our borders that's fine we don't need to talk to these guys fact we'll uh fortify ourselves a little bit let's see we still don't have a lot of jobs on our planets which is a a bit of an issue but we're working on that eric says the worm disagrees i suppose if you manage to find a way to reliably cause the warmth to spawn radio traffic might not be that bad but they say they fixed it so it's probably gonna be a lot harder to pull off than before uh red beer zombie is the budding trade with it uh the budding trade is actually pretty decent like with this build it's definitely not worth it but if you have an average of 15 pops or more across your planets budding is better than rapid breeders so if you're going for a build which is like i don't know remnants and you want to restore your relic world budding is definitely good like if you have uh 45 pops on it or more which is pretty normal for an early capital you're gonna be producing as much growth as you would be with fertile and fertile is the end game biocenter trait so yeah budding can be pretty good sometimes they're budding with hymens but speaking of hive minds speaking of hive minds uh they added necrophage to high minds and that's actually what i was going to stream today until i played a test run with it and i wanted to die necrophage hive minds just doesn't work i hope they fix it uh but right now you're just you're just gonna be suffering with it let's see can i trade alloys monthly i can let's actually go for that hey you want my spare consumer goods oh you do perfect maybe not that much yeah there we go [Music] like uh as i was saying about necrophage hivemind the thing with necrophage hivemind is [Music] you get all the bonuses of necrophage sure you get the extra liter lifespan you get the complex drone output but on the other hand you also get the downsides of having reduced worker output and with hive mines like you can't really have slaves of the north species working for you which means that you're going to be stuck with a minus 10 menial drone modifier for basically the entirety of the game like if you go for the bio ascension and you genetically modify a species to have high mind traits without being necrophage sure you can avoid the medial drone output thing but uh the only type of other pop that a hive mind could have is livestock and livestock can only do food jobs well they can't do food jobs they produce food by themselves so if you're going a necrophage high mind you're losing more than you're gaining and like you're not even gaining that many pops like hive mind by itself is very good at growing and uh yeah it's not very good with necrophage like i was excited for it but i feel like they copy pasted the necrophage for hiveminds and uh didn't really think about it like you can even see uh ruler pop output plus five percent like as a modifier a necrophage hive mind it's so unfinished [Music] ah you're saying that's uh you you lucked out on your neighbors that's why uh necrophage had mine was good for you yeah i mean it can work but from power perspective it's bad [Music] see another spark of genius bloggers [Music] let's actually research some of these anomalies uh around us surprisingly the german simulators haven't actually closed their borders to us so that's nice i'm colonizing this yep poland ground dude i remember holy ground was actually the first uh archaeological site i ever did uh when they released those and i remember losing two scientists in exchange for getting 300 society research that was a fun first uh first time god [Music] i don't think it's any better now either now let's cross cap diplomatic acceptance plus five actually let's go for that one like dipole missy as a tree isn't that good but i kind of want to finish it just because uh we do want an essential perk uh jamersinger yeah uh clone army is amazing and also one of the people uh commented in the video uh oh you should try this with less clothes like the clown the clothes grow back and you can just infinitely sacrifice people with death cult and i was like damn i really should have thought of that like death cochlear army sounds like the most metal thing like you grow pops purely to sacrifice them to the gods like that's just crazy speaking of crazy this guy has been demoting for the past five years man i really underestimated how stubborn rulers can be [Music] let's see we should be able to build another habitat as soon [Music] [Music] have you seen the diplomatic acceptance exploit uh yeah i have the thing is like it's been in the game forever now like you were able to force an ai to give you basically free stuff but it was just really hard to pull off before that was just easy it's like la mao uh give me all of your energy credits [Music] and what i'm talking about uh what i mean it's been in the game before um now it's been in the game before i'm pretty sure it's still in the game now but basically the way ai calculates how much it's willing to give you is based on your monthly resource output meaning that if and actually it works this way it things that's uh whatever resource it has is less valuable to you if you have a lot of production for that what you can do is you can set a monthly trade deal to buy let's say a ton of minerals and as long as you have the energy for it of course you will buy those minerals uh when the month comes and then during that month you'll have insane minerals production and during that month i will think you have very low need for minerals which means you can negotiate a trade deal for something along the lines of 10 energy for like 300 minerals so that's always been a thing it's just uh way easier to pull off now salty 20 years of plus five percent happiness hog that means like 30 more trade value all right oh yeah credit to llama tick for that one [Music] llama tick is an insane individual he is a market fiend well former market fiend and uh he he's actually the guy behind the internet of resource exploits uh that i did back in 2.8 uh there's actually another market related uh infinite resource exploit that i will keep secret for the time being uh unless of course time comes to reveal it at some point later on [Music] ah let's see [Music] midnight cactus also by all the account creators for still are saying how it's broken like i don't know man i had another dude talk to me about how oh it's ironic isn't it that uh the the version where they fix things is also the most broken version honestly it's not it really isn't like 90 of this version is amazing there's like two maybe three new exploits that have been found uh in the past few days but it's just been honestly overblown like uh the ratio of exploits fixed versus a new exploits is like 20 to 1. but because people like to watch meme videos of le mao i broke the game suddenly it becomes uh it's just bad optics for for paradox [Music] and uh bad optics for the game uh all things considered [Music] also really enough like the i mean all the stuff will be it will get fixed soon but i don't know [Music] let's see right we do want commercial zones not trade districts and we want to resettle but we can't right also player seekers uh pleasure seekers uh i've already talked about it in my clone army video which you should check out it's on my channel it's uh the last video i did uh player seekers basically is free stability like compared to decent conditions it's just better it's decent conditions but better it gives you effectively uh like 12 13 average happiness which translates into nice stability which translates into like seven papa resource output for all jobs for free like uh the amount of extra resources you get from uh plutter seekers compensates for the extra top consumer goods upkeep that you need to pay so in the end it's just free stuff and compared to something like idealistic foundation it's just better like citizen pop app just plus ten percent higher secrets is just better and it has other modifiers like uh entertainer growth and uh is it servant amenities i do have to say though hob wrote from entertainers this is the biggest joke in a civic that paradox has ever done like why [Music] why though [Music] like in terms of in terms of mimex right here let me let me just tell you it takes more uh processing power out of your brain to read that and process that modifier that it actually benefits you in game in mid max terms if you consider your mental capacity in this that actually pop growth is actually a negative because you have to read through it and process it and it gives you basically nothing [Music] and yes i am a robot beep boop [Music] also funny thing is uh we are right now playing in a trade federation uh federations normally would give you a minus 50 tax to all your resources and like as you can see uh all the deposits that are initially two are now one well actually they're like uh seven but uh they show up as one the tax doesn't actually apply to trade value so all of the all the energy that we're generating is completely tax free we are avoiding the irs by doing trade it's amazing [Music] all right also we're finished with our second tradition tree uh 18 years in i mean uh with my crisis build we'd be finished in here like seven but this is still pretty good uh let's go for tech ascendancy we're not anywhere close to getting droids or geomodification or static theory so i'll just make that as our third thing plus i mean the energy we're producing is insane [Music] uh let's see uh azure patty should i buy utopia or federation's first utopia definitely utopia adds hive minds which i mean high minds aren't that great but it's it's great for beginners and uh it also adds mega structures and essential paths it's definitely more vital than for confederations like federations is good for the trade value but speaking of trade value we're superior to a grand admiral ai in economy in gear 18. normally it takes you a while to outscale an ai but le mao we're just better [Music] i love me some tax evasion please don't take that out of contact oh my god that's gotta get clipped isn't it quick french world yo this is a great archaeological site we can get like uh 20 defensive army health let's go baby uh honestly we're probably just going to stop spreading here like we could take this system but i kind of don't want to because we can also just build a habitat instead so i don't know like with boy dwellers your go-to way of becoming bigger is just building more habitats and unfortunately expansion conflicts with that and uh actually the habitat thing is part of the reason why i didn't go for mega corp with this build because with mega corp you really want to spend your influence on you know building branch offices but with the void dwellers you also need a lot of your influence for bullying habitats so it's a bit of a conflict of interest we got our habitats getting completed we queued up a couple uh what's it called colony ships and it's gonna be all good to go let's see uh i'm not gonna lie i haven't thought through all the tuition trees let's see what we can actually get that's good uh we could get actually an extra billing slot on all our planets but otherwise adaptability is kind of kind of useless discovery could be good for the 10 percent uh research speed it's a solid maybe domination uh could produce upkeep by an insignificant amount and i guess we can get extra monthly influence i'm thinking domination could be good expansion is useless supremacy we're not going to go to war anytime soon subterfuge la mao uh prosperity actually prosperity could be good yeah let's go prosperity actually because prosperity is going to give us an extra billing slot and a lot of resources brody stefan what are you going to start purchasing xenos uh soon tm i actually would like to wait like a couple decades or so before purging xenos because right now like even though perching xenos is a good thing we also just kind of want to spam habitats soon though we'll be influence capped on habitat spam so we'll just uh do alloy stuff also speaking of influence uh our diplomatic stance is now going to be mercantile instead because that's going to really reduce the influence burden should also stop a research agreement because that is also influence and i doubt they're gonna have more heck than us speaking attack we should probably get that up and running uh asap because we're we're sitting at a pretty low amount of tech production uh all things considered [Music] encounter let's see where is the xeno right here all right what is this okay it's just binding entities we actually discovered them because our federation uh federation friend discovered them as well sure like honestly with a federation we don't need to level up beyond level one extra level ups could be good but honestly the biggest thing right here is trade league and making insane amounts of unity and consumer goods [Music] kopi g86 why trade now okay so for anyone new to the stream uh trade is good because you could spam merchants don't spam clerks clerks are still bad but merchant spam is amazing like let's take a look at this habitat um we have 10 pops on the habitat and we're producing 207 trade value and that's with some of our pops working metallurgist jobs so let's take 200 divide that by eight we get like 23 uh energy per pop well it's not 23 energy it's actually uh more like 11 energy five consumer goods and five unity in addition to all the unity that we're getting anyways from merchant guilds like it's insane it's really good honestly uh we don't need miners anymore let's make them into clerks or researchers we give researchers uh yeah let's let's go for a few more research districts uh by the way one of the the biggest quality of life improvements in 3.1 is this thing right here uh normally you want to be able to replace the last district like there was a bug where you couldn't replace the last district into another district you had to demolish it and then build a new one but now you can just replace quality of life man quality of life solar sailer let's see uh the reason by the way for democracy is for this thing right here normally i'd have to manually resettle all these pops but with democracy and the extra automatic resettlement chance these guys should leave eventually boulder fog clerks still suck let's make them into clerks and what's this clerk suck i i probably misspoke i meant merchants whenever i say clerk and whenever i mean it in a good good context i mean merchant let's see here fungal emitters below the surface lives the most peculiar organism mycelium blah blah blah okay sure i don't know what the hell this is but i've never had this event before anyone knows what the fungal trail is i assume it's another species that we can get but who knows [Music] magic has quality of life a fixed bug i don't know man i don't know the terminology game is better that's uh that's all i meant [Music] [Music] guess we'll just go iron thrusters i don't know and there we go the one pop is going away at a time now maybe we should have gone for manual or something oh they're they're going away pretty quickly never mind it's fine [Music] uh lorac why don't you go for expansion for reduced habitat cost uh because i mean we don't really need it as badly as we need um extra economy like we need extra economy badly because extra economy equals good okay people are saying that the fungal trails from this patch okay uh major how to set a task for a sign ship before the ones it already has a quick tip if you press ctrl shift and tell science scientists to do something they'll do that before all the other cute tasks this works for anything like you can set a fleet to go to this place before that so remember shift plus control equals good [Music] uh tempest 21 in a new meta fleet for 3.1 nope nothing changed except except they actually fixed the thing that they really shouldn't have fixed um before if you had hangar bays and missiles uh enemy point defense would not target the missiles because the strike craft would be there but now point defense targets both missiles and strike craft equally which means that missiles are absolutely terrible like uh for a brief moment of time i i thought missiles could be viable like you could spam missiles and spam the strike craft but now it's just like about you spam missiles i guess you're just a new player like missiles really should have a spot in stellar's gameplay but they really don't not in this version let's see fungal trail fungus amogus let's see where they go are you serious okay i guess the fungus are going in a completely different empire [Music] uh lathanial we're getting your minerals yeah we're just we're just buying the minerals uh there's some base production and we're buying them so it's not an issue [Music] now let's see this habit that should probably be a tradestation this one too and this one three honestly we could make this habitat into a mining habitat yeah i think i'll do that because we will want to start spamming out uh alloys soon enough and having minerals for it is kind of important actually nevermind we already eh we can do both also keep it as a tradestation though primarily let's see uh we'll go for the extra building slots because that's just free merchants right there oh i thought these were the fungus amogus but these are just tianki or teriyaki as i called them before let's see wait are wait what happened are the teriyaki the fungi i guess they are i don't know kind of went to the system and the project disappeared strange we really should go for another research habitat we're kind of kind of weak on research like year 23 500 research is not all that good oh we got bubbles ugg now i'm not gonna do that i'm not a i'm not that much ritual okay i'm not gonna dissect bubbles [Music] uh derek hurt a new tradition tier list for 3.1 uh that's actually not a bad idea i mean it would be kind of hard to rank these because like supremacy for example is only good if you want to go to war like you wouldn't want to go for supremacy in all builds um same with unyielding like if you're going for a pure defensive thing you get a lot on yielding but otherwise it's garbage the only thing that really comes to mind is prosperity prosperity is definitely estier but honestly i i don't think you could really rank uh traditions because there's just they're just there for different purposes i can re-rank the traits and uh civics though probably the civics mostly because they did do a lot of changes to the civics in 3.1 and uh not a lot to traditions i mean not not a lot to traits let's see that's it wow okay maybe this is a a completely blocked off thing yeah well kind of uh people can still go through these guys but whatever yeah exactly look at that just some aliens going through like it's nothing so now let's see i kind of want to fix the empire sprawl situation and uh yeah i think that's actually what we're gonna do let's get some uh administrative office is up two should be enough uh swing the jeff uh what's so good with prosperity uh prosperity is just great when it comes to output like uh you get as a finisher five percent resources from all jobs and five stability like honestly that is kind of op uh they could really make deal with just one of them but it kind of makes sense prosperity is there for economy on top of that you also get a five percent specialist output which is amazing because like the specialists are the ones that give you the good stuff they got researchers you got alloy workers so yeah uh otherwise you get extra build cost reductions you get extra build speed increases reduced upkeep like prosperity is just all around great as a tradition like it's great to the point where you might want to consider going for it as the first tradition before expansion like it's that good [Music] we're going to station bubbles at the border and uh actually that's that's the bigger fleet that these guys have well they're bigger than that part of the fleet at least let's see single jeff's special spot output is additive yeah basically all modifiers are additive unless they're like weird like comet as engagement that's multiplicative but it's a weird one see let's get more research up and running we still don't have enough actually we should get some gas production so we can get even more researchers per building slot foreign uh uh colin why don't you deal with admin cap is it irrelevant kind of uh admit cap can be safely ignored uh pretty early on like we're at the point where we really should be fixing admin cap above uh fixing our above increasing our output to the science but not by much um i've done a video on it you can find it on my channel i think it's called i honestly don't remember what it's called but basically um bureaucrats reduce the penalties from being over admin cap but if you have not enough researchers as is it's better to build extra researchers and extra unity workers rather than fixing admit cap that's the thing that's 22 primitives on this planet um they are far away they are far away let's see can we in theory get to them and the answer seems to be no i mean a thousand influence for 22 pops that's kind of good but at the same time i could just build more habitats so i guess not uh and it's only problem with over 50 above cap correct no it's actually a problem uh depending on the number of researchers and unity workers you have if you have let's say 20 researchers building an extra researcher is going to give you five percent extra research speed but if you're already over admin cap uh building an extra bureaucrat to reduce your ammicap issue is also going to uh effectively increase your ratio speed by five percent so it's at 20 researchers or if you're also concerned about unity like 10 researchers and x amount of culture workers uh that is a problem so it's it's not depending it's not dependent on admin cap it's not dependent on time it's dependent purely on how many uh researchers and culture workers you have although with the culture workers thing it's very hard to tell because you can get unity from a lot of other ways like for example we have a trait producing most of our unity it's very hard to calculate when it's more efficient to make more unity and or make more bureaucrats but you can do it [Music] now let's go for static crystal plants uh this is necessary so we can get galactic markets later on or galactic stock exchanges rather [Music] my doubt closed soldier's origin seems to be made for one pc i don't know if you mean one pc like personal computer but i have heard that clone armies actually crashes the game if you played a multiplayer and conquer another clone army empire with your own clone army empire so just fyi [Music] of course the caveat is they'll probably fix that uh in the next week or so so this info will be outdated but we'll have to see let's see can we trade with these guys for alloys all right diplomatic acceptance oh my god i didn't realize it worked this way you know i saw the trade exploit i thought this was it was going to be harder than that my god i'm going to return the android credits because that's just cheating [Music] ah one pc one planet challenge yeah clone clone army could be good for one planet challenge but honestly i want to do it uh because if you have a hundred pops on a planet you get a struggle like what are you gonna do you told me abundance like you could but you're gonna need to figure out a way to make your pops actually work for you sigma aliens all right respect yeah with the freaking uh with that tradition you could literally become a beggar so in theory uh these days diplomacy and eminent diplomats is technically an s tier well sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss-ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ieeer e r because its literally free stuff yeah would you guys be actually interested in seeing a revised version of the civics tier list uh like there's been a lot of civics changes like i've been considering making just an update video uh in the sense that it's just like oh la mao here are the new civics and the change civics and this is how i would rank them but i think with this many changes it would be kind of kind of hard to follow so i think i might want to make a new civics tier list for three point one hopefully if we manage to rob sonic theory with uh materialist which by the way we haven't gotten the freaking researcher yet so it'd be kind of hard yes yes yes all right looks like people do want uh to see an updated civic tier list all right i'll make it happen um maya mcgowan can you do a care veneer here caravanier fleet tier list i wonder hey guys do you want a caravan or tier list i mean when it comes to that it's literally just uh catlings or however they're called i think they're cutlings then new mystic and i honestly forgot the third one so i assume it'd be in the bottom tier [Music] right feels bad man i was gonna i was gonna send a scientist back to research these special projects but i guess not we'll have to build a new one okay we just got grabbed transit hub i actually kind of want that because uh if we have a transit hub in our uh system right here it's just gonna be a free increase of uh automatic migration let's see uh can we actually do stuff [Music] what was it this habitat that was the minerals one ah this one i always sell plenty of space that's fine [Music] okay i guess we're going for gene ascension since that's the one we can easily do oh we're actually out of food wow i guess we'll just have to purchase more uh apples each month and it'll all be fine [Music] let's see uh catalyst maniac does the transit have only increased inside system or does it work for the sector i'm pretty sure it's within the system all the modifiers are within system for star bases [Music] silver what are the plans for these two uh planets i have uh i'll just show them off to the galaxy why not it's like hey i have planets but i'm not gonna use them i guess i could set up a migration treaty and uh yeah sure let's do that these guys are post-apocalyptic [Music] let's see what other planets do they have because i assume they call them as the planet type that they're actually habitable for right uh tropical are these planets tropical arid ocean i mean ocean is close enough let's get a quick migration treaty going then let's get some zenos in this empire [Music] yep no thank you i don't want any more migration with you [Music] the ship should keep building right yeah perfect [Music] dark flex what are your thoughts on clone army megacorp syndicate i mean you could i'm not sure if it would be the best thing though like um syndicates is kind of bad like it's better now because you can't just well you can kind of de-prioritize out of criminal jobs but it's a bit harder too so criminal syndicate is a bit better but i don't know man i'll just buy some more monthly food yeah these xenos okay how about this said default rights uh migration controls yup these zeros are just going to stay down on those dirty dirty planets and uh they'll just work for us as bureaucrats [Music] i'm not going to let them out our pretty uh shiny clean habitats like really what we're doing we're not embracing xenos what we're doing is we're making them slaves without them officially being slaves that's the thing though don't worry the zenos will still be mistreated with this empire don't you worry about a thing oh make a third team to play test uh nah uh we are the third team and the play testers every patch uh we do the the beta testing for them ah let's see i think they're kind of peaceful let's get some outlet production up and running and uh let's invade some zenos like we're sending out a lot of output and uh we're not really making anything out of it look i i don't think i want i i don't think i want or right now ai just call them your tits i might make a fleet and then we might want to invade not the system though not this instant i just built a bunch of alley boundaries everywhere and i guess we'll go for supremacy as the next thing oh we can even go become a crisis but that's kind of kind of too broken you guys are saying basic substances for the xenos sure actually hold on is common ship that's the one yeah i want to make sure that colonizes a planet and not a beautiful habitat colonized planets species set default rates bruh we can't even go for basic subsistence sag you know what we'll do we'll not distribute luxury goods on these planets how about that is that a good compromise uh iron dust you nullified your democracy bonus by enabling migration restriction on my species uh i don't believe i did i set the default rights to disable migration which means that any new species we'll have the migration disabled that's how default rights work [Music] uh maroshi9 yeah i should have put my uh maniacal scientist onto society but you know what gene gene is fine too we're gonna be able to just pump up pops uh for now on clone bats although that is to be pretty expensive on food maybe we don't want that [Music] artisan's up but we literally have no artisans in our empire we're still over producing consumer goods yeah that's 31 upkeep for buildings for alloys damn uh let's let's get some more alloy foundries are people even working out boundaries no they're not because there's not enough pops now they are yeah we literally have no workers in our empire that's kind of crazy all right we'll get our alley production up and running eventually we'll spam some cruisers we'll build some strikecraft and it will go to war all right supremacy let's go i'd say in 10 years or so we can start waging war we just got to get our uh alloy economy to be reasonable these guys got to trade allies oh they are wonderful but we're gonna invade them later but for now uh we can give them consumer goods which they will accept even though they're robots because logic hey do you want to give me alloys no you don't okay there's sauce of us [Music] there's this empire too cordial hey damn you're poor [Music] all right let's trade for comms with these guys because i think we'll be able to uh find out more empires that way maybe [Music] remember to like the stream yes guys more likes equals gooder means more streams hopefully i'll be streaming for the next few weeks at least because there's a bunch of new stuff to cover like hide my necrophage dude hopefully they update hide my necrophage be actually good uh at some point in the near future because then i can stream without experiencing pain [Music] bruh really [Music] here have some soap [Music] uh nathaniel would you go for foundry eq ring world despite being void dwellers um probably not like you say that alley production on habitats is weak it really isn't as long as you dedicate a habitat to production of alloys it's it's quite good [Music] association status um akari or the pakari [Music] now whatever sure why not all right it's this these guys so we'll be able to do a three-way invasion of uh the incorporators not bad [Music] you the stream will be several weeks long hardcore dude i wish you can't really make a solar stream that's longer than like 12 hours because the game just kind of ends by then let's see clone bats maybe we should start food with other empires at this point i guess not i don't know like for food we're gonna need a lot of star bases i guess we could just build starbases then either a lot of starbases or a lot of workers uh producing food which we definitely don't want like if we have any spare workers it's better that they work in allo output or something like that uh harmony i can't just buy more alloys with my insane uh energy credit uh outcome the thing is the more alloys you buy the more expensive they get and yeah i i really don't want to make the prices skyrocket for alloy i'd rather just keep buying them a little bit at a time [Music] ooh commerce microplexes now you could in theory upgrade your uh commercial zones to commerce megaplexes that's gonna give you an extra merchant job the only problem with that is that commerce megaplexes are um expensive to maintain like a commerce megaplex is basically a commercial zone except twice as good but it also consumes rare crystals as upkeep and rare crystals if bought from the market are like 12 per thing so kind of sucks like you're you're wasting all of the energy output of your merchant with commercial zones so it's just better to spam more habitats instead [Music] i should do these guys have food kind of you can sustain like two clomids with this we'll take that [Music] you bought me [Music] all right we got cruisers now we just need to get uh spreadcraft and actually better engines as well because now we can just use the tug corvette such [Music] oh yeah fyi one of the new things you can do in the new version is uh settings you can reduce hyperlink opacity you can make it so that you don't see hyperlinks or you can see hyperlanes very visibly man that kind of hurts my eyes let's not do that go to default settings [Music] all right i just did some moderating it's it's all good now don't worry about a thing let's see fire rate let's see uh we're gonna want some anchorages on these stations gonna want a couple of shipyards on our home thing lead academy i want naval logistics everywhere and we want this thing to be i guess a communications jammer because we are going to go to war or maybe not because food food is good also casually uh producing 383 unity per month in year 34 yeah just merchant things like look at that we have nearly a thousand trade value in your 34. [Music] now let's see we have colonized with these yawns and now they can be the best bureaucrats uh that we really don't ever want to see ah let's see i'll i'll probably just make this habitat just a pure alloy habitat of course want some habitation districts and uh we'll designate this as a foundry station and i think we'll just do the same with this uh habitat as well we're preparing for war uh spectic do you plan on becoming galactic emperor uh we could sure if i want to do it uh in the stream i i think i can probably uh make deal without it but i will try to go for it why not let's see what is our diplomatic weight [Music] 857 it's not that bad uh if we assign all our envoys to galactic community we'll have more so i will definitely try to go for galactic upper if we can yeah sure [Music] funnily enough we're not actually gonna get a lot of benefit out of this one resources from jobs for some percent what resources trade values in a resource but we'll go for that one anyways just for the alloys and uh research no i don't want to go to war yet ai calm down calm down man [Music] at cal back i love being a trade empire uh playing with friends yeah like this empire i'm pretty sure would make like 500 editor credits for any mega corp uh that puts his branch houses on you and that's like half a stage of a dyson sphere eventually we'll be like a dyson sphere in terms of our output uh poison pen do you have to have the necrophage dlc to become emperor no you need the federations dlc let me come up her the necrophage dlc if you mean nemesis i think it's just rice's is there anything in the nemesis dlc.crisis there's crisis and there's [Music] uh spying operations not sure if there's anything else though [Music] uh poland politcon is trained between empires better than using the market uh usually i like to use the market because it's very very controllable but there's only so much you can buy like right now we're buying the maximum amount of alloys max amount of minerals max consumer goods i think we could probably get away with buying more food but otherwise uh there's only so much you can do with the market see let's put some clone that's down here uh eric gulland do merchant council specialists no they're rulers i christopher burdette is there a way to stop this bot i mean i put them in whatever i hid the user so the bot should be just invisible there's no way to really just ban someone from posting i don't think maybe i don't know hold on logistics breathing rift what is this okay this this is an old one [Music] okay so custodian and yeah okay so custodian and emperor is nemesis then all right my bad wait hold on did we just get from beneath the waves i think that gives us sonic theory doesn't it man uh we could have gone sonic but uh gene warriors la mao that's worth it right so [Music] you you caused his belly ah is that a criminal syndicate that just ah okay [Music] i guess we are employing the enforcer we really don't want this criminal syndicates uh taking bruce on this planet because yeah crime is bad yo i'm not sure if these smugglers are gonna give crime jobs if they do that's gonna be a problem they don't and so be it do i hire enforcers i might i don't know let's see everest engineer we got engineering research and actually that wasn't uh the sonic theory one we get streamlining algorithms from this one which is evasion plus ten percent that could actually work really well with sad extension because what you can do with sciatic is you can go for full evasion destroyers and getting that thing on top of evasion destroyers would be pretty awesome but whatever all right we have 3k alloys we really do need more though all right we got strikecraft so that's gonna be good let's see you guys stop talking uh why no never mind you you guys didn't stop talking i just stopped scrolling ah let's see is bad yo stefan look that is a quote only when i'm not playing as criminal syndicate i'm playing criminal syndicate uh crime becomes the law boom one of the only use for chemical bliss is will the trade build if we went for pure trade and didn't go for any uh research or ally production we could actually make chemical bliss good normally chemical bliss is a massive hindrance because it massively reduces pop output but since it also increases happiness and uh trade isn't actually pop output we could potentially make clerks and merchants work better with chemical bliss that's the only use for it though there is no other use maybe okay there there is a use if you conquer a species and you want to put them on chemical bliss not make them about blah blah blah but realistically that's the only use for chemical bliss uh rasbart is there a special reason why i only claim the systems that i colonize uh yes actually uh that reason is uh we kind of need influence and alloys i mean we haven't been spending influence over the past little while but that's because i kind of want to save it up for conquest although we probably don't need that much let's see we can go for an edict like i don't know diplomatic grants i guess i mean none of these edicts are actually good for us like we're not producing any minerals from miners we're not producing uh any energy technicians like if we had capacity subsidies in a normal empire we'd go for it but now with this one we're just going to avoid that entirely curator's pog well you showed up like 30 years too late uh but we're still gonna talk to them because we have way too many energy credits yes yes do we know about the artisans oh we do let me just show you something um previously you were able to queue up uh art monument across all your planets but now you can't because it's immediate like it used to be big sad you actually have to go ahead and buy up all of the freaking art pieces instead of being able to spam all of them with just one monument [Music] sad sad but good mostly [Music] let's see extra admin cap can't hurt but we kind of want to go for extra fleet capacity because we're about to go to war [Music] actually what's going on we're we're low on consumer goods we're low on energy credits i guess it's because food is becoming more expensive yes you can't buy that much food sad uh let's see we might want to disable some of these combats actually as sad as that is [Music] see this this guy's fully grown this guy isn't [Music] at tempest 21 what is my favorite ship does it ship design um that's a hard one i like avian uh because it's very sleek otherwise humanoids is pretty good although in any normal game i'd probably go for plantoids just for the meme it's the ugliest ship design but it's kind of funny if uh if you run it man really we really need a lot more food i guess if we upgrade all of these and build food on them that could be good [Music] yeah we're we're starting to run out and we're starting to go into a death spiral uh let's avoid that hey do you have food you do [Music] i will buy all of it uh maybe not hold on a second um i won't buy your food what right damn that rape not buying food at that ratio who are you [Music] all right we unlock the second essentia perk i guess we can actually i guess we can't go for the second bio essential because we don't have the habitability thing yet but that's what we're gonna go for with this ascension [Music] uh fizz what is my opinion of technocracy after the nerfs i'm gonna be honest i haven't played with the democracy after they nerfed it but from what it looks like it's quite bad like not bad bad but like maybe beat here seat here bad uh because that increase in consumer goods production it's pretty serious like you need to have some sort of way of reliably making consumer goods uh to run technocracy now like before you can just get away with oh lumau i'm gonna buy consumer goods from the market and it'll be all good but now you actually need a serious dedicated way to get consumer goods like trade or artisans [Music] let's see we're actually overproducing alloys so we need to employ some miners to avoid our minerals going bust we need to [Music] and apply some enforcers i guess from here clerks need to go our sprawl is fine uh to cancel some of that some of that and we need to build more merchants that's what we need to do [Music] and ironically i might want to go for a couple of uh a couple of these like yeah we're gonna get food once these uh stations are upgraded but it'd be kind of kind of rough at pillage master crafters you could go for master crafters with dictocracy i imagine it would be a good combo i just need to test it like they added a decent chunk of new stuff in 3.1 i just haven't been able to test it all that well like of course i tested clone armies uh but that's only because colon armies is kind of the the biggest change in 3.1 everything else is kind of minor [Music] uh empty what civic would you pick once able um let's see we can go for idealistic foundation to double down on trade and go meritocracy to get more uh alloys and research oh we could even go shared burdens but i'm not going to um reanimators pleasure seekers oh we can get player seekers but we're running economic privilege i don't know man probably idealistic because idealistic is just going to be a boost [Music] cruiser build speed nav capacity all we need are uh tier three strike craft and uh we should be able to just start building fleets [Music] let's see i don't think there's any crystallines nearby otherwise we would have discovered them right yeah they're just amoebas i'm not gonna waste uh i guess i can't waste influence i don't know we've stopped building habitat so influence is actually overflowing now [Music] let's see what do we want to go for now uh discovery is always a safe pick our money could be good it's five stability and extra heating capacity which actually doesn't matter with this empire unyielding expansion domination i don't know let's go discovery [Music] spaceman spiff how do you feel about the sensor module on starbases uh i never use it uh it's better to put some other stuff down let's see honestly i i want more food like we're easily able to afford buying it but that's only temporary eventually food prices are just gonna get to ridiculous levels to where we don't want to want to buy food [Music] yeah lamar we got a we got amiibo breathing program guys god i wish event stuff was better than what it is like the only good event at tech that you can possibly get is crystal uh infused plating everything else is dog like um and pardon my french of course but i'm eva flagella it's maybe better than tier 1 strike craft regenerative health tissue is and i'm not going to even say anything because it's not useful it's a linear plus one ship hull and armor regeneration it's not percentage based it's linear which makes it absolutely atrocious that battleships end pretty bad on anything else like what else is there in terms of phonetics uh cloud lightning i guess cloud lightning has to use in the very very late game uh because there's no ship hole reputables and uh no void beam i guess is not useful you don't want to use no void beam associated status sure um come on man just give me tier three strike craft i just want to spam out cruisers and win [Music] i wonder if there's any uh empires that are friendly to us we could probably trade censor link and find uh asteroids uh asteroids uh crystalline neutral oh okay that's fine then that's drones that's pirates more drones [Music] suspicious yeah i think everyone else is going to be suspicious so yeah i don't think we're going to be getting those uh crystal hole plates which is a shame iron dust please do the archaeological site maybe i should maybe yeah you know what you're right maybe i should do that why do we have a little stability all right now we have okay stability um michael price are committers are only good when you're shooting uh past 50 plus repeatables yeah [Music] i've had a game uh well one of the first multiplayer games i've had we went up to like year 20 i want to say 2500 there's either 2500 or 2400 and uh one of the players actually put our committers just pure archimedes on their ships and it completely wiped out uh my fleets and i was like damn man like it was a one mil or two mil versus like three mil and the the two mil one was pretty insane ever ever since then i've been very very respectful of uh cloud lightning [Music] [Music] sure [Music] ooh proton launchers all right we'll definitely want that go for a few more hydroponics and i think we can enable some of these uh climates at this point [Music] uh the british player how do you win the game uh you become big and uh i mean we're already number one in the galaxy but you just gotta become big and go and conquer uh usually i say i won the game either after defeating crisis if i set crisis to a difficult level or after just taking over a decent chunk of the galaxy like at some point after you've taken over some empires and you're twice as big as anyone else you just kind of win [Music] speaking of winning um i suppose we don't need tier 3 strikecraft so once these proton launchers are researched we're just going to spam out ships [Music] three [Music] uh irving wait i thought a functional architecture doesn't work with habitats certainly does either that or i'm just stupid i've been running an unnecessary civic this whole time which is also possible but i doubt it [Music] proton launchers all right let's start designing our ships ff a carrier is that that yeah i know i've been maxing and falls for a while i've just been slacking like i would lay some claims on this empire but there's really no claims necessary because these are a total war uh empire i guess i could trace for more alloys with these guys because we do have extra consumer goods now like normally you use influence for edicts but we really don't need edicts and you normally use your influence on claiming stuff which actually we probably could [Music] assignments star union where these guys nah look we're gonna attack these guys and don't you worry about a thing [Music] let's be a little bit more efficient and just uh build star bases i guess our bob is looking kind of small reed fortunately uh if all of your pops are specialists and rulers criminals are really not a concern uh stefan what you said as in game year i don't know it's default so i think it's like 2400. we're not going to get to the end game i just want to do a few wars and uh just flex with the the trade production [Music] [Music] uh original any particular reason i don't use the fleet manager uh i've gotten used to just pumping out ships [Music] manually and that's just the way it is after you play the game for a while and you get settled on a thing you just end up doing the thing forever [Music] i do use the fleet manager for reinforcements and stuff like that but when building ships just pump out as many as you can [Music] [Music] see we got 10k fleet power these guys are probably pathetic uh let's see if we sort stuff by power yeah if we store stuff by power we can see that we are number one except for these guys that's only because uh they're falling umpires [Music] ooh battleships whatever cruisers are gonna serve as well we got a full uh fleet stack and at this point we could probably just start going to war let's spam out some arby's and let's get going [Music] [Music] actually i wonder actually normally what you can do is you can have uh an exterminator empire that's a big threat and that'll cause ai to really support you being a galactic custodian but i don't think that's the that's really a problem in this case [Music] uh because there should be a phonetic purifier somewhere in the galaxy if i recall correctly yeah these guys they're kind of small but hey they're a threat honestly once we're done with discovery we can probably go adaptability to get an additional building slot [Music] which could mean more merchants [Music] and merchants mean unity a whole bunch of unity oh we have uh have spare influence let's nominate ourselves for the galactic market oh perfect our fed once more let's join in i guess they figured out that hey now we definitely have an advantage howdy [Music] now normally i'd say these guys don't stand a chance but with a star base uh red craft are kind of weird in their behavior veneers hey can you give me some minerals pretty please what is a straight deal whatever that's the better ratio that we'd get from the market [Music] howdy oh that was easy mandate unfulfilled because of course we don't care [Music] tempest one of my science ships is in their systems oh okay you can do a little bit of spying oh no are they going we should probably set another athlete to just uh claim all of the space uh before our allies quote do the same all right we have the federation fleet let's send that out as well [Music] oh my god these guys are going to conquer aren't they yep prepare for border gore [Music] oh never mind they actually gave the colony to us that works hello there [Music] hey goodbye there i mean we're not gonna be able to really make use of all these uh robot pops but i guess planets are nice ish [Music] uh we need to get some sort of resettlement going we're just gonna piss off some of our factions but that's okay uh resettlement or is it allowed and let's resettle from our ocean world perfect and this way we can actually keep the planets once the war is over uh billy sherman how do you start a tall game uh you select void dwellers and you stay in one little cluster that's how you play tall playing tall is kind of a meme these days because there's no benefit to it [Music] there's just uh being able to defend yourself easier but it's not a big big deal most of the time [Music] honestly do i even want these planets not really and we'll just we're not going to do any more resettlement because it's kind of kind of eh [Music] why do we have so many pops here the hell [Music] why are pops by getting here there's no jobs here go away speaking of jobs i guess we can build more corporate zones and uh more mining districts maybe maybe not who knows definitely want food let's go for food and some clone bats [Music] [Music] so where do you think you're going [Music] can't you make mining districts on ring worlds now you can on the shattered ring except they're terrible i might do a shadow drink play through if you guys are interested actually what do you guys want to see more do you want to see uh ring world in 3.1 or do you want to see necrophage with hive minds or do you want to see a third thing so three options uh ring i have necrophage or something else that's new vote vote in chat and i'll make my decision on the next stream based on that yeah galactic market if funds are safe who let's go i'm a countdown something's gotta happen meanwhile we could probably go forks for naval capacity or not i don't know let's first see what uh is gonna happen in the new system [Music] well the with the atomic countdown i mean oh we gotta planet seriously game i don't want this a high quality minerals is kind of good but i don't want that all right let's take a look at the poll the poll results necropage necrophage high mind i have necrophage a lot okay so a good chunk of people are saying third i guess we're going necro hive uh hopefully they update the game and make necrophage high of mine slightly less terrible but that is uh from what i can tell from a glance the thing that's winning in chat [Music] so that's uh what we're gonna go for [Music] [Music] uh not again i should make a straw poll i mean look this system of voting may be primitive and maybe slightly inaccurate but it's mostly good so uh don't bash me straw poll is kind of hard to set up considering how i've i haven't done that in years so [Music] meh [Music] let's see we're at 14 out of eight star bases and still our energy quite a production is through the roof okay then also this science ship has just been chilling here with a system with a star base for the fleet and it's just it's just doing okay they're having a mini panic attack but what can you do [Music] we need to get our army over to here where is it currently wait where's our army what's on the planet now bark and in 600 days this war should be over [Music] let's go for federation centralization we're easily the ruler of this federation uh although we really should change this to like strongest wait why can't we choose this all right more what do we forgot i think should change that to uh be everyone because i'm not gonna make a federation fleet but these guys can if they want to [Music] roadie purge one purge right now he's got these uh toasters are getting disassembled although we do have their uh secondary species so that's pretty nice i guess we could put them to work uh doing bureaucracy [Music] [Music] that should be good can we kind of research for the year yeah but we haven't really been uh maxing that ideally if you want to play this uh yourself you should build another uh research habitat it's not necessary but it'll be definitely nice to have like we almost have as much unity output as we have tech output i just realized man oh man how much how much tech uh how much trade value we're producing nearly 2k yeah okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm uh tempest 21 why aren't uh the robots being converted to minerals or alice that's only thing if you're playing hive mind at tap dancing ninja what would i like to see in the next update i don't know new stuff i don't know what exactly i want to see in the next update something new would be nice but more fixes could be good actually i don't want to see fixes in the next update unironically uh they should stop fixing exploit except for the exploits that have come up recently like there needs to be more of a high level of gameplay for me to make exploit videos like obviously haha there is the exploit of giving getting free stuff but like stuff like being able to put an artisan monument on 20 planets at once by buying one monument like that's a small thing that could potentially improve your empire that's the sort of exploit i like just a tiny optimization thing that's kind of like next level gameplay i like it when there's no big exploits like just getting free resources out of nowhere but man oh man do i like my little exploits [Music] so hmm you want to backstab these guys kind of do yeah once we conquer the robots let's attack these guys and uh make a nice pizza slice out of the galaxy stephen garbay stop fix the exploit so i can make exploit videos exactly exactly bro we can't even go for our whole bio ascension i guess we'll go for let's see [Music] galactic force projection could be nice otherwise what what else is there i want to keep one essential perks open just in case we get the habitability technology nope no free migration not in this fed all right there we go we have taken over the incorporators and now we can just water these guys can we all right we're going to need to claim them because they're a normal empire man how about we just uh make them a vessel that make it way easier and also claim i guess [Music] let's see declare war conquer actually no no no no no no no no not that not that uh declare war vassalize yeah that's the one hopefully my five members actually vote yes on this one there we go let's get a nice uh piece of slice oh yeah we should probably fix admin cap too i totally forgot about that one uh yes yes [Music] let's make our brand new citizens uh do the dirty bureaucracy work [Music] particle answers okay [Music] [Music] jeffrey imagine not going become the crisis super early smh my head i mean i i think i've done way too much become the crisis lately so i'll avoid it for the next few streams oh these these guys actually have a fleet hopefully they don't combine it but considering how it's ai they probably won't uh worst case scenario i'm gonna set my home base to [Music] actually let's build a new starbase because uh i kind of want to be able to retreat to a system that's close by [Music] see can we make a galactic council yet um it's already on the senate floor okay perfect let's support that oh no how about you don't how about how about you don't okay there's no [Music] [Music] [Music] let's see acceptance minus 346. ah we'll get that fixed soon enough especially with all these uh new reinforcements coming i think it's going in or going out going out okay two exotic gases as fuel as shield boost focusing crystals crystalline sensors we apparently discovered something uh merchants okay and these guys are actually going to try to go for a flank [Music] sure thing buddy by the time they're done flanking we'll be already celebrating the victory yeah these guys don't really stand a chance like that's the thing with strike craft in the early game combat actually lasts a while and so you're able to deploy all your strike craft and go and wipe out any enemy formations [Music] i i do love i do love how we have 100 xenophile faction approval as we're invading other empires [Music] yep kool-aid is being drunk [Music] all right there's two empires in this war not one okay [Music] that's fine we could take care of those later first we'll just wipe out this empire then we'll wipe out that empire actually even better let's make a fleet out of thin air actually i think these guys got it [Music] i will send our main fleet over right right you i'm not invading them i'm liberating them that's exactly what i'm doing bringing freedom and prosperity to the filthy filthy xenos [Music] [Music] bruh [Music] yeah i don't particularly enjoy work uh not work i don't enjoy work i i don't like invading ai for this reason and that's just the pure annoyance that you experience when fighting them but we won't finish this war don't worry about that now we have a new fleet uh underway we'll be completely good to go i'm gonna take a little bit of micro [Music] uh daggoth one two three i really really would like the dev story work missiles to be actually useful like you could rework them in a weird way or you could just make them more powerful like either way it would work [Music] missiles just need to be something because right now they're nothing like torpedoes are somewhat useful sometimes but missiles by themselves are kind of trash now let's see hey do you have [Music] allies i guess no you don't okay hey ally do you happen to have extra alloys no you don't i screw it i'll just give you some consumer goods for free because we're buddy buddies [Music] now we're gonna go for the flank it's only gonna take two years sheesh [Music] so [Music] [Music] i think we basically got this tag that xenophobic uh fallen up r2 maybe no actually no no no we're not gonna do that they're not going to be part of the the slice we want our part to be a pizza slice right so uh this one empire kind of doesn't fit in speaking of pizza slice we're actually gonna just dismantle these uh unnecessary star bases once we do the conquest there's also late claim on that system so that there's no border core damn whoa how did they get 600 fleet power right there uh that's a problem hey how about you uh leave actually don't leave just keep going i guess i'm just constructing a brand new fleet hopefully we'll get there in time [Music] uh m is ai better with the lime update i mean they changed some stuff around with ai and it's supposed to be better it feels the same honestly but i don't know like rad armor ai is as weak as it was before i'd say you still need something like star net ai or star tech uh to really see them make a significant impact [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] oh yeah baby galactic stock exchange that is going to massively help us we got the uh the council formed let's see can we propose custodian soon ish uh verdi turlin why not play with the ayamod i will play with the imod in some of the future streams but usually when an update comes out i want to do it in vanilla because vanilla is uh it's very important to see how vanilla is [Music] let's see i actually don't know what's gonna happen in this uh engagement it's really some strike crafts or not all right i honestly don't know how it's gonna go down but initially it's looking okay maybe i think we're gonna lose that one whatever let's see can we set these guys's home base to be somewhere nearby yes we can and we'll fight them another day i don't think we really lost a lot of fleets in that engagement right yeah or that was that was the other engagement yeah we actually lost quite a few cruisers there but [Music] sometimes you gotta be like that we're almost done conquering these guys uh apparently we're debating an unoccupied system from them which i assume is one of the allied systems yeah what are these ones once we conquer them we should be just good to go i wonder if acceptance actually uh affects this oh my god it does it actually does diplomatic acceptance plus five really they really overdid it with the acceptance thing [Music] thank you [Music] hmm it is kind of sad though like some dude like uh freaking salvor can single-handedly make a good and uh stellaris base ai has been bad for the past few years so yeah wait really minus not acceptance okay i guess we'll just do some attacking [Music] [Music] all right we took that we took that are you gonna surrender come on man zero acceptance just give up already [Music] there we go hey friends how about you vote please [Music] all right there we go we have conquer them and now with the union's map mode oh my god these guys are part of it [Music] [Music] and now we have a pizza slice all right let's just disband some of these uh systems that we don't need all right we can't because these are our vassals uh whatever i i'd say this is a good enough piece of slice right maybe uh get some of the cheese out of the way though cut away some of the extra there we go a nice pizza slice we did a little bit of map painting and it worked now if we were to continue playing this game i would definitely just integrate these guys and make them work harder but at this point i'd say the game is kind of decided if we take a look at uh diplomacy we can see that we are twice as strong as anyone else in terms of score obviously fallen empires are better but that's just a matter of time fallen empires can't improve by themselves so this is where i'm going to call the stream for today if you guys have any final questions i will be able to answer them otherwise let's see we have 477 links let's get to 500 guys if you like the piece of slice if you enjoyed the stream go ahead and leave a like and of course subscribe if you haven't subscribed already all right because in the very near future i'll be making more content about the new stuff especially the tier list i think that's the next video i'll be doing uh a revamped civics to your list for all the new stuff [Music] we are now pizza man [Music] uh but yeah let's see specnic is annealing good for the 25x crisis turtle build or just a waste of time 25x crisis turnable why wouldn't you just build up and kill them like 25x crisis is pretty easy to do even at the earliest start date all you have to do is migrate your economy potentially become crisis and play a build that can dominate like clone armies or necrophage and then you just win you don't have to turtle up [Music] uh but yeah uh steve gardner what is your thoughts on the clone army stuff i think it's op i think they should nerf the ascended clone army by at least 10 like if you go for the genetically ascended clone army you get like uh 25 specialist output 20 habitability and a bunch of other bonuses it really should be more like a 50 bonus and maybe you shouldn't get as much growth with clone army otherwise i think it's a fine origin like stars needs more origins like that where it's like yeah you have a path to choose or you can have another path like clone army is an origin that could be played in many different ways and i like that i really do [Music] uh emma pletzer could you upload a chloramine playthrough okay how about this one final uh vote during the stream all right listen to me i know i've done a clone army uh build video but i could also do a stream with clone army potentially with death cults as well uh so you'd be able to see the whole playthrough how i minimax the whole thing rather than just the bullet notes on how to do this and how to make it work relatively well so what do you guys think yes i make a clone army stream video well stream or is the clone army video enough so yes for clone army stream no for no clone army stream either way next week we're gonna do uh necrophage so go for it and uh after i see the results we're gonna wrap up the stream and uh i'll call it for today [Music] mr flat this civic is broken and it's one of the the few exploits have been found in 3.1 again it's not a new exploit negative economy has always been a thing but god damn being able to make infinite alloys with food is just kind of a big oversight okay people are saying yes so that's going to do it for the stream today thank you everyone for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 106,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris guide, stefan anon, stefan stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris update, stellaris op build, stellaris lem, stellaris 3.1, stellaris 3.1 meta, stellaris 3.1 meta build, stellaris 3.1 lem, stellaris origins, stellaris builds, paradox interactive, stellaris top builds, stellaris void dwellers, void dwellers, trade value, clerk build, merchant build, void dwellers guide, stellaris trade value, trade tradition, trade habitat, voidborne
Id: 4tSgP8xSoFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 10sec (12010 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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