Designing the NEW Spider Transit Hub in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in the city of new zealand and after all the traffic fixing that we did in the last episode oh my goodness me we have so many plans for today we can now unlock all the squares in the whole of this map and i'm so excited to be able to do that but before we dive into planning out and starting to build i want to build a new transit hub using some of the new transit hubs that we've been given here's a little tease on the spider junction that we're going to be building a bit later on aha but first of all let's check out where hugo is going for his holidays look who's back it's hugo and his bags are packed for a fantastic summer holiday he's decided to spend two weeks on this cargo ferrygo round lighthouse island there's amazing views of new zealand here and also while he's using the public wi-fi he knows he's perfectly safe because he's using nordvpn well like hugo every day you send your data over the internet to far-flung places but there are many dangers along the way with nordvpn like hugo you can have a fast and secure roadway to your destination with over 5400 superfast servers in 59 countries you can be fast and safe traveling the internet no matter where you are or where you want to get to so whether you are at home or outside on pc android mac linux or ios nordvpn has your back to get nordvpn go to biffer and use the coupon code biffer and for every purchase of a two-year plan you get a bonus gift plus a huge discount well hugo's holiday is over and he's decided to hop on a cargo ship and travel the world and spread the word about nordvpn to find out more go to biffer or check out the link in the description below and in the content creators pack this one here is my favorite the metro plaza station and we might even put some more of these around it as well oh that is what i want to do but there's a few fixes that i've spotted in the comments thank you as always for all of the comments you are killing it with the fixes that we need to do and i've marked some of them in the map here so let us take a look now one of the fixes that's been mentioned a lot is down here i've made a bit of a mistake with my blue train line uh let's just get our stops here and it stops and returns on the same side so you can see the blue train is trying to go over that way i don't know which stop there we go look so it's queuing up unnecessarily so now all the trains can go in this way and come out that way and stop it backing up like it was and those ones can use the little bypass through there if they so wish there we go so hopefully these trains that are backing up here are going to keep moving let's just keep a quick eye on those yeah there we go not backing up anymore excellent that's what we want to see so that was the first fix thank you very much i'm sorry i didn't see who it was that's been suggesting that i think you've suggested it 30 000 times and then you popped on my discord to tell me about it as well very good very good and i saw lots of comments about our alien rock over here and we are going to do something with this i don't know whether it's going to be today or not but we are going to we're going to raise this out of the ground look at this thing rise [Music] there it is and wow we're going to keep that and i saw a great suggestion saying turn it into a park i saw another great suggestion turn it into a rock park because of the rock and we've got the uh rock concerts so we're gonna do something with that uh maybe we'll get to that today we'll see um so that was one fix and then while i was sort of looking around we were a couple of episodes back looking at this bus stop i was trying to work out why people are just queuing up for the buses when you've got the monorail to take him over here to the ferry and all that sort of thing and one thing you can do let's just grab that green bus there we're going to spend a lot of time on this we've already done this but if we grab that stop there so we've got the commuter destination mod tells you where people are going so bus is down to here that's fine we added the walking path and now they're walking nobody's going over there some are coming this way so they've got to go on the road that's underwater actually if we come back over here i didn't take a look at this side of the river and what is interesting as you can tell that most of those people are tourists because they're coming over here to the cinema a whole load of coming over to the hyper marche a whole load of coming over here to the tokyo olympic stadium and a whole load of coming over here to the grand library so why are they taking the bus why don't they take a quicker way over well as you know the game will always check which is the quickest way and they will more often than not take that way well if we come down here uh the bus stops over here and then they've got a walk down there and all the way around here to get to the ferry or they'll come through this path then they've got to walk all the way up here to cross over to yeah we've had a few little mishaps over here so i'm just going to fix that we're going to pop that path back in there there we go so they can now cross straight over and then when they get down here they aren't actually crossing over there oh i didn't think that was possible let's just grab our node controller i'm going to add in there a crossing there we go and then we're going to add in here there's always seems to be a node i'm going to make that a crossing as well there we go so we've got an actual proper crossing now for getting over and i might even add a traffic light because it's so busy is it not gonna let me add a traffic light in there huh that's weird okay let's do it this way then so crossing oh yep there we go just clicking in there and it has the traffic lights excellent just to help people once they get off the bus to get over here quicker hopefully that will help a bit and the only other thing is is then when they get to the ferry is where do the ferry stops go and we can very very quickly see we've got a dedicated ferry line from over here in um aspen park orlando heights is the name i'm looking for over to the highland district we've got another ferry route that takes them over to here but there isn't one that goes sort of to here or here so we could add in a dedicated fairy line to over here which would mean we just need to make a slight adjustment so i'm gonna have a dedicated ferry go in there backwards and forwards and then once they come out of here there are buses that can take them to these places up here so we'll see they might now take them up uh the monorail and the ferry we can always come back and check later that's fine okay another very quick fix again there's been a ton of comments about this one and people have been popping into the discord uh to tell me that i've i've staunched the flow of the river here used to come out of this area here and then come down here i think i've accidentally put these yeah this one here i think it is so if we grab that robe with the pikapika mod if we change that to up uh let's put anarchy on ah there we go i think we've now opened that up is the water gonna flow under there let's just keep an eye on this and see whether we get this river here to connect up again and there we go once again the river flows and the people rejoice excellent thank you for pointing that out to me very good uh one other question i get quite often is how is it that i've managed to unlock megalopolopolis at 38k where some people are saying on my map it's 70k or whatever and because it's based on the buildable area of the map if you have a look i sort of zoom out back here what i've got to build on now imagine if this was all land how much more you could fit on and already we struggled didn't we to get to 38k you know not unlocking the squares with mods and things we we did them as we earned them and it was tough but now now we've got access to everything so we're okay once we get past megalopolopolis but yeah that is that is the reason um down here was another fix and i think this is the last one that was mentioned people noticed that i've accidentally set this up so people can't turn right down here which would probably add in to all the traffic that we had down in this direction and that's something i need to keep an eye on but if we grab that and we're going to make this middle lane we can make that actually yeah we'll have that one straight on that one right and the bus lane can do both and then we might just start seeing some people there hawkeye bulky lane switching in the middle oh we both know i don't like that there we go so pick your lane when you're coming off the roundabout and then can you please give way what is your problem yes i'm not sure whether anyone's going to start using that yeah there we go that guy is caravan did so we'll see anyway that was another little fix that needed sorting i can now remove that there we go and the very last fix stroke suggestion before we dive into the main build of our area was over here in this little university area that we've made let's just adjust the height of that to that so people can park actually flat was over here we've got this little university offshoot of our main university that's up here and it was just mentioned why don't i connect the path over here to the ferry and the train network and all of that and that is a fantastic idea i'd uh completely miss that so let's grab that and i think let's put on that and if we just go like this you should be able to just curve that in without destroying anything else there we go so now people coming out of here can easily walk over here to get to our train station they can come over here to get the bus terminal to get the ferries to get all over the place which is good just looking at the back over here i know you can add walking paths to the back of stations as well i'm just wondering whether we could just add a small one in here and if it will it's going to lose a couple of buildings i'm not sure that is where it's going to connect oh there we go look they're using it i've just i'm gonna have to just imagine that this is steps going up here but i've just brought it along the back there and connected it over here and they are using it to get in and out which is fantastic let's just move that tree down here there we go so that will hopefully just make it a little bit quicker so they're not having to walk all the way up and over the top and round yep anything like that i'm happy to do cool right let's get stuck into our main thrust of the episode we need to unlock some squares over here which we can now do so i want to grab we've got this one here i want to grab that one there we've got so much money i'm happy to do this and what i'm not going to do is unlock every single square all in one go i know you can do that but it will possibly affect the performance of your game just nearly fell off the arm of my chair um so yeah now we have access to this bit here and i want to just take a look around and see what we have available to us so we've got this highway access here which goes underneath over there okay that's good so that then gives everybody access to this highway which goes all the way up there all the way back around here to our main highway network that's nice so i'm wondering whether we could bring that in to this road here that would be a perfect connection and then we can branch off over the top of this railway line and where we're going to put where would we say is the sort of middle section of our built up area going to be and have our huge big metro connection which is not going to run round the whole city it's going to service the very high density high uh what do we call it touristy areas all that sort of thing is going to be in here so i reckon it's going to be sort of here somewhere and then it's going to lead out to all of these different places yeah okay let's just do some let's just pop some rows and things in and see how we go so we've got the roads here with the bike on um i'm not entirely sure whether we're going to carry on with the bikes all the way down here but let's pop them in anyway and how are we going to get that one to connect up to there i'm going to come out a little bit further okay let's do it this way and see if we can line it up so let me grab oh oh oh oh i want a yeah i'll forget we've got a raw tab over there probably because i hate saying the word i always find a bit difficult there we go i want to do that and then can i draw that from that middle node in fact what i'm going to do is i'm going to do that give us a little bit of space and then we're going to match up our other road there we go right in the middle there and we'll bring that out for 10 excellent and then we can try and line these two up there we go we've got two lanes going each way there two lanes going each way there so that should be an easy fix to get those lined up so i know that's got bike lanes on it we're not necessarily gonna need those oh lovely what a lovely junction uh yeah let's sort this out okay that's a little bit better i'm just going to sort of line these back up how they were i think what we can do is use the node controller here to help us get a bit better with the lining up so if we use this one up here make ends straight there we go much much better i'm just going to make that a little bit smaller it's always going to make it too big when i make ends straight yes it is okay fair enough that should be fine and then what we'll do is we'll grab here and here here and here and here and then we'll slopify all of that there we go that's not too bad is it so you come down there and then you can pick the lanes that you want to go and very nice very nice i still think these two oh i tell what we can do we can use the node controller again let's grab that end there and we'll do slope excellent and then we can grab that one there and do slow i think that is looking pretty good excellent then we want to make sure that these aren't using it to turn around so we'll use our traffic manager tool bit of hugo there you can all go straight on and i would also say do you know what i'm actually going to upgrade these to these ones and hope it doesn't mess everything up no that's fine let's just straighten this out a bit [Music] there we go i think that looks fine excellent and already people are starting to use it to get in and out of the city over here so we just need to keep an eye on this junction over here hope it doesn't get too busy but i think we are fine oh darn it just missed an academic year could have upgraded me campus if i just had a little bit more attractiveness don i shall add a bit of attractiveness to my campus so we're ready for next year uh how about a nice extra dormitory for all of these millions of students that are coming over here right on at the end excellent that should do what are we up to now really that didn't add much at all uh hang on aha there we go one statue later fantastic okay so we have to start to our new area over here and i am going to buy another square over here because i've been putting a lot of thought into what to do with this area and do you know what it's been pretty tough uh the difference with this map which i like the challenge i've enjoyed the challenge because it's not all flat and square uh everything's lumpy bumpy you've got these little inlets and outlets and you know little separated pieces of land and every time you look at a parcel of land you can see how it's separated from everything else a lot over here for instance separated by the river separated by the road this section here is separated by the river the rail line so another parcel of land this one here is another parcel of land this section down here it's got good road access another parcel of land this section this section this section over here so what i'm thinking is when we get over here and add in the metro hub that i wish to use from the content creators pack and i was thinking of putting it up here now i'm thinking of putting it down here because let's just grab this thing if we set this to metro stations and it's this one here no hang on let me find the right one here it is this one here the metro plaza station um i do need a road to put that up against let's just grab a little tiny one new road that will do nicely okay so this has along here uh let me just turn that off and then if i do this we can see so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten entrances slash exits that can head all around the city so i am planning to give each of these little parcels of land their own uh connection here so some of them are going to be connected going through some of them are not but yeah so this will make sense so we're probably gonna have one connection over here to our main train metro hub that we've got in here so this is coming in from all other parts of the city this side coming into here and then switching to metro so that's going to be one um and then we're going to have number two in here and for this section we are going to use our rail and metro hub that we've got so that'll be cool so that's one two we're going to have number three down here at number four over here even though it's not too far this is going to be pretty built up so number four at number five will be over here then we're gonna have number six number seven and then number eight to cover all these different parcels of land and they're all gonna have their own line that goes straight out and it's all going to converge on here which i'm going to be calling for now the spider junction but i'm going to throw this out to you as to some names that we can come up with and it will become clearer as we go along why this is the spider junction this is also going to turn around as well but anyway let's start planning things out so this we're going to need some road network so i'm going to just gingerly put in some road networks here and see if we can get this to line up how i want it so i want this road to come out along here so let's eyeball this one this one's going to come out over here let's switch that on we're going to have oh doesn't want it to connect there here okay yeah excellent thank you we'll go there then so that's going to come up there it's then going to go over the top of this railway line and we could just build it by that node that will be good we'll go up eight and if i get the pillar as close as possible is that going to let me do it there yeah that's pretty even isn't it yes this this road's going to change that is not going to stay there we're going to go out 12 and go down to get a nice slope we're going to do the same on there excellent and then this is i mean it could just come literally straight in down here couldn't it or go like that with a slight cut do you know what this is going to end up being a roundabout yeah i'm going to connect that there like that because then what's going to happen is this main road here at the moment they have to go through this section to get on the highway i'm going to give these guys access to here like that which means this is going to become a highway a highway around about i should say let's find our three lane road which it's never in the place that i expect it there it is three lane road we're gonna grab that one and then we're gonna make this into a roundabout maybe a little bit larger it's gonna end up being a busy road there we go excellent we'll come back to sort that out in a minute this that's something what we're going to be changing in a bit so then this one here i would like a bridge to go straight across both of these so let's grab that road again and we're going to make that as again as close as possible i'm just looking at a picture that i've i've already sort of spitballed this which i don't normally do five six seven eight why is that not going up okay let's do that again one two three four five six seven eight i hope that's high enough yeah i don't normally spitball this sort of thing or sandbox that you could say i normally just build it and and get on with it but i found this one particularly hard for some reason i've been sort of hit with a creative a creative block actually i'm going to go to there and then i'm going to go over there so hopefully we'll get a pillar each side is that tall enough for now that will do um this one hasn't got a pillow yeah so i've sort of i sort of struggled a bit oh it has got a pillar that's got a pillow excellent so yeah i've i sandboxed this one and it was good fun actually because i could like chuck a load of different ideas together and just see what came out of the mix and this one here i like a lot so that road there is going to connect to there that's going to go to there let's do the straight thing and go to there excellent and then this one here is now going to sort of swing over the top and mirror this so you've got the hot each area's got access to the highway but it's also going to have access to this to cross between the different areas as well so that is the idea so what we're going to do is try and cross this at a place where that way that rock under the road will survive and a place where it's not going to take up too much space that is the idea oh man so many rocks so that's going to come straight across and automatically turn into a whoa the biggest hump bridge known to mankind let's go like that yep excellent and then this road here let's go straight let's grab that will come out there right so eventually that is going to come along here and connect up to that i might just pop this in quickly there we go and we'll upgrade all the road connections that aren't 100 accurate we'll change all of those do not fret nor fear right then we need a road coming down here and we do have this roundabout access here again i'm just going to use this big road because that's what i'm drawing things out with because i have so much money i don't care and then that is going to come down here i'm thinking of if we break it off right there by the bridge let's delete this because it's going to all get moved anyway okay so this is going to come down here and this is going to be our main road through the middle which could just end up finishing over there somewhere and then this one here is gonna hit in there at a t junction yep that's good so we've got some good main road access everywhere uh this may end up being a t junction as the road carries on over here yeah i think that's what's going to happen actually let's just delete that that can come straight down there we go and then it's going to go this way and then it's also going to go that way i'm putting this in a bit rough and then we'll sort of once we get to doing these areas we'll make it perfect there we go and that will go like that excellent excellent excellent right so our spider is going to go right here that's what i've worked out so we're going to pop this on a little one new road i want to use this one with the trees uh this will need a little bit of finagling but what i'm going to do is i'm going to come off there like that and i'm going to come off there like that and then we're going to see if we can almost mirror that coming in there not too bad so that's going to go like that and then it's going to go on here so if we go into the content creators pack there we go metro plaza station and actually what i want is that facing the other way i think yeah i do so if we grab this and just pop this up yeah i've got to try and line this up this may need a bit of move it mod for nagling there we go that is the way i want it that should just put up to there perfect yeah so that's the way it's going to go so let me just sort out the roads on here right there we go the start of the spider oh getting very excited about this um so we need a couple of other hubs in here over here we are going to have a train metro hub no i don't need to delete anything there so let's come over here into our hubs and we have that one here and if i remember correctly the large size is the train connection so if i get that in yeah see that's going to connect up to this road so we're going to need a little bit of space so i'm going to say up against there should be fine let's make sure i got that the right way around yeah excellent so then what we can do is we can hook this in with our train line plenty of space for nice long trains so we don't get in each other's way and block anything up uh can it connect oh we've got a pillar under there haven't we okay let's sort this pillar out let's budget fire that right up to that this pillar is miles away so i want a pillow either side and i don't want that no too far away we'll do that is that gonna help ah not quite not quite okay let's come straight instead okay i'm gonna change that as it's gonna have a railway line under here i'm gonna move this pillar over here and we'll draw this side bit in again but that should now give me the space to curve into that yeah that's what i want there we go and then we'll just make this nice and smooth again so we're going to grab that we're going to come out straight and we're going to go down and out 12 and then that can connect into there there we go nice and smooth excellent so we can train can come in there stop and go out again and then we can connect up our metro let's grab our metro line and let's go underground there we go it's not quite sure which one this is going to connect to yet yeah so let's just follow our nose and swing this one round i want that to be a tunnel if you don't mind thank you very much again these tunnels may change at some point let's try and keep them as straight and as sweeping as possible so we can keep these things going super fast there we go that one's going to go into there and then we've got our metro that comes out of here which needs to go underground so let's just get back to looking at this if we can come out of that view that would be great let's grab that there we go so that is at the moment up in the air if we can go straight quick come on up in the air thank you very much we can get underground without it looking too weird so if we go down like that and then the next drop eight there we go underground excellent wait come on it's not that complicated yeah we might smooth that out a bit now we're underground why are you not allowing me to do the underground things i want to do underground ah there we go we've got it underground so this one is going to take a slightly different route and i'm i'm doing this probably in a way that i wouldn't normally do but because i'm here that's not going to work at all let's just do this because i'm trying to make the spider hub i quite like that name spider hub that i'm deliberately not connecting lines together that normally in the past perhaps you would have connected together i'll show you what i mean in a sec i can see that thing's not got any road access we'll fix that so if you go out like that that's pretty good that's pretty good this corner here just needs a bit of work so let's get ourselves underground there we go back above ground and we're gonna go like this oh ah excellent we're now acclaimed our work on that little area worked nicely we've unlocked some new stuff sponsorship deals decreased upkeep cost of campus by eight percent billboard change to sponsors brand oh okay fantastic so that's good excellent let's just get this thing connected up there we go so in the past i would have connected that perhaps into here but i'm making them all go to here and then to transfer and to come out to the separate lines that is what i'm doing so then we're going to have this line which is sort of going to run parallel to that it's not going to go into the mountain it's going to not on the right one there we go that's what i want it's going to come under here it's going to sort of swing round here and then that one is going to feed this area which we haven't got to do in yet and then we need another station along this road which is going to sort of feed this area so what i'm imagining is they'll come out the metro here then they can walk and take buses to this parcel of land so along here i reckon this is sort of central so if we do it here and again i'd like to use one of our new little hub things if we go into here we've got all of these ones here and what's that one got there below ground stations two platforms two inside tracks for express not sure that's gonna be two up two down two platforms one up one down and i think that would be plenty and as you know it sort of hangs over the line like that so i'm just wondering whether and that just came in and out and stopped there that could actually be perfect couldn't it and then we could get our little line and that could run now let me just think there's one coming up to here so this line if you could hook on to there for me oh it's a train line oh this line here could run parallel to this and then it could branch off and that's going to come up to this area oh we've got this area here but that's so close to this one i wonder whether that could go there and this one could go that oh yeah we're gonna do that instead we're gonna do that instead so that's going to curve around here and then that the what the heck it's meant to be underground don't start doing things like that you silly game okay i'm gonna put that to tunnel there we go there we have no problems at all yeah so that one is going to branch out alongside the road here and come to there we'll have a little access there and that means this one could then come straight out and then that can branch off to this area here is pretty big what i'm going to do is put that in as a temporary line and then we know where it's going to go and then that means this one here okay let's do it this way that one can connect to that right let me just sort these lines out tidy them up there we go that looks much better everything nice and straight and lined up fantastic so i've added this line and this one here i put coming over to this section this one here is coming up to this section that one there we put the train station or the metro station in already that one is coming up for this parcel of land so we've got then this section here i'd like to have its own one and then this section here we've got like two places so that's one two three and actually we've got three stops left uh three connections that we can make so that could actually work out quite well let's just see how we're gonna get these i want these to look nice as well when they come out so let's just see what we can do okay i think we've got all of our areas covered so we've got this area covered this area covered this area this area this one for this side of the highway that one for that parcel this one for that parcel that one for our train and our metro and we've got this one down here and then our main one connects as well that is actually better than what i sandboxed earlier i think this is gonna work really well and then when we get let's get out of that view there we go and then when we get to areas like this so we've got here we're utilizing two sorts of transport and mixing them up and when we get all the way over here i ended up buying all of these squares as you saw so what have we got we've got train that can have access there i perhaps would like a monovale because we're going to have this as somewhere that people would like to visit so i'm sort of thinking ahead that this could be like a monorail that runs through here perhaps so then we can use that hub but yeah overall this is just going to get busier which is what i want to see so just so we don't forget let's pop a couple of these in i think our metro monorail train hub would actually be perfect up here let's just grab a standard road make that normal height get out a traffic view if we can can we just be normal can we just be normal drive it on the road it's above ground look oh it's still set to tunnel i'm a bonehead there we go yes i'm not sure exactly how much space this is gonna need but if it went like that and plopped it up against the side here if we save that lock first there we go once you've got our lock garden done every rock that gets saved is gonna get put inside the rock garden that's the plan and then this here if we go back underground gonna let me underground would be nice please anytime soon oh my goodness what is going on today what is going on today there we go okay and now we can now we can connect that one up to here oh my god oh the buttons i need to go and have a lie down but anyway yeah so that can go into our metro area [Music] there we go and then we've got access to train on the train line and then monorail for over there this one over here can just be a standard metro hub yeah so even though there's nowhere to go just yet uh let's set up some lines so that line is gonna go in there and back again we may set up some through lines that go somewhere else in the future we shall see um so that is gonna go on at the other side if they start crossing over i'll switch those around don't worry that is gonna go to there and back again crossing over sort of perhaps maybe that'll be fine and then yeah we could even then do one up to here so we go from there will then let me go the other side yeah so is that crossing over there into there perfect and back again and then we could have this one here going all the way down into where's it gonna be this one and back again oh my goodness me and that's only setting up one two three four of them and this is gonna start getting so busy we can change the colors on all of these where's our metro yeah metro metro so line number five we'll have that we'll have this we'll have that and then we'll have that and let's just keep an eye already on i mean it's not filled with people but it's gonna have a lot of metros coming and going [Music] so we can already imagine how cool this is going to look with all the lines filled up with all the metros coming and going oh i'm very excited before we forget let's just set up this roundabout so i see a lot of people using this mod to set up their roundabouts on um twitch quite often i'll drop into people streaming and see what they're doing and don't forget of these short quick shortcuts you can use so if you've actually got the uh let's move this up a bit there we go you've actually got the question mark on it tells you down here so i'm going to click on the priority signs and look control click quick setup high priority junction so control shift click bulk edit priority signs on a road slash roundabout so control shift and now i'll hover over this and it goes blue it's selected at the roundabout i'm going to left click once so what has it done is put give i'm still holding ctrl and shift it's put the giveaway signs coming on it stops all the crossings on the roundabout it stopped node switching if you've got nodes in the middle so these two ones have nodes in the middle they're going to pick their lane when they come in and then they're not going to change until they leave so it stops that happening it's got these go straight through priority on the roundabout which is good and i think that's about it i want dedicated lanes for coming on and going round and coming off and all that sort of thing that is in my opinion the best way to set up a roundabout if you're using traffic manager that will go much much better for you but then we've got down here yeah we're gonna change this a bit i would like that to be a three and a two and i tell you why uh is that going to be under here what have we got one and a three maybe it's under this one it's going to be super big one of the three one of the three hang on hang on we'll find it actually it's gonna be huge forget it i'm not using that one what i'm gonna do is grab this road here and we're gonna upgrade this down this way let's do that again so we can see what we're doing let's grab that there we go we're gonna upgrade that and that and out to here we can't do it because we haven't got that square i'm going to cheat i'm going to use the movement mod to bring it in there we go then we're going to upgrade it there we go then i'm going to put the movement model on and go undo so now we're going to have a lane that goes up there and a lane that goes straight on this one's going to split into two down here we're going to have control left click dedicated turning lanes in and out and that is going to be give way and this one here splits into two that two splits into three which when they come down to here gives you all the options you want and i think that will be perfectly fine let's just see we can smooth this out so i want that node that node and then oh my giddy arms that is a drop it's more like a roller coaster ride isn't it flippy neck and then we'll take that and slope the objects that made no difference whatsoever so what i'm gonna do is lift up actually now we don't want to lift it up because it makes it really weird do you know what we might just go with that and put a little sign there saying hold on to your lunch as you leave i think that might be a good idea there we go just placing my water pipes everywhere and then of course you want to get this connected um this could be a little bit finagly i wanted it to come into there like that and then sort of curve around that's going to make it a really sharp actually that's not too bad is it that's okay and like we said we can always tweak things as we go along we're gonna do that dedicated turning lanes yeah excellent and then we could also i'm gonna use the touch it mods to touch that road there and we're gonna upgrade that then to there we go we bike lanes which is fantastic and then we can run our water pipes down here and connect that up as well and then of course they're all complaining about electricity well we'll get to that there we go excellent so now we've got this switch over into our train network which is just what we want i want to move that out of the way anything else over the lines no i think we're okay cool beans i am pretty pleased with the first start of this area this is such a huge area so we're going to start working on little parcels of land at a time because this i mean this is all of this is bigger i would say than what we've done so far and i want to make sure that each area has a purpose and each area is built around something amazing so it really stands out when you see it that is the plan i will come to that later so thank you very much for watching apologies this episode's been a bit all over the place it's felt like it's been a bit all over the place but it's been a lot to plan it's been a lot to plan so any ideas you've got let me know in the comments below um shall we keep this as the spike spider junction i think works quite well but if you've got any cool names let me know those as well and i will see you all very soon have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 176,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, how to start a new city, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines bridges and piers, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines megalopolis, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, Metro Hub
Id: _N7kaEQGBbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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